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Knowl. Org. 32(2005)No.3                                                                                                        117
Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

                         Measuring the New Economy:
                          Industrial Classification and
                        Open Source Software Production

                       Fernando Elichirigoity* and Cheryl Knott Malone**

  * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information
       Science, 501 E. Daniel Street, Champaign, IL USA 61820-6211,

          **University of Arizona, School of Information Resources and Library Science,
             1515 E. First Street, Tucson, AZ USA 85719,

Fernando Elichirigoity is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information
Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His teaching includes Information and
Globalization, Information Consulting, Wireless Technology and Society, Competitive Intelligence,
and Business Reference. His areas of research include social construction of classification systems,
globalization and information technologies, technologies of attention and persuasion.

Cheryl Knott Malone is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Resources and Library
Science at the University of Arizona where she teaches courses on the organization of information,
government information, and information literacy instruction, among others. Her research interests
include the social, political, and cultural construction of classification systems and the history of li-
braries and print culture.

Elichirigoity, Fernando and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy: Industrial Classi-
fication and Open Source Software Production. Knowledge Organization, 32(3). 117-127. 32 refs.

ABSTRACT: We analyze the way in which the North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) handles the categorization of open source software production, foregrounding theoretical
and political aspects of knowledge organization. NAICS is the industry classification scheme used by
the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States to carry out their respective economic cen-
suses. NAICS is considered a rational system that uses the underlying economic principle of similar production processes as
the basis for its classes. For the Information Sector of the economy, as formulated in NAICS, a key production process is the
acquisition and defense of copyright. With open source, copyleft licensing eliminates copyright acquisition and protection as
major production processes, suggesting that the open source software industry warrants a separate NAICS category. More im-
portantly, our analysis suggests that NAICS cannot be understood as a taxonomy of objective economic activity but is instead
a politically and historically contingent system of data classification.

1. Introduction                                                                 “The New Economy.” This work extends and deep-
                                                                                ens our previous explorations of NAICS. In Malone
This paper is a critical analysis of the constructed na-                        & Elichirigoity (2003) we argued that underlying the
ture of the classes constituting the North American                             NAICS depiction of the “Information” sector of the
Industry Classification System (NAICS), a system                                economy is a definition of a knowledge or informa-
originally created to measure the shift from manu-                              tion product as one that is subject to copyright. In
facturing to service industries, a shift often called                           this paper we argue that NAICS actually misses im-

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118                                                                                            Knowl. Org. 32(2005)No.3
                                              Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

portant aspects of the New Economy by limiting                              information about economic activity. The American
“Information” in such a way. We extend the analysis                         government is required by law to conduct an eco-
by looking at how NAICS deals with the creation of                          nomic census every five years and the data gathered
significant value in the production of open source                          during the economic census to be organized into
software, such as the Linux operating system, which                         categories, or classes, for aggregation and retrieval
is not necessarily measurable in pecuniary terms, and                       (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000). The new classification
which can function as political contestation as well                        system introduced for use with the 1997 Economic
as economic activity. In fact, the open source move-                        Census, NAICS, replaced the Standard Industrial
ment can be seen as both a deliberate effort to                             Classification (SIC) that was first implemented dur-
counter the increasing protection of copyrighted in-                        ing the Roosevelt Administration. The SIC system
formation at the expense of use, even fair use, and as                      was perceived as flawed in many respects, particu-
an emergent mode of production. By foregrounding                            larly in its inability to capture the emerging indus-
the nature of open source production we bring at-                           tries associated with the New Economy and in
tention to forms of economic activity that problema-                        measuring the productivity of an economy increas-
tize assumptions of neoliberal economic theory em-                          ingly driven by services rather than manufacturing.
bedded in NAICS. We illustrate these arguments by                           SIC was also found wanting in the lack of conceptual
first unpacking the notions of copyright built into                         rigor used to categorize industries as they developed
NAICS and then analyzing how open source soft-                              and changed. NAICS was created with the goal of
ware production is rendered visible, or invisible,                          remedying these deficits. NAICS’s creators took on
within the structure of NAICS. Doing so fore-                               a daunting task when they decided to abandon the
grounds the theoretical and ideological commit-                             aging and unwieldy SIC in favor of building a classi-
ments embedded in NAICS, a classification scheme                            fication scheme from scratch. They chose four prin-
whose foundational principles are considered ra-                            ciples upon which to base their system so that it
tional and consistent.                                                      would not be subject to the inconsistencies that
                                                                            plagued SIC over time. These guiding principles in-
2. The New Economy And NAICS                                                clude:

