ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT

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ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT
A report on Australia’s trade and investment
relationship with ASEAN

                                   Indonesia                 Singapore
Brunei Darussalam                  Lao PDR     Myanmar       Thailand
Cambodia                           Malaysia    Philippines   Vietnam
ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT

Austrade, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Department of
the Prime Minister and Cabinet would like to thank the following organisations:

• AlphaBeta, Asialink Business and PwC for peer reviewing the publication.

• ANZ, Blackmores, CEC Systems, Cochlear, Consolidated Pastoral
  Company (CPC), Ego Pharmaceuticals, 4 Ways Fresh, GroupGSA,
  Icon Global, IE Asia Pacific, Intersective, Ironbark Citrus, Lendlease, Linfox,
  Qantas, RJE Global, Site Group International, Swinburne University, Telstra,
  UNSW Sydney, Vix Technology, William Angliss Institute, Tony Charters and
  Associates and Zed Technologies for providing case studies of Australian
  organisations that are successfully engaging with ASEAN countries.

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ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT

Foreword by the Prime Minister  02            SECTION 3

Foreword by the Minister for Trade,            Opportunities by ASEAN market             43
Tourism and Investment  03                    Brunei Darussalam                         44

Introduction04                                Cambodia45
SECTION 1                                      Lao PDR                                   48
Why ASEAN matters to Australia           07   Malaysia49

ASEAN’s economic growth  07                   Myanmar51

Australia and ASEAN trade and                  The Philippines                           53
investment relationship 10                    Singapore56
ASEAN people-to-people links  13              Thailand58

What’s driving growth and opportunities        SECTION 4
for Australian business                  17   How should companies approach doing
Expanding cities  18                          business in ASEAN?                        65
Growing consumer class  22                    Seven practical tips for success in ASEAN  66
Innovation and digital transformation  26     Advice and assistance  67
Deepening integration and stronger
                                               References 71
connectivity 33

ASEAN in 2030                            40

ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT
                                            PRIME MINISTER

‘ASEAN Now’ marks both ASEAN’s 50th anniversary               In 2014, we elevated our relationship with ASEAN to
and a historic juncture in ASEAN-Australian relations.        a Strategic Partnership with biennial leaders’ summits
                                                              commencing in 2016.
ASEAN embodies opportunity. Its support for
open markets has helped create an environment in              I look forward to hosting ASEAN Leaders in March
which regional real GDP has more than doubled in              2018 at the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit
the last two decades.                                         in Sydney.

Much of this growth is thanks to ASEAN’s commitment           The Special Summit is a historic and unprecedented
to integration – reflected in the Declaration of the          opportunity to strengthen Australia’s strategic
ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 – which                      partnership with ASEAN and deliver tangible security
will bring benefits to Southeast Asia and ASEAN’s             and economic benefits to both sides. It represents the
economic partners, including Australia.                       next bold step in our close relationship.

But the value of ASEAN extends well beyond                    Australia and ASEAN’s futures are closely linked. In
economics. ASEAN is the voice of the region on                the current climate of global change, we must all take
strategic issues, using its influence to shape a world        on greater responsibility for leadership and work more
where might is not right and where global citizens –          closely together in every respect.
big and small – uphold international rules and norms.
                                                              I commend ‘ASEAN Now’ to you and trust it will help us
Australia’s relationship with ASEAN has gone from             to realise the vast potential of our region.
strength to strength. Since becoming ASEAN’s first
Dialogue Partner in 1974, we have worked to support
the organisation’s economic integration and trade
liberalising activities as well as supporting other pillars
of activity.
                                                              The Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
Today, ASEAN as a group is one of our top three
trading partners, representing around 15 per cent of
Australia’s total trade. Our security, people-to-people,
education, cultural and tourism links are substantial
and growing.

02 ASEAN NOW                                                                            Insights for Australian business
ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT
                                           MINISTER FOR TRADE,
                                           TOURISM AND INVESTMENT

Australian business have an exciting opportunity to          The ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade
capitalise on the significant and growing opportunities      Agreement (AANZFTA) and our bilateral FTAs
available on our doorstep in the ASEAN region.               with Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand deliver
                                                             our businesses a competitive edge. The Regional
The statistics are compelling.
                                                             Comprehensive Economic Partnership and a future
Already equivalent to the fifth largest economy in the       bilateral trade agreement with Indonesia will offer
world, the ASEAN region is expected to grow by at            further opportunities for Australian business to link into
least 5.4 per cent each year for the next decade and         the wider region.
beyond, well above the global average.
                                                             I highly encourage Australian businesses to invest
The region’s 637 million people are young and                in understanding ASEAN. Encouraging Australians
entrepreneurial – by 2030, 500 million people in             to develop skills for operating in Asia will ensure we
ASEAN will be working age.                                   continue to benefit from our proximity to ASEAN’s
                                                             growth. Nimble and outward looking businesses stand
There is a strong fit between ASEAN’s growth drivers         to profit most.
and the goods and services Australia has to offer.
The region has a young, and increasingly urbanised,          The Turnbull Government is doing its part. We are
digitised, educated and wealthy consumer base, but it        building stronger relations than ever before and have
is experiencing skill shortages in key industries.           invited the leaders of ASEAN to a Special Summit in
                                                             March 2018. The ASEAN-Australia Business Summit
There is immense appetite for Australian quality and         alongside it will also lay the groundwork for further
consistency in foodstuffs. There is high demand for our      trade, tourism and investment cooperation.
expertise and talent in services. There is strong interest
in Australian capacity to meet the region’s significant      We are pursuing the most ambitious trade agenda
infrastructure and energy needs.                             in Australian history and ASEAN is central to this.
                                                             I am pleased to present this timely publication to
Our existing regional and bilateral partnerships are         assist Australian businesses to capitalise on the
broad and deep. Taken as a whole, ASEAN is one               opportunities of closer engagement with this dynamic
of our top three trading partners, and is a growing          and growing region.
investment partner. Five of our top fifteen bilateral
trading relationships are with ASEAN countries.

                                                             The Hon Steven Ciobo MP

ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT

ASEAN is vital to our regional prosperity and security. Since the report ‘Why ASEAN and
Why Now’ was published in 2015, ASEAN has become more prosperous and its trade and
investment partnership with Australia has strengthened.

ASEAN as a region accounted for 6.8 per cent of world        This report provides a snapshot of the opportunities
total trade in 2016, and received 5.8 per cent of the        this dynamic region offers Australian businesses.
world’s foreign direct investment inflows.1 ASEAN is
                                                             Section one highlights Why ASEAN Matters to
increasingly at the crossroads of world trade, but the
                                                             Australia. ASEAN ranks among our largest export
real story and attraction lies in its substantial growth
                                                             markets. Investment and our strong people-to-
prospects. This potential is a result of factors including
                                                             people links, including through travel and education,
favourable demographics, rising urbanisation, relatively
                                                             are expanding.
low national debt levels, abundant natural resources,
and proximity to the powerhouse economies of
China and India.

