Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021


                                                                                                  Strategic and Annual Plan

                                                                                                                                 Dale ield School
                                                                                                                                Board of Trustees
                                                                                                                                   February 2021

            Approved by the Dale ield School Board of Trustees 26 February 2021

            Signed by Lucy Fisher          BOT Chair____________________

            Signed by Eric Daubé           Principal ____________________
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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Dale ield School is a semi-rural, full state primary school serving the Dale ield and Carterton districts since 1885. Staffed at 3.92 for 2021,
                the school has a roll of between sixty and seventy students.
                Strongly established wider community, the school has set a direction that is sustainable and future focused, embodying the best of its
                setting in rural Carterton. With a strong and supportive community, the school has enjoyed its renaissance, punching above its weight and
                embracing every opportunity coming its way. 107.5DFM went live in June 2019 and this was the culmination of a year’s work setting up the
                infrastructure and learning opportunities. The radio station is student-led and a context for leadership, con idence-building and ultimately
                life-skill enhancement. Planning is underway for the 2021 broadcasts and the new radio team.
                Dale ield is part of the South Wairarapa Kāhui Ako and the guiding principles
                around Hauora, agentic learning and cultural responsiveness are strongly
                re lected in our charter and annual plan. Students at Dale ield develop strong
                foundational skills based around the key competencies; and the school’s small
                size and family nature enable all staff to know and understand all learners’
                needs. Our three Dale ield School values guide everyone and everything
                associated with the school; and have been developed with input from
                Whānau, students and staff.
                We are proud of our school and love being part of the wider Carterton learning
                community. Embracing opportunities that our location brings has ensured
                that the school is developing a responsive and exciting local curriculum. With
                a talented and committed staff, opportunities to think outside the square are
                fostered and encouraged. A shared vision of where our school is heading sets
                and drives the schools’ direction. Our leavers’ pro ile ensures that students
                moving onto College are engaged and ready to be on the next phase of their
                learning journeys.
                Our school has three strategic goals in 2021 that re lect where we have come
                and where we are heading. The whole school Whānau are part of the Dale ield
                We warmly welcome you to our school.

                Eric Daubé
                February 2021

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Education Priorities
                                                                                                                                          Strategic Goal 1
                      Dale ield School will promote student agency, using strategies that encourage a growth mindset and support progress and
                                                                                                                   achievement of all learners.

                                       2021                                             2022                                                  2023
                  To allow all students the opportunities to meet   To review the impact of the well-being               To embed well-being in our strategic plan and
                  successes through a focus on well-being,          initiatives undertaken by the school and             vision statement.
                  particularly post COVID.                          community. Undertake appropriate professional
                                                                    development to support well-being initiatives.
                  South Wairarapa Kāhui Ako focus - Hauora

                  To ensure all students make progress in all       To review the effectiveness of the PLD (Assessment   To have 100% of our families active participants in
                  learning areas and commence the use of our        for Learning and local curriculum design) and the    their children’s learning.
                  new SMS for students and Whānau                   HERO SMS; to promote progress, achievement and
                  engagement in learning.                           engagement in learning.

                  To be responsive to, and continue to develop      To continue our work with local schools on joint     To fully review agentic learning practice so as
                  practice that supports all learners; empowering   initiatives and PLD, that supports student           to be cognisant of the bene its for all ākonga.
                  them to drive their own learning.                 inquiry and teacher pedagogy. Part of this will
                                                                                                                         Are we making a difference for our learners?
                                                                    also involve us exploring structured literacy
                  South Wairarapa Kāhui Ako focus - Student
                  agency and 2021 PLD Assessment for Learning

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Annual Goal                       Indicators                                                 Strategies                                                                     Resources          Who is                Time             Reporting/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         responsible?          frame?           review?

