Study protocol: evaluation of sheds for life (SFL): a community-based men's health initiative designed "for shedders by shedders" in Irish Men's ...

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McGrath et al. BMC Public Health     (2021) 21:801

 STUDY PROTOCOL                                                                                                                                      Open Access

Study protocol: evaluation of sheds for life
(SFL): a community-based men’s health
initiative designed “for shedders by
shedders” in Irish Men’s sheds using a
hybrid effectiveness-implementation design
Aisling McGrath1, Niamh Murphy1 and Noel Richardson2*

  Background: Men’s Sheds (“Sheds”) offer a unique opportunity to reach a captive audience of “hard-to-reach” men.
  However, attempts to engage Sheds in structured health promotion programmes must respect the ethos of Sheds
  as highly variable, autonomous, non-structured spaces. This paper captures the key methodologies used in “Sheds
  for Life’ (SFL), a men’s health initiative tailored to the Shed setting.
  Methods: A hybrid effectiveness-implementation study design is used to test effectiveness and implementation
  outcomes across multiple levels (participant, provider, organisational and systems levels). A dynamic, iterative and
  collaborative process seeks to address barriers and translation into the real world context. Using a community-
  based participatory research approach and guided by established implementation frameworks, Shed members
  (‘Shedders’) assume the role of key decision makers throughout the evaluation process to promote the systematic
  uptake of SFL across Shed settings. The protocols pertaining to the development, design and implementation of
  SFL and the evaluation of impact on participants’ health and wellbeing outcomes up to 12 months are outlined.
  Conclusions: There is a dynamic interplay between the intervention characteristics of SFL and the need to assess
  and understand the diverse contexts of Sheds and the wider implementation environment. A pragmatic and
  context-specific design is therefore favoured over a tightly controlled efficacy trial. Documenting the protocols used
  to evaluate and implement a complex multi-level co-developed intervention such as SFL helps to inform gender-
  specific, community-based men’s health promotion and translational research more broadly.
  Trial registration: This study has been retrospectively registered with the ‘International Standard Randomised
  Controlled Trial Number’ registry (ISRCTN79921361) as of the 5th of March 2021.
  Keywords: men’s health, Gender-specific, Community, Implementation, Evaluation, Health promotion, Physical
  activity, men’s sheds

* Correspondence:
  National Centre for Men’s Health, Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                           Page 2 of 15

Background                                                 Community-based Men’s health promotion in Men’s
Men’s health – the need for gender specific approaches     sheds
Despite an increased emphasis on ‘the problem’ of          The non-clinical nature of the community setting is
men’s health in recent years, men remain dispropor-        recognised as a key enabler of men’s engagement in
tionately impacted by ill-health and premature mortal-     health promotion programmes [4]. This setting allows a
ity [1]. There have been calls for more gender-specific    bottom-up, strengths-based, multi-sectoral approach
health promotion strategies that target lifestyle and      that can effectively tackle the influence of more restrict-
health behaviour change, particularly to so called         ive gender norms on men’s health behaviours, as well as
‘hard-to-reach’ (HTR) groups of men (i.e. those who        providing men with a safe and familiar environment
are unemployed, socially disadvantaged, isolated and       [19]. A range of additional gender-specific strategies
have low educational attainment [2]. Paradoxically,        have shown significant promise in engaging men, includ-
these same groups are frequently the least likely to       ing; seeing men as partners, delivering key messages
engage with health promoting initiatives [3, 4]. Early     through informal approaches, identifying and utilising a
research into men’s health highlighted men’s avoidance     ‘hook’ to engage men at buy-in stage, promoting positive
of health promotion and health services as a conse-        social interaction and support, connecting more trad-
quence of aligning to more traditional traits of mascu-    itional masculine ideals (autonomy, control, resilience)
linity such as stoicism, self-reliance and competiveness   with being healthy, using testimonials and peer support
[5]. More recently, the focus has shifted to positioning   to encourage other men to take ownership of their
gender within a wider social determinants of health or     health, actively seeking to promote camaraderie and
intersectional context to better understand how            team spirit, and drawing on language and styles that are
gendered patterns of health behaviours are shaped by       relatable, [6, 11, 20]. These strategies are reflected in
particular environmental, economic and socio-cultural      recent community based men’s health programmes such
contexts [6]. Such an approach acknowledges that           as; Men on the Move [21], the HATRICK programme
men’s poor health outcomes reflect a multiplicity of       [22], Famers have Hearts [23] and Football Fans in
factors that cut across all rungs of the social ladder     Training [24]. Utilising community settings for health
and are exacerbated for vulnerable groups of socially      promotion interventions while applying gender-specific
disadvantaged or HTR men [7]. In fact, the biggest         strategies to engage more vulnerable male population
challenge for men’s health promotion is to better          groups, offer much potential in terms of easing the
understand the complex biopsychosocial factors that        current burden on health systems [25]. These programmes
influence men’s health in order to more effectively        provide a useful roadmap in designing and implementing
engage the most vulnerable men with health and well-       health promotion in the Men’s Shed setting.
being initiatives [8, 9]. Gender-specific approaches to       Sheds are a community-based, grassroots movement
health promotion need to account for the intersection      which originated in Australia and have since grown
between gender and other aspects of identity in design-    exponentially in Ireland. Sheds have long been recog-
ing tailored and targeted intervention that encourage      nised not just as a suitable setting in which to actively
men to engage [10, 11]. This approach also aligns more     promote and engage men in health but also as being
broadly with global health policies and priorities         imbued with inherent and organic health promoting
relating, for example, to the Sustainable Development      qualities [26]. Sheds are autonomous grass roots spaces
Goals and reducing the burden on health systems [1,        which are non-structured and informal, varying in size
12], and can also therefore be considered a strategic      and resources. Sheds offer a safe and familiar environ-
way of gaining momentum and support from policy            ment for Shed members (‘Shedders’) and foster a sense
makers and funders [10]. However, global gender            of social support, belonging and camaraderie, through
equity policy still often fails to acknowledge men or      developing new skills, shared projects, activities, goals
else to position men and masculinities in a negative       and decision making [27]. All of these factors have been
way, thereby creating challenges in translating know-      linked with enhancing the health and wellbeing of the
ledge into practice [13]. Within the Irish context there   men who attend with social support, in particular, being
have been progressive movements to advancing men’s         frequently reported as a key enabler of men’s help-
health equality. This is evident in a rich landscape of    seeking [28]. The enhanced sense of belongingness that
men’s health research and practice work that has           is attributed to the non-conventional setting of Sheds
emerged within Ireland in recent years [14], under-        increases their appeal to typically HTR men [29–31].
pinned by a national men’s health policy [15, 16] and      This is also the case in more recent research which sug-
the roll-out of a national men’s health training           gests that the Sheds have a protective effect against lone-
programme [17, 18]. These serve as an important back-      liness [32]. The inherent health promoting qualities of
drop for men’s health promotion.                           Sheds therefore present a strong foundation upon which
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                                   Page 3 of 15

