Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS 2020-2021 Dr. Liset Fraguela - Somerset ...

Page created by Betty Hicks
Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                           Dr. Liset Fraguela


Teacher Email:
Teacher Web address: Check the SACM website
Room #: D200
Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Zoom code: 298 976 9150

Remind app/
Students are encouraged to sign up for their class on so to receive updates and general reminders regarding
due dates and upcoming assessments. The class codes for Pre-Calculus Honors are published on the teacher’s
Homepage are as follows. Students use their cellphone or computer to sign up.


Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to
include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions
and continue to expand and hone their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic
equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms. The
Standards for Mathematical Practice apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe
that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make
sense of problem situations. The critical areas for this course, organized into five units, are as follows:

Unit 1 - Trigonometric Functions: This unit recognizes and uses the vocabulary of angles in degree and radian
measures. The student will be able to understand the difference between a degree measure of an angle and a radian
measure and how to convert between the two. The student will learn how to draw angles in standard position, find
coterminal angles, find the length of a circular arc, and the area of a sector. The students will construct the unit circle
and use the unit circle to define trigonometric functions. The student will recognize the domain and range of the sine,
cosine, and tangent functions. Find the exact value of certain trigonometric functions without the use of a calculator,
and recognize and use the fundamental identities. Students will use right triangles to evaluate trigonometric functions.
Students will be able to compute a reference angle and use the reference angle to evaluate trigonometric functions.
Students will learn the domain, range, period of the sine, cosine, and tangent function and be able to graph these
functions and their transformations. Students will understand and use the inverse of the sine, cosine, and tangent
function and be able to find the exact values of composite functions with inverse trigonometric functions.

Unit 2 – Analytic Trigonometry: This unit the students will use the fundamental trigonometric identities to verify
identities. The student will be able to use the formula for the cosine of the difference of two angles. Use the sum and
difference formulas for cosine, sine, and tangent functions. The student will be able to use the double-angle, power-
reducing, and half-angle formulas. The student will be able to find the general solution of a trigonometric equation or
solve trigonometric equations with multiple angles. Students will be able to solve trigonometric equations in quadratic
Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                           Dr. Liset Fraguela

form using the square root property or by factoring. Students will be able to use identities to solve trigonometric

Unit 3- Additional Topics in Trigonometry: This unit the students will use the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines
to solve oblique triangles. Students will be able to find the area of an oblique triangle using the sine function or Heron’s
Formula. Students will be able to plot points in the polar coordinate system, find multiple sets of polar coordinates for
a given point. Students will be able to convert a point from polar to rectangular coordinates or convert a point from
rectangular to polar coordinates. Students will be able to convert an equation from polar coordinates to rectangular
coordinates. Students will be able to use the magnitude and direction to show vectors are equal, visualize scalar
multiplication, vector addition, and vector subtraction as geometric vectors. Students will be able to represent vectors
in the rectangular coordinate system, perform operations with vectors in terms of i and j. Students will be able to find
the unit vector in the direction v and write a vector in terms of its magnitude and direction. Students will be able to find
the dot product of two vectors, find the angle between two vectors. Students will be able to use the dot product to
determine if two vectors are orthogonal, express a vector as the sum of two orthogonal vectors.

Unit 4- Conic Sections and Analytic Geometry: In this unit, students learn how to write the standard form of a circle’s
equations, give the center and radius of a circle whose equation is in standard form. Students will be able to convert the
general form of a circle’s equation to standard form. Students will be able to graph ellipses centered at the origin, write
the equations of ellipses in standard form. The student will be able to graph ellipses not centered at the origin and solve
applied problems involving ellipses. Students will be able to locate a hyperbola’s vertices and foci, write the equations
of hyperbolas in standard form. Students will be able to graph hyperbolas not centered at the origin and solve applied
problems involving hyperbolas. Students will be able to graph parabolas with vertices at the origin and write equations
of parabolas in standard form. Students will be able to graph parabolas with vertices not centered at the origin and solve
applied problems involving parabolas. Students will be able to use point plotting to graph plane curves described by
parametric equations. Students will be able to eliminate the parameter, and find the parametric equations for functions,
and understand the advantages of parametric representation.