                              To allow all students             Our students are comfortable in their skins.               Staff have a focus on their own wellbeing and leadership
                                                                                                                           acknowledges and supports them to do so.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            All teachers          On-going           Termly

                              the opportunities to              Our students can talk about their concerns, fears
                                                                and successes.                                             Work with other schools through Kāhui Ako to inquire into barriers to          Time              All teachers          On-going           Terms 2 and
                              meet successes                                                                               learning that are brought about through anxiety.                                                                                          4
                                                                Our school community can talk about what our
                              through a focus on                school values mean in practice.                            Children are encouraged and supported to meet success on a daily               Time and          Principal/staff       On-going           Termly
                                                                                                                           basis - in whatever form that takes to builds their resilience and self-
                              well-being,                       Our students are accepting of difference and               esteem.
                              particularly post-                diversity.
                                                                                                                           Random acts of kindness are part of our way of being at Dale ield              Time              Principal/staff       On-going           Termly
                              COVID.                                                                                       School.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time              Principal/            On-going           Termly
                                                                                                                           Regular checkin with Whānau and at team meetings (staff)
                              South Wairarapa Kāhui Ako                                                                                                                                                                     teachers
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time              Teachers/             On-going           Terms 2 and
                                                                                                                           Weekly teacher/teacher aide meetings
                              focus - Hauora                                                                                                                                                                                teacher aides                            4

                                                                                                                                                                                                          HERO SMS
                              To ensure all students            Students will demonstrate achievement across the
                                                                whole curriculum and skills will be transferable.
                                                                                                                           Student/whānau HERO workshops are held during the year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Principal/staff       On-going           Termly

                              make progress in all              Opportunities to meet success have increased for
                                                                                                                           Staff are developing their pedagogy as a result of their PLD and the
                                                                                                                           professional Growth Cycles.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time                                                       Termly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Eric/Willy/staff      Termly
                              learning areas and                our students.                                                                                                                                                                                        Terms 2 and
                                                                                                                           All staff lead a curriculum area and contribute to planning advice,            Time              Eric/staff            Termly             4 - BOT
                              commence the use of               Students and Whānau are 100% partners in the               guidance and progress/learning meetings.
                                                                learning journey.
                              our new SMS for                                                                              Regular reporting to the BOT by the principal, Whānau from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         BOT meetings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  On-going           Terms 1 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3 - BOT
                              student and Whānau                                                                           teachers and sound formative assessment practices; are our way of
                                                                                                                           being; supported by HERO and 2021 PLD

                              engagement in
                              To be responsive to,              Students are able to articulate their learning goals
                                                                and next learning steps.
                                                                                                                           Explicit teaching of the skills required to be re lective, proactive and
                                                                                                                           resilient learners; able to make connections to experiences and prior           Time and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             All staff            On-going      Team meetings

                              and continue to                   Students are empowered to taking risks in their
                                                                                                                           learning                                                                      ministry-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         funded PLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Team meetings

                              develop practice that             learning                                                   Our learning areas are lexible and students are explicitly taught to            Staff             All staff            On-going      Team meetings
                                                                                                                           think and question.                                                           meetings and
                              supports all learners,            Our students are following their passions and                                                                                            training                                               Terms 2 and 4 -
                                                                displaying initiative.                                     Our students see possibilities, are developing their oral language
                              empowering them to                                                                           (turn and talk) and are learning to question.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           PLD and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             All staff            On-going      BOT

                              drive their own                   Our students have a growth mindset
                                                                                                                           Staff have the power to act and be responsive to needs of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                         experience          Eric/Willy/All       On-going      Team meetings/
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Time                                                 BOT
                              learning.                         Our staff have a growth mindset                            students. No-one is encumbered with an unresponsive curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time and PLD       Eric/Willy/All       On-going      Termly curriculum
                                                                                                                           The lipped classroom model is part of teacher practice.
                              South Wairarapa Kāhui Ako                                                                                                                                                                                                         reviews
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time, PLD          All staff            On-going
                                                                                                                           Student-voice is employed in all planning.
                              focus - Student agency and                                                                                                                                                 and meetings
                              2021 Dale ield PLD -                                                                                                                                                                                                              Monthly reporting

                              Assessment for Learning and
                              local curriculum design

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Strategic Goal 2
                                          Dale ield School will develop an environment that enhances learning for all students through strengthening our cultural
                                                                                awareness, af irming cultural identities and encouraging community engagement.

                                                     2021                                          2022                                                    2023

                          To work with the Kāhui Ako to enhance tikanga and    To ensure that the school is an integral part of the   Dale ield is a school of choice through strong
                          Te Ao Māori at Dale ield School and ensure the       wider Wairarapa learning community. To showcase        community links and an embracing of our place in
                          relationships with our wider community are           what we do here, inviting other educators to visit     Carterton and the Wairarapa.
                          sustainable, meaningful and respectful.              and observe learning in action.
                          South Wairarapa Kāhui Ako focus - Cultural

                          To embrace the core values of our Dale ield          To survey the community around our core values.        To embed the core values in our vision statement
                          Whānau to ensure our school re lects our             Are they still it for purpose?                         that is owned by the whole Dale ield learning
                          community’s aspirations.                                                                                    community.

