Page created by Julia Moreno


Study Abroad


                               Program Guide
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                  Safety in the U.K. ............................................ 13
                                                                                   Hiking ................................................................ 13
Academics .............................................................. 5
                                                                                   Sexual Harassment and “Lad Culture” in the
   Pre-departure Planning ..................................... 5
                                                                                   UK...................................................................... 13
   Graduate Courses ............................................. 5
                                                                                   Resources for Victims of Sexual Violence .. 14
   Registration at Stirling ....................................... 5
                                                                                   LGBTQIA+ Traveler ........................................ 14
   Dropping/Adding Courses (Semester) ........... 5
                                                                                   Emergency Contacts ...................................... 14
   Class Attendance ............................................... 5
                                                                                   911 Equivalent in the UK ............................... 14
   Grades ................................................................. 5
                                                                                   Marijuana and other Illegal Drugs ................ 14
   Stirling & UWEC Transcripts ............................ 6
                                                                                Required Documents .......................................... 15
   UK Academic System ....................................... 6
                                                                                   Visa ................................................................... 15
   Service-Learning ................................................ 8
                                                                                   Why Can’t I fly through Ireland? ................... 15
Money Matters........................................................ 9
                                                                                   Visas for Travel to Other Countries .............. 15
   Cost Estimate ..................................................... 9
                                                                                Packing Tips ........................................................ 15
   Fall Exchange Option ........................................ 9
                                                                                   Weather ............................................................ 15
   Study Abroad Option ......................................... 9
                                                                                   Clothing............................................................. 16
   Housing Costs .................................................. 10
                                                                                Getting To Scotland ............................................ 16
   Currency Exchange ......................................... 10
                                                                                   Travel Arrangements ...................................... 16
   Cost of Living .................................................... 10
                                                                                   Immigration ...................................................... 16
   Funds upon Arrival........................................... 10
                                                                                   Getting to Stirling............................................. 16
   Bank Accounts ................................................. 10
                                                                                   Early Arrivals.................................................... 17
   Credit Cards and ATMs .................................. 10
                                                                                Settling In ............................................................. 17
   Traveler’s Checks ............................................ 11
                                                                                   Orientation........................................................ 17
   BUTEX North American Scholarship
                                                                                   On-Site Support............................................... 17
   Programme ....................................................... 11
                                                                                   Semester Students: Campus
Health & Safety .................................................... 11
                                                                                   Activities/Organizations .................................. 17
   Centers for Disease Control ........................... 11
                                                                                   Semester Students: Community Involvement
   Vaccinations ..................................................... 11           ........................................................................... 17
   Common Health Concern: Traveler’s                                               Summer Students: Involvement.................... 18
   Diarrhea ............................................................. 11
                                                                                   Sporting Facilities ............................................ 18
   Medical & Mental Healthcare ......................... 12
                                                                                Housing................................................................. 18
   Services for Students with Disabilities .......... 12
                                                                                   Living Situation ................................................ 18
   Intro to the UK Health System ....................... 12
                                                                                   Laundry ............................................................. 18
What's Provided? ............................................. 19                 Ferry .................................................................. 21
   Meals & Snacks ............................................... 19                 Air ...................................................................... 21
Communication .................................................... 20             Cultural Notes ...................................................... 21
   Time Difference ................................................ 20               Where am I going? UK, England, or Great
   Email/Internet Access ..................................... 20                    Britain?.............................................................. 21

   Video Chatting/Online Apps ........................... 20                         The Government ............................................. 22

   Calling from the U.S. ....................................... 20               Contact Information ............................................ 23

   Snail Mail ........................................................... 20      Web Information: Stirling ................................... 24

Travel While Abroad ............................................ 20                  City .................................................................... 24

   Independent Travel.......................................... 20                   Culture .............................................................. 24

   Train ................................................................... 21      Country ............................................................. 24

   Bus ..................................................................... 21
Congratulations on being accepted by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC) to
the semester exchange/study abroad or summer study abroad program in at the University of Stirling.
Living and studying in a new culture is both an exciting and a challenging experience. Past participants
of study abroad report that the many advantages of international study include:
                       Gaining new perspectives on a chosen academic field
                            Increasing understanding of different cultures
                                  Enhancing personal development
                          Developing different perspectives on U.S. culture
                              Gaining self-confidence and independence
                        Learning skills for the future international job market

It is up to you to determine how you can best benefit from these possible advantages. This is your

Use this program-specific guide with the more general resources in your BlugoldsAbroad account.
While this guide contains the information available at the time of publication, it is impossible for any
single resource to answer all of your questions. Your peer advisor will email information throughout the
semester, and we encourage you to do your own research, also, using the web resources listed
towards the end of this guide, as well as others that you find. Contact the Center for International
Education (CIE) staff or your peer advisor with your specific questions.

Questions only you can answer include:
1) What are YOUR goals for this experience? Advancement in a future profession, desire to expand
personal and academic horizons, need for a change, and wish to challenge yourself in a new

2) Given the way the program is set up; how can you best prepare to meet your goals? For example, if
one of your goals is truly being immersed in Scottish culture, yet you are living with other international
and U.S. students, how are you going to get out and meet the locals?

