Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light - Guidance on Sections 101 to 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005

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Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light - Guidance on Sections 101 to 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
Statutory Nuisance
from Insects and
Artificial Light

Guidance on Sections 101 to 103 of the Clean
Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light - Guidance on Sections 101 to 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
This guidance is part of a series on legislation &
powers affected by the the Clean Neighbourhoods
and Environment Act 2005.
Guidance on the following topics is also available;
• Nuisance and Abandoned Vehicles
• Litter and Refuse
• Defacement Removal Notices
• Waste
• Noise
• Fixed Penalty Notices
• Abandoned Shopping and Luggage trolleys
All parts of the guidance can be downloaded from
or alternatively further copies are available from:
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Admail 6000
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You may also find it helpful to refer to existing
information and guidance on legislation relating to
local environmental quality and anti-social behaviour.
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Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light - Guidance on Sections 101 to 103 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light


1 This guidance covers sections 101, 102 and 103 of the
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, which
amend sections 79, 80 and 82 of the Environmental Protection
Act 1990 to extend the statutory nuisance regime to include
two new statutory nuisances:
• statutory nuisance from insects; and
• statutory nuisance from artificial light.
2 This guidance is aimed at local authorities, particularly
Environmental Health Practitioners who enforce nuisance
legislation. It may also be useful to other agencies.

Central Principles                             4 It also becomes possible for persons
    3 These changes extend the duty on             aggrieved by these new statutory
    local authorities to check their areas         nuisances to take private proceedings in
    periodically for existing and potential        respect of them in the magistrates’ court
    statutory nuisances so as now to include       by way of section 82 of the 1990 Act.
    such nuisances arising from insects and        5 The appeals procedure is as for the
    from artificial lighting. Local authorities    other statutory nuisances. An appeal
    must take reasonable steps to investigate      against an abatement notice can be
    complaints of such nuisances. Once satisfied   made to the Magistrates’ Courts. As
    that a statutory nuisance exists or may        grounds for appeal, the claim of ‘best
    occur or recur, local authorities must issue   practicable means’ can be used against
    an abatement notice (in accordance with        an abatement notice, or subsequently as
    section 80(1) and (2) of the 1990 Act)         a defence against liability for conviction
    against, in the first instance, the person     for breaching or failing to comply with
    responsible for the nuisance or, where         an abatement notice, for nuisances on
    that person cannot be found or the             industrial, trade or business premises.
    nuisance has not yet occurred, the owner       In the case of artificial light nuisance, this
    or occupier of the premises from which         defence of ‘best practicable means’ also
    it emanates, requiring that the nuisance       applies to all such lighting used for the
    cease or be abated within a set timescale.     outdoor illumination of ‘relevant’ sports
    (Where a nuisance arises from any defect       (please see the proposed list under the
    of a structural character, the abatement       healthy living and sports section). (In the
    notice must be served on the owner             case of smoke nuisance, it applies to any
    of the premises.)                              premises, but only where the smoke is
                                                   emitted from a chimney.)

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

6 The defence of ‘reasonable excuse’         10 This measure is intended to provide
for breaching or failing to comply with an   local authorities with a remedy to
abatement notice remains available to all.   nuisances from insect infestations
7 A statutory nuisance may also be           (whether naturally occurring or caused by
capable of being a nuisance at common        human activities) on ‘relevant’ industrial,
law (and, where reliance is on the           trade or business premises. However, it
‘nuisance’ limb, must also be a nuisance     is not meant to be used against most
at common law), in which case an             naturally occurring concentrations of
operator may be the subject of proceedings   insects on open land or in ways that
in tort by persons aggrieved by a common     would adversely affect biodiversity.
law nuisance even if the operator can rely   Accordingly, subsection (5) inserts two
on the defence of ‘best practicable means’   new subsections (7C) and (7D) into section
against action for statutory nuisance.       79 of the Environmental Protection Act
                                             1990 which exclude from the definition
Section 101
                                             of ‘relevant’ industrial, trade and
8 Section 101 adds to the descriptions       business premises:
of statutory nuisances listed in section
                                             (a) land used as arable, grazing, meadow
79(1) of the Environmental Protection
                                                 or pasture land (but not structures
Act 1990:
                                                 placed on the land),
‘(fa) any insects emanating from
                                             (b) land used as osier land, reed beds,
relevant industrial, trade or business
                                                 or woodland,
premises and being prejudicial
to health or a nuisance’.                    (c) land used for market gardens, nursery
                                                 grounds or orchards,
9 This provision does not apply to insects
from domestic premises or to insects         (d) land forming part of an agricultural
listed in Schedule 5 to the Wildlife and         unit (but not covered by (a) to (c))
Countryside Act 1981, unless they are            and which is of a description specified
included in that Schedule solely to              in regulations,
prevent their trade or sale.
(e) land included in a Site of Special         Section 102
        Scientific Interest,                       12 Section 102 adds to the descriptions
    and land covered by, and the waters            of statutory nuisances listed in section
    of, rivers, watercourses (except sewers        79(1) of the 1990 Act
    and drains), lakes and ponds.                  ‘(fb) artificial light emitted from
    11 Land which falls under (d) above is         premises so as to be prejudicial
    described by regulations. These regulations    to health or a nuisance’.
    prescribe the descriptions of land under       13 However, this does not include
    s.79(7C)(d) of the Environmental Protection    artificial light emitted from the following
    Act 1990 (introduced by s.101(5) of the        premises. These are premises used for
    Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment           transport purposes and other premises
    Act 2005), that form part of an agricultural   where high levels of light are required
    unit and which are (in addition to the         for safety and security reasons, i.e.:
    types of land already listed at s.79(7C)
                                                   • Airports
    (a)-(c)) to be exempt from ‘relevant
    industrial etc. premises’ from which           • Harbours
    the new statutory nuisance from insects        • Railway premises
    (s.79(1)(fa) Environmental Protection Act      • Tramway premises
    1990) is capable of emanating.
                                                   • Bus stations and associated facilities
    Certain types of land are exempted from
    being capable of statutory nuisance from       • Public service vehicle operating centres
    insects in order to safeguard endangered       • Goods vehicle operating centres
    species, and protect biodiversity.             • Lighthouses
                                                   • Prisons
                                                   • Premises occupied for Defence purposes