The diversity of ASEAN markets, both between                 The ASEAN Community is continuing to
and within countries, remains a challenge but also           develop a harmonised economic market
represents an opportunity for Australian business.           to achieve lasting growth and prosperity
The ASEAN Community is continuing to develop                 across the region
a harmonised economic market to achieve lasting
growth and prosperity across the region.

                                                             Section two covers What’s Driving Growth and
                                                             Opportunities for Australian Business. The declaration
                                                             of the ASEAN Economic Community, and Australia’s
                                                             Free Trade Agreements, have strengthened ASEAN’s
                                                             attractiveness to businesses and investors. Favourable
                                                             economic conditions, such as a youthful labour force
                                                             and increasing urbanisation, are actively underwriting
                                                             this positive future. The ASEAN in 2030 sub-section
                                                             presents key features that might define the region in
                                                             the medium term, viewed through a business lens.

04   ASEAN NOW                                                                         Insights for Australian business
ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT
Section three sets out Opportunities by ASEAN
Market. These explore the key trends and commercial

                                                               SECTION 1
opportunities for Australian businesses in each ASEAN
market, such as a growing appreciation for our quality
food, produce and wine, increasing demand for our
services expertise and desire for our investment
to meet the region’s significant infrastructure and
energy needs.

Section four looks at How Should Companies
Approach Doing Business in ASEAN? including seven

                                                               SECTION 2
practical tips for success and where to obtain advice
and assistance.

The experiences of a range of small, medium and large
exporters and investors are highlighted in case studies
throughout the report which demonstrate Australian
successes in ASEAN.

Research suggests that Australia is well behind other
economies including the United States, China and

                                                               SECTION 3
Japan in levels of trade and investment with ASEAN. 2
To remain internationally competitive, Australian
businesses need to move now to build relationships,
establish connections and expand their footprints to
optimise their chances of capitalising on ASEAN’s
future growth.

Now is the time for Australian business to focus on
our nearest neighbours, to understand and pursue
                                                               SECTION 4

the once-in-a-generation opportunities that the
region offers.

Introduction                                             05
ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT
06   ASEAN NOWSingapore
           NOW Insights for Australian business
ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT


                                                                                                                             SECTION 1
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was formed in 1967 by Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The grouping later expanded to
include Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia.

In November 2015, ASEAN declared itself as the            Figure 1 — Population

                                                                                                                             SECTION 2
ASEAN Community. This includes the ASEAN
Economic Community which provides a framework for
simplifying and standardising the trade and business
environments among ASEAN Member States.
                                                          3rd largest in the
                                                          world in 2016

ASEAN’s economic growth                                   China        India       ASEAN          EU           US

                                                                                                                             SECTION 3
ASEAN's economic growth outpaces the
rest of the world
                                                          1,383       1,309         637          509         323
                                                          million     million      million      million     million

ASEAN’s combined GDP of US$2.5 trillion comprises         Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook
3.4 per cent of the world’s GDP. In 2016, the region’s
                                                                                                                             SECTION 4

                                                          Database, April 2017
annual average GDP growth was 4.6 per cent,
outpacing the global average of 3.2 per cent, and
taken as a whole the region is set to become the
equivalent of the world's fourth largest economy
                                                          The region is set to become the
by 2030. By then, more than half the people who
                                                          equivalent of the world's fourth largest
make up the world’s middle class will live within a
six hour flight from Bangkok, putting the region at the
                                                          economy by 2030
crossroads of world trade.

Why ASEAN matters to Australia                                                                                         07
ASEAN NOW INSIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS - A report on Australia's trade and investment relationship with ASEAN - DFAT
Figure 2 — ASEAN’s GDP compared to major economies in the region in 2016

      GDP —
      US$2.5 trillion

               Cambodia                                               ASEAN
                 0.8%                 Lao PDR                         $2.5tn
     Vietnam                                  0.4%

 11.6%                                                    Indonesia

 Singapore                                                                     Australia

                       China                                          Japan      India
                                                                                                    of Korea
                       $11.2tn                                        $4.9tn     $2.3tn

Source: IMF World Economic Outlook database, April 2017

08 ASEAN NOW                                                                       Insights for Australian business
Figure 3 — Growth in ASEAN’s nominal GDP, 2000 – 2016


                                                                                                             2016: $US2.54tn



                                                                                                                                               SECTION 1


           2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2017; World Bank data,

                                                                                                                                               SECTION 2
                                                                                                                                               SECTION 3
                                                                                                                                               SECTION 4


Why ASEAN matters to Australia                                                                                                           09
Australia and ASEAN trade and
investment relationship

Australia’s $93 billion two-way trade with ASEAN has           Australia and ASEAN have a strong trade
grown by over $25 billion in the past decade, and              and investment relationship, and our FTAs
now exceeds our trade with the United States and
                                                               give us a competitive edge
Japan. ASEAN accounts for 11.5 per cent of Australia’s
exports and 16.1 per cent of imports. ASEAN was the
largest source of goods export revenue for Australia’s
small‑and‑medium‑sized exporters in 2014–15.*                  In 2016, two-way investment between Australian and
                                                               ASEAN was $224.4 billion – greater than the two-way
Australia’s exports to ASEAN reflect the region’s
                                                               investment between Australia and China.
diverse needs. Education-related travel is Australia's
largest export to ASEAN as a group, with crude                 Australia’s regional FTA with ASEAN and New Zealand,
petroleum our largest goods export.                            AANZFTA, and bilateral FTAs with Malaysia, Singapore
                                                               and Thailand provide greater certainty for Australian
                                                               service suppliers and investors, and extensive tariff
* Small and medium-sized exporters are defined as exporters
   that earn between $250,000 and $50 million in total goods   reductions for goods exporters.
   export revenue.