The information in this guide was current at the time of publication, though changes may occur at any

ACADEMICS                                                    You will also be asked to complete a four-step,
                                                             online “Discover Process” via your online
The Academics section of the Study Abroad
Handbook has more information on:                            Stirling account. Please follow the directions
                                                             for completing the online enrollment forms.
    •   registration at UW-Eau Claire and                    These forms must be completed BEFORE
        class attendance                                     you will be allowed to apply for housing.
    •   credits & course-load
    •   integrative learning                                 Summer: You will be enrolled in your first
    •   transcripts                                          choice course(s) as long as they are available.
    •   service learning
                                                             Your second choice will be given if your first
Pre-departure Planning                                       isn’t.
Please see the UWEC Academics page for
Stirling semester or Stirling summer for details             Dropping/Adding Courses
on how to plan your courses at Stirling,                     (Semester)
including information on finding courses, credits            Upon arrival, you will be assigned an Advisor of
and course-load, and grade conversion.                       Studies. You must set up a meeting with
                                                             your advisor during the first week of the
Graduate Courses                                             semester to discuss your registration. You
Some semester students have expressed an                     may make changes to your registration during
interest in taking graduate courses abroad.                  the first two weeks of the semester, provided
Although your Stirling faculty advisor may not               space is available in the classes you wish to
have a problem with you taking graduate                      take. All changes must be approved by your
courses, UW-Eau Claire does. You will not be                 Advisor of Studies, and you must report them
granted credit for graduate courses taken                    to the Student Matriculation and Records
abroad unless Stirling allows the graduate                   Office.
course to count toward their home campus
undergraduate degree.                                        Class Attendance
                                                             You are expected to attend all teaching
Registration at Stirling                                     sessions (e.g. lectures and tutorials), as
You indicated on your U of Stirling application              material covered in these sessions forms the
which courses you would like to take. In your                basis for your understanding of the subject.
official offer letter from the U of Stirling, you will
receive a list of modules that you have been                 Different departments/faculty may have specific
approved to take. You will need to select your               attendance requirements and penalties over
top three module choices and one reserve                     and above the general university guidelines. If
module and return the form to Stirling.                      you are in doubt about the attendance policy for
                                                             your module/course, consult your lecturer.
Semester: You will be pre-approved to register
for these classes by the International Office at             Grades
Stirling, based on the course information you                Stirling gives grades in percentage points,
listed on your offer reply/acceptance form.                  which are then converted to U.S. letter grades.

At Stirling, a mark above 70 is nearly                    "checking up" to be certain that students are
impossible to achieve. It would be extremely              learning the assigned materials. This is how
rare for a student to receive above 80 for a              UK students learn in high school. Once they
piece of work. An excellent piece of work in the          enter university, they are expected to take
U.S. may be marked 95 whereas in the UK, the              responsibility for their own education.
equivalent mark is 75. Both are excellent
grades in their respective countries but on the           Summer Class meetings and schedule: Your
face of it may appear lower. As such UW-Eau               classes will be held for longer periods of time
Claire uses a standardized scale to convert               each day and excursions will be intertwined as
grades from Stirling. This conversion scale               well. Being that each block is only 4-weeks, the
(found on the brochure page) has been                     content will be much more content. Some of
evaluated many times and will not be evaluated            your courses may be made up of lectures and
again.                                                    tutorials or some may be more hands-on the
                                                          entire time.
Stirling & UWEC Transcripts
Please see the Academics section of the Study             Semester Class meetings and schedule:
Abroad Handbook for important information if              Most classes meet once per week for either a
you are graduating, transferring or applying              three-hour lecture or two to three hours with a
for a competitive major such as Nursing or                mixture of lecture and tutorial. For the lecture
Education at the end of your term abroad.                 and tutorial, both sections are taught by the
                                                          same professor (known as a lecturer in the UK
University of Stirling will send a transcript to          system). Given that the course load is 3-5
UW-Eau Claire. Transcripts are not available              courses per term, you may find yourself
until two or three months after the end of                spending only 12-15 hours in class per week
the Stirling term. Due to this delay, you will            depending on your schedule.
initially receive a grade report with “NR” (not
reported) for all courses. A revised report will be       Lectures: Like in the U.S., the lecture is a
available after the grades have arrived.                  traditional method of teaching that allows
                                                          lecturers to pass important information to a
UK Academic System                                        large number of students. However, lectures in
Expectation of independent learning:                      the UK offer less opportunity for students to ask
Returned students most often describe                     questions: questions and discussions are in the
academic life at the UK as “different.” They go           tutorial. Also, the lectures are not intended to
on to explain that while they didn’t find classes         tell you everything you need to know for the test
there more or less difficult than classes at              or assignment. They provide an overview to
home, they did need to adjust to a new way of             allow you to place your course material or
teaching and learning.                                    readings in context, or to focus on a difficult
                                                          concept or theory.
From a UK perspective, it is hard to understand
methods used in U.S. higher education, with               To take the best advantage of lectures, you
lots of direction from the professors, many               should keep up with course reading and
small, graded assignments, and the general                come to lecture prepared. By being

prepared for lecture, you will be able to               Upon beginning a class, you will likely be given
engage and ask questions in the tutorials.              a (very) long reading list. This is not a required
                                                        reading list; it is a list of suggested readings
Tutorials/Seminars: Tutorials, or seminars as           that will expand your knowledge of the subject
they are also called, are NOT mini-lectures.            area. What you actually read from the list is
They are active learning opportunities where            mostly left up to you. If you are told that “You
the tutor and students meet to discuss the              may wish to look at these specific titles,”
material covered in lecture and the reading that        take that as a strong hint to read those
you are doing outside of class. For tutorials to        books. You should also browse through
be effective, they require active student               several of the others and choose two or three to
participation. This means you:                          read carefully. These readings will form the
• must have read the assigned work and                  basis of your contributions to tutorial
    suggested sources in advance,                       discussions, as well as for the essays that
• should be prepared to contribute to the               serve as assessment for the module.
• made note of any difficult concepts or points         Differences in assignments and exams: In
    from lecture or your readings that you do           the UK, you will rarely find a lecturer who
    not understand, and                                 makes short, weekly assignments. During the
• should be willing to raise issues for                 term, you may have to give a few
    discussion.                                         tutorial/seminar presentations, typically a
                                                        group assignment where you and two or three
Tutorials are not optional. Attendance is kept,         other students need to prepare a short
and absences are noted. Tutorials also allow for        presentation about the week's topic in order to
closer professor/student relationships than are         facilitate discussion.
typically found at the undergraduate level in the
U.S.                                                    In some courses, you may not hand in any work
                                                        until the last few weeks of the term. At this
Advance planning and independent                        point, you will probably be asked to hand in
learning: With limited hours of class time per          essays or papers, which will range in length
week, you may think your time in the UK will be         from 5-15 pages. You often receive the essay
an academic vacation. This is not the case.             questions with your syllabus at the beginning of
Much of the emphasis is placed on private               the semester. Start writing early!
study. In the British system, students do not say
they are "studying" history, for example. They          The essays give you the opportunity to 1) show
say they are "reading" history. And that is             the lecturer that you have done some of the
precisely what students are expected to do:             course reading, and 2) show the lecturer that
read! As one student said, "You will probably           you have critically thought about the material
spend a lot less time in class than you are used        you have read. Generally speaking, you will be
to, but in exchange, you are expected to do a           expected to present an original idea, or discuss
lot more independent work!"                             opposing ideas, and come to your own
                                                        conclusion. Demonstration of clear thought and
                                                        argumentation are as critical as backing up your

