Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

Page created by Joan Quinn
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits
Success stories
on organic seed
    & breeding

         Experiences from
     LIVESEED Cross Visits

Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits
       Matteo Petitti (RSR), Frederic Rey (ITAB),
                 Monika Messmer (FIBL-CH)
                & Ágnes Bruszik (IFOAM OE)

   Frederic Rey (ITAB), Ágnes Bruszik (IFOAM OE):
 Maddalena Moretti (UBIOS), Matteo Petitti (RSR),
   Abco de Buck (LBI), Katharina Meyer (FIBL-DE):

                               July 2020

    Photo credits LIVESEED, except for pages: 8-9 Vincent Lefevre; 16-17
© Agrico; 18-19 © Vitalis; 20-21 © Felix Heiber; 22-23 © Bio-Weingut Rummel

 This booklet was produced within the LIVESEED project,
    which has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No. 727230 and by the Swiss State Secretariat for
  Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract
                     number 17.00090
The information provided reflects the views of the authors. The
Research Executive Agency or the SERI are not responsible for
   any use that may be made of the information provided.
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

Introduction                                                  4

What is organic seed?			                                      4
Why should we produce and use organic seed
and organic cultivars?								 5
Producing organic seed                                        5

LIVESEED Cross-Visits in France, Italy, the Netherlands,
Switzerland and Germany                                       7

Success stories :

1.       Organic seed multiplication on farm				              8

2.       A cooperative organic seed company			               10

3.       Organic open pollinated vegetable seed production   12

4.       Closing the circle: cereal populations
         from seed to plate                                  14

5.       Organic potato production by Agrico potato giant    16

6.       A leading seed company with ‘organic blood’
         in its veins                                        18

7.       On-farm apple breeding by non-profit
         organization Poma Culta                             20

8.       Fungus-resistant grapevine breeding                 22
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

    Seeds and their biodiversity are key elements for the development of or-
    ganic agriculture and for the agro-ecological transition of food systems.
    The availability of seed and vegetative propagating material that are not
    only adapted but also adaptable to the diversity of organic farming sys-
    tems and agro-ecological environments, can boost organic farms’ pro-
    ductivity, their yield stability and the quality of their end products, while
    making them more independent from the conventional sector.
    Yet, although the supply and diversity of organic seed is improving, the
    majority of organic crop production1 is still based on seed selected for and
    produced within the conventional sector. Major changes in how seed for
    organic regimes is bred and multiplied are long overdue, and will involve all
    the actors of the seed value chain, from producers to final users.

    In this context, the LIVESEED project organised a discovery journey through
    a number of cross-visits in Europe (see chapter 2) with the aim of:

    •   documenting success stories of organic seed selection and production/
    •   enabling mutual learning among professionals,
    •   forging relationships as a basis for an EU professional network on or-
        ganic seed
    •   inspiring and initiating change

    This booklet illustrates a selection of these success stories. It is based on
    interviews recorded during the LIVESEED cross-visits in France, Italy, the
    Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany. All of the farmers, breeders, seed
    companies or cooperatives portrayed in this publication have something
    in common: having embarked on a unique and inspiring journey towards
    becoming leading organic seed producers or breeders of their particular
    crop. We hope you will be inspired by them!

    What is organic seed?
    Organic seed is seed of which the                  organically requires an even more
    mother plant (if seed) or the parent               specific skill set (it is indeed a much
    plant (if vegetative propagating ma-               more risky business to produce seed
    terial) has been produced following                organically than conventionally).
    the principles of organic agriculture,             Seed crops need to stay in the field
    as laid out by the European organic                longer than edible crops to reach full
    regulations2.                                      seed maturity: this means a higher
    Seed production is a highly special-               risk of weeds, pests, diseases or abi-
    ised activity and producing seed                   otic stresses spoiling the harvest.

    1 See LIVESEED booklet: “The State of Organic Seed in Europe”
    2 EC No 834/2007; EU 2018/848
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

Why should we produce                              and consumer expectations. All the
and use organic seed and                           above would increase the coherence
                                                   and credibility of organic agriculture,
organic cultivars?                                 making it more independent from
                                                   conventional agriculture and main-
Despite the challenges, there are a                stream research & development for
number of good reasons for using                   the seed it requires.
organically bred and reproduced                    In addition, the European organ-
seed in organic agriculture. Conduct-              ic regulations require that the seed
ing seed production under organic                  and vegetative propagating materi-
conditions would create a more fully               al used by organic farmers must be
coherent value chain (from seed to                 organic. However, it currently pro-
plate) for organic regimes, avoiding               vides a series of derogations which
all chemical interventions since the               allow the use of untreated conven-
very beginning. Devising non-chem-                 tional seed in organic production in
ical solutions for the production of               a number of cases (Article 22), until
organic seed implies investigating                 2035.
and applying alternative, more sus-
tainable techniques for seed qual-
ity and health management. This                    Producing organic seed
process in itself is likely to positive-
ly influence the adaptive capacity                 While organic seed production is a
of the resulting seed to the condi-                highly specialised trade, it can also
tions of organically managed fields                represent an attractive income di-
in which it will eventually be used.               versification strategy for organic
Further adaptive advantages of                     farmers. However, it requires a cer-
organically produced seed can be                   tain level of technical skill and en-
achieved through using existing cul-               tails specific risks, two aspects that
tivars which are known to be better                should not be underestimated.
capable of striving under low-input                The production of certified organic
conditions (such as landraces, local               seed must comply with the existing
varieties or heterogeneous material),              European seed and plant propaga-
or through breeding specifically for               tion directives, as well as with the
such traits. Organic plant breeding3               European organic regulations.
holds great potential in this direction,           The quality standards (germination
by generating new cultivars which                  rate, varietal purity, seed health)
are more robust and perform better                 which apply to the marketing of or-
under organic conditions, both as                  ganic seed are the same as those for
food and as seed crops, while also                 conventional seed: when the quality
responding to present-day producer                 doesn’t meet the set thresholds, cer-

  For technical resources and useful tools on organic seed
     production and plant breeding please visit the new
   “seed” section on

Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

    tification will be denied, leading to    the cultivation of seed crops, espe-
    a net loss to the seed multiplier un-    cially for biennial vegetable species
    less the seed production contract in-    that can stay in the field for over 12
    cludes some form of guarantee. Such      months: carrot for instance is sown
    a contract is drawn up between a         at the beginning of August of year 1
    seed company and the farmer/seed         and seed is harvested at the end of
    multiplier before the crop is grown,     August of year 2; leek, the absolute
    laying down the rights and obliga-       champion in terms of cycle length,
    tions of each party and the condi-       takes 17 to 18 months to produce
    tions of remuneration. Risk-sharing      seed! Weed control under organic
    clauses can be difficult to determine    conditions tends to generate high
    in advance, which is why it is impor-    labour costs (accounting for up to
    tant to get advice before committing     30-70% of the total seed production
    oneself. For reasons related to biol-    costs), and is among the main rea-
    ogy (autogamy, allogamy), life cycle     sons for the extra price of organic
    (annual, biennial), and weed or pest     seed on the market. In some cases it
    and disease management, some             is extremely difficult to sort out cer-
    species are “easier” to multiply than    tain weeds whose seeds closely re-
    others. Seed production is generally     semble those of the crop itself.

      Producing and using more organic seed and cultivars
      • ensure the operation of fully organic value chains
        from seed to plate
      • foster the development of seed production and
        seed quality management techniques specific to the
        organic sector
      • boost breeding and selection activities specifically
        tailored to the needs of organic farmers and the
        market they serve
      • enhance the credibility and independence of the
        organic sector

    more predictable with annuals (e.g.      This can heavily depreciate the seed
    lettuce, chicory, cucurbits and sola-    lot, sometimes even leading to its
    naceae), and more uncertain with         rejection. It is therefore preferable to
    biennials (carrot, cabbage or onion)     accurately plan weed control strat-
    due to their longer cycle and greater    egies even before planting the crop
    weed and disease challenges.             (including preparing the plot appro-
    However, even some annual seed           priately, performing advanced or
    crops, although apparently easy to       false sowing, hoeing in pre-emer-
    grow, can present technical chal-        gence and other possible solutions)
    lenges: for example threshing of         and to be equipped with suitable
    small batches or bacterial blight and    tools. Adapted irrigation equipment
    weevil attacks can be a problem for      is also essential for carrying out
    beans, broad beans and peas.             some of these weed control strate-
    Weed control is the trickiest issue in   gies successfully.
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

LIVESEED Cross-Visits
in France, Italy, the
Netherlands, Switzerland
and Germany
The LIVESEED cross-visits4 took                      applied elsewhere. The French cases
place in June 2018 (France), June                    describe the activities of organic ce-
2019 (Italy), October 2019 (the Neth-                real farmer and seed producer Vin-
erlands) and May 2020 (Germany                       cent Lefevre, and those of UBIOS, an
and Switzerland5). They primarily                    organic seed cooperative which pro-
targeted organic farmers, advisors,                  duces and commercialises seeds of
seed producers and multipliers,                      arable crops and with whom Lefevre
breeders, and to a lesser extent re-                 successfully collaborates (as seed
searchers, national authorities, pro-                multiplier). The Italian cases include
cessors, retailers, seed health and                  a short value chain model involving
quality officials. Most of the partici-              the Floriddia organic Farm (which
pants who attended the visits came                   grows cereal Organic Heterogene-
from Member States where organic                     ous Materials and conservation va-
seed production is less developed,                   rieties), and a vegetable seed coop-
such as Poland, Hungary, Romania,                    erative whose activities stem from
Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Portu-                   breeding to seed processing (in a
gal. The methodology for structured                  dedicated organic seed processing
learning which was followed was                      facility). The two examples from the
partly adapted from the approach                     Netherlands highlight two different
developed within the AgriSpin pro-                   models and scales under which or-
ject’s cross visits6. In each of the                 ganic seed production can be made
countries, an effort was made to                     successful: the (initially small) veg-
cover different crop groups and pe-                  etable seed company Vitalis, and
do-climatic conditions, as well as                   the seed potato giant Agrico which
different aspects of seed production                 engages farmers in the production
and socio-economic and organisa-                     of organic seed potatoes. The cases
tional seed production models. The                   from Germany and Switzerland tar-
choice of the examples presented                     get organic fruit propagation: a suc-
in this booklet reflects this diversity              cessful selection and marketing of
of aspects but also keeps in mind                    modern organic apple varieties, and
the transferability of each case,                    a well-working model for the prop-
highlighting the success that was                    agation and processing of organic
achieved in-country and the possibly                 grapevine.
different scales at which it could be

  Due to the Covid-19 emergency, the German & Swiss cross visit took place in the form of a series of
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

    1. Organic seed multiplication on farm
       Preserving diversity with Vincent Lefevre, France

    Conventional breeding and selection is usually performed in fertile
    soils and under optimal conditions. My farm is not like that. So I
    had to find something different to grow and I made a different
    choice. Instead of uniformity and high input varieties, I choose
    dynamic populations. And I choose to produce them myself.

                                        Could you please describe your
                                        work with organic seed or other
                                        plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                        What makes your approach
                                        I work on three aspects of organic
                                        seed production:
                                        • I multiply cereal and pulse seed
                                             (wheat, rye and peas) for UBIOS
                                             (see next interview, page 10).
                                        • I conserve heritage germplasm
                                             collections: I started with 35 pop-
                                             ulations and now I have about
                                             100. I test them to check for their
                                             adaptation capacity in my tough
                                             soil conditions and keep those
                                             mixtures that appear to be best
                                             adapted to my context, letting
    Business name:                           them adapt dynamically. I also
    Vincent Lefevre Ferme Bio                try to select dynamic populations
                                             adapted to specific crop systems
                                             such as intercropping with clo-
    Location:                                vers, or which have high quality
    Puisaye region,
                                             and taste traits.
    annual rainfall 740 mm
                                        • I participate in breeding pro-
                                             grams to create new composite
    Area:                                    cross populations (CCP) with
    220 ha                                   INRAE (Isabelle Goldringer).
                                        I like diversity and I do my best to de-
                                        velop it on my farm.
    Soil type:
    mostly hydromorphic, shallow,       Why are you producing organic
    heavy textured (silty clay),        seed/PRM?
    with a high content of
    flint-type stones (>25 %).          The reason why I produce organ-
                                        ic seed is that there is a need for it,
    Crops:                              and UBIOS is capable of providing
    cereals, legumes, green manures.    good quality planting material for
    All intercropped, except for seed   organic farmers in France. I also do
                                        it because I enjoy the technical chal-
                                        lenges of seed production: sowing,
    Workforce:                          sorting, harvesting and storing. I am
    1 to 3 depending on season          also interested in the added value
                                        that seed production provides.
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

