Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

Page created by Ross Thomas
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman
Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman
C O N N E C T, C R E A T E , C O N S E R V E
The Zoo works to plan a future
The core mission of the Zoo has remained virtually unchanged since
our founding: To conserve animals and their habitats through animal
management, research, recreation, and educational programs that
encourage the support and enrich the experience of the public.
In other words, we connect people to wildlife and nature, we create
award-winning habitats to help us attend to the animals in our care,
and we conserve animals to assure sustainable populations for the future.
After the Saint Louis Zoo acquired 425 acres in the north St. Louis County
and won the unprecedented 2018 Prop Z sales tax campaign,
we knew it was essential to undertake a new Strategic Plan. And we knew
this plan was critical as we plan this next phase of the Zoo’s history.
The following strategic directions have been developed after many hours
of discussion with Zoo volunteer leadership together with key Zoo staff.
Each participant brought knowledge and experience to these areas
of focus for the Zoo. All strategic directions also take into account the
additional campus for the Zoo to accomplish its goals.
We are excited to move into the next phase of the Saint Louis Zoo.
We are humbled to have both the philanthropic support of so many to
accomplish our vision as well as the support of the St. Louis community.

Jeffrey P. Bonner, Ph.D.
Dana Brown President & CEO
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     ANIMAL WELFARE and DYNAMIC EXHIBITS
                     To provide the highest standards of animal care and welfare,
                     maximize species sustainability, present animals to the public in a
                     dynamic and impactful fashion, and connect the public to the Zoo’s
                     conservation message.

Key aspirational        »   Grow to be a national and international leader in advancing the
strategies include          field of animal care and welfare.
                        »   Become a leader in exceptional animal care and welfare in a
                            transparent and compelling manner.
                        »   Create experiences that are specifically designed to connect
                            people with animals in a profoundly emotional way so that they
                            are inspired to join us in participating in conservation actions.
                            (i.e. web, exhibits, media, etc.).
                        »   Develop a model Conservation and Animal Science Center
                            that utilizes population management/sustainability, animal
                            behavior, clinical medicine, wildlife conservation and ecology,
                            One Health, pathology, and welfare to save animals that are on
                            the edge of extinction.
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     GUEST EXPERIENCE
                     To build upon the nation’s best guest experience among zoos and
                     aquariums and connect our audience to our conservation message.

                     As the Saint Louis Zoo embarks on our next decade of growth, we must
                     recognize that we are now part of an experience economy. Consumers
                     are shifting their purchases from goods to experiences. Growth in
                     experience purchasing is four times that of goods. It is expected that
                     by 2023, spending on experiences will be $12 billion. Millennials,
                     a large diverse generation, lead the way in spending in the experience
                     economy. There are several elements of experiences fueling this boom:
                     they can be shared by friends and families, the guest participation
                     supports other social causes or engages the intellect, and the
                     experience provides an affective response that is “sticky” or stays with
                     you. All of this learning will help shape the focus of increasing and
                     developing a superior guest experience.

Key aspirational        »   Foster a culture and build staff driven to provide consistent,
strategies include          high-quality guest experiences.
                        »   Attract new and under-represented audiences in our current
                            guest makeup and foster a truly inclusive experience for all.
                        »   Create a world-class experience inspiring wonder and awe in
                            fostering emotional transformation.
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     W I L D L I F E CO N SE R VAT I O N
                     To be a global leader in wildlife conservation and science.

                     Zoos are unique among all conservation organizations worldwide.
                     No other type of conservation organization cares for and maintains
                     extensive numbers of threatened and endangered species.
                     In addition, because zoos have live animals, zoos provide a
                     living classroom to answer critical conservation questions.
                     The Saint Louis Zoo is working locally and globally to solve
                     conservation challenges through rigorous conservation research,
                     advocacy and action here at the Zoo and in nature.

Key aspirational        »   Commit at least half of the Zoo’s operating expenses to
strategies include          conservation and science.
                        »   Become the international model for MULTI-Sector
                            collaborative conservation.
                        »   Create a Conservation Academy that serves as a model for
                            training and mentoring in the conservation sciences.
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     CO N SE R VAT I O N E D U C AT I O N
                     To be a global leader and innovator in conservation education by
                     empowering people to care about wildlife and actively pursue an
                     environmentally conscious relationship with the planet.