to build structured health promotion programmes.                 world settings. There have been calls for research to
Moreover, drawing from a rich source of past interven-           overcome this failure to translate evidence to practice by
tions that utilised strengths-based and gender-specific          shifting the focus from tightly controlled interventions to
approaches, the Men’s Sheds setting is well-positioned           evaluating those capable of implementation and scale-up
to deliver tailored, targeted health promotion initiatives       from the outset [38]. The use of implementation science in
to what has been traditionally regarded as an inaccess-          the evaluation of health programmes can be valuable in
ible of HTR cohort of men [33]. Nevertheless, it is also         identifying barriers to, and facilitators of effective im-
critically important that such endeavours enrich rather          plementation. By employing an iterative and collab-
than erode the ethos of the Shed environment, which              orative process that engages with all key stakeholders
means that programmes need to be pragmatically                   across the implementation environment, it is more
evaluated with Shedders at the centre of decision                feasible to transcend barriers and translation issues in
making [33, 34]. Conventional wisdom dictates that               a pragmatic and dynamic way [38].
health interventions need to be delivered systematically, to        Whilst it is imperative to capture the ‘active ingredients’
be context free, with strict inclusion criteria. However,        of implementation and how they relate to each other, this
Sheds are not just highly variable, autonomous, non-             can be challenging with more complex interventions [39].
structured spaces; these are the very characteristics that de-   It is important to remember that complexity is not just a
fine the essence of Sheds and which need to be respected         property of the intervention but of the context or system
in order to uphold the integrity and ethos of the Sheds.         into which it is placed, which includes multiple and dy-
The challenge therefore is to develop a pragmatic delivery       namic interacting parts that generate nonlinear relation-
design that can operate within an organic, non-structured        ships [40]. Therefore, the potential effectiveness of health
space, where contextual factors vary, where attendance           interventions is often reduced or poorly adopted because
can be sporadic, and where there is no compulsion on             of multiple contextual factors that impact upon their im-
members to undertake any activity.                               plementation in real-life settings, such as the Sheds. In
                                                                 other words, knowing a health intervention is effective is
Implementation science and the need for pragmatic                not enough; there also needs to be a focus on understand-
evaluation                                                       ing why and how it is effective to ensure that the model
Preserving the integrity of the Shed environment and             can be translated across implementation settings [41].
upholding the autonomy and respect of its members are            Hybrid-typology evaluation designs can therefore be a
key priorities that underpin any attempts to strategically       useful guide towards the dual testing of both clinical and
evaluate health promotion programmes in Sheds. Findings          implementation effectiveness particularly for community-
from such evaluations are important in order to address the      based and real-world projects that can benefit from more
underrepresentation of men in health promotion pro-              rapid translational gains, more effective implementation
grammes and to increase the availability of research that        strategies, and more useful information for decision
can act as a blueprint for practitioners and policy makers. It   makers [42]. This is particularly true of the Sheds setting
is important to capitalise on strengths-based and gender         where there exists a unique, naturally occurring opportun-
specific approaches by carrying out robust formal evalua-        ity to access a cohort of HTR men but where effective
tions of these programmes [25, 26]. Furthermore, there is a      implementation strategies are critical within the variable,
lack of practical guidance on how to effectively plan, imple-    capricious, unstructured Shed environment. This paper
ment and scale up health interventions more broadly.             addresses an important gap in the literature by applying
Strategic and pragmatic evaluation endeavours encourage          an implementation lens to the evaluation of a community-
systematic uptake of effective interventions in real world       based men’s health promotion programme using gender-
settings, such as the Sheds, through limiting translation        specific approaches. The paper details the methodology
issues that can typically occur and prevent wider imple-         used in the design, implementation and evaluation of the
mentation of efficacious trials [35]. The challenges of imple-   SFL programme. Specifically, it tracks the process of
menting and sustaining health interventions in real world        engaging men and delivery partners in SFL and sustaining
settings often emerge after tightly controlled efficacy trials   their engagement over time, and it details the methods
are complete and conditions to disseminate and scale-up          used to evaluate the impact of participation in SFL on
the interventions become much more variable [36]. A              various aspects of health up to 12 months.
criticism of public health and health promotion research to
date, is that barriers and facilitators to implementation in     Methods
practice, such as the delivery capacity of partners and orga-    Development of the “Sheds for Life” intervention in
nisations, are often only addressed once the intervention is     Men’s sheds
ready for wider implementation [37]. The result, often, is a     The concept of SFL was first developed in 2016 in re-
failure to adopt and apply efficacious interventions to real-    sponse to a commitment from the representative body for
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                                 Page 4 of 15

