Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS

Page created by Evelyn Avila
Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS
National Federation of State
                             High School Associations

                                                                        “Join us at Skyline
                                                                        at Waterplace on
                                                                        June 28 for the
                                                                        Welcome Dinner
                                                                        and WaterFire

  98th Annual
Summer Meeting
Rhode Island Convention Center | Providence, Rhode Island | June 28-July 2, 2017
                               HOSTED BY:

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS

                                    Welcome to Providence – for the 98th
                                    Annual NFHS Summer Meeting! The
                                    Summer Meeting is geared exclusively
                                    for state association staff and board
                                    members and provides an outstanding
                                    professional development program,
                                    exceptional award ceremonies and
                                    countless networking opportunities. This         Bob Gardner     Gary Musselman
                                                                                    NFHS Executive   NFHS President
                                    first-class conference features professional
                                    speakers, as well as the opportunity for
                                    attendees to share their experience and

                                    expertise on a variety of subjects.

                                    The NFHS Board of Directors, the NFHS staff and the Rhode Island Interscholastic
                                    League Host Committee hope all attendees thoroughly enjoy this conference. Take
                                    some time to enjoy the sights and sounds that Providence has to offer!

                                    NFHS Board of Directors

Gary Musselman   Jerome Singleton      Karissa Niehoff        Bernie Dolan         Jack Roberts       David Jackson
   President      President Elect        Section 1             Section 2             Section 4          Section 6
    Kansas        South Carolina        Connecticut           West Virginia          Michigan           Oklahoma

Bart Thompson     Mark Beckman          Pam Foegen           Kevin Fitzgerald       Anna Battle          Toni Hill
   Section 7        Section 8             At Large              At Large             At Large            At Large
    Nevada          Montana              Wisconsin              Delaware             Arizona             Missouri

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS

                Schedule of Events......................................................................................................... 4
                Hotel Information............................................................................................................ 8
                General Information..................................................................................................... 10
                Transportation Information......................................................................................... 12

Table of Contents
                Optional Activities
                  • Marketing Luncheon & Summit........................................................................... 14
                  • Technology Summit.............................................................................................. 15
                  • NFHSLearn Summit.............................................................................................. 15
                  • First-Time Attendees Orientation......................................................................... 15
                  • Discover Providence Tour..................................................................................... 16
                  • Experience Newport Tour..................................................................................... 17
                  • BAGGO Tournament............................................................................................. 18
                  • Spouse/Guest Activities........................................................................................ 19
                  • Community Service Event.................................................................................... 20
                  • Children’s Program............................................................................................... 21
                NFHS Foundation Events
                  • Silent Auction........................................................................................................ 22
                  • Support NFHS Foundation Events....................................................................... 23
                  • Golf Tournament................................................................................................... 24
                  • Fun Run/Walk......................................................................................................... 25
                Top Ten Things to Do in Providence........................................................................... 26
                Instructions for Completing Online Registration....................................................... 29
                Providence Area Map................................................................................................... 30
                Dunkin’ Donuts Center and Rhode Island Convention Center Maps....................... 31

                                          SUMMER MEETING

                                          CONFERENCE APP                                 ONLINE
                                            Available June 1                       REGISTRATION ONLY:
                                        “NFHS Summer Meeting 17”         

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS

                                            Wednesday, June 28
                                            8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.  NFHS Board of Directors Meeting
                                            12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Marketing Luncheon & Summit
                                            1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  Registration
                                            1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.	Rhode Island Host Committee Hospitality
                                                                   & Information Desk

Schedule of Events
                                            2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.        Student Services Committee Meeting
                                            2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.        Officials Advisory Committee Meeting
                                            2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.        Spirit Summit
                                            2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.        Technology Summit
                                            2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.        Small States Meeting
                                            2:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.        National Records Committee Meeting
                                            3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.        NFHSLearn Summit
                                            3:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.        Finance Directors Summit
                                            4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.        First-Time Attendees Orientation
                                            5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.        Moderator/Speaker Orientation
                                            7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.       Welcome Dinner/WaterFire Experience
                                            			                             *Families Welcome!
                                            			                             *Wristband (provided at registration) will be
                                                                             required for dinner
                                            			                          7:00 p.m. – Dinner
                                            			                          8:30 p.m. – WaterFire Ceremony
                                            			                          8:45 p.m. – Dessert

                                                          SUMMER MEETING

                                                          CONFERENCE APP                    ONLINE
                                                             Available June 1         REGISTRATION ONLY:
                                                         “NFHS Summer Meeting 17”

               *All Summer Meeting events will take place on the 5th floor of the Rhode Island Convention Center.