Key aspirational        »   Secure dedicated resources and establish new operational
strategies include          models to support and grow conservation education
                            initiatives based on community needs and that show
                            evidence of greatest impact.
                        »   Develop into the leading regional resource to deepen people’s
                            connections to the natural world, increase people’s caring
                            about nature, and extend their positive impact on wildlife and
                            their habitats.
                        »   Come to be a global leader in partnering with agencies and
                            communities to create a united voice that strongly advocates for
                            wildlife and their habitats.
                        »   Create a national model for cradle through retirement pathways
                            to grow conservationists and conservation advocates reflective
                            of our communities for both campuses.
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     To be a model for sustainable operations and infrastructure that
                     preserves the Zoo’s heritage and positions us as the nation’s
                     greenest zoo.

                     The Zoo is home to beautiful, well-cared-for buildings (some of
                     which have existed for 100 years or more) as well as striking modern
                     structures designed to be both functional and sustainable. The grounds
                     of the Zoo can be compared to the lushest botanic garden, and our
                     animal habitats provide for the best possible care for our animals. With
                     the implementation of the Strategic Plan, the Zoo will re-double its
                     efforts to be a model for sustainable operations.

Key aspirational        »   Become the best sustainable zoo from vendor to guest and to
strategies include          become the nation’s “greenest zoo” by setting and achieving
                            measurable goals.
                        »   Engage in a master planning process that results in unique
                            and groundbreaking guest experiences and optimal animal
                        »   Maintain our physical infrastructure in a proactive manner that
                            supports operational excellence and promotes a culture focused
                            on sustainability and preventative maintenance.
                        »   Provide exceptional spaces for guests, employees, programs
                            and Zoo operations.
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     OUR PEOPLE
                     Ensure that the Saint Louis Zoo is one of the best places to work, volunteer
                     and serve in the country and is an organization where every individual
                     knows and understands how their role connects to the conservation
                     mission of the Zoo.

Key aspirational        »   Become a model organization for pioneering advancements in
strategies include          diversity, inclusivity and representation of its communities across all
                            departments and levels.
                        »   Support, inspire and implement a cultural evolution from equality-
                            based to equity-based thinking.
                        »   Design bold and dynamic organizational structures for evolving and
                            growing both campuses that promote opportunity and growth and
                            ensure operational success.
                        »   Attract new entrants into the workforce by providing the best first
                            job experience imaginable and provide skill development that will
                            enrich for a lifetime.
                        »   Leverage technology, innovation and other resources in the
                            workplace to offer Zoo employees and volunteers a best-in-class
                        »   Engage our volunteers in ways that make them feel like an integral
                            part of the organization’s mission and create lifelong Zoo advocates.
                        »   Foster a culture of continuous improvement by investing in the
                            development of our employees and aligning their personal
                            aspirations with professional growth opportunities.
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     S U STA I N A B L E G R OW T H
                     Generate sufficient financial resources and relationships to build
                     a financially viable institution into the future while keeping the
                     Zoo free to all.

                     This Strategic Plan is far and away the most ambitious program we
                     have ever contemplated. This means we must embark upon, and
                     complete, the most successful fundraising campaign in the history
                     of the Zoo. While our support base is extensive and our mission and
                     program is exciting, we know we must have strong volunteer leadership
                     to succeed. While we have an experienced and talented professional
                     staff, we also recognize the importance of expanding that professional
                     staff to meet the needs of the campaign and providing them with the
                     resources needed to do the job.

Key aspirational        »   Complete the most successful comprehensive fundraising
strategies include          campaign in the history of the Zoo.
                        »   Become a leader in furthering the Saint Louis Zoo’s impact on
                            our region, country and world by developing dynamic financial
                        »   Be excellent stewards of our resources through proper planning
                            and expense control.
                        »   Cultivate and grow public financial support.
                        »   Model creative, high-impact and diversified earned revenue
Strategic Plan - Shelli Herman

                     CO M M U N I C AT I O N S
                     Create an integrated communication plan to support all the goals
                     contained within the Strategic Plan.