Sheds (Irish Men’s Sheds Association; IMSA) to prioritise        which sought to deliver targeted and tailored wellbeing
health initiatives for its membership. Prior to the imple-       and life skill components to the Sheds. Four core
mentation of a structured SFL programme, the IMSA                components were identified aligning with the key pillars
embarked on scoping work at various Shed ‘Cluster meet-          of the Healthy Ireland Framework and Healthy Ireland
ings’ (regional information-sharing meetings with multiple       Men, including healthy eating, physical activity and
Shed representatives). The purpose of this was to engage         mental health [16, 45]. Several optional components to
with Shedders on their health needs and their preferences        accompany the core components were also developed to
for types of health promotion interventions in Sheds. This       which Sheds could self-select, aligning with the needs of
process confirmed that there was an appetite from Shed-          Shedders and the skillset of provider organisations (See
ders for more structured health promotion that built on          Table 1 for an outline of SFL structure). This format was
the inherent health promoting qualities of the Shed. The         viewed by programme providers as being long enough in
IMSA developed partnerships over time through on-going           duration to encourage positive and sustained behaviour
collaboration with various service provider organisations        change, whilst from Shedders’ perspective, it also
who were actively seeking to reach HTR groups of men in          respected the fluid nature of Sheds in which a longer
their health promoting endeavours and who had the cap-           programme might conflict with Shed routine. Moreover
acity to deliver health and wellbeing components in the          this structure was pragmatic enough to consider whether
Sheds setting. This resulted in the piloting of a range of       SFL was feasible in the real-world, capricious Shed en-
discrete health promotion initiatives in Sheds and to the        vironment while prioritising future sustainability within
emergence of SFL as a potential future health promotion          existing funding structures. This structure and format
programme for Shedders. In order to ensure that the goals        were also informed by what worked in other pro-
of the IMSA and partner organisations aligned with Shed-         grammes in Ireland with similar cohorts of men within
ders’ needs, a research study was conducted at this time         community settings [21, 46]. Notwithstanding an agreed
with key stakeholders (Shedders, IMSA, partner organisa-         overall programme structure, careful attention was paid
tions) to explore their experiences of the SFL pilot             to how this worked in practice through a process of en-
programmes, and to reach consensus on an acceptable              gagement with key stakeholders via formal and informal
and respectful approach to deliver SFL in the Sheds [33].        meetings, phone calls and emails which were ongoing
The research found that respecting the Shed environment          through the pre-implementation and implementation
and its inherent health promoting values was critical to the     phases of SFL. From January 2018 to January 2021,
acceptability of SFL. Involving Shedders in the decision         formal quarterly review meetings occurred with key
making process of SFL, respecting the autonomy of the            stakeholders, at least twice weekly meetings took place
Sheds and tailoring SFL to the variable and individual set-      between the health and wellbeing team responsible for
tings of the Sheds were also highlighted as key priorities for   co-ordinating SFL and the principal researcher, approxi-
Shedders. A fundamental requirement was to define a clear        mately 40 meetings occurred with individual provider
strategy and “rules of engagement” for implementing SFL          organisations, and monthly report meetings took place
and that those delivering elements of SFL understood and         with funding bodies, alongside quarterly financial reports.
valued the ethos of the Sheds and its members [33]. In-             Although currently structured as a 10-week interven-
formed by this research, the IMSA developed a strategy           tion with both core and optional components, SFL was
document (“Guidance for Effective Engagement with Men’s          designed as a flexible, dynamic programme, subject to
Sheds”) to support health promoting organisations and pro-       ongoing adaptation to meet evolving needs. This meant
fessionals to respond and engage effectively with Shedders       that the SFL implementation strategy also needed to be
through SFL [43]. The document included a training work-         flexible to accommodate new provider organisations
shop to support implementation of the guidelines during          over time in response to new or evolving requirements
SFL delivery. In June 2018 the Irish Research Council            and preferences from Shedders. Thus, the structure and
awarded an Employment-Based postgraduate scholarship             partnership network of SFL inevitably evolves and grows
to support the formal evaluation of SFL. Over time, SFL          over time. Whilst this presents certain challenges, it can
evolved into a partnership network comprising the IMSA,          also be seen as a strength of the programme, not least in
[44] academics, an advisory group (consisting of men’s           terms of its potential to remain fresh and contemporary.
health promotion specialists and 12 allied service provider      It is heavily invested in a partnership network that
partner organisations), along with representation from           recognises the value of SFL and respects the ethos of
Shedders.                                                        Sheds. Also, SFL adopts a sustainable delivery model
                                                                 in that it is delivered under real-world conditions,
SFL Programme design                                             where service provider organisations undertake SFL
The findings of the SFL scoping study [33] guided the            delivery as part of their routine work plans - as op-
decision to structure SFL into a 10-week programme,              posed to short-term (and often unsustainable) grant
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health        (2021) 21:801                                                                                       Page 5 of 15