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS
Thursday, June 29                                                   9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Second General Session
7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.   NFHS Foundation Golf                        			                   Board of Directors Report –
			                     Tournament                                      Gary Musselman, President, NFHS
			                     *Bus departs the Rhode Island              			NFHS Update – Bob Gardner,
                         Convention Center lobby at 6:00 a.m.           Executive Director, NFHS, and

8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.  Spirit of Sport Breakfast                                             NFHS Staff

8:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.  Children’s Program
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.  Spouse/Guest Breakfast
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  Registration
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.	Rhode Island Host Committee
                        Hospitality & Information Desk
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  NFHS Foundation Silent Auction                                          Gary Musselman   Bob Gardner

10:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.  Discover Providence Tour
			                     *Bus departs the Rhode Island              10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.   First Workshop Session
                         Convention Center lobby at                     1. Golf Discussion Forum
                         10:15 a.m.                                     2. Football Discussion Forum
12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 	Sports Information Directors                   3. Spirit Discussion Forum
                         Workshop                                       4. Recruiting and Retaining Officials
2:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.    Children’s Program                             5. Improving Sportsmanship, a Different Approach
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.    Opening Ceremony                               6. Successful Use of Student Advisory Committees
			Student Program – “We Are High                                      7.	How to Effectively Handle Investigations
                         School®,” Spirit of Sport and                       and Accusations
                         Heart of the Arts Awards                       8. Technology-Show and Share
                         Presentations                              11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.	Inclusion Discussion
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.    First General Session                                                Forum/Luncheon
			                                                                11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.	#MyReasonWhy Campaign
                                        Speaker:                                              Execution Workshop/Luncheon
                                        Mike Smith,
                                                                    1:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.     Legal Issues Workshop
                                                                    2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.	Second Workshop Session
5:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.   BAGGO Tournament                                                      (Roundtable #1)
			                     Opening Rounds                                  9. Board Members Roundtable
                                                                        10. Executive Directors Roundtable
Friday, June 30                                                         11. Assistants/Associates Roundtable
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.   Field Hockey Breakfast                          12. Finance Roundtable
			                     *Sponsored by                                   13. Marketing Roundtable
                                                                        14. Technology Roundtable
                                                                    3:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.	NFHS Foundation Silent Auction
7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.   Tennis Breakfast                                                      Item Pick-up
			                     *Sponsored by                               4:00 p.m. – 10:15 p.m.    Experience Newport Tour
                                                                    			                       *Bus departs the Rhode Island
                                                                                               Convention Center lobby at 4:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.  NFHS Foundation Silent Auction
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  NFHS Information Desk
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.	Rhode Island Host Committee
                       Hospitality & Information Desk

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS
Saturday, July 1                                                    1:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.     Section Meetings
7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.	Executive Directors Mentoring                			                       (as determined by each section)

                             Breakfast                              3:30 p.m.	NFHS Hall of Fame
7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.        Girls Gymnastics Breakfast                        Press Conference
7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.	NFHS Network, Digital
                             Ticketing/Q&A Breakfast                Sunday, July 2
7:00 a.m. – 7:50 a.m.        Performing Arts Summit Breakfast       5:45 a.m.                 NFHS Foundation Fun Run/Walk
                                                                    			                       *Depart the Rhode Island Convention
7:00 a.m. – 7:52 a.m.        Banquet Table Reservations
                                                                                                Center lobby at 5:45 a.m.
8:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.        National Council Meeting
                                                                    8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.      Sixth Workshop Session
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.       NFHS Information Desk
                                                                        36. Bowling Discussion Forum
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.	Rhode Island Host Committee
                                                                        37. Field Hockey Discussion Forum
                             Hospitality & Information Desk
                                                                        38. Wrestling Discussion Forum
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.	NFHS Foundation Fun Run/Walk
                                                                        39.	State Championships, is it Possible to Increase
                             Packet Pick-up
                                                                             Attendance and Decrease Expenses?
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.        Third Workshop Session
                                                                        40. Marketing Valuation
    15. Baseball Discussion Forum
                                                                        41. Following Music Copyright Laws
    16. Lacrosse Discussion Forum
                                                                        42.	Understanding Your Students and Why
    17. Soccer Discussion Forum
                                                                             They Participate
    18. Softball Discussion Forum
                                                                    9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.     Seventh Workshop Session
    19. Sports Medicine Discussion Forum
                                                                        43. Basketball Discussion Forum
    20. Advanced Use and Monetization of Social Media
                                                                        44. Ice Hockey Discussion Forum
    21. Inclusion, it is Not Just a Game
                                                                        45. Volleyball Discussion Forum
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.       Fourth Workshop Session
                                                                        46. Tennis Discussion Forum
                              (Roundtable #2)
                                                                        47. Wrestling Weight Management Discussion Forum
    22. Board Members Roundtable
                                                                        48.	Verbal Judo-How to Deal with Verbal Conflict and
    23. Executive Directors Roundtable
                                                                             De-escalate a Tense Situation
    24. Assistants/Associates Roundtable
                                                                        49.	Methods of Classification for State Association
    25. Finance Roundtable
    26. Marketing Roundtable
                                                                    11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.    Closing General Session
    27. Technology Roundtable
10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.       Fifth Workshop Session
    28. Officials Discussion Forum                                                                            Speaker:
                                                                                                              Walter Bond,
    29. Performing Arts Discussion Forum
                                                                                                              Former Professional
    30. Swimming & Diving Discussion Forum
                                                                                                              Basketball Player
    31. Track & Field/Cross Country Discussion Forum
    32. NFHS Essentials Initiative
                                                                    12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.	BAGGO Tournament
    33.	Championship Event Ideas-Fan Experiences, Best
                                                                                            Quarterfinals, Semifinals
         Practices and Creating Memories
                                                                                            and Finals
    34.	“It is My Pleasure to Serve You”– How to Develop
                                                                    12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.  Community Service Project
         this Attitude
                                                                    			                       *Depart the Rhode Island Convention
    35.	Going Paperless. . . Eligibility, Meetings and Forms
                                                                                                Center lobby at 12:30 p.m.
         “Oh My”
                                                                    5:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. Children’s Program
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.        Summer Meeting Luncheon
                                                                    6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. NFHS Hall of Fame Banquet
			NFHS Board of Directors
                                                                    8:45 p.m.	Post-Banquet NFHS Hall of Fame
                              Awards Presentations, Citation
                                                                                          Autograph Session

