Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors

Page created by Erik Harmon
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors

Starbucks       Brand New Construction
                 Spartanburg, SC

Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
TABLE OF CONTEN T S                EXC L U S I V E LY LI S T E D B Y

 Investment Overview
     03 Executive Summary

 P ro perty Overview
     04 Regional Map
     05 Market Map
                                         Peter Couchell                Rob Schmidt
     06 Submarket Map                 Managing Director/Shareholder     Director/Shareholder
     07 Aerial Map
                                              864 678 5923                 864 678 5995
     08 Site Plan
     09 Property Renderings
                              REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO
     10 Lease Summary

 Te nant Overview
     11 Tenant Summary

 Ma rket Overview
     12 Market Analysis
     14 Demographics
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     E xecu ti ve S u m m a ry

                                   P ROPERTY SUMM A RY                                       FINANCIAL SUMMARY
                                                         2220 Chesnee Hwy       NOI                                             $122,500
                                                      Spartanburg, SC 29303
                                                                                Cap Rate                                           5.00%
            Ownership                                            Fee Simple
                                                                                List Price                                    $2,450,000
            Class                                                         A
                                                                                Lease Type                                          NNN
            Year Built                                                 2021
                                                                                Remaining Lease Term                          10.25 Years
            Building Size                                        ±2,500 SF
                                                                                Remaining Options                     (4) 5-Year Options
            Parcel Size                                          ±.99 Acres
                                                                                Rent Increases                        10% Every 5 Years
            Tenancy                                                   Single

            Occupancy                                                 100%

            Road Frontage                                         ±195 Feet              NOI & CAP RATE GROWTH
            Parking                                              25 Spaces                              Yrs 6       Yrs 11        Yrs 16

            Traffic Count (Chesnee Hwy)                         21,000 VPD      NOI                    $134,750    $148,225     $163,048

            Financing                                         Free and Clear    Cap Rate Growth         5.50%       6.05%         6.66%

                            IN V ESTMENT HIGHLIG HTS
        •      No Early Termination: Tenant has no termination rights throughout the initial term
        •      Desirable Lease Terms: Brand new 10.25 year lease with 10% rent increases every 5 years
        •      Brand New Construction: 2021 Build-to-suit for Starbucks Q3 completion
        •      High Quality Construction: Newest prototype with indoor café, patio seating, and drive-thru
        •      Access to High Volume Interstate Traffic: Located on I-85 directly between Charlotte and Atlanta
        •      Corporate Starbucks Lease: Over 33,000 locations in 78 countries with corporate revenues in excess of $26 billion
        •      Investment Grade Tenant: Starbucks holds an S&P BBB+ credit rating
        •      Booming Greater Market: The Greenville Spartanburg MSA is one of the fastest growing MSA’s in the U.S.

3.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     Reg ion al M ap

                                                                    ±70 Miles From Site


                                                               SPARTANBRUG                                          ±230 Miles From Site

                                                                                              ±70 Miles From Site

                                                           ±35 Miles From Site     COLUMBIA
                       ±177 Miles From Site


                                                                                          ±103 Miles From Site

4.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     M a rk et M ap

                                                                              te   , N
                                                      SITE                lot

5.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     S u b market M ap

                                                                       ±21,000 VPD


                                                                   0   VP
                                                           2   ,10

6.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     A eri a l M ap

                                                      ±21,000 VPD

                                                                                                                     , N

                                                                                    V   PD

7.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     S i t e P l an

8.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
     Ren d e ri n gs

9.    St a rbu c k s   |   S p a r t a n b u rg, SC
Starbucks Brand New Construction - CONFIDENTIAL OFFERING MEMORANDUM Spartanburg, SC - Furman Capital Advisors
  L e a se Su m m ary

                                        LEASE SUMMA RY                                                RENT SCHEDULE

         Tenant                                          Starbucks Corporation     Initial Term                              Monthly              Annual

         Tenant Trade Name                                            Starbucks     Months 1-3*                                  $0                 $0

         Tenant Classification                                        Corporate     Months 6-63                               $10,208             $122,500

         Lease Type                                                        NNN      Months 64-132                             $11,229             $134,750

         Original Lease Term                                        10.25 Years    Option 1                                   $12,352             $148,225

         Commencement Date                                     Est. 09/24/2021     Option 2                                   $13,587             $163,048

         Lease Expiration Date                                            2031     Option 3                                   $14,946             $179,352

         Term Remaining on Lease                                    10.25 Years    Option 4                                   $16,441             $197,287

         Options                                                      (4) 5-Year   *Seller will credit buyer for the first three months of rent

         Increases                                           10% Every 5 Years

         Property Taxes                                     Tenant Responsible

         Property Insurance                                 Tenant Responsible
                                                                                                                           Starbucks offers more than 30
         Roof                                            Landlord Responsible*                                             blends of single-orgin premium
                                                                                                                           coffees as well as handcrafted
                                                                                                                           teas, blended beverages,
         Structure                                        Landlord Responsible
                                                                                                                           pasteries, sandwiches and a
                                                                                                                           variety of other fresh foods.
         Option to Terminate                         No Early Termination Rights