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

14 These premises are listed in a new             16 The Statutory Nuisances (Artificial
subsection (5B) to section 79 of the              Lighting) (Designation of Relevant Sports)
Environmental Protection Act 1990 and             (England) Order 2006 designates the
are defined in subsection (7) and in new          ‘relevant sports’ the facilities for which
subsections (7A) and (7B) of that Act             will be able to use the defence of
(inserted by subsections 102(4) to (6)            ‘best practicable means’ in appealing
of the Clean Neighbourhoods and                   against, or as a defence against
Environment Act 2005). The exemption              prosecution for breaching or failing to
for Defence premises is made by section           comply with, an abatement notice for
102(3) of the 2005 Act, amending                  statutory nuisance from artificial light
section 79(2) of the 1990 Act.                    under s.79(1)(fb) Environmental
                                                  Protection Act 1990.
Section 103
15 Section 103 extends the defence of
‘best practicable means’ to these new
statutory nuisances where either is
emitted from industrial, trade or business
premises or, in the case of light, also from
relevant outdoor sports facilities which
are not industrial etc. premises. Most
artificially illuminated sports facilities will
be regarded as businesses, and so will
benefit thereby from the ‘best practicable
means’ defence. However, there may
be some that are not; perhaps local
authority grounds or facilities run by
amateur clubs.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

Guidance on using
the new powers
Assessing complaints of nuisance                period from its being issued, or should an
17 Statutory nuisance from insects and          individual take a private action through
statutory nuisance from artificial light        the local magistrates’ court under section
from premises follow the same regime            82 of the Environmental Protection Act
as for other statutory nuisances. That is,      1990 (or, possibly, as a defence to
it is initially for an Environmental Health     prosecution for failure to observe an
Practitioner to assess on the evidence          abatement notice). As for all statutory
available whether or not a statutory            nuisances, when assessing a case of
nuisance exists, or may occur or recur,         potential statutory nuisance the
on a case-by-case basis. Not least              Environmental Health Practitioner should
because it will depend on their effects,        take account of a range of factors including:
there are no objective and set levels of        • Duration
insect infestation or artificial light above
                                                • Frequency
which a statutory nuisance is or may be
caused, and below which it is not.              • Impact – i.e. material interference with
                                                  use of property or personal well-being;
18 ‘Nuisance’ is not defined in statute,
                                                  actually or likely to be adverse to health
but is rather based on the common law
concept of what is to be regarded as an         • Local environment
unreasonable interference with someone’s        • Motive – i.e. unreasonable behaviour
use of their own property; alternatively,         or normal user
a statutory nuisance may be something
                                                • Sensitivity of the plaintiff – statutory
that is ‘prejudicial to health’ of other
                                                  nuisance relies on the concept of the
people; ultimately, it will be for the courts
                                                  average person, and is not designed to
to decide whether a statutory nuisance
                                                  take account of unusual sensibilities
exists, should an appeal be made against
an abatement notice within the 21 day           19 For statutory artificial light nuisance,
                                                technical parameters on obtrusive

lighting, formulated by the International        In these circumstances, new lighting must
     Commission on Illumination (CIE) and             adhere to the original planning permission
     Institution of Lighting Engineers from           of the building. These conditions cannot
     research into individual sensitivity to light,   be applied retrospectively and can only be
     may help inform consideration of the             applied to buildings built after 1997.
     level of sensitivity that might be considered    23 However, the existence of planning
     that of the ‘average person’.                    permission does not mean that a
     20 Enforcement should be reasonable              statutory nuisance cannot then exist.
     and proportionate. If, however, the              Circumstances and local environments
     Environmental Health Practitioner is             change. Statutory nuisance can occur
     satisfied that a statutory nuisance exists,      whether or not planning permission is
     or may occur or recur, an abatement              in place either expressly or implicitly
     order must be issued requiring that the          permitting lighting.
     nuisance cease or be abated within
                                                      Recording complaints
     a set timescale.
                                                      24 Complaints should be logged and
     Statutory Nuisance and Planning                  recorded, as for any other complaint
     21 Prevention is better than cure, and           of statutory nuisance. It is highly likely
     it is preferable to address potential            that in future the Chartered Institute
     statutory nuisances at the planning stage.       of Environmental Health and / or Defra
     22 The Courts have ruled that lighting           will contact local authorities to request
     itself is not ‘development’. However,            statistics so that the scale and nature
     planning permission is required for              of insect nuisance and light nuisance
     lighting if it alters the material appearance    can be assessed and monitored in order
     of a building. It has been possible since        to provide an evidence base for future
     1997 for local authorities to consider           policy development.
     lighting as part of the planning process         25 Logging and recording information,
     for new buildings, both residential and          including geo-coding, may also assist
     commercial. Local authorities can decide         local authorities to map and monitor
     to regulate lighting under planning              statutory nuisances to inform their
     permission, and set planning obligations         approach to meeting their duties.
     for lighting to prevent light pollution.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

Likely sources of insect nuisance           27 Local authorities have a duty, however,
26 It is expected that the following        to take reasonable steps, where practicable,
sources will generate most complaints       to investigate any complaints of
of insect nuisance:                         insect nuisance.