                          To continue to develop and enhance access to our     To review our Dale ield curriculum alongside the       To have our curriculum, values and community
                          Dale ield curriculum, encompassing our unique        mahi being undertaken with the New Zealand             integrated fully onto the HERO SMS. This is a
                          location, environment, community and culture.        curriculum.                                            celebration of all that is Dale ield - and could be
                                                                                                                                      ready earlier.

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Annual Goal               Indicators                                                  Strategies                                                             Resources               Who is               Time                Reporting/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              responsible?         frame?              review?

                                         To work with the Kāhui      Whānau are encouraged into our school and have a
                                                                                                                                 Informal and formal hui are held at the school on a regular basis.       Time                   Principal           Termly                 Terms 2/4

                                         Ako to enhance                                                                          Whaea Lee works with our school every two weeks.                          Kāhui Ako             Principal/Kāhui     All year               Termly
                                                                     Tikanga is embedded in all planning.                                                                                                funding of Māori        Ako
                                         tikanga and Te Ao                                                                                                                                               tutor.
                                                                     Our Māori students achieve success as Māori.                All our students take part in kapa haka (held every week with DP          Time and release      Eric                All year               Terms 2/4
                                         Māori at Dale ield                                                                      and full staff support). Parents and the community are invited to       for Willy

                                         School and ensure the       All our students have basic pro iciency in Te reo and
                                                                     can recite their pepeha.
                                                                                                                                 take part

                                         relationships with our                                                                  Teachers are responsive to all learners’ needs . Learning                Time/meetings          Eric/staff          All year               On-going
                                                                     Our students learn another language.                        concerns and successes are recorded and discussed in an on-
                                         wider community are                                                                     going basis through team meetings.

                                         sustainable,                School staff are part of the wider Wairarapa teaching
                                                                     fraternity.                                                 Staff continue to unpack the Ka Hikitia and Tu Rangatira                 Time                   Eric/staff          Term 2 onwards         Term 4
                                         meaningful and              The Dale ield community feel they are partners in the       documents as part of their professional practice.
                                                                     children's learning.
                                         respectful.                 School leadership is proactive in fostering Iwi             A Mandarin tutor is employed across four Carterton schools               Time                   Eric/Willy          Weekly                 Term 3
                                                                     relationships.                                              (through the Confucius Institute at Victoria University of
                                                                                                                                 Wellington - probably not happening due to COVID). Deputy
                                                                                                                                 principal to start Spanish lessons from Term 3.

                                                                                                                                 School hangi and picnics. Parents and community members in                Time/$200.00          Lisa/staff          All Termly             Term 4
                                                                                                                                 our school as regular helpers (gardens, reading, expertise etc.)        budget
                                                                                                                                 Explicit teaching of Te reo and seamless use of instructions and          Time and              All staff           On-going               Terms 2 and 4
                                                                                                                                 core vocabulary.                                                        curriculum budget
                                         South Wairarapa Kāhui
                                                                                                                                 Our senior students are part of the Kaitiaki academy and act as           Mentor role for       Principal, WSL      All year               Terms 2 and 4
                                         Ako focus - Cultural                                                                    mentors to our younger students.                                        teacher, principal      and classroom
                                         responsiveness                                                                          Whaea Lee is in our school fortnightly working with kaiak and           or community            teacher
                                                                                                                                 tamariki.                                                               representative

                                         To embrace the core         Our school’s values are clearly articulated by all          Our students , staff and Whānau live by our three core values:           Time                   Eric/staff          All year               Terms 2 and 4
                                                                     stakeholders.                                                                                          Ka whakaute ana tātau
                                         values of our Dale ield                                                                                                                We are respectful

                                         Whānau to ensure our        Our students are using the key competencies, school
                                                                     values and a skills framework to frame all learning.                                                     He mea auhua matou
                                         school re lects our         Our families offer feedback on our reporting and                                                             We are creative
                                                                     engagement systems
                                         community’s                                                                                                                              He ākonga matou

                                         aspirations.                                                                                                                              We are learners
                                                                                                                                 Explicit teaching of what it means to display our values.                Time                   Eric/staff          All year               Termly

                                                                                                                                 Behaviour management is intrinsically linked to the values and           Time                   Eric/staff          All year               Terms 2 and 4
                                                                                                                                 our students have ownership and accountability of the plan.