          *Brand new transferable roof warranty

10.   St arb u c k s   |   S p a r t a n b urg, SC
  S t a rb ucks Coffee


             Founded                                                     1971
                                                                                                           REPRESENTATIVE PHOTO
             Headquartered                                         Seattle, WA

             Credit Rating                                          S&P BBB+

             Number of Locations
                                                          ±33,000 retail stores   STARBUCKS | QUICK FACTS
                                                               in 78 countries
             Market Cap

                                                                 $97.30 Billion

             Annual Revenue                                      $26.51 Billion           WORLD’S MOST ADMIRED
             Fortune 500 Rank (2020)                                       227                   Fortune (2021)

             Stock Symbol                                     NASDAQ: SBUX

      •      Starbucks is a national investment grade tenant (NASDAQ:
             SBUX; S&P: BBB+) with over 33,000 stores globally.                           WORLD’S MOST VALUABLE
      •      Fiscal 2019 was highlighted by growth in topline revenue                      RESTAURANT BRANDS
             of $26.51 billion, up 7.24% over the prior year.                                 QSR Magazing (2020)
      •      Average store sales are approximately 50% greater in
             Starbucks locations that have a drive-thru, which has

             created a goal for Starbucks to have drive-thrus in half of
             its stores by end of year 2020.                                                 MOST INNOVATIVE
      •      The company opened 278 new stores in the first quarter of                          COMPANY
             fiscal 2021, yielding 4% year-over-year unit growth, ending                         Forbes (2018)
             the period with 32,938 stores globally.

11.   St arb u c k s   |   S p a r t a n b urg, SC
  M a rk et An al ys i s

                                                                                                                                                          Morgan Square

Located at the                  intersection of Interstates 85
and 26,         Spartanburg is within driving distance of three
international airports and less than a half-day’s drive from Asheville,                                                        Downtown Spartanburg was
                                                                                                                               designated as the second
Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston, Greenville and Nashville.
                                                                                                                               Cultural Arts District
                                                                                                                               in South Carolina

                   4th Largest Countyin SC by population
                                                                                                                                  serves as the heart of the arts
                       320,379 - Spartanburg County                                                                               community.
                        39,606 - City of Spartanburg
                         15,000 - College Students

                                                                                                                                            #1 HOSPITAL
Home to the world                          headquarters of                                                                                  in SC
                                                                                                                                 Spartanburg     Medical   Center
and                                   , the ONLY       Manufacturing Co.                                                         (part of the Spartanburg Regional
plant in the United States, more than                 100    international     More than 1.1 million passengers served
                                                                               in 2020 by 6 major airlines offering 50 non-
                                                                                                                                 Healthcare System) was named
                                                                                                                                 the #1 Hospital in South Carolina
businesses, and seven colleges and universities.                               stop daily departures to 17 major cities and      by U.S. News and World Report
                                                                                     23 airports across the country.             (2015).

  Only summer home of the                                                    There are more than 200 miles of walking and biking trails in Spartanburg
                                                                             County between Croft State Park, the Palmetto Trail, the Mary Black Foundation
  Ranked as one of the top five training camps
                                                                             Rail Trail and the Cottonwood Trail.
  in the NFL for fan friendliness.

12.   St arb u c k s   |   S p a r t a n b urg, SC
  M a rk et An al ys i s

  South Carolina

             LOCATION                                                                 COMMERCE
       •     Located at the intersection of Interstates 85 and 26,                •   Spartanburg has a growing industrial sector of more than 13,000 companies
             Spartanburg is within driving distance of three international            including many international Fortune 500 companies such as BMW
             airports and less than a half-day’s drive from Asheville, Atlanta,       Manufacturing Company, LLC, Milliken, Michelin, adidas, Dräxlmaier, Toray
             Charlotte, Charleston, Greenville and Nashville.                         Carbon Fibers, Röchling, Magna, Auriga Polymers, Advance America, and
       •     Spartanburg is the second-largest city in the greater                    Denny’s.
             Greenville–Spartanburg–Anderson Combined Statistical                 •   Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System has emerged as one of the most
             Area, and the 4th largest county in SC by population.                    dynamic healthcare systems in the region, with more than 5,000 employees
                                                                                      and plans for a multi-million dollar capital expansion on the drawing board.
       •     The population of Spartanburg County: 320,379 (2019), and
                                                                                  •   There are over 25,106 jobs within a 1.5 mile radius of Downtown
             the city of Spartanburg: 39,606 (2019).
                                                                                  •   Some of the top employeers in Spartanburg County include: BMW
                                                                                      Manufacturing Corporation, Draexlmaier Automotive, Michelin North
             HIGHER EDUCATION                                                         America, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, Adidas, and Magna
       •     Spartanburg is a major center for higher education, with seven
             colleges and universities that have a collective enrollment of
             nearly 15,000 students.                                                  ACCOLADES
       •     These institutions are a major economic driver for the City
             and a number of partnerships between the schools and                 •   9th on Matador Network’s 2019 list of the 25 coolest towns in America
             businesses are creating significant strategic advantages in              (cities with populations under 100,000)
             workforce training, research, and economic development.              •   15th on The Milken Institute’s 25 best-performing large cities in the US
       •     Schools include: Converse College, Edward Via College of             •   4th Leading Metro Location in 2019—Economic Strength: by Area
             Osteopathic Medicine, Sherman College of Chiropractic,                   Development
             Spartanburg Community College, Spartanburg Methodist                 •   8th Small Metro Nationwide for millennial population growth
             College, University of South Carolina Upstate, and Wofford               (OneSpartanburg)