Key aspirational        »   Build upon the current perception as a beloved institution by
strategies include          continuing to promote the Zoo as the premier attraction in the
                            region for building family memories and connecting people with
                            animals and nature. This will be accomplished through strategic
                            message strategies employed through traditional paid and
                            earned media and by continuing to be responsive to digital and
                            web trends.
                        »   Grow the perception of the Saint Louis Zoo to that of a leading
                            conservation organization through targeted, key messages
                            to a variety of specific local, regional, national and
                            international audiences.
                        »   Create awareness and high consumer interest in the compelling
                            new wildlife adventure experience offered at the Saint Louis Zoo
                            WildCare Park, continually targeting Saint Louis Zoo guests,
                            the local community and the larger tourist community.
                            This will include strong partnerships to reach tourists to the
                            region and by leveraging the strong established brand of the
                            Saint Louis Zoo.

                     T EC H N O LO GY SE R V I CES
                     Create an integrated, strategic Information Technology plan to support
                     the goals of the Strategic Plan.

                     Like much of the Zoo’s non-technology-related infrastructure,
                     the Zoo’s IT infrastructure continually requires updating. The Zoo needs
                     to upgrade and streamline its Point of Sale System; it needs its online
                     sales and reservations systems to perform better; our various systems
                     need to communicate and integrate seamlessly with each other; and
                     our exhibits, attractions and equipment need to continue to become
                     more modernized and efficient. This Strategic Plan elevates the role
                     of Technology Services from a break-fix entity to a Strategic Business
                     Partner focused on ensuring the Saint Louis Zoo has the capabilities to
                     meet and exceed the goals proposed throughout this plan.

Key aspirational        »   Incorporate technologies that deliver overall value,
strategies include          based on enhanced capability, reduced costs and
                            alignment with organizational initiatives.
                        »   Implement a futuristic technology landscape supportive of
                            unique, immersive experiences designed to be transformative
                            catalyst for employees, guests and volunteers.
                        »   Put into operation an organizational innovation platform that
                            encourages and supports transparent, intentional, purposeful
                            collaboration throughout the organization.
                                                               Winthorp B. Reed III, Co-Chair   Wendy J. Henry               Steven F. Schankman
                                                               John R. Sondag, Co-Chair         Robert R. Hermann, Jr.       Robert T. Sharp
                                                               Joseph T. Ambrose                Jerald L. Kent               Robert B. Smith III
                                                               Cynthia J. Brinkley              Alicia S. McDonnell          Maria G. Taxman
                                                               Steven Finerty JD, CFP           Patrick J. Moore             Lawrence E. Thomas
                                                               Matthew W. Geekie                Chonda Nwamu                 James E. Williams Jr.
                                                               Kenneth H. Hannah                James Sansone