                                         To continue                 Our students are accessing the New Zealand
                                                                     curriculum in a local context.
                                                                                                                                 Explicit teaching of skills that are transferrable across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Time                   Eric/staff          On-going               Each term

                                         developing and              Our responsive Local curriculum is an on-going              Students are being taught the skills required, to equip them to
                                                                     development process.                                        be well-rounded learners.                                                Time                   Eric/staff          On-going               Each term
                                         enhancing access to a       Our wider community are in our school working with          Our community are welcomed into our learning spaces.
                                                                     students and staff.                                         Three community meetings held in 2021:
                                         Dale ield curriculum,       The wider teaching fraternity are in our school working           HERO Student Management system and learner agency:                 Time and a             Eric/staff          On-going               Each term

                                         encompassing our            alongside and learning from us.
                                                                     Dale ield School is a source of pride for the local
                                                                                                                                       Maths: (T2)Students are being taught the skills required, to
                                                                                                                                                                                                         curriculum budget

                                         unique location,            community.                                                        equip them to be well-rounded learners.                            Time
                                                                     Staff are empowered to lead learning innovation in our      Our                                                                                             Eric/BOT            From Term 2            Terms 2/3/4
                                         environment and             Dale ield context.


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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Strategic Goal #3
                                                                                                The Board of Trustees is supporting the school in reaching its goals

                                           2021                                                  2022                                                  2023
                      The Board of Trustees continues to work with          The Board of Trustees are mindful of the impact of     The community are active partners in setting the
                      school leadership to ensure the needs of all          potential roll growth and its affect on the culture,   direction of the school. The board are coming up
                      learners are met.                                     students and staff.                                    with innovative ways to engage with their

                      To ensure all learning areas including the            To continue ensuring all learning areas including      The vision statement incorporates safety
                      classrooms and grounds are well maintained and        the classrooms and grounds are well maintained         improvements to the playground surfaces.
                       it for purpose.                                      and it for purpose. The entrance and parking
                                                                            issues are resolved.

                      The community is well-informed, and part of           The BOT is actively looking at visionary ways to       The principal and staff are supported to implement
                      setting the school’s strategic direction, plans and   accommodate the ethos that is developing in the        the vision and annual plan as a result of the 2022
                      priorities.                                           school.                                                vision statement.

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
Annual Goal                Indicators                                                Strategies                                                                          Resources              Who is                     Time frame?                     Reporting/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               responsible?                                               review?

                                      The Board of             The school is resourced appropriately.                    Effective school evaluation practices are in place and all staff have
                                                                                                                         input into targeted actions and resourcing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Time               BOT                        Termly/ongoing            Monthly BOT reporting

                                                               The principal presents triangulated and coherent          The principal works with the BOT to ensure they are well-informed of               Time/Budget        Eric                       Monthly reporting         Terms 2 and 4
                                      continues to             information (from the analysis of variance, annual        students needs, current achievement and professional development
                                                               plan, budget and principal’s reports) to the Board        priorities for staff
                                      work with school         of Trustees.

                                      leadership to            The board is proactive in supporting the principal
                                                                                                                         The principal reports to the BOT regularly on progress towards
                                                                                                                         targeted actions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Time               Eric/BOT                   Monthly reporting         Monthly BOT reporting

                                      ensure the               to enact the strategic direction of the school.                                                                                                                                                                      Cumulative as part of
                                                                                                                         Internal capability at the school is self-sustaining as all staff have input       Time               Eric                       Monthly reporting         monthly reporting -
                                      needs of all             The board will ensure that the school is                  into evaluation through regular meetings and teacher inquiry.                                                                                              updated in real time

                                      learners are met.        suf iciently staffed to meet the projected impact
                                                               of a roll increase.                                       A replacement plan for technology equipment is in place.                           Time               Eric/Willy/Lisa            Term 1                    May

                                      To ensure all            The school is tidy, clean and it for purpose.             The students are leading the upkeep of the environment and have
                                                                                                                         input into how this is achieved.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Time               Staff                      Weekly/on-going           Termly

                                      learning areas           All learning areas are safe and risks managed.
                                                                                                                         Student, community and staff voice are regularly sought and this is                Time               BOT/Eric                   On-going                  Termly
                                      including the            Staff, students and community are taking                  acted on when planning developments.
                                                               collective responsibility for the upkeep and
                                      classrooms and           preservation of the school environment.                   Students undertake weekly house duties as part of taking personal and              Time               Eric/staff                 Weekly                    Termly

                                      grounds are well                                                                   collective responsibility for our school’s environment.

