STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College

Page created by Cecil Miranda
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Year 12
community   challenge   choice
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Mission and Vision                                           Table of Contents

St Michael’s College is a Catholic school in the Lasallian   Mission and Vision                                ii
tradition which is committed to the human and
Christian education of the young, especially the poor,       Welcome3
through:                                                     Context and Tradition                             4
                                                             Staff                                             6
We are an inclusive and respectful community                 Year 12 Pastoral Staff                            8
where each individual is known, valued and cared             General College Information                       9
for, enabling them to feel confident to explore their
curiosities, flourish and fully realise their potential.     Important Dates for Year 12                      10
                                                             Learning and Management System: SEQTA            14
                                                             College Leaders 2020                             18
Individual growth is achieved through engagement,
opportunity and recognition, underpinned by a positive       The St Michael’s College Year 12 Tradition       19
learning culture that is authentic, challenging and          Year 12 General Information                      20
                                                             College Awards                                   37
    Choice                                                   Student Support - Student Services               39
Through a quality Lasallian education, inspired by the       Consequences for Non-Completion of Work          41
Gospel and a concern for social justice, students are
empowered to better choose who they become                   Conclusion42
as people, learners and leaders in the world.

A quality Lasallian education “is realised
by offering a community and personalised
environment where individuals can flourish as
human beings and where they are open to hope
and have a positive sense of life.”
Br Alvaro

I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.
(John 10:10)

  community          challenge       choice
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
                                                           Year 12 at St Michael’s College

                                                           Welcome to what will be a                 Please read the contents of this
                                                           combination of your most difficult,       booklet and enter Year 12 in the full
                                                           challenging, rewarding, anxious -         knowledge of what your final year
                                                           but assuredly memorable year of           entails. Only in this way can you hope
                                                           schooling.                                to be successful.
                                                           The staff of the College wish you
                                                           every success for the 10 months
                                                           ahead, and hope that this booklet will    Wishing you all the very best for 2020.
                                                           provide useful insights and relevant
                                                           information as to the particular
                                                           nature of Year 12 studies.
                                                           Year 12 represents the culmination        Mr Sam Kitschke
                                                           of your schooling and provides            Year 12 Director
                                                           pathways for your future. Whether
                                                           your own individual interests             Ms Ady Webb
                                                           and talents guide you towards
                                                           employment or tertiary study, we          Year 12 Assistant Director
                                                           hope that your final year will not only
                                                           be satisfying, but also provide the
                                                           platform for future success.

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Context and Tradition                                                                 Context and Tradition

The De La Salle                             Each year, the College holds a Mission
                                            Action Day (MAD) to raise funds
Brothers                                    for the Lasallian Foundation and
                                            the generosity of the St Michael’s
The origins of Lasallian education          community is well known throughout
date back to the 17th Century to            Australia and the Asia Pacific Region.
French priest St John Baptist de La
Salle, founder of the Institute of the
Brothers of the Christian Schools (De       Heritage of St Michael’s
La Salle Brothers).
Born of wealthy parents who valued
education, De La Salle responded            St Michael’s College was founded
to the needs of impoverished boys           by the De La Salle Brothers in 1954.
by establishing schools that were           Classes began at Beverley with 29         Glorious Cross - symbol of salvation
open to all, including the socially and     boys. Due to the great efforts of         and resurrection
economically deprived. Based on the         the Catholic families in the Western      Laurel leaves - symbol of reward and
ideal - to provide education for young      region of Adelaide, the College rapidly   achievement
people that reflects the values of Jesus    expanded. By 1965 the enrolment was
Christ - De La Salle inspired a tradition   780 boys and in 1967, a Senior School     Shield - symbol of strength, faith and
that now spans over 80 countries.           was developed on Lawrie Street            fortitude
                                            at Henley Beach. From 1997, the           Star of Bethlehem - symbol of the
John Baptist de La Salle was canonised
                                            Beverley Campus catered for Years 4       sign of the faith
in 1900, and in 1950 Pope Pius XII
                                            -7 boys and the Henley Campus Years
named him Patron of Teachers.
                                            8 -12. In 2002 a Reception class was
The Brothers came to Australia and          introduced. Beverley now caters for
opened their first school in Armidale,      Reception to Year 6. In 2008 girls were
NSW, in 1906. Since that time they          enrolled for the first time in Year 8.
have opened a number of schools
                                            St Michael’s has worked in close
throughout Australia and extended
                                            partnership with the Sacred Heart
their works to New Zealand and the
                                            Fathers (MSC) throughout its history
missions of Papua New Guinea.
                                            and they continue to act as Chaplains
                                            to the College.

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Staff                                                                     Staff

Secondary Leadership                                                      Heads of Department/Subject Coordinators
Principal                                           Mr John Foley         PLP Coordinator                            Mr Lachlan Chatterton
Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching              Mrs Teresa Cimmino    Religious Education                        Mrs Patrizia Puglia
Deputy Principal – Pastoral                         Mr John Lambert       Research Project Coordinator               Mr Lachlan Chatterton
Business Manager                                    Mr Dominic LoBasso    Science                                    Mr Gavin O’Reilly
Director of Mission                                 Mr Robert Dempsey     Visual Arts                                Mrs Nicolle LeRay-Warren
Director of Curriculum & Assessment                 Ms Bron Kemp
Director of Pastoral                                Mr Matthew Williams   Coordinators

Director of Learning Technologies & Analytics       Mr Ryan Fleetwood     Co-curricular Coordinator (Boys)            Mr Jordan Young
                                                                          Co-curricular Assistant (Girls)             Ms Leanne Burton
Heads of Department/Subject Coordinators                                  Gifted & Talented Coordinator               Mr Stratos Karnas
Business                                           Mr Hamish Redden       Learning Support Coordinator                Mr Michael Balic
Design & Technology                                Mr Greg Cloy           SACE Coordinator                            Mr Rocco Schirripa
Digital Technologies                               Mrs Maria Cardillo     VET Coordinator                             Mr Kevin Woolford
Director of Music                                  Mr Tim Donovan
Music                                              Mr James Musci         Student Services

Drama                                              Ms Emily Burns         Student Counsellors                         Ms Sarah Davies
                                                                                                                      Ms Ida-Marie Tullio
English                                            Mrs Jane Sykes
                                                                                                                      Mr Anthony Vizaniaris
Humanities                                         Ms Catherine Pearce
                                                                          Career Counsellors                          Ms Rose Coorey
Health & Physical Development                      Mrs Sally Nicholson
                                                                                                                      Mr Anthony Vizaniaris
History                                            Mr Matthew Muscat
                                                                          Pastoral Support Worker                     Sr Nithya
Italian                                            Mrs Angela Benedetti
                                                                          Administration Assistants                   Mrs Lynda White
Junior Secondary Learning Initiatives              Mrs Joanne Gilmore                                                 Mrs Bonita Dorian
Mathematics                                        Mrs Anne Finlay                                                    Ms Isabella Barila
                                                                                                                      Mrs Brenda Trimboli

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Year 12 Pastoral Staff                                                 General College Information