Table 1 Structure of SFL phase 1 including workshops in development for phase 2 delivery
Core Components of SFL
Programme                Description                                                                Duration                   Lead Provider
Health check             Health check by a registered nurse in a mobile health unit at the          30 min at baseline         The Irish Heart
                         Shed measuring; Blood pressure, HR, cholesterol, carbon monoxide,                                     Foundation
                         weight, waist and body mass index
Healthy Food Made        Basic nutrition & cookery course led by a trained facilitator              2.5 h workshops for        The Health Service
Easy                                                                                                6 weeks                    Executive (HSE)
Mental Health &          Mental health and promoting positive wellbeing led by community            4 h workshop (Available Mental Health Ireland
Wellbeing in the         development officer                                                        in 2 × 2 h session format)
Sheds choose one of the two following physical activity programmes:
    Exercise for         Indoor? Exercise class to maintain posture, strength, flexibility, balance 1 h exercise class for     Siel Bleu Ireland
    Shedders             & general physical capabilities led by qualified physical trainer          10 weeks
    Sheds ag Siúla       Guided walking programme led by local sports partnership officer           1.5 h every second         Get Ireland Walking
                                                                                                    week across the 10
                                                                                                    week programme
Optional components of SFLb
    Diabetes: Living     Workshop on diabetes awareness and management led by qualified             1.5 h single workshop      Diabetes Ireland
    Well, Being Well     diabetes specialist
    ‘Hands for Life’     Workshop on performing CPR in the community led by CPR trainer             1 h single workshop        Irish Heart Foundation
    CPR Training
    Oral Health          Workshop on oral health awareness and maintenance led by dental            1 h single workshop        Dental Health Foundation
                         nurse                                                                                                 Ireland
    Cancer Awareness     Workshop on cancer awareness & reducing the risk of male-related           1 h single workshop        Marie Keating Foundation
                         cancer led by cancer prevention officer                                                               and Irish Cancer Society
    safeTALK             Workshop on how to help prevent suicide by recognising signs,    4 h single workshop                  National Office for Suicide
                         engaging someone and connecting them to an intervention resource                                      prevention Ireland
                         for further support led by suicide prevention trainer
    Getting online       Beginners course on getting online & using devices led by trained          5 × 2 h sessions           Age Action Ireland
    computer training    community mentor
Optional workshops in development for phase two deliveryc
    Dementia             Workshop to promote awareness of dementia signs, symptoms & risk           1 h single workshop        Dementia Understand
    Awareness            factors & communication tips to support Shedders with early stage                                     Together & The Alzheimer
                         dementia in the Shed led by dementia advisor                                                          society of Ireland
    Bereavement and      Workshop to explore different forms of bereavement and loss as well        TBC                        TBC
    Loss                 as coping strategies for men led by bereavement specialist
    Sexual Health        Workshop to explore male sexual health and relationships led by            TBC                        TBC
                         sexual health promoter
  Sheds ag Siúl: Walking component (‘ag Siúl’ Gaelic term for ‘walking’)
  Sheds select 2–3 optional components tailored to their Shed preference in addition to core components
 Shedders expressed a need during phase one implementation for new topics to be added to SFL & workshops that encompass these are currently in
development for phase two

funding. That said, finite resources both in terms of a limited                Engagement of HTR men using gender-specific
implementation workforce and competing priorities among                        implementation strategies
provider organisations, demand that a prudent approach is                      Health promotion initiatives that fail to incorporate
taken to matching Sheds’ needs with programme offerings.                       gender perspectives into their implementation plans are
The collaborative foundation of SFL where all key stake-                       usually less effective and, at worst, can perpetuate
holders are involved in decision-making is therefore an im-                    gender stereotypes that are not conducive to positive
portant consideration which can inform implementation                          wellbeing [1]. The underpinning vision of SFL is to
outcomes and identify evolving implementation barriers and                     normalise conversations about health and wellbeing in
facilitators for early prioritisation.                                         Sheds and encourage help seeking, a vision that potentially
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                                Page 6 of 15