The last years of the twentieth century were charac-                        1. NAICS is erected on a production-oriented con-
terized by an almost giddy optimism about the be-                              ceptual framework. This means that producing
neficent impact of information technologies in                                 units that use the same or similar production
bringing the world to a new and higher plateau of                              processes are grouped together in NAICS.
production and consumption. The large number of                             2. NAICS gives special attention to developing pro-
companies centering their business models on the                               duction-oriented classifications for (a) new and
Internet best exemplified the era. Often called “The                           emerging industries, (b) service industries in gen-
New Economy,” the era was and continues to be                                  eral, and (c) industries engaged in the production
characterized by a sense that information technolo-                            of advanced technologies.
gies have been ushering in a world where the costs of                       3. Time series continuity is maintained to the extent
production are reduced, distribution networks are                              possible.
dramatically enlarged, and consumers have instant                           4. The system strives for compatibility with the two-
access to many new products and services. The New                              digit level of the International Standard Industrial
Economy represents the age of “friction-free capital-                          Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC
ism,” in the phrase of Bill Gates (1996), where con-                           Rev. 3) of the United Nations. (U.S. Office of
sumers and producers are matched without the need                              Management and Budget, 2005)
for cumbersome middlemen, an age of radical disin-
termediation.                                                               NAICS added some 350 industries that SIC did not
   Not surprisingly the perceived advent of the New                         recognize in a structure that begins with two-digit
Economy suggested a need to measure its vaunted                             numbers for 20 major broad industries, called sec-
productivity gains and to account for the new prod-                         tors, and works down to six-digit numbers denoting
ucts and services that characterize it. In the United                       small sub-industries within those sectors. Figure 1
States this need was crystallized in the call for and                       excerpts selected sub-industries in Sector 51.
eventual construction of a new industrial classifica-
tion system to be used as the structure for gathering

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Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

            NAICS         2002 NAICS Title

             51           Information
             511              Publishing Industries (except Internet)
             5111                 Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Publishers
             51112                   Periodical Publishers
             51113                   Book Publishers
             51114                   Directory and Mailing List Publishers
             5112                 Software Publishers
             515              Broadcasting (except Internet)
             5151                 Radio and Television Broadcasting
             51511                   Radio Broadcasting
             51512                   Television Broadcasting
             5152                 Cable and Other Subscription Programming
             516              Internet Publishing and Broadcasting
             518              Internet Service Providers, Web Search Portals, and Data Processing Services
             5181                 Internet Service Providers and Web Search Portals
             51811                   Internet Service Providers and Web Search Portals
             518111                       Internet Service Providers
             518112                       Web Search Portals
             5182                 Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services

                             Fig 1. NAICS Information Sector 51 with selected sub-industries.
                               Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 NAICS Codes and Titles,

The U.S. government’s news release announcing the                           der the principle of like processes of production.
creation of the classification scheme included a decla-                     This was one of the four principles that guided the
ration from an Office of Management and Budget                              construction of NAICS, and it was key. As Jack
(OMB) official that “NAICS is a bold response to                            Triplett, the chief architect of NAICS, has explained
those who say that Federal statistics on business                           it, “NAICS was the first industry (or other) classifi-
overlook new and important economic activities. This                        cation system to be erected on an economic concept.
new system will ensure that business and public deci-                       In NAICS, establishments (productive units) are
sions can reflect real economic changes better and                          grouped into industries on the basis of similarities in
sooner” (U.S. Office of Management and Budget,                              their production processes.” (Triplett, 2002) This
1997). A year later, the Economic Classification Pol-                       narrative about the need for change, from the irra-
icy Committee (1998), whose members had been ap-                            tional SIC system of the past to the rational NAICS
pointed by OMB, issued a colorful brochure about                            of the New Economy, follows well-worn narrative
the system titled NAICS: New Data for a New Econ-                           stages where new circumstances, in this case forms
omy.                                                                        of economic activity and products, call for new ways
   The new system took several years to develop. A                          of classifying and measuring that activity. NAICS
central way in which the creators of the new classifi-                      fits the narrative scheme well, and we have previ-
cation sought to enhance conceptual clarity was to                          ously highlighted the importance of orthodox eco-
commit to the aggregation of economic activity un-                          nomic theory in that history as it relates to NAICS