Unit 5- Matrices and Determinants: In this unit, students will learn matrix notation, understand what is meant by
equal matrices. Students will be able to add, subtract and multiply matrices, and perform scalar multiplication. Students
will be able to model applied situations with matrix operations. Students will be able to find the multiplicative inverse
of a square matrix and use inverses to solve matrix equations. Students will be able to evaluate a second-order and third-
order determinant. Solve a system of linear equations in 2 and 3 variables using Cramer’s rule.

Unit 6 – Introduction to Calculus: In this unit, students will understand limit notation, and be able to find the limit of
a function using tables, graphs, and analytically. Students will be able to find one-sided limits and use them to determine
if a limit exists. Students will be able to find the limits of constant functions and the identity function, find the limits
using properties of limits. Students will be able to find one-sided limits using the properties of limits. Students will be
able to find the limits of fractional expressions in which the limit of the denominator is zero. Students will be able to
determine whether a function is continuous at a number and determine for what numbers a function is discontinuous.
Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                           Dr. Liset Fraguela

Students will be introduced to derivatives, and be able to find the slopes and equations of the tangent line. Students will
be able to find the average and instantaneous rates of change, and the instantaneous velocity of a function.


Textbook: “Precalculus with Limits. A Graphing Approach”, R. Larzon. 6th Edition. Brooks/Cole. Cengage Learning

Other Resources: Notes and Worksheets will be posted on the teacher’s webpage. Selected IXL assignments and other
online practice problems and videos will be added as needed on the teacher’s webpage.


R3: Respect, Responsibility, Readiness

To ensure a positive learning environment for all members of this classroom community, we will follow the policies
outlined in the Somerset Academy Central Miramar Campus’ Student Handbook and observe three general rules in this

1. We will show RESPECT for people and property.

2. We will assume RESPONSIBILITY for actions and attitudes.

3. We will demonstrate READINESS by coming prepared.


Dry erase markers (for the instructor)
Dedicated Mathematics Folder/Binder with loose-leaf paper.
Scientific calculator (TI-30XA)
Pencil and/or pen
Eraser or correction tool
Tablet, laptop at least 10.1” inches in diameter (electronic devices are not mandatory, but we encourage students to
use them during class when indicated by the teacher)
*We can always use additional facial tissues and hand sanitizer*


Nine Weeks Category Percentages                               A :   90% –100%
Test/Quizzes – 40%                                            B :   80% – 89.9%
Classwork – 35%                                               C :   70% – 79.9%
Homework/Participation – 15%                                  D :   60% – 69.9%
Projects/Worksheets – 10%                                     F:     0% – 59.9%
Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                         Dr. Liset Fraguela


1. Students will earn their academic grades through mastery of concepts. Only tests and quizzes are considered
   summative assessments; however, students are encouraged to complete the teacher’s recommended activities
   outside the classroom.
2. Tests and quizzes: if the student has an excused absence on a test day it is up to the student to ask for the make-
   up work. During assessments, students must follow instructions. A pencil is required for all graded work.
3. All work must be completed in a legible fashion. If grader cannot follow your work, work will be returned
4. All work submitted via Google Classroom should have the following information on top of each page:
       - Student’s name
       - Class and Period
       - Date
       - Page number/total number of pages


       Students are expected to come to school/or virtual classroom (zoom meeting) every day and be on time for
       If a student's absence is unexcused, they will receive a "Z" for all missed assignments.
       Students and parents should check the teacher Webpage and Pinnacle to find out what was completed in class
        and what work they need to make-up.

Excused absence: Course Make-up If the absences are excused, all educational requirements for the course shall be
met before a passing grade and/or credit is assigned. The student shall have a reasonable amount of time, up to three
school days, to complete make-up work for excused absences.