conflicts with traditional norms of masculinity that are       to undermine the routine environment and ethos of the
often regarded as being characteristic of more HTR             Sheds, a critical factor in gaining acceptability at Shed
groups [1]. Central to this approach is the positioning        level.
of Shedders as key stakeholders alongside provider or-
ganisations, researchers and the IMSA. This acknowl-           Ethics, consent and data management
edges Shedders as active participants in the overall           The study received ethical approval from Waterford
process - from programme design to implementation to           Institute of Technology Research Ethics Committee
evaluation and indeed to informing strategies more             (REF: WIT2018REC0010). This study has also been reg-
broadly to engage HTR men in health. This also means           istered with the ‘International Standard Randomised
investing in relationships, establishing credibility and       Controlled Trial Number’ registry (ISRCTN79921361).
tailoring new programmes around the needs of individ-          During Shed visits, all participants have the details of the
ual Sheds [33]. The implementation of the 10-week SFL          research clearly explained to them through verbal and
format and application of implementation frameworks            written instruction and informed written consent is
(see implementation research design) to guide the              obtained by a member of the research team prior to par-
engagement process, also facilitates acceptability and         ticipation in the research. Confidentiality of participants
optimises recruitment, participation and engagement in         is ensured through the study’s compliance with Water-
SFL.                                                           ford Institute of Technology’s protection policy. Namely,
   The design and delivery of SFL draws heavily on estab-      all personally identifiable materials, such as consent
lished gender-specific approaches as outlined in section       forms, will be stored securely within the Institute. These
one of the introduction. These strategies are layered          will be stored separately from the transcribed research
upon the male-specific, safe, familiar environment and         data and questionnaires, and only accessible by named
sense of social support that is organic to Sheds. Among        researchers. All data sets will be kept on a password
the key gender-specific strategies that are adopted for        protected computer. Personal identifiable data will be
SFL are to (i) offer the programme free of charge,             retained for 5 y and then appropriately destroyed.
thereby removing cost barriers; (ii) provide a compre-         Research data will be fully transcribed and anonymised,
hensive health check as a “hook” to engage men; (iii) use      all details on identity, will be removed and replaced with
non-typical health related components such as digital          deidentified information or pseudonyms. All enrolled
literacy and CPR as additional hooks to engage those           participants will be allocated a unique study ID and the
less reluctant to sign up to a more conventional health        information linking their ID to their personal informa-
programme; (iv) offer each Shed the choice (via an             tion will be held securely at Waterford Institute of Tech-
expression of interest form) to self-select into the           nology. All intervention content will be run under the
programme based on Shed consensus, facilitating a sense        guidance and training of IMSA by qualified external
of ownership, autonomy and control; (v) offer each Shed        partners. Therefore, the risk to persons is not directly
a selection of choice-based components, facilitating indi-     linked to this research. However, all SFL partners are ad-
vidual Shed preferences and further enhancing a sense          equately insured and qualified to run elements of SFL
of control and autonomy; (vi) use an informal and inter-       and engage in a screening process with participants to
active delivery style to maximise engagement and enjoy-        assess their ability to partake in the intervention for
ment of the programme; (vii) foster an environment of          safety purposes. Screening elements of SFL will be run
openness and peer-support between participants; (viii)         by registered nurses from the Irish Heart Foundation.
create a non-competitive and relaxed environment               Other practitioners working directly with participants
where participants engaged at their own pace; and (ix)         are trained in first aid and also will complete Guidance
visit each individual Shed in advance of the programme         training for working effectively within the environment
commencing, to brief Shedders on the programme, to             of the Sheds. Topics covered in discussions or during
build a sense of rapport and trust, and to assess the Shed     questionnaire administration leave a small but important
environment’s suitability to participate in the programme      risk of participants becoming distressed. In case of such
(including adaptations needed to facilitate this). Sheds for   an event the distress of the participant will be ascer-
Life is described to prospective participants as a             tained, and the participant offered a break from the
programme “for Shedders by Shedders”. Prospective par-         interview or to suspend the interview as appropriate. If a
ticipants are encouraged to see themselves as pioneers, ac-    participant becomes distressed the researcher will stay
tively shaping the programme through their participation       with them until their distress reduces, or if their distress
and paving the way for future delivery and scale-up of the     persists, the researcher will signpost them to an appro-
programme. Reinforcing Shedders’ sense of ownership of         priate community support service. The researcher will
the programme is designed to build safety and trust, and       report any issues of concern to the project supervisors
to reassure participants that SFL is not being implemented     and the IMSA.
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Effectiveness- implementation evaluation design                 All adult males in the Sheds setting were eligible to par-
The SFL study adopts an implementation science focus.           ticipate in the study providing they had good proficiency
This approach strives to incorporate a broader scope            of the English language and could give informed con-
than traditional clinical effectiveness alone; to focus not     sent. A sample size estimation was undertaken using
only on individual or participant level but also on how         G*Power software using physical activity (PA) as
service provider, organisation, and wider systems impact        the key outcome measure, whereby it was calculated that
implementation [36]. Successful implementation should           106 participants would be required for a trial in which
be considered in light of a variety of factors including        participants were individually randomised (the decision
the effectiveness of the intervention to be implemented         to use PA as the primary outcome measure was deter-
alongside implementation outcomes [41]. For these rea-          mined through consultation with Shedders who re-
sons, a hybrid type-two effectiveness-implementation            quested that PA be a key focus of SFL during the initial
study design was chosen. This means dual testing of ef-         pilot phase). However a clustered design in which SFL
fect and implementation outcomes of SFL in order to             was delivered to small clusters of men within Sheds was
pragmatically promote translation into the real world           more preferable to honour the Shed ethos whilst also
context from the outset while also providing more valid         ensuring a wide geographical spread. For this reason a
estimates of potential effectiveness in the implementa-         design with circa 20 men in each cluster was estimated.
tion setting of the Sheds [42]. In order to assess imple-       A previous study with middle-aged men suggested that
mentation outcomes and address barriers and facilitators        this design effect is ~ 2.4, thus increasing the sample size
to effective implementation, a community-based partici-         required to 255 [47]. Allowing for a 20% dropout based
patory research approach was adopted to involve key             on a sample size estimation, the final total required was
stakeholders across implementation levels [38]. Mixed           306 or 15 clusters. In the event of low participation
methods are used to assess both implementation and              within clusters, it was decided that SFL would be tar-
effectiveness outcomes, which are described in detail in        geted at clusters with similar representation. In Phase 1,
the following sections (See Table 2). The following             421 Shedders participated across 22 clusters and these
sections outline the research design. Part 1 details how        were divided into two cohorts. Whilst delivery occurred
effectiveness of SFL is evaluated and Part 2 describes          in the first cohort (n = 12 clusters; n = 212 Shedders) a
how the SFL implementation is evaluated.                        wait list control cohort served as a comparator (n = 3
                                                                clusters; n = 89 Shedders) and these were a subset of the
Part 1: evaluating the effectiveness of SFL-research design     second cohort (n = 9 clusters, n = 209 Shedders). Four-
Overview                                                        teen clusters were in urban areas and 8 were in rural
Phase one of SFL encompassed the first delivery of the          areas across counties; Kildare (in Ireland’s mid-east re-
programme in Sheds. Following assessment of the imple-          gion with a population of ca. 222, 504), Waterford (in
mentation environment, namely the capacity and resource         Ireland’s south-east region with a population of ca. 116,
constraints of provider organisations to deliver SFL along      176), Limerick (in Ireland’s south-east region with a
with the nuances, ethos and autonomy of the inner (Sheds)       population of ca. 194,899) and Louth (in Ireland’s mid-
setting, the SFL 10-week intervention was implemented on        east region with a population of 128, 884) [48]. Partici-
a phased basis across two cohorts comprising two counties       pants were recruited for Phase 1 across Waterford and
in each cohort with a view to delivering Phase 2 as a single    Kildare in March to May 2019 and Limerick and Louth
cohort across a further four new counties (i.e. Phase 1 (4      in September to December 2019. Participants for
counties, two cohorts); Phase 2 (4 counties, one cohort); see   Phase 2 will be recruited from September to Decem-
participants and sampling). A mixed methods approach            ber 2021 (recruitment was postponed until this date
was applied to assess the impact of SFL Phase 1 testing on      due to COVID-19 restrictions).
the biopsychosocial health of participants up to 12 months.        Purposive sampling was also used to conduct formal
This consisted of focus groups, interviews and question-        focus groups (n = 8) with participating Sheds in Phase 1.
naires assessing health outcomes.                               This qualitative study seeks to gather a diverse represen-
                                                                tation of Shedders’ experiences of SFL to compliment
Participants and sampling                                       quantitative findings including changes in knowledge, at-
Respecting the autonomous and informal environment              titudes and behaviours. Informal short interviews (n =
of the Sheds is an important factor in delivering health        16) were also conducted ad-hoc during Shed visits in
promotion through Sheds [27, 33]. Therefore, Sheds are          Phase 1 to further inform Shedders’ experiences of SFL.
recruited to participate in the SFL programme and
evaluation via purposive sampling using an expression of        Evaluating the effectiveness of SFL- data collection
interest process with the objective to deliver SFL in a di-     Questionnaires are administered to participants by a
verse range of Shed settings (small/large, urban/rural).        research team member trained in data collection procedures
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health      (2021) 21:801                                                                                      Page 8 of 15