                                      maintained and                                                                     Working bees are held on a regular basis supported by the BOT and the              Time               BOT, Home and School       Termly                    2x/year
                                                                                                                         Home and School Committee.                                                                            Committee
                                       it for purpose.                                                                   The board in consultation with the property managers are proactive in              Time               BOT                        On-going (Term 1 will     Regular property
                                                                                                                         pursuing plans to upgrade                                                                                                        require mote time in      reporting at BOT meetings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          preparation for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          staffroom/radio room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          upgrade and roof

                                      The entire               The community are empowered partners in the
                                                               school’s journey
                                                                                                                         Opportunities are regularly sought to involve the community ie hui,
                                                                                                                         social events, parent evenings, open days, Lamb and Calf day, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Home and School
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Eric/BOT/staff/community   Termly                    Monthly BOT meetings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and principal’s reporting
                                      Dale ield School                                                                                                                                                     Committee
                                                               Regular community consultation is carried out.            New ways, and opportunities for, engagement/consultation continue to               Time               BOT/Eric                   On-going                  Monthly BOT meetings
                                      community are                                                                      be fostered; to enable all stakeholders to be part of the school’s                                                                                         and principal’s reporting
                                                               The school is the hub of the community.                   journey.
                                      and part of                                                                        Dale ield School is regularly in the news, through press releases and
                                                                                                                         articles for local publication. Carterton Crier, Times Age etc…
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Time               Eric/staff/BOT             On-going                  Monthly BOT principal’s
                                      setting the
                                                                                                                         The new school radio station will be used as a vehicle for engagement.             Time/Budget item   Eric/Jeanette              On-going                  Monthly BOT principal’s
                                      school’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reporting

                                      strategic                                                                          The Board of Trustees are visible to the growing number of new
                                                                                                                         families at Dale ield.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Time               BOT                        On-going                  Termly BOT Chair’s
                                      direction, plans
                                                                                                                         Whānau will have real-time access to their children’s learning through             HERO SMS/          Eric/Staff                 On-going                  Monthly BOT principal’s
                                      and priorities.                                                                    the new HERO school management system.                                            Budget item                                                              reporting

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Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
2021 Literacy Target
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Strategic Goal #1                        70% of our boys will be accessing the
                                       Dale ield School will promote student agency, using strategies that encourage a growth mindset and support progress and                                                                              English curriculum at the expected levels
                                                                                                                                    achievement of all learners.                                                                            for their cohorts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Strategic Goal #2
                          Dale ield School will develop an environment that enhances learning for all students through strengthening our cultural awareness,
                                                                                     af irming cultural identities and encouraging community engagement.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Strategic Goal #3
                                                                                                                              The Board of Trustees is supporting the school in reaching its goals.
                 Baseline data
                 Areas that have an impact are:
                      The House of Science kits over the year were bene icial.
                      Using our local area as a context for learning was also a positive outcome.
                      Student and Whānau engagement in lockdown learning had positive spinoffs for the majority of students.
                      We have an increasing student roll and a number of new children with speci ic learning and health needs.
                      Two children receive high health needs funding.
                      Two children receive ICS funding and one ORS.
                      Two children receive funding through Oranga tamariki and three students are on an advice and guidance arrangement through RTLB.
                 Analysis of data
                 Reading results as at the end of 2020 indicated 82% of our children reading at or above the expected levels. Of the children underachieving, 66% were boys.
                 Writing results are still a concern with 65% of our students at or above the expected levels. Boys and girls achievement was evenly split. 7/11 boys were on special programmes and received
                 additional learning support.
                 Overall we have agreed as a team that 70% of our students are accessing the English curriculum suf iciently to be considered effective for sustained engagement across the board; in all
                 learning areas. Boys achievement was 17% down on that of girls. This is not suf icient and our planned actions in 2021 aim to go a long way to address this.
                 Actions to achieve targets                                                                                                      Led by/budget/time frame                                                                   Analysis of variance
                           Culturally and contextually rich learning experiences for students.                                                           Eric and staff/on-going
                           PLD in Assessment for Learning and student inquiry with Bek Galloway.                                                         PLD facilitators and all staff/on-going
                           Early words, Reading eggs, Joy Alcock, RT Lit support etc.                                                                    Eric/staff
                           Explicit teaching of thinking and questioning skills.                                                                         Eric and staff/on-going
                           Cross-curricula skills workshops for students with a focus on learning through play and hands-on experience.                  All teachers/on-going
                           Regular sessions for all students on our radio station, 107.5DFM. Sharing stories and video on station website.               Jeanette/Eric
                           Weekly school-wide science tasters for staff/students.                                                                        Jeanette/Eric
                           Weekly House of Science kits in the school.                                                                                   All teachers/weekly
                           Regular and proactive engagement with Whānau and inviting them into the school.                                               All teachers/on-going
                               HERO SMS                                                                                                                      Staff
                               Email                                                                                                                         Staff
                               Social media                                                                                                                  Staff
                               Newsletters                                                                                                                   Eric
                           Judicious focus on the three Kāhui Ako facets of Hauora, agentic learning and cultural responsiveness                         Eric/Willy/on-going
                                                                                                                                                                      Regular reporting to the BOT as per the annual plan through the
                9 of 10                                                                                                                            dale
                                                                                                                                                                 principal                                                                                            2021_Dale ield School BOT
                                                                                                                                                                      Termly reviews by staff
                                                                                                                                                                      Weekly kōrero as a staff following the spiral of inquiry as per our
Strategic and Annual Plan - Dalefield School Board of Trustees February 2021
2021 Maths Target
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Strategic Goal #1   80% of our students will be accessing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the Mathematics curriculum at the
                  Dale ield School will promote student agency, using strategies that encourage a growth mindset and support progress and achievement of all
                                                                                                                                                  learners.                                                                   expected levels for their cohorts.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Strategic Goal #2