Year Level Director: Mr Sam Kitschke
                                                                        Front Office Contact Details
Assistant Year Level Director: Mrs Ady Webb
                                                                        Monday-Friday                       8:15 am - 4:45 pm
                                                                        Telephone                           08 8356 5966
Pastoral Teachers & Room Numbers                                        Email                     
12PC-01             Ms Chloe Harby                             LEC01    Website                   
12PC-02             Ms Catherine Pearce                        LEC12    Student Absentee Line               08 8150 2323
12PC-03             Mr Gavin O’Reilly                          LEC03
12PC-04             Mr Justin Emerson                          LEC04   Uniform Shop -                       The College Day
12PC-05             Ms Bridget Kearins                         LEC05   Dobsons Pty Ltd                       Secondary Campus
12PC-06             Ms Stacey Moros                            LEC06   The College uniform can only be
                                                                                                             Movement Bell      8:40 am
                                                                       purchased from the Uniform Shop
12PC-07             Ms Lavina Desyllas / Ms Cathy James        LEC07   which is located at the Secondary     Pastoral           8:45 am
12PC-08             Mr Fredrick Stanislaus                     LEC08   Campus on Lawrie Street, Gate 4.
                                                                                                             Lesson 1           9:00 am
12PC-09             Mr Lachlan Chatterton                      LEC09   The shop is managed and operated
                                                                       by Dobsons Pty Ltd on behalf of St    Lesson 2           9:40 am
12PC-10             Mr Mario Luppino                           LEC10   Michael’s College.                    Lesson 3           10:20 am
12PC-11             Mr Ned Heath                               LEC11   It is essential to arrange an         RECESS             11:00 am
                                                                       appointment. Please contact staff
                                                                       directly on telephone 8150 2306.      Movement Bell      11:20 am

                                                                       The trading hours are as follows:     Lesson 4           11:25 am

                                                                       Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday          Lesson 5           12:05 pm
                                                                                                             Lesson 6           12:45 pm
                                                                       8:00 am - 4:15 pm (closed between
                                                                       12:30 pm - 1:00 pm)                   LUNCH              1:25 pm
                                                                                                             Movement Bell      2:05 pm
                                                                                                             Lesson 7           2:10 pm
                                                                                                             Lesson 8           2:50 pm
                                                                                                             DISMISSAL          3:30 pm

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Important Dates for Year 12                                                Important Dates for Year 12
Subject to change                                                          Subject to change

Term 1                                                                     Term 2
28          January          Classes Resume for Year 7 and 12              27        April   Classes resume
29          January          Year 7 - 12 Welcome Assembly                  29        April   Year 12 Mass
                             Elevate Education                                               Parent Teacher Interviews (1)
                             Year 12 Parent Evening 7:00 pm LEC                              Early Dismissal 12:45 pm
5           February         Year 7 - 12 Mass 9:00 am                      30        April   Caica Cup
7           February         Year 12 Elevate Education                     1-3       May     Generations in Jazz - Mt Gambier
10          February         Seminar Day 1                                 4         May     Parent Teacher Interviews (2)
12          February         Class of 2019 Academic Assembly                                 Early Dismissal 12:45 pm
19          February         Year 12 Mass                                  13        May     Whole school Mass at Henley Campus
18          February         Sports Day - SA Athletics Stadium                               Feast of St John Baptist de La Salle
26          February         Ash Wednesday (whole school service)          19 - 21   May     Year 12 Drama Production
27          February         MAD Launch                                    22        May     MAD Quiz Night
5           March            MAD nomination forms due                      27        May     Year 12 Assembly
9           March            Adelaide Cup (Public Holiday)                 5         June    Staff Professional Development Day (No Classes)
11 - 13     March            Retreat                                       8         June    Queen’s Birthday (Public Holiday)
25          March            Year 12 Mass                                  9         June    Years 10 - 12 and Families Photos
3           April            Mission Action Day                            10        June    Year 12 Breakfast
8           April            Year 12 Assembly                              17        June    Year 12 Mass
9           April            Years 7 - 12 Easter Prayer Service            25        June    Seminar Day 2
                             Classes Conclude - Early Dismissal 12:45 pm   1         July    Year 12 Assembly
                                                                           3         July    Classes Conclude - Early Dismissal 12:45 pm

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Important Dates for Year 12                                             Important Dates for Year 12
Subject to change                                                       Subject to change

Term 3                                                                  Term 4
20          July             Classes Resume                             12        October    Classes Resume
20 - 24     July             Trial Exam Week                            14        October    Year 12 Mass
29          July             Years 10 - 12 Academic Assembly            16        October    Year 12 Awards Assembly
3           August           Year 12 SACE Evening / Careers night       19        October    SACE Oral Exams commence
5           August           Year 12 SATAC Grab Bags                    22        October    Year 12 Classes conclude
6           August           Seminar Day 3                              22        October    Year 12 Graduation Mass 7:00pm
10          August           Year 12 SATAC Talk                         26 - 30   October    Study Week
19          August           Year 12 Assembly                           2 - 18    November   SACE Exams
20          August           Parent/Teacher Interviews                  5         November   Memorial Mass 7:00 pm
                             Whole School Closure                       5         November   Year 12 Art & Design Exhibition
                             Senior Trinity Intercol                    28        November   Graduation Ball
26          August           Year 12 Mass
4           September Staff Professional Development Day - No Classes
2           September        Elevate Education Production
23          September        Paul Dillon Presentation Year 10 - 12
                             Paul Dillon Parent Session
23          September        Year 12 Assembly
25          September        De La Salle Day
                             Early Dismissal 12:45 pm

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Learning and Management                                                            Learning and Management
System: SEQTA                                                                      System: SEQTA

SEQTA is a collaborative teaching          All parents can access SEQTA to         Once students log on, a master menu       Other functionalities of SEQTA
and learning system that connects          keep updated on what their child        appears providing the students with       include:
teachers, students and parents             is currently working on and when        their timetable and subject course
as an interactive and supportive           assignments are due. This also allows   material. Further to this, students can     Recording students daily
community. To find out more, please        parents to access school reports and    also access daily notices and directly      attendance;
follow this link:                          read the daily notices in a similar     message (Direqt Message) their              Communicating with parents/
                                           interface to the students. Parents      teachers. DM has the capacity for the       caregivers;                      are encouraged to install the SEQTA     user to attach documents.
All students at St Michael’s College are   Engage app on their Apple or Android                                                Recording student achievements
able to access SEQTA via their student     device and enter the following:                                                     and awards;
portal, SEQTA Learn, by using their                                                          Storing teaching and learning
username and password. All students                                                                                            resources;
must access the site through the
following link:                                                                                                                Uploading student report cards
                                                                                                                               onto the portal.

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - Year 12 community challenge choice - St Michael's College
Learning and Management                                        Learning and Management
System: SEQTA                                                  System: SEQTA

Accessing a Student                                            Accessing College                      The Assessment tab will enable
                                                                                                      students to track their progress of
Timetable via SEQTA                                            Notices                                completed assessments in each
When students click on the Timetable                           When the Notices tab is selected,
tab, the students’ individual timetable                        the notices for the desired day will   Direqt Messages enables students
for the week will appear.                                      appear.                                to communicate with their subject
                                                                                                      teacher and vice-versa.