• Poultry houses / farms (buildings on      28 It is probable that complaints will
  agricultural land are not exempt from     be received about insects from domestic
  statutory nuisance from insects, even     premises. As indicated above, insects
  though the land surrounding them          emanating from domestic premises are
  may be)                                   not covered by this extension of the
                                            statutory nuisance regime. Any problems
• Sewage treatment works
                                            caused by insects from domestic premises
• Manure / silage storage areas             may, however, be capable of being dealt
• Animal housing                            with under section 79(1)(a) of the
• Stagnant ditches and drains               Environmental Protection Act 1990 –
  (i.e. containing putrid and anoxic        ‘any premises in such a state as to
  water) (provided they are on relevant     be prejudicial to health or a nuisance’.
  industrial etc. premises)                 29 This limb might be appropriate if,
• Landfill sites / refuse tips              for example, the state of a domestic
                                            dwelling was such that it encouraged
• Waste transfer premises
                                            an infestation of insects that constituted
• The commercial parts of mixed             a nuisance to neighbouring dwellings.
  commercial / residential blocks
  of buildings (i.e. excluding the
  residential premises contained therein)
• Trade or business premises (e.g.
  contaminated goods, kitchen areas)
• Slaughterhouses
• Used car tyre recycling businesses
Assessing complaints                              Insect Nuisance
     of insect nuisance                                32 The vast majority of insect species
     30 Ascertaining the source of insect              do not cause a nuisance, but are essential
     nuisance can sometimes be a difficult and         components of biodiversity and maintain
     lengthy process, as premises which have           ecosystems through pollination, soil
     high levels of insect infestation may be          maintenance and other functions.
     mistaken for the source when they might           33 There are also a number of insect
     themselves also be sufferers. There may           species which can cause nuisance in
     be a temptation for some people to                sufficient quantities, or seasonally.
     ascribe insect nuisance to businesses by          Some may also pose a public health risk,
     virtue of them being likely sources. A            although they may not be regarded
     participatory approach to determining the         as a public health pest in terms of
     source is likely to help satisfactory outcomes.   environmental legislation, or a risk in
     31 Proper management and treatment                animal husbandry. Such insects include
     programmes should be able to minimise             mosquitoes (Culicidae), house flies
     most insect nuisance cases that arise.            (Musca domestica Linnaeus), lesser house
     Noticing infestations in their early stages       flies (Fannia canicularis (Linnaeus)), etc.
     is important, to try and keep on top              34 There is a difference between insects
     of the insect nuisance.                           arising from an activity on a business,
                                                       trade or industrial premises, and natural
                                                       occurrence of insect populations. It is not
                                                       the intention for this measure to cause
                                                       environmental damage to the ecosystem
                                                       or biodiversity.
                                                       35 It should not be assumed that killing
                                                       insects is necessarily the most appropriate
                                                       way to cease or abate a nuisance.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

One of the intentions behind the                37 An abatement notice once issued
measure to introduce insect statutory           may be ‘simple’ and require abatement
nuisance is to capture statutory insect         within a specified timescale. It may, but
nuisance caused as a result of activity on      does not have to, specify works or other
premises, where control through the             steps necessary to abate the nuisance or
existing limb of ‘any premises in such          restrict its occurrence or recurrence.
a state as to be prejudicial to health or       Example of insect nuisance – species
a nuisance’ would not be appropriate.           of house fly (Musca domestica
Another intention is to control statutory       Linnaeus). Lesser house fly (Fannia
insect nuisance at source, where such           canicularis (Linnaeus)), blow flies
control will not cause unacceptable             (Calliphora spp and Lucilia spp).
damage to the environment or
                                                38 Houseflies can be classed as
biodiversity. If activity and conditions
                                                public health pests or pests of animal
attract or provide breeding conditions
                                                husbandry. They are associated with
for insects to such an extent that they
                                                conditions that exist in rotting,
constitute a statutory nuisance, then it
                                                fermenting, or at least moist organic
is the activity and conditions which the
                                                matter, preferably of a high protein
Environmental Health Practitioner
                                                content, such as those that could be
should address.
                                                present at a sewage works (though they
36 Environmental consequences – indirect        are also a natural part of the biological
as well as cumulative – of remedial action      process and may indicate good quality
must be considered, such as the effects         effluent and process if found on a filter
of insecticides, if used, on the environment,   works at a sewage treatment works).
nature, bodies of water, etc. Insecticides      Houseflies are frequently found in
should therefore be chosen with care and        association with man, either indoors or
regard for the Pesticides Safety Precautions    taking advantage of other human activities,
Scheme in their use.                            as do many other species of insect.

39 Houseflies and other pests which             41 There are no objective levels at which
     occur in significant numbers to cause           a statutory nuisance exists or may be
     a pest problem are almost certainly             caused. In general, in domestic premises,
     being attracted to the site because of          it is likely that the threshold will be very
     a breakdown in standards of hygiene.            low and control actions might be taken in
     Occasionally, the problem may be                cases of few house flies. As a guideline,
     localised, i.e. blow flies (Calliphora spp      an occupier will normally experience some
     and Lucilia spp) may be attracted by a          irritation if there are five or more ‘flying’
     dead bird or rodent, or due to external         house flies present in any one room at
     causes, such as a nearby farm or cattle in      any one time on three successive days.
     an adjacent field. Thus the most important      If house flies are monitored with baited
     aspect of fly control is to trace the cause     traps, sticky ribbons, or spot cards a
     of the problem and correct it. Only then        collection of more than 25 in any 48-hour
     can preventative measures be undertaken.        period may indicate grounds for distress.
     40 Houseflies are significant vectors           42 The complaint threshold density of
     of disease. They can transmit intestinal        houseflies at waste management sites
     worms, dysentery, gastro-enteritis,             may be 150 individuals per flypaper
     typhoid, cholera and tuberculosis. The          per 30 minutes.
     larvae are capable of developing intestinally   43 However, as stated earlier, there are
     if ingested. They can contaminate               no objective levels for statutory nuisance.
     foodstuffs, though this would usually           It does not, therefore, necessarily follow
     occur only where there are poor hygiene         that fewer than five house flies in a
     standards. As they will feed indiscriminately   room in a house, or 150 house flies
     on faecal matter and human food, their          per flypaper per 30 minutes at waste
     status as a vector is well noted.               management sites, do not constitute a
                                                     statutory nuisance, or that five or 150
                                                     necessarily do. Just as noise nuisance is
                                                     not a matter of decibel levels, insect