arguments with knowledgeable sources. You                 program is a bit different in that it is more of a
may also take a final exam in essay format.               packaged deal. There will be excursions
                                                          arranged (some included, some optional),
In case you’re worried, take this advice from a           social events and other resources to utilize
former peer advisor: “Don't be afraid to email            during your summer abroad. The international
them or go to office hours! I often went to office        summer school staff will also be more present
hours to get input on essay outlines!”                    to assist in any issues that arise.

Participation points: Another difference is that          Books: The main thing to remember is that
there are no “participation points” in the UK.            there usually is not one specific text. Students
You may be penalized for not attending but you            are given reading lists and are free to choose
will not earn points just for coming to class or          any of them to prepare for class and/or to write
participating, as that is a basic expectation for         the essay or exam. The only exceptions are
all students.                                             literature classes. Students often share books
                                                          with other students or check them out from the
Student services: Another difference to note is           library. Past students have suggested
that "student services" are a relatively newer            getting to the library early in the semester
concept in Scottish universities than in the U.S.         as many books on the list will be checked
The university is there to provide access to              out from the library if you wait too long.
academic resources. There are some student
support units. However, universities do not               Service-Learning
have the mission, common to most U.S.                     Given that you will most likely spend fewer
institutions, of “student development.”                   hours in the classroom in Scotland than at UW-
University students are considered adults who             Eau Claire, you may find your term abroad a
will work their way through the system, asking            good time to complete some service-learning.
questions when necessary. As a newcomer to
the system and the culture, you may need to               However, to have this option, you must do the
ask questions often!                                      following before you leave the U.S.:

In case you’re worried, take this advice from a           •   Apply for A Tier IV Student Visa
past participant: “It all sounds a lot scarier than           See the Learning Content “Visa Information:
it really is. The keys are keeping up with                    UK” in your BlugoldsAbroad account for
reading, participating in class discussions, and              details.
explaining everything in papers/exams in detail,          •   Have A Criminal Background Check
because you’re not just telling the lecturers                 Volunteer work with vulnerable populations
what they already know, you’re trying to                      (i.e. children, the elderly, people with
convince them of your viewpoint. If you are lost,             disabilities, etc.) will require a criminal
by all means, talk to your instructors. They are              background check. Like U.S., the UK has
very helpful to international students.”                      experienced some tragic incidents where
                                                              people with criminal backgrounds have
Summer support: That being said about the                     victimized vulnerable people. The result: a
traditional support structure, the summer                     required criminal background check of all

volunteers. You can apply for a criminal               Fall Exchange Option
   background check through the State of                  (Exchange options are on hold until further
   Wisconsin Department of Justice                        notice.) Occasionally, students in the fall will be
   (            going to Stirling as exchange students. This will
   information-bureau). You must apply for and            be determined before the cost estimate is
   receive your background check before you               posted so please see that to know whether or
   depart for the UK. Once you receive your               not you are considered as an exchange
   letter, put it in a safe place and bring it with       student. Exchange options are never
   you. You will ultimately share it with the             guaranteed and are always more
   volunteer site coordinator.                            competitive as we have limited spaces. On a
                                                          tuition only exchange program, each
See the Academics section of the Study Abroad             participant pays the costs they would normally
Handbook for information on having a project              pay at their home school – so Eau Claire
approved. This must be done in advance of                 students pay UWEC costs, and Stirling students
beginning the project but cannot be done before           cover tuition costs at their respective university,
you go to Stirling, since you will not know the           and they switch places. You will pay Stirling
necessary details of the project.                         directly for your housing.

MONEY MATTERS                                             No money is exchanged between the
                                                          schools, and there is no direct monetary
UWEC information about                                    correlation between what you pay in Eau
  • making payments
                                                          Claire and what you receive in Scotland.
  • when they are due
  • withdrawal, cancellation and refund
     deadlines                                            What is exchanged is not actual payment, but
  • financial aid,                                        rather benefits. You should receive the same
  • general scholarships                                  benefits a typical Stirling student receives, and
  • budgeting                                             the Stirling student receives the benefits a
  • ways to bring money abroad                            typical Eau Claire student receives. This type of
is found on the following websites:                       arrangement allows students to participate in
Fund Your Experience                                      overseas programs at a cost similar to what
Study Abroad Handbook: Money Matters                      they would pay to attend their home university

Cost Estimate                                             Study Abroad Option
The most current Cost Estimate for your                   For spring 2021 and onward, all students will
program, in easily printable format, on the CIE           be considered study abroad students. Those of
Stirling page. Be sure you are looking at the             you studying for the full academic year, and
correct term. The cost estimate includes what             those studying for spring only, will be study
you pay to UWEC, what you pay to Stirling, and            abroad students. All spring students will always
what you pay directly to other vendors.                   be considered study abroad students as there
                                                          are too many applicants and not enough
                                                          exchange places. In this case, U of Stirling will
                                                          bill UWEC for your tuition and fees, at a

