Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC

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Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Striving for excellence:
Your guide to business opportunities
for the 2010 Winter Games

                           Chris Wong
                           Freestyle Skiing (Moguls)
                           Prince George, BC
Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
The Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are pushing British Columbia’s culture, tourism and economic
opportunities to the centre of the world stage. In fact, the 2010 Winter Games are the perfect occasion for businesses to
develop new relationships that will enhance their reputation and enable them to gain new experience and capacity.

The 2010 Business Guide, produced in cooperation with RBC, is one of many initiatives the Province of British Columbia is
undertaking through the BC Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat (BC Secretariat). The BC Secretariat continues
to develop a wide variety of business tools through the 2010 Commerce Centre, such as the 2010 Business Network and
the 2010 Business Opportunities Workshops. These programs help connect our businesses and communities with the
numerous opportunities created by the 2010 Winter Games.

The Province of British Columbia is committed to ensuring that every business is made aware of the many avenues of growth
available and how they may be accessed.

“The 2010 Business Guide is an excellent tool to help your company take advantage of the opportunities the 2010 Winter
Games bring to us. Creating lasting partnerships will help increase the strength of your business and open new doors in
the business world for years to come. These are your 2010 Winter Games, make them your business.” Colin Hansen,
Minister of Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Asia Pacific Initiative and the Olympics

Since 1947, RBC has been supporting the Canadian Olympic Movement and amateur athletes, and is the longest-standing
corporate supporter of the Canadian Olympic Team.

RBC is proud to continue this 60-year tradition of support as a Premier National Partner of the Vancouver Organizing
Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC). In addition to helping fund the staging of the
Games in 2010, RBC’s sponsorship will go toward funding the Canadian Olympic and Paralympic Teams competing in
Beijing in 2008, Vancouver in 2010 and London in 2012.

We can help businesses understand and explore potential opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games. This guide, produced
in cooperation with the BC Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat, gives small and medium-sized businesses
the tools required to get started and fully leverage the 2010 Winter Games into long-term success.

Like the athletes competing in the Olympic and Paralympic Games themselves, seizing the chance in front of you is the first
step in achieving your goals as businesses and leaders. We hope you find this guide valuable and look forward to helping
you capitalize on the tremendous opportunities the 2010 Winter Games will bring.
                                                                                                                              Cover photo: © COC/André Forget
Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Table of Contents

Introduction                                                         Working with Vancouver                                            Opportunity #9: How to sell to
Take action now on an                                                2010 licensees......................................... 16        2010 Winter Games visitors.................32
unprecedented opportunity                                                                                                              What we know about 2010
for growth and prosperity........................ 2                  Opportunity #3: How to be                                         Winter Games visitors............................ 32
                                                                     a subcontractor........................................18
Timelines. ..................................................... 3                                                                     How much did they spend?.................. 32
                                                                     Subcontracting explained. ................... 18
                                                                                                                                       What works................................................ 33
                                                                     Benefits of subcontracting................... 18
Section 1 — The benefits                                                                                                               What does not work................................ 33
                                                                     How to access subcontracting
The 2010 Winter Games                                                                                                                  Prepare to host the world. .................... 33
                                                                     opportunities............................................ 18
mean business............................................ 4                                                                            Maintain current customer
The positive economic impact                                         Opportunity #4: How to                                            connections. ............................................. 34
of the 2010 Winter Games. ..................... 4                    create successful strategic                                       Consider Vancouver 2010
Who is spending the money?................. 5                        relationships.............................................20      products for your store.......................... 34
What is in it for Canada?. ......................... 6               Prepare to partner................................... 20
                                                                                                                                       Opportunity #10: Bringing culture
More reasons to get involved................. 6                      What is the 2010 Business
                                                                                                                                       and creativity to the world. ..................35
                                                                     Network?.................................................... 20
The whole world’s watching.................... 6                                                                                       Cultural Olympiad 2008........................ 35
                                                                     What could it mean
                                                                     for your business?................................... 21          Cultural Olympiad 2009........................ 35
Section 2 — The opportunities                                        Ground rules for partnerships............. 21                     Olympic Arts Festival and
2010 Commerce Centre: Your                                                                                                             Paralympic Arts Festival........................ 35
business connection................................. 8               Opportunity #5: How to be a                                       Olympic and Paralympic Opening
Be informed. ................................................ 8      supplier to the 2010 Olympic                                      and Closing Ceremonies....................... 35
                                                                     and Paralympic Winter                                             Olympic and Paralympic
Get educated............................................... 8
                                                                     Games Family. ..........................................23        Victory Ceremonies................................. 36
Stay connected. .......................................... 9
2010 Commerce Centre facilities.......... 9                          Opportunity #6: Opportunities
                                                                     for Aboriginal businesses.....................26                  Section 3 — Growing beyond 2010:
Opportunity #1: How to bid on                                        Potential for Aboriginal                                          The path to success
a Vancouver 2010 Organizing                                          businesses................................................ 27     Critical considerations........................... 38
Committee contract...............................10                                                                                    Foundation for success:
                                                                     Selling Aboriginal products:
What does VANOC want?. ..................... 10                      The power of branding........................... 27               A business plan. ...................................... 38
Doing business with VANOC................ 11
How the VANOC procurement                                            Opportunity #7: How to be a supplier
                                                                     to other major events.............................30              Section 4 — Time for action
process begins......................................... 12
                                                                                                                                       A closing ceremony................................. 40
Understanding Requests                                               Opportunity #8: Canada loves                                      We want to help your business
for Proposals............................................. 12        competition...............................................31      thrive — before, during and after
Writing winning proposals.................... 13                     Ignite the passion, ignite the spirit:                            the 2010 Winter Games........................ 40
Some further considerations............... 14                        Welcome the Torch Relay...................... 31                  The top ten things you
                                                                                                                                       can do now................................................ 41
Opportunity #2: How to become,
or work with, a licensee.........................15
The Olympic and
Paralympic brands.................................. 15
A licence to sell........................................ 16

Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC

                                                                                                                                     © CP/COC/Mike Ridewood
    Take action now
    on an unprecedented opportunity
    for growth and prosperity
    With the Opening Ceremonies fast approaching, there is still a great deal to accomplish
    to stage an extraordinary Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