                                                               Checking assignment
                                                               due dates and                          Logging out of SEQTA
                                                               submitting work                        Logging out of the system is advised
                                                                                                      once the student has finished using
                                                               through SEQTA                          SEQTA.

                                                               When students select the Upcoming
                                                               tab, the upcoming assessment tasks
                                                               appear. Students are able to upload
                                                               their assignments once they are
                                                               completed; these are referred to as

                                                               Subject and
                                                               Assessment outlines
                                                               via SEQTA
                                                               The Courses tab displays an overview
                                                               of the selected subject. Students
                                                               are provided with a summary of
                                                               the key objectives of the particular
                                                               course along with a breakdown of the
                                                               assessment tasks.

 16     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                            17
College Leaders 2020                                                                                  The St Michael’s College
                                                                                                      Year 12 Tradition

                                                                                                      Student Leadership                         for the role you will play throughout
                                                                                                                                                 the year as you help to add an
                                                                                                      Year 12 students are at the apex           important chapter to the ongoing
 James Dimas        Olivia Higgins   Mia Stevens-Toomey      Harry Dundon          Leah Seager
                                                                                                      of the College. They provide the           tradition of leadership in the College.
College Captain    College Captain   College Vice Captain College Vice Captain College Vice Captain
                                                                                                      seniority by virtue of time spent in the
                                                                                                      secondary school, and they become          You are now an important contributor
                                                                                                      the exemplar for student standards         to the fine SMC Year 12 tradition.
                                                                                                      and behaviour. Put simply, you             Make the most of this privilege and
                                                                                                      are the role models of the student         continue the outstanding contribution
                                                                                                      population.                                which can be made to your, and the
                                                                                                                                                 College’s, reputation.
                                                                                                      This is not a position which is to be
Luis Benedetti        Ryan Black         Zachary Buck        Kaitlyn Burns        Joseph Carroll      taken lightly…                             By working, playing, studying, praying
                                                                                                                                                 and laughing together, we can achieve
                                                                                                      Just as any group of elite and             a great deal!
                                                                                                      respected individuals in any walk
                                                                                                      of life are examples, for those who
                                                                                                      follow them; the Year 12 cohort of the     Co-Curricular Activities
                                                                                                      College should provide direction and       It is the expectation of the College
                                                                                                      guidance to the student body. All Year     that all students will be involved in a
                                                                                                      12 students have a responsibility in       co-curricular activity. This is your last
Amelia Charles      James Choimes        William Foley       Emily Haller         Sophie Jordan
                                                                                                      this regard.                               opportunity to do so! Whether it is
                                                                                                      This example extends to all facets         swimming, netball, debating, tennis,
                                                                                                      of the College life, such as uniform,      cricket, soccer, basketball, football,
                                                                                                      grooming, attendance, punctuality,         chess, drama or other activities
                                                                                                      support of College events, etc.            offered, it is in your interests to
                                                                                                                                                 represent the College.
                                                                                                      Important also is your input on
                                                                                                      student matters. Constructive              This is a perfect example of how Year
                                                                                                      feedback can lead to positive              12s can be role models.
  Lola Kelly       Michael Laudato      Oscar McCann         Nimrita Ram          David Roberts       developments so you are encouraged
                                                                                                      to communicate ideas to your               Next year more than likely (as you
                                                                                                      Pastoral Teachers and College              enter the post-school world) there’ll
                                                                                                      Leaders.                                   be far fewer opportunities for you to
                                                                                                      In any social organisation, there are      be involved in these sort of activities
                                                                                                      those who take on the formal mantle        so why not have one more go at
                                                                                                      of leadership. To the College Captain,     something you’ve done before, or
                                                                                                      Vice Captains and College Leaders,         even try something completely new,
Ellie Sparrow       Niamh Toohey        Gabriella Ward       Lucas Weston                             our thanks are extended in advance         while you have the chance?

 18      St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                                        19
Year 12 General Information                                                           Year 12 General Information

Staying Healthy                               Headspace 1800 650 890                  It is also suggested that the planner
                                                                                      be visible in your bedroom or study,
                                                                                                                              Students who move into a subject
                                                                                                                              without the proper authorisation
                                              Reach Out.Com – http://                 accessible to you on a daily basis.     may not only default on the SACE
There are likely to be many times   
throughout the year when you might                                                                                            pattern, but may fail to be registered
feel stressed and the best way to                                                                                             on subject enrolment data at the SACE
manage this is to try to stay healthy.
This includes giving attention to your
                                            College Diary                             Religious Education
                                                                                                                              Impromptu or ill-considered subject
diet and exercise, the amount of rest/      You are strongly encouraged to fully      Commitments                             changes may equally present
sleep you have, making time just for        utilise the College Diary as a source                                             problems for entry into particular
yourself as well as time with friends                                                 Please make note of the following
                                            of planning for you and as a source of                                            courses and careers later in the year.
and family. It is also important to                                                   compulsory Religious Education
                                            communication between the school,
understand the impact that social                                                     commitments:                            You MUST discuss the subject change
                                            yourself and your parents. The
networking can have on your time and        student movement section in the                                                   as per the process outlined on the
state of mind. Be careful in finding a      back of the diary must be used for        Seminar Day 1            10 February    form. If you are unsure, please
balance in all of these areas of your       permission to leave classes to attend                                             discuss the process with the Director
life as they are all important in helping   other facilities.                         Year 12 Retreat          11-13 March    of Curriculum & Assessment (Ms
you to stay healthy.                                                                                                          Bron Kemp), Mr Kitschke, a Careers
                                            Of special importance for Year 12                                                 Counsellor or your classroom teacher.
If you are concerned about any              students is the section for noting your   Seminar Day 2            25 June
of these elements then talk to the          continuous assessment scores and                                                  Once the Subject Change form is
Year 12 Director, pastoral or subject       other results. Please use this section    Seminar Day 3            6 August       signed by a Parent and relevant
teachers, the school counsellors or                                                                                           Head of Department, it should be
                                            so that you can ‘self check’ your         In only the rarest and most serious
help lines such as:                                                                                                           returned to Student Services for
                                            subject results!                          circumstances will students be          final verification and issue of a new
  Youth Health Line (Second Story)                                                    excused from these events which set     timetable.
  1300 131 719                                                                        the tone and are the cornerstone of
                                                                                      your graduation year.                   Consideration will only be given to
  Kids Help Line 1800 551 800               Year 12 Wall Planner                                                              subject changes which take place
  Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636                  You are also encouraged to use the                                                within the first TWO (2) weeks of
                                            “Year 12 Wall Planner”, which will be                                             Term I. If problems arise after this
  Lifeline 13 11 14
                                            given out in Pastoral Care, as a means
                                                                                      Subject Changes                         time, please consult your Pastoral
  Crisis Care (After Hours service          of long term planning and improved        It is imperative that any student       Teacher, the Director of Curriculum &
  only) 131611                              organisation.                             who wishes to change a subject in       Assessment or Mr Kitschke.
                                                                                      the weeks ahead does so through
  Sexual Health Line 1300 883 793           It is suggested that you enter all due
                                                                                      the established procedure, involving
                                            dates and key events so you and your
  Alcohol and Drug Information                                                        a Subject Change Form obtained
                                            family are able to plan your academic
  Service 1300 131 340                                                                from the Director of Curriculum &
                                            progress and expectations into the