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

nuisance is not a matter of numbers of        47 Prevention: Physical prevention is
insects. Impact may also depend on,           preferred to pesticide usage. It may be
e.g., size of room, number of people /        preferable to control / reduce harbourage
premises affected etc. House flies do not     and breeding material than to treat an
damage property.                              infestation once it is established.
44 Both house flies (Musca domestica)         Currently in the UK natural predation of
and lesser house flies (Fannia canicularis)   house flies in poultry houses is based on
occur throughout the UK. Both houseflies      indigenous species, such as the Carcinops
and lesser houseflies are common in           beetle (though it may not be sufficient
homes, barns, stables, and poultry            alone). Larvicides are also generally used,
houses in spring, summer and autumn.          although adulticides should be the last
                                              line of defence. Elsewhere in Europe and
45 Lesser house fly larvae typically
                                              America, poultry farmers are using
consume decaying organic matter and
                                              specially bred parasitic wasps and
excrement, but have been known to
                                              predator flies as a control method.
develop in the intestinal tract of man and
animals. In some areas, lesser house fly      48 Premises need to adopt an integrated
larvae are the predominant maggots            approach to house fly control which
found in chicken manure.                      includes building design, effective
                                              management and systematic monitoring
46 Adults may live as long as two
                                              of house fly populations.
months. Populations flourish during cool
seasons, particularly spring, early summer,   49 For example, integrated fly control
and late autumn. Peak numbers usually         programmes for poultry houses tend to
occur by July, after which dry, hot           be based on (i) selective application of
weather and parasitism causes                 insecticides against the adult; (ii) early
populations to subside until autumn.          introduction of insecticide control
                                              measures in early spring before house
                                              flies appear, repeated as needed
                                              throughout the warm months,

and (iii) leaving manure undisturbed         51 Spot cards can be used as a diagnostic
     throughout the warm months when              tool. These are 3-inch by 5-inch white
     house fly breeding may occur, removing       index cards which are attached to a
     it just once in early spring before house    house-fly resting surface. A minimum of
     flies appear. Engaging the farmer in         five cards should be placed in a suspect
     discussion about management practices        animal facility and left in place for seven
     that could be adopted may support            days. As a guide, a count of 100 or more
     satisfactory outcomes. There may, for        faecal or vomit spots per card per week
     example, be times when manure may            may be taken to indicate a high level of
     be removed in the autumn for land            house fly activity and a need for control
     spreading, or twice a year.                  (although this is not to say that a count
     50 Ordinarily, house fly control from        of, say, 99 would not indicate a high
     1 to 2 km around sensitive sites will        level of house fly activity and a need
     prevent ingress into a sensitive area        for control).
     (containing dwellings, for example). In      52 Physical prevention methods:
     cases where no local breeding area can       • Food and materials on which the house
     be identified, adult house flies may be        flies can lay their eggs should be
     flying long distances (i.e. several miles)     removed, destroyed as a breeding
     from infestation sources of, for example,      medium, or isolated from the egg-
     refuse tips or animal houses. Good             laying adult house fly.
     sanitation, and elimination of breeding
                                                  • Wet manure should be removed at
     areas, are necessary for good management.
                                                    least twice weekly if necessary to break
     Chemical treatment is the last line
                                                    the breeding cycle.
     of defence.
                                                  • Wet straw should not pile up in or near
                                                    buildings and, as one of the best fly
                                                    breeding materials, is not recommended
                                                    as bedding.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

• Spilled feed should not be allowed to      53 Electronic fly killers which can attract
  accumulate, and should be cleaned up       insects to an electrified grid by using an
  at least twice a week.                     ultra-violet light source are not generally
• Windows and doors can be proofed           effective against houseflies. House flies
  with fly screens of approximately          are not particularly attracted to them and,
  1.5 mm mesh.                               although they may kill the occasional one,
                                             they cannot cope with large numbers. If
• Fly traps may be useful in some house
                                             they are used, one trap should be placed
  fly control programmes if enough traps
                                             for every 30 feet of wall inside buildings,
  are used, placed correctly, and used
                                             but not placed over or within five feet of
  both indoors and outdoors. House flies
                                             food preparation areas. Recommended
  are attracted to white surfaces and
                                             placement areas outdoors include near
  baits that give off odours. Lesser house
                                             building entrances, in alleyways, beneath
  flies are shyer of traps.
                                             trees, and around animal sleeping areas
• Dustbins, wheelie-bins, paladins and       and manure piles.
  skips should have tight-fitting lids and
                                             54 Eradication – chemical: Chemical
  be cleaned regularly. Dry and wet
                                             treatment should be considered as a last
  rubbish should be placed in plastic
                                             resort, as it may only be treating the
  rubbish bags and sealed up. All waste
                                             insects in the vicinity at the time of
  receptacles should be located as far
                                             treatment and not the source, although
  from building entrances as possible.
                                             most pesticides do have a residual effect
• For control at waste disposal sites,       and may work on particular species
  refuse should be deposited onto the        throughout their lifecycle. Given the
  same area as inorganic wastes to           considerable link to water at sewage
  reduce the capacity of breeding            treatment works for example,
  resources, or covered with soil or other   management of insects may be more
  inorganic wastes of around 15 cm           beneficial than treatment, by reducing
  consistent thickness.                      the need for pesticide usage.

The use of pesticides near water bodies is     • When flies are a major pest in
     one of the most risky and heavily controlled     commercial egg production facilities,
     areas of pesticide use, and the potential        they can be controlled by applying
     for pesticide use on linear water bodies         adulticides, or larvicides, to suppress
     that drain into rivers and streams must be       adult densities directly or indirectly.
     minimised. Removal of breeding material          Residual wall sprays can be applied
     and habitats can keep insects under              where the flies congregate. Resistance
     control or at bay.                               can develop more rapidly in house fly
                                                      populations on farms on a continuous
     • For adult control, conventional knock-
                                                      insecticide regime using a single
       down or residual treatments will kill the
                                                      chemical than on farms in which
       majority of adult flies in spite of the
                                                      insecticides are alternated. Residual
       development of high resistance levels
                                                      insecticides may be applied to favoured
       in a number of housefly populations.
                                                      resting areas for house flies. Breeding
     • Residual insecticides applied to the           areas should be avoided as spray
       house flies’ favoured resting areas will       targets as, where the insecticide breaks
       control landing flies in some situations,      down in an area where eggs are
       although they should not generally be          developing, it may encourage increased
       applied to breeding areas, as insecticide      resistance in the house fly population.
       breakdown can be rapid and resistance
                                                    • Outdoors, house fly control can
       may be encouraged.
                                                      include the use of chemical treatments
     • In poultry houses, the use of mists, fogs      in the bottom of skips, and treatment
       or baits may be necessary for house fly        of vertical walls adjacent to skips
       control. Treatment in poultry stations         and other breeding sites, with
       should be carried out by a qualified           microencapsulated or wettable powder
       pest controller. Insecticides to control       formulation, and the use of fly baits
       maggots should not be applied to               near adult feeding sources. In areas like
       manure, which should be kept dry and           rubbish tips treatment should always be
       removed only during the winter.                carried out by a pest control specialist.
Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