13.   St arb u c k s   |   S p a r t a n b urg, SC
  D e mograph i cs

                                                     Summary 					2010			2020			2025
                                                     Population 				                      581		        616		        637
                                                     Daytime Population 						                       1,321
                                                     Households 				                      245			       260			       269
                                                     Families 					                       166			       172			       177

                           MILE                      Average Household Size
                                                     Owner Occupied Housing Units
                                                     Renter Occupied Housing Units 		      60 			       65			        66
                                                     Median Age 					                     47.5		       49.1		       49.7
                                                     Average Household Income						                  $65,785		    $69,672

                                                     Summary 					2010			2020			2025

                                                     Population 				                     10,117		    11,443 		    12,129
                                                     Daytime Population 						                       10,810
                                                     Households 				                     4,092		      4,608		      4,869
                                                     Families 					                      2,727        3,011		      3,166
                                                     Average Household Size 				          2.46			      2.47			       2.48
                           MILE                      Owner Occupied Housing Units 		     2,696		      3,009		       3,203
                                                     Renter Occupied Housing Units 		    1,396 		     1,599 		      1,666
                                                     Median Age 					 39.5			 40.7			 41.5
                                                     Average Household Income						 $61,411		 $66,340

                                                      Summary 					2010			2020			2025

                                                      Population 				                    50,361		     58,589		     62,590
                                                      Daytime Population						                        68,160
                                                      Households 				                    20,438		     23,756		     25,429
                                                      Families 					                     12,409		     14,182		     15,089
                                                      Average Household Size 				          2.30			      2.32		        2.33
                                                      Owner Occupied Housing Units 		    12,593		     14,544		      15,499
                                                      Renter Occupied Housing Units 		    7,845		      9,212		       9,930
                                                      Median Age 				                      36.5			      37.8			       38.6
                                                      Average Household Income						                 $67,214		     $73,033

14.   St arb u c k s   |   S p a r t a n b urg, SC

                  This Offering Memorandum contains select information pertaining to the business and affairs of the property located at I-85 and Hwy
                  221, Spartanburg, SC 29307 (“Property”). It has been prepared by Furman Capital Advisors (“Agent”). This Offering Memorandum
                  may not be all-inclusive or contain all of the information a prospective purchaser may desire. The information contained in the Offering
                  Memorandum is confidential and furnished solely for the purpose of a review by a prospective purchaser of the Property. It is not to be
                  used for any other purpose or made available to any other person without the written consent of Owner or Agent. The material is based in
                  part upon information supplied by the Owner and in part upon financial information obtained from sources it deems reliable. The Owner,
                  nor their officers, employees, or agents make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of
                  this Offering Memorandum or any of its contents and no legal liability is assumed or shall be implied with respect thereto. Prospective
                  purchasers should make their own projections and form their own conclusions without reliance upon the material contained herein and
                  conduct their own due diligence.

                  By acknowledging your receipt of this Offering Memorandum for the Property, you agree:
                  1. The Offering Memorandum and its contents are confidential;
                  2. You will hold it and treat it in the strictest of confidence; and
                  3. You will not, directly or indirectly, disclose or permit anyone else to disclose this Offering Memorandum
                     or its contents in any fashion or manner detrimental to the interest of the Owner.

                  Owner and Agent expressly reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to reject any and all expressions of interest or offers to purchase the
                  Property and to terminate discussions with any person or entity reviewing this Offering Memorandum or making an offer to purchase the
                  Property unless and until a written agreement for the purchase and sale of the Property has been fully executed by all parties and delivered.

                  If you wish not to pursue negotiations leading to the acquisition of the Property or in the future you discontinue such negotiations, then
                  you agree to purge all materials relating to the Property including this Offering Memorandum.

                  A prospective purchaser’s sole and exclusive rights with respect to this prospective transaction, the Property, or information provided
                  herein or in connection with the sale of the Property shall be limited to those expressly provided in an executed Purchase Agreement
                  and shall be subject to the terms thereof. In no event shall a prospective purchaser have any other claims against Seller or Agent or any
                  of their affiliates or any of their respective officers, Directors, shareholders, owners, employees, or agents for any damages, liability, or
                  cause of action relating to this solicitation process or the marketing or sale of the Property.

                  This Offering Memorandum shall not be deemed to represent the state of affairs of the Property or constitute an indication that there
                  has been no change in the state of affairs of the Property since the creation of this Offering Memorandum.

15.   St arb u c k s   |   S p a r t a n b urg, SC
101 E. Washington Street, Suite 400 | Greenville, SC 29601


                                                             Investment Services Division of NAI Earle Furman
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