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                                               Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

(Elichirigoity & Malone, 2002). What may not be                              (Malone & Elichirigoity, 2003; Elichirigoity &
clear from the traditional historical narrative is that                      Malone, 2002).
economic classification systems co-emerge with the
objects and practices of activity that they purport to                       3. NAICS, Open Source And Copyright
measure. As we argued previously (Malone & Elichi-
rigoity, 2003) “information” as a product did not ex-                        “Many of the industries in the NAICS Information
ist within SIC, and thus it could not be measured as                         sector are engaged in producing products protected
such. NAICS provides a classificatory space where                            by copyright law, or in distributing them,” states the
“information” becomes a measurable product. In this                          NAICS definition of Sector 51 Information (U.S.
sense, then, a classification system, like a train on a                      Census Bureau, n.d.). “Examples are traditional pub-
track, cannot go beyond what is laid out as its con-                         lishing industries, software and directory and mailing
ceptual framework. NAICS, as well as any other                               list publishing industries, and film and sound indus-
form of statistical classification, needs to be under-                       tries.” While open source is not specifically men-
stood as emerging conjointly with the field it claims                        tioned, the NAICS definition of Sector 51 touches
to measure, in this case the North American econo-                           on two factors related to both proprietary and open
mies. Classification systems make visible the fields                         source software production. Firstly, it involves the
of intervention and measurement they refer to. This                          uniqueness of information as an often intangible
characteristic of taxonomic work is, of course, not                          third thing between good and service. Secondly, it
new. As Bowker and Star (1999) have persuasively                             involves the ease with which information can be re-
argued, classification of work is inherently social and                      combined or repackaged to create additional reve-
political. The economic activities NAICS measures                            nue. A closer look at each of these in turn reveals the
are the activities the very measurement of which                             underlying understanding of copyright as part of the
makes visible.                                                               software production process.
   The classification system is the filter through                               The intangibility of information products makes
which the area of activity known as the “economy” is                         it easy to violate the copyright holder’s exclusive
seen. Apply a different filter, such as SIC, and differ-                     right to copy and distribute the work. “Most of
ent conceptions of the economy can appear or disap-                          these [information sector] products are protected
pear. For example, NAICS does a rather poor job of                           from unlawful reproduction by copyright laws,” the
organizing data about the nonprofit sector, an enor-                         definition states. “The intangible property aspect of
mous area of activity, especially in the U.S., but also                      information and cultural products makes the proc-
in Canada. As Lampkin, Romeo and Finnin (2001)                               esses involved in their production and distribution
argue, “Because NAICS was created on a strict pro-                           very different from goods and services. Only those
duction paradigm, it is difficult to classify organiza-                      possessing the rights to these works are authorized
tions that do not have a strict economic output” (p.                         to reproduce, alter, improve, and distribute them.
787). NAICS also fails to categorize and thus make                           Acquiring and using these rights often involves sig-
measurable areas of economic activity such as under-                         nificant costs” (U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.). The lan-
ground barter, babysitting, and “housework that sup-                         guage in this part of the sector definition suggests a
ports the economic development of the household”                             particular view of copyright, one drawn more from
(Boettcher, 1999, p. 6). Such shortcomings may rep-                          the perspective of the Motion Picture Association of
resent what Beghtol (2003) has referred to as a “naïve                       America than from the independent documentary
classification system,” one designed for a particular                        filmmaker and more from the Recording Industry
purpose by a subject matter expert with no interest in                       Association of America than from your local garage
the discipline of classification. They may also be con-                      band. In U.S. copyright law, the creator of original
strued as a symptom of the specific theoretical com-                         work owns the copyright to it as soon as it is in fixed
mitments that are embedded in NAICS. These theo-                             form. In the NAICS definition, rights are things to
retical commitments precede the functioning of                               be acquired from others, at some cost to the acquirer
NAICS, as Campbell (2003) argues, by “enforcing                              but with a return on investment with the right sorts
standardized data collection” (p.232) across national                        of uses. The costs of acquiring exclusive rights and
borders. Thus the apparently context-free statistics                         of defending those rights against movie, music, and
that are made possible by NAICS hide but do not                              software piracy can indeed be expensive, but the po-
eliminate the theoretical commitments that we fore-                          tential for profit is great. The activity involved in se-
ground in this paper and in our previous research                            curing and defending copyright is part of the pro-

