Strengthening Singapore's wealth management ecosystem - a low hanging fruit for the Government in recovering COVID-19 spending? - a ...

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Strengthening Singapore's wealth management ecosystem - a low hanging fruit for the Government in recovering COVID-19 spending? - a ...

Strengthening Singapore’s wealth management
ecosystem - a low hanging fruit for the
                                                                                             INSERT IMAGE
Government in recovering COVID-19 spending?
February 2021

 As the Singapore Budget 2021 will         Standard (CRS), means that financial       YOUR BDO CONTACTS
 be delivered in Parliament on 16          information is readily being exchanged
 February 2021, we take this opportunity   internationally with the aim of curbing    KYLIE LUO
 to consider what measures could           tax evasion. In addition to this, we       Executive Director
 be introduced by the Singapore            have seen the introduction of the
 Government and what we would like         Economic Substance regulations in
                                                                                      +65 6828 9123 | +65 9711 3760
 to see from a private client and wealth   popular offshore jurisdictions such
 management industry perspective.          as the British Virgin Islands and the
                                           Cayman Islands, which has meant that       WU SOO MEE
 Singapore saw an unprecedented            wealthy families now need to consider      Executive Director
 four Budgets in 2020 with the Unity,      where investment, wealth planning and
 Resilience, Solidarity and Fortitude      business activities will be physically     +65 6828 9125 | +65 8333 0807
 Budgets targeted at saving jobs,          carried out, decide where they will
 helping businesses and supporting         establish substance and align this to      ABNER KOH
 families through the challenging          their wealth planning structure. Put       Executive Director
 COVID-19 situation. Although we           simply, it is no longer feasible to not
 expect the Government to continue         have a taxable presence and pay no         +65 6829 9645 | +65 8860 4233
 to support key sectors, businesses and    tax. Hence Singapore, with a favourable
 individuals who are the most impacted     personal tax regime, stands out as a
                                                                                      REBECCA HARTLEY
 by COVID-19, we also envisage that        jurisdiction to locate wealth and build
 the Government will need to recover                                                  Senior Tax Manager
 some of the close to SGD 100 billion                                       
 that it has dedicated to support          Given the way that the rest of the world   +65 6829 9656
 Singaporeans during this crisis. We       is moving in terms of tax transparency
 therefore provide our insight into and    and economic substance, we expect
 opinions on how the Government might      the approach of the Inland Revenue
 raise additional funds and revenue        Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to           BDO TAX ADVISORY PTE LTD
 below, and how this might impact our      be similarly fortified by allocating       600 North Bridge Road
 clients and Singapore’s existing wealth   additional resources towards tax           #23-01 Parkview Square
 management ecosystem at large.            controversy and audits in the coming       Singapore 188778
                                           years. Putting aside the introduction of   Tel: +65 6828 9118
                                           additional taxes, additional scrutiny on
 Tax Controversy and                       taxpayers is one direct way to boost tax
                                                                                      Fax: +65 6828 9111
 Disputes                                  revenue and prevent tax leakage from
                                           the authorities’ standpoint. Singapore
 In recent years, we have seen increased   adopts a risk-based approach to identify
 scrutiny on the international tax         compliance risk and deter taxpayer
 transparency of financial assets and      non-compliance and we have seen that
 economic substance significantly          in recent years, the IRAS has begun
 changing the global tax landscape.        to take an increasingly active stance
 For example, the introduction of the      by conducting more tax audits but at
 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act        the same time, also working closely
 (FATCA) and the Common Reporting          with taxpayers to resolve tax matters.
Strengthening Singapore's wealth management ecosystem - a low hanging fruit for the Government in recovering COVID-19 spending? - a ...
PRE-BUDGET 2021 NEWLETTER                                                                                Strengthening Singapore’s wealth management ecosystem – a low hanging fruit for the Government in recovering COVID-19 spending?