When did you start?                      has been important to me. During
I started in 2013, since my establish-   the cross-visit on my farm I met peo-
ment as a farmer but my father used      ple with whom I’m still in touch. We
to multiply seed for Cocebi since        exchange tools and tricks that help
2000.                                    me improve my knowledge and my
Is it economically viable? Or which
other benefits do you see in pro-        What are you most proud of?
ducing organic seed/PRM?                 I’m proud of my breeding work to ob-
Yes, it is economically viable. An ex-   tain heterogeneous material, which
tra price is paid for crops used as      is more adapted to my fields and to
seed. It’s about 60 €/t for cereals,     my crop management techniques.
and 120 €/t for protein crops. The       I’m proud of my fields. In June, when
latter are harder to produce because     the wheat ears come out, I look at
their seeds are more delicate and        their different colours and shapes
less durable, so extra attention must    and find it wonderful. I’m very proud
be paid during harvest and storage.      to be part of UBIOS, which today is
It is a technical challenge and this     able to provide high quality seed to
is an indirect benefit to me. Another    organic farmers in France. And fi-
benefit is the connection with other     nally I’m proud to participate in the
farmers who share my passion for         small revolution that is taking place
diversity and maintenance of herit-      and that will bring breeding back in
age crops.                               the hands of farmers.
What are the main success factors?       What are your plans for the future?
Passion and motivation are neces-        I hope there will be more breed-
sary because seed multiplication         ing activities targeting heteroge-
and conservation need more time          neous material and that diversity
and more care than simply produc-        will become more important as an
ing grain crops. Rigour is needed to     end product of breeding programs.
prevent cross-contamination with         This will allow farmers and society
other varieties or with weeds.           in general to face climate change
An important success factor is also      through the development of a more
being part of a network that gath-       resilient agriculture. This goes hand
ers highly professional and skilled      in hand with a greater involvement
people, be they farmers like myself      of farmers, not only in the organic
or technical advisors who work for       seed multiplication phase but also in
organic cooperatives. Being part of      the definition of the selection guide-
a European project like LIVESEED         lines.
Success stories on organic seed production & breeding - Experiences from LIVESEED Cross Visits

     2. A cooperative organic seed company
     Producing organic seed of arable crops with UBIOS, France
     Interview with the president, Jean-Pierre Bouchet

     As organic farmers, autonomy is an important part of our overall
     strategy. Our ambition is to master the whole chain of organic
     production, from seed to the final product. We believe that seed
     production plays a key role and has to be managed by organic
     farmers themselves.

                                             Could you please describe your
                                             work with organic seed or other
                                             plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                             What makes your approach
                                             Our work on seed starts when we
                                             receive grain lots from farmers’
                                             multiplication fields, and we trans-
                                             form them into ready-to-use seed.
                                             To get there, we have to sort them
                                             accurately, in order to eliminate any
                                             foreign or damaged element (weed
                                             seed, broken or irregular grains, dust,
                                             stones). Germination and other tests
                                             are done to ensure performance and
                                             health. All wheat seeds are treated
                                             with vinegar, and lots that are too
      Business name:                         contaminated with common bunt
      Union Bio Semences (UBIOS)             are not sold as seed. Then seeds are
                                             bagged and prepared for delivery.
      Location:                              We produce organic seed of a wide
      Maisse, France
                                             diversity of species. We never refuse
      Area:                                  any lots as long as they respect the
      Seed crops are grown by a              health and germination standards.
      network of 40 farmers belonging        Our only limit can be our sorting ca-
      to the cooperatives Biocer and         pacity concerning weed seeds.
                                             Why are you producing organic
      Crops:                                 seed/PRM?
      Seed production of wheat, barley,
      oat, triticale, spelt, pea, lentils,   Because it makes sense! Organic
      buckwheat, faba bean, rye, and         farming has its own needs which
      alfalfa.                               require specific solutions. Organic
                                             seed crops are often contaminat-
      Assets:                                ed with weeds. Conventional seed
      The company holds a certification      companies are not ready to accept
      laboratory approved by the             and process this kind of product
      national authority (SOC).
                                             because it needs more time, more
      Employees:                             knowledge and more specific tools
      10                                     than what they are prepared to en-
                                             gage in, especially considering that
                                             organic seed production is often only
      Website:            a small share of their activity. As a

result, many seed lots are refused.      nal seed bag. We have acquired this
This is a huge loss for farmers.         knowledge over time.
We ensure a high quality level for
                                         What would your advice be for
our seed, and farmers may repro-
                                         someone who wishes to become a
duce our seed on-farm. Once again,
                                         seed producer?
autonomy is promoted.
                                         Our advice to create an organic
When did you start?
                                         seed company is to start providing
We started in 2011. Before, cooper-      high-performance sorting tools to
atives Biocer and Cocebi produced        farmers. This will reduce the time
organic seed alongside their grain       and costs of processing at the fac-
producing activity, but these two        tory. Once the farmers are well
activities soon entered into conflict:   equipped, it is easier to go forward.
after the harvest, the sorting ma-       The second advice is to find expe-
chines which were usually used for       rienced staff, in the specific field of
grain sorting were needed for seed       organic seed production.
sorting and this had a negative im-
                                         What are you most proud of?
pact on their grain production sec-
tor. Moreover, the two cooperatives      We are organic farmers and we cre-
were growing fast and needed to          ated a seed company which has a
invest in seed production machines       direct connection with the needs of
anyway. This is why we choose to         organic farmers themselves.
create a specific, separate seed pro-    UBIOS allows us to be independent
duction activity.                        and self-governing. We are proud of
                                         our highly professional staff. And we
Is it economically viable? Or which
                                         are proud of the high quality of our
other benefits do you see in pro-
ducing organic seed/PRM?
                                         What are your plans for the future?
The high quality standards that we
impose on our product make it ex-        We would like to produce seed of
pensive. Until last year our seed pro-   crops that can be sown later than
duction was not viable, because we       cereals (for example legumes like
wanted to stay competitive in terms      beans or soy). This would optimise
of prices. Seed processing required a    the factory’s operations guarantee-
great amount of time and we should       ing seed production throughout the
have produced larger amounts to          year. And, at the same time, it would
make the factory profitable. We          increase the diversity of our crop-
could have made much more money          ping systems.
if we had chosen to select only the
cleanest lots and to multiply only
the most widely cultivated varieties.
But this is not our goal. So we had
to increase the seed prices this year,
which has led to economic sustain-
What are the main success factors?
Our main success factor is the high
seed quality and the crop diversity
that we provide. Organic seed pro-
duction is not easy. There is a huge
need for knowledge and experience
on sorting and processing organic
seed lots, starting when the harvest-
ed seed enters the factory, to the fi-