                     $93bn                                                     $224.4bn
                     in two-way trade (2016) – greater                         in two-way investment (2016) – greater
                     than the US and Japan                                     than China, Germany or New Zealand

                     Top three
                     trading partner                                           $81.6bn
                     11.5% of overall exports                                  in two-way FDI between ASEAN
                     and 16.1% of imports                                      and Australia in 2016

                     12,000+                                                   119,000
                     Australian businesses                                     certificates of origin issued for export
                     export to ASEAN                                           of goods under AANZFTA (2012–2016)

                     10th largest                                              growth in certificates of origin
                                                                               issued in 2016
                     Australia is ASEAN’s 10th largest
                     source of goods imports

10   ASEAN NOW                                                                           Insights for Australian business
Figure 4 — Australia’s top 10 goods exports to ASEAN, 2016

                                                                                     Crude petroleum $2.59bn
                                                                                     Wheat $2.25bn
                                                                                     Coal $1.7bn

              Australian                                                             Gold $1.13bn

            goods exports                                                            Live animals (exc. seafood) $1.09bn
                                                                                     Copper $996m

              to ASEAN                                                               Nickel $873m

                                                                                                                                                 SECTION 1
                                                                                     Sugar, molasses and honey $827m
                                                                                     Aluminium $770m
                                                                                     Beef $729m

Source: ABS trade data on DFAT STARS database and DFAT estimates

                                                                                                                                                 SECTION 2
Figure 5 — Australia’s services exports to ASEAN, 2016

                                                                                   Personal travel $6.3b
                                                                                           Education related $4.3b         Travel
                                                                                           Other $2b                       $6.83b (total)

                                                                                     Business travel $534m

                                                                                                                                                 SECTION 3
                                                                                     Other business services $2.54b

            Australian                                                               Transport $984m

         services exports                                                            Government goods and services $306m
                                                                                     Telecommunications, Computer

            to ASEAN                                                                 and Information Services $264m
                                                                                     Financial services $237m
                                                                                     Personal, cultural and recreational services $110m
                                                                                     Other (includes intellectual property;
                                                                                     maintenance and repair; and construction) $105m
                                                                                                                                                 SECTION 4

                                                                                     Insurance & pension services $91m

Source: Based on ABS Cat No. 5368.0.55.004 International Trade: Supplementary Information, 2016

Why ASEAN matters to Australia                                                                                                             11
Figure 6 — Foreign investment stock in ASEAN from Australia

$b                                                                                                                                        %

120                                                                                                                                       5






  0                                                                                                                                       0
          2007         2008         2009          2010         2011         2012          2013         2014        2015        2016

                                   Value of Australia’s outward investment                 Share of Australia’s outward investment

Source: ABS Cat No. 53520 – International Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics, 2016

Figure 7 — Foreign investment stock in Australia from ASEAN

 $b                                                                                                                                       %

140                                                                                                                                       6






  0                                                                                                                                       0
          2007         2008         2009          2010         2011         2012          2013         2014        2015        2016

                                   Value of ASEAN’s outward investment                     Share of ASEAN’s outward investment

Source: ABS Cat No. 53520 – International Investment Position, Australia: Supplementary Statistics, 2016

12    ASEAN NOW                                                                                              Insights for Australian business
ASEAN people-to-people links

                                                            This is our region — we’re geographically
ASEAN’s proximity to Australia means its countries          close with strong people-to-people links
and peoples are part of the fabric of Australian society.   and long histories of cooperation
Nearly one million Australians claim Southeast Asian
ancestry and are an asset in understanding regional
cultural and business norms and forging lasting
business relationships.

                                                                        Almost    100,000
                                                                        International students in Australia
Australia is an increasingly popular choice

                                                                                                                        SECTION 1
                                                                        from an ASEAN country in 2016
for ASEAN students seeking a world‑class
education, with close to 100,000 students
from ASEAN countries studying in
Australia in 2016                                                       1 million
                                                                        Nearly 1 million Australians claim
                                                                        ASEAN ancestry

The Australian Government is supporting over 13,500

                                                                                                                        SECTION 2
Australian undergraduates between 2014 and 2018
to do programs in ASEAN countries through the New
Colombo Plan. This is forming a new generation of
                                                                        Over 15%
Australians who have business-ready skills, experience                  International visitors to Australia from
                                                                        an ASEAN country in 2016
and cultural awareness to operate in the region.

Australia is also a highly attractive destination for

ASEAN visitors, with 1.3 million people holidaying,
doing business, studying or working in Australia in
2016–17.                                                                Over 700,000 Australians speak an

                                                                                                                        SECTION 3
                                                                        ASEAN language

                                                                                                                        SECTION 4

Why ASEAN matters to Australia                                                                                    13
Figure 8 — International student numbers in Australia, 2016 — Member countries’ shares of
ASEAN total

Education-related travel
is Australia’s largest export
to ASEAN as a group

                                                                            Malaysia 23.7%

                                                                            Vietnam 22.6%

                                                                            Thailand 19.3%

                                                                            Indonesia 14.9%

                                                                            Philippines 8.5%

                                                                            Singapore 7.8%

                                                                            Cambodia 1.4%

                                                                            Myanmar 1.1%

                                                                            Brunei Darussalam 0.4%

                                                                            Laos 0.3%

554,179                                                                  99,451
Total international                                                      ASEAN students
students                                                                 (17.9%)
Source: Australian Trade and Investment Commission, Student Data 2016

14 ASEAN NOW                                                             Insights for Australian business
Figure 9 — A leading source of short-term visitors, 2016–17



                               1,358,000           1,355,000



                                                                                            753,000             726,000

                                                                                                                                                         SECTION 1


       EU (including UK)        ASEAN            New Zealand             China                USA                 UK                 Japan

                                                                                                                                                         SECTION 2
                  Holiday         Visiting friends or relatives        Business          Education           Employment           Other

Source: Data compiled using Tourism Research Australia (TRA) database and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) data
on short-term visitor arrivals. Data by country (or ASEAN-10 region). Total number of short-term visitor arrivals, including those aged under 15 years
of age based on DIBP data, rounded to nearest 1,000. United Kingdom numbers have been counted as part of the European Union and are also
presented separately.

New Colombo Plan

                                                                                                                                                         SECTION 3
The New Colombo Plan involves a scholarship
program for study of up to one year and internships                                                                                13,603
or mentorships, and a flexible mobility grants program
                                                                                                                               New Colombo Plan
for both short and longer-term study, internships,                                                                          Scholars and Mobility
mentorships, practicums and research.                                                                                           Grants Recipients
                                                                                                                                    studying and
                                                                                                                          undertaking internships
Pages/new-colombo-plan.aspx                                                                                                  in ASEAN, 2014–2018
                                                                                                                                                         SECTION 4

                                                                    * Mobility student numbers are subject to amendment by Australian universities.
                                                                     ** 2018 scholarship round outcomes will be announced in late November 2017.

Why ASEAN matters to Australia                                                                                                                     15
16   ASEAN NOWIndonesia
           NOW Insights for Australian business


                                                                        SECTION 1
                                                                        SECTION 2
There are many drivers of growth in the region but four
factors are transforming ASEAN’s business landscape:

• expanding cities accelerating economic growth,
  improving productivity and raising demand;

                                                                        SECTION 3
• a growing consumer class with greater
  purchasing power;

• innovation and digital disruption creating the
  world’s fastest-growing online market for goods and
  services; and

• deepening integration and stronger connectivity,
  including the influence of Australia’s FTAs, making it
  easier to conduct business and supporting stronger
                                                                        SECTION 4

  regional value chains.