Unexcused absence: Course Make-up Unexcused absences do not require that the teacher provide make-up work for
the student. However, the Attendance Review Committee may assign educationally related activities to mitigate the
loss of instructional time.

   Be on time
   Attend the meeting with student’s FULL NAME (no nicknames)
   Make sure your student has their UNIFORM SHIRT on
   Students should not have “hoodies” on
   All students should have their camera on. If cameras are not on, students will be marked absent.
   Have paper and pencil ready and be ready to learn. Students need to be sitting up on a table/desk as if they were
    in school (no laying in bed).
Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                          Dr. Liset Fraguela

   Listen QUIETLY to the Lecture. Make sure your audio is on mute.
   Teachers will randomly call on a student. Students will then need to UN-MUTE their audio and answer the
    teacher’s question(s).
   Once the lecture is over, students will be able to ask questions, which can be placed in the chat box. Teachers will
    respond via chat or audio. The chat box will be available for everyone to view, however, you can also send your
    teacher a private message.
   Assignments will be posted on the school website (teacher’s web page) and Pinnacle.
   All students are to maintain virtual etiquette.
   Any rules/procedures that are not followed/misbehavior will be posted on the comment part of the grade book for
    parents/ guardians. This will keep all parents updated on their students’ progress.

Students are expected to follow the Broward County Schools Code of Student Conduct at all times on campus and
school-related events. The Student Code of Conduct can be found at

The following steps will be taken upon infraction:
   1. Verbal Warning
   2. Student-Teacher conference
   3. Parent-Teacher conference
   4. Office referral
Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                                    Dr. Liset Fraguela


                                                              (Parent Form)

Each parent/ guardian of a student and each student enrolled at Somerset Academy Central Miramar Campus must sign
and return this page to the student’s teacher to acknowledge receipt of the teacher’s syllabus. Each teacher will maintain
a record of this signed statement.

I acknowledge the receipt of Dr. Fraguela’s Pre-Calculus Honors syllabus and understand the guidelines of this class.
I have read and discussed it with my child.

__________________________         _________________________________________________________                   ________________________
Parent’s/ Guardian’s Name                                email                                                       Phone number

_________________________                             _______/_______/______
Signature                                                    Date

__________________________         _________________________________________________________                   ________________________
Parent’s/ Guardian’s Name                                email                                                       Phone number

_________________________                             _______/_______/______
Signature                                                    Date


                                       ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY

                                                             (Student Form)

I acknowledge the receipt of Dr. Fraguela’s Pre-Calculus Honors syllabus and understand the guidelines of this
class. I have read and discussed it with my parent/guardian.

__________________________                ____________________________________                       ________________________
Student’s Name                                              email                                          Signature


Pre-Calculus/Calculus Honors SYLLABUS
                                                                                  Dr. Liset Fraguela


                                                                           (Parent Form)

Each parent/ guardian of a student enrolled at Somerset Academy Central Miramar Campus must sign and return this
page to the student’s teacher to acknowledge receipt of the teacher’s syllabus. Each teacher will maintain record of this
signed statement.

I acknowledge the receipt of Dr. Fraguela’s Pre-Calculus Honors syllabus and understand the Assessment and
Discipline Policies of this class.

__________________________                 _________________________________________________________                                  ________________________
Parent’s/ Guardian’s Name                                        email                                                                      Phone number

_________________________                                        _______/_______/______
Signature                                                               Date

__________________________                 _________________________________________________________                                  ________________________
Parent’s/ Guardian’s Name                                        email                                                                      Phone number

_________________________                                        _______/_______/______
Signature                                                               Date

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------


                                                                          (Student Form)

Each student enrolled at Somerset Academy Central Miramar Campus must sign and return this page to the teacher to
acknowledge receipt of the teacher’s syllabus. Each teacher will maintain record of this signed statement.

I acknowledge the receipt of Dr. Fraguela’s Pre-Calculus Honors syllabus and understand the Assessment and
Discipline Policies of this class.

__________________________                        ____________________________________                                    ________________________
Student’s Name                                                      email                                                       Signature


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