     3. Organic open pollinated vegetable
        seed production
        Interview with Antonio Lo Fiego, Arcoiris & CAC, Italy
      Arcoiris is a pioneer of organic seed production with a particular
      regard for biodiversity. Since 1998 it has been producing organic
      seed of open pollinated varieties. The company specialises in
      vegetables, cover crops, conservation varieties and evolutionary
      populations of cereals. Arcoiris has recently joined forces with
      Cooperativa Agricola Cesenate (CAC), a leading seed producing
      cooperative at EU level.
                                               Could you please describe your
                                               work with organic seed or other
                                               plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                               What makes your approach
                                               Arcoiris is the only seed company
                                               in Italy that is supported by 100%
                                               Italian capital and produces exclu-
                                               sively organic seed. All our vegeta-
                                               ble production takes place in Italy,
                                               thanks to agreements with produc-
                                               ers/multipliers whose fields are fully
                                               certified organic. As a company, we
                                               chose to deal with open pollinated
       Business name:                          varieties and not to use hybrids. Our
       Arcoiris Sementi & Cooperativa          core business are vegetable crops,
       Agricola Cesenate (CAC)                 followed in order of importance by
       Seed company
                                               cover crops, cereal conservation va-
                                               rieties and heterogeneous popula-
       Location:                               tions. A portion of our work consists
       Cesena, Emilia Romagna
                                               in “rescuing” landraces and making
       (Central Italy)
                                               their seed available on the market:
       Area:                                   over the past few years we’ve regis-
       production is undertaken through        tered (or supported the registration
       the CAC’s cooperative network           of) 12 vegetable landraces “with no
       (2100 farmers of which 105              intrinsic value for commercial crop
       organic) and seed processed at          production”7; we collaborate with
       CAC’s dedicated organic plant.          Slow Food to rescue the seed of
                                               those varieties whose end products
       vegetables, cover crops, cereals,       are registered in their list of Presidia.
       legume                                  Our main market is the Mediterrane-
                                               an region (Italy, Spain, Portugal), but
       Turnover:                               in recent years we have witnessed
       Arcoiris: € 800k, 100% organic;         increased market space in France,
       CAC € 34mln of which 5% organic         Germany, the Netherlands, the UK
       Employees:                              and Sweden. We are among the
       Arcoiris 5; CAC 220                     few seed companies which offer a
                                               broad range of organic cover crops.
       Website:                                And since 2017 we have been com- & http://   mercializing heterogeneous popu-                        lations of bread wheat (Bioadapt,
     7 According to Directive 2009/145/EC

Bioappennino, Bread mix Tuscany            atives in Europe. This collaboration
1, Bread mix Tuscany PA1) and du-          has brought important benefits to
rum wheat (Evoldur and Durum mix           both partners. CAC inherited a fully
Tuscany PA1) within the temporary          functional and already well-known
experiment 2014/150/EU, as well as         organic seed brand, allowing the or-
wheat, emmer and millet conserva-          ganic members of the cooperative
tion varieties. We are working on the      to immediately get engaged in pro-
selection of three local varieties of T.   duction and multiplication of organic
turanicum (Khorasan wheat), having         seed. Arcoiris benefited from a con-
requested and obtained the creation        sistent quality improvement in the
of the voluntary register of Khoras-       whole process of seed production
an wheat from the Italian Ministry of      and multiplication, thanks to CAC’s
Agriculture.                               long-lasting experience and efficient
                                           seed handling infrastructure.
Why are you producing organic
seed/PRM? When did you start?              What would your advice be for
                                           someone who wishes to become a
The original founders of Arcoiris in
                                           seed producer?
1998 were four organic/biodynam-
ic farmers, together with an agron-        The organic seed market is growing
omist and a person with a back-            and will be doing so even more over
ground in management: the choice           the next few years, when deroga-
to produce organic seed came as a          tions will be definitely phased out.
natural response to our desire to fos-     So now is definitely a good moment
ter and support organic agriculture        to enter the playing field. Opportu-
and agricultural biodiversity, provid-     nities can also come from the pos-
ing farmers with a product which, at       sibility to create small regional seed
the time, barely existed on the Italian    companies for the production of or-
seed market.                               ganic seed within local value chains
                                           geared towards the production of
Is it economically viable? Or which
                                           healthy, artisanal foodstuffs.
other benefits do you see in pro-
ducing organic seed?                       What are you most proud of?
The company as a whole is certain-         We are most proud to have con-
ly self-sustainable. The sectors with      tributed to the conservation and
the best turnover are vegetables           sustainable use of agricultural bio-
and cover crops. On its own, the           diversity, as within the recent effort
production and marketing of cere-          to study and commercialize heter-
al conservation varieties and het-         ogeneous populations of cereals, in
erogeneous populations would not           which we were involved together
be economically viable. This means         with Rete Semi Rurali and the Uni-
that our leading sectors contribute        versities of Florence and Bologna.
to the sustainable use of agricultur-
                                           What are your plans for the future?
al biodiversity (which is not current-
ly self-sustainable per se), and this      In the past few years, we have start-
responds to a deliberate choice from       ed producing organic seed for a few
our side. We certainly are very proud      seed companies from Northern Eu-
to be contributing to safeguarding         rope. This is an expanding market,
and spreading agricultural biodiver-       compared to the amateur and hobby
sity.                                      gardener sectors which I believe will
                                           lose importance. There’s a strong
What are the main success factors?
                                           growth in the request for organic
We are now associated to the CAC           cover crops, particularly for the fruit
(Cooperativa Agricola Cesenate             and wine sectors: we are already
based in Cesena), one of the most          producing tailor-made mixtures for
important seed producing cooper-           specific farms.