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Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

duction process represented in the first of the four                        3.1 Copyright as Anti-productive
guiding principles listed above.
   Those who go to the trouble of acquiring copy-                           An aspect that is invisible in NAICS is the cost
right through copyright transfer agreements signed                          (which we could define as negative productivity), to
with the original creators of the work or who acquire                       individual producers and to the economy as a whole,
only some rights through licensing agreements with                          of organizing economic production around a narrow
copyright holders also invest in ways to use the mate-                      definition of copyright. Thus, for example, current
rial, often through recombining or repackaging the                          militant notions of copyright protection have vastly
information. The combination of different informa-                          increased the cost of producing documentaries. As
tion products, the addition of a good or service to an                      Aufderheide (2005) asserts, “unbalanced interpreta-
information product, the rearrangement and branding                         tion of copyright leads to a creative stranglehold.”
of a information product all represented value added,                       She illustrates her point with three examples where
and the process of adding that value represents a pro-                      the cost of producing a documentary increased dra-
ductive activity that can generate measurable data.                         matically because of new interpretations of copyright.
The NAICS definition cites as one example a dis-                            In one case filmmaker David Van Taylor had to pay
tributor who charges for advertisers to have their in-                      the estate of Irving Berlin several thousand dollars
formation included in a product (such as a televised                        when the object of his documentary, Oliver North,
sitcom) that is distributed at no charge to end-users                       started interacting with a large audience that was
and as another example the database producer who                            singing Berlin’s “God Bless America.” While we cer-
pays for the rights to newspaper and magazine arti-                         tainly understand the complexity of the arguments
cles, adds an interface and search engine, and charges                      about the value and sanctity of copyright we note
end-users for access. Even within these investments                         that NAICS would register this added cost as an in-
in use, there is an investment in rights management.                        crease in cultural productivity, while the real effect is
Without the prior and continuing investment in                              one of chilling that production. By hiking the meas-
copyright acquisition and maintenance, the invest-                          uring rod to an ideologically specific notion of copy-
ment in use (that is, in producing products that use                        right, NAICS serves to obscure certain economic
the rights acquired and maintained) is pointless.                           measurements that another classification system or
   Clearly, the NAICS definition rests on a tradi-                          another approach could potentially make visible.
tional business model in which incentives must be                              The intensification of a narrow conception of in-
present for innovation to occur. In this model, the                         tellectual property is starting to have deleterious ef-
exclusive rights of copyright holders function as the                       fects in other areas such as biotechnology, a quintes-
incentives. (Weber, 2004, pp. 190-194) Defenders of                         sential New Economy industry, through what is
the traditional business model have argued its neces-                       called “the tragedy of the anticommons” (Heller,
sity on technical, commercial, and legal grounds, ac-                       1998). The term was first coined by Michael Heller to
cording to Open Source Initiative General Counsel                           describe the multiplicity of ownership claims to
Lawrence Rosen (2005). Rosen summarizes the tra-                            property in post-Soviet Russia, often resulting in not
ditionalists’ arguments this way: “No free or open                          one owner being able to develop the property. This
source project ... could develop the highly complex                         phenomenon comes into existence when there are
and robust code necessary for modern software ap-                           too many individuals or corporations having rights of
plications ... No free or open source project could                         exclusion to a rare or scarce resource. This is increas-
survive commercially, given the high costs of quality                       ingly common in New Economy industries where
programming, and the inability to exclude others                            too many different owners own specific techniques or
from the benefits of that quality ...” (pp. xv-xvi).                        paths of software development, in fragmented ele-
   Information Sector companies that have invested                          ments. The tragedy occurs when the many owners, by
in acquiring and maintaining exclusive rights to in-                        acting according to rational economic theory, exclude
tellectual property and in creating products and ser-                       others to maximize their control and profits. The end
vices based on those exclusive rights in the hopes of                       result, by each owner acting in this way, is a collective
earning profits are construed as productive units.                          devaluation and under-utilization of a specific set of
What we may lose sight of, however, is that the                             resources. The notion has been extended to biomedi-
processes they engage in may actually run counter to                        cal research. For example, Heller and Eisenberg
productivity and that there may be other productive                         (1998) show that patents to newly identified DNA
units unaccounted for within such a definition.                             sequence fragments have increased the complexity of