    That means outstanding opportunities        The point is to think and act now.        “When we became aware that BC
    for Canadian businesses to expand,          These are not just opportunities for      would have a major presence in Torino,
    diversify and reach new markets across      big businesses. Companies of all          we wanted to be part of the team,” said
    the country and around the world.           sizes are getting involved and taking     Lykkemark, president and founder of
                                                action as we head toward 2010.            Culinary Capers, a Vancouver catering
    While most venues will be built by the                                                company. “With 2010 on the horizon,
    end of 2008, the scope of preparation       This guide can help you get started.      we felt that Culinary Capers should
    goes beyond the building phase:             It explains the procurement system        be in Torino to gain experience at a
    Facilities need to be equipped and          and outlines how to seek out contracts,   world-class event and to showcase
    furnished, entertainment must be            subcontracting opportunities and          the talent in our company.”
    planned, food must be stocked and           licensing agreements. It reviews the
    thousands of categories of supplies         business experiences of previous          Lykkemark responded to a Request
    must be purchased — everything from         Games to provide the tactics and tips     for Proposals to provide catering
    accreditation badges to event signage.      that can help you succeed. You will       services at BC-Canada Place during
                                                also learn about companies that have      the 2006 Winter Games in Torino. The
    Your business can be a part of the          already started the journey to 2010.      experience gave her first-hand knowledge
    Games. You can bid directly on contracts                                              of the planning and preparation required
    to supply goods and services to VANOC       This is your invitation to an             during Olympic and Paralympic Games
    or its pre-Games projects. Alternatively,   unprecedented opportunity for growth      events. It also put her in touch with
    you can seek out subcontracts with          and prosperity. Read on and prepare       sponsors and contacts who may be
    the winning bidders. Perhaps you            for an experience that could benefit      looking for catering services during
    will focus on the needs of sponsors,        your business for years to come.          the 2010 Winter Games.
    officials, delegates or the media. You
    might even choose to bid on contracts                                                 “There is no substitute for being there,
    or subcontracts to manufacture items
                                                Learn from experience                     because it’s the best way to meet
                                                Lesson #1: Get involved as early
    with the invaluable marks of the                                                      sponsors and have a chance to show
                                                as you can
    Vancouver 2010 Olympic and                                                            them what you can do for them in the
    Paralympic Winter Games.                    Preparing for special events is an        future,” Lykkemark said.
                                                everyday occurrence for Culinary
    You can also participate in any of the
                                                Capers. But how do you prepare for
    dozens of local events and celebrations,
                                                a once-in-a-lifetime event like the
    community improvement initiatives,
                                                2010 Winter Games? If you are Debra
    infrastructure development and
                                                Lykkemark, you get your company
    pre-Games training opportunities
                                                involved in Olympic and Paralympic
    in your area.
                                                Games-related projects long before
                                                the Games come to town.
Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC


                         2005–06      Venue construction begins on all 2010 competition and non-competition venues

                             2007     2010 Winter Games mascots selected

                  Winter 2007–08      Games venues available for athlete training

                             2008     Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad begins

                             2008     VANOC begins volunteer recruitment

                             2008     Media accreditation for the 2010 Winter Games

             May–September 2008       BC-Canada Pavilion open in Beijing

                August 8–24, 2008     Beijing 2008 Olympic Summer Games

            September 6–17, 2008      Beijing 2008 Paralympic Summer Games

                         Fall 2008    Vancouver 2010 Winter Games ticket sales

                  Winter 2008–09      Sport events for the 2010 Winter Games

                         Fall 2009    Torch Relay — 100-day journey of the Olympic Flame to Vancouver

                  January 15, 2010    Olympic Games Arts Festival begins

                  January 26, 2010    Main press centre opens

                  February 4, 2010    Olympic Villages open

                 February 12, 2010    Opening Ceremony for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games

             February 12–28, 2010     Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games

                 February 28, 2010    Closing Ceremony for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games

                       March 2010     Paralympic Torch Relay

                    March 3, 2010     Olympic Villages close

                    March 5, 2010     Paralympic Villages open

                   March 12, 2010     Opening Ceremony for the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games

               March 12–21, 2010      Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games

                   March 21, 2010     Closing Ceremony for the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games

                   March 24, 2010     Paralympic Villages close

            Timelines for the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will be regularly updated on

Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Section 1: The benefits

    The 2010 Winter Games mean business
    The Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games present opportunities for all
    Canadian companies before, during and after the Games. The scale of the 2010 Winter Games
    may lead you to think that only big corporations or companies already based in Vancouver have
    a realistic chance of seizing business opportunities. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The scale alone should tell you that         more opportunities for companies that       of Games-related contracts. These
    there is room for businesses of all sizes    pursue Games-related opportunities as       business opportunities were a direct
    and in every conceivable sector. VANOC       subcontractors to the prime contract        result of market proximity and the
    will directly spend $1.7 billion on          winners.                                    effective work of government agencies
    goods and services preparing for the                                                     that helped local businesses
    2010 Winter Games. Another                   Moreover, this is not solely a Vancouver    understand their requirements.
    $2 billion will be spent indirectly in the   event. In many bidding and promotional
    run up to the Games by suppliers, spon-      situations, physical proximity is not       Canada has emulated and improved
    sors, licensees, sporting delegations,       necessary. Your profile in your local       upon these models. Register now
    athletic teams and visiting tourists.        community can be a strength in a            with the 2010 Commerce Centre
    The 2010 Winter Games have also              competitive bidding situation, and          ( to
    accelerated funding from federal,            there is considerable demand among          discover the opportunities surrounding
    provincial and municipal governments         consumers for products and services         the 2010 Winter Games and how your
    for more than $4 billion in other            that display Canadian knowledge,            company can take advantage of them.
    infrastructure upgrades.                     materials and skills. With creativity and
                                                 proper planning, companies from all
    Not only will these groups need              across the country can pursue business
                                                                                             The positive economic impact
    products and services of every kind,         opportunities arising from the 2010         of the 2010 Winter Games
    but within this huge demand lie many         Winter Games. Simply look back to the       The RBC Economics Department
    of the creative niches that smaller          Sydney 2000 Summer Games, where             estimates that preparations for the
    businesses always seem to fill.              Australian companies won more than          2010 Winter Games will add between
                                                 80 per cent of Games-related contracts.     0.9 per cent and 1.2 per cent each
    Certainly, possibilities abound for          At the Torino 2006 Winter Games,            year to growth in British Columbia’s
    companies that want to act as prime          the number was even higher, with            gross domestic product between 2008
    contractors. But there may be even           Italian companies winning 84 per cent       and 2011.

Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Section 1: The benefits

Construction costs are forecast to range      (COC). Visit        > Sponsors: There are several categories
from $500 million to $700 million per         for more information.                       of 2010 Winter Games sponsorship.
year for each year through 2010, which                                                    Visit for an
could well make British Columbia            > Competition venues: Vancouver               updated list of domestic sponsors.
the leading province for growth in            (, Whistler
non-residential construction. Visitor         (, Richmond               > Broadcasters: More than 100 official
spending will also have a big impact.         ( and West                  rights-holding broadcasters from
Over the 10-year period from 2007 to          Vancouver (           around the world are expected to
2016, visitor spending is expected to         have responsibility for some venue          provide coverage of the 2010 Winter
be $1 billion to $2.5 billion per year,       construction and other major                Games, along with hundreds of
mostly concentrated in the period             infrastructure projects, all of             official press organizations and
from 2007 to 2011.                            which involve much more than                media companies. As the on-site
                                              just construction services.                 Host Broadcaster, Olympic
From a business perspective, much of                                                      Broadcasting Services Vancouver
this spending and growth is directly        > National Olympic and Paralympic             (OBSV) is responsible for producing
related to the 2010 Winter Games.             Committees: Athletes from about             and transmitting unbiased live
Spending on infrastructure would              80 countries on five continents             radio and television coverage of the
probably have happened regardless,            participate in the Olympic Winter           Vancouver 2010 Winter Games.
but over a much longer period of time;        Games. The Canadian Olympic                 Along with VANOC, OBSV is also
the need to be ready means that the           Committee provides financial                responsible for providing the
spending is accelerated to meet the           support and services to the Canadian        facilities and services at the
schedule of the 2010 Winter Games.            amateur high-performance sports             International Broadcast Centre in
It all adds up to more than $4 billion        community. Visit for         Vancouver required by broadcasters
of investment, which creates a variety        further details, or         during the 2010 Winter Games.
of opportunities for businesses.              for international Olympic Games
                                              information. The Canadian Paralympic      More information on supplying
                                              Committee provides similar support to     National Olympic and Paralympic
Who is spending the money?                    Paralympians (visit     Committees, sponsors, other groups
A number of organizations besides             for more information).                    and associations, and the media that
VANOC will be responsible for 2010
Winter Games projects and will be
soliciting and evaluating bids. Sporting
event organizers, various levels of           2010 Winter Games facts
government, sponsors and media are
also beginning to prepare for the Games       Olympic Winter Games                                       February 12–28
operations. Knowing who’s who will
                                              Paralympic Winter Games                                    March 12–21
help you pursue information about
upcoming Requests for Proposals (RFPs)        Olympic and Paralympic Games athletes and officials        6,700
and their criteria, allowing you to shape
your bid to your best benefit. Here is a      Participating countries (Olympic Games)                    80+
short list:
                                              Participating countries (Paralympic Games)                 40+
> VANOC: The Vancouver Organizing
  Committee for the 2010 Olympic and          Event tickets available                                    1.6 million
  Paralympic Winter Games has major
                                              Estimated number of media                                  10,000
  responsibility for venue construction
  and staging of the 2010 Winter Games.       Estimated number of Games volunteers                       25,000
  In addition, VANOC manages all
                                              Source: VANOC, 2007.
  marketing opportunities associated
  with the Canadian Olympic Committee

Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Section 1: The benefits

    make up the 2010 Winter Games Family       and become a much more powerful           of business development, trade
    can be found on page 23 of this guide.     entity through its 2010 Winter Games      and investment activities not
                                               experience.                               explicitly linked to the 2010 Winter
                                                                                         Games. Contact your local economic
    What is in it for Canada?                  There are many ways that you could        development agency or chamber
    Some of the benefits to the people         benefit financially from Games-related    of commerce to learn about these
    of Canada are:                             business; however, there are equally      opportunities.
                                               important indirect benefits that are
    > Increased investment and
                                               likely to extend well beyond 2010:
                                               > Development of business contacts.
    > Higher volumes of tourism and                                                      The whole world’s watching
                                                 The 2010 Winter Games present
      convention visitors, with the biggest
                                                 a tremendous opportunity to
      growth expected from two years                                                     A huge worldwide television
                                                 learn about the broader business
      prior to the 2010 Winter Games to                                                  audience watches the Olympic
                                                 community and gain confidence
      five years after.                                                                  and Paralympic Games. For the
                                                 operating in the international arena,   Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Games,
    > Showcasing of products and services        making your company a candidate         an estimated 2.1 billion viewers
      to an international market of              for growth and investment. You          watched for an average of six
      potential clients, partners and            may even develop a network of           hours and 15 minutes, gaining
      investors.                                 international contacts — suppliers      ever greater familiarity with the
                                                 who participated in one Winter          region’s fabulous scenery and
    > Enhanced worldwide profile for             Games often follow up by supplying      hospitality. During the Torino
      Canada’s Aboriginal people as a result     subsequent Winter or Summer Games.      2006 Winter Games, 3.1 billion
      of their unprecedented participation                                               viewers around the world
                                               > Media exposure. Your company’s          watched the coverage.
      in the 2010 Winter Games.
                                                 2010 Winter Games participation
    > National and international exposure        may attract local or even wider media   The Salt Lake City 2002 Winter
                                                                                         Games gained consistent
      for Canadian culture.                      coverage that has lasting value.
                                                                                         television audiences.
                                                 Journalists who attend the 2010
    In addition, the people of British                                                   Viewers as a per cent of total
                                                 Winter Games will set the scene         population with national access
    Columbia will specifically enjoy a           with articles about the host country    to TV:
    number of concrete benefits,                 or region and the preparations for
    including:                                   the 2010 Winter Games — and             Canada              88%
                                                 they often use local initiatives as     Sweden              89%
    > A lasting legacy of sports facilities                                              Japan               80%
                                                 background for stories about the
      allowing the province to bid on other                                              US                  64%
                                                 athletes and competitions. If your
      high-level international sporting
                                                 product or service is unique or shows   Source: Condensed from Salt Lake 2002 Olympic
                                                 a particular resourcefulness, or        Winter Games Global Television Report, Sports
                                                                                         Marketing Surveys Ltd. © IOC 2002.
    > Major transport and infrastructure         your 2010 Winter Games business
      improvements that will ease road           demonstrates success despite
      congestion.                                obstacles, your contribution may
                                                 well catch their attention.

    More reasons to get involved               > Experience. Even if you do not win
    Sometimes what you take away from            a contract or subcontract to supply
    a business experience is worth more          the 2010 Winter Games, the bidding
    than the value of the sale. The 2010         process itself can provide valuable
    Winter Games are certainly one of            experience. Your renewed business
    those opportunities. Your company            focus may help you showcase your
    could achieve a much higher profile          unique products or services as part

Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Section 1: The benefits

                                                                                                                                    The 2010 Winter Games Family
                                                                                                                                    The following is a list of the
                                                                                                                                    members of the 2010 Olympic
                                                                                                                                    and Paralympic Games Family:

                                                                                                                                    > Organizing Committee
                                                                                                                                    > Partners
                                                                                                                                    > Host government organizations
                                                                                                                                    > Sponsors
                                                                                                                                    > Official Suppliers and Licensees
                                                                                                                                    > Hospitality and marketing

                                                                                                                                    > Rights-holding broadcasters
                                                                                                                                    > National Olympic and
                                                                                                                                      Paralympic Committees

                                                                                                                                    > International Olympic
                                                                                                                                      Committee (IOC)

                                                                                                                                    > International Paralympic
© CP/Tom Hanson

                                                                                                                                      Committee (IPC)

                    Extensive worldwide television reach
                    of Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games
                                                                                                      Average hours and
                                                                   Viewer hours
                     Continent                                                                        minutes watched by
                                                                                                      individual viewer
                     Africa                                        121                                1:20
                     Asia                                          2,936                              1:49
                     Central & South America                       282                                1:17
                     Europe                                        5,112                              7:18
                     North America                                 2,073                              6:35
                     Oceania                                       84                                 3:33
                     Total                                         10,610                             3:39
                  Source: Condensed from Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games Global Television Report, Sports Marketing Surveys Ltd.
                  © IOC 2006.