Table 2 SFL Effectiveness-Implementation Hybrid design
Evaluation        Research Question                   Research Methods & Data              Tools & Frameworks                   Targeted Outcome
                                                      collection approaches
Implementation What are the facilitators and          Qualitative Participatory Research   PRACTIS guide (PRACTical             Acceptability
               barriers that impact                   Focus groups, Interviews (Hybrid     planning for Implementation and      Adoption
               implementation and                     approach of thematic deductive       Scale-up)                            Appropriateness
               sustainability of SFL across the       and inductive analysis)              CFIR (Consolidated Framework for     Feasibility
               individual, provider, organisation     Ethnography Stakeholder              implementation research)             Fidelity
               and wider systems level?               meetings                             Semi-structured topic guides         Implementation Cost
                  What is the process by which the    Qualitative                          PRACTIS guide (PRACTical         Penetration
                  SFL model is developed and          Participatory Research               planning for Implementation and Adoption
                  implemented in order to effect      Focus groups, Interviews             Scale-up)                        Acceptability
                  maximum penetration, adoption       Ethnography                          CFIR (Consolidated Framework for
                  and acceptability among key         Stakeholder meetings                 implementation research)
                  stakeholders?                       Quantitative                         Attendance and membership
                                                      Recording attendance (providers)     records
                                                      & Self-reported attendance at        Semi-structured topic guides
                                                      follow-up (participants)
                  How does the Partnership and        Qualitative                          PRACTIS guide (PRACTical             Acceptability
                  Capacity building focus of SFL      Participatory Research               planning for Implementation and      Adoption
                  contribute to the                   Interviews                           Scale-up)                            Appropriateness
                  implementation and scale-up of      Stakeholder meetings                 CFIR (Consolidated Framework for     Feasibility
                  the programme?                      Capacity Building Workshops          implementation research)             Sustainability
                                                                                           Semi-structured topic guides
                  Is the SFL implementation           Quantitative                         The SF6D                             Implementation Cost
                  approach cost-effective?            Cost Gathering                                                            Feasibility
                                                      Assessment of cost using Quality                                          Sustainability
                                                      Adjusted Life Years
Effectiveness- Does participation in Sheds for        Pragmatic controlled Trial           Core outcome tools                   Quantitative Core
Implementation Life improve health knowledge          Quantitative                         Self-reported Health Rating          outcomes
               attitudes, outcomes and                Questionnaires administered at       Seeking health information rating    Subjective Wellbeing
               behaviours among participants?         baseline, 3, 6 & 12 months           7-item Short Warwick-                Help-seeking
                                                      Qualitative                          Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing           Physical Activity
                                                      Focus groups, ethnography, key       Scale (SWEMWBS)                      Mental Wellbeing
                                                      informant interviews                 5- point Likert Scales assessing;    Diet & Cooking skills
                                                                                           comfort having a conversation        Social Capital
                                                                                           about mental health,                 Self-efficacy
                                                                                           understanding mental health and      Quantitative
                                                                                           identifying practical supports       Supplementary
                                                                                           3-Item UCLA Loneliness               outcomes
                                                                                           Scale. Rated on a 3- point scale.    Diabetes Awareness,
                                                                                           Higher scores equal increased        SafeTALK suicide
                                                                                           loneliness                           prevention, Digital
                                                                                           ONS 11-point Scales 0–10             Literacy, Oral Health,
                                                                                           Life satisfaction and life worth     Cancer awareness, CPR
                                                                                           8 point scales 0–7 physical          Qualitative outcomes
                                                                                           activity and walking measure         Changes in attitudes
                                                                                           The 9-item self-efficacy for exer-   and behaviours
                                                                                           cise scale (SEE)                     Acceptability
                                                                                           Close support, belonging, trust      Adoption
                                                                                           Alcohol, smoking & fruit &           Appropriateness
                                                                                           vegetable consumption
                                                                                           Cooking frequency, cooking style
                                                                                           and 12 measure scale measuring
                                                                                           confidence constructs in relation
                                                                                           to cooking
                                                                                           Supplementary outcomes:
                                                                                           Questions measuring changes in
                                                                                           confidence and knowledge in
                                                                                           relation to supplementary
                                                                                           components developed in
                                                                                           collaboration with provider
                                                                                           Qualitative tools
                                                                                           Semi-structured topic guides
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                                   Page 9 of 15