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business   17
Expanding cities

Over one-third of ASEAN’s population live in cities, contributing more than two-thirds of the region’s GDP.
An estimated additional 90 million people will live in cities by 2030, and this could add more than US$500 billion to

Figure 10 — Urbanisation rates across ASEAN, 2016


                                                                                          Malaysia   Brunei

                                                                                          75% 78%
                                                                   Thailand   Indonesia

                                                                   52% 55%
                     40% 44%

Cambodia     34% 35%

Source: World Bank data,

Figure 11 — Per capita incomes in capital cities and in countries (Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia),

                                                                                                PER CAPITA
                                                  GDP                                           $US25,000
     GDP                                          PER CAPITA
     PER CAPITA                                   $US17,700
     $US15,000                                                                                                COUNTRY
                                                                   COUNTRY                                    AVERAGE
            COUNTRY                                                AVERAGE                                    $US9,360
            AVERAGE                                                $US5,899

          Jakarta                                      Bangkok                                   Kuala Lumpur

Source: BNP Paribas, ‘ASEAN: City versus Country,’ December 2016

18   ASEAN NOW                                                                                        Insights for Australian business
Already some of ASEAN’s largest cities, Bangkok,                               There are around 50 ASEAN cities that have more than
Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur rank as high-income status.                           half a million residents. Special economic and export

ASEAN’s growing middle-weight regions and second‑tier                          processing zones and clusters around larger cities
cities, those with populations of between 500,000 and                          also create economies of scale and provide additional
five million people, are drivers of further growth.                            benefits for investors.4

Figure 12 — ASEAN cities with populations over 500,000 based on UN data, 2017 projections

      Mandalay                            Hanoi

                                                                                                                                                      SECTION 1
                                                        Hai Phòng
                                             1.1m       1.14m                                                                Capital
                    Nay Pyi Taw
            Bago                           Vientiane                                                                         City
                         Mawlamyine        Udon Thani
          Yangon                           576,000            Da Nang
           5.01m                                              1m                                Manila
                    9.61m             Chon Buri
                                                           1.82m                      13.32m
                                      578,000                 Bien Hoa
        Samut Prakan

                                                                                                                                                      SECTION 2
               2.14m                                          890,000
                                 Phnom Penh                                                                            Cebu City
                                                           Ho Chi Minh City                              Bacolod
                                            Can Tho        7.7m                                          576,000       981,000
                                              1.3m                                                                         Cagayan de Oro City
                                                                                               Zamboanga City              719,000
                                                                                                                             Davao City
                                  Ipoh                                Bandar Seri                                            1.69m
                               767,000         Johor Bahru              Begawan                Kota Kinabalu
                       Medan                                                                   504,000         Santos City
                       2.26m                                                                                     644,000
                     Kuala Lumpur                                         Kuching
                                                    Singapore             581,000

                                                                                                                                                      SECTION 3
                                                  Batam                                            Samarinda
                       Pekan Baru 1.21m                               Pontianak
                                                  1.6m                                             924,000
                             Padang               Jambi 636,000                                 Balikpapan
                            936,000                     Palembang 1.46m                         697,000

                                  Bandar Lampung                    10.66m                708,000
                                                              Bogor 1.13m                                 1.55m
                                              Jakarta                             Surabaya 2.9m
                           Bandung                                                Malang 876,000
                             2.61m        Tasikmalaya
                                                                                                                                                      SECTION 4

                                              878,000     Semarang
                                                                              Surakarta    1.24m

Source: United Nations World Urbanisation Prospects: The 2014 Revision5

UN World Urbanization Prospects data covers the populations of urban agglomerations with 300,000 inhabitants or more in 2014 by country
(data range 1950–2030). Some population data includes functional urban areas that are contiguous areas, and are consistently urban in character
as indicated by levels of population density, economic functions and facilities. Data may include multiple municipalities.

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                                                 19
Future cities in ASEAN will require innovative and           and tourism facilities. In addition to private investors
specialist services, products and technologies to            and ASEAN countries’ own resources, investment is
address urban challenges such as overcrowding and            stemming from China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Japan’s
congestion, infrastructure needs and pollution.              Partnership for Quality Infrastructure, and multilateral
                                                             development banks such as the Asian Infrastructure
ASEAN cities will demand substantial investment
                                                             Investment Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the
across the region in new and retrofitted major
                                                             World Bank, for market-ready proposals.
transport infrastructure, power and water utilities

     Case study: Vix Technology

     Long-term view vital to                                 Individually, as a member of consortia and in
                                                             joint ventures, the company has delivered several
     Vix Technology’s ASEAN success                          prominent projects in ASEAN markets. These
                                                             include the ‘EZLink’ integrated smart ticketing
                                                             system in Singapore and multiple projects
                                                             in Thailand, including a national smart card
                                                             clearing house.

                                                             In Malaysia, Vix Technology is helping develop
                                                             a unified payment system for multiple transit
                                                             operators, which became the cornerstone of the
                                                             company’s sizeable investment in the country. Vix
                                                             Technology has established its Asian operating
                                                             headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, seconded
                                                             international staff into the country and created a
     Patience, performance and partnerships have             local support presence.
     fuelled Vix Technology’s success in ASEAN markets.
                                                             In Thailand, Vix Technology has also established
     Over 20 years, the Melbourne-based company
                                                             a joint venture with a local operator to support
     has applied these approaches to seize lucrative
                                                             and maintain the ‘Rabbit Card’ electronic payment
     opportunities in the fast-growing transport ticketing
                                                             system and support business development in
     and payment market in the region.
                                                             the region.

                                                             Vix Technology has received considerable support
                                                             from Austrade over the last 10 to 15 years as the
                                                             company built its presence in ASEAN markets.

20    ASEAN NOW                                                                        Insights for Australian business
Australian firms can also provide building materials and
                                                                   consulting expertise in integrated precinct planning

Australia’s reputation for liveability is
                                                                   and environmental design, intelligent transport
widely recognised. Australian solutions
                                                                   systems, renewable energy and storage solutions.
can, and are, helping to build ASEAN cities                        Firms can offer input to efficient public services
of the future                                                      and civil safety, smart environmental technologies,
                                                                   including for air quality control, and services to protect
                                                                   critical public infrastructure.

   Case study: IE Asia Pacific

                                                                                                                                SECTION 1
   IE Asia Pacific keeps ASEAN airspace                            Dominic Nadvillaveetil, Marketing Manager, IE Asia
                                                                   Pacific, points to experience, market knowledge,
   safe and efficient                                              investments and long-term relationship building
                                                                   as keys to IE Asia Pacific’s success in the
                                                                   ASEAN region. ‘For example, one of our directors
                                                                   has lived and worked in Malaysia for eight years
                                                                   and knows the market and our customers very well,’
                                                                   Nadvillaveetil says.