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS
   Download the Summer Meeting conference app!
   Available for free download on iTunes and Google Play, the Summer
   Meeting app allows users to have all the conference information on their
   mobile device. Just search for “NFHS Summer Meeting 17” and download
   to your phone or tablet. Available June 1!

   The app features a full schedule, with the ability to build your own
   schedule, speaker profiles, maps, and general information.

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS

           **PRIMARY HOTEL**
           Omni Providence
           1 West Exchange Street
           Providence, Rhode Island 02903
           800-525-9300 (Reservations)

Hotel Information
           This landmark hotel in Providence is connected to the Rhode Island Convention
           Center, Dunkin’ Donuts Center and the new Providence Place Mall. With this
           premier downtown Providence hotel location, you will find yourself within walking
           distance of the city’s main college campuses, historic attractions, gourmet
           restaurants, upscale shopping, entertainment and more.

           Summer Meeting attendees may check-in at the Omni Providence after 3:00 p.m.
           and must check-out by 12:00 p.m.

           Room Rates
           The Omni Providence is offering meeting attendees room rates of $169 for single or
           double occupancy. Room rates are quoted exclusive of city and state taxes, which
           are currently 13 percent, making the per-night total $190.97. Call 800-525-9300 to
           make your reservations. Specify group code “2017 NFHS Summer Meeting” to
           ensure the conference rate.

           to book your reservation online. Hotel information will be listed on the Summer
           Meeting page, under Travel and Accommodations, which will take you to the
           appropriate page.

           To ensure that you receive the conference rate, you must make your hotel
           reservations no later than Monday, June 5, 2017. The Omni Providence does
           require an approved credit card to guarantee a guest room reservation.
           Reservations not cancelled within 24 hours prior to the arrival or no shows,
           will be billed the first night’s room rate.

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS
For questions regarding billing once         Morsel’s                                   Discover fantastic shopping and
your reservation has been made,              Kick start an active day with light fare   entertainment at Providence Place Mall
please contact Sarah Boyle, Convention       from Morsel’s. Enjoy a hot cup of          or enjoy a day out at Roger Williams
Services Manager, at 401-598-8036 or         freshly brewed gourmet coffee and          Park Zoo, one of the oldest zoos in the                  choose from a delicious selection of       Unite States.
                                             quick snacks.
Hotel Parking                                   • Open daily                            Summer Meeting attendees may check-
The Omni Providence offers valet                • Dress code: Casual                    in at the Hilton Providence after 3:00
parking for registered hotel guests at          •	Hours: 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.         p.m. and must check-out by 12:00 p.m.
$30 per day, with unlimited in-and-out             (Monday-Saturday), 6:00 a.m. –
privileges. Self-parking is also available         1:00 p.m. (Sunday)                   Room Rates
at $20 per day.                                                                         The Hilton Providence is offering
                                             Fitness Center                             meeting attendees room rates of $169
Dining                                       Whether you want to stay on top of         for single or double occupancy. Room
                                             your workout routine in the fitness        rates are quoted exclusive of city and
Centro Restaurant                            center, take advantage of the in-room      state taxes, which are currently 13
Whether you’re in search of a quick bite     fitness kits or make sure you’re eating    percent, making the per-night total
or a decadent four-course meal, the          healthy, the Omni Fitness Center can       $190.97. Call 800-445-8667 and identify
Centro Restaurant – Providence               offer you the personalized service you     yourself as being with the “2017 NFHS
has a menu and atmosphere to please          require. If you prefer to work out in      Summer Meeting.”
all. Featuring central Italian cuisine,      privacy, in-room fitness kits are
Centro is a hip, high-end, sophisticated,    available at the concierge, and deluxe     To book your reservation online, visit
modern restaurant with a cool city vibe,     fitness rooms are also available.
serving breakfast, lunch and dinner                                                     and enter the group code “NFHS17.”
daily.                                       Pool                                       Hotel information will also be listed
   •	Open daily for breakfast, lunch        The Omni Providence Hotel pool is          on the Summer Meeting page, under
      and dinner                             located on the 8th floor as part of the    Travel and Accommodations, which
   • Dress code: Casual                      Capital Club Fitness. In addition to an    will take you to the appropriate page.
   •	Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.          indoor heated pool, you can relax in the
      (Breakfast), 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.    whirlpool and sauna.                       To ensure that you receive the
      (Lunch), 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.                                                   conference rate, you must make
      (Dinner)                               **SECONDARY HOTEL**                        your hotel reservations no later than
                                             Hilton Providence                          Monday, June 5, 2017. The Hilton
Fleming’s Steakhouse                         21 Atwells Avenue                          Providence does require a certified or
Fleming’s Steakhouse is an ongoing           Providence,                                cashier’s check or approved credit card
celebration of exceptional food and          Rhode Island 02903                         to guarantee a guest room reservation.
wine, featuring the finest in prime          401-831-3900                               Reservations not cancelled within 24
steak, market-fresh seafood and Maine                                                   hours prior to the arrival or no shows,
lobster.                                     Located in the heart of downtown           will be billed the first night’s room rate.
  • Open for dinner                          Providence, Rhode Island, the stylish
  • Dress code: Casual                       Hilton Providence is within walking        Hotel Parking
  •	Hours: 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.           distance of Historic Federal Hill,         The Hilton Providence offers valet
     (Monday-Thursday), 5:00 p.m.            Providence Place Mall and Rhode Island     parking for registered hotel guests at
     – 11:00 p.m. (Friday), 4:30 p.m. –      Convention Center. Discover attractions    $28 per day with in-and-out privileges.
     11:00 p.m. (Saturday), 4:00 p.m. –      with ease from this comfortable and        Self-parking is also available in the
     9:00 p.m. (Sunday)                      sophisticated Rhode Island hotel.          garage at $25 per day.

