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Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears   •   329

          AT SEARS

                  Steven P. Kirn, Anthony J. Rucci,1 Mark A. Huselid,
                  and Brian E. Becker

          This article describes the HR Management System in place at Sears. Key emphases of Sears’
          HR management infrastructure include: (1) formulating and communicating a corporate
          mission, vision, and goals, (2) employee education and development through the Sears Uni-
          versity, (3) performance management and incentive compensation systems linked closely to
          the firm’s strategy, (4) validated employee selection systems, and (5) delivering the "HR Ba-
          sics” very competently. Key challenges for the future include: (1) maintaining momentum in
          the performance improvement process, (2) identifying barriers to success, and (3) clearly
          articulating HR’s role in the change management process. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

                 Introduction                          and divesting Allstate, Coldwell Banker, the        The makeover
                                                       Discover Card, and Dean Witter brokerage in         also included a
                                                                                                           focus on a target
  We’ll know we have been successful as HR             order to focus on Sears’ core businesses. Sears     customer—the
  leaders when there is no perceived need for          is now in the midst of a five-year-old trans-       middle class
  HR anymore—when we are transparent.                  formation that includes a $4 billion store          American mom
            —Senior HR Professional, Sears             refurbishing program. The makeover also             (25–54,
                                                       included a focus on a target customer—the           homeowner with
                                                                                                           a household
Sears, Roebuck, & Company incorporated in              middle class American mom (25–54, home-
                                                                                                           income between
1886 and is currently a retailing giant with a         owner with a household income between               $25,000 and
market capitalization over $41 billion. Arthur         $25,000 and $60,000)—and implementing a             $60,000)—and
Martinez, CEO of Sears, is effecting a sig-            complementary marketing campaign of focus-          implementing a
nificant transformation of this retailing insti-       ing on “the softer side of Sears”. These ef-        complementary
tution by broadening its scope to include an                                                               marketing
                                                       forts have been rewarded by an increase in
                                                                                                           campaign of
expanded array of home repair services and             market share and profits, and by Sears being        focusing on “the
thousands of small stores, most of which will          named by Fortune this year as the most inno-        softer side of
be closer to consumers and farther from shop-          vative general-merchandise retailer.                Sears”.
ping malls. Martinez took the helm in 1992,                The firm’s recent reorganization (in early
when Sears was losing $3.4 billion annually,           1996) left it with five distinct business units:
and has since rejuvenated the company                  (1) full-line stores (approximately 250,000
through eliminating the Sears Catalog;                 employees), (2) home or “off the mall” stores
downsizing 50,000 jobs; closing 113 unprof-            that include hardware, Homelife furniture,
itable stores; selling the famous Sears Tower;         dealer stores, and a variety of new concept

Human Resource Management, Winter 1999, Vol. 38, No. 4, Pp. 329–335
© 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.                                                                    CCC 0090-4848/99/040329-07
330   •   H UMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Winter 1999