 20      St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                    21
Year 12 General Information                                                         Year 12 General Information

Attendance/Punctuality Uniform                                                      OPTIONAL ITEMS:                            If students feel unwell at school, they
                                                                                                                               must report to the First Aid Room in
                                                                                      St Michael’s rugby top                   the Administration Office. Students
Year 12 students are required to be        In keeping with the notion of holistic
at school by 8:40 am each day (unless      growth and positive behaviours,            St Michael’s navy track pants            must not contact parents during
their timetable states otherwise,          the school uniform should be                                                        school to pick them up. In emergency
                                                                                      St Michael’s Spray jacket                situations, students may request to
e.g. study (see below). All absences       worn correctly at all times within
must be accounted for and parents/         and outside the school grounds as        No leggings/tights are to be worn at       make a phone call from the Year Level
caregivers are expected to phone           detailed on pages 18 and 19 of the       all. Co-curricular clothing e.g football   Director’s Office.
through absences by 9:30 am if             Diary. Our presentation says much        shorts, is also not to be worn.
possible. If prolonged absence seems       about what we feel is important, and
likely, then Mr Kitschke needs to be       as a result it is important that we                                                 Mobile Phone Policy
contacted and required work will be        work together on this element of our     Leaving During School                      PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT YOUR
gathered, and left at the front office     identity.
for collection.                                                                     Hours                                      CHILD DIRECTLY.
                                           While most students wear their
For students who have an extended          uniform appropriately, others            Students are not permitted to leave        Mobile Phones and other electronic
absence from school either due to          may need intermittent reminding.         the school grounds without signed          devices are not to be used during the
holidays or other events, please refer     Parental support in ensuring that        permission from their parent/              College day.
to the College’s Extended Absence          students present themselves in           guardian, Pastoral Teacher and Year        If students do bring these, it is entirely
from School Policy. While teachers try     accordance with College guidelines       Level Director.                            at their own risk. The mobile phone
to adjust assessment tasks the onus        is essential. Jewellery, hair, makeup,                                              must be switched off and stored
                                                                                    You must scan your ID card through
remains with the student to negotiate      nails and the tucking in of shirts are                                              securely throughout the day.
                                                                                    the Administration Centre any time
the work missed with their individual      areas that often require attention.
                                                                                    that you are leaving school early.         Mobile phones should be stored
teacher.                                   Where repeated reminders become
                                           necessary, parents will be informed      Any failure to use the system correctly    safely, but they may not be switched
Prolonged absences due to illness          and consequences may become                                                         on or used during school hours.
                                                                                    will affect our responsibilities of Duty
should be accompanied by a doctor’s        necessary.                                                                          Students who are found using their
                                                                                    of Care and your parents/guardians
certificate and the Year Level Director                                                                                        phone will have it confiscated and
                                                                                    will be contacted regarding your
contacted so work required can be          PE UNIFORM:                                                                         returned via a Year Level Director.
forwarded. The doctor’s certificate
allows for assessment changes as             St Michael’s PE polo top                                                          Other consequences may apply in line
                                                                                    There will be clear consequences
required by the SACE Board.                  St Michael’s PE shorts                 regarding lateness; as teachers we         with normal St Michael’s behavioural
                                                                                    need every minute of every lesson          processes.
If you are late to school, scan your         Plain white sports socks               in Year 12 so as to be able to teach
ID Card through the Front Office and
                                             St Michael’s cap or hat.               you as well as we can, so we expect
provide a written explanation from a
                                                                                    students to be on time.

 22      St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                       23
Year 12 General Information                                                        Year 12 General Information

Bags                                      ring the College Administration (8356
                                                                                   related to the use of vehicles, whether
                                                                                   you can have passengers etc, please
                                                                                                                             Study Lessons
School bags must be stored in lockers                                              check beforehand, rather than after       Year 12 students will finish school at
                                          Be aware that students are               the event.
and secured with a school approved        responsible for items such as USB’s                                                lunchtime on Monday and Friday.
padlock. From time to time lockers        and Graphic Calculators. These           Due to the number of student
may be checked for student safety.        items should at all times be in their    drivers and cyclists who use this         Deadline Policy
For student health reasons, back          possession. They are not to be left      area, due vigilance and caution must
packs are NOT to be carried during        lying around. It is recommended that     be displayed. When entering and           The purpose of the deadline policy
the day. Small PE bags may be used        all possessions, uniform included,       departing, be mindful of other people     is to help students and teachers to
to carry books and PE uniforms.           are clearly labelled with full name.     / vehicles / bicycles in the vicinity.    manage workloads and school-set
These procedures are in place to          No items are to be left in PE change     Standard rules regarding responsible      deadlines for assessment tasks.
comply with Occupational Health and       rooms.                                   use of a motor vehicle apply and          This policy applies to all teachers
Safety laws and provide for the safety                                             inappropriate driving will lead to the    and students and requires parental
and comfort of all students.              Recreational items, which can provide    loss of the privilege.                    support.
                                          a distraction to students’ learning,
                                          should be left at home. If present at    Be very careful when parking/driving      A deadline is the latest time of date
Valuables                                 school, such items will be retained      around the school. We take very           by which an assessment task is to
                                          by the teacher and returned upon         seriously any complaints made by          be completed and submitted to the
Large amounts of money and/or             parent/caregiver/teacher negotiation.    neighbours whether it be rubbish left,    teacher.
valuables should not be brought                                                    noise made, parking incorrectly or
to school, as teaching staff will not     Appropriate sports equipment for         driving dangerously.
                                          play during recess and lunch breaks                                                For assessment tasks that are
assume responsibility for such items.                                                                                        completed over an extended period
The Policy on Mobile Phones and           is permitted and encouraged. The
                                                                                                                             of time, a number of dates are
other electronic devices is on Page 17    College issues equipment on loan to
                                          students during these times.
                                                                                   Conduct In Public                         generally set at different stages of the
of the College Diary. Compliance to                                                                                          development of the assessment task
this policy is monitored on occasion                                               Students travelling to and from school    (Checkpoints).
and parents will be notified of any                                                by public transport are expected
instances where students are not          Student Drivers/                         to behave in a positive, courteous        In the case where Checkpoints are set,
complying with correct use and            Parking                                  and socially acceptable manner, for
                                                                                   example: appropriate dress, being
                                                                                                                             there is an expectation that:
resultant consequences. Please note
that students are not permitted to use    A current Permission to Drive form       seated, talking quietly and complying       Students will provide evidence of
their mobile to contact parents unless    must be signed and presented to your     with the expectations of transport          their learning to their teacher or
given permission by a staff member.       Pastoral Teacher at the beginning of     authorities. Any complaints received        follow a procedure outlined by
Parents are also asked not to contact     the year. This MUST be done even if      from transport authorities will be          their teacher
students via devices during school        you drove to school the previous year.   communicated to parents as they are
                                                                                                                               The teacher will monitor the
hours. In cases of emergency or           If you are unsure about any matter       managed by the College.
                                                                                                                               progress of the student during this
where necessary, parents are asked to                                                                                          period.