Summer Meetin g 98th Annual - NFHS
Dining                                       Starbucks®                                      Shopping
                                             The hotel coffee shop proudly serves            Providence Place is a shopping and
The Vig                                      Starbucks® coffees, lattes, cappuccinos         dining destination in an area that offers
A vintage sports parlor serving upscale      and pastries. Fuel up before exploring          a vibrant mix of cultural and entertain-
American comfort food.                       the city of Providence.                         ment attractions. Make the most of your
  •	Open daily for breakfast, lunch           •	Open daily for breakfast                   visit and explore a variety of nearby
     and dinner                                   and lunch daily                            activities and entertainment.
  • Dress code: Casual                         • Dress code: Casual
  •	Hours: 6:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.             • Hours: 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.                For more information about the
     (Breakfast), 11:30 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.                                                    Providence Mall amenities, visit
     (Lunch and Dinner)                      Fitness Center and Pool               
                                             A fitness center and indoor pool is
                                             available on-site at the Hilton

General Information
Rhode Island Convention Center                                         If you need to register with check payment, please complete
All Summer Meeting events will take place on the 5th Floor             the online registration form and follow the payment mailing
of the Providence Rhode Island Convention Center.                      instructions at the bottom of your receipt/invoice.

Dunkin’ Donuts Center                                                  (Multiple payments are available. For example, if you want
The Opening Ceremony featuring “We Are High School,”                   to pay part via check and part via credit card, you may do so.
as well as the First General Session, Second General                   Detailed instructions will be on the payment page.)
Session and the Closing General Session, will take place
at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center.                                          Delegate registration fee is $440, which includes tickets to the
                                                                       Welcome Dinner, Luncheon and Banquet. Additional tickets
Summer Meeting Welcome Dinner and                                      to the Luncheon and Banquet are $40 and $65, respectively.
WaterFire Experience
The Summer Meeting Welcome Dinner will be held at 7:00                 Registration Gift
p.m. on Wednesday, June 28. This year’s Welcome Dinner                 This year’s conference
will be hosted off-site (walking distance) at Skyline at Water-        gift will be a 30-ounce
place. Wristbands provided at registration will be required            YETI tumbler.
for the event. The dinner is once again open to any family
members/guests in attendance with a paid delegate.

Meeting Attire
To provide some assistance in planning your wardrobe, all
functions held during the Summer Meeting are casual, with
the exception of the Hall of Fame Banquet, which will be
business attire.
                                                                       Conference Information
Meeting Registration                                                   Mark Koski, NFHS Director of Sports, Events
Registration Process: Summer Meeting registration is 100%              and Development/Conference Coordinator
online. Please visit to             317-822-5716 (office)
register for the 98th Annual Summer Meeting. We appreciate             317-702-3151 (cell)
your registration and payment by Friday, June 2.             


   Download the Summer Meeting conference app!
   Available for free download on iTunes and Google Play, the Summer
   Meeting app allows users to have all the conference information on their
   mobile device. Just search for “NFHS Summer Meeting 17” and download
   to your phone or tablet. Available June 1!

   The app features a full schedule, with the ability to build your own
   schedule, speaker profiles, maps, and general information.


           The NFHS is pleased to have Travel Leaders as its official travel agency. Ginny
           Bluhm is your designated lead agent, and she will be happy to check flights and
           fares for you.

           To make reservations, please contact Travel Leaders at:
           Phone: 800-525-1570
           Fax:		 317-573-6670
           Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST

Transportation Information
           Airport Transportation
           The T.F. Green Airport (PVD) is approximately 15 minutes (10 miles) from the
           Rhode Island Convention Center.

           Taxis are readily available at the T. F. Green Airport. Cab fare is approximately
           $35 each way. Taxis are available at the ground transportation area of the airport.

Car Rental
Travel Leaders can also make your
car rental reservations while booking
your flight, or you may check rates by       Enterprise Rent-A-Car
calling Enterprise or National car rental    Rental Discount
agencies. We are pleased to have the         Enterprise Rent-A-Car will provide
Enterprise/National car rental agencies      its lowest online pricing and take an
offering special discounts to conference     additional 5% off for all NFHS Summer
attendees. Listed to the right are the       Meeting attendees.
daily and weekly rates.