                    specialty stores under development (approxi-        much of the “low hanging fruit”, and that go-
                    mately 10,000 employees), (3) automotive (tires,    ing forward, incremental improvements
                    parts, service, and Western Auto; approximately     through HR will be much harder to find.
                    35,000 employees), (4) home services (product            Both CEO Martinez and Tony Rucci point
                    services and licensed businesses; approximately     to the importance of employee ownership in
                    30,000 employees), and (5) Sears credit (12,000     facilitating the implementation of Sears’ strat-
                    employees). These business units were created       egy, stating that “Ownership is the next phase
                    to discourage management from making deci-          in the transformation of Sears”. They argue
                    sions solely through the lens of the full-line      for the importance of creating an “ownership
                    stores, and to help management develop and          culture” at Sears that involves each employee
                    implement strategies tailored to their particu-     staying informed, taking action, and building
                    lar market segments. Sears recently sold off its    a financial stake in the future of the business.
                    interest in Sears Mexico, leaving a 49% stake in    In the following sections we highlight those
                    Sears Canada as its only international opera-       HR practices, policies, or strategies we con-
                    tion. CEO Martinez does not have any further        sider to be “high impact” (i.e., Sears was very
                    international expansion plans, noting that in-      good at them and such policies did have or
                    ternationalizing Sears is “eleventh on his top      were expected to have a significant effect on
                    ten list of things to do”. The company is, how-     the success of the firm).
                    ever, moving into marketing and selling certain
                    key products via the Internet.                          High Impact HR Policies at Sears
                         Central to the implementation of Sears’
                    new strategy will be the opening of 380 new         Formulating and Communicating a Corpo-
                    stores this year, of which 358 will be freestand-   rate Mission, Vision, and Goals
 After some         ing specialty outlets (e.g., some of which will
experimentation     sell only hard goods like tools and automotive      Perhaps the most salient of Sears’ “best prac-
with a more
                    parts representing “the harder side of Sears”).     tices” in the management of people is reflected
mission and         Martinez explained the irony of the obvious         in its process for developing a clear competi-
vision statement    contradictions by stating “a hallmark of great      tive strategy and associated operational goals,
(which was found    companies is an ability to recognize the game       and then relentlessly communicating both
to have little      has changed and to adapt”. In order to achieve      strategy and goals to employees. After some
direct impact on    this flexibility, he also recognizes his people     experimentation with a more “conventional”
behavior), Sears    have to be re-educated to the structural and        mission and vision statement (which was
developed a         business strategy changes and made to “feel         found to have little direct impact on employee
conceptual          comfortable outside a command-and-control           behavior), Sears developed a conceptual model
model of firm       environment . . . getting them used to risk tak-    of firm performance linking employees, cus-
performance         ing and innovation. . . .”                          tomers, and shareholders in a causal chain.
                                                                        This model, known throughout the firm as the
customers, and                       HR at Sears                        “three Cs” (for the creation of a compelling
shareholders in a                                                       place to work, compelling place to shop, and
causal chain.       The HR community at Sears, under the di-            a compelling place to invest), was subse-
                    rection (through early 1998) of Senior VP of        quently validated with very substantial
                    Administration and HR, Tony Rucci, has been         amounts of data collection and econometric
                    widely identified as the single most important      analysis. In 1995 Sears hired a consulting firm
                    business group in leading the change efforts        skilled in econometrics to help analyze data
                    within the firm, most of which have come            taken from 800 stores throughout the system
                    about largely as a result of purposive changes      (Rucci, Kirn, & Quinn, 1998; Yeung &
                    in the way in which Sears manages its people.       Berman, 1997). These analyses confirmed
                    The HR function has clarified its vision, added     what Sears’ management had long believed:
                    more resources, and moved its staff closer to       Corporate financial performance is a lagging
                    the stores, but this has raised the expectations    indicator, informative about what has already
                    of the firm around HR going forward. There          happened throughout the firm, but providing
                    is the sense that HR at Sears has eliminated        little information about what will happen.
Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears    •   331

Sears was able to establish that in its “high    the most recent results along with the tar-
touch” retailing environment, employee atti-     get and the stretch goals that have been
tudes affected customer attitudes and behav-     set for the firm. The hope and intent is
ior, both of which affected Sears’ financial     that they will cause managers to become
performance. Moreover, Sears has been able       more proactive.
to show that an increase in employee satisfac-        Given Sears’ focus of the development of
tion in one quarter will increase customer       the three Cs, it should come as no surprise to
retention in the next quarter, which will sub-   learn that the firm has identified a series of
sequently be reflected in shareholder returns    12 leadership competencies that are intended
the quarter after that. Yeung and Berman         to support each of the three “Compellings”.
(1997) describe the magnitude of these inter-    There is significant commitment to the 12
relationships as follows:                        competencies because there was widespread
                                                 participation in their development. Over 100
  . . . for every 5% improvement in associates   executives participated in the process, which       One surprising
  behaviors, customer retention was increased    included a significant amount of survey work        and consistent
                                                                                                     outcome of this
  by 1.3%, revenues by 1.04% and profit by       and focus groups. An interesting point is that
                                                                                                     process was the
  0.4%.                                          the 12 competencies do not apply exclusively        finding that most
     What does this mean to Sears? It means      to exempt employees: Sears has four levels          employees had
  that if Sears succeeds in improving associ-    of employees throughout the firm, and               very little
  ates behaviors by 5% (e.g., from 50% to        the competencies are generic to all levels,         understanding of
                                                                                                     the financial and
  55%), its revenue will be increased by $300    although each level may have different
  million (Sears’ current revenue is approxi-    behavioral expectations.                            aspects of Sears’
  mately $38 billion). (p. 326)                       As noted above, in developing the three        business.
                                                 Cs a large number of focus groups were con-
    As such, much of Sears’ competitive          ducted at all levels of the organization, in one
strategy involves making the firm a compel-      way or another involving 80,000 associates.
ling place to work and to shop, which it has     One surprising and consistent outcome of this
demonstrated will subsequently make it a         process was the finding that most employees
compelling place to invest. Sears’ “3C”          had very little understanding of the financial
model and its associated measurement in-         and operations aspects of Sears’ business.
dicators consist of the following elements:      Thus, the firm developed a series of interven-
                                                 tions to increase the level of economic literacy
    1. Compelling Place to Work. Measured        among the employees while concurrently re-
       via associates’ attitudes toward their    inforcing the firm’s mission, vision, values, and
       company and their jobs (the “My           the three Cs.
       Opinion Counts” survey).                       One very visible way in which Sears does
    2. Compelling Place to Shop. Contains        this is through the development of a series of
       measures of both customer satisfac-       Learning Maps. Learning Maps take the form
       tion and customer retention.              of large poster-sized graphical representations
    3. Compelling Place to Invest. Contains      of a variety of topics of importance to the
       measures of revenue growth, operat-       implementation of Sears’ strategy. Highly col-
       ing margin, and return on assets.         orful and engaging, Sears has developed five
                                                 Learning Maps to date, covering such topics
    As a result of this research process, and    as (1) Ownership: How does it create value?
simplicity and clarity of the message con-       What effect does it have on shareholder
tained in the three Cs, this framework has       wealth?; (2) Sears Total Performance Indica-
a considerable amount of credibility in the      tors, including a detailed description of the
eyes of management. Data are collected on        interrelationships among the three Cs; (3) a
an ongoing basis on workplace, customer,         New Day on Retail Street, which describes the
and shareholder outcomes; and these data         changes in the retailing industry and docu-
are presented to the Sears workforce on a        ments the shift from mall to “off the mall”
quarterly and an annual basis—including          stores; (4) Voices of Our Customers, which
332   •   H UMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Winter 1999