to ensure standardised measurement and questionnaire          drinking session). Assessments of cooking and healthy
administration. Questionnaires are administered one-to-one    eating behaviours are developed in conjunction with the
in the Sheds setting to account for potential literacy is-    partner organisation delivering the Healthy Food Made
sues, prevent respondent burn-out, limit missing data         Easy component of SFL. Participants are asked about
and build rapport and trust between the researchers           their levels of daily fruit and vegetable consumption,
and Shedders. To also minimise missing data, partici-         cooking style, cooking frequency and willingness to
pants will be contacted by the IMSA in the days before        cook. Confidence constructs around cooking and healthy
the research team visit the Sheds to perform data             eating are measured via a 12 item Likert scale ranging
collection. Due to the informal nature of the Sheds, ab-      from “not at all confident” to “very confident”. The ques-
sence of data for a participant does will not necessarily     tions were adapted from a protocol for community-
indicate dropout from SFL. During 6 and 12 month              based cooking interventions which were developed at a
follow-up in Phase 1, Cohort 2 were experiencing              lower literacy level with varying levels of literacy among
COVID-19 restrictions and therefore questionnaires            participants in mind [56]. The constructs used to assess
were administered via phone in order to promote               cooking and healthy eating were previously validated
participant retention and complete follow-up. The             [57] (See Table 2 for effectiveness outcome measures in-
questionnaire was designed via a consultation process         cluding optional components).
with stakeholders involved in the design and delivery of        Semi-structured topic guides were developed for focus
SFL with a view to optimising acceptability for SFL par-      groups and short interviews. These were designed using
ticipants and also SFL providers who were interested in       a hybrid deductive-inductive approach applying imple-
evaluating their individual components of SFL. Partici-       mentation frameworks to assess implementation out-
pant demographics are recorded at baseline and include        comes but also to allow room for exploring attitudes
date of birth, living arrangements, educational attain-       towards SFL, changes in knowledge and behaviours. A
ment, employment status relationship and ethnicity.           constant comparison process is being used to refine and
Participants are also asked how long they had been a          adapt topic-guides to reflect new themes to be explored
Shed member and how often they attend the Shed.               as SFL evolves across implementation settings.
Core health and wellbeing outcomes measured at all-
time points up to 12 months consist of; subjective well-      Evaluating the effectiveness of SFL- data analysis
being, help-seeking, physical activity, mental wellbeing,     Questionnaire data is analysed using Statistical Packages
diet and cooking skills, social capital and self-efficacy.    for the Social Sciences (SPSS V 24). Descriptive statistics
Participants are also asked how often they seek infor-        for each variable are calculated to inform participant
mation about their health.                                    characteristics. Intervention effect on health and well-
  Self-rated health is measured using a single question       being outcomes are determined by comparing the
Likert scale with high reliability among older men [49].      change scores from baseline to 3, 6 and 12 months, com-
The single-item PA measure is used to record PA levels        paring data using inferential tests to identify significant
[50]. The Self-Efficacy for Exercise Scale (SEE) is used to   differences set at p = 0.05. Analysis of subgroups based
measure physical activity self-efficacy [51]. Life worth      on criteria such as; Shed size location and timing of the
and satisfaction are recorded using the Office of             intervention, will also be performed to identify signifi-
National Statistics subjective wellbeing 11-point scales      cant differences in intervention effect between groups.
[52]. Mental wellbeing is measured using the Short            Outcome data obtained from all participants are in-
Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEM                cluded in the data analysis, regardless of adherence to
WBS) with raw to metric score conversion where a              SFL. The intervention effects will be assessed at 3, 6 and
change of 2+ is considered relevant [53]. Loneliness is       12 months based on those who completed follow-up at
measured at all-time points using the UCLA 3-item scale       these time points. Assuming a worst case scenario for
measuring three dimensions of loneliness; relational          absentees i.e. that absentees failed to achieve a signifi-
connectedness, social connectedness and self-perceived        cant improvement in core health outcomes (physical ac-
isolation, with participants also asked at baseline to        tivity, diet, mental wellbeing, subjective wellbeing, social
retrospectively rate their loneliness prior to joining the    capital and help-seeking), these worst- case scenario
shed [54]. Social Capital is measured based on relevant       analyses will reflect the intention to treat principle. The
recommendations from WhatWorksWellbeing [55], cap-            numbers who achieved significant improvement at 3, 6
turing trust, belonging and close support. Interpersonal      and 12 months will be presented as a percentage of those
trust is measured using the Office of National Statistics     who were tested at these follow-up points. For the initial
11-point scale [52]. Lifestyle behaviours are also re-        intervention effect worst-case scenario, the numbers
corded - smoking (number smoked per day) and alcohol          who achieved significant improvements at 3 months will
consumption (days drinking and units consumed per             be presented as a percentage of those who were tested at
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                             Page 10 of 15

baseline. The worst-case scenario for maintenance of         constructs across five domains which interact in com-
this initial intervention effect will present the numbers    plex ways to influence implementation outcomes. These
who achieved significant improvements at 6 and 12            include; i) the characteristics of the SFL intervention
months as a percentage of those who were tested at the       (e.g. how complex the intervention is), ii) the outer set-
3 month follow-up. Observed success rates will be            ting (e.g. external policies that influence the SFL inter-
compared between the intervention and comparison             vention), iii) the inner setting (e.g. the readiness for SFL
group in waiting using Chi-Square analysis.                  implementation), iv) the characteristics of individuals
   A hybrid analytic approach of inductive and deductive     (e.g. individual self-efficacy), and v) the intervention
analysis is applied to the participant transcripts. This     process (e.g. engaging individuals to champion SFL).
means that whilst implementation frameworks are ap-          The CFIR was used as a practical guide to systematically
plied to inform implementation outcomes, the analysis        assess potential barriers and facilitators in preparation
process will remain open to findings that may emerge         for implementing SFL. It was also used to develop topic
outside of those pre-set domains to allow assessment of      guides for stakeholders at each level to characterise the
intervention effect. In these circumstances, inter-rater     implementation setting during SFL implementation as
reliability is used to cross-check coding strategies and     well as to guide the observation of SFL.
interpretations are negotiated to agree on a ‘master’ code     The process framework applied to SFL implementa-
list.                                                        tion is the (PRACTIS) - PRACTical planning for
                                                             Implementation and Scale-up guide [38]. The PRAC
Part 2: evaluating the implementation of SFL- research       TIS is used in an iterative process to practically
design                                                       guide the implementation process and evaluation in
Overview                                                     collaboration with key stakeholders. In this study, it
The implementation and sustainment of an effective,          is used to promote successful implementation and
evidence-based programme in the real-world setting is        scale-up of SFL. Sheds for Life implementation is
complex and therefore multiple frameworks are increas-       guided by four key steps, namely; characterising the
ingly being used in studies to address multiple facets of    parameters of the implementation setting, identifying
implementation [58, 59]. Sheds for Life operates within a    and engaging key stakeholders, identifying implemen-
complex system of shifting elements such as the diverse      tation barriers and facilitators, and addressing poten-
and variable contexts of the Sheds and the wider imple-      tial barriers to implementation across individual,
mentation environment, including the competing prior-        provider, organisational and systems levels. The im-
ities of provider organisations and systems level funding    plementation setting is characterised by following a
and polices. As a result, there is a need to continually     checklist criteria of 5 P’s i.e. i) People; the individuals
engage current and emerging stakeholders as well as in-      involved for effective implementation of SFL, ii)
form key adaptations and processes that are necessary to     Place; what settings and organisations with be in-
implement SFL in multiple locations while executing ap-      volved in SFL iii), Process; how the implementation
propriate implementation strategies to embed SFL in the      process of SFL will occur iv), Provisions; what re-
routine environment of the Shed. Recognising the con-        sources may be necessary to achieve this process,
text in which SFL is implemented as a constellation of       and v) Principles; what are the underlying principles
active intervening variables rather than simply a back-      of SFL and the implementation process that will be
drop for implementation is therefore important to better     scaled-up. These were explored in collaboration with
identify and address implementation challenges [60, 61].     key stakeholders as per PRACTIS [38]. Additional File 1
Indeed, these dimensions continually evolve over time        demonstrates SFL operationalisation of the PRACIS guide
and require on-going monitoring. For this reason, a          (See Additional File 1).
combination of implementation and evaluation frame-            Finally, the evaluation framework applied to SFL is the
works is used to guide the implementation testing and        taxonomy for implementation outcomes [41]. This
evaluation of SFL. These frameworks consist of a deter-      framework measures outcomes pertaining to implemen-
minant framework to specify constructs that may influ-       tation i.e. acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasi-
ence the SFL process and predict implementation              bility, fidelity, implementations costs, penetration and
outcomes, a process framework to specify steps to            sustainability. These are assessed in the SFL evaluation
execute for implementation phases and an evaluation          using mixed methods to measure implementation effect.
framework to specify multiple levels of outcomes to as-      Implementation testing consists of ongoing engagement
sess [59].                                                   with service provider organisations through quarterly
   The determinant framework used is The Consolidated        stakeholder meetings, observation and field notes, inter-
Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) [60].           views and focus groups as well quantitative measures to
This framework is used to characterise and understand        assess cost outcomes (See Table 2).
McGrath et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:801                                                               Page 11 of 15