     4. Closing the circle: cereal populations
         from seed to plate
          Interview with Rosario Floriddia, farmer, processor
          and seed producer at Floriddia organic farm, Italy
     The Floriddia farm is a pioneer in innovation and valorisation of
     organic products. Specialized in high quality cereal products (flour,
     pasta, bread), it considers seed quality the central element of its
     fully closed value chain. Since 2010, Floriddia has been growing
     bread wheat populations, and since 2017 it started producing
     and marketing certified organic seed.
                                                          Could you please describe your
                                                          work with organic seed or other
                                                          plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                                          What makes your approach
                                                          We are an organic cereal farm, pro-
                                                          ducing organic heterogenous ce-
                                                          real seed in the framework of the
                                                          European temporary experiment
                                                          (2014/150/EU). I wouldn’t consid-
                                                          er our work unique, as there are
                                                          many other organic seed producers
                                                          around, but certainly special be-
                                                          cause we are a farm that, on top of
                                                          producing and transforming its own
                                                          crops into foodstuffs (flour, pasta), is
                                                          also producing certified seed of ce-
      Business name:                                      real populations.
      Azienda agricola Floriddia
                                                          Why are you producing organic
      Peccioli, Pisa, Italy                               As a member of Rete Semi Rurali
                                                          (the Italian Seed Network) and as a
      Area:                                               farm with many links with our local
      200 ha of which 13 ha devoted to                    organic farming community, we felt
      organic heterogeneous material                      that there was a need for someone
      seed production                                     to take on the challenge of produc-
                                                          ing enough quantity of quality seed
      Crops:                                              of cultivars that were suitable for
      cereals, legumes and green                          organic cultivation and that could
      manures                                             provide products of high nutritional
                                                          value and digestibility8. We initially
      Turnover:                                           started using local varieties of du-
      € 700k                                              rum and bread wheat, then moved
                                                          on to using populations. These have
                                                          the added value of offering good
                                                          yield stability year after year, which
                                                          makes us optimistic in relation to the
                                                          challenges posed by climate change.
      Website:                                            During our journey from trialling                    unusual local varieties, to becom-
     8 See: Dinu, et al. “Ancient wheat species and human health: Biochemical and clinical implications”

ing a licenced seed producer of ce-                bine harvester and a mill with a
real populations, we realised the                  modern grain seed cleaning plant.
importance of becoming legitimate                  All we had to do really, was to in-
owners of our own seed. Producing                  tensify our quality and plant health
certified seed represents a strategic              controls in the field prior to harvest
goal for us: when your value chain is              and setting up the administrative
based on certified seed, nobody can                side of the seed company to fulfil the
challenge the legitimacy of its use                requirements.
and question the products derived
                                                   What would your advice be for
from it. This applies both to our own
                                                   someone who wishes to become a
business, and that of the farms that
                                                   seed producer?
buy our seed.
                                                   My advice is directed to other farm-
When did you start?
                                                   ers, who may have the right set-up
The first production of certified seed             to becoming a seed company for the
of a bread wheat population9 start-                production of organic heterogene-
ed in 2017 with the backup and                     ous material. Before even thinking of
support of the organic seed compa-                 starting, look around and evaluate
ny Arcoiris. In 2019 we obtained the               if there is a real need or gap in your
seed producing licence, becoming                   community or network for certified
a seed company. However, we’ve                     seed. If that gap is there, one can
been experimenting and producing                   think of starting this journey, oth-
our own seed for over 15 years. In                 erwise there is no need to replicate
2005 we started introducing local                  what professional companies are al-
varieties in our value chain, and in               ready doing.
2010 we acquired the first wheat
                                                   What are you most proud of?
and barley populations.
                                                   The feeling of having reclaimed a
Is it economically viable? Or which
                                                   small portion of freedom. Knowing
other benefits do you see in pro-
                                                   that I have my own certified seed
ducing organic seed/PRM?
                                                   gives me a sense of financial secu-
The economic advantages of be-                     rity and a great reason of pride. I am
coming a seed producer are two-                    also proud of the acknowledgement
fold: we don’t have to buy certified               and recognition received from pub-
seed elsewhere, and we make some                   lic bodies and research institutions
profit selling a quality product for a             during this process. We were very
good price. In our case we can say                 pleased to see that seed certifying
that the production of seed is finan-              body CREA-DC had a genuine inter-
cially viable and contributes a small              est in our work.
additional profit to the overall farm
                                                   What are your plans for the future?
budget. However, increasing the
farm’s revenue wasn’t our primary                  The recent Covid-19 emergency
goal. What we want is to foster a                  highlighted the positive role that ag-
community-based model of agricul-                  riculture can and should play in the
ture, as opposed to the dominating                 transition of our food systems from
global materialism. Our farm gains                 an industrial to a localised model.
enormously from becoming self-suf-                 Using seed that works in synergy
ficient with relation to seed, a vitally           with nature brings many benefits to
strategic objective for us.                        our society. Being able to produce
                                                   food which is good for our health
What are the main success factors?                 using considerably less energy, is a
In our case, it’s important to clari-              strong incentive to strengthen our
fy that we didn’t have to make any                 communities and move toward in-
capital investments to become seed                 creased self-sufficiency at local level.
producers. We already had a com-
9 Created at the International Centre for Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in 2009 by Salvatore
Ceccarelli and Stefania Grando and introduced in Italy in 2010 during EU FP7 SOLIBAM project. The
population was registered as part of 2014/150/EU as “SOLIBAM tenero Floriddia”.