To take advantage of these discounts,
simply follow these instructions:
  1.	Call Enterprise (800-593-0505) or
      National (800-227-7368) or visit       National Car Rental Rates
      online at or
                                             Vehicle Class.......................... Daily Rates
  2.	Provide the customer number            Compact......................................... $47.00
      XZ08037 (For Enterprise, in            Intermediate................................... $48.00
      addition, use the PIN Code: NAT).      Standard......................................... $50.00
                                             Full-size........................................... $51.00
                                             Premium......................................... $63.00
                                             Minivan........................................... $68.00
                                             Standard SUV................................ $63.00

                                             *Geographical city surcharges may apply to
                                             base rates listed above.

                    SUMMER MEETING
                    CONFERENCE APP                    ONLINE
                      Available June 1          REGISTRATION ONLY:
                  “NFHS Summer Meeting 17”


            Marketing Luncheon & Summit
            Wednesday, June 28 – 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

            The Marketing Luncheon & Summit will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on
            Wednesday, June 28. The interactive session will focus on a variety of marketing
            issues and initiatives and will feature an Open Forum for attendees to discuss
            issues and share ideas and relevant experiences. Presenters from outside the
            high school marketing space will also be present to provide their expertise and

Optional Activities

            The Marketing Summit agenda featured topics include:
              • Best Practices Among State Associations
              • Economic Impact Study
              • Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive Sponsorships
              • NFHS Network
              • Social Media Overview

            *There is no registration fee for the Marketing Luncheon & Summit; however, for
            meeting and luncheon management purposes, advance registration is required.
            Please acknowledge your attendance when completing the online registration

Technology Summit                                               First-Time Attendees Orientation
Wednesday, June 28 – 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                     Wednesday, June 28 – 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

This session will be an in-depth workshop regarding             The NFHS is offering an orientation for those attending
technology. This session is typically geared toward the         their first Summer Meeting. This is intended to provide an
staff members directly involved in the development and          introduction to the meeting and to introduce you to each
management of the technology infrastructure and Web             NFHS administrator. NFHS staff members will share their
services within the organization. The final topic list,         knowledge of the conference program and be available to
determined by state association and NFHS staff, will be         answer questions. The orientation is scheduled from 4:30
distributed to the membership in April.                         p.m. to 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, June 28. You and your
                                                                spouse/guest are invited to attend; this is an important
                                                                function to get your first Summer Meeting off to a great start.

*Please note your interest in attending the Technology
Summit during the online registration process.

NFHSLearn Summit                                                *Please note if this is your first conference when completing
Wednesday, June 28 – 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.                      your online registration.

The NFHSLearn Summit will be held from 3:00 p.m. to 4:15
p.m. on Wednesday, June 28. This session will include an
update from NFHS staff and an open forum to share ideas
and discuss state association topics.

                                                                                             SUMMER MEETING
                                                                                             CONFERENCE APP
                                                                                               Available June 1
                                                                                           “NFHS Summer Meeting 17”

                                                                               REGISTRATION ONLY:


           Thursday, June 29
           10:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

           Cost: $51 per person (all ages)

           (Meet in the Rhode Island Convention Center lobby for departure at 10:15 a.m.)

Discover Providence Tour
           Explore our capital city in a deeper way with an expert guide! We will take you to
           places not seen on any other tour, give you an inside look at some of Providence’s
           most beautiful sights, and fill you in on the integral stories and people of
           Providence. With stops for pictures and personal exploration, this tour has it all.
           This tour is ideal for those who would like to get out and explore, take pictures and
           gain a great overall grasp of Providence!

           Join us for a fantastic journey through the architecture, culture and story of one
           of America’s favorite cities! On this tour you will admire the beauty of colonial
           College Hill, gaze at the second largest marble dome on earth, explore the inside
           of one of Providence’s most stunning living spaces, relish the beauty and history
           of a lovely city park, stroll through the College Green of Brown University and see
           beautiful colonial architecture, stroll through the oldest indoor mall in America,
           learn the story of the founding of Rhode Island, savor the sights and tastes of Little
           Italy at Federal Hill, and so much more. Food, story and scenery, this tour has it
           all! You will be able to get out of the bus, walk around and take pictures at many of
           these stops. Remember to dress accordingly for the weather, and wear comfortable
           walking shoes. We can’t wait to show you Providence!

             • Round-trip transportation
             • Step on Guide


           Friday, June 30
           4:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.

           Cost: $64 per person (all ages)

           (Meet in the Rhode Island Convention Center lobby for departure at 4:00 p.m.)

Experience Newport Tour
           Embark on a journey to Newport, Rhode Island as you explore all the island has
           to offer. A knowledgeable step on guide will impress your guests with a full and
           informative tour of beautiful Newport, Rhode Island. This guide will highlight all
           the major historic points of interest throughout Newport, including Ocean Drive
           and Bellevue Avenue. While capturing the city’s charm, take in the panoramic
           views and stunning homes along Ocean Drive. On Bellevue Avenue learn about the
           “Gilded Age” as you view homes of the rich and famous. With your step on guide
           you will enjoy a narrated driving tour of more than 150 points of interest.