Striving for excellence: Your guide to business opportunities for the 2010 Winter Games - Chris Wong Freestyle skiing (Moguls) Prince george, BC
Section 2: The opportunities

    2010 Commerce Centre:
    Your business connection
    The Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games offer many different types of
    opportunities for your business, and excellent resources are available to help you find them.

    The 2010 Commerce Centre is a              activity related to the 2010 Winter      > Visit
    key initiative of the BC Olympic and       Games. Business organizations,             to discover the many tools
    Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat.       Olympic family members and BC              and products the 2010 Commerce
    Through its programs, the BC Olympic       communities looking to hold meetings       Centre offers.
    and Paralympic Winter Games                and presentations or host delegations
    Secretariat assists businesses in          are welcome to use the Commerce          > Check out the online events calendar
    securing new trade and investment          Centre space as their base while in        to see what upcoming events might
    opportunities that will last long after    downtown Vancouver.                        be useful to your business.
    2010. Since its inception, the BC
    Secretariat has focused on ensuring        The 2010 Commerce Centre is              > Learn about recent business
                                               continually striving toward connecting     success stories and find out what
    that the Games leave a long-term
                                               businesses to the Games by keeping         your company can do to become
    legacy for businesses and communities
                                               them informed and educated.                the next featured business.
    throughout the province.
                                               Businesses are encouraged to take
    The 2010 Commerce Centre, which            advantage of all the innovative          Get educated
    delivers a number of services to help      products and services the 2010           > Attend 2010 Commerce Centre
    companies develop skills and form          Commerce Centre offers by visiting         information sessions to find out how
    new relationships, is the best place for                businesses can take full advantage
    Games-related business information.                                                   of the benefits and financial rewards
    Starting as an online tool, the 2010       Be informed                                of the 2010 Winter Games.
    Commerce Centre has evolved into a         > Subscribe to the 2010 Commerce
                                                 Centre newsletter for up-to-date
                                                                                        > Register for the 2010 Business
    physical location in the heart of Van-                                                Opportunities Workshop to learn
    couver’s downtown business district.         features about Games-related
                                                                                          how to bid for contracts to provide
    Today, the 2010 Commerce Centre, at          activities for the business
                                                                                          products and services for the 2010
    Robson Square, is a hub of business          community.
                                                                                          Winter Games.
Section 2: The opportunities

> Sign up for the Think Asia-China 2008      or visit its facility at                 the 2010 Commerce Centre website,
  Workshop to discover the economic          Suite 1600 – 800 Robson Street,          Panabo developed a winning proposal
  possibilities in China that the            Vancouver, British Columbia.             to supply silk ties and men’s wool
  2010 Commerce Centre brings to                                                      scarves. The company also developed
  BC businesses during the Beijing                                                    a second successful proposal to
                                             Learn from experience                    supply gift items and collectibles.
  2008 Summer Games.
                                             Lesson #2: Embrace the bid
> Attend the 2010 Media Workshop to          When Vancouver won the bid to host
                                                                                      “This happens only once in a lifetime,”
  gain insight on how businesses can                                                  said Ursula Mange. “In many people’s
                                             the 2010 Winter Games, the Mange
  capture and reach the audience’s                                                    eyes, we are a small company, but
                                             family began looking for opportunities
  attention leading up to the Games.                                                  small is beautiful. I think this will
                                             for their North Vancouver souvenir
                                                                                      establish us even more firmly in the
                                             company, Panabo Sales Ltd.
Stay connected
> Register your business with the 2010       “In our industry, it is almost a given
                                                                                      Panabo, an Official Licensee for the
  Business Network to be identified as       that we would think about getting
                                                                                      2010 Winter Games, uses First Nations
  a potential 2010 supplier, identify        involved in the Olympics,” said
                                                                                      designs created by local artists as well
  key partnering opportunities and           Jocelyne Mange. “At first we didn’t
                                                                                      as traditional Canadian images on its
  increase your network of contacts.         know how we could get involved,
                                                                                      souvenirs, which are all designed and
  Your registration may lead to new          but we decided if we didn’t try, then
                                                                                      manufactured in Canada.
  business relationships or successful       we’d never know.”
  contract bids during the 2010 Winter                                                Mange’s advice to other BC businesses
                                             Mange, whose mother, Ursula, is
  Games and beyond.                                                                   is to look for opportunities to get
                                             president of the 40-year-old family
                                                                                      involved in the 2010 Winter Games
> Sign up for the free e-mail notification   business, attended a workshop
                                                                                      and not be afraid to make a bid.
  service to be notified of all 2010-        developed by the 2010 Commerce
  related business opportunities as          Centre to help BC businesses explore     “I can already see the opportunities
  soon as they become available.             opportunities connected to the 2010      opening up,” Jocelyne Mange said.
                                             Winter Games. Later, when an             “It has been very exciting working
                                             “expression of interest” for 2010-       with VANOC.”
2010 Commerce Centre                         related merchandise was posted on
In addition to the programs and
services available through the 2010
Commerce Centre, communities and
business associations have the
opportunity to promote their regions
and industries by using the BC
Showcase and Corporate Hosting
facilities at Robson Square. These
facilities provide an ideal setting for
industries to host exciting business
                                                                                                                                 © Canadian Paralympic Committee/Christian Landry

events and promote BC products
and services to international visitors
and media.

For more information about the
2010 Commerce Centre and
its programs, please visit

Section 2: The opportunities

     Opportunity #1:
     How to bid on a Vancouver 2010
     Organizing Committee contract
     How to be a successful bidder for the 2010 Winter Games

     Incorporated under the Canada             principles of sustainability. These         in addition to product or service
     Corporations Act, VANOC is an             criteria can be summarized as follows:      performance standards. Consider
     independent corporation with its own                                                  how you can address some or all
     procurement principles, policies and      > Product effectiveness, efficiency and     of the sustainability objectives
     procedures. These processes may             affordability. It is imperative that      described below in your proposal
     differ slightly from those of other         you meet the specified performance        or bid. As long as your claims are
     organizations; however, successfully        standards laid out in the competitive     credible, your capabilities in this
     competing for a VANOC contract will         bidding documents and deliver on          regard may well be the differentiating
     help you become familiar with bid           time, within budget and with minimal      factor that contributes to the success
     requirements. This experience will          risk of default.                          of your bid.
     help prepare you to bid on other
                                               > Sustainability. It makes great sense    > Environmental sustainability. Your
     procurement opportunities offered
                                                 to ensure the economic benefits           product, company or production
     by government agencies and other
                                                 of the 2010 Winter Games are              methods contribute to the
     major event organizers.
                                                 sustained after 2010. This is why         advancement of resource conservation
     As VANOC is also handling the               VANOC’s procurement process is            and habitat restoration. Or they
     requirements of the Vancouver 2010          targeting complementary objectives        provide a means of showcasing
     Paralympic Winter Games, keep in
     mind your company’s ability to supply
     equipment, transportation, accessible
     leisure and entertainment activities.