 24     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                    25
Year 12 General Information                                                          Year 12 General Information

  There are occasions when an
  extension of an assessment
                                           In sum, it may be regarded as an
                                           action which is intended to delude
                                                                                     take action to ensure they have
                                                                                     backed up their schoolwork.
                                                                                                                               Home Study
  deadline can be approved for valid       and deceive a teacher that the work                                                 Home Study is a generic term
  reason. Acceptable grounds for the       being presented and assessed is           Office 365 (O365) is a Microsoft (MS)
                                                                                     product that all staff and students       implying work done at home. This
  extension are determined by the          the student’s own, when in fact it                                                  may involve:
  teacher.                                 is not. Of particular concern to the      have access to at St Michael’s College.
                                           St Michael’s College community is         It combines a number of different         • set work;
  Students are expected to negotiate       cheating. It deludes the school and       Microsoft products together and
  the extension with the Subject                                                     allows you to access them and all         • assignment and projects;
                                           staff who attempt to assess the
  Teacher before the deadline and          effectiveness of teaching and learning;   your files through your own MS ‘cloud’    • revision and study or, a
  submit a completed “Request for          it discriminates against other students   account. Students are required to           combination of all three.
  Extension Form”.                         who work honestly for their rewards       back up their work continually and
                                                                                     O365 allows this to occur seamlessly.     The more challenging aspect of home
  Teachers are expected to follow          and may in competitive situations
                                                                                     Files are backed up automatically         study at Year 12 is the volume and
  the Deadline Policy process when         miss out on opportunities because of
                                                                                     if saved in OneDrive and can be           complexity of work that needs to be
  work is not presented according          another’s dishonesty; it misinforms
                                                                                     accessed from any internet enabled        completed and revised. The latter is
  to school-set deadlines and where        the parents who operate on the
                                                                                     computer (e.g. desktop, tablet,           particularly important, given the on-
  there is not a valid reason.             assumption that the report they
                                                                                     laptop).                                  going and cumulative nature of the
                                           receive is an accurate representation
                                                                                                                               assessment process in Year 12.
Plagiarism Policy                          of honest effort; and it erroneously
                                           grades the student who does not
Plagiarism in any form is a violation      learn to be proud of genuine effort       Computer Use                              Recommended Amount:
of the College’s fundamental               and whose character and learning
                                                                                     Students are provided with access         Week nights              3 - 3½ hours
principles. This may be defined as         development are stunted.
the ‘appropriation of another’s ideas                                                to the internet and email facilities.     Weekends                 6 - 8 hours
or works, in order to pass them off as     The full policy can be found in the       You are reminded these are for
one’s own’.                                school diary and on the College           educational purposes only. Any
                                           Web Site and should be read by all        misuse of these facilities will result
Examples of this practice may include:                                               in computing rights being denied          That is, a total amount of 20 - 24
                                           students and parents.
                                                                                     and in some circumstances further         hours per week. This represents 4 - 5
  copying of any sources that are not                                                                                          hours per subject per week. While
                                                                                     detentions or suspension from
  acknowledged in the work;                                                                                                    one may question the validity of these
                                           Backup and Data                           school could result. Random checks
                                                                                                                               figures, research over recent years
  excessive use of, and failure to cite,                                             of laptops will occur throughout the
  printed texts such as articles and       Storage                                   year, so be responsible in your use of    has suggested a high correlation
                                                                                     the equipment.                            between the volume of time specified
                                           It is important for students to keep a                                              above, and, true realisation of ability,
  unfair use of, and reliance upon,        backup file of their work. Technology                                               especially at Year 12 level.
  other students’ work.                    can fail, be lost or stolen, so it is
                                           extremely important that all students

 26     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                      27
Year 12 General Information                                                            Year 12 General Information

Time Management                              things that are important to you right
                                             now. One way to ensure you get the
                                                                                       In preparing for examinations you
                                                                                       basically have to identify what you
                                                                                                                                 planning your study times, you may
                                                                                                                                 find it difficult to change your habits
You’ll be finished classes in Term 4         most from each day is to follow the       need to know, and work out how            and become more organised. Also it
Week 2 and facing exams before you           steps below:                              much time you have to learn it.           is important to know the total hours
know it, so try not to waste much time                                                                                           you spend each week at study and
this year.                                   1. On the night before, make a list of    At the beginning of your study time,      homework. For a start, it is essential
                                                the things you want to do. Number      read through your class notes for the     that you keep a balance between the
  To master your time is to control             them in order of priority.             day. As you do so:                        two activities.
  your life and what you do with it.
                                             2. During the next day, tackle one        a. Ask yourself what these notes are      The best time to study and complete
  Effective study requires making the           thing at a time according to the          mainly about.                          homework varies greatly from person
  best of all possible alternatives and         priority listing until each task is
                                                                                       b. Consider where the notes fit in with   to person. As much as possible, try
  then doing everything to the best             completed.
                                                                                          what has gone before in this topic.    to study at the same time each day.
  of your abilities in the given time.
                                             The above steps can be used when                                                    Being consistent and having regular
  Successfully completing an                 planning goals for a day, a week, a       c. Highlight any special points, quotes   study times will help you settle down
  assignment does not depend                 month, a year, or a life-time. They          or formulae that have appeared for     to study quickly, and consequently
  primarily upon your skills, but upon       can be applied to such activities            the first time.                        less time will be wasted.
  the time you make available and            as your personal life, running a          d. Mark any parts you do not              It is natural that there are probably
  how wisely it is used.                     business, achieving sporting or              understand. Make a note of the         subjects that you either like more or
                                             recreational goals, or preparing for an      difficulty. At the next opportunity,   find easier to study than others. It is
Time management is essential for
                                             examination.                                 ask your teacher to clarify what you   only human to be tempted to spend
students who want to achieve their
goals. If you want to become an              When planning, always start with a           do not understand.                     most of your time working on these
achiever with your studies, you need         goal and ask such questions as:           e. Make time to read ahead to find        favourite subjects. However, learning
to:                                                                                       out what comes next. It is often       more and more about one subject
                                                What do I want to achieve?                                                       at the expense of others is a very
  Record the things you do with                                                           helpful to do this on the weekend.
                                                How much time have I got?                                                        poor study strategy. A much better
  your time in order to monitor what                                                   f. File your notes so they can easily     strategy is to always start by studying
  improvements can be made.                     What resources do I have?                 be found when it comes to making       the hardest subjects, or the ones you
  Manage your time carefully as it is                                                     exam summaries at a later date.        like the least.
                                                How much effort is required?
  a limited resource – once it is gone                                                 It is very easy to waste time if you      Sometimes you will complete more
  it cannot be reclaimed.                       Who will help me achieve my goals?     are not careful. An important skill       hours at homework than study,
Always maintain a sensible balance              How will I know if I have              to acquire is the efficient use of your   especially at the start of the year.
in the use of your time. Exam                   succeeded?                             time. The effective use of your time      Then as the exams approach, you will
preparation is only one aspect of your                                                 will make learning easier for you. The    put more time into study activities.
life this year – don’t forget your family,                                             key to the efficient use of study time
your friends and doing all the other                                                   is planning. If you are not used to