discounted non-resident tuition rate for partner
institutions. You will pay that amount to UWEC,         living/in/Stirling-United-Kingdom
and we will transfer the fees for all UWEC study
abroad students to Stirling. Spring is typically        Funds upon Arrival
more expensive than the fall because you are            The University of Stirling recommends that you
paying Stirling non-resident tuition. Again, you        arrive in the UK with approximately £200-£250
will pay Stirling directly for your housing.            in British currency, more if you are traveling by
                                                        taxis and other public transport. Do not carry
Housing Costs                                           any more than this in case it gets lost. You are
Semester: All housing costs are paid directly to        able to withdraw money from ATMs using your
Stirling. The cost of accommodations will               credit or debit card.
depend on where you select to live.
                                                        Bank Accounts
Summer: All housing costs are included in your          For yearlong students, it may take up to three
summer program fees.                                    weeks to open a UK bank account so be
                                                        prepared with cash, debit/credit cards, and/or
Currency Exchange                                       traveler’s checks until then. Students studying
The currency of the United Kingdom is the               in the UK for six months or less are not
pound, abbreviated GBP (Great Britain Pound)            allowed to open an account.
and symbolized “£.” Just like the dollar, the
pound is divided into 100 units, called “pence,”        Credit Cards and ATMs
abbreviated “p.” Coins come in denominations            Credit cards are widely accepted in the UK. You
of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 pence, as well as 1          will want to make sure you have either Visa or
and 2 pounds. There are £5, £10, £20, and £50           MasterCard as those are the most widely
bills.                                                  accepted. It is strongly recommended that all of
                                                        your credit/debit cards have a chip in them.
Scottish banks print their own versions of the          Most places in the UK have the chip reader or
pound, commonly referred to as “Scottish                wave technology and swiping your card is less
notes.” Scottish notes can be used in all parts         common.
of the United Kingdom although a small number
of students have reported trouble using Scottish        When withdrawing money from the ATM,
notes in England. You can avoid this problem            always use caution. Make sure you notify your
by simply withdrawing money after you arrive at         bank and credit card companies before your
your destination in England.                            travel. They will want to know your travel
                                                        itinerary to the best that you have it planned
You can find current exchange rates at                  out. Also make a copy of all of your credit cards               so that in the event they are lost, stolen, or
                                                        eaten by an ATM, you have the contact
Cost of Living                                          information to call and cancel.
For an idea of what everyday costs you may
encounter, check out this website:

Traveler’s Checks                                      the UK. Review the CDC site for the United
Traveler’s checks are increasingly rare and            Kingdom.
difficult to use. They generally must be cashed
at a major bank, although, in some countries,          Vaccinations
post offices also offer this service, and you          Due to an increasing measles and mumps
must have your passport with you. Most                 cases in Europe, we strongly encourage all
banks charge a fee for cashing the checks; it          students to check their vaccine history to see if
can vary widely. Before cashing a check, ASK           they have had the MMR vaccine.
what the fee is.
                                                       Also, our university partners in the UK have
BUTEX North American                                   indicated that the National Health Service has a
Scholarship Programme                                  policy of immunizing for Meningitis “C” and
The British Universities Transatlantic Exchange        recommend that students who have not been
Association (BUTEX) has a North American               vaccinated plan to have this done before
Scholarship Programme open to all                      leaving home.
undergraduate students currently registered at
an institution in the United States or Canada.         Common Health Concern:
To be eligible to apply, you must have been            Traveler’s Diarrhea
offered a study abroad or exchange place at a          The most common health problem for U.S.
UK university with BUTEX membership for a              Americans, when abroad, is intestinal upset.
minimum of one semester. The University of             The change in diet, the different meal schedule,
Aberdeen, Glasgow and Stirling are all                 and organisms unfamiliar to your system are
members. For further details on how to apply,          possible causes.
please see
                                                       A very common ailment is traveler’s diarrhea.
                                                       Prevention includes being careful about where
HEALTH & SAFETY                                        and what you eat and avoiding dairy products if
General information about:                             they are not pasteurized. If you do get it, the
    • CISI Insurance                                   following suggestions can help speed recovery
    • Preparing to Go                                  and guide your decision to seek formal care:
    • Staying Healthy
                                                       1. It will usually run its course in three to five
    • Traveling Safety
                                                          days. The worst symptoms usually occur
    • Emergency Protocols
and links to additional health and safety                 the first day. Bed rest may help relieve
resources are found on the following websites:            cramps.
Health + Safety                                        2. The main risk is dehydration. Maintain fluid
Study Abroad Handbook: Health & Insurance                 intake. An excellent source of fluid
and Safety Abroad sections.                               replacement is ORS or Oraltye, a
                                                          prepackaged liquid sold in many countries.
                                                          If unavailable, the following recipe provides
Centers for Disease Control                               similar value: one liter carbonated water, 1/2
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has                 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
vaccination suggestions, how to stay healthy              (not baking powder), 4 tbsps. sugar.
when abroad, and health information specific to

3. An over-the-counter medicine like Pepto
   Bismol may help relieve nausea and                     It is also important to look at the level of
   vomiting.                                              accessibility in Scotland. To find more
If nausea and vomiting persist for more than              information on this topic, please see the State
24 hours, if you develop a fever over 101                 Department Country Specific Information page.
degrees F, or if you develop severe                       If you have questions or concerns about this,
abdominal pain, contact a physician                       please contact your UWEC study abroad
immediately.                                              coordinator.

                                                          Intro to the UK Health System
Medical & Mental Healthcare
                                                          The National Health Service (i.e. the UK
Campus Medical Services:
                                                          national healthcare system) sometimes does
Campus does have a healthcare and dental
                                                          not have a very good reputation in the U.S. The
centre that students can register with and use
                                                          system generally works fine; however, it
the facilities. For more information, see here.
                                                          operates under a different set of assumptions
Summer students should also contact the
                                                          from the U.S. health system. U.S. students and
Stirling international office to make sure the
                                                          their parents need to be aware of some of the
same services are provided in the summer. If
                                                          major differences between the U.S. and UK
not, they will advise on the best places to go for
                                                          health systems.

                                                          1) The UK system is set up to favor those
Clinic Registration:
                                                             typically most in need of medical
Registering with a clinic is free and can be done
                                                             treatment: infants/children, pregnant
the first time you visit the clinic.
                                                             women, and the elderly. People in
                                                             traditional university age range are
It is normal in the UK to wait four-six days
                                                             expected to be low users of the system
for an appointment unless it is an emergency.
                                                             except in the case of accidents or serious
That has nothing to do with you being
registered in advance or not.