           Step inside the grandest of Newport’s summer “cottages,” The Breakers,
           commissioned by Cornelius Vanderbilt II, chairman and president of the New York
           Central Railroad. Inspired by the 16th-century palaces of Genoa and Turin, the
           70-room Italian Renaissance villa was designed by architect Richard Morris Hunt,
           who directed an international team of craftsmen and artisans. Completed in 1895,
           the mansion is situated on an 11-acre estate overlooking a spectacular view of the
           Atlantic Ocean.

           End your tour by being dropped off in downtown Newport where you will have free
           time to explore, shop and get a bite to eat at one of the many delicious restaurants
           as you will be able to experience dinner on your own. Restaurant reservations are

             • Round-trip transportation
             • Step on Guide
             • Breakers Tickets


                Thursday, June 29 – Sunday, July 2
                Thursday, 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, 12:15 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

                The 2017 Summer Meeting BAGGO Tournament will kick off at 5:15 p.m. Thursday,
                June 29 following the First General Session. Each state association will be repre-
                sented with one entry in the 51-team BAGGO Tournament bracket.

BAGGO Tournament
Sponsored by:   The quarterfinals, semifinals and final games will be played on Sunday, July 2,
                immediately following the Closing General Session at 12:15 p.m.

                Cheering sections and team shirts have made this a fun event and are welcome!
                State association staff, spouses and board members are all encouraged to
                participate. The tournament bracket will be disseminated to state associations with
                official start times prior to the Summer Meeting. The NFHS thanks Dissinger Reed
                for its continued sponsorship of this fun event. Who will take home the traveling
                trophy this year?

                Previous Years’ Winners:

                   2012          2013         2014         2015          2016


                                         The functions below are available for spouse and guest participation at the
                                         Summer Meeting. Registration is required.

Spouse/Guest Activities
Wednesday, June 28                                                Sunday, July 2
4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.   First-Time Attendees Orientation          5:45 a.m.               NFHS Foundation Fun Run/Walk
7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.	Welcome Dinner / WaterFire                			                         (Registration Required)
                        Experience (Wristband Required)           11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Closing General Session –
                                                                                           Walter Bond
Thursday, June 29                                                 12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.	BAGGO Tournament Quarterfinals,
7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.  NFHS Foundation Golf Tournament                                     Semifinals and Finals
			                        (Registration Required)                12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.   Community Service Project
8:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Children’s Program                         			                         (Registration Required)
			                        (Registration Required)                5:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.    Children’s Program
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Spouse/Guest Breakfast                     			                         (Registration Required)
			                        (Name Badge Required)                  6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.    NFHS Hall of Fame Banquet
10:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Discover Providence Tour                   			                         (Ticket Required)
			                        (Ticket Required)
2:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.  Children’s Program
			                        (Registration Required)                Spouse/Guest Breakfast
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Opening Ceremony – “We Are High           Thursday, June 29
                        School®” Student Program                  8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.	First General Session – Mike Smith,
                       Professional Teenager
5:15 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.  BAGGO Tournament

Friday, June 30
9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.   Second General Session
4:00 p.m. – 10:15 p.m.   Experience Newport Tour
			                         (Ticket Required)                     This year’s spouse/guest breakfast will feature a nationally
                                                                  recognized “The Voice” performer.
Saturday, July 1
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Summer Meeting Luncheon                    Fee: $50
			                       (Ticket Required)
3:30 p.m.	NFHS Hall of Fame Press                                *Please indicate if you would like to attend this breakfast
                       Conference                                 during the delegate online registration process.


                                          Sunday, July 2
                                          12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

                                          Calling All Volunteers!

Community Service Event
What:                                     About the project:                         All tools and gloves are provided by
Franklin Farm Community Garden            Franklin Farm Community Garden             the Franklin Farm Association. Franklin
                                          grows farm fresh vegetables for the        Farms looks forward to welcoming you
Time:                                     Rhode Island Food Bank and the local       to the garden!
12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.                    food pantries. Planted in May by school
(Meet in the Rhode Island Convention      children, the one-acre garden provided     About Franklin Farms:
Center lobby at 12:30 p.m. to depart)     48,000 pounds of vegetables in the 2016    Franklin Farm Community Garden is an
*Box lunch will be provided               growing season.                            all volunteers, nonprofit organization
                                                                                     that grows farm fresh vegetables for
Where:                                    Volunteers provide help by completing      the Rhode Island Food Bank and local
The Historic Metcalf Franklin Farm        much-needed tasks to ensure we have        food pantries. During the past 10 years,
Preservation, Cumberland, Rhode Island    an abundant harvest for those experi-      the farm has grown more than 300,000
                                          encing food insecurities. These include,   pounds of naturally grown vegetables.
Who:                                      but are not limited to: tending plants,    Volunteers of all ages are welcome.
All Summer Meeting Attendees – State      harvesting, boxing vegetables and
Association Staff, Boards of Directors,   general farm chores. Tending includes      For more information, visit
Spouses, Guests, Children (all ages!)     light weeding, installing tomato cages,
                                          trimming and putting in supports for
Why:                                      plants. By early July, weather depend-     *Please indicate if you would like to
Community Service Project – Take some     ing, harvesting farm fresh produce         volunteer for the Community Service
time to volunteer within the Providence   begins. These vegetables are boxed up      Project during the online registration
community! All supplies will be           and prepared for delivery. Occasionally,   process.
provided.                                 there are other tasks around the farm
                                          that need to be accomplished such as
                                          spreading mulch and tending our
                                          colonial garden.