     What does VANOC want?
     VANOC is committed to obtaining the
     best value when purchasing goods
     and services. It also aims to provide
     competitive, equitable and open
     opportunities for qualified suppliers.

     While best value is key, VANOC also
     needs to ensure that suppliers can
     meet scheduling deadlines, as well as
     minimize risks related to delivery and
                                                                                                                                    © Christian Manzoni

     suitability of the product or service.
     Further, it seeks to honour fundamental

Section 2: The opportunities

                                                                                   Buy Smart at VANOC
                                                                                   When bidding on the 2010 Winter
                                                                                   Games, VANOC committed to a
                                                                                   procurement system that weighed
                                                                                   the ability of a supplier to help
                                                                                   VANOC meet its sustainability
                                                                                   objectives and advance the
                                                                                   understanding and practice of
                                                                                   sustainability by sponsors and

                                                                                   The Buy Smart Sustainability
                                                                                   Procurement Policy was
                                                                                   implemented to ensure that:

                                                                                   >	VANOC makes economically,
                                                                                     environmentally and socially
                                                                                     conscious choices when
                                                                                     purchasing products and

                                                                                   >	Sustainability, ethical choices
                                                                                     and Aboriginal participation are
  Canada’s natural environment,            have their own established written        taken into account within all
  stimulating demand for                   code of conduct. During the               of VANOC’s procurement and
  environmentally sound products           competitive bidding process,              licensing processes.
  and services.                            independent audits of licensee
                                           or supplier factories will also be      >	Suppliers of licensed
> Social responsibility. Your product,     given significant weight.                 merchandise meet credible
  company or production methods                                                      standards for ethical, social
  adhere to ethical sourcing with                                                    and environmental compliance.
  respect to human and labour            Doing business with VANOC
  rights, promote athletic and sport     When you register your organization       In addition, Buy Smart mandates
  development, assist inner-city         at the 2010 Commerce Centre website       independent factory monitoring
                                         (, you         and enables VANOC to evaluate
  revitalization, support youth and
                                         can create a profile that helps VANOC     factory performance. To support
  disadvantaged groups in business
                                         and other buyers learn more about you.    improvement, VANOC may require
  or in some other way promote
                                         The profile includes a brief summary of   businesses to take corrective
  improvements in Canadian society.
                                         your company, the products or services    action to bring their manufacturing
> Aboriginal participation and           it offers and contact information. This   processes or facilities up to
                                                                                   VANOC’s sustainability standards
  partnership. Your product, company     profile will also enable you to receive
                                                                                   or face termination of their
  or production methods stimulate        notification of competitive bidding
                                                                                   contract. For more information,
  Aboriginal businesses, employment      opportunities.
  and training.
                                         While there are many procurement          Sustainability/EconomicBenefits/
> Code of conduct. In assessing bids,    opportunities related to the 2010         SustainablePurchasing.
  VANOC places importance on             Winter Games, VANOC is the major
  licensees and suppliers that meet      buyer, with a demand for $1.7 billion
  VANOC’s code of conduct or that        worth of goods and services.

Section 2: The opportunities

     How the VANOC procurement                    Understanding Requests for                 These sustainability goals are more
     process begins                               Proposals                                  fully described on the VANOC website
     The best way to learn about VANOC’s          The purpose of a RFP is to describe        and are the subject of VANOC’s Buy
     bid or proposal invitations is to register   the goods or services needed and the       Smart Sustainability Procurement
     for free e-mail notification of opportuni-   circumstances in which they will be        Policy.
     ties that match your business profile        used, along with seeking proposals
     on the 2010 Commerce Centre website                                                     For more information about RFPs,
                                                  that will satisfy those needs at a
     (                                                           visit
                                                  reasonable cost.
                                                                                             to download the 2010 Business
     A company does not need to have              Price is not the only consideration in     Opportunities Workbook. To learn
     contacted VANOC previously to submit         determining a winning bid. A cross-        more about how to respond to RFPs
     a bid or proposal. Anyone meeting the        functional evaluation team considers       and register for an upcoming
     qualifications and requirements for a        other criteria as set out in the RFP.      “Demystifying the RFP Bid Process
     particular request can submit a bid as       These criteria include the supplier’s      Workshop” sponsored by RBC, visit www.
     set out in the Request for Proposals         ability to meet VANOC’s sustainability
     (RFP) or Request for Quotations (RFQ).       goals of environmental performance,
     Note that VANOC will not accept any          economic sustainability, Aboriginal
     unsolicited business proposals.              participation and social responsibility.

     VANOC bid opportunities follow one
     of two paths:

     1. A more complex competitive bidding
       opportunity may start with a VANOC
       Request for Expressions of Interest
       (EOI). Those organizations that
       VANOC determines are most qualified
       (based on their EOIs) will receive an
       Invitation to Quote (ITQ) or a Request
       for Proposal.

     2. Less complex bids are likely to start
        with an ITQ or RFP directed to a
        number of potential suppliers, or
        solicited on the VANOC website.
        Potential suppliers may be identified
        from among those registered with
        the 2010 Commerce Centre.

     The bid or proposal invitation document
     will include the scope and specifications
     for the work, deliverables and the
     bid or proposal evaluation criteria.
     The document will request potential
     suppliers to provide standard business
     information, such as a description of
                                                                                                                                      © CP/COC/André Forget

     the company, its products and services,
     expertise and experience, capacity and
     references from previous clients.

Section 2: The opportunities

Writing winning proposals: Ten habits of highly successful bidders

Many elements go into a successful bid, but it all starts with a well-crafted proposal. Follow these
ten tips for writing a great proposal to increase your chances for a successful bid:

1    	 Create a critical timeline. Be sure to note and comply with the opening and closing dates for submissions.
      Then plan out the time it will take to complete your proposal. Good proposals take time, so give yourself
      lots of it.

2     Answer all questions completely. When preparing your proposal, list each of the RFP requirements and state
      in full how your proposal meets it. Be thorough — provide evidence of your experience, capacity and ability
      to deliver on time and on budget. Every response is scored, so make sure you answer every question.

3     Write for your audience. If you know who will be on the evaluation committee, adjust the level and type of
        technical and financial information you are providing to match their level of knowledge. Whenever you have
        a choice between using technical and plain language, choose plain language.

4    	 Define your terms. If you need to include technical information, add a glossary page, even when you know
          that technical people are on the evaluation team. Not everyone involved in the evaluation will have a
          technical background.

