Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University

Page created by Carmen Barker
Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University
Subject Mentor (SM) Training

       Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education
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Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University
Secondary Partnership Team

                                         Karen Fuller
                                    Head of ITE Partnerships

                   Jo Baynham                                  Majella Dalton-Bartley
                Placement A Lead                                  Placement B Lead

  Pete Bayliss                Gill Burgess          Aileen Thom               Cheryl Wilberforce
 Partnership Tutor          Partnership Tutor     Partnership Tutor            Partnership Tutor
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Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University
By the end of the session we will have explored:
• the skills and qualities that make a good subject mentor

• the main roles and responsibilities of the subject mentor

• a successful induction

• how to handle difficult situations that you as subject mentors can come across

• strategies for supporting student teachers who are struggling as well as for stretching those who are
  high performers

• some key documentation

• any questions or queries
Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University
The SM Role: An Overview
• To induct the student into the department and clarify departmental expectations.
• To give the student access to resources, schemes of work
• To help create a suitable timetable (range/balance/opportunities to observe) which supports
  the development of subject knowledge and allows the principle of gradualism to be applied
• To carry out a weekly formal observation on your student (written feedback) and a
  joint observation with PM if possible.
• To monitor student teacher progress throughout their teaching experience
• To carry out a weekly mentor meeting with your student.
• To monitor students health and well-being during placement.
• To engage in joint / supported planning with the student, sharing resources.
Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University
• To monitor student teacher progress, setting targets and review progress, ensuring that students work
  towards making sufficient progress in relation to the MMU curriculum.

• To support student teachers through the completion of the Progression and Achievement Document (PAD)

• Subject Audits – leading to a progressive timetable to address subject knowledge gaps –
   gradualism process

• Addressing areas for development through clear target setting keeping both the PM and university
  Personal Tutor informed of any concerns.

• Provide opportunities either face to face or virtually to observe expert colleagues

• To contribute to both the interim and final reports.

• To monitor the students Teaching Experience File (TEF).
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Subject Mentor (SM) Training 2020-2021 - Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education - Manchester Metropolitan University
SM Files…
• These are for you to keep to help monitor student progress (these will
  be monitored by the PM as part of the quality assurance process).
• They can be used to evidence entitlement etc.
• Copy of weekly lesson observation (including joint observations)​
• Copy of weekly meetings (appropriate SMART targets are being set)​
• Student timetable​
• Copy of progress/ assessment points​
• Copy of ISP documentation (if appropriate)​
• Any additional information you feel appropriate.
Teaching Experience

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Teaching Experience in school should include
•   Context of the school, its staff and pupils – current focus of the school and areas of expertise
•   The opportunity to observe good practice in teaching and learning across the whole school
•   A timetable that provides opportunities to observe different areas of the curriculum
•   Opportunities to discuss and develop subject knowledge
•   Managing behaviour in this context
•   Beginning to understand the importance of delivering high quality learning – addressing pupil misconceptions,
    modelling, scaffolding,
•   Beginning to understand assessment – formative/summative, assessment in practice, identifying knowledge gaps,
    questioning, pupil feedback, pupil progress.
•   Weekly / regular mentor meetings to evaluation progress to date and set targets for improvement
•   A planned programme of observations of student teaching – weekly written feedback identifying strengths and
•   Support towards meeting the Manchester Metropolitan ( MMU) PGCE curriculum

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Induction- refer to handbook for ideas on suitable induction activities

• Induction to the school setting – including:

• Induction to the school, introduction to staff team (especially those with responsibility for SEND and safeguarding)

• Introduction to school policies and practices –key documents, schemes of work, pupil data and how these can be

• Safeguarding – school processes, designated staff roles, how to report concerns.