           Time to play. Give your children the opportunity to be a part of this year’s Summer
           Meeting by signing them up for the Children’s Program. They can have fun with
           children their own age in a kid energized environment. Registered children receive
           a meeting name badge and can take part in three outstanding programs.

           The Children’s Program offers fun activities for registered children, ages 6-12.
           Registration fee is $45 per child. The following events have been planned:

Children’s Program
           Thursday, June 29                           Sunday, July 2
           8:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.                      5:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
           (During the Spouse/Guest Breakfast)         (During the NFHS Hall of Fame Banquet)

           This kickoff event gives the children       This program contains an evening
           time to re-acquaint with friends from       of laugh-out-loud fun, food and free
           last year’s conference, as well as meet     give-a-ways! Your children will also
           new friends. The program will start         enjoy specially arranged local
           with a great breakfast and features fun     entertainment and activities.
           games and activities.
                                                       Fee: $45

           Thursday, June 29                           (NOTE: All children must be picked up
           2:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.                       by a parent/guardian at the end of the
           (During the Opening Ceremony)               scheduled activity. Your cooperation is
           The afternoon program will pick up
           right where the morning program             *Please register your child/children
           ended, with games, activities and free      for the Children’s Program during the
           give-a-ways.                                online registration process.



                                   Growing the NFHS Foundation
                                   With the 2017 Summer Meeting, the NFHS will celebrate its 98th year since the
                                   states recognized the need to work together on behalf of the young men and
                                   women participating in interscholastic athletics and activities. In that same spirit
                                   of cooperation, the NFHS is seeking your help in building the NFHS Foundation.
                                   The mission of the Foundation is to promote the development of citizenship skills
                                   among young student-athletes and participants, as well as to reduce the risks of
                                   injury when participating in high school sports.

NFHS Foundation Events
  NFHS Foundation                  During the 2015-16 school year, grants provided to the membership by the NFHS
  Board of Directors:              Foundation reached $591,000 since its inception. The majority of these grants came
  (as of April, 2017)              in the form of dollars to state associations to promote student citizenship/leader-
                                   ship. The Foundation has also funded research and education-based information
                Bobby Cox
                Chair              on risk minimization and sports medicine. All of these grants are made possible
                Indiana            through the active support of our member state associations.
                Karissa Niehoff
                Vice Chair
                Connecticut        Show your support for the NFHS Foundation by making a $98 for 98 (or another
                Davis Whitfield    amount) donation and/or by participating in the Foundation Events at the Summer
                President          Meeting.
                Bob Gardner        Thank you for your support,
                NFHS               NFHS Foundation Board of Directors

                Christopher Chun
                                   Silent Auction
                Julian Tackett     Thursday, June 29 – Friday, June 30

                Dave Stead         The 14th Annual NFHS Foundation Silent Auction
                Minnesota          will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 29, and
                                   will conclude at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, June 30. The
                Don Hinton
                Mississippi        auction features various unique objects from across
                                   the country, including many sports memorabilia
                Sally Marquez      collectors’ items. Last year’s auction raised more
                New Mexico
                                   than $5,700! Let’s make the 2017 Silent Auction
                Peter Weber        a greater achievement for the Foundation. Please
                Oregon             browse items at your leisure during the day’s
                                   events on June 30 to make your winning bids.



                                             You can support the NFHS Foundation even if you are not a golfer, shopper or a
                                             runner. Sponsor a hole at the Golf Tournament, and your state association will be
                                             recognized at the event, in the conference program and during the Second General
                                             Session. You can donate an item to the Silent Auction to do your part!

Support NFHS Foundation Events
                                             See the Golf Tournament Hole Sponsorship form and Silent Auction donation
                                             information below.

                                             In order to be recognized in the Summer Meeting Program, your sponsorship
                                             confirmation must be received by Friday, May 5.

NFHS Foundation Golf Tournament                                     NFHS Foundation Silent Auction
Thursday, June 29 – 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.                          Help us reach 100!

Metacomet Country Club                                              Last year we had 51 items, and our goal this year has been
                                                                    set at 100 ITEMS for the 14th Annual NFHS Foundation Silent
Championship Course hole sponsorship benefits the NFHS
                                                                    Auction. To meet that goal, we need your help! Any items are
Foundation | $300 per hole sponsorship
                                                                    appreciated – sports memorabilia, items specific to your state/
  • Signage on tee boxes
                                                                    local culture, collector’s items and anything in between!
  • Recognition in Summer Meeting Program
  • Recognition at the Second General Session                       If donating in advance, please ship items to the NFHS by
                                                                    June 16. (You may also bring items to the Summer Meeting
NFHS Foundation Fun Run/Walk                                        in Providence.)
Sunday, July 2 – 5:45 a.m.
Mile marker sponsorship benefits the NFHS
                                                                    Attn: Silent Auction
Foundation | $300 per mile marker sponsorship
                                                                    1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. Dr.
Please contact:                                                     Indianapolis, IN 46202
Shane Monaghan, NFHS Development Coordinator
                                                                    Please contact Kelly Russell (317-822-5746 or
                                                           with any questions.
Fax: 317-822-5700
                                                                    We greatly appreciate your continued support of the Silent
You will receive a confirmation of your Foundation Golf
                                                                    Auction, the NFHS Foundation and, ultimately, the students
Tournament, Fun Run/Walk sponsorship upon receipt of
                                                                    of our nation!