5    	 Customize background materials and résumés. Prepare basic materials in advance so that you can respond
      quickly, but customize them to your audience to ensure all of your bid documents look as though they were
      prepared just for this opportunity.

6     Be consistent in your message. Make sure the terms you use, the descriptions of what you can deliver,
      the pricing details (for example, if the price section states “units,” quote per unit) and the proposal format
      are consistent throughout. Clarity in itself can be persuasive.

7     Profile your sustainability practices. Whether it is waste reduction, energy conservation or community
      outreach, your sustainability work could be a key differentiating factor in any bid. Look for an opportunity
      to profile your good work in your proposal and explain how it will benefit the community or meet VANOC’s
      sustainability objectives.

8     Clearly articulate your experience and solutions. Show that you understand VANOC and what its issues
        really are. Be enthusiastic and positive, demonstrating with confidence how your solutions can help.

9    	 Assume no one knows you. Even if you have met an individual on the evaluation team, or even if you have
          won a contract before, do not abbreviate your response. The evaluation team cannot consider information
          that is not in your proposal.

10   	 Make it easy to do business. Be sure that the products, services and abilities you describe match the
      stated needs of the buyer. Do not impose conditions, since conditional bids are often rejected.

Section 2: The opportunities

     Some further considerations                    > Delivery and security challenges         Whistler, as well as Richmond’s new
     >	Gain experience and credibility               If you decide to pursue a VANOC          speed skating oval, use CIMCO’s Eco
       F rom your experience of doing                contract, keep in mind the potential     Chill® system. This heat-recovery
        business with the 2010 Winter                 delivery and security challenges of      system captures waste heat generated
        Games, you and your employees                 supplying your products or services      from keeping the ice surfaces cold and
        will gain valuable know-how. You              to 2010 Winter Games venues.             uses it to heat water, dressing rooms
        will understand the requirements of           For example, employees making            and spectators at events rather than
        successful bids for government and            deliveries to a secured site will need   sending it outside of the building
        the procurement processes for major           proper security accreditation, and       into the atmosphere. The company
        events. You will learn how to service         access to sites may prove more           estimates the system will reduce
        high-value contracts, the intricacies         difficult and time consuming than        thousands of kilograms of greenhouse
        of multicultural hospitality and              a typical delivery. It is important to   gas emissions and save heating costs.
        entertainment and the value of                factor in these logistics and work
                                                      them into your pricing structures.       The contract for bobsleigh and luge
        cross-cultural awareness.
                                                                                               tracks at The Whistler Sliding Centre is
       Just as important, you will also be                                                     the company’s largest project, with a
       perceived to be better equipped.             Learn from experience                      $20 million total price tag. The bid
       When bid evaluation committees               Lesson #3: Highlight your competitive      took four months to prepare and
       set their criteria for major projects,       advantage                                  had to meet several international
       it is only natural that experience                                                      standards. CIMCO also has contracts
                                                    CIMCO Refrigeration has been keeping
       get due consideration. No one                                                           for the ice rink at the University of
                                                    Canadians ice cold for decades; but
       wants to learn that their supplier                                                      British Columbia, which will be used
                                                    it was the company’s unique system
       underestimated the requirements                                                         for women’s hockey; the refrigeration
                                                    for making heat that led to several
       for funding or human resources when                                                     plant upgrade at the Pacific Coliseum,
                                                    contracts for the 2010 Winter Games.
       so much is at stake. Successful                                                         to be used for figure skating and short
       delivery on a 2010 Winter Games              CIMCO, which maintains its British         track speed skating; and the new
       contract will significantly enhance          Columbia branch on Annacis Island,         Hillcrest/Nat Bailey Stadium curling
       your credibility and can help you            successfully bid on refrigeration          facility.
       when bidding on contracts for                contracts for five different venues.
                                                                                               As a result of winning the 2010 Winter
       future events.                               The bobsleigh and luge tracks at
                                                                                               Games contracts, CIMCO has signed
                                                                                               contracts to design refrigeration systems
                                                                                               for the bobsleigh and luge runs for the
       The VANOC shopping list                                                                 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia,
                                                                                               as well as that city’s ice rinks and
       VANOC will need an extensive scope of goods and services to stage the 2010
                                                                                               sliding centre, says Wayne Dilk, CIMCO
       Winter Games. Consider the following list for just a small sample of opportunities:
                                                                                               Refrigeration’s western vice-president.
       >	Carpeting                   > Furniture                   > Sports equipment
                                                                                               “There’s a profile attached to Olympic
       >	Cleaning and waste          > Housekeeping                > Temporary seating        work — it’s a prestige thing for sure,”
         removal services                                                                      noted Dilk, whose employer usually
                                      > Laundry service             > Temporary toilets        builds food plants and cold-storage
       >	Drug testing                                                                         facilities. “All of our clients want to
                                      > Materials handling          > Tents                    know about our work for the
       >	Electrical appliances                                                                2010 Winter Games.”
                                      > Portable buildings          > Ticketing
       >	Flags and banners
                                      > Portable kitchens           > Transportation
       >	Food products
                                      > Security

Section 2: The opportunities

Opportunity #2:
How to become, or work with, a licensee
Licensing Olympic and Paralympic Games brands

                                               VANOC for the licence to sell and         criteria include your qualifications,
                                               distribute the products during            volume capability, experience as a
                                               the term of the agreement.                licensee, financial capability, proven
                                                                                         track record, knowledge of the
                                             At the Calgary 1988 Winter Games,           marketplace and innovative ideas
                                             licensees paid 10 per cent of sales         relating to the distribution of licensed
                                             to the Organizing Committee, with           products.
                                             25 per cent of projected royalties due
                                             in advance. Fees for the Torino 2006        For more information, see “How to
                                             Winter Games averaged 15 per cent           bid on a Vancouver 2010 Organizing
                                             of sales.                                   Committee Contract” on page 10.

                                             The 2010 Winter Games licensed
                                             product program started in 2005 with        The Olympic and Paralympic
                                             the awarding of a merchandise licence       brands
                                             to Hbc. A number of additional              The names, phrases, logos and designs
                                             licences have already been secured,         normally associated with the Olympic
                                             and the number of licensees will            and Paralympic Games can only appear
                                             continue to grow through a public           on products or advertising used by
                                             bidding process. Visit www.vancouver        official Olympic and Paralympic
In the world of brands, few come close
                                    for a list of current licensees.   Games sponsors and licensees. The
to the Olympic and Paralympic Games
                                                                                         organizations who pay for these rights
                                             To participate, check the                   are subject to strict rules about what
Licensees bid and negotiate permission                  they can use, where and how.
from VANOC to use the 2010 Winter            website for the latest news and
                                             opportunities. Although VANOC does          Even the Olympic and Paralympic
Games trademarks on products created
                                             not accept unsolicited business             Games Anthem falls under this umbrella.
for sale. Some licences are awarded to
                                             proposals, it does accept basic             So do the many related images, such
multiple winners, so no one company
                                             information from organizations interested   as the Olympic Rings and the Olympic
ends up with an exclusive licence. The
                                             in licensing opportunities. Visit           and Paralympic Games Emblems, the
fee typically involves a royalty structure
                                    for details.          Official Mascots, both Torch Relays,
that consists of:
                                                                                         the motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” and
> A percentage of the licensee’s             Future licensing opportunities will be      references to the present Games, such
  wholesale price;                           coming soon, including housewares,          as Vancouver 2010, Whistler 2010,
                                             sporting equipment, publications            Canada 2010, Sea-to-Sky Games
> An advance payment when the                and toys.                                   and the Vancouver 2010 logo. Visit
  agreement is signed;                                                          for more
                                             If you plan on bidding for a licence,       information on licensing and the use
> A minimum amount of royalties              make sure your bid is concise and           of the Olympic and Paralympic
  that the licensee guarantees to pay        professional. Some key evaluation           Games brands.