                                                               STA K E H O L D E R E N G A G E M E N T G R O U P :
                                                               Barbara C. Archer                Janet M. Holloway            Tom Ott
                                                               Thomas G. Barnett                Joseph F. Imbs III           Kevin M. Pesko
                                                               Susan S. Block                   Chrissie Jenkins             Mike Poletti
                                                               Senator Christopher              Molly M. Jones               Kitty Radcliffe
                                                                 “Kit” Bond                     Jeremy Kane                  Lauren Remspecher
                                                               Christine Boushka                Frank Kartmann               Ann Rice
                                                               James H. Buford                  Alan Kindsvater              Thomas W. Santel
                                                               Alex Burkart                     Wendy Knudsen                Nancy Schnuck-Diemer
                                                               August A. Busch III              F. Holmes Lamoreux           Megan Schwedtmann
                                                               Christine Chadwick               Katie Lineberry              Maddie Sciortino
                                                               W. Thomas Chulick                Carol Loeb                   Curtis B. Searcy
                                                               Congressman Lacy Clay, Jr.       Karen Lorenzini              Reverend Dr. Ernest G.
C O N N E C T, C R E A T E , C O N S E R V E V I S I O N       Karen L. Condie                                                 Shields, Sr.
                                                                                                Joseph O. Losos
                                                               Sander H. Coovert                                             Dr. Michael D. Shonrock
With this Strategic Plan as our blueprint, we’re excited                                        Melissa Markwort
                                                               Charles Drury, Jr.                                            John Simmons
to venture forward and continue to build up our Zoo as a                                        Richard and Nancy Marston
                                                               Nina O. Durham                   Ryan J. Martin               Suzanne Sitherwood
renowned institution, both in our St. Louis community
                                                               Sharon D. Fiehler                Reverend Eric Mason          Kim Sonderman
and beyond.
                                                               Jeffrey L. Fox                   James S. Mazzio              David L. Steward
As evident by this plan, we are passionate about the work      Pamela A. Glaser                                              Jack Terschluse
                                                                                                Eleni Mazzola
we do. We also approach our Zoo’s overall mission from many    Janis G. Goldstein                                            Anthony R. Tersigni
                                                                                                Susan B. McCollum
unique angles. Whether through animal welfare, providing       Hugh Grant                       Charles L. Merz              Trudy Busch Valentine
a great guest experience, conserving wildlife, education,      Tracy C. Green                   Dr. Sean P. Mulqueeny O.D.   Mahlon B. Wallace III
sustainable architecture, supporting staff and volunteers,     Shawn Hagan                      Reverend Dr. Earl. E.        John K. Wallace, Jr.
fundraising and building relationships, communicating          Meghan Haines                      Nance, Jr.                 Senator Gina Walsh
effectively, or implementing the most useful technology,       Gary A. Halls                    Heather Navarro              Rochelle Walton-Grey
our drive ultimately leads to one fundamental value: we are    Robert R. Hermann                Christopher Nazaruk, ARe     Eric Werner
dedicated to caring for animals.                               Georgey K. Herron                Linda O’Hara                 Susan Werner
                                                               Lesley Hoffarth                  Kathy Osborn                 Thelma Zalk
By working together and continuing to evaluate our goals, we
can make a lasting difference for animals, people and
our planet.
ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N                   ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N                   ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N
GROUP 1:                                          GROUP 2:                                          GROUP 3:
ANIMAL WELFARE AND                                GUEST EXPERIENCE                                  W I L D L I F E CO N SE R VAT I O N
DYNAMIC EXHIBITS                                  Volunteers:                                       Volunteers:              Staff:
Volunteers:               Yoni Danieli            Chonda Nwamu, Co-Chair                            Pat Moore, Chair         Lauren Augustine
Alicia McDonnell, Chair   Dustin Deschamp         Wendy J. Henry, Co-Chair                          Leif Bergquist           Steve Barth
Joyce Wood-Buchheit       Mary Duncan             Joseph T. Ambrose                                 Clifford K. Holekamp     Karen Bauman
Dr. Edmond B. Cabbabe     Martha Fischer          Michael Dierberg                                  Andrew S. Love           Dr. Jeffrey Bonner
Dr. Eva L. Frazer         Kayla Garcia            Steven Finerty JD, CFP                            Anna E. McKelvey         Mike Dawson
David Hatfield            Leslie Garner           Jacob Herschend                                   Dr. Patty Parker         Dr. Sharon Deem
Steve Holmes              Chris Hanley            Ricky L. Hopkins Sr.                              Mark J. Schnuck          Dustin Deschamp
Jerald L. Kent            Julie Hartell-DeNardo   Karen Lorenzini                                   Ashish Sinha             Martha Fischer
Debbie Milner             Amanda Hausman          Michael Loynd                                     Joseph R. Sivewright     Bill Houston
Judith B. Kouchoukos      Heidi Hellmuth          Jennifer T. McGrath                               Dr. MariaTeresa          Lisa Kelley
                                                  Julia Mize                                          Tersigni-Tarrant       Lisa Lidgus
Joseph O. Losos           Cynthia Holter
                                                  Elizabeth Monticelli                              Virgil Van Trease        Jonathan Losos
Dr. Jonathan Losos        Ted Hornbeck
                                                  John L. Morris                                    Wendy Knudsen            Michael Macek
Lisa W. Nouss             Bill Houston
                                                  Andy Newman                                       Susan Williams           David McGuire
Neal F. Perryman          Jeffrey Huntington