                                                                                                                                SECTION 2
                                                                   ‘Another key to IE Asia Pacific’s success in the
                                                                   ASEAN markets has been their relationship with
                                                                   local representative companies to help with
                                                                   in‑country logistics and business development.’
                                                                   He also adds, ‘we are therefore constantly on the
                                                                   lookout for reputable, experienced organisations
   A Canberra-based organisation founded in                        that are prepared to work with us across the region.’
   2009, IE Asia Pacific specialises in providing
                                                                   IE Asia Pacific intends to increase its engagement
   performance evaluation products and services

                                                                                                                                SECTION 3
                                                                   with Austrade and leverage their rich network
   for radar surveillance systems. Part of a European
                                                                   across the ASEAN region. ‘We do intend to
   multinational group, IE Asia Pacific is a steadily
                                                                   capitalise further on the Austrade network to build
   growing business which turns over about
                                                                   our business in ASEAN and beyond, particularly in
   AUD $5 million per year.
                                                                   the markets where we don’t have any presence,’
   In ASEAN, IE Asia Pacific has exported to Indonesia,            said Nadvillaveetil.
   Malaysia and Singapore and is currently seeking to
   develop business in both Vietnam and Thailand.
                                                                                                                                SECTION 4

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                           21
Case study: UNSW Sydney

     Australia’s solar scientists                         As recognised world-leaders in solar-cell research,
                                                          Australian scientists have the capacity to power this
     make breakthrough in quest for                       renewables revolution. Australian scientists have
     low-cost panels                                      been at the forefront of research into photovoltaic
                                                          cells for 40 years. In December 2016, the Sydney-
                                                          based Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics
                                                          (ACAP) announced a world record for efficiency
                                                          for a certified solar-cell (larger than 10cm2) using
                                                          a specific type of structured compound, called
                                                          a perovskite.

                                                          According to Dr Anita Ho-Baillie, Senior Research
                                                          Fellow at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable
                                                          Energy Engineering, and Program Manager for the
                                                          Perovskite Solar Cell Research at ACAP, perovskites
                                                          are the fastest-advancing solar technology to date.

     Solar power is a hot topic in Southeast Asia.        ‘Perovskites are highly versatile and because they
     ASEAN is are pursuing policies to diversify their    exist in solution, we can paint, spray or print them
     energy sources and have set an aspirational          onto solar cells,’ she says.
     target to source 23 per cent of their energy from
     renewables by 2025.                                  By making solar cells simpler and cheaper to make,
                                                          the new perovskite technique could shake up global
                                                          manufacturing of solar panels.

Growing consumer class                                    Figure 13 — Growth of the ASEAN middle class

Mass urbanisation across ASEAN is accompanied
by rapid expansion in the middle class. Six ASEAN
countries – Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, the
Philippines and Vietnam – are classified by the World
Bank as lower middle-income economies, defined as                                   2030
those with a gross national income per capita between         38 million
US$1,006 and US$3,955. This accounts for over                 2015
80 per cent of ASEAN’s total population of 637 million.
As these countries continue to urbanise, the number
of middle class households, with an annual income
in excess of US$10,000, is forecast to more than
quadruple across the region to 161 million households
by 2030.6

22    ASEAN NOW                                                                      Insights for Australian business
Case study: Ego Pharmaceuticals

   Ego Pharmaceuticals turns to direct                             2016–17 – up 15 per cent over the previous year –
                                                                   Singapore is Ego Pharmaceuticals’ second largest
   sales model for ASEAN success                                   international market. Malaysia grew 18 per cent
                                                                   to $5 million over the same period to rank as the
                                                                   business’s fifth largest market.

                                                                   Ego Pharmaceuticals’ Managing Director,
                                                                   Alan Oppenheim, says the more recent success
                                                                   in those markets is driven in part by moving from
                                                                   a distributor to a direct presence in Singapore 13

                                                                                                                              SECTION 1
                                                                   years ago, and Malaysia nine years ago.

                                                                   Other success factors for Ego Pharmaceuticals
                                                                   in Singapore and Malaysia include new product
                                                                   launches; marketing plans that better communicate
                                                                   the value of the business to consumers; forging
   Founded in 1953, Ego Pharmaceuticals develops
                                                                   closer relationships with trade partners such as
   and manufactures skin and healthcare products in
                                                                   dermatologists and pharmacists; and ensuring the
   Australia, and markets them worldwide.
                                                                   right mix of products is supplied to each country.

                                                                                                                              SECTION 2
   In the ASEAN region, the business started exporting
                                                                   The ASEAN region is also vital to Ego
   into Singapore in the 1960s and Malaysia in the
                                                                   Pharmaceuticals’ plans to increase the share of its
   1970s. Having delivered $6.7 million in revenue in
                                                                   business coming from export.

The growth of middle class households is driving                   Across the region, there’s been a significant shift in
substantial increases in consumer demand.                          recent years from buying staple commodities towards

                                                                                                                              SECTION 3
The economic diversity across the ASEAN region                     higher-value and quality food, dairy and agricultural
reinforces the importance of looking at specific market            products. Australian companies can benefit from these
opportunities. For instance, while major cities will               shifting consumer patterns by taking advantage of
remain significant drivers of demand, rising consumer              Australia’s reputation as a premium food and beverage
power is likely to be most pronounced in satellite and             supplier. Companies looking to enter ASEAN markets
second-tier cities. Research demonstrates that several             should consider presenting a narrative to consumers
sub-regions in ASEAN will have greater consumer                    around Australia’s food safety credentials.
sales growth than entire countries.7
                                                                                                                              SECTION 4

ASEAN ‘urbanites’ of the future will be younger, with
more discretionary spending power and a greater                    As consumer patterns change, there will
demand for premium products.                                       be opportunities for Australian exporters
                                                                   in the food and beverage, agriculture
                                                                   and agribusiness, services including
                                                                   telecommunications and healthcare, and
                                                                   education sectors

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                         23
Case study: 4 Ways Fresh

  The ASEAN region proves fertile                        Austrade is helping by setting up meetings with
                                                         logistics companies, lawyers and local government
  territory for Australian agribusiness                  bodies, and providing insights into Vietnam’s
                                                         regulatory system.

                                                         Since 2014, Ly’s company has invested in
                                                         greenhouses in Kon Tum Province in Vietnam’s
                                                         Central Highlands and started growing trial crops.
                                                         Meanwhile, he has begun training his employees
                                                         in horticulture skills. Ly’s Vietnamese-speaking
                                                         employees are teaching community farmers
                                                         Australian-style, high-tech farming techniques and
                                                         food safety. They are also explaining what Western-
                                                         style supermarkets look for in long-term suppliers.