Section 2: The opportunities

                                                                                            Working with Vancouver
       A licence to sell                                                                    2010 licensees
                                                                                            Even if you decide not to pursue
       This abbreviated list offers a small sample of the diverse range of categories and
       subcategories of products for which licences have been granted for previous          a licensing bid, you may consider
       Olympic and Paralympic Games:                                                        supplying products or services to
                                                                                            an organization that is a Vancouver
       >	Bedding and linen products,           >	Perfume                                  2010 Winter Games licensee.
         towels and bathrobes
                                                >	Posters and greeting cards               Companies become licensees for a
       >	Children’s clothing                                                               variety of reasons, such as the chance
                                                >	Publications:                            to increase their exposure and
       >	Commemorative coins                      transport maps, guides,                  market share, expand internationally,
                                                   competition schedule, albums,
                                                                                            or promote their expertise and any
       >	Computer accessories:                    official Torch Relay album
         mice, mouse pads, diskette                                                         niche or unique capabilities. One
         and CD pouches                         >	Stationery:                              common denominator, however, is
                                                   diaries, telephone books, organizers,    that most licensees will need help
       >	Ear warmers                              notepads, notebooks, sketchpads,         from other suppliers to accomplish
                                                   exercise books, pencils, pens,           these goals.
       >	Frames and photo albums                  erasers, pencil sharpeners
                                                                                            This represents a great opportunity for
       >	Household goods:                      >	Sweaters and scarves                     businesses. Licensees will welcome
         blankets, porcelain mugs,                                                          innovative ideas and products if they
         dishes and cups, glassware             >	Toys:                                    help them meet their 2010 licensing
                                                   soft toys, electronic soft toys,
       >	Jewellery and watches:                                                            objectives. Follow these tips to get the
                                                   action toys, dolls, dolls’ clothing,
         rings, necklaces, earrings,                                                        attention of licensees:
                                                   preschool educational toys,
         bracelets, tie clips, key rings,          infant toys, maracas, whistles,
         pendants                                                                           > Do your homework. The better you
                                                   rattles, neon glows, bathroom toys,
                                                                                              understand the licensee’s business
                                                   water toys, mascot toys, puzzles
       >	Leather goods:                           and table games                            model, product line and goals for the
         backpacks, handbags,                                                                 licensing arrangement, the better
         briefcases, wallets, gloves            >	Video games                                your chances of effectively making
                                                                                              your pitch.

                                                                                            > Communicate solutions that
                                                                                              accomplish the licensee’s goals.
                                                                                              Your pitch should go beyond
                                                                                              highlighting your products or
                                                                                              services and clearly demonstrate
                                                                                              how they will help the licensee
                                                                                              accomplish its business goals.

                                                                                            > Be professional. Only the top
                                                                                              companies are chosen, and you
                                                                                              will need to present to the licensees
                                                                                              in a professional manner. Be
                                                                                              thorough in your presentation.

Section 2: The opportunities

                                                                                       Learn from experience
                                                                                       Lesson #5: Make size no object

                                                                                       As a small company specializing in
                                                                                       novelties for the gift market rather than
                                                                                       more sporty products, Vancouver’s Cajo
                                                                                       Designs wasn’t sure of its chances to
                                                                                       land a licence to use the 2010 Winter
                                                                                       Games brand on its line of goods.

                                                                                       “They liked our presentation and
                                                                                       they liked our products, but the 2010
                                                                                       brand is great for baseball caps and
                                                                                       they weren’t sure if our designs would
                                                                                       translate well to a sports theme,” said
                                                                                       Joe Freeburn, who owns Cajo Designs
                                                                                       with Carl Oster.

                                                                                       The company designs and manufactures
                                                                                       “trendy stuff,” such as tote bags,
                                                                                       picture frames and luggage tags and
                                                                                       is best known for celebrity must-have
                                                                                       cosmetic bags.

Learn from experience                      Winter Games. As part of his research,      But a second presentation clinched the
Lesson #4: Subcontract for growth          Wilson examined previous Olympic            company’s bid. Freeburn said he was
                                           Games, particularly the Salt Lake City      pleasantly surprised contracts weren’t
Making souvenir T-shirts and fleece        2002 Winter Games, to see how similar       reserved for big corporations.
tops for the 2010 Winter Games is          clothing companies managed the work.
exciting, but Tony Wilson knew he                                                      “VANOC did a wonderful job bringing
could not abandon his regular business     “It gave me a really good idea of what      in the small companies,” he said.
to take advantage of an Olympic and        to expect,” he said. “If it goes the same   “Producing merchandise with a 2010
Paralympic Games opportunity.              way here as in Salt Lake City, we hope      logo is a huge undertaking. We have to
                                           we can bring on more people as we           design it, get it approved, manufacture
“T-shirts and fleece tops will be the      need them. The business will jump at        it, sell it and collect the money.”
biggest sellers, along with lapel pins.    an incredible rate.”
It’s going to be huge,” said Wilson,                                                   It’s worth the effort. Freeburn and Oster
president of Richmond-based Wilson         Wilson points out that the Richmond         hope the 2010 Winter Games will help
International Products Ltd.                factory will have to hire more workers      Cajo break into the souvenir market as
                                           to provide retail outlets with 2010 gear,   well as to gain recognition as a future
To keep up with demand for 2010            and they may have to work around            supplier to some of the Winter Games’
clothing — and to keep its other           the clock. But when the 2010 Winter         big corporate sponsors. Despite the
customers satisfied — the company          Games are over, he anticipates that his     potential for future business, Freeburn
has lined up smaller local embroidery      winning contract will continue to bring     said this contract is more about
and screen printing companies to           opportunities for his business.             promoting the 2010 brand than
act as subcontractors as needed.                                                       his company.
                                           “We will be working with new sponsors
Setting up subcontractors was one          and new retailers, and if we give them      “This is about the Olympic and
of the lessons Wilson learned while        several years of good service, we hope      Paralympic Games; it’s more than
preparing to make a bid for a licence to   we will be able to continue working         just the business potential.”
supply souvenir clothing to the 2010       with these valuable clients.”
Section 2: The opportunities

     Opportunity #3:
     How to be a subcontractor
     Small Canadian companies have successfully competed for Olympic and Paralympic Games
     contracts and licences in the past, and they will compete for the 2010 Winter Games as well.
     Bidding is not always easy — you are in competition with major national and international
     companies as well as with other small businesses.