• Workload, wellbeing and expectations of students

• Timetable – created and shared with all partners

• Mentor relationships and pattern of mentor meetings established

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The timetable should:

• Develop subject knowledge
• Build on existing knowledge
• Provide opportunities for ongoing observation of expert colleagues in teaching and learning
• Allow the student teachers to become more independent in groups
• Gradually become more challenging
• Provide a range of classes of different year groups and abilities, where possible

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What should a student teacher do in their non-contact time:

                                                           Plan beforehand what
• Prepare lessons and resources                                 they will do!
• Update TEF
• Observe expert colleagues and reflect and evaluate both their own and others`
• Prepare for tutorials/mentor meetings
• Mark students work

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Changes to the PGCE secondary programme

There are changes to our programme this year and we are now being
inspected under the governments new ITT inspection framework

Also embedded within the programme is the MMU curriculum.

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Secondary Partnership Website
• Links to resources, advertising posts, CPD
• All documentation
• Latest news
• Training materials including podcasts
• Handbooks
• Events announcements

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Main changes to the programme
 Old Language                                                            New Language
 Grading                              We are no longer grading lessons and student teachers. We are
                                      now using the key terms to state if the student is making-
                                      ‘sufficient progress’ or ‘insufficient progress’

 Reviews                              The traditional reviews have now been replaced. We are using a document-
                                      Progression and Achievement Document (PAD).

                                      These review points will include an ‘initial report and ‘final report during
                                      both placements.

                                      There are now 4 reports in total
 Previously we had 6 reviews
 Lesson plan and lesson observation   The lesson plan for student teachers to complete has now changed. The lesson
                                      observation form for you and SMs to complete focuses on implementation and

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Assessment of Student Teachers
• Student teachers should be assessed against the MMU curriculum. The MMU curriculum incorporates all
  elements of the Core Content Framework (CCF), which is the minimum entitlement for all initial teacher
  education programmes.

• Assessment should not be against the Teacher Standards – these are end-point statements to be achieved
  by completion of the programme.

• The MMU Curriculum is designed to ensure that successful progress against the curriculum will provide the
  required evidence to demonstrate that the Teacher Standards have been met.

Assessment of Progress – PGCE

• The PGCE programme is divided into 4 phases.

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Four phases: 1. Induction 2. Development 3. Progression 4. Achievement
• All student teachers undergo an assessment of their progress against the MMU Curriculum, specific to that phase.
• Carried out by SMs and subsequently university tutors.
• Tutors and mentors identify for each category, whether a student teacher is making sufficient progress against the
  MMU curriculum or not.
• Any student teacher not making sufficient progress against the indicators, should be placed on an intervention
  support plan (ISP). The ISP will include clearly identified targets for improvement.

At the end of the development and assessment phase, any student teacher deemed to be making insufficient progress
should have been placed on an ISP and the outcome for this process suggests there is still a cause for concern.

A senior moderator will visit all student teachers who are judged to be a cause for concern at this stage. University
tutors will moderate outcomes in advance of the progress board. The ISP and Progression and Achievement Document
will provide the required evidence for the Progress Board to decide whether the student teacher is able to progress
onto the next phase.

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How do I decide whether my student teacher is making
sufficient progress or not?
• A student teacher would be deemed to be making sufficient progress if they are making progress against the targets
  agreed with their mentor. Their mentor will regularly set student teachers, in these circumstances, new targets as
  they progress against the curriculum.

• A student teacher would be deemed to be making insufficient progress if they are being set targets and are not
  making progress against them. In these circumstances, student teachers are not set new targets as existing targets are
  yet to be met. The personal tutor should be contacted and an Intervention Support Plan (ISP) should be completed
  and followed.

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Guidance on completing the Progression & Achievement Document (PAD)
• The Progression and Achievement Document is an ongoing working document which demonstrates the progress the
  student teacher is making throughout the academic year.
• The student teacher is ultimately responsible for this document, which is located in their Teaching Experience File
  (TEF, online using OneDrive)
• The student teacher must ensure all relevant sections are completed by the appropriate dates as identified in the
  academic calendar and teaching experience handbook.
• The evidence to support the PAD will be located in the student teacher`s TEF.
• There are four reports: Interim and Final report for placement A and Interim and Final report for placement B.
• The subject mentor/professional mentor must send the completed reports to the placements team.

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New Documentation

• We have new documentation to accompany the programme changes
   - Progression and Achievement Document (PAD)
   - Lesson observation proforma
   - Lesson planning proforma

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Progression and
Document (PAD)
The documents states
who needs to
complete each section.
In some sections this
involves putting a date
when something is
completed such as
induction tasks.