                   describes the changing demographics and prod-            dedicated building for Sears University. The im-
                   uct/service choice processes of the Sears’ cus-          petus for Sears University came from the Se-
                   tomer base; and (5) The Sears Money Flow,                nior Executive team, who fully funded the
                   which describes how each dollar of revenue is            initiative. While there is recognition that at some
                   spent at Sears. Learning maps are presented to           point they may have to charge back regions or
                   employees in focus groups of ten employees,              stores for services, the initial intent was to fully
                   and the response to them has been overwhelm-             fund the program at the corporate level to re-
                   ingly positive. Learning Maps, in conjunction            duce any resistance to using the services and
                   with a variety of other communication tools, all         also to build a strong base of support for what
The impetus for
Sears University   help Sears to help its workforce become engaged          the leadership is trying to do. Executives in
came from the      and informed.                                            charge of Sears University cite the strong links
Senior Executive                                                            between the curriculum, the Sears’ strategy, and
team, who fully    Education: The Sears University                          senior management buy-in, as critical success
funded the                                                                  factors in the project’s success.
                   Designed to a very great extent as a vehicle to
                   help Sears transmit its culture and “DNA” to             Performance Management and Incentive
                   the new and continuing workforce, Sears Uni-             Compensation Systems
                   versity offered its first courses in the fall of 1994.
                   With a curriculum consisting of classroom as             Like many organizations, Sears has increased
                   well as cassette, CD-interactive, and self-paced         its emphasis on performance management and
                   instruction, employees self-select into classes          incentive compensation systems in the recent
                   based on a developmental plan negotiated with            past. Sears believes that its management pro-
                   their managers (as part of the performance               cess must be linked closely to the three Cs for
                   management process). The capacity of Sears               it to be effective, and it is well on the way to
                   University is currently about 20,000 managers            achieving this objective. For Sears this has
                   annually. Course sign-ups are on a first come-           meant a recrafting of these systems to reflect
                   first served basis, and the University is currently      the importance of the three Cs on evaluating
                   only able to satisfy two-thirds of the demand            and developing the 12 leadership competen-
                   for the courses. The courses are offered at Sears’       cies that the firm has identified (this process
                   corporate headquarters in Chicago and at seven           is described in a 70-page manual made avail-
                   regional centers located around the country.             able to managers).
                   Entry-level courses are taught almost exclusively             While the firm has provided managers
                   by Sears’ managers, with outside faculty used            with multi-perspective performance apprais-
                   more frequently at the senior management level.          als for nearly five years, this process is now
                   Outsiders are used only if they can demonstrate          being much more broadly implemented
                   that they know Sears very well and are able to           throughout the firm. To deal with any po-
                   effectively integrate the three Cs and the 12            tential negative consequences arising from
                   leadership dimensions into their courses. Go-            this process, the firm is providing coaching
                   ing forward, the firm is considering the use of          and training on dealing with the feedback
                   additional distance learning methodologies and           plus individual attention as well, if neces-
                   going on-line with courses. Interestingly, Sears         sary. Overall, it is felt that this process
                   U makes its faculty available for 4 to 5 weeks a         (which is mandatory all the way down to
                   year for consulting on “special projects” that           mid-level managers) has effected a signifi-
                   might come up; this often involves working with          cant change in the behavior of managers
                   a team to solve a problem in a troubled store.           because they know that they will be held
                   And as a general rule, Sears U has a strong pref-        accountable for their behavior. For the Sales
                   erence for teaching and working with intact              Associates working in the stores, the process
                   teams or work groups, as it is felt that this fa-        differs somewhat. In an effort to gain more
                   cilitates the transfer of knowledge back to the          direct feedback on employees, Sears ran-
                   store or office.                                         domly prints a $5 coupon on sales receipts,
                        The concept has been wildly successful,             which can be redeemed if customers call
                   so much so that the firm plans to build a                an 800 number (at their convenience) and
Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears     •   333