However, we anticipate that more will be      will introduce any new taxes or increase        Argentina’s wealth tax is expected to                                 such as Family Offices in recent years.
done to identify and challenge those who      tax rates to raise additional funds. For        collect up to USD 3.7 billion2, which is                              We consider that Singapore can capitalise
fail to comply with their tax obligations;    example, we know that Goods and                 eye-catching for other Governments.                                   on this to further support and develop
or those who orchestrate their affairs        Services Tax (GST) is due to raise by 2% in     In the US, we understand that there is                                the already robust wealth management
artificially to obtain tax advantages.        the next few years and certainly we expect      some expectation that President Biden                                 ecosystem as we expect the trend for
For example, we expect the IRAS to            that this will happen sooner rather than        will consider tax rises3 and some states                              Singapore Family Offices to continue. In
investigate into taxpayers to confirm         later given the current economic situation.     are pushing for wealth taxes at state                                 particular, BDO has seen a recent increase
that they are legitimate tax residents of     However, the GST hike is only expected          level. It is now not unimaginable that one                            in wealthy families from Indonesia (the
Singapore, as the Singapore tax residency     to raise additional Government revenue          day, wealth taxes could be introduced                                 Omnibus Law may play a part in this) and
status increasingly becomes a much            of about 0.7%1 of GDP per year so the           worldwide. That said, given that Singapore                            mainland China setting up Family Offices
sought after prized status. Qualifying as     Government may look at other options in         is wanting to continue to build Singapore                             in Singapore to manage their family
a Singapore tax resident would not be a       addition to this measure.                       as an international financial hub and                                 wealth; and at the same time kickstart
simple ‘check the box’ exercise, regardless                                                   an attractive place for families from an                              their plans to permanently reside in
whether its companies or individuals,         In view of the global economic downturn,        immigration and wealth management                                     Singapore.
especially for those having presence in       we do not foresee an increase in Corporate      perspective, we do not expect the
multiple jurisdictions. Taxpayers should      Income Taxes or Personal Income Taxes.          Singapore Government to introduce such                                Already doing well and let’s do even
therefore have the necessary controls and     In fact, we are seeing other jurisdictions      a measure at this stage. The Government                               better
documentation in place to maintain and        lowering tax rates to compete with              has, in recent years, adjusted its personal
substantiate commercial substance in          Singapore’s favourable tax system. For          tax rates to be more progressive and we                               As the icing on the cake, Singapore
Singapore to ensure that they meet the        example, we recently saw Indonesia              expect that it may continue with these                                offers a choice of three attractive tax
relevant requirements.                        drop its corporate tax rate to ultimately       kind of adjustments.                                                  incentive schemes for Singapore-based
                                              become 20% by 2022 under the recently                                                                                 and offshore fund vehicles that can be
In recent years, we have seen much            passed Omnibus Law. Having said that,           This then brings us to the core discussion                            managed by Family Offices in Singapore.
focus by IRAS on medical practitioners        there is a tempting pot of honey created        of this article, strengthening Singapore                              These schemes (13X, 13R and 13CA) are
structuring their revenue across multiple     by a strong performance in the Singapore        wealth management ecosystem.                                          administered by the Monetary Authority
companies to achieve an overall lower         property market during the pandemic,                                                                                  of Singapore (MAS) and its Family Office
tax liability but going forward, we expect    demonstrating the resilience of such an                                                                               Development Team that was established
to see such scrutiny stepping up to           asset class, reinforced by purchases made       Enhance Singapore’s Wealth                                            in 20194, in a bid to enhance the country’s
cover a wider range of other professional     by foreign high-net-worth individuals           Management Ecosystem                                                  competitiveness as a Family Office
practices. The IRAS could also take a         (HNWI). Recent figures released by the                                                                                hub. We have been impressed with the
tougher position on consequences such as      Government also show that the prices            Notwithstanding the two points above,                                 success of these schemes in recent years
penalties and naming and shaming. Clients     of public housing resale flats surged to        we believe that one of the key engines                                and with over 200 single Family Offices
may therefore wish to take pre-emptive        multi-year highs last year in defiance of       of recovery for Singapore is to boost                                 already established in Singapore, we
measures to manage potential tax risks,       the recession, while private property prices    and enhance its already thriving Family                               certainly expect the trend to continue,
for example by obtaining an advanced          also climbed. This pot of honey is simply       Office and private wealth management                                  further contributing to Singapore’s wealth
ruling from the IRAS for confirmation         too shiny to ignore not just from the           ecosystem. We know that Singapore is                                  management ecosystem. In view of the
on certain tax treatments and seeking         perspective of tax but also the potential       already a successful international wealth                             success that the MAS has seen from its
professional advice from tax advisers         effects on the society in terms of housing      management hub that offers certainty                                  Family Office Development Team, which
in respect of complex tax structures.         affordability. It is therefore not surprising   and stability for foreign investors and                               was formed as a strategic partnership with
Furthermore, where taxpayers are aware        to hear more discussions about the              has the capabilities to support the                                   the Economic Development Board (EDB)4,
that their current tax filing may not be      Singapore Government bringing in further        industry in terms of professionals such                               we feel that this could be developed and
correct, they should also seek tax advice     cooling measures soon such as increasing        as in tax, legal and financial services.                              brought to the next level by enhancing
and correct their tax filing position under   Stamp Duty taxes.                               We therefore consider how this could                                  the cross-agency efforts with the Ministry
the Voluntary Disclosure Program, which                                                       further be enhanced to boost investment                               of Manpower (MOM). Although we have
offers significantly reduced penalties.       One idea that has also been floating            in Singapore, which would ultimately                                  seen a remarkable acceleration of growth
Coming back to the topic of CRS               around, is the possibility that Singapore       generate more employment and economic                                 in the Family Office industry, even in the
mentioned earlier, we are already seeing      could introduce a wealth tax. It is             activity; and consequently increased                                  past year during the coronavirus pandemic,
a number of CRS audits launched by the        clear that there is a gap between the           revenue for the Singapore Government.                                 we see areas that could be fine-tuned to
IRAS in respect of recent CRS compliance      haves and the have-nots in Singapore,                                                                                 improve the ecosystem even further, based
so we also expect this trend to continue      especially with the increasing number of        A trend set to continue                                               on our “on the ground” involvement in
going forward. In fact, we are assisting      HNWIs in the region. This is particularly                                                                             assisting clients with the implementation
                                                                                              A combination of the implementation
some clients with ‘health checks’ in          topical as we have seen other countries                                                                               of Family Office structures.
                                                                                              of the new international regulations
preparation for the impending formal CRS      introduce wealth taxes over the years,          mentioned above as well as the rising
reviews.                                      including Argentina which passed a new                                                                                We were pleased to see the MAS introduce
                                                                                              growth of Asian wealth has influenced
                                              wealth tax in December 2020 to help             families’ decisions globally. In Asia, a                              the 3-pillar strategy to enhance the
                                              the Government pay for health supplies                                                                                environment, develop the capabilities in
Tax Rises                                     and economic relief measures amid
                                                                                              region with some of the world’s top
                                                                                                                                                                    the industry and attract global Family
                                                                                              billionaires, we have seen more families
In addition to enforcing existing tax         the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We               considering the need to consolidate and                               Offices to be more connected as well as
legislation, there is also the hot topic of   also know that other countries in Latin         professionalise the management of their                               the “FO circle” sharing platform and the
discussion as to whether the Government       America have pushed for similar measures.       family’s wealth through formal structures                             Family Office advisor skills map to give
                                                                                                                                                                    advisors more guidance on their roles.
Strengthening Singapore's wealth management ecosystem - a low hanging fruit for the Government in recovering COVID-19 spending? - a ...
PRE-BUDGET 2021 NEWLETTER                                                                                 Strengthening Singapore’s wealth management ecosystem – a low hanging fruit for the Government in recovering COVID-19 spending?