                   Dale ield School will develop an environment that enhances learning for all students through strengthening our cultural awareness, af irming
                                                                                                   cultural identities and encouraging community engagement.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Strategic Goal #3

                                                                                                                                      The Board of Trustees is supporting the school in reaching its goals.
             Baseline data
             Maths data overall continues to improve. After three years of PLD in mathematics, this was expected. In 2021, we are keen to see that progress is sustained and our speci ic foci on questioning,
             assessment as learning and oral language; are having an impact on all learners. Transferrable skills are key. COVID 19 was a stressor but all things considered, achievement was pleasing. Lead
             teacher took part in ALiM in 2020.
             Analysis of data
                  85% of the students are now achieving at or above expectations in maths.
                  57% of these students are male.
                  78% of our Māori students are achieving at or above the expected level and of these students, 43% are male. 56% of our Māori students made accelerated progress in 2020.
                  Student voice indicates that real love of maths has continued and teachers’ mathematical engagement is high.
                  Maths PLD has continued to have a positive impact on pedagogy and achievement.
             Actions to achieve targets                                                                                                        Led by/budget/time frame                                                       Analysis of variance

                       Culturally and contextually rich learning experiences for students.                                                             Eric/Willy/all staff/on-going
                       Incorporate Tikanga and invite Whānau in to support learning, including fortnightly sessions with Whaea Lee.                    All staff/all year
                       Linking maths across the curriculum and to the world beyond the school - our local Dale ield Curriculum development.            Eric/curriculum budget/All year
                       Explicit teaching around the vocabulary of maths and reinforcement of problem-solving skills.                                   Staff/curriculum budget, time/All year
                       Judicious application of number knowledge and accessing number through the strands.                                             Staff/professional development/All year
                       Quality engagement with whānau.                                                                                                 Eric, staff/time/ongoing.
                       Agentic practices reinforced by a planned and coherent introduction of our new HERO SMS.                                        Eric, staff/time/ongoing.
                       A further year of ALiM undertaken by our maths lead.                                                                            Eric, staff/time/ongoing. Eric/Jeanette
                       Sustained and ongoing commitment to:                                                                                            Eric/Jeanette/Budget-Kāhui Ako and teacher release/ongoing PD
                                 Social maths
                                 Maths talk
                                 Whānau involvement/engagement
                                 Problem solving strategies
                                 Choral counting
                                 Enabling students to lead through play and experimentation
                                 Real-life learning contexts as per annual plan

            10 of 10                                                                                                                              dale                                                                              2021_Dale ield School BOT
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