• Indoors, house fly control can include        are 50 or more ‘flying’ fruit flies present
  automatic misters, fly paper, electrocuting   in any one room at any one time on
  and baited traps that can be used in          three successive days.
  milking parlours and other areas of           56 Detecting domestic breeding areas
  low fly numbers.                              for fruit flies involves finding the source(s)
Example of insect nuisance –                    of attraction and breeding, which can
fruit flies (Drosophila spp)                    require much thought and persistence.
55 Fruit flies compromise several species       Potential breeding sites which are
of the genus Drosophila (family                 inaccessible (e.g., waste-disposals and
Drosophilidae). They are increasingly           drains) can be inspected by taping a clear
associated with commercial composting           plastic food storage bag over the opening
activities and vegetable producers,             overnight. If flies are breeding in these
wholesalers, and packers who store              areas, the adults will emerge and be
waste and / or reject produce in the open,      caught in the bag.
as they are attracted to ripened or             57 Prevention: The best way to prevent
fermenting fruit and vegetables.                problems with fruit flies is to eliminate
Dwellings that report high infestations         sources of attraction. Produce which has
are increasingly found near these               ripened should be covered rather than
commercial undertakings. Fruit flies can        discarded in the open. A single rotting
be a problem year-round in domestic             potato or onion can breed thousands of
kitchens. They can contaminate foodstuffs,      fruit flies, as can a waste or recycling bin
but usually only where there are poor           which is not emptied or cleaned.
hygiene standards or exposed, ripe fruit.       58 Where regular spillages of fruit juice
They do not carry disease or cause              or pulp inside buildings attract fruit flies,
structural damage to buildings. The sheer       windows and doors should be equipped
numbers that congregate can create a            with tight-fitting (16 mesh) screens to
nuisance. As a guideline, an occupier will      help prevent adult fruit flies from
normally experience some distress if there      entering from outdoors.

All spillages and accumulations of fruit      Perhaps the most important effect that
     and vegetable juice and pulp should still     cockroaches have on humans is allergies.
     be cleaned up regularly and thoroughly.       Their presence may cause an occupier
     59 Eradication: Once a structure is           distress. They can contaminate a range
     infested with fruit flies, all potential      of stored food products.
     breeding areas must be located and            61 There are three main pest species:
     eliminated. Unless the breeding sites are     the American (Periplaneta americana),
     removed or cleaned, the problem will          German (Blattella germanica) and
     continue no matter how often insecticides     Oriental (Blatta orientalis) Cockroaches.
     are applied to control the adults. Once       The German and Oriental species are
     the source is eliminated the flies will try   common in the UK. Cockroaches are
     to find new potential breeding substrates,    highly adaptable and extremely mobile,
     usually out of doors. Only if the source      moving into new buildings via sewer
     has been eliminated and flies given time      pipes, ducts etc. The Oriental cockroach
     to disperse should an aerosol insecticide     is the most common and largest of the
     be used to kill remaining flies.              two. It can climb rough surfaces such as
     Example of insect nuisance –                  brickwork and will congregate around
     cockroaches (Periplaneta                      water sources. The German cockroach
     Americana (Linnaeus), Blattella               is smaller, but is able to climb vertical
     germanica (Linnaeus), Blatta                  smooth surfaces. They do not cause
     orientalis (Linnaeus))                        structural damage.

     60 Cockroaches pose a public health           62 One way to confirm an infestation
     risk. Cockroaches can also cause allergic     is by using a stick trap. These can be
     reactions in susceptible individuals, e.g.,   purchased from a pest control contractor.
     asthmatics, house dust mite allergen
     sufferers, and individuals exposed to
     infestations for long periods of time.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

63 Prevention: Good standards of                66 The use of insecticidal bait gels and
hygiene alone cannot prevent a cockroach        fumigating sprays is the most common
invasion or combat an existing infestation,     method employed to control cockroaches.
but are a necessary component of any            Increased public concerns regarding the
control strategy. Since most buildings          safety of synthetic pesticides and their
cannot be instantly cooled or heated            effect upon human health and the
to the temperatures required to kill            environment, together with the increasing
                o        o
cockroaches (7 C or 46 C), and vacuuming        problem of cockroach resistance to
them up may not appeal, the use of              insecticides, have resulted in a demand
insecticidal bait gels, fumigants and           for effective, environmentally positive
sprays are at present the most common           methods of control.
method employed to control cockroaches.         Example of insect nuisance – moth
64 Prevention involves proofing.                flies or sewage filter flies (Psychoda
Cockroaches are nocturnal and they              spp and Tinearia alternata (Say)
prefer warm dark spaces. Any cracks in          67 Sewage filter flies (principally
walls, floors and ceilings or inaccessible      Psychoda albipennis Zetterstedt, but also
void between and behind equipment               some other species of Psychoda and
should be eliminated.                           Tinearia alternata (Say)) belong to the
65 Eradication: It is a legal requirement       family Psychodidae, commonly known
that any signs of cockroaches in a food         as moth flies. They like moist, organic or
business are controlled. Various insecticides   septic systems for egg laying, and are
can be used to control cockroaches.             common in the vicinity of sewage works.
These are dangerous chemicals and               The larvae are often considered beneficial
must be applied only by a competent             as an essential part of the cycle that
professional pest control operator.             breaks down waste into water-soluble
                                                compounds. Because they tend to live
                                                in protected places, clouds of flies might
                                                be the first sign of infestation.