However, we do feel that there remains          for single Family Offices. The MAS was         Having said the above, we are pleased                                further strengthen its position, there are
some disconnect between the MAS and             quoted recently saying that it is looking      to see that the EDB and MAS are already                              already a number of incentives available
another key Government agency i.e.              into “widening the scope of permissible        working closely to ‘matchmake’ investors                             for businesses to set up in Singapore via
the MOM, which often leads to delays            fund managers to allow SFOs to manage          and businesses in areas such as FinTech                              the EDB and we hope for the Government
in the process of setting up a Family           VCCs”. We do expect that it will take some     and host events such as the Singapore                                to further support these businesses in
Office in Singapore. Although the MAS           time to work out the logistics of how this     FinTech Festival. Singapore has worked                               the future. In particular, we are seeing an
has pro-actively taken steps to facilitate      will work from a regulatory perspective to     hard to implement forward-looking                                    increase in queries from clients based in
the application of Employment Passes            ensure that Singapore maintains its strong     policies that generally help businesses                              North Asia demonstrating that Singapore
(EP) with the MOM, there is seemingly           regulatory framework. However, we are          grow and encourage innovation and                                    is indeed being regarded as the gateway
still some difficulties in terms of the         pleased to hear that this positive move        trade. We urge this kind of support to                               to Asia.
flow of information from the MAS to the         is being considered by the authorities         continue, especially now that the socially
relevant MOM personnel handling the EP          and we look forward to hearing how this        and environmentally conscious next                                   In summary, we expect an enhanced
applications on the ground. We have been        develops. This means a lot for families who    generation are now ‘taking the helm’                                 wealth management ecosystem to have
impressed with the MAS’s nimble reaction        treasure control in relation to investment     of many Family Offices and are keen to                               ‘spill-over’ contributions back to the larger
to the pandemic and how quickly the             management activities as well as the           diversify investments. The Government                                economy; and it is critical to carefully
‘interim arrangement’ was introduced to         flexibility offered by the VCC.                may also consider introducing preferential                           drive and direct these ‘spill-overs’ to
allow 13X tax incentive applications to be                                                     tax rates or investment schemes for                                  generate further economic activity, meet
submitted before the EPs are issued, due to     The wealth management ecosystem                particular investments such as ESG                                   the strategic objectives of Singapore; and
the ongoing difficulties with international     must contribute back                           investments, which seek to improve                                   thereby bringing tangible benefits to the
travel. However, our view is that there                                                        the long-term impact on society,                                     wider population.
could still be some more flexibility in         In terms of how private wealth is boosting     sustainability and the environment. In
terms of the In-Principle Approvals (IPA)       investments in Singapore, we note from         addition, we also hope to see Government
that only have six-months validity with         trends we see with our Family Office           authorities such as the MAS further                                  Concluding comments
limited extensions. We also note that           clients that there are particular areas of     facilitate the training and development                              There is no question that the COVID-19
13R approvals are currently taking much         interest such as FinTech, ESG, private         of the next generation so that they are                              spending has to be recovered. Amongst
longer to receive approval (possibly due        equity / venture capital, education,           fully prepared to take over the wealth                               a range of options and tools in the
to the volume of applications), whereas         medical and philanthropy investments.          management responsibilities for their                                Government’s toolbox, let’s start off
13X applications appear to be relatively        Recently it was reported that billionaire      families. The training and development                               by targeting the low hanging fruit of
quicker. With further streamlining of the       Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater              by itself then sustains the ecosystem                                strengthening and directing the already
tax incentives application process in a         Associates, would open a Family Office         by providing a constant supply of                                    successful wealth management ecosystem
Family Office context, we expect there to       in Singapore to run his investment and         professionals with the relevant expertise                            in Singapore.
be no limit to the success of Singapore’s       philanthropy activities in the region5.        and experience.
wealth management ecosystem as spin-            We therefore want to see more from the
off benefits to the wider economy can be        Government in terms of supporting and          Furthermore, Singapore’s appeal                                      Sources
generated.                                      developing these key areas. We understand      as a strategic location for regional
                                                that Singapore attracted around SGD            headquarters is obvious and BDO has seen                             1
In respect of the fund incentive schemes,       17.2 billion in fixed assets investments in    an increased demand from clients seeking
we also wonder if the Government will           2020, which was significantly higher than      to deepen their family business presence                             idINKBN28F0FM
seek to extend the scope of specified           the EDB’s target and a 12 year high for        in Asia (after establishing their Family                             3
income from designated investments              Singapore so we would like the authorities     Office structure in Singapore for purposes                           corporate-tax-rate/593771/ &
that are exempted from tax under the            to build on the success in this area and       of their family wealth) and leverage off                             california-to-germany
incentives to include income from new           extend the focus to these popular areas,       Singapore as a place to establish their                              4
alternative assets in the future such           which we believe are also in line with         international headquarters for their family                          report-2019-2020/innovative-and-inclusive-financial-centre