                                                          2) Because of this, there can be a long wait
Counseling Resources:
                                                             to set up treatment for pre-existing
Stirling has an emotional wellbeing and
                                                             conditions. If you have a condition that will
counselling center on campus. They have
                                                             need ongoing treatment while in the UK,
counselors and mental health professionals that
                                                             contact your UW-Eau Claire study abroad
are there to support you if you need them.
                                                             coordinator right away!
Whether it be homesickness, anxiety,
depression, etc. please know there are support
                                                          3) In the UK, medical professionals do not
services available. Click here for more.
                                                             consider a common cold/sore throat to
                                                             require medical attention. Being sick with
Services for Students with
                                                             a cold for three or four days is considered
                                                             normal and of no major concern in a person
Stirling’s Student with Disabilities office can
                                                             of college age.
provide assistance to study abroad students.

4) Antibiotics are rarely prescribed in the                Hiking
   UK. Doctors point to research that shows                Per the U.S. State Department, “Hiking in
   frequent use of antibiotics leads to mutation           higher elevations can be treacherous. Several
   in germs, rendering the antibiotics useless.            people die each year while hiking, particularly in
   Antibiotics are therefore used to treat                 Scotland, often due to sudden changes in
   severe illness. If you use antibiotics                  weather. We encourage visitors, including
   regularly, you may wish to bring them with              experienced hikers, to discuss their intended
   you.                                                    routes with local residents familiar with the area
                                                           and to adhere closely to recommendations.”
5) Allergy shots are generally not
   recommended by physicians in the UK. It                 Sexual Harassment and “Lad
   will be difficult to find anyone who will               Culture” in the UK
   prescribe or administer them.                           “Lad culture” is a concern among British
                                                           universities. In recent research, it was defined
Safety in the U.K.                                         as a “group” or ‘pack’ mentality residing in
Information on crime, specific safety issues,              activities such as sport and heavy alcohol
road safety, drug penalties, and terrorist activity        consumption, and ‘banter’ which is often sexist,
in the U.K. is included in the U.S. State                  misogynist and homophobic.” Although some
Department’s United Kingdom Country                        respondents found it influenced their academic
Information website. Specific safety in and                experience at the university, lad culture is seen
around Stirling will be discussed during                   as particularly influential in the social side of
orientation in Eau Claire and at Stirling.                 university life. Some commentators compare it
                                                           to “bro culture” or frat culture here.
One main thing to remember about safety in the
UK is that they drive on the opposite side of the          Many respondents, in the study, reported sexist
road, so LOOK RIGHT!! before crossing the                  jokes and rape banter in their friendship groups
street.                                                    that made them feel uncomfortable or felt
                                                           pressured to engage in sexual relationships.
Pick-Pocketing: Pick-pocketing is common on                Sexual harassment was common, and there
public transportation and at popular tourist               were accounts of sexual violence. Harassment
sites. To reduce the risk, do not have your                ranged from verbal harassment and catcalling
phone or other valuables out in public spaces.             to physical harassment and sexual molestation.
An iPhone is a target for pick-pocketers. If you           Some viewed groping in nightclubs as a part of
carry a purse, make sure it is across the body             a normal night out.
and has zippers. Keep your wallet in a front
pocket, not a back pocket. Only carry small                Excessive drinking is an often-cited contributing
amounts of cash on you to minimize loss.                   factor and the university drinking culture is seen
Using a money belt under your clothing is                  as one of the biggest obstacles to eliminating
another way to prevent valuables from being                lad culture. Some women were also found to
stolen.                                                    participate in the heavy drinking and crude

behavior associated with lad culture and have           Abroad Adviser who is available for consultation
been dubbed “ladettes.”                                 if difficulties arise. See the Contact Names &
                                                        Addresses page of this guide.
Undoubtedly, some UW-Eau Claire students
have witnessed or been victim to this type of           911 Equivalent in the UK
behavior in Eau Claire. However, it may be              If you are in an emergency situation in the
more difficult to speak up when you are in a            United Kingdom, you will need to know how to
new culture. You cannot change a culture in a           reach the local police, fire, or ambulance
visit, but you can make smart choices about             services. The local equivalent to the 911
how to manage your interactions and reactions           emergency line in the United Kingdom is 999;
to lad culture:                                         in Gibraltar, it is 112. Save this number in your
• Ask your British friends, both male and               cell phone in case you need it to use it quickly.
     female, how they think lad culture impacts
     university social life.                            The U.S. State Department also provides a list
• Remove yourself from situations where you             of 911 numbers abroad. Please note that in
     do not feel comfortable. Listen to your            some countries there are different numbers for
     instincts.                                         fire, police, and ambulance. Plan ahead and
• Drink in moderation if you choose to drink.           research numbers before you go.
     UWEC student health services has
     information about being smart while                Marijuana and other Illegal Drugs
     drinking.                                          Although marijuana may be relatively easy to
• Be careful accepting drinks from people that          obtain in the UK, the possession and use of
     you don’t know. In particular, watch your          marijuana is illegal. Penalties for possession,
     drink when you are out at bars or clubs.           use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in the U.K. are
                                                        severe and convicted offenders can expect long
Resources for Victims of Sexual                         jail sentences and heavy fines. U.S. citizenship
Violence                                                offers no protection if you break a U.K. law.
General information and resources are on the            There is NOTHING the CIE, Stirling, or the U.S.
Health & Safety section of the study abroad             government can do if you are found in violation
website.                                                of U.K. laws.

LGBTQIA+ Traveler                                       In addition to legal penalties, you are putting
Country specific info if noted in Laws & Special
                                                        yourself at risk of robbery or assault, or you
Circumstances section of State Dept Country
                                                        may get a much more dangerous combination
info sheet.
The US State Department LGBTI Travel                    of drugs than you thought you were buying.
Information page and section 6 of their Human
Rights report for further details.