They do not bite or sting, but can be a         69 One way of eliminating sewage filter
     nuisance, flying in the eyes, mouth and         flies is to clean the breeding place to
     nostrils of people. Because of their points     remove organic matter. For example, a
     of origin, they can carry disease,although      slow-moving drain can be cleaned with
     actual transmission is extremely unlikely.      a stiff brush or other tool. Drains that
     They do not pose a contamination risk           cannot be scrubbed can be rinsed with
     to food. There are no objective levels          water under high pressure, sterilised with
     at which sewage filter flies do or may          boiling water, or treated with a bacterial
     cause a statutory nuisance. As a general        agent to biodegrade the organic matter.
     guideline, they might cause an occupier         70 Household insecticides can be used
     distress if 50 or more ‘flying’ sewage          to control adult sewage filter flies, but
     filter flies are present in a room on three     the effects will be very temporary unless
     successive days, though obviously this          the source of the larvae is also removed.
     indication will vary and depend on such
                                                     71 It is recommended that operators of
     factors as room size etc. Sewage filter flies
                                                     sewage treatment works should have
     have a relatively slow breeding cycle with
                                                     systems in place for treating beds with
     about eight generations a-year. Most
                                                     a larvicide where there is a risk of, or a
     infestations take place during the              measurable, nuisance, and checking for
     summer months as the adults emerge.             high concentrations of sewage filter flies.
     68 Control of sewage filter flies requires      The timing and dosing of the filter beds
     locating and eliminating larval breeding        is critical to effectiveness, and must be
     sites, which may be difficult and require       carefully managed to prevent the release
     perseverance. One way to check potential        of chemicals into waterways or an effect
     individual breeding sites is to cover the       on the balance of organisms in the eco-
     entrance with plastic film taped to the         system. In some cases it may be best to
     floor or fixture. If sewage filter flies are    limit treatment to knock down or
     breeding there, they will accumulate            surface treatments.
     beneath the film within a day or two.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

Insects emanating from filter beds are a    country by two species of mosquitoes
source of food for various wild bird and    of the genus Anopheles but it is
bat species, which in turn as act as a      extremely unlikely.
natural means of pest control. Treatment    74 British mosquitoes can have a
at filter beds could be so effective that   nuisance value. Their bites can cause
these species lose a useful source of
                                            severe skin eruption and localised pain,
food supply.
                                            and severe infestations can cause much
Example of insect nuisance –                distress which is a valid reason for
mosquitoes (Culicidae)                      mosquito control. There are no objective
72 There are about 30 species of            levels at which a statutory nuisance
mosquito (family Culicidae) in the UK,      may or does exist. As a general guideline,
occupying aquatic habits such as coastal    an occupier might feel irritation if five
salt waters, brackish inland waters,        or more ‘flying’ mosquitoes are present
stagnant pools and water-filled hollows     in a room for three successive days.
(including in trees and logs). There are    They do not damage property or pose
four stages of life, eggs laid on water     a contamination risk to foodstuffs.
which hatch within a few hours; larva       75 Prevention: Mosquito control should
and pupa that are free swimming in          be aimed at both the larval and adult
water and must come to the surface          stages of life cycle, although as mosquitoes
to breath; and the winged adult.            do not normally rest in buildings, control
73 The British climate is not currently     of adults can be impractical.
suited to the transmission of tropical      76 Larval control can be achieved through
diseases, and low fevers which can be       eliminating or changing the characteristics
caused by mosquitoes in Southern and        of larval sites, which might need to be
Central Europe have not been detected       achieved piecemeal and over a period
here. Malaria is the only human infection   of years.
known to have been transmitted in this

77 Man-made containers of water such         The technique should not be used where
     as old car tyres, empty pots, open sewers    rivers, watercourses (other than open
     and drains containing putrid and anoxic      sewers and drains containing putrid and
     water should, as far as is practicable, be   anoxic water), lakes or ponds may be
     drained and kept empty. Water can be         affected. The Environment Agency should
     channelled to increase flow. Cesspools,      be consulted before use, as should the
     septic tanks and drains should be sealed.    relevant Statutory Nature Conservation
     Rainwater butts and tanks should have        Agency if there is a Special Site of
     close-fitting lids. Rivers, watercourses     Scientific Interest in the local vicinity.
     (other than those mentioned above),          The technique will also affect non-target
     lakes and ponds are excluded from            species of insect living in the waterbody,
     the nuisance definition and should not       many of which are the natural predators
     be drained.                                  of the mosquito larvae. The removal of
     78 Insecticides, repellents, vapourising     the more long-lived predators of the
     mats, mosquito coils and fly screens may     mosquitoes may result in an increased
     offer some personal protection from          problem as the mosquitoes would be able
     adult mosquitoes.                            to respond quickly to take advantage of the
                                                  predator-free environment. Agents need
     79 Eradication: Light oil or lecithin can
                                                  to be appropriately approved as biocides.
     be applied to water to reduce the surface
     tension and prevent larvae from              80 Larvae can be attacked by applying
     obtaining oxygen. Such agents spread         formulations to larval sites which produce
     readily over large areas.                    a crystal which breaks down into
                                                  stomach poison.
                                                  81 Adult mosquitoes can be eliminated
                                                  using ‘knock-down’ agents or residual

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

Environmental impact
82 Insects rarely cause a significant
health risk, and health risks where they
do or may exist, are often associated
with human habitation and waste, so
significant damage to the environment
should not be necessary. Environmental
management should be the first option.
83 Any mitigating treatment should take
account of factors including impact on
health and well being; impact on the
target and non-target species; impact on
the environment including ground and
water source contamination; cost;
and efficacy.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects & Statutory Nuisance from Artificial Light