Evaluating the implementation of SFL -data collection          numbers eligible) are triangulated to assess penetration.
In order to explain or understand implementation out-          Cost-effectiveness is being determined by comparing the
comes, the perspectives and experiences of a broad repre-      costs (direct and indirect) of SFL to its benefits which will
sentation of stakeholders at the participant, provider,        be captured as the impact on quality-adjusted life-years
organisation and wider systems level are sought. Purposive     (QALYs) derived from the short form-6D algorithm.
sampling is used to identify key informants for interview      Qualitative data are analysed using a framework-driven
to inform implementation outcomes across the multi-level       approach, applying the CFIR to inform implementation
implementation environment. Mixed methods are used to          outcomes. Focus groups and interviews will be transcribed
inform implementation outcomes. The PRACTIS guide is           and, as per recommendations by the National Cancer
used as part of an iterative process to characterise parame-   Institute’s White Paper on qualitative research in im-
ters of the implementation setting, engage key stake-          plementation science, a hybrid approach of thematic
holders, identity implementation barriers and facilitators     deductive and inductive analysis will be used to inform
and address potential barriers to implementation within        implementation outcomes [44]. This means that whilst
the evolving implementation climate [38]. Ongoing              the CFIR domains will be applied to inform implemen-
consultation with stakeholders is deemed appropriate to        tation outcomes, the analysis process will remain open
the implementation approach as contextual shifts can be        to findings that may emerge outside of those pre-set
unpredictable and assessment of the broader implementa-        domains. A constant comparison process previously
tion environment requires flexibility and iteration [62].      outlined will again be applied.
Alongside this, interviews (n = 19) at provider, organisa-
tional and systems level are also conducted using semi-        Limitations
structured interview schedules which are designed based        While the non-randomised design of SFL may be seen
on CFIR constructs and used to inform a taxonomy of im-        as a limitation, the SFL research exists within a complex
plementation outcomes, with room for other themes to           real-world environment with many evolving variables.
emerge [41, 58]. Focus groups and interviews previously        For this reason, a pragmatic evaluation approach is
outlined at participant level are also used to inform imple-   necessary in which upholding Shed ethos means that
mentation outcomes. As a considerable amount of time is        participants cannot be randomised for assessment of
spent in the variable environments of different Sheds          intervention effect. However a strength of this approach
during data collection, observation and field notes are also   is also in the process of identifying an appropriate imple-
used to discover and document the context in which             mentation model that can effectively engage HTR men
implementation occurs. This process is guided by CFIR          with targeted health promotion in the capricious Sheds
constructs with a view to also informing the effectiveness     environment. The very nature of this environment is
of implementation strategies.                                  what attracts HTR men and for this reason it is critically
   The questionnaires administered to Shedders at base-        important that this informal and autonomous atmos-
line, 3, 6 and 12 months are also used to inform imple-        phere is maintained when synchronising with more
mentation outcomes; cost and penetration of SFL. Self-         structured health promotion. There is also a subjective
reported attendance records are collected at follow-up         nature to the data that allows inherent bias through the
points via the questionnaire to capture attendance. Pro-       self-report format. Yet, constructs of wellbeing and
viders of the SFL components also capture attendance           perceived health status are subjective in their own right
records at delivery and records of the numbers of              and the evaluation captures insights from Shedders in
Shedders who are eligible versus those who participate         the real-world context of a typically close-knit setting.
in SFL are gathered to further inform penetration. The
short form 6-D (SF-6D) is assessed via the questionnaire,      Discussion
alongside the gathering of cost data for assessing cost ef-    An important backdrop to SFL is the rich landscape
fectiveness of SFL. It is a preference-based measure of        within its outer setting of men’s health research and
health with a six-dimensional health status classification:    practice work that has emerged within Ireland in recent
physical functioning, role functioning, social functioning,    years [14, 64]. While SFL evolved mostly as a bottom-up
pain and discomfort, mental health and vitality. It was        initiative to address a particular need, it was also man-
derived from the SF-36. Participants select one of the         dated by a top-down men’s health policy directive [16].
levels (up to level 4 or level 6) in each dimension which      This wider context of men’s health work within Ireland
best describes their current health status [63].               was highly conducive to and compatible with the key
                                                               principles and objectives of SFL. Crucially however, SFL
Evaluating the implementation of SFL -data analysis            was not foisted on Shedders! On the contrary, SFL
Data pertaining to SFL participation (attendance records,      emerged from an invested process of engagement, con-
self-reported attendance, numbers who participated versus      sultation, relationship building and pilot testing. These
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