     Even if you do not win a contract or       to offer your goods or services to help     How to access subcontracting
     licence, or choose not to submit a         fulfill a larger contract. Playing even a   opportunities
     proposal or bid, your business can still   small part in the 2010 Winter Games         Once you have identified the niche you
     play a key and profitable role in the      could be extremely profitable.              would like to fill, you need to actively
     2010 Winter Games as a subcontractor.                                                  pursue subcontracting opportunities.
                                                Benefits of subcontracting                  There are a number of steps you can take:
     Subcontracting explained                   While subcontracting represents just
                                                                                            > Register your business. You can
     A subcontractor provides a specialty       a piece of a larger contract and your
                                                                                              register with the 2010 Business
     or niche service to a general contractor   business may not be front and centre,
                                                                                              Network (www.2010CommerceCentre.
     who has committed to providing goods       it offers a number of potential
                                                                                              com). General contractors use
     or services on a larger scale. These       advantages including:
                                                                                              the 2010 Business Network as a
     contracts represent huge commitments
                                                > Simplicity. You are responsible             resource to find the subcontracting
     that sometimes even the largest
                                                  for only your piece of the contract.        help they need.
     bidders may need help with.
                                                  Completing a large project is
                                                                                            > Attend workshops. The 2010
     As a potential subcontractor, this           someone else’s concern, so you can
                                                                                              Commerce Centre and RBC offer a
     represents a tremendous opportunity          concentrate on doing good work in
                                                                                              number of workshops to help you
                                                  your area of responsibility.
                                                                                              identify and successfully pursue
                                                > Exposure. You may have only one             business opportunities. View the
                                                  subcontracting role at the 2010             calendar of events and workshops
                                                  Winter Games, but it represents an          at
                                                  excellent opportunity to network            and at
                                                  with other suppliers and contractors.       olympicbusiness.
                                                  This exposure may result in future
                                                                                            > Review winning bids. You can access
                                                  business opportunities.
                                                                                              information on all the winning bids
                                                > Expertise. Although your talents            of Games contracts and licences at
                                                  may be broader than the specialty or
                                                  customized work you are doing under
                                                                                            > Contact bid winners. Once you have
                                                  a 2010 Winter Games subcontract,
                                                                                              identified bid winners that may have
                                                  you may become known for your
                                                                                              a need for your services, make sure
                                                  niche work. This specialization
                                                                                              they know you are a willing and able
                                                  could lead to more work in your area
                                                                                              partner. If they indicate interest,
                                                  beyond the 2010 Winter Games.

Section 2: The opportunities

  approach them with your products         been approved, the company had              connected Currie with other US
  and ideas.                               only eight weeks to turn the sketches       companies that liked his work, and
                                           into a working clock.                       today about 60 per cent of his business
In the end, while subcontracting may                                                   is with American firms. His work
not provide the high profile enjoyed       “It was pretty stressful, no question,      has also expanded to include more
by larger contract winners or licensees,   but we’re all pretty proud,” May said.      marketing and e-commerce contracts
it can provide you with important          “This is really something special for       compared to earlier years, when it
benefits. You will gain access to          our company to have worked on. It           was mostly web design jobs.
industry leaders along with a profitable   will leave a mark on the city.”
work experience, both for the                                                          “Atlanta opened doors,” Currie said.
2010 Winter Games and beyond.              He points out that EEC and Karacters        “It’s like people thought, if I could work
                                           collaborated all the way through the        with the Olympics from here, I could
                                           project, adjusting the design when          work pretty much anywhere.” As one of
Learn from experience                      necessary and finding the best              the BC businesses with early Olympic
Lesson #6: Collaborate your way            solutions to fabrication problems.          Games experience, Currie’s company
to success
                                                                                       has received some publicity through
                                           “It was an ongoing design-build
Karacters Design Group had never                                                       the 2010 Commerce Centre and was
                                           project,” he said. “One thing wouldn’t
designed a clock before. EEC Industries                                                also profiled in the BC Canada Times,
                                           quite work and we’d figure out a
Ltd. had never built one. But the two                                                  published daily in Torino during the
                                           possible solution. It was a team effort.”
BC companies collaborated to create                                                    2006 Winter Games. That exposure has
the stunning countdown clock marking       Was it worth it? “Absolutely! It’s really   led to more connections with European
the time to the opening of the 2010        a beautiful sculpture,” said May.           companies looking for web design work
Winter Games.                                                                          or a BC-based partner.

“Even if it’s only going to be here for    Learn from experience                       “A lot of people read that publication,
three years, we had the opportunity        Lesson #7: Innovative thinking leads        and it’s very inspiring,” Currie said.
to design something that would be          to Olympic and Paralympic Games             “I’ve had people want to come work
the city’s newest landmark,” says          opportunities                               with me here and people who want to
Dan O’Leary, senior designer at the                                                    work for me from their home country.
                                           More than a decade after Gordon             There are a lot of companies that
Karacters office in Vancouver.
                                           Currie worked on his first project          want to do business in Canada with
As soon as Omega Watch Company,            connected to an Olympic Games, his          local partners.”
Official Timekeeper of the Olympic         business is still reaping the rewards.
Games, approved the clock’s design,        Currie, president of Eldoren Design in      Currie has been sharing his experiences
Karacters approached EEC Industries        Dawson Creek, BC, targeted companies        with other British Columbia companies,
of North Vancouver to build it.            that had contracts with the Atlanta         hoping to get them interested in bidding
                                           1996 Summer Games to find website           for work with the 2010 Winter Games.
“Karacters came to us and said,            design work. Undaunted by the
‘We think you’re the company to take       distance between his northern               “I’m very busy — there’s no limit to the
the project on,’” recalled Rick May,       hometown and the southern Host              amount of work I could do,” he said.
EEC’s vice-president of sales. “We’re      City, Currie tracked down a larger US       “But my goal is to continue to help
a sign-manufacturing firm — we’d           company publishing a commemorative          other companies. I like getting people
never built a structure like this. But     book on the Games and partnered with        going.”
we thought we could do it.”                them as a subcontractor to design and
                                           build a website to market the book.
Working from sketches supplied by
Karacters, EEC turned the concept          “It was a pretty minuscule contract —
into a glass, wood and steel work of       about $8,000 — and I worked on it for
art, with the timepiece provided by        two and a half years, but the spin-off
Omega. By the time the design had          was huge,” he said. That small job

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