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research for therapeutic needs. As they argue, “com-                          ments are surveyed for the Economic Census, which
mercial products, such as therapeutic proteins or ge-                         reports such measures of value and productivity as
netic diagnostic tests, are more likely to require the                        number of employees and amount of revenue. To
use of multiple fragments. A proliferation of patents                         supplement the survey data, Economic Census staff
on individual fragments held by different owners                              fills in with information from pre-existing federal
seems inevitably to require costly future transactions                        government files and records. Until the open source
to bundle licenses together before a firm can have an                         community has a permanent address in the U.S.,
effective right to develop these products” (Heller &                          hires employees for pay, collects revenue, and files
Eisenberg, 1998, p. 699). Benkler (2001) argues re-                           tax returns, as conventional business establishments
garding the information industry that “expansion of                           do, economic data about it will remain unreported,
exclusive private rights in information tilts the insti-                      at least by the Economic Census. The Economic
tutional ecosystem within which information is pro-                           Census is not NAICS, of course. But it does help
duced against peer production and in favor of indus-                          highlight a theory-into-practice understanding of
trial production...” (p. 86). Boyle (2003) concludes,                         what happens as NAICS is applied to the problem of
“More property rights, even though they supposedly                            organizing economic data when the organization of
offer greater incentives, do not necessarily make for                         economic production is dynamic.
more and better production and innovation – some-
times just the opposite is true. It may be that intellec-                     3.3 Open Source as a New Mode of Production
tual property rights slow down innovation, by putting
multiple roadblocks, multiple necessary licenses, in                          At about the same time that NAICS was being de-
the way of subsequent innovations” (p. 44 [emphasis                           veloped and revised in the 1990s, a novel economic
in the original]). In the NAICS discussion of copy-                           mode of organizing production was emerging with
right is an implicit definition that emphasizes protec-                       the free software phenomenon evolving into the
tion rather than distribution or use, even when such                          open source movement and demonstrating that in-
protection may impede productivity.                                           novation and economic productivity could take place
                                                                              within a model of collaboration rather than competi-
3.2 Distributed Productive Units                                              tion. Glyn Moody’s (2001) popular account of Linus
                                                                              Torvalds’s efforts to coordinate a volunteer army of
NAICS rests on the comforting but increasingly in-                            programmers and users to create the Linux operating
accurate notion of the permanent character and iden-                          system describes the work processes as they evolved
tity of economic actors. It assumes that the business                         into a new mode of production.” ... Linux was not
establishments whose data it organizes and measures                           just a piece of software but an entire development
are largely unchanging. Thus the notion of “produc-                           methodology ... using a distributed team, connected
tive unit” in NAICS looks just like the establish-                            by the Internet, to feed through smaller elements
ments that were characterized and measured under                              that together make up the whole ... and to let users
the old regime of SIC. This tacit naturalization of                           debug the system” (Moody, 2001, p. 99).
what constitutes an economic actor hides the emer-                               One central innovation characteristic of the free
gence of new actors who do not neatly fall within the                         and open source phenomenon was the creation of li-
categories assumed by NAICS.                                                  censing agreements such as Richard Stallman’s
   For example, there’s no reason why a virtual                               widely adopted General Public License (GPL),
community of open source software developers can-                             which gives away the copyright holder’s exclusive
not be construed as a “productive unit.” Program-                             rights to the source code on condition that any re-
mers who download open source code, fix buggy and                             cipient or user who modifies the code must issue it
inelegant code, and submit the revised code to the                            under the same GPL. In other words, signatories of
project leader for acceptance and further distribu-                           the GPL have the freedom to use the software, have
tion, use essentially the same practices and proce-                           access to the code and change it if desired, and dis-
dures as a conventional business establishment’s                              tribute the software and any changes made to it.
software development team. Practically, however, the                          Source code thus is not bounded by the protective
virtual community’s productive labors cannot be                               enclosure of exclusive rights. It is open, and open to
captured and represented in the U.S. Economic Cen-                            being copied, distributed, and revised, infinitely. We-
sus, the main deployment that organizes data by                               ber (2004) sums up the significance of the GPL:
NAICS codes and categories. Business establish-                               “Stallman cleverly inverted copyright to something