                                                         ‘Right now, small-scale Australian entrepreneurs
  In 1986, Duy Ly arrived as a refugee from Vietnam.
                                                         have a huge amount to offer in the region, where
  Over the following 30 years, he built his Adelaide-
                                                         governments want family businesses to prosper,’
  based, family agribusiness – 4 Ways Fresh – into a
                                                         says Ly. ‘There’s a perception that Asia is only for
  major supplier of fresh vegetables to supermarkets.
                                                         big companies, but there are great opportunities
  Today, he is heading back to Asia, turning 4           for small players with smart ideas. In many fields,
  Ways Fresh into an international business and          our commercial skills are well respected and in
  helping small farmers across the ASEAN region          demand. Asia is changing fast; now’s the time to go.’
  become suppliers to fast-growing, Western-style
  supermarkets in the region.

Australian businesses should consider emerging           Student and labour mobility are central to deeper
mega-trends in the retail and tourism sectors.           economic integration and developing a skilled
Intra‑ASEAN tourism is significant, with around          workforce. ASEAN countries are strengthening
44 per cent of tourist arrivals coming from within the   their education and training systems. This includes
ASEAN region. Intra-ASEAN tourism has been growing       developing a common framework to help compare
at a rapid eight per cent per year since 2011. 8         qualifications and make it easier for workers to move
                                                         to jobs that match their skills. Australian education
                                                         providers and firms with relevant experience are well
                                                         placed to support this ambition.
Cultivating a labour force with the skills
and training to meet the demands of
the growing consumer class is a priority

24 ASEAN NOW                                                                       Insights for Australian business
Case study: William Angliss Institute

   Training ASEAN’s tourism industry                               William Angliss Institute is investing heavily in
                                                                   several ASEAN markets. For example, William
                                                                   Angliss Institute Singapore (a wholly owned
                                                                   subsidiary of the William Angliss Institute) has
                                                                   operated as the training partner for the Singapore
                                                                   Grand Prix since 2013.

                                                                   In Thailand, the institute has delivered training and
                                                                   consulting projects for hotels, tourism operators,
                                                                   catering companies and restaurant groups.

                                                                                                                                SECTION 1
                                                                   William Angliss Institute has provided a range
                                                                   of industry training projects in Vietnam since
                                                                   1996, and general cooking, pastry cooking and
   Founded in 1940 and headquartered in Melbourne,                 bakery skills assessments since 2005. In 2015,
   William Angliss Institute provides training services            the institute established a campus partnership in
   for the tourism, hospitality and food sectors. The              Da Nang with seed-funding assistance from the
   institute has a presence in several ASEAN markets.              Australian Government.

                                                                                                                                SECTION 2
   A commercial arm – Angliss Consulting – provides                In the Philippines, William Angliss Institute has
   tourism and hospitality consultancy projects across             undertaken cooking, bakery and pastry cooking
   a range of countries in the ASEAN region. The                   training and skills assessments since 2005. In
   institute continues to be highly active and has                 2017, the institute reached a heads of agreement
   delivered projects for the ASEAN Secretariat on a               with Southville University in Manila, in a campus
   continuous basis since 2004.                                    partnership arrangement, to deliver Australian
                                                                   commercial cooking qualifications.

                                                                                                                                SECTION 3
English is the common language across all countries                Population growth, rising incomes and
and English language courses are in high demand.                   improved access to healthcare has led
Australia is considered by ASEAN as a world leader in
                                                                   to strong demand for health services
education, qualifications frameworks and qualification
recognition. This reputation benefits Australian
                                                                   across ASEAN
education and service providers offering in-country
solutions that equip students with vocational training
and leadership skills.                                             There’s scope for Australian businesses to offer
                                                                                                                                SECTION 4

                                                                   intelligent health solutions around services, technology,
                                                                   equipment and training.

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                           25
Case study: Cochlear

  ASEAN skills support Cochlear’s                            In 2012, Cochlear began building an ICT support
                                                             unit in Malaysia to provide global help-desk
  global growth                                              support, systems architecture and design, and
                                                             database support. Then, in early 2016, the company
                                                             expanded again, centralising global repair and
                                                             maintenance activities in Kuala Lumpur. Today, a
                                                             locally recruited team of technicians repairs the
                                                             sound processor components of Cochlear™ implant
                                                             systems for customers around the world.

                                                             For Cochlear, investment also involves building
                                                             medical skills. In May 2015, the company opened
                                                             the Cochlear Training and Experience Centre
                                                             (CTEC) in Jakarta, Indonesia. ‘Our objective is to
                                                             transfer knowledge, so that local audiologists can
  Established in 1981, Cochlear is a global leader           work with patients to build a critical learning path,’
  in hearing-implant devices – and over the past             says Greg Bodkin, Cochlear’s Senior Vice President
  35 years their technologies have transformed the           for Manufacturing and Logistics. ‘Cochlear is a
  lives of over 450,000 people. The Asia Pacific is          global company and Southeast Asia is a huge
  a vital region for Cochlear and within that region,        opportunity for us.’
  Southeast Asia is also a growing support base for
  the company’s global business activities.

Innovation and digital transformation

ASEAN governments are investing heavily to capitalise on the benefits of digital transformation. Creating a
digitally‑enabled region that’s secure, sustainable and transformative is the goal of ASEAN’s ICT Master Plan 2020.

ASEAN’s 2020 Master Plan has five key themes:

              An accessible, inclusive and affordable                       Sustainable development through
              digital economy — Information and                             smart city technologies.
              Communications Technology (ICT) will
              be used to support digital inclusion of                       ICT supporting a single regional
              communities across the region.                                market to facilitate integration and
                                                                            lower business costs.
              Deployment of next-generation ICT as
              an enabler of growth.                                         Secure digital marketplaces and safe
                                                                            online communities to facilitate and
                                                                            promote regional digital trade.

26 ASEAN NOW                                                                            Insights for Australian business
Case study: Ironbark Citrus

   Ironbark Citrus relies on expertise                             Chief Executive Officer, Sue Jenkin, says the
                                                                   company from its inception has focused on
   and relationships for ASEAN success                             exporting and becoming expert in the countries and
                                                                   markets it operates within.

                                                                   ‘We work to establish enduring relationships with
                                                                   export customers and visit them regularly,’ says
                                                                   Jenkin. ‘We’re always looking for new markets
                                                                   in ASEAN and while we use Australian-based
                                                                   exporters for the logistics, payments and other

                                                                                                                                SECTION 1
                                                                   services, we insist on visiting our export customers
                                                                   to discuss their experiences.’

                                                                   Ironbark Citrus operates three farms in Queensland,
                                                                   two of which are in production with the third
                                                                   expected to start production in 2018. It has also
   Queensland-based mandarin producer Ironbark
                                                                   established a business in Laos that works with
   Citrus exports mandarins to a range of countries
                                                                   farmers in remote areas to establish a citrus
   in ASEAN. In 2017, the company exported 1,500
                                                                   industry in Vilabouly District, Savannakhet Province.