provide the store with detailed feedback              cannot deliver the services better or cheaper
about their shopping experience.                      on an outsourced basis. One way this process
      For managers, total compensation is com-        has been facilitated was to reduce over a seven-
prised of base, annual incentive, and (for the        year period the number of associate service
top 250 managers in the firm) long-term               centers (handling employee benefit questions)
incentives. Sears is now focusing more on pay         from 200 to just a single center. The delivery
for performance (incentive pay is becoming            of the HR basics in a world-class manner is
more variable), and this pay is based to a larger     one important way in which the firm keeps
extent on customer service than in the past.          and gains legitimacy with line managers and
Sears bases variable pay 50% on financial             other constituencies throughout the firm.
performance, 25% on measures linked to cre-
ating a compelling place to work, and 25% on                  Challenges Facing HR at Sears
measures linked to creating a compelling place
to shop (for 1998 these proportions will be           The business turnaround at Sears in the last
33% each). Sears has also increased incentive         four years and the ongoing efforts at cultural
pay levels from the 50th to the 60th percen-          transformation have been impressive. A corner-
tile in its benchmark sample of firms with high       stone of this process has been the articulation
total shareholder return (the target is to move       of what Sears wants to be known for (a compel-
to the 75th percentile). The intent of this move      ling place to work, shop, and invest), and sub-
was to increase the quality of new applicants         stantial energy has been invested in infusing the
and to aid in the retention of high potential         three Cs into Sears’ culture. Over the past sev-
employees. In addition, all salaried associates       eral quarters, however, the pace of improvement
receive annual stock option grants.                   in revenues, customer satisfaction ratings, and
                                                      associates’ attitudes about Sears as a place to
Employee Selection Systems                            work has slowed. In addition, there is a growing
                                                      sense that the firm is losing momentum (or even     For example, the
Still another area of competency for Sears is         worse, losing ground) in the desire and willing-    basic transaction
reflected in the development and deployment           ness to do what it takes to continue the signifi-   processing issues
                                                                                                          are handled so
of a series of validated selection devices for        cant levels of improvement recently achieved.
                                                                                                          efficiently that a
hourly and managerial employees, as well as an        In fact, the firm describes itself as “reaching a   number of
extensive series of structured interview guides       crossroads”. Actions taken today may determine      consulting firms
for a wide variety of positions. For example,         whether Sears:                                      have told Sears
selection tools have been developed to assess                                                             that they cannot
an applicant’s “customer service aptitude and             •    successfully reinvigorates the orga-       deliver the
                                                                                                          services better or
dependability”. There is a stated policy that all              nization to continue improving,            cheaper on an
applicants will be administered a selection test          •    accepts its progress to date as “good      outsourced basis.
if one is available for the position for which they            enough”, or
are applying. These selection tools are aided by          •    regresses to a pre-turnaround men-
a computerized system to manage employee                       tality.
hiring (RESTRAC) and a recently introduced
job posting system. The use of these tools is         The challenge, of course, is to build a strat-
facilitated through the development of a very         egy that ensures the “successful reinvigo-
clear written documentation for these tests.          ration” outcome for Sears. Those leading
                                                      the HR organization at Sears are currently
Delivery of the “HR Basics”                           using the following questions to help frame
                                                      a discussion on how to achieve this:
Finally, and of significant consequence, the
firm is described as consistently delivering the          •    What makes us think that we’re losing
“nuts and bolts” HR very competently. For                      momentum in our desire to improve?
example, the basic transaction processing is-             •    What does a “compelling place” look
sues are handled so efficiently that a number                  like to our associates, customers, and
of consulting firms have told Sears that they                  investors?
334   •   H UMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, Winter 1999

