Structuring project for CEB-D's corporate divestiture - October 8, 2020 - BNDES Projects Hub

Page created by Florence Chang
Structuring project for CEB-D's corporate divestiture - October 8, 2020 - BNDES Projects Hub
Structuring project for CEB-D’s
corporate divestiture

October 8, 2020
Structuring project for CEB-D's corporate divestiture - October 8, 2020 - BNDES Projects Hub
Structuring Project

  Overall context

      1 The company

      2 Project overview

      3 Studies

      4 Schedule

Structuring project for CEB-D's corporate divestiture - October 8, 2020 - BNDES Projects Hub
1 The Company // Company Profile // Economic Group // Corporate Structure

   - It is a publicly-traded holding company               - CEB      Distribuição is a private business
   - Owns shares (ON, PNA and PNB) traded in                   corporation
       the traditional segment of B3 (without liquidity)   -   Wholly-owned subsidiary of CEB
   -   Controlled by G-DF (93% ON, 67% PN and              -   Serves an estimated population of 3 million
       80,2% CT)                                               inhabitants
                                                           -   Concession until July 2045
Structuring project for CEB-D's corporate divestiture - October 8, 2020 - BNDES Projects Hub
1 The Company // Market Position

      CEB-D 2019 NUMBERS

      # Employees: 886

      # Consumer units: 1,085,002

      Distributed energy: 5,562,767 MWh

      Concession area: 5,801.9 km2

      2019 Net Operating Revenue: R$ 2,6 billion
      2019 EBITDA: R$ 167,350 million

      Regulatory asset base: R$ 1,050,730,752

1 The Company // Main Results


                                                                                                      Amount (R$ thousand)

                                      2015         2016         2017         2018                             Diff
                                    Revisited    Revisited    Revisited    Revisited                       2019-2018

     Net Operating Revenue           2,348,022    2,052,795    2,651,663    2,463,379     2,615,566            152,187
     Operating Cost/Expense          2,139,135    1,973,418    2,563,627    2,422,366     2,498,149              75,783
     EBITDA                            256,053      125,599      145,365       89,545      167,261               77,716
     Year Profit/Loss                   36,446       50,270       29,522       (33,678)     41,892               75,570
     Investments                        82,157       72,309       85,278       82,756       40,181              (42,395)
     Net Equity                        308,875      359,180      320,459      414,801      587,874             173,073

     CEB-D 2019 Management Report

2 Project Overview // Diagnosis

     Investments neglected in recent years
     directly affecting the efficiency of the operation                     Status

 !   Impact on performance indicators
     Noncompliance with minimum economic and financial           In 2020 there is still a strong
     sustainability conditions in 2018 and operating limits in   trend of noncompliance with
     2019                                                        regulatory covenants

                     No reversal creates a lapse risk

      Need to implement a turn around with significant Capex

2 Project Overview // Project Structuring

           PROJECT STRUCTURING CONTRACT                        Signed on 8.13.2019

       •    Object: Corporate divestiture of CEB Distribuição S.A.
       •    Contracting institution: CEB Holding and the Federal District
       •    BNDES – Execute and Coordinate: Production of technical studies for diagnosis and privatization modeling
       •    Hire: Technical services needed to execute the project

              SERVICE A                                        SERVICE B
   Consortium BR/LMDM Power                              Consortium Nova CEB

                                                                                                      Independent audit

                                                    Economic and financial evaluation and
                                                 legal, accounting, technical-operational and
   Economic and financial evaluation
                                                   other specialized professional services
                                                                                                      Technical advisory

                  All contracts were carried out by bidding process                                                    7
3 Studies // Results from the Economic and Financial Assessment

                                                                                            Amount (R$ million)

                                                        WACC = 9,10%                               WACC = 8,86%

                Result                          SERVICE A                                SERVICE B

     Operation VPL                                            1,773                                        1,934

     Terminal Value VPL                                         386                                          388

     Working Capital VPL                                         90                                               72

     Enterprise Value                                         2,249                                        2,394       6,06%

     Indebtedness and Contingencies                            (875)                                        (865)

     Capital Reduction                                          (28)                                         (28)

     Equity Value                                             1,346                                        1,501       10,33%
                                                                               Simple average

    Minimum Reference Price                                                       1,424