  28     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                       29
Year 12 General Information                                                        Year 12 General Information

Late Submission                           Study Plans                              individual teachers and require the
                                                                                   normal supporting documentation.
                                                                                                                              Structure of the SACE
                                                                                                                              Every subject or course successfully
Late submission of work is generally      In order to maximise your results        Where there is a long-term disability      completed earns credits towards
not accepted for assessment               and ensure you continue to allow         such as dyslexia or physical disability    the SACE. Students will achieve a
purposes and each instance will be        some time for rest and relaxation,       which requires special arrangements        grade between A+ to E- for each of
investigated accordingly. The student     the creation of a study timetable is     for the final exam the SACE Board          their SACE subjects. Note: ‘Subject
may be at risk of forfeiting all marks    recommended. This will occur during      must be notified at the beginning of       Completion’ at Stage 2 means
allocated to the task, in accordance      pastoral time in Term 1.                 the year. Finally, where a student         achieving a grade of E- or better
with SACE guidelines.                                                              falls ill or subject to circumstances      whilst Successful Completion at Stage
                                                                                   which are likely to affect their exam      2 means achieving a grade of C- or
If there are any queries about this
information, you are invited to contact
                                          Eternal Exams                            performance either on the day or           better.
                                                                                   within a three day period, they may
Mr Kitschke, Mr Schirripa or the                                                   apply to the SACE Board for use of the     To be awarded the SACE, students
                                          For an up to date Written Examination
Director of Curriculum & Assessment                                                Moderated Predicted Exam Mark in           completing Stage 2 must:
                                          Timetable, visit
(Ms Bron Kemp) for further                                                         place of their exam score. Wherever          Complete 200 Credits of subjects
information.                                                                       possible, the student is encouraged to
                                          Special Provisions in                    sit for the exam in case they actually       Achieve a C or better in the
                                                                                                                                Personal Learning Plan (PLP) –
                                                                                   perform above the predicted mark. In
Concerns                                  Assessment                               this case, the higher score stands.          Year 10, 20 Credits of Literacy
                                                                                                                                (English) at Stage 1, 10 Credits of
Teachers aim to ensure that an            A student who suffers a set-back         Please note that the SACE Board no           Numeracy (Maths) at Stage 1, and
excessive number of assessment            throughout the course of the year        longer makes allowances for students         the Research Project at Stage 2, all
items do not fall due on the same         due to disability, illness or personal   where English is a second language.          of which are compulsory subjects.
date. Generally, they also aim to         circumstances, may be eligible for
                                          Special Provisions.                      Should you have any questions about          Achieve a C Grade or better in
return marked material as soon as
                                                                                   the above matters, please contact the        an additional 60 Credits at Stage
                                          These ‘set-backs’ fall into two broad    Director of Curriculum & Assessment          2, which equates to 3 full year
Should concerns arise regarding these     groups: those that occur during the      or Mr Schirripa, SACE Coordinator.           subjects
or any other areas of assessment,         year and affect the school assessed
please pass them on to your Pastoral      component of their course and those                                                 EXAM PROTOCOLS
Teacher, Mr Kitschke, Mr Schirripa        which affect the student’s final exam    SACE Requirements
or the Director of Curriculum &           performance.                                                                        Expectations for student behaviour
Assessment.                                                                        An assumption is made that much            during examinations will be issued
                                          Any set-back of a short-term nature,     homework and thought went into             prior to the examination periods
                                          such as chicken pox or a broken          your subject selections. Given the goal    addressing issues such as punctuality
                                          arm, is handled internally by the        of our Year 12 cohort is to achieve        and general approach to exams. It is
                                          school. Variations to the school         their SACE, the following points clarify   also important that you understand
                                          assessment can be negotiated with        the minimum requirements:                  that at examination times, as at all

 30     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                    31
Year 12 General Information                                                            Year 12 General Information

others, expectations surrounding           know more details about moderation,           tertiary entrance points received     the resources previously mentioned.
personal presentation and grooming         contact the SACE Board for a student          by that student. All students in SA
are to be maintained. This means           fact sheet. (             with the same raw score are scaled    University Entrance requires
that students sitting examinations                                                       the same amount.                      qualifying for the SACE, obtaining an
must be cleanly shaved and neatly          Scaling                                                                             ATAR and meeting any Pre requisite
presented in their correct uniform.                                                    For more details about scaling, visit
                                           Scaling is a process that compares                                                  subject requirements for the course/
Grooming standards, including neat                                                     the SACE Board website (www.sace.
and appropriate hair, as per the           and adjusts initial results – called ‘raw                                           program.
                                           scores’ – across subjects at Stage 2.
requirements stated in your Diary,                                                                                             To obtain a University Aggregate and
will continue to apply. Facial piercings   Tertiary entrance points are calculated     University Entrance requires            an ATAR you must qualify for the
are not permissible and restrictions       for each subject using the scaling          qualifying for the SACE, obtaining an   SACE, comply with rules regarding
surrounding the wearing of jewellery       process. These points are produced          ATAR and meeting any Pre requisite      Precluded Combinations, comply with
and makeup must also be respected.         for tertiary entrance purposes only,        subject requirements for the course/    rules regarding Counting Restrictions
                                           and contribute towards the university       program.                                and complete at least 80 credits of
In line with SACE Examination              aggregate and the TAFE SA selection
protocols, mobile phones or other                                                      To obtain a University Aggregate and    study at Stage 2 of which 60 credits
                                           score. The university aggregate is                                                  of study must be 20 credit Tertiary
electronic devices must not be taken       translated into the Australian Tertiary     an ATAR you must qualify for the
into the examination room.                                                             SACE, comply with rules regarding       Admission Subjects (TAS) from a
                                           Admissions Ranking (ATAR).                                                          maximum of 3 attempts (which need
                                                                                       Precluded Combinations, comply with
                                                                                       rules regarding Counting Restrictions   not be in consecutive years) Students
                                           Facts about Scaling
Year 12 Results and                                                                    and complete at least 80 credits of     MUST refer to the St Michael’s
                                                                                                                               Curriculum Handbook and the SATAC
                                             There is no guarantee that a              study at Stage 2 of which 60 credits
Post-Secondary Study                         subject will be ‘scaled up’ or ‘scaled    of study must be 20 credit Tertiary     Tertiary Entrance Booklet to check
                                                                                                                               the validity of their unique subject
Requirements                                 down’ in a particular year. The           Admission Subjects (TAS) from a
                                             level of scaling can alter from year      maximum of 3 attempts (which need
                                             to year but in general it does not        not be in consecutive years) Students   Students who are aiming for
Moderation                                   change much from year to year.            MUST refer to the St Michael’s          University Entrance should be fully
Moderation is a process used by the                                                    Curriculum Handbook and the SATAC       aware about which Stage 2 subjects
                                             Scaling of a subject depends              Tertiary Entrance Booklet to check
SACE Board to make assessments in            upon the performance of groups                                                    can earn you Bonus Points towards
a particular subject comparable, and                                                   the validity of their unique subject    your University Aggregate. To
                                             of students taking that subject           choices.
thus fair, for all students, no matter       in a particular year, not the                                                     calculate your ATAR please refer to
which school or class they are in. The       performance of an individual              Students who are aiming for             the resources previously mentioned.
SACE Board uses a range of processes         student.                                  University Entrance should be fully
to ensure that all the students taking                                                 aware about which Stage 2 subjects
a given subject are assessed using the       The combination of subjects taken         can earn you Bonus Points towards
same standards. If you would like to         by a student does not affect the          your University Aggregate. To
                                                                                       calculate your ATAR please refer to