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Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

he called ‘copyleft,’ which in effect reverses the logic                     organization explained by Coase, the taxonomy can-
of keeping software source code secret. Instead, the                         not make room to measure activity occurring as
GPL uses copyright law to ensure that free software                          commons-based peer production.
and derivative works from free software remain free”                            Despite their coincident development, NAICS
(p. 48 [emphasis in the original]).                                          does not take into account open source production.
   The novel use of the licensing concept in open                            As we previously discussed it (Malone & Elichiri-
source software production is coupled with novel                             goity, 2003), one of the new NAICS categories, Sec-
forms of production and work coordination. Tradi-                            tor 51 Information, did a good job of making visible
tionally, and in mainstream economic theory, pro-                            and measurable specific conceptualizations of the
duction is organized around market pricing and/or                            communication and information services that had
corporate structures. The question of why not all                            grown and multiplied remarkably since the final revi-
transactions are market transactions was a question                          sion of SIC in 1987. However, the open source soft-
discussed by institutional economist Ronald Coase.                           ware industry remains largely invisible and unmeas-
In his seminal 1937 article titled “The Nature of the                        urable within Sector 51 and its subcategories even
Firm,” Coase argues that corporate structures organ-                         now. This phenomenon is, paradoxically, exacerbated
ized on the basis of managerial command and con-                             by what Bowker and Star (2001) call the “imaginary
trol systems emerge as the result of increasing trans-                       of unlimited countability,” (p. 424) the notion that
action costs resulting from economic exchange, such                          everything can be counted. In the case of NAICS
as having to pay intermediaries or having to enforce                         this leads to an over-commitment to measure com-
terms of contract. (Coase, 1937) At some point the                           modities, or “information as thing,” (Buckland,
costs are higher than if the individual entrepreneur                         1991) rather than measuring processes, which are of-
engaged in an economic activity hires other people                           ten difficult to quantify, but increasingly important,
to lower transactions costs. Yochai Benkler argues                           forms of economic activity. NAICS, then, fails to
that open source production, which he calls “com-                            represent the New Economy emerging as open
mons-based peer production,” represents a third                              source production at two levels: a) it cannot account
mode of production that is neither a pure market                             for the immense productive capacity of the social
process nor a corporate-based process (Benkler,                              ecology of open source and b) it cannot see the
2005, p.169). He further states: “This emerging third                        process itself, thus obscuring one of the more unique
model is distinct from the other two, and has certain                        features of the New Economy.
systematic advantages over the other two in identify-                           Lest there be any doubt that open source is a sig-
ing and allocating human capital/creativity” (p.171).                        nificant economic development worthy of docu-
   He goes on to say that this new mode of produc-                           menting, a few statistics are in order. According to
tion and coordination of human capital is enhanced                           its homepage,, which manages “the
by widespread availability of information and com-                           largest repository of Open Source code and applica-
munication networks. Commons-based peer produc-                              tions available on the Internet,” has almost 100,000
tion, according to Benkler, benefits from the ability                        registered projects and more than 1 million regis-
of the system to let individuals choose what creative                        tered users. Email and Web users benefit from open
possibilities they want to engage in and at what level                       source software, large corporations and small com-
of commitment, thus facilitating the maximization                            panies rely on it for managing their business proc-
of creative resources available from large pools of                          esses, and computer industry giants have embraced
qualified individuals (p.178). Furthermore, the sys-                         open source software development, including none
tem also benefits from decentralized but efficient                           other than IBM, which claims to have invested more
coordination of the final product resulting from sev-                        than $1 billion in Linux development alone (IBM,
eral processes that include norm-based social organi-                        n.d.).
zation and embedded solutions in the collaboration                              One of the shortcomings that NAICS’s predeces-
platform itself (p. 190). In other words, open source                        sor SIC was criticized for – its inadequacy in ac-
is a mode of production uniquely fit to economic ac-                         counting for the new communications and informa-
tivities that are largely based on human capital, ac-                        tion industries – seems to affect NAICS as well. The
tivities often associated with the New Economy.                              inadequacy springs in part from two specific charac-
   Because NAICS is committed, through its reli-                             teristics of open source production. First, there are
ance on copyright, to notions of economic activity                           some things about open source production that
that only fit the two traditional forms of economic                          make it difficult to identify as an economic activity