as cryptocurrencies, which some may             the overall direction of the Government.       business (from which their family wealth                             5
view as a controversial move, but it            For example, by supporting Singapore           is generated). This is partly due to the                             dalio-set-to-open-family-office-in-singapore

might encourage more foreign investors          start-ups as we consider that more could       ease of doing business in Singapore, with                            6
(especially the successive generations          be done to stimulate the start-up scene        its openness to trade and innovation,                                talent%20across%20functions,studies%20by%20AON%20and%20
of wealthy families) as cryptocurrencies        in Singapore. This will work well with the     political stability and connectivity to the                          KPMG

such as stablecoins are more acceptable         increase in demand we are seeing for           region but also due to its highly skilled
internationally. Given our earlier discussion   Government-backed schemes such as              workforce. We therefore expect the
on the Singapore property market, it is         the Global Investor Programme (GIP),           Government to further support its pool
also important to remember that income          where individuals are seeking to invest in     of talent by offering more incentives to
from Singapore properties is not covered        Singapore and reside here permanently          train and develop skills such as by topping
by the incentives and we do not expect          and thereby obtain Singapore Permanent         up training credits under the SkillsFuture
this to change in the future.                   Resident status. Facilitation can be done to   campaign. We understand that Singapore
                                                encourage the channelling of investments       is home to the largest number of
A further development that we expect            committed by the GIP applicant to              headquarter jobs from global Fortune
to see in the not-too-distant future for        the above-mentioned targeted areas,            500 companies compared with other key
the wealth management industry, is the          especially when we hear on the ground          Asia hubs6, thereby contributing back to
enhancement of Singapore’s Variable             feedback that certain requirements for         the Singapore community by creating
Capital Company (VCC) that launched             economic commitments (e.g. in a Family         more employment opportunities. In terms
in January 2020 to become available             Office context) may not be practical.          of what the Government could do to
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