                       •   Do we know people who exemplify this                 time employees to the three Cs?
                           vision when we see them? What do                - Seeing “change management” as
                           we do about those that don’t? Do our                 something that can be put in a
                           promotion, termination, and recogni-                 binder or around which a meet-
                           tion programs accurately define who’s                ing can be built?
                           “got it” and who hasn’t?                    •   What is HR’s role in driving contin-
                       •   What barriers slow us down or un-               ued improvement? Have we abdicated
                           dermine change efforts?                         responsibility by saying “it’s not an HR
                           - Few people know what “transfor-               issue”? If so, is that a mistake?
                                mation” means—and many more            •   Is it possible to create a large, con-
                                are just plain tired of hearing that       tinuously self-renewing organization
                                word?                                      or must change, by necessity, proceed
                           - Loss of heart or lack of commit-              in “bursts”, precipitated by some
                                ment at the top?                           crisis?
                           - Diffusion of focus or lack of co-         •   What are the likely consequences for
                                operation across multiple busi-            Sears if we don’t fully engage our as-
                                ness formats?                              sociates in making Sears a compelling
                           - Failure to connect our many part-             place to work, shop, and invest?
Strategic Human Resource Management at Sears   •   335

         STEVE KIRN is Vice President, Organizational Learning and Development for Sears,
         Roebuck, and Co. In this role he is responsible for Sears’ management and executive
         development programs, for corporate direction of training efforts in Sears’ various
         business groups, and for organizational change and development programs. He is also
         responsible for developing strategies to support continuous learning and businesses
         throughout Sears. Prior to joining Sears he was a Principal with the consulting firm of
         William M. Mercer, Inc., in its human resource management consulting practice.
         Dr. Kirn earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in clinical psychology from the University
         of Florida.

         ANTHONY J. RUCCI holds a bachelors, a Masters, and a Ph.D. in organizational psy-
         chology from Bowling Green State University. Dr. Rucci became Dean of the College
         of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in 1998.
         From 1979 to 1993 he was employed by Baxter, ending his career there as Senior VP
         for corporate strategy, business development, and media and investor relations. Be-
         tween 1993 and 1998 he was Executive Vice President for Administration for Sears.
         He is a Fellow in the National Academy of Human Resources and was recently named
         to Human Resource Executive Magazine’s Executive of the Year Honor Roll. In 1997
         he was named Executive of the Year by the International Association of College and
         Professional Recruiters.

         BRIAN E. BECKER (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin–Madison) is Professor of Human
         Resources, and Chairman of the Department of Organization and Human Resources,
         in the School of Management at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Professor
         Becker has published widely on the financial effects of employment systems, in both
         union and non-union organizations. His current research and consulting interests fo-
         cus on the relationship between human resources systems, strategy implementation,
         and firm performance.

         MARK A. HUSELID is an Associate Professor in the School of Management and Labor
         Relations (SMLR) at Rutgers University. He holds a Ph.D. in Human Resource Manage-
         ment, an M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and an M.B.A. His current
         research and consulting activities focus on measuring and evaluating the impact of hu-
         man resource management systems on firm performance. He has published widely on
         these topics and currently serves on the editorial board of five major academic journals.
         The recipient of numerous awards for his research, Huselid is on the Board of Directors
         of the SHRM Foundation and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Human
         Resource Management Division of the Academy of Management.


Rucci, A.J., Kirn, S.P., & Quinn, R.T. (1998, January–      through human resources: Reorienting human
    February). The employee-customer-profit chain at        resource measurement to drive business perfor-
    Sears. Harvard Business Review, 83–97.                  mance. Human Resource Management, 36, 321–
Yeung, A.K., & Berman, B. (1997). Adding value              335.


1. Dr. Rucci was employed at Sears during the preparation of this article.
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