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about which data can be collected. Production of                            This company creates value-added by customizing
open source code involves tacit rules and practices                         the Linux operating system to serve businesses’
that may not be clear to outsiders and that may only                        needs and by bundling it with services that non-
recently, through published essays, articles, and                           programmers, who are not interested in looking at or
books, have become clear to insiders who produce,                           changing Linux’s code, are happy to buy. Red Hat is
share, test, and revise code. Further, open source                          a pioneer that proved that money could be made
code is essentially intangible since it is uploaded and                     from the new business model that open source code
downloaded via the Internet, often across national                          creation and distribution represent (Moody, 2001,
borders, and worked on while in computer memory.                            pp. 96-98). To the extent that Red Hat follows a
Intangibles are inherently difficult to observe, cap-                       course recognized by NAICS – adding value by
ture, and classify. As we focus on NAICS itself, we                         combining and/or repackaging information goods
find that even this disciplined rational classification                     and services – its production processes can be com-
scheme relies on assumptions and assertions that                            prehended and assigned to a subcategory of indus-
undermine its own stated principles. The NAICS as-                          tries with like production processes. And, indeed,
sumptions and assertions about copyright as a pro-                          they have been.
duction input for industries classed in Sector 51 In-                          The Red Hat, Inc. (2005) company profile in
formation are at odds with the open source move-                            Hoover’s Company Records lists these:
ment’s copyleft approach to intellectual property.
Weber (2004, 1) captures the essential difference be-                           NAICS CODES:
tween proprietary and open source software:                                     511210 – Software Publishers
                                                                                518210 – Data Processing, Hosting, and
  The conventional notion of property is, of                                             Related Services
  course, the right to exclude you from using                                   54151 – Computer Systems Design and
  something that belongs to me. Property in open                                         Related Services
  source is configured fundamentally around the                                 541511 – Custom Computer Programming
  right to distribute, not the right to exclude. If                                      Services
  that sentence feels awkward on first reading,                                 541512 – Computer Systems Design Services
  that is a testimony to just how deeply embed-                                 541519 – Other Computer Related Services
  ded in our intuitions and institutions the exclu-                             611420 – Computer Training
  sion view of property really is.
                                                                            Looked at in this way, Red Hat’s production process
In the NAICS definition of Sector 51, distribution is                       is not so different from those of any other company
where the risk of losing exclusive rights is the great-                     that acquires rights to proprietary software and bun-
est because with distribution of intangible informa-                        dles it with services; the assumption is that they
tion products comes a diminution of control over                            should not be in separate categories. Because the
copying, deriving new products, and redistributing                          category for open source production is not there, we
without authorization. In contrast, distribution is                         do not miss it.
the lifeblood of open source production. Yet, in                                But let’s look more closely at what this means in
NAICS the production of open source software is                             practice. The first two NAICS codes assigned to
no different from the production of proprietary                             Red Hat in Hoover’s Company Records are 511210 –
software, rendering open source invisible as a sepa-                        Software Publishers and 518210 – Data Processing,
rately identifiable and measurable industry.                                Hosting, and Related Services. If one searches in
                                                                            Hoover’s for other companies that also operate in
3.4. Classifying Red Hat                                                    those NAICS classes, one will retrieve more than
                                                                            350 results. Among them is Microsoft, which zeal-
What follows is a specific example of how NAICS                             ously guards its own proprietary code and disparages
obscures some aspects of economic activity related                          open source. Since the open-source Linux operating
to open source and the necessary distinctions and                           system that Red Hat has helped build an entire in-
novel forms of production that could perhaps be                             dustry around was originally developed to offer an
measured within a taxonomic system embodying dif-                           alternative to Microsoft’s closed operating system, it
ferent notions of production and consumption. For                           is ironic that NAICS sees Microsoft and Red Hat as
our example we look at a company named Red Hat.                             more alike than different, at least when it comes to