                                                                                                                                SECTION 2
   tonnes of mandarins into ASEAN countries. Its major
   ASEAN markets are Thailand, the Philippines                     Jenkin sees ASEAN as integral to Ironbark Citrus’
   and Indonesia. Smaller ASEAN markets include                    expansion in coming decades. ‘ASEAN provides the
   Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar and Vietnam.                       core of our customer base,’ she says. ‘The rise of
                                                                   the middle class in a number of ASEAN countries
                                                                   will allow huge growth over the next 10 to 20 years.’

                                                                                                                                SECTION 3
ASEAN citizens have seized the digital opportunity
thanks to cheaper and more accessible devices and
                                                                   By 2020, Indonesia, the Philippines and
improved connectivity. The region has demonstrated
a ‘leapfrogging’ ability. A number of ASEAN
                                                                   Vietnam are expected to be among the
countries have skipped landline telephones, driven                 world’s top 15 smartphone markets9
by the proliferation of mobile phones. The arrival of
international mobile network operators to Myanmar in
2014 helped drive the fastest rollout of mobile phones
in history, with approximately 30 million SIM cards in
                                                                                                                                SECTION 4

use by mid-2015.

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                           27
Case study: Telstra

  Joint venture unlocking Indonesia’s                   devised a two-pronged strategy: work with a
                                                        local partner and focus on enterprise solutions for
  market potential for Telstra                          Indonesian corporate accounts.

                                                        In 2014, Telkom Indonesia and Telstra agreed to
                                                        create the PT Teltranet Aplikasi Solusi (telkomtelstra)
                                                        joint venture. By early September 2017, telkomtelstra
                                                        had employed 134 team members – including 15
                                                        from Telkom Indonesia and 10 from Telstra and the
                                                        remainder local hires by the joint venture.

                                                        Erik Meijer, telkomtelstra President Director and
                                                        Telstra Country Managing Director, Indonesia,
                                                        describes Indonesia’s enterprise services market as
                                                        ‘very big and untapped’.

  With more than 30 years’ experience in Southeast      Austrade has provided considerable support to
  Asia, Telstra is building a formidable portfolio of   the venture, including introducing telkomtelstra
  acquisitions, joint ventures and accelerators in      executives to clients and companies who may
  the region.                                           assist its progress. This has proven particularly
                                                        useful in winning business from Australian
  Telstra’s services to business and government
                                                        companies operating in Indonesia.
  clients in ASEAN range from voice and
  data to network management, security and              telkomtelstra is also taking a keen interest in
  unified communications.                               discussions between Indonesia and Australia on
                                                        cyber security cooperation, as well as market
  Indonesia is a priority market for the Australian
                                                        opportunities greater coordination between the two
  telecommunications company. When considering
                                                        countries could present.
  how to access the Indonesian market, Telstra

Smartphones are becoming more important as              Southeast Asia is currently the world’s
a platform to deliver education, government and         fourth largest internet market, with
healthcare services to consumers, including in remote
                                                        260 million internet users10
and rural communities. In the banking sector, there’s
demand for mobile banking and payments, online
purchases and other mobile-enabled transactions.
In some of ASEAN’s developing economies, where          Google estimates that around 3.8 million new
most of the population has never had a bank account,    Southeast Asian users come online every month,
people have jumped straight into using mobile money     making it the fastest‑growing internet market in the
transfers and other modern banking solutions.           world, and forecasts there will be 480 million internet
                                                        users by 2020.

28 ASEAN NOW                                                                       Insights for Australian business
E-commerce is another emerging channel for                                 With a young population, and as internet access,
Australian products to capture market share in ASEAN.                      payments systems and transport logistics improve,

                                                                           online platforms will facilitate transactions in second
                                                                           and third-tier cities that have limited access to
                                                                           large bricks and mortar stores. Amazon, Lazada
Although e-commerce use in the                                             and eBay are established e-commerce platforms
region remains relatively low, it presents                                 in ASEAN for servicing middle class consumers.
huge prospects for growth                                                  Australia’s FTAs with ASEAN countries have dedicated
                                                                           chapters that help to facilitate e-commerce, promote
                                                                           cross‑border digital trade and build confidence in the
                                                                           online environment.
E-commerce in ASEAN is expected to grow at

                                                                                                                                                        SECTION 1
14 per cent compound annual growth rate over the                           Despite this significant digital uptake, ASEAN countries
next five years, equalled only by India. By contrast                       remain at different levels of digital development.
China, the world’s largest e-commerce market, is                           Challenges in some areas include scarce internet
predicted to grow at four per cent.                                        infrastructure, low penetration rates and slow
                                                                           internet speeds.11

Figure 14 — Forecast Internet and e-commerce growth in six ASEAN countries
                                                                                      $46 billion

                                                                                                                                                        SECTION 2
      215 million

                                 Internet users                                                         E-commerce market size

                            93 million
92 million

                           82 million

                                                                                                                                                        SECTION 3
                                                                                                        $11.1 billion
                        59 million
                       55 million

                                                                                                       $9.7 billion

                                                                                                    $17.5 billion
                                                                                                     $8.2 billion
                     44 million
                    38 million

                                                                                                   $5.4 billion
                   28 million
                  22 million

                                                                               $1.7 billion

                                                                                                $0.4 billion
                                                                                                $0.9 billion
                                                                                                $0.5 billion
                                                                                                $1 billion

                                                                                                $1 billion
                6 million
                5 million

  Indonesia         Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand   Vietnam             Indonesia         Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand   Vietnam
                                                                                                                                                        SECTION 4

                                2015        2025                                                                2015        2025

Source: Google and Temasek, ‘e-conomy SEA: Unlocking the $200 billion digital opportunity in Southeast Asia’, May 201612

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                                                   29
Opportunities for Australian businesses exist in cyber security, fintech, edtech and medtech.

       In focus —                                               A shortage in skilled workers is proving to be a
       Medtech and digital health                               challenge across the region, with both public and
                                                                private healthcare providers looking for ways to
       Demand for healthcare services is expected               raise workforce skills and standards. Families
       to surge in ASEAN, due to factors such as                are also embracing modern aged care services
       population ageing, income growth, growing                which offer greater choice and higher standards
       prevalence of chronic diseases, urbanisation,            of care than traditional home-based care. These
       and government initiatives such as universal             demographic and cultural changes are driving
       healthcare coverage for citizens. Numbers of             consumer demand for quality healthcare.
       private hospitals and clinics are projected to grow      Australian companies can partner on new
       to meet the rising demand for healthcare services        infrastructure projects and provide the supporting
       and shrink the gaps in healthcare delivery.              services, skills and management needs of a
                                                                growing health industry.