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In other sections the
student teacher, the
mentor and the
personal tutor are
required to write in
more detail.
Mentors are also
required to decide
whether the student
teacher is making
sufficient progress
against the MMU
curriculum at interim
and final review points
for each placement.
Lesson Observation Proforma

 This has been changed to
 reflect the new language
 • Intent
 • Implementation
 • Impact

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New lesson plan proforma
Class:                                                   Date, time, room:                                Topic:
Objectives for this lesson:
                                        This requires you to establish clearly and specifically what you want pupils to learn in this lesson. Most lessons
                                                                          will have 2-3. This is the intent of your lesson.
Outcomes from this lesson:

                                     This requires you to establish precisely what students will produce or gained by the end of the lesson.

Subject knowledge required:
                                     This is where you record all of the specialist subject knowledge you have acquired and may need in order to
                                     teach this lesson with expertise and confidence.
Knowledge revisited:

                                      Record here, what knowledge from prior learning you intend to revisit, review or refer to throughout your lesson.

Duration (+time)         Teacher activity / pedagogy /                Pupil activity / learning                Learning checks (inc. questions) /   Support, challenge, intervention
                         implementation                                                                        Assessment

                                                                                                                          How are you
                                   Give yourself cues                                                                     checking                                What form
                                                                                   Record something
    Keeping                        for what you are                                                                       understanding?                               of
                                                                                   here for every stage
    you on                         doing at each stage                             of the lesson. How                     i.e. Cold-calling                       interventio
   track and                       of the lesson and                               are you ensuring                       questions, live                           n might
    keeping                        consider carefully                                                                     marking,
                                                                                   that pupils are                                                                  you use
                                   how you are doing                                                                      circulating to
      pace                                                                         always engaged in                                                                and for
                                   this.                                           learning?
                                                                                                                          identify                                          28
                                                                                                                          progress.                                 whom?
Weekly Subject
Mentor Meeting
All mentor meetings
should be recorded on
the weekly mentor

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• As SM, you may have situations arise where you have some
  concerns or are unsure about how to approach an issue. .

• On the next slide is a scenario, read and consider, as SM, what
  reasons could there be for this and what actions would you take
  and your response…….

Please write your responses in the group chat.

• Your student teacher is often late to school in the mornings and rather
  defensive when you have mentioned this. This continues and the student is
  increasingly unplanned for lessons and this is having a negative impact
  upon the lessons they are teaching. You ask for lesson plans in advance but
  when you receive them, they are being emailed at 3am that morning!

What are typical student teacher problems?

•   Motivation
•   Understanding expectations
•   Subject knowledge can sometimes be an issue
•   Personal baggage
•   Planning
•   Professionalism
•   Real world

You are starting to have a number of concerns regarding one of
your student teachers who is struggling to make sufficient
What will you do and who will you involve?

•   Involve MMU as soon as you have concerns
•   Early identification
•   Clear definition of issues
•   Clear targets
•   Follow ISP process carefully
•   Keep student teacher fully informed
•   Ensure entitlement & keep all written evidence

Next steps….
What can be organised for the student teachers before they start in
Write a list of top tips on how you may work with student teachers who
may be struggling....

Write a list of some top tips which might stretch and challenge the more
able student teacher

A few final bits …

Placements: English, Biology, Social Science and psychology in
How do I know who is my partnership tutor ?
Flexibility and a flexible approach to teach training
What do I do if there are any issues - contact the personal tutor

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Reflection and questions…

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Key contacts
In the first instance, contact the university personal tutor if there are any issues arising.

 Karen Fuller-                    Head of ITE Partnerships

 Jo Baynham                       Placement A Lead     

 Majella Dalton-Bartley           Placement B Lead     

 Beverley Ingham                  Core                 
                                                        0161 247 6422

 Salma Qurashi                    School Direct        
                                                                 0161 247 2383

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Thank you
                                        This QR code will take you to the
                                        survey to register your attendance.
                                        It is also in the chat box.

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