Artificial Lighting
Likely sources of artificial                     The term candela (cd) or (Kcd = 1000 cd)
light statutory nuisance.                        is by itself a measure of light intensity.
84 In order to understand what may               Whether this light ‘intensity’ is seen as
be termed a statutory nuisance in                glare or not depends on the surrounding
lighting, an understanding of some               ‘luminance’, as can be noted when
lighting terminology is required:                comparing a road lighting luminaire or
                                                 floodlight lit during the day and again
Light (or luminous flux) is a type
                                                 at night.
of radiation and forms part of the
electromagnetic spectrum visible to              85 Local authorities have a duty to
the eye. It is measured in lumens (lm)           take reasonable steps, where practicable,
(N.B. not ‘watts’, which is only a measure       to investigate any complaints of artificial
of electrical consumption).                      light nuisance; it is expected that the
                                                 following sources will generate most
The amount of light falling on a surface
is known as illuminance and is measured
in lumens per square metre or lux.               • Domestic security lights
While ‘illuminance’ is easy to calculate         • Commercial security lights
and measure and is therefore widely              • Healthy living and sports facilities
used, the eye does not see illuminance,            (see below)
but rather the light radiated or reflected
                                                 • Domestic decorative lighting
off a surface which is known as
luminance, or brightness. It is measured         • Exterior lighting of buildings and
in candelas per square metre (cd/m ) and           decorative lighting of landscapes
if the surface is glossy, can differ with        • Laser shows / sky beams / light art
the angle of view.
                                                 86 Christmas lights may also be the
                                                 subject of complaint, and could be
                                                 covered by statutory light nuisance,
                                                 although this seems unlikely given
                                                 their duration.
87 We anticipate that much artificial           They can, nevertheless, cause adverse
     light nuisance will be caused by excessive      affects and are discussed in more detail
     levels of illuminance and glare, which is       under ‘Streetlights’ below.
     inappropriate to its need and which has
                                                     Statutory nuisance from artificial
     been poorly designed, directed, operated
                                                     light and light pollution
     and maintained. Simple remedies, such
     as re-aiming or screening, should be            90 Artificial light nuisance may be,
     sufficient in many cases and, although          but is not necessarily, the same as light
     light nuisance is not a matter of light         pollution. Artificial light nuisance is a
     levels per se, light meters are available       source of light that in the opinion of a
     and affordable for taking measurements          trained public health professional, who
     in order to quantify the scale of the           makes an assessment on a case by case
     possible nuisance.                              basis, interferes with someone’s use of
                                                     their property, and / or is or might be
     88 Efficient and high-quality lighting          prejudicial to someone’s health. Light
     installations that help people to see           pollution could be defined as any form
     where they are going and bring security         of artificial light which shines outside the
     to both themselves and their property           area it needs to illuminate, including light
     can be designed so as to produce                that is directed above the horizontal into
     minimal impact on the environment.              the night sky creating sky glow (which
     The management and maintenance of               impedes our views of the stars), or which
     such lighting that limits both glare and        creates a danger by glare. Although light
     dark shadows is also essential for              pollution might affect the aesthetic
     people with a visual impairment.                beauty of the night sky and interfere with
     89 We also anticipate a number of               astronomy, it is not necessarily also a
     complaints on streetlights. However,            statutory nuisance. The statutory nuisance
     these are not likely to qualify as artificial   regime is not an appropriate tool with
     light statutory nuisance as they are            which to address light pollution per se.
     unlikely to be located on ‘premises’.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

Domestic security lights                         intent, to hide in or behind. Lighting
91 Those aggrieved by a neighbour’s              that is shielded or angled down can
lighting should be encouraged to speak           actually improve rather than compromise
to their neighbour first where possible,         security. There are agreed Standards
perhaps with the aid of a mediation service.     for lighting levels, some of which are
Mediation UK (            listed at the end of this document.
may be able to advise.                         • Special optics or ‘double asymmetric’
92 Inappropriate lighting can cause glare        luminaires – which are designed to
and dark shadows which may adversely             ensure full flow of light over the lit area
affect drivers, cyclists and other road          from each floodlight – can be aimed
users, including pedestrians, and people         facing downwards while still spreading
with a visual impairment. Bad lighting           light over a wide distance (the lamp is
can also produce shadows for those with          usually fitted close to the back edge of
criminal intent to hide in or behind.            the unit, not in the middle). The reflector
Many cases of artificial light nuisance can      becomes less visible to onlookers resulting
be solved through simple engineering             in low glare to the surrounding locality.
techniques and consideration of function       • A separate switching detector can be
and effect. For example:                         used on some models to sense the
• The minimum level of illumination              movement of intruders on the property.
  necessary to light a property should be        Luminaires and detectors should be
  used. Relatively high-powered lights are       aimed to detect and light people on
  rarely necessary in domestic situations        the property, not people or animals
  and, besides wasting energy and                walking down the street. If lights detect
  money, can cause glare, which can              everything that moves, they will switch
  adversely affect road users or other           on and off repeatedly and could be
  passers-by. Excessive levels of                a source of statutory nuisance.
  illumination provide dark shadows for
  people, including those with criminal

• Timers adjusted to the minimum can           and what is not. It might be reasonable
       reduce the operation of the light.           to expect a complainant to use curtains
     • Bulkhead or porch lights are cheaper         or blinds of everyday standard if they
       than security lights, use less energy, and   are bothered by unwanted light in their
       have reduced glare so there are fewer        home. It might not be reasonable to
       shadows for those with criminal intent       require a complainant to purchase and
       to hide in. Movement detectors on            install blackout hangings which might be
       these lights are generally mounted           expensive, and/or impair that person’s
       lower and so are less susceptible to         enjoyment of his property. Few would
       nuisance switching on and off. However,      wish to have their curtains drawn on a
       they tend, because they are lower, to        hot summers night. It is not reasonable
       be aimed more horizontally, capture          to leave the solution and cost of
       movement over a wider range, and             abatement to the complainant rather
       if not located with care can be              than the perpetrator.
       interfered with.                             94 Technical parameters on obtrusive
     • Vegetation may help screen the light         lighting, formulated by the International
       at certain times of year provided the        Commission on Illumination (CIE) and
       movement of vegetation itself does not       Institution of Lighting Engineers (ILE)
       trigger light, and it does not cause         from research into individual sensitivity to
       a ‘high hedges’ problem.                     light, may be helpful in considering the
                                                    level of sensitivity that might be considered
     93 It is sometimes suggested that a
                                                    that of the ‘average person’ without
     complaint of artificial light nuisance could
                                                    unusual sensitivities. These parameters
     easily be mitigated by the use of curtains
                                                    vary depending on whether the installation
     or blinds, even blackout curtains or
                                                    is in town or country (there are four
     blinds, by the complainant. It is for the
                                                    suggested environmental zones), and
     Environmental Health Practitioner to
                                                    there is a suggested curfew time of
     exercise discretion over what is reasonable
                                                    23.00 after which lighting levels should