  32     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                   33
Year 12 General Information                                                          Year 12 General Information

TAFE Entry                                SATAC                                      Detentions                               Assessment Plans
Requirements                              In August of this year, each student       Should Year 12s fail to comply with      At the beginning of each semester,
                                          will be asked to consider courses that     the College’s expectations, then         an assessment plan for each subject
Each course at TAFE has a Minimum         they may wish to pursue at tertiary        detentions will be issued, or early      will be published in the SEQTA
Entry Requirement. For many TAFE          level.                                     dismissal privilege will be withdrawn    Learning Portal which will cover the
courses above Certificate Level 3                                                    for a set period of time. This will      entirety of the assessment period.
the Minimum Entry requirement             SATAC nominations will be completed        usually include discussion of the        The assessment plan will include the
is qualification for the SACE, and        by students who wish to be enrolled        problem with Mr Kitschke and             approximate date of assessment tasks
obtaining a TAFESA Selection Score        at the Universities, and students who      possibly a social service component,     together with the weighting applied to
or satisfactory performance in the        wish to enrol in courses at TAFE.          depending on the nature of the           that task. This plan helps you monitor
TABS Test. Note Some courses may                                                     breach.                                  the work to be completed. Marks
                                          Early investigation into preferred
require other specific Minimum Entry                                                                                          for assessment tasks will also be
                                          careers and courses will take some of
Requirements such as Audition/                                                                                                published for students and parents.
                                          the anxiety out of this process later in   Year 12s are the role models for the
                                          the year.                                  College and as such are expected to
If a course is deemed to be                                                          meet very high standards.
“Competitive” then SATAC will decide
                                          Pastoral Time will be set aside in Term
                                          3 to examine the SATAC process.
on offers to the course based on a
                                                                                                                              Where drafts are specified for
TAFESA Score. For School Leavers          Please see the Career Counsellors          Assessment                               assignments and essays, they must be
this score is based on 60 credits (i.e.   in Student Services to clarify ATAR
Scaled Score) from the best 3 TAS         course cut-offs of University courses      Requirements                             submitted to the teacher for approval
Subjects ( comply with rules regarding    of possible interest.                                                               by the due date. Even when drafts
Precluded Combinations); for all                                                     It is important that all students and    are not formally required, they should
applicants, this can also be based on     We bring to your attention that TAFE       parents be made aware of the SACE        be standard procedure and retained
the score achieved in the basic TABS      will offer mid-year entry to many of       assessment requirements that are         should verification of your work be
Test (a Multiple Choice test based on     their courses. To be eligible for mid-     applied at St Michael’s College. These   required. Drafting is recommended
Year 10 Numeracy and Literacy). The       year entry you will need to apply to       measures are outlined so as to assist    as one means of ensuring optimal
third way to obtain a TAFESA Score        SATAC in April and sit for a TABS Test.    the College community to understand      results.
is based on the score calculated          Those of you contemplating leaving         and adhere to the policies and
from a completed Higher Education         school during the year this may be         practices as they are outlined in the    Submission of Assessments:
qualification, not relevant for most      timely information.                        SACE Handbook.
                                                                                                                              When work is being submitted, it may
school leavers. There are Bonus Point     We remind you to see a Careers                                                      be done so in two ways:
Subjects recognised at TAFE and           Counsellor early in Term 1 to support
these vary by course. Students should     you in your goal setting and Career                                                 a. Directly to the subject teacher
check the TAFE website to see which       planning.                                                                              concerned, or
preferred subjects earn Bonus Points
to their course of interest.                                                                                                  b. Through the Library.

 34     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                       35
Year 12 General Information                                                       College Awards

In the case of work submitted to          Should a student be absent on the       There are a number of awards              Additional Graduation Awards are
the Library, Stage 2 students may         due date of an assignment being         presented to Year 12 students as a        presented to students who display:
submit work before 4.00 pm on or          due, a note verifying the absence by    consequence of the academic year.
before the due date. Students are         a doctor or parent must accompany                                                   A high standard in attitude and
advised to present their school diary     the assignment being submitted upon                                                 achievement in the respective
                                                                                  Dux                                         award category.
where a Library stamp will verify the     return. Absences on such dates for
submission of work.                       minor illness or circumstance leading   The Dux is presented to a student           Participation in all school activities
                                          to work not being submitted on time     graduating from St Michael’s College        with a good attitude
A general principle to remember is        is not acceptable.                      in the previous school year who
                                                                                  achieves the highest aggregate of the       Full commitment to the ethos of
that the onus to substantiate work,
                                          A due date is a due date!               best five scaled scores as calculated       the school.
or submission of work, lies with the                                              by the SACE Board in Stage Two
student!                                                                          subjects, studied over the past year.       An awareness of others and their
                                                                                  Conferral of the award will be made         needs.
                                                                                  after consultation with the curriculum      Positive contribution to the school
Absence or Extenuating                                                            committee following the release of          or local community.
Circumstances                                                                     results in January in any given year. A
                                                                                  recommendation from the Curriculum        Service to the College: Presented by
                                                                                  Committee will then be referred to the    the College for outstanding service
Should absence from school or
                                                                                  Principal. More than one award can        and commitment to the St Michael’s
extenuating circumstances occur
                                                                                  be presented when the results cannot      College Community across a range of
prior to the date of submission, an
                                                                                  be separated.                             areas.
Extension to Assignment form must
be obtained from the Subject Teacher                                                                                        Athlete of the Year: Presented
and a negotiated date agreed upon                                                 Graduation Awards                         by the College for outstanding
for the lodgement of the work. In                                                                                           representation through the College
principle, the period of extension will                                             De La Salle Award - presented to a
                                                                                                                            Co-Curricular Program and possibly
be in due proportion to the period of                                               student for outstanding academic,
                                                                                                                            State or National Representation.
absence.                                                                            spiritual and cultural contribution
                                                                                    to St Michael’s College.
                                                                                                                            Special & Significant Awards:
                                                                                    Dux of the College - presented          Presented by the College as deemed
                                                                                    to the student who secured the          appropriate. For example, possible
                                                                                    highest aggregate (based upon           recognition for:
                                                                                    subject achievement scores) in the
                                                                                    preceding year.                           State and / or National
                                                                                                                              Representation in a chosen sport.
                                                                                                                              Special contributions to the College