     5. Organic potato production by
         Agrico potato giant
          Interview with Daniël Slegers, account manager
          at the Agrico cooperative, The Netherlands
      From the mid-eighties, Agrico started its first breeding program on
     Late Blight resistant potato varieties, resulting in a first commercial
     variety in 2008. This was the basis for the company’s current
     leading position with resistant and well performing varieties for
     the organic market and the chip and crisp sector.

                                           Could you please describe your
                                           work with organic seed or other
                                           plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                           What makes your approach unique?
                                           Daniël’s work focuses on the sale
                                           of organic potatoes for table potato
                                           production. In the Netherlands, po-
                                           tato breeding companies organize
                                           the production of their seed potatoes
                                           in so-called pools with seed potato
                                           farmers. In these pools, production
                                           and market risks are levelled. The
                                           account manager strives to obtain
                                           the best overall seed potato price
                                           that is paid to all participating farm-
      Business name:                       ers at the end of the sales season.
                                           The Dutch system in which variety
                                           development, seed production and
                                           seed sales are integrated is unique
      Emmeloord, The Netherlands
                                           in the world and one of the success
      Area:                                factors for the potato industry in the
      14,000 ha seed potato (250           country. Amongst the Dutch potato
      ha organic) and 2000 ha ware         companies, Agrico is the only coop-
      potatoes (500 ha organic)            erative owned by seed producers
                                           themselves. Furthermore, Agrico has
      Crops:                               a strong position in the consumers’
      Seed potatoes, including Next        market thanks to subsidiaries and
      Generation blight resistant          participations.
      cultivars                            Why are you producing organic
      Cooperative with 900+ members        The market for organic table pota-
      (ware and seed potato growers).      toes is rapidly growing, also in the
      Has its own packing station and      Netherlands. Agrico occupies about
      research branch (Agrico Research)    40% of the organic market share
                                           thanks to a good portfolio of vari-
      Employees:                           eties which meet consumers’ de-
      100 in NL and 200+ in subsidiaries   mands. For Daniël, it is a pleasure
      in 8 countries                       to work on behalf of very dedicated
                                           and knowledgeable organic seed
      Website:                             producers and in close contact with                customers and farmers.

When did you start?                        varieties under an organic label. This
Agrico was established back in             approach caught international at-
1973 as a merger of 3 cooperatives.        tention and has been copied in Bel-
It started developing varieties for        gium already. Company-wise, short
organic farming already in the late        communication lines and chain in-
eighties, resulting in the first Late      tegration are other success factors;
Blight resistant variety ‘Toluca’ in       Daniël is also involved in production
2008.                                      planning, monitoring of quality and
                                           quantity of (stored) potatoes and
Is it economically viable? Or which        logistics.
other benefits do you see in pro-
ducing organic seed/PRM?                   What are you most proud of?

The main determinant of economic           Daniël is proud to work for a large
viability is the final seed potato price   player in the market and the ‘just
that is achieved for the producers’        do it’ mentality. Working in the or-
pool. The average gross margin for         ganic sector is very fulfilling, as for-
growing organic seed potato is com-        ward-thinking, sustainability and
petitive amongst the crops which           economy come together.
compose a typical Dutch organic            What are your plans for the future?
crop rotation. Another aspect is that
varieties for organic farming provide      To have at least one robust, resist-
more certainty, as they are typically      ant variety for each segment of the
Late Blight resistant and more resil-      organic market, that is productive
ient to unfavourable growing condi-        under a wide range of conditions.
tions.                                     To date Agrico provides potato va-
                                           rieties for cooking, both firm (waxy)
What are the main success factors?
                                           and mealy (starchy) types, as well as
What would your advice be for
                                           a resistant crisp variety. A major trait
someone who wishes to become a
                                           of a robust variety is a durable Late
seed producer?
                                           Blight resistance that holds under
Success starts with a good variety,        heavy infestation pressure. In the fu-
capable of growing under a wide            ture, Agrico only wants to have du-
range of favourable and unfavour-          rable resistance, based on ‘stacked’
able conditions and for which there        combinations of resistance genes
is a demand in multiple countries.         within one variety. The greatest
Another unique success factor in           challenge is to develop organic va-
the Netherlands is the agreement           rieties for the crisps and French fries
between breeders, growers, traders         industries, as the specifications are
and supermarkets to sell only ‘ro-         skin-tight and the monetary returns
bust’ (resistant and resilient) potato     for the processor is what counts.

     6. A leading seed company with
         ‘organic blood’ in its veins
           Interview with Marcel van Diemen, breeder
           at Vitalis Organic Seeds, the Netherlands
     Vitalis is the world market leader in the development and
     production of organic vegetable seed. The company operates
     along the whole organic seed chain, from breeding to marketing
     and sales. Vitalis is growing rapidly: the worldwide increasing
     demand for healthy, organic food fits in seamlessly with the high-
     quality organic vegetable varieties that Vitalis has in its portfolio.
                                           Could you please describe your
                                           work with organic seed or other
                                           plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                           What makes your approach
                                           Marcel van Diemen is a breeder of
                                           winter squash and leafy crops (let-
                                           tuce, endive and spinach). Vita-
                                           lis’ unique approach is to develop
     Business name:                        organic varieties which serve the
     Vitalis Organic Seeds (part of        needs of local markets and short
     Enza Zaden group)
                                           vegetable value chains. For this,
     Headquarters location:                Marcel has ‘organic’ colleagues all
     Voorst, The Netherlands               over the world.
     Employees:                            Why are you producing organic
     35 (at headquarters)                  seed/PRM?
      Crops:                               The Vitalis team is convinced that
      Vegetable seed                       organic farming can have a huge
     Production:                           role both in feeding the world and
     The organic seed production is        in taking care of our planet to the
     carried out through contracts         benefit of future generations. Or-
     with third parties in the EU          ganic breeding and seed production
     (Netherlands, Denmark, Italy),        enable the growth of the organic
     North and South America, Asia         farming sector by providing strong,
     and New-Zealand.                      resilient varieties and high-quality
                                           seed, which are perfectly adapted to
                                           organic growing conditions.
     Vitalis currently breeds several
     leafy crops, cucurbits and leek.      When did you start?
     The portfolio of organic varieties,
     however, is much broader. The         The founder of Vitalis, Jan Velema,
     varieties with the best resistance    together with Edith Lammerts van
     and a strong root system are          Bueren, Emeritus professor of Or-
     selected from the Enza Zaden          ganic Plant Breeding at Wagenin-
     breeding programmes. These            gen University, made the first plans
     varieties are then tested under       to start organic breeding in the
     strict organic conditions, before     Netherlands in the early nineties,
     the production of organic seed for    based on the evident lack of regis-
     the market starts.                    tered vegetable varieties specifically
     Website:                              suited for organic farming. In 1994,             Vitalis Organic Seeds was founded,