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Fernando Elichirigoity and Cheryl Knott Malone. Measuring the New Economy

the software publishing and processing and hosting                            type license and then proceeds to concentrate on de-
services aspects of their business.                                           veloping products and services and marketing and
   Taken from another perspective, consider the data                          distributing them.
reported in the latest U.S. Economic Census (2002)
for the software publishing sub-sector of the Infor-                          4. Conclusion
mation Sector, NAICS code 5112. (The 2002 Eco-
nomic Census does not break these codes down be-                              Our critical reading of NAICS and the claims of its
yond the four-digit level.) In 2002, there were 9,899                         authors to be a knowledge organization tool capable
establishments doing business in this sub-sector with                         of accounting for the New Economy lead to a num-
revenues of $103,737,152 and paid employees num-                              ber of observations. One of them is that the theory
bering 353,285. Somewhere in those figures pre-                               and the actual production of taxonomies have to in-
sumably are both Red Hat and Microsoft. If one’s                              clude a process of self-reflexivity regarding the theo-
interest lies in understanding the impact of open                             retical commitments embedded in the process of
source products and services in the new economy,                              producing the taxonomy. In the case of NAICS,
having the data categorized the way NAICS does it                             some economic assumptions were taken for granted
will not help.                                                                and left unexamined. Neo-liberal economic theory
   If the researcher is interested instead in two other                       was assumed to be universal and ahistorical, robbing
Information sub-sectors, the publishing and broad-                            the taxonomy of the necessary plasticity to accom-
casting industries, NAICS takes a different approach,                         modate new forms of production to be described
separating “Internet publishing and broadcasting”                             and measured.
(NAICS code 516) from “Publishing (except Inter-                                 Another observation has to do with the commit-
net)” (511) and “Broadcasting (except Internet)”                              ment to one universal principle. As Olson (1996) has
(515). Separating out the Internet-based sub-sector in                        clearly shown, adherence to universality can result in
2002 was a change from the 1997 NAICS scheme,                                 “marginalization of the unconventional.” In the case
made, at least in part, to satisfy the second of the four                     of NAICS, the universal principle was one of simi-
principles, to demarcate emerging industries and                              larity in production processes as a way to aggregate
those involved in advanced technologies.                                      information about economic activity. Although the
   In the case of integrating open source software                            goal of clarity is admirable, it is not well-served by
production with proprietary software production, it                           organizing complex taxonomies. The commitment
is difficult to fathom which of the four principles is                        to this one principle coupled with unexamined as-
at work. From the Red Hat example, it’s clear that                            sumptions behind it can lead to a rigidity of catego-
the kind of business Red Hat is in existed in the days                        ries. In an era where technological processes such as
of the SIC, so it’s not a case of an emerging new in-                         digitization and genetic engineering are giving rise to
dustry subcategory. Still working with the Red Hat                            large number of hybrids that escape the boundaries
example, it’s not clear that the company’s produc-                            of modernist taxonomies, the possibility of universal
tion processes are like those of a company that bun-                          purity should be given up in favor of flexible catego-
dles services with propriety software and markets the                         rization regimes. In this respect open source produc-
combined service and good. On the surface, they                               tion presents a particularly interesting range of taxo-
seem quite similar. But in the Information Sector as                          nomic possibilities not capturable within one under-
NAICS defines it, the production processes involv-                            lying principle. As anthropologist Christopher Kelty
ing the investment in copyright acquisition and                               (2004, p. 501) suggests, for many activists, often in
maintenance loom large. In an open source company                             countries other than the United States, open source
like Red Hat, copyright acquisition and maintenance                           software development is not just a novel form of or-
processes are simplified into a copyleft reciprocal                           ganizing production but also a form of politics and
agreement. A proprietary software company that in-                            critique of mainstream economic practices. To some
vests in protecting its source code from discovery,                           extent, open source becomes a form of protest or
developing technical barriers to piracy, retaining staff                      freedom of speech involving a range of practices and
attorneys to guard its rights, and mounting a public                          meanings not immediately divisible between eco-
campaign of education and/or persuasion to dissuade                           nomic and political activity and not easily classifiable
its customers and the public from making illegal                              under a universalist umbrella.
copies would appear to have a different production                               The adoption of a narrow understanding of copy-
process from a company that signs a simple GPL-                               right in the definition of the NAICS Information

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