       Considers operation by new controller able to make the necessary investments to improve
       commercial and operational indicators, improve capital structure and perform an efficient
                                management of nontechnical losses
3 Studies // Net Indebtedness

Debt maturity           (Obs, ICMS not included in this table)
 LOANS                                            2020       2021      2022    2023+    TOTAL
 Eletrobras                                        141           43      16                200         DEBT
 Banco do Brasil S,A, (FCO II a IV)              3,866       2,829         -        -     6,695
                                                                                                  R$ 912 MM TOTAL DEBT
 Banco do Brasil S,A, (FINAME)                       -            -        -        -         -
                                                                                                  (including banking / debentures / ICMS)
 Caixa Econômica Federal                        17,271            -        -        -    17,271
 Caixa Econômica Federal/BNDES                   3,836       5,152     4,678    8,753    22,419       R$ 349 mm CASH (Dec/19)
 Caixa Econômica Federal/BNDES                   3,870            -        -        -     3,870
 Caixa Econômica Federal/BNDES                   5,852            -        -        -     5,852       R$ 128 mm ICMS ANTICIPATED DISCHARGE
 ABC                                             7,639       4,603         -        -    12,242
 BCV                                                 -            -        -        -
                                                                                                      R$ 456 mm PROVISIONS AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS
 ORIGINAL                                        5,043                     -        -     5,043
                                                                                                  R$ 893 MM NET DEBT
 FIBRA                                          27,499      21,944         -        -    49,443
 SOFISA                                          6,111       3,961         -        -    10,072
 DAYCOVAL                                       18,685      22,037         -             40,722
  Total                                         99,813      60,569     4,694    8,753   173,829
  Transaction Cost                                                                      (1,096)
  Net Total                                     99,813      60,569     4,694    8,753   172,733

 DEBENTURES MAIN FLOW                             2020       2021      2022    2023+    TOTAL
                                                26,815      66,667    66,667   53,662   213,811

    Diluted, much of it originated in the short-term Market. There is no room for a
             quick, concentrated and effective negotiation with suppliers.
3 Studies // Proposed Recommendations and Adjustments: Waiver of Covenants

       Waiver of covenants

                      Noncompliance with minimum economic and financial sustainability conditions in 2018
     Status           (Negative flow of -R$ 22.5 million, calculated by EBITDA – QRR) and operating limits in
                                                                                                                      Concession lapse risk
                      2019 (DEC of 8.85 and FEC of 7.25, against the limit of 8.45 and 6.43)

                       Postponement by 3 (three) years of the obligations in Annexes
    Request            II and III of the Fourth Amendment to the Concession Agreement                                      Deadline for publishing
                                                                                                  Effective from the
                                                                                                                                 the notice:
                                                                                               publication of the notice
                                                                                                                                Dec, 8, 2020

                       § 5 of art. 11 of Law No 12.783/2013
                       “(,,,) in case of transfer of control, by bidding process, of legal entity originally under direct or
   Reasoning           indirect control of the Union, State, Federal District or Municipality, the granting power may
                       establish in the advertisement for bids the signing of an amendment to temporarily shift the
                       obligations in the concession contract, so that they are compatible with the date of assumption of the
                       legal entity by the new controller.”

3 Studies // Proposed Recommendations and Adjustments: Division + Assignment of Employees

          Spin-off + Assignment of Employees
                                                                       Market sounding participants positioned
           Creation of CEB Serviços                                   themselves regarding the Spin-off
                                                                       strategy, Most showed a strong
                                                                       preference for the withdrawal of noncore
                    CEB Holding                                        assets and activities from the company,

              CEB                                    •   No controller exchange
          Distribuição                               •   Land version of Noroeste, Asa Norte and Taguatinga
                                                           •   Social capital composition
                                                           •   Not part of BRR
                                                           •   Negligible capital reduction

                    CEB Holding                      •   Transfer of employees with consequent P cost reduction
                                                         (majority already subsidized)

                    CEB Serviços            Others

4 Schedule

         NEXT STEPS

                                         CEB Governance                                                 Auction session
                                           10.13.2020                                                     11.27.2020

                        BNDES approval
                                                                                   Notice publication
                                                              Public hearing
Completion of studies

                                                          Opening DR Phase 1 – DDs: 8.11.2020

                                                          Opening DR Phase 2 – Modeling: 9.28.2020

                                                          Sending TC-DF documents: 10.6.2020
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