based on the grounds of an organ-         rate, seed vigour, disease incidence,
ic farm site with fertile soils in the    and other quality traits.
centre of the country. In 1998, Vita-
                                          What are you most proud of?
lis joined the Enza Zaden vegetable
breeding company. Marcel started          Working for a fantastic company
as a breeder at Enza Zaden in 1991        with the broadest organic vegeta-
and moved to Vitalis by 2011.             ble seed portfolio in the world and
                                          an excellent reputation is a reason
Is it economically viable? Or which
                                          for pride. In an interview, a Vita-
other benefits do you see in pro-
                                          lis customer once mentioned that
ducing organic seed/PRM?
                                          he trusted that “Vitalis makes the
For sure it is economically viable;       right choices regarding new breed-
look at the increasing worldwide de-      ing techniques”. This appreciation is
mand for healthy, organic food. This      another important point to be proud
drives our growth rates in terms of       of, and we need to work hard to pre-
organic seed sales. Unfortunately,        serve such a relationship of trust.
the market for organic products in        Good communication is key in this
the Netherlands is lagging behind         respect.
those of Spain, Germany, France or
                                          What are your plans for the future?
the US. Besides being economically
viable, organic seed production has       In terms of our own company, since
a lot of other benefits for our planet,   we are growing, our seed clean-
starting with less plant protection       ing and packaging facilities will be
products used even in the seed pro-       moved close to the Enza Zaden plant
duction phase. At the end of the day,     in Enkhuizen. In more general terms,
it is a highly satisfying endeavour.      we are observing more and more or-
                                          ganic growers wishing to enter the
What are the main success factors?
                                          organic market. Thanks to this, the
What would your advice be for
                                          organic seed sector will also grow
someone who wishes to become a
                                          from a niche to a large-scale market,
seed producer?
                                          increasing the volumes of organic
Be confident and just do it! Also,        seed available and bringing prices
good partners and clients are es-         down. To further support the devel-
sential to allow optimal positioning      opment of the organic sector, much
on the market. These are the most         more institutional research should
important pieces of advice for es-        be conducted. However, as it stands,
tablishing a successful breeding          no professor for organic plant breed-
and seed production program. In           ing has been reappointed at Wage-
addition to breeding and reproduc-        ningen university. This results in a
ing good-performing varieties, seed       very sparse research effort for the
quality should also be the highest        organic sector, compared to the con-
possible, in terms of germination         ventional one.

     7. On-farm apple breeding by
         non-profit organization Poma Culta
     Interview with Niklaus Bolliger, breeder and founder of
     Poma Culta, Switzerland
     As a biodynamic fruit farmer, Niklaus Bolliger was looking for
     new possibilities to create high performing varieties, which did
     not require high inputs for pest control. In other words, he was
     selecting and crossbreeding for cultivars which could meet the
     high quality standards of the market, while also being robust and
                                             Could you please describe your
                                             work with organic seed or other
                                             plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                             What makes your approach unique?
                                             I do on-farm apple breeding only,
                                             since my opinion is that selection
                                             and breeding should take place
                                             within the plants’ actual growth en-
                                             vironment. I also believe that seed-
                                             lings should not be treated with
                                             pesticides. This helps to identify the
                                             seedlings that will prove themselves
                                             in practice. After two years of culti-
                                             vation, you can already appreciate,
                                             in a holistic perspective, how suitable
                                             an apple variety is. After that, I start
                                             with minimal pesticide treatment
                                             (Myco-Sin and bicarbonate without
      Organisation name:                     any sulphur - I do not use copper or
      Poma Culta                             sulphur because of personal and po-
                                             litical conviction). This is also when
      Località:                              I begin the second selection stage:
      4577 Hessigkofen (Switzerland)         2-20% of the seedlings will come to
                                             fruit. I can judge the fruits and their
      Area:                                  storability. Only 5% will reach the
      15 ha organic vegetable and fruit      third selection stage, where I assess
      farm with livestock (of this 1 ha is   many agronomic parameters such
      reserved for breeding and 0,5 ha       as tree growth, yield, robustness of
      for fruit production)                  the variety, etc.
      Turnover:                              Why are you producing organic
      € 400 k                                seed/PRM?
      Crops:                                 The quantity of pesticides that was
      fruit and vegetable crops              necessary to produce fruit for the
      Employees:                             market simply felt wrong, and led
      5 full-time employees (2 of them       me to believe that this could not be
      are family members)                    the ecologically correct way to pro-
                                             duce food. Hence, we needed to de-
      Website:                               velop robust varieties to reduce the              burden on the environment.