Emergency Contacts
General emergency procedures are described
in the Safety Abroad section of the Study
Abroad Handbook, and Stirling has a Study

REQUIRED                                                  Why Can’t I fly through Ireland?
DOCUMENTS                                                 When booking flights to the UK, it will be
                                                          tempting to purchase a flight that has a layover
General passport and visa information is in the
Study Abroad Handbook: Travel Resources                   in Ireland as they are often more affordable.
section.                                                  However, all UK partners advise that you
                                                          CANNOT do this! Ireland is considered a part
If you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact             of the Common Travel Area (CTA) with the UK
the CIE for more information about the                    and is causes immigration to be very
following topics.                                         complicated. Traveling through Ireland, in route
                                                          to the UK, means you won’t ever go through the
Visa                                                      proper immigration that is needed for the
(As of July 2020, this information was accurate.          student visa. You are advised to travel
Due to Brexit and potential new regulations, this         directly from the US to England or Scotland.
will be updated if needed.) A visa is official
permission to temporarily reside in another               Visas for Travel to Other Countries
country and is granted by the government of               If you plan to travel outside of the UK while
that country. U.S. citizens studying in the UK for        abroad, verify visa requirements for each
less than six months may enter the UK under               country you will visit by contacting the nearest
two categories: Short-Term Study Visa or Tier 4           consulate for that country, or your travel
(General) Student Visa.                                   agency. Most Western European nations do not
                                                          require U.S. citizens to have a visa for tourist
Most summer and semester UW-Eau Claire                    travel of less than three months, but you should
students enter under the Short-Term Study                 always verify the requirement as entry
Visa category. Academic year students must                requirements can change with little notice (and
apply for a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa.                Europe has talked about changing this).

See the “Visa Information: UK” on your
BlugoldsAbroad account for basic information
                                                          PACKING TIPS
                                                          General packing information is in the Study
about the visa options. This information will also        Abroad Handbook: Travel Resources section.
be discussed briefly at study abroad orientation.         A country-specific packing list will be released
                                                          through your BlugoldsAbroad account a few
Note that you cannot enter the UK for the                 months prior to departure.
first time via Ireland if you are using the
short-term study visa option. In addition,
proof of onward journey, usually in the form of           Weather
a roundtrip plane ticket, is required.                    Stirling’s climate is temperate and it receives a
                                                          lot of rainfall. Even in the driest month, it rains a
It is your responsibility to keep up-to-date about        lot. The average annual rainfall for Stirling is 42
student visa requirements for the UK, and if              inches (compared to Eau Claire which is around
required, to apply for and receive a visa from a          17 inches). December/January are the coldest
UK consulate or embassy in a timely manner.               months (~35ºF) and July is the warmest

(~68ºF). The windiest month is March. Winter                 cannot look online and begin price
can be very long and gloomy.                                 comparisons.
                                                         •   You cannot enter the UK for the first time
                                                             via Ireland if you are using the short-
Clothing                                                     term study visa option.
Past participants suggest bringing clothing that
                                                         •   Most visas require a roundtrip ticket. If you
you can wear, or take off, in layers. Many of the
                                                             are planning to travel at the end of the
buildings are not centrally heated so it can be
                                                             program, that is fine. You don’t need to
very drafty.
                                                             leave the UK immediately at the end of the
                                                             program, as long as you will not be there/in
Take clothing that is washable and does not
                                                             Europe as a tourist for more than a total of
wrinkle easily. Scottish students generally dress
                                                             90 days before/after the program
casually, but not as casually as U.S. students
do (as in, you won’t see Scottish students               Immigration
wearing sweatpants to class). You will be hard
                                                         If you are using the short-term study visa option
pressed to find students wearing sweats to
                                                         to enter the UK, you will be asked to provide
class. Bring a few “dress-up” clothes for going
                                                         documents to the UK immigration official at the
out to restaurants or clubs. Some nightclubs will
                                                         airport. Please see your BlugoldAbroads
not let you in wearing jeans or tennis shoes. In
                                                         account, “Visa Information: UK” for details on
addition, having a good waterproof jacket is
                                                         what documents you need to have with you.
important. You should bring a light and heavy
jacket as you’ll experience a variety of seasons.
                                                         Upon verifying your documents, the immigration
And don’t forget your umbrella!
                                                         agent will stamp your passport with the short-
                                                         term study visa.
                                                         IMPORTANT: You will be arrested if you
SCOTLAND                                                 bring pocket knives, blades, mace or pepper
There is information on booking flights in the           spray canisters, or any part of a gun into the
Study Abroad Handbook: Travel Resources                  United Kingdom. Please refer to the US State
section.                                                 Department Country Information page, which
                                                         details the items visitors are prohibited from
Travel Arrangements                                      bringing into the United Kingdom.
It is your responsibility to make travel
arrangements to Stirling.                                Getting to Stirling
                                                         Further details about arrival and departure will
Remember:                                                be sent to you with your University of Stirling
• you should not book your flight until                  "Offer Letter".
  your acceptance has been confirmed
  and the exact beginning and ending                     Stirling is located about a one hour and 20-
  dates of the program have been                         minute drive from Glasgow and a 45-minute
  confirmed by the University of Stirling.               drive from Edinburgh.
  However, this does not mean that you