 36     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                    37
College Awards                                                                    Student Support - Student

Student Citizenship Award:                Mark Butler: Presented in the spirit    It would not be unusual for some           for some students so we encourage
Presented by The Order of Australia       of Sir John Hindmarsh, whom the seat    difficulties to arise throughout the       students to visit the counsellors
Association.                              of Hindmarsh is named after. The        year.                                      if they are at all concerned about
                                          award acknowledges the valuable                                                    anything. Early intervention for any
Josiah Mitton Award: Presented            contribution of a student recognising   Do not be afraid to seek help if           difficulties, which students might
by the Charles Sturt Council and          excellence in either Leadership,        needed.                                    be experiencing, offer the best
recognising the contribution that         Community Service, Sporting or                                                     opportunity for a positive outcome.
individuals make to their school                                                  Your Pastoral Teacher, Student
                                          musical domain.                         Counsellors, Year 12 Director and
community.                                                                                                                   Grief Counselling
                                          Mary MacKillop: Recognises spiritual    Assistant Director are available to
Caltex Best All Rounder: Presented        and personal qualities, and their       assist. The Deputies and the Principal     Our Chaplain, Sister Nithya works
by Caltex and acknowledging a             contributions made by students in       also act to assist these people, so you    in an Outreach capacity supporting
student’s all round contributions to St   their senior years to their school      have many options open to you.             students and their families who are
Michael’s College across such domains     community.                                                                         dealing with grief through serious
as studies, sport, community work,                                                The best way to deal with a problem is     illness or the death of a loved one.
conduct and leadership.                                                           to deal with it early. Don’t hold back -
                                                                                  seek us out so we can work together        Learning Support
Mary Colton Award: Presented by the                                               to solve the problem.
Member for Colton in recognition of                                                                                          Supports students with diagnosed
the value of commitment, dedication                                               The following departments under the        learning disabilities or difficulties.
and achievement.                                                                  umbrella of ‘Students Services’ are        The Learning Support Coordinator
                                                                                  part of St Michael’s College academic      sets priorities for Learning Support.
The Hindmarsh Shield: Presented by                                                and personal support for all students.
the Federal Member for Hindmarsh                                                  All students and parents are invited to    English as an Additional Language
and recognising excellence in                                                     access these services when required.       (EAL)
Leadership, Community Service,                                                    Student Services may be contacted by       Is part of our mainstream
Sporting, Musical or other discipline                                             phone or in person.                        curriculum and assists students
(as nominated by the school).                                                                                                whose first language is not English
                                                                                    Personal Counselling
                                                                                                                             with intensive English language
ADF Awards – Year 10 and 12: The                                                    Available for all students who           support.
Australian Defence Force Leadership                                                 are experiencing any one of a
                                                                                    variety of difficulties ranging from     St Michael’s Outreach Education
and Teamwork Awards promote
                                                                                    school based issues to family and        Program is committed to:
personal development, strong
values and community-mindedness                                                     relationship issues. Coming to a         Supporting a number of students
and are awarded to students who                                                     new school can be quite daunting         from war torn countries through
demonstrate qualities of teamwork,
leadership, integrity and initiative.

 38     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                  39
Student Support - Student                                                         Consequences for Non-
Services                                                                          Completion of Work

 the mainstream English as a               Please do not hesitate to contact us   Non-completion of Summative                a number of subjects in one
 Second Language (EAL) program.            and come and speak with us if you      Assessment Tasks by the deadline and       term) there will be a meeting
                                           have any concerns at all.              without negotiated extension               with the student/parents/subject
                                                                                                                             teacher(s)/ Year Level Director. This
                                                                                  1. Students who do not meet                meeting may result in an Internal
 Careers and Academic Counselling                                                    deadlines, including CHECKPOINT
                                           Time Management and                                                               Suspension.
 Students are assisted with their                                                    deadlines, and have not negotiated
                                           Organisation / Student                    an extension with the subject         The consequence of not doing the
 subject choices to best position          Empowerment
 them for their future direction. The                                                teacher will be given an after-       work is……..DOING THE WORK
 counsellors also assist students          Short term courses run for                school WORK COMPLETION
 with their career pathways which          students whose ability to flourish        SESSION the next school day.          Concerns
 may be into tertiary studies,             will be supported by these             2. During the WORK COMPLETION
 apprenticeship, or into full time         programs.                                                                       Teachers aim to ensure that an
                                                                                     SESSION, the student will be          excessive number of assessment
 employment.                                                                         expected to complete the set task     items do not fall due on the same
 Vocational Education and Training                                                   in order to meet requirements.        date. Generally, they also aim to
 (VET)                                                                            3. If the task is not completed during   return marked material within a week.
 Assists students who are not going                                                  this supervised time, the student     Should concerns arise regarding these
 into university but are looking for                                                 will be assigned further WORK         or any other areas of assessment
 other career pathways such as                                                       COMPLETION SESSIONS (including        please pass them on to your Pastoral
 traineeships.                                                                       Saturday in some cases) until the     Teacher or Year 12 Director.
                                                                                     assessment task is completed to a
 Careers and Academic Counselling                                                    satisfactory standard.
 Assists students with their career                                               4. However, if the task is not
 pathways which may be into                                                          completed after 3 WORK
 tertiary studies or into full time                                                  COMPLETION SESSIONS there will
 employment – students are                                                           be a meeting with the student/
 assisted with their career and                                                      parents/subject teacher(s)/Year
 subject choices to best position                                                    Level Director and/or Head of
 them for their future direction.                                                    Department.
 The De La Salle Program                                                            This meeting may result in an
 Is run throughout the second                                                       Internal Suspension.
 semester of the school year to                                                   5. If a student is repeatedly required
 assist selected students with                                                       to attend WORK COMPLETION
 intensive academic support and                                                      SESSIONS (i.e. 3 or more across
 work experience pathways.

40     St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                                                                                                  41

There is an infinite amount of             You might like to consider the
information that we could commit           following quote, (corny but true):
to this publication. The intention
behind this booklet is not to provide      “Success doesn’t come to you … you
exhaustive detail, rather to signal        go to it.” (Marva Collins)
the pertinent issues that students in
Year 12 will have to acknowledge and       We trust that the year ahead will be
address.                                   full of quality experiences, enriched by
                                           the choices that you make along the
It is our hope and intention that Year     way.
12 will be a fitting conclusion to your
schooling life.
                                           The Staff of St Michael’s College

                                           St John Baptist De La Salle:

                                           Pray for Us.

                                           Live Jesus in our Heart:


 42      St Michael’s College   STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Year 12                         43
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