Dr. Steven S. Pope        Lisa Kelley             Robert F. O’Loughlin                                                       Bob Merz             ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N
Dr. Will R. Ross MPH      Lisa Lidgus             Gregory Portell                                                            Dr. Luis Padilla     GROUP 4:
Robert B. Smith III       Michael Macek           Stephen M. Reese                                                           Cassandra Ray        CO N SE R VAT I O N E D U C AT I O N
Kathy Snowden             David McGuire           Lauren E. Remspecher                                                       Anne Tieber          Volunteers:              Staff:
Patty Taylor              Jane Merkel             Steven F. Schankman                                                        Eric Vreeland        Maria Taxman, Chair      Steve Barth
Dan Watt                  Kayla Garcia            Robert T. Sharp                                                                                 Dr. Theresa Coble        Dr. Jeffrey Bonner
                                                                             Michael Macek
Robert Williams           Dr. Jo-Elle Mogerman    Michael Staenberg                                                                               Laura Courtney           Emily Bowling
                                                                             Jim Madison
Staff:                    Sydney Oliveira         Kevin Travers                                                                                   Stephanie C. Dorris      Louise Bradshaw
                                                                             Jordan Mandel
Victor Alm                Dr. Luis Padilla        Lottie Wade                                                                                     Dr. Paul Evensen         Mary Brong
                                                                             Andrew Marti
Lauren Augustine          Katie Pilgram-Kloppe    James E. Williams Jr.                                                                           Dr. Edward Hightower     John Clark
                                                                             David McGuire
Steve Barth               David Powell            Staff:                                                                                          Mark W. Hubbert          Dr. Sharon Deem
                                                                             Dr. Jo-Elle Mogerman
Karen Bauman              Cassandra Ray           Steve Barth                                                                                     Dr. Rhonda Key           Dustin Deschamp
                                                                             Amy Niedbalski
Steve Bircher             Scott Runnels           Dr. Jeffrey Bonner                                                                              Carol Klein              Kim Hoormann
                                                                             Dr. Luis Padilla
Dr. Jeffrey Bonner        Deb Schmidt             Louise Bradshaw                                                                                 Dr. Miranda Ming         Jackie Johnson
                                                                             Hannah Petri
Helen Boostrom            Alice Seyfried          Billy Brennan                                                                                   Dr. Jeanne Sinquefield   Keri Lammering
                                                                             Bill Poats
Emily Bowling             Ed Spevak               Andy Bundesen                                                                                   Ginger Smith             Michael Macek
                                                                             Cassandra Ray
Mary Brong                Tim Thier               James Calvin                                                                                    Sheila Voss              David McGuire
                                                                             Alice Seyfried
James Calvin              Anne Tieber             Mel Carr                                                                                        Barbara J. Wilson        Dr. Jo-Elle Mogerman
                                                                             Mike Siemers
Shannon Ceverny           Kyle Ulmer              Dustin Deschamp                                                                                 Carol A. Wilson          Amy Niedbalski
                                                                             Erin Tate
Dr. Sathya Chinnadurai    Mark Wanner             Martha Fischer                                                                                  Dr. John A. Wright       Cassandra Ray
                                                                             Ginnie Westmoreland
John Clark                                        Leslie Garner                                                                                                            Dr. Luis Padilla
                                                                             Amy Zentgraf
                                                  Cynthia Holter                                                                                                           Patty Parker
                                                  Bill Houston                                                                                                             Laura Seger
                                                  Ryan Jeffrey                                                                                                             Ed Spevak
                                                  Gregory A. Linton                                                                                                        Jayne Ullstrom
ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N             ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N                 ST R AT EG I C D I R EC T I O N
GROUP 5:                                    GROUP 6:                                        GROUP 7 :
PLANNING, DESIGN &                          OUR PEOPLE                                      S U STA I N A B L E G R OW T H
INFRASTRUCTURE                              Volunteers:              Ryan Jeffery           Volunteers :                Staff:
Volunteers:              Glen Donjon        Larry Thomas, Chair      Tim Knock              Cindy Brinkley, Chair       Dr. Jeffrey Bonner
Jim Sansone, Chair       Anne Duncan        Kathy Federico           Maria Hendrix          Christine Boushka           Andy Bundesen
Karl A. Grice            Leslie Garner      Charles Henson           Cynthia Holter         Mary B. Campbell            Billy Brennan
Douglas E. Hill          Chris Hanley       Ken Johnson              Tim Huett              The Honorable               Lucia Clifton
                                            Davida Layer             Michael Macek            James F. Conway           Cynthia Holter
Todd J. Korte            Ted Hornbeck
                                            Peggy Ritter             Jim Madison            Mike DuBois                 Jeffrey Huntington
Susan B. Krawll          Wanda Kolo
                                            Steve Roberts            Andrew Marti           Matthew W. Geekie           Brian Jenkins
Michael P. McMillan      Michael Macek