You should plan to fly into either Glasgow                  university and the city and the surrounding
International Airport (GLA) or Edinburgh                    area.
International Airport (EDI). You can fly into
Glasgow Prestwick Airport (PIK), but the cost of            On-Site Support
getting to Stirling will be much higher unless              As an international student at the University of
you are traveling with a group.                             Stirling, you will have access to campus
                                                            resources. The international staff is there to
Semester students: If you arrive on                         support you should any questions or concerns
designated dates (Stirling will give these to you)          arise. The international staff won’t actively seek
Stirling staff will greet you at either Edinburgh or        you out to make sure everything is going okay.
Glasgow’s airport. To learn more about this,                Instead, should anything come up, you will
see here for travel recommendations in general              need to reach out to them. As you may recall
and here for airport collection information.                from earlier sections, the UK education system
                                                            is much more hands off than the US education
For more information on how to get to Stirling,             system, but the UK system can support you if
visit the U of Stirling website:                            you make staff aware.
                                                            Semester Students: Campus
Summer students: Stirling will offer a pick-up              Activities/Organizations
and drop-off transfer service for Edinburgh and             Stirling University Students' Association, or
Glasgow international airports, available at                SUSA, helps students organize activities, from
selected times on the first and last day of each            sport to cultural activities and more. SUSA also
block. They will contact you when you are able              provides a framework within which students can
to fill out the arrival/departure forms.                    organize clubs and societies which suit their
Historically, if you want to use the drop off               interests. A list of clubs and societies can be
transfer, your flight needs to depart Glasgow or            found on the SUSA clubs and societies web
Edinburgh after 9:00am. Sometimes earlier                   page:
arrangements can be made. Again, the
international summer school will be in contact              You can also get involved with the International
about these logistics.                                      Society. It runs a variety of social events
                                                            (including the famous Scottish ceilidh!), trips
Early Arrivals                                              around Scotland and other opportunities to mix
Since the University of Stirling cannot                     with people from the 80+ nationalities
accommodate students prior to the arrival date,             represented on campus. For more information,
you will need to find alternative housing                   visit the Society's website:
arrangements if you arrive early.                 

SETTLING IN                                                 Semester Students: Community
Orientation                                                 Involvement
You will have an orientation program upon                   A great way to get involved in the community is
arrival, including an introduction to the                   to volunteer your time. Check with the study

abroad office on your campus to see if any
positions are available on campus or within
your city. Otherwise, look into student groups            Living Situation
that participate in volunteer activities. Past            Semester students: Study abroad and
students who chose to do this gained a lot from           exchange students have the choice of two to
the experience. Not only do you get to meet               three on-campus and one off-campus residence
people, you get to make a difference. However,            each year. Students apply for accommodation
please see the "Service Learning" information             online and instructions about how to do this will
in this guide as volunteering in the UK will              be emailed to you after you have been offered
require a background check and Tier 4                     admission to the University and you have
Student Visa.                                             accepted the offer. You list your housing
                                                          preferences, but you will be assigned where
Summer Students: Involvement                              there is space available.
It can be hard to join the student organizations
and the international society only because it is          Student accommodation is apartment-style
summer and not as many students are around.               living similar to Chancellor's Hall at UW-Eau
The international summer school is mainly filled          Claire. Students live in apartments or chalets,
with North American students so you will need             where three to seven students (co-ed) have
to make an effort to branch out and meet                  individual bedrooms but share living, kitchen,
others. Past students have done this by finding           and bathroom space. Find details at
a local religious affiliation or by doing the   
internship course.                                        life/accommodation/visiting-students/

The summer school staff will host a wide variety          Summer students: You will be housed in one
of activities and excursions that will give you           of the university’s newest accommodation
opportunities to experience the local culture.            buildings which is on-campus, apartment style
Some of these will have additional fees but they          and with other international summer school
try to keep them affordable. Past activities have         participants. You will have your own bedroom
included Scottish dance lessons, nature walks,            but will share the apartment with 4-5 other
karaoke nights, a farewell Ceilidh (traditional           students.
Scottish dance), etc.
                                                          Students with disabilities: Stirling does have
Sporting Facilities                                       some accommodation that was specifically
The university is a great place for sport and             designed to be accessible for students with
offers excellent sporting facilities. Facilities          varying needs. For more information on what is
include a large indoor sports hall, group fitness         available, please visit the Accommodation
classes, a nine-hole golf course, squash courts,          Students with Disabilities page.
50-meter swimming pool, indoor and outdoor
tennis courts, a fitness center (with a variety of        Laundry
equipment including free weights) and an                  The University of Stirling has various laundry
athletics track.                                          facilities located in A. K. Davidson Hall, Murray
                                                          Hall, Alexander Court, Spittal Hill, John Forty’s
                                                          Court, Thistle Chambers, Union Street

development Stirling and in Polwarth House,             of social life in the halls centers around the
central to the main residences complex. All             kitchen.
have card operated washers and dryers.
                                                        Cultural differences in food: Because tea is a
In the main laundry at Polwarth House, £4 buys          more common drink than coffee, you'll find
a 12-point laundry card, which is swiped in the         water kettles rather than coffee pots in most
machines as they are used. Washes “cost” four           kitchens. When you go shopping, you'll find that
points, and 20 minutes in the dryer “costs” two         eggs are not refrigerated. You'll find less beef
points, so each card holds the equivalent of            and chicken, and more pork and lamb. Ketchup,
three washes, six dries, or two of each.                peanut butter, and ranch dressing are hard to
                                                        find and have a slightly different flavor. If you
Most students let their laundry air-dry in their        eat out, you'll find more Indian food and less
rooms to save costs. If you live in Beech Glade,        Mexican food.
however, you’ll have the luxury of a drying room
on your floor.                                          Common Scottish and English meals
                                                        • Haggis: a traditional Scottish savory dish
What's Provided?                                          containing sheep's organs (heart, liver and
Each room has a desk, lamp, chair, bed,                   lungs) minced with onion, oatmeal, suet,
bookshelf, storage space, and sink. A bedding             spices, and salt; mixed with stock; and
pack is provided, but you need to provide your            traditionally encased in the animal's
own towels, cooking and eating utensils. WiFi is          stomach and simmered for approximately
also included.                                            three hours. Most modern commercial
                                                          haggis is prepared in a sausage casing
Summer students: bed linens are also                      rather than an actual stomach. For those of
included                                                  you who are not fans of organ meat, there is
                                                          also vegetarian haggis.
Meals & Snacks                                          • Black Pudding: a type of sausage made by
All accommodation at Stirling is self-catered,            cooking blood or dried blood with a filler
meaning you cook your own food. You will need             until it is thick enough to congeal when
to provide your own silverware, plates, cups,             cooled; often served at the traditional
and other cooking utensils (or borrow from local          Scottish breakfast.
students). Summer students will have kitchen            • Square Sausage: Lorne sausage known for
items furnished.                                          its shape is often served with breakfast or
                                                          on a roll.
Alternately, semester students can eat at               • Tablet: basically, sugar and butter; it is
campus cafeterias and eateries. You can add               amazing.
funds to your U of Stirling student card if you         • Clootie Dumpling: a traditional dessert
like for use at these venues.                             pudding made with flour, breadcrumbs,
                                                          dried fruit, sugar, spice, and milk.
Most students choose to cook for themselves             • Stovies: A Scottish dish based on potatoes;
and limit the amount they eat at the campus               recipes vary widely but the dish always
eateries as cooking is less expensive, and lots           contains potatoes and variously onions,