When did you start?                      What are the main success factors?
                                         What would your advice be for
My wife Regula Bolliger-Flury and
                                         someone who wishes to become a
I have managed the biodynam-
                                         seed producer?
ic vegetable and fruit farm Rigi
since 1985. In the late 90s, I start-    It is very important to do the breed-
ed selecting and crossbreeding. The      ing in the crops’ natural growth en-
non-profit organisation Poma Culta       vironments. I am trying to reduce the
was founded in 2004 to support my        time the seedlings are grown OUT of
efforts to breed new apple varieties     their natural environment (e.g. in the
and in general, to promote research      greenhouse), as much as possible.
into biodynamic fruit breeding. In       I conduct all selection phases out-
2017 I was able to plant 20 trees of     doors. Another advice I would give
6 varieties in different locations for   is to start out with as many seed-
further testing. I would describe two    lings as possible. I grow 4.000 seed-
of these varieties as excellent and      lings per year and think that 10.000
two as average. The remaining two        seedlings are the maximum. Every-
have been replaced with other vari-      one needs to find their own balance.
eties, as I was not happy with their     However, one must be aware that
performance.                             only 2-20% of these seedlings will
                                         come to fruit and only 5% of them
Is it economically viable? Or which
                                         will reach the second phase of selec-
other benefits do you see in pro-
                                         tion. That’s the reason why I prefer
ducing organic seed/PRM?
                                         to start with many seedlings.
I am financing the apple breeding
with around 20% revenue from my          What are you most proud of?
own farm and around 80% with             I am proud of my breeding lines: they
funding from Poma Culta. In the first    all have really good pulp quality and
year, when Poma Culta was estab-         are also robust and genetically di-
lished, it provided around € 20k and     verse.
today, 15 years later, it is around €
                                         What are your plans for the future?
200k. However, Poma Culta was not
only helpful with funding my breed-      We have just recently applied for
ing work; it also brought together       public funding for a pear breeding
many people sharing a similar inter-     project. It will be nice to expand our
est, who helped me in many other         work on a different fruit species,
ways.                                    while of course continuing our apple
                                         breeding program.

     8. Fungus-resistant grapevine breeding
         Collaboration across the Swiss/German border -
         Interview with Klaus Rummel, with contributions
         from Valentin Blattner and Volker Freytag
     This joint adventure of three pioneers wishes to achieve one
     goal: environmental-friendly wine production using PIWIs (Pil-
     zwiderstandsfähige Rebsorten in German, i.e. fungus-resistant
     grapevine varieties). Their activities consist in crossbreeding and
     strengthening natural resistance, with the aim of reducing the use
     of plant protection agents to the minimum.
                                        Could you please describe your
                                        work with organic seed or other
                                        plant reproductive material (PRM)?
                                        What makes your approach unique?
                                        I am engaged in fungus-resistant
                                        grapevine breeding with two col-
                                        leagues: Valentin Blattner, a breed-
                                        er and viticulturist from Switzerland,
                                        and Volker Freytag, a transplant
                                        grower from nearby. We collaborate
                                        closely and share responsibilities.
                                        The PIWIs are our joint adventure.
                                        Valentin Blattner does the cross-
                                        breeding and first selection. Promis-
                                        ing cultivars are then cultivated and
                                        further tested at Rebschule Freytag.
                                        Volker Freytag also does the multi-
                                        plication and grafting. I am respon-
                                        sible for the winemaking, marketing
                                        and sales. Something I want to clar-
     Place:                             ify is that a PIWI variety is not 100%
     76829 Landau-Nussdorf              resistant to fungi. They are fungus
     (Germany)                          tolerant, within a context of moder-
                                        ate fungus management. Fungi can
     Area:                              break tolerances over time. If you
     15 ha                              want to preserve and maintain the
                                        crossbred resistance of the grape-
     Turnover:                          vine variety, you need a moderate
     € 650k                             plant protection management. The
                                        intensity of the management de-
     30 different grapevine varieties   pends on the variety, its genetics,
     (white and red), 15 of them are    the annual weather conditions, etc.
     PIWIs                              Nevertheless, you must be careful to
                                        reduce fungal pressure since there is
     Employees:                         a possibility that the fungi will by-
     5 full-time employees (3 of them   pass the resistances.
     are family members)
                                        Why are you producing organic
     Website:                           seed/PRM?         We are doing this work because of
     weingut/                           my own and our collective convic-

tion. When I took over the vineyards     I would say no, we are not viable. In
from my father, I decided to grow        other words, if you are too lazy to
the grapevines organically and at        educate consumers, you shouldn’t
the same time my interest in fun-        cultivate PIWIs. But with PIWIs we
gus-resistant varieties grew. I knew     have much better yield stability and
that the commonly used grapevine         we have more freedom, in terms of
varieties would not have worked for      not being so heavily dependent on
me. They bear a high risk of fungus      tight spraying times. Grapevine is
infestation, which can be avoided        a very expensive crop to breed and
only by applying high amounts of         therefore is normally the task of
pesticides and copper. The environ-      public institutions. However, we did
mental impact is tremendous and I        our breeding work on our own and
did not want to go down that path.       financed it privately. We were and
I knew that breeding would allow us      still are pioneers of the PIWI breed-
to seek and find naturally resistant     ing and invest what we have avail-
varieties that would not need chem-      able. Our team has been successful
icals and still result in high-quality   for many years now.
wine. Back then, people laughed at
                                         What are the main success factors?
me and did not think that I would be
                                         What would your advice be for
successful. However, I never doubt-
                                         someone who wishes to become a
ed my idea and knew that this is the
                                         seed producer?
right way for me, the environment
and future generations.                  For my part, I would say that soft
                                         skills are particularly important, es-
When did you start?
                                         pecially for persuading consumers.
In 1986, when I took over the busi-      You must be eloquent, ambitious and
ness from my father.                     positive about what you do. There is
                                         no master plan.
Is it economically viable? Or which
other benefits do you see in pro-        What are you most proud of?
ducing organic seed/PRM?
                                         Of making it this far! Looking back
It would probably be more eco-           to 33 years ago, I wouldn’t have
nomically profitable to grow Pinot       thought we would be so successful.
Gris, Riesling, Pinot Blanc or Pinot
                                         What are your plans for the future?
Noir – the common varieties that
sell like hot cakes and do not need      Well, there are plans to pursue the
any explanation to consumers. If I       20% organic farming target, in viti-
consider the higher economic ex-         culture as well. I would say this is a
penditures for consumer education        positive prospect.
and the increased marketing effort,
                            BREEDING ACROSS EUROPE

                  Duration: 4 years (2017 – 2021)                  Budget: 7.5m EUR
                  Project coordinator: IFOAM OE                    from the European Union &
                  Scientific coordinator: FiBL-CH                  1.5m EUR from Switzerland

                                             LIVESEED is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 under
                                             grant agreement No. 727230 and by the Swiss State Secretariat
                                             for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract
                                             number 17.00090. The information provided reflects the views
                                             of the authors. The Research Executive Agency or SERI are not
                                             responsible for any use that may be made of the information                              provided.
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