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

be further restricted. However, there          permission. Planning Policy Statement 23
are no objective levels at which artificial    provides guidance for such applications,
light does or does not constitute a            and can also be used when considering
statutory nuisance.                            lighting schemes for new buildings.
95 It is sensible for abatement notices to     Planning policy falls within the remit of
be ‘simple’, requiring abatement and           the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
non-recurrence within a specified timescale.   100 Premises or apparatus used for the
If the abatement notice is too detailed, it    provision of electronic communication
could be that the terms of the abatement       services need adequate lighting for
notice may be fulfilled whilst the nuisance    operation and security purposes, to
remains unabated.                              ensure the safety of their staff, and
96 A list of useful sources of further         to protect the integrity of the
information and useful practical advice        telecommunications network. Statutory
on the positioning of external lighting is     nuisance law recognises the need for
listed at the end of this guidance.            industry to be able to carry out its usual
                                               functions without being compromised
Commercial security lights                     by inadequate security lighting. That
97 Lighting used on commercial                 need is protected by the defence of
premises will be subject to the same           ‘best practicable means’.
controls as apply to domestic premises,
i.e. it will be for the local authority to
                                               Exterior lighting of buildings
decide whether the lighting amounts            and landscapes
to a statutory nuisance.                       101 Exterior lighting to enhance the
                                               appearance of buildings, monuments,
98 Commercial premises are more likely
                                               trees and other civic features increasingly
than domestic premises to use lighting
                                               impacts on the street scene. Such
which makes a material change to the
                                               installations can enhance and add
external façade of the building. It may
                                               interest to the surrounding environment
therefore be subject to planning

provided they are properly designed. Such    Streetlights
     lighting systems should not be used also     103 Streetlights are not specifically
     to provide e.g. street lighting and should   exempt, but because of their location are
     generally be switched off overnight,         unlikely to qualify, as generally speaking
     following an agreed curfew time.             they are not found on ‘premises’. It is,
     Laser shows, sky beams, light art            however, acknowledged that streetlights
                                                  can have adverse affects on the
     102 In order to constitute an existing or
                                                  local community.
     potential statutory nuisance, laser shows,
     sky beams and light art would have           104 Local authorities have a duty under
     materially to affect someone’s use of his    section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act
     home and / or actually or potentially his    1998 to exercise their functions with due
     health, assuming normal sensibilities.       regard to the likely effect on crime and
     Local authorities already have the means     disorder in their areas, and to do what
     to deal with nuisance lighting and are       they reasonably can to prevent crime and
     accountable to those within their areas.     disorder. Local authorities already have
     Local authorities should do their best to    the means to deal with nuisance street
     ensure that lighting under their control     lighting and are accountable to those
     does not cause problems to the local         within their areas. Local authorities
     community. Local authorities should also     should do their best to ensure that
     take into account whether laser shows /      streetlights under their control do not
     beams etc are a sustainable or wasteful      cause problems to the local community.
     use of energy. The Government expects        The Government expects local authorities
     local authorities to take reasonable steps   to take reasonable steps to investigate
     to investigate and, where appropriate,       and, where appropriate, resolve problems
     resolve problems as a matter of good         from streetlights as a matter of good
     practice and consideration for the local     practice and consideration for the local
     environment and the community to             environment and the community to
     which they are accountable.                  which they are accountable.

Statutory Nuisance from Insects and Artificial Light

105 The Government supports good             107 Guidance has been published by the
design, installation and maintenance         Department for Transport and also the
practice to minimise problems                Institution of Lighting Engineers to help
where possible.                              reduce light pollution and sky glow
106 New technologies now allow much          generally, and to promote good practice
finer control of light distribution and      for street lighting maintenance. As most
reduced light directed towards the sky.      street lighting is alight throughout the
Beneficial lighting can be achieved that     night, the obtrusive light levels to be
is fit for purpose, provided roads are       adhered to should be those given for all
appropriately rather than over classified,   night, i.e. after curfew. In addition, the
and which minimises the impact on the        Government’s ‘Lighting in the Countryside:
environment through using modern light       Towards good practice’ includes street
sources in combination with luminaires       lighting, and is applicable to towns as
designed to appropriate, not unnecessarily   well as country. The Government will
high, lighting levels. The simply use        continue to work with the appropriate
of front and / or back shields can improve   organisations to promote good practice
illumination on the road whilst reducing     in design, installation and maintenance
intrusion elsewhere. £300 million in         to minimise problems where possible.
Private Finance Initiative credits were
made available to local authorities
outside London in 2003/04 to help
modernise street lighting. A further
£85 million in Private Finance Initiative
credits is being made available for local
authorities in London for this purpose in
addition to the support available through
the Revenue Support Grant.

Licensed premises                           Lighting in the Countryside
     108 Guidance issued by the Department       110 The 1998 Transport White Paper
     for Culture, Media and Sport under          A New Deal for Transport – Better for
     section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003       Everyone stated that ‘where lighting
     advises that licensing authorities and      is essential, it should be designed in
     responsible authorities should consider     such a way that nuisance is reduced
     the impacts of licensed premises on those   and the effect on the night sky in the
     living in the vicinity, mainly concerning   countryside minimised’. Exterior lighting
     noise nuisance, light pollution, noxious    in rural areas can have a particular impact.
     smells and litter. The Guidance advises     111 Lighting in the Countryside:
     that lighting outside premises should be    Towards Good Practice is accessible
     installed in a way that balances the need   free of charge at
     to prevent crime and disorder while         planning// litc/index.htm (under Planning
     having consideration for those living       Advice and Guidance). This document
     in the vicinity. Many licensed premises     continues to be a valuable guide for
     use decorative floodlighting to draw        local authorities, highways planners and
     attention to their premises. Where          engineers, and members of the public.
     possible premises should use carefully      It demonstrates what can be done to
     installed downlighting rather that          lessen the adverse effects of external
     uplighting, which can be both glaring       lighting, including street lighting.
     and wasteful of light into the sky.         The advice is applicable in towns as
     109 Licensed premises and licensing         well as the countryside.
     authorities will also want to consider
     any lighting schemes with regard to
     potential action under the statutory
     nuisance regime. As business premises,
     licensed premises will have the defence
     of best practicable means.

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