carrots, other vegetables, roast beef, corned          housing arrangement. There are also various
    beef or other meat.                                    computer labs on campus. You will need to
•   Fish and Chips: fried fish served with fries.          purchase a UK adapter for your computer if you
    Depending on where in Scotland you are,                bring one. Make sure that if you have a three-
    they will ask if you would like vinegar or salt        prong computer plug that you purchase a two-
    or both. You will also find a variety of               prong converter (to plug into your adapter) that
    toppings people put on just chips such as              turns into a three prong so that you can charge
    doner or curry.                                        your computer.
•   Shepherd's Pie: lamb pie cooked in a
    casserole with a layer of toasted mashed               Video Chatting/Online Apps
    potatoes.                                              Most Stirling students communicate with family
•   Bangers and Mash: sausages and mashed                  and friends back in the U.S. by using and online
    potatoes.                                              video chat service such as Skype, Zoom,
•   Yorkshire Pudding: popover served                      Facetime, or WhatsApp. Past students
    alongside roast beef with gravy on top.                recommend that you set up a regular time (for
•   Cadbury Chocolate: an absolute must.                   example, Sundays at 10 PM, Scottish time) so
•   Doner: found at the kebab shops; similar to            both sides are online at the same time.
    a Gyro.
•   Fried Milky Way/Mars Bars: almost                      Calling from the U.S.
    anything can be found fried; just check out            From the U.S. to Scotland: You must first dial
    the menu at the nearest fish and chips                 011, which is the international dialing code.
    shop.                                                  Next, you must dial 44 to get Scotland, and
                                                           then the rest of the number to reach a specific

COMMUNICATION                                              city and location.

See the Study Abroad Handbook: Travel
                                                           Snail Mail
Resources section for information on:
                                                           International airmail takes 7-10 days to cross
   • Communication with UWEC
                                                           the Atlantic in either direction. Make sure you
   • Calling, Texting & Other Communication
                                                           don’t send anything valuable as the package is
                                                           likely to be opened when going through
Time Difference
Scotland is six hours ahead of Eau Claire. For
example, when it is 1:00 P.M. on Thursday in
Eau Claire, it is 7:00 P.M. on Thursday at                 TRAVEL WHILE
Stirling. To see the current time at in Scotland,
visit:                                                     ABROAD                  General information on guidebooks, maps,
                                                           hostels and more is in the Study Abroad
                                                           Handbook: Travel Resources section.
Email/Internet Access
The University provides email and WiFi access,
or you can access a web-based email account                Independent Travel
via the Internet. If you bring a laptop, there will        If you plan to travel in England, Scotland or
be places to use it on campus and in your                  Wales, transportation by train, ferry, bus

(coach) and plane are all possible. When                      See for more
deciding whether to travel by train or air,                   information.
remember this: they are often comparable in
price, but train travel is considerably longer. For           Air
example, a train from Glasgow to London takes                 While Stirling doesn’t have an airport, it is easy
four hours versus a forty-minute flight. On the               to get to Glasgow or Edinburgh and take an
other hand, traveling by train allows you to see              international or domestic flight. Many past
much of the countryside that you would miss if                students have recommended Ryan Air as a
you fly. Also, train stations are usually closer to           helpful site with low-budget flights all around
the city centers, while a taxi or bus ride might              Europe: Typically,
be needed if you fly.                                         Ryan Air flies into airports that are further
                                                              outside the city, so you may need to spend
Stirling’s website has great resources for                    more on taxis, buses, or trains to get into town.
transportation in and around Stirling.                        Keep in mind that airlines like RyanAir and
                                                              other budget airlines, charge for the littlest
Train                                                         things like printing your boarding pass at the
A 16-25 RailCard gives you 1/3 off regular fare               airport and their weight/bag restrictions are very
tickets. It pays for itself after three to four trips.        strict. Do your research to know what you can
Check out this Web site for more information:                 bring. If you don’t you will end up paying a lot of There is also a              money!
special rail pass just for southwest England
(which includes London and Oxford) that gives
you a discount on train tickets. When you buy a
                                                              CULTURAL NOTES
ticket to London using the pass, the ticket may               Where am I going? UK, England,
also be used as a subway pass around London                   or Great Britain?
for the entire day.                                           You are actually going to all three
                                                              simultaneously. “The United Kingdom is a
Bus                                                           country that consists of Great Britain and
Scotland has a great bus system that can take                 Northern Ireland. In fact, the official name of the
you to many Scottish cities inexpensively. At                 country is ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and, you can get a roundtrip                    Northern Ireland.’
bus ticket from Glasgow to Edinburgh for 3-4
pounds (roughly $7-9). If you're going further, a             Great Britain is the name of the island
National Express Student Coach Card entitles                  northwest of France and east of Ireland that
you to one-third off all regular fare coach                   consists of three somewhat autonomous
tickets.                                                      countries: England, Wales and Scotland.
                                                              Therefore, Scotland is part of Great Britain,
Ferry                                                         which is part of the United Kingdom. The UK
If you have time, you can also take a ferry from              includes England, Wales, Scotland, and
Scotland to various cities in                                 Northern Ireland.” From:
Ireland/Wales/England. Past participants have       
said they really enjoyed the ferry experiences.               m

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