For further information on Australian capabilities across the digital sector please visit:

       In focus —                                               sector, particularly in startup exits. Vietnam has
       Startups in ASEAN and the Singapore                      carved out a niche of small scale startups (under
       Landing Pad                                              $10 million) with a focus on e-commerce.

                                                                Singapore’s startup landscape harnesses a large
       Google estimates there are more than 7,000
                                                                number of financial institutions, multinational
       digital startup companies in Southeast Asia, with
                                                                companies, and globally significant research and
       80 per cent located in Indonesia, Singapore
                                                                development institutes. There are opportunities
       and Vietnam.13
                                                                for Australia to access Singapore’s growing
       The ASEAN startup landscape is punctuated by             infrastructure as a platform to develop and
       some significant successes, including several            commercialise new business ideas, including
       ‘unicorns’ (firms valued at more than US$1 billion),     across the ASEAN region.
       such as Garena, Go-Jek, GrabTaxi, Lazada, Razer,
                                                                The Australian Government established a Landing
       Traveloka and Tokopedia.
                                                                Pad for Australian startups in Singapore’s vibrant
       Indonesia is a key emerging startup destination          startup ecosystem in early 2017. Australian
       with an increasing number of companies with              startups are provided with a workspace for up
       a value of more than $100 million, or what the           to 90 days, during which they are mentored
       sector calls ‘centaurs’.14 Thailand also has a           and benefit from a large network of contacts
       nascent startup scene in e-commerce and                  and tailored business development assistance.
       logistics. Malaysia has a successful startup             More information on the Landing Pad program is
                                                                available at


30     ASEAN NOW                                                                            Insights for Australian business
Case study: CEC Systems

   CEC Systems collaborates on                                     Following CEC Systems’ acceptance into the
                                                                   Australian Government’s Singapore Landing
   collapsible containers                                          Pad, the company announced an exciting new
                                                                   collaboration with the Singapore Institute of
                                                                   Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), a research
                                                                   institute of the Singapore Government’s Agency for
                                                                   Science, Technology and Research.

                                                                   CEC Systems’ collaboration with SIMTech will
                                                                   seek to optimise the COLLAPSECON design and

                                                                                                                                SECTION 1
                                                                   investigate alternative manufacturing processes
                                                                   such as environmentally friendly, cost-effective and
                                                                   lightweight materials.

                                                                   The collaboration highlights the value of the Landing
                                                                   Pad in creating commercialisation prospects for
   Australian industrial technology developer CEC
                                                                   Australian innovation. Encouraging Australian
   Systems designed COLLAPSECON®, the world’s
                                                                   startups to exchange ideas with high-calibre
   first semi-automated collapsible shipping container.
                                                                   Singaporean entities is an example of what can be

                                                                                                                                SECTION 2
   COLLAPSECON enables four empty shipping                         achieved with the help of the Landing Pad.
   container units to be collapsed and combined to
   form a single container to reduce handling, storage
   and transportation costs.

                                                                                                                                SECTION 3
                                                                                                                                SECTION 4

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                           31
Case study: Zed Technologies

  To ASEAN and beyond: medtech                            In early 2017, Zed Technologies arrived
                                                          in Singapore.
  scaleup goes global
                                                          According to Wright, Zed Technologies benefited
                                                          from expert guidance on growing its customer base,
                                                          introductions to local contacts and entry into key
                                                          decision-making networks, not to mention a fully
                                                          paid office space for 90 days.

                                                          ‘We could ask the Landing Pad Manager anything,’
                                                          says Wright. ‘From questions about accommodation
                                                          right through to him opening his black book and
                                                          helping us connect with investors and customers.
                                                          Obviously a warm introduction is a lot better than a
                                                          cold one.’

  Zed Technologies was founded in 2012 by Ross            ‘The Landing Pad provided us with a stepping
  Wright and Ronald Li. The medtech scaleup develops      stone into Southeast Asia and the credibility that
  software, apps and workflow systems for storing,        comes from working with an Australian Government
  managing and evaluating patients’ medical images,       organisation,’ Wright adds. ‘If we achieve success,
  including X-rays, MRIs, ultrasounds and other scans.    we can certainly say the Landing Pad was part of it.’

  When the Melbourne-based scaleup began                  Since their time at the Landing Pad,
  planning its expansion into Southeast Asia, it looked   Zed Technologies have also visited Indonesia,
  for a way to enter ASEAN markets.                       Malaysia and Vietnam, helping build a promising
                                                          pipeline for the future.
  ‘That was when Austrade and the Landing Pads
  program came to our attention,’ says Wright.

32 ASEAN NOW                                                                         Insights for Australian business
Deepening integration and stronger connectivity

Since ASEAN was formed in 1967, its economic                       Australia is a strong supporter of ASEAN’s connectivity.
growth, social progress and cultural development have              A one-stop shop approach to border, customs
been remarkable. The vision of an ASEAN Economic                   and immigration, supported by our aid program,
Community (AEC) set out in 2015 marks a further step               has slashed by 50 per cent passenger and goods
forward for the region.                                            crossing times between Vietnam and Laos at the Lao
                                                                   Bao‑Dansavanh border. Another will open soon at the
ASEAN’s future success will be defined by
                                                                   Mukdahan‑Savanakhet crossing between Thailand
‘connectivity’, the two-way movement of goods,
                                                                   and Laos.
services, finance, people, data and communication.
According to the McKinsey Global Institute

                                                                                                                              SECTION 1
Connectedness Index, Singapore is the most
connected country in the world, while Malaysia,                    Greater connectivity will lift ASEAN’s
Thailand and Vietnam are among the top 40.15                       reputation as a hot-spot for regional value
Connectivity is the idea driving ASEAN economic                    chains integrated into global supply routes
integration. For example, the ASEAN Single Window
will expedite cargo clearance and enable electronic
exchange of border documents. Indonesia, Malaysia,                 Australian firms in mining, advanced manufacturing
Singapore, and Thailand are conducting pilot tests                 and transport and financial services, are already taking

                                                                                                                              SECTION 2
using the ASEAN Single Window to exchange                          advantage of ASEAN as an international trading hub.
electronic certificates of origin. Brunei and Vietnam are
expected to join shortly.

     In focus —
     ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

                                                                                                                              SECTION 3
     The AEC Blueprint 2025 is focused on addressing issues relating to trade facilitation, non-tariff measures,
     services integration and reform of investment policies. It aims to achieve a highly integrated and cohesive
     ASEAN economy through the seamless movement of goods, services, investment, capital, and skilled
     labour. The AEC’s vision, if realised, will enhance ASEAN’s trade and production networks and set up a
     more unified market for its firms and consumers. The AEC isn’t a customs or currency union and it won’t
     be administered by a supranational bureaucracy. Its aim is to guide Member States through a structural
     reform process.
                                                                                                                              SECTION 4

What’s driving growth and opportunities for Australian business                                                         33
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