                                            Dr. Eric Werner          Cait McGrath           Randell E. Gelzer Jr.       Tim Knock
T. Christopher Peoples   Andrew Marti
                                            Joe Wiley                David McGuire          Gary Halls                  Michael Macek
Kathy Williams           Jim Madison
                                            Becky Boomer-Schlegel    Jason Moder            Kenneth H. Hannah           Jim Madison
Staff :                  David McGuire
                                            Staff:                   Dr. Jo-Elle Mogerman   Robert R. Hermann, Jr.      David McGuire
Steve Barth              Jo-Elle Mogerman                                                                                                      This Strategic Plan was developed
                                            Steve Barth              Domini Montgomery      Michael J. Hickey           Cassandra Ray
Candace Bingham          Dr. Luis Padilla                                                                                                      with the Saint Louis Zoo’s three tenets
                                            Chris Blair              Dr. Luis Padilla       Molly Hyland                Ginnie Westmoreland    of excellence and core values in mind.
Dr. Jeffrey Bonner       Jamie Palmer
                                            Dr. Jeffrey Bonner       Cassandra Ray          John F. Meara               Judy Rancour
Louise Bradshaw          Cassandra Ray                                                                                                         Animals Always: The care and
                                            Mel Carr                 Judy Rancour           Christopher Nazaruk, ARe    Lori Sullivan          protection of our animals, the
Mary Brong               Tom Sehnert
                                                                                            Thomas P. Pollihan                                 conservation of their species and the
James Calvin             Matt Shelby        Julie Hartell-DeNardo    Katie Rowland
                                                                                            William R. Schmidt                                 preservation of the wild places where
Dr. Sathya Chinnadurai   Ed Spevak          Dustin Deschamp          Deb Schmidt                                                               they exist are the driving forces of all
                                            Katie Emerick            Anne Tieber            John R. Sondag                                     organizational activities.
Dr. Sharon Deem          Jennifer Walton
                                            Fred Falker              Jennifer Walton        Lisa K. Sullivan
Dustin Deschamp                                                                                                                                People Matter: We care for and about
                                            Martha Fischer                                                                                     people: our staff, our volunteers, our
                                                                                                                                               visitors, and our partners.
                                                                                            CO L L A B O R AT I V E                            Operational Excellence: Our success
                                                                                            ST R AT EG I ES , I N C .                          as a mission-driven organization
                                                                                                                                               depends on our ability to achieve and
                                                                                            Gina Hoagland               Tricia Sanders
                                                                                                                                               sustain business excellence.
                                                                                            Jim Del Carmen              Jason Growe
                                                                                            Yoni Danieli
                                                                                                                                               OUR VALUES
                                                                                                                                               Community: We create a healthy
                                                                                            ZOO MANAGEMENT TEAM:                               work community through our actions,
                                                                                                                                               attitudes, values and ethics.
                                                                                            Dr. Jeffrey Bonner          David McGuire
                                                                                                                                               Creativity: We support the power of
                                                                                            Dustin Deschamp             Dr. Jo-Elle Mogerman   new, creative and innovative ideas.
                                                                                            Cynthia Holter              Dr. Luis Padilla       Openness: We share information freely
                                                                                            Michael Macek               Cassandra Ray          and pro-actively.
                                                                                            Jim Madison                                        Integrity: We are truthful: we accept
                                                                                            Andrew Marti                                       responsibility for our actions and hold
                                                                                                                                               each other accountable.
                                                                                                                                               Life-Work Balance: We support
                                                                                                                                               wellness, stability, fulfillment and
                                                                                                                                               enjoyment in our professional and
                                                                                                                                               personal lives.

                 Our Mission
    The mission of the Saint Louis Zoo is to
  conserve animals and their habitats through
   animal management, research, recreation,
 and educational programs that encourage the
support and enrich the experience of the public.

 PHOTOS BY: Roger Brandt, Bryan Denning, Kari Fray, Ray Meibaum,
    David Merritt, Rebecca Pehle, Jay Sheinfeild, Megan Turner
                      and Robin Winkelman
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