Please make check payable to:
NFHS Foundation
PO Box 690
Indianapolis, IN 46206



                                         Metacomet Country Club
                                         Thursday, June 29
                                         7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

                                         The NFHS Foundation Golf Tournament will take place Thursday, June 29 at
                                         Metacomet Country Club in Providence, Rhode Island. Established in 1901 by
                                         five Rhode Island businessmen, the club is conveniently located 10 minutes from
                                         downtown Providence overlooking Narragansett Bay. The club boasts a Donald J.
                                         Ross signature 18-hole course on 105 acres of rolling hills in East Providence. With
                                         undulating fairways and slick greens, Metacomet has withstood the test of time to
                                         continually challenge the most accomplished golfers.

NFHS Foundation Golf Tournament
Where:                                   Attire:                                     Fee:
Bus departs the Rhode Island             Appropriate golf attire is requested of     $110 (Covers green fees, cart, range
Convention Center lobby at 6:00 a.m.     all guests on the course, practice areas    balls, continental breakfast, BBQ lunch
                                         and in the clubhouse. Shorts are            and transportation to and from the
Entry:                                   permitted but should be of Bermuda          course)
Tournament entry must be indicated       length. No t-shirts, tank tops, cutoffs,
during online registration. Limited to   sweatpants, bathing suits, athletic         Club Rental: $75
first 144 players.                       shorts or denim are permitted. No           Callaway (Big Bertha) and Titleist
                                         metal spikes allowed on the course.         (AP models) will be avaiable
Metacomet                                Foursomes:                                  Prizes:
Country Club                             To form your own group, email Chris         Prizes will be awarded to the top three
                                         Boone ( with the            teams as well as to the winners of
Format:                                  names of the foursome. Payment              various on-course contests.
Scramble                                 for each individual in your group is
                                         required. Otherwise, foursomes will be      *Please indicate tournament participa-
                                         assigned on a first-come, first-served      tion and desired clubs during online
                                         basis. No entry will be processed until     registration.
                                         the individual has paid for the golf



                                            Providence, Rhode Island
                                            Sunday, July 2
                                            5:45 a.m.

                                            Going for 250 in Providence!

NFHS Foundation
22nd Annual Fun Run/Walk
It was another successful year for the      The cost is $30, with the entire amount     Traveling Trophy:
annual NFHS Fun Run/Walk last year in       going to support the NFHS Foundation.       Section 4 claimed the traveling trophy
Reno as 151 people signed up for either     In return, you receive a T-shirt, partic-   for the second consecutive year as the
the run or walk. This year, our goal is     ipant medallion and the opportunity         section with the most participants. Who
250 for the 22nd Annual Fun Run/Walk        to win some of the special prizes. This     will claim the section prize this year?
in Providence. If you haven’t participat-   year, prizes will be presented in six age
ed in the Summer Meeting Fun Run/           categories for males and females in the     Packet Pickup:
Walk in the past, this is your year! The    5K Run. In the 5K Walk, the top three       Participant packets (including T-shirts)
5K (3.1 miles) run/walk is scheduled for    male and top three female finishers         will be available for pick up from 8:00
beautiful downtown Providence.              will receive awards. In addition, the       a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 1,
                                            top overall winners (male and female)       for all pre-registrants.
The NFHS Foundation Fun Run/Walk            in the run and walk will receive special
is a great way to get some exercise,        grand prizes.                               Where:
socialize with state association friends,                                               Meet in the Rhode Island Convention
view the sights of Providence during        State Challenge:                            Center lobby at 5:45 a.m. for departure.
your walk/run and receive some great        Illinois won the state competition last
prizes. Sign up your spouse, family         year for the fourth consecutive year        Fee: $30
members and other guests. Remember,         after Missouri won the first two years
all participants are winners in the NFHS    of team competition. Join the fun this      *Please indicate your participation in
Foundation Fun Run/Walk.                    year and challenge a neighboring state      the NFHS Foundation Fun Run/Walk
                                            to see who can enter the most               during online registration.
                                            participants. While running 3.1 miles
                                            might not be for everyone, walking that
                                            distance is certainly doable.


           WaterFire Providence
           WaterFire is a seasonal, multi-sensory art installation in downtown Providence that
           attracts one million people per year. On select evenings (usually between May and
           October), volunteer “firetenders” travel on torch-lit boats down the river, lighting
           more than 80 bonfires. Visitors sit to watch the fires as mystical music fills the air.
           National Geographic Traveler magazine has called WaterFire Providence “one of
           the top 20 events in North America.”

           *Join us on Wednesday, June 28th for the WaterFire Experience during the
           Welcome Dinner at 7:00 p.m.

Top Ten Things To Do In Providence

           Newport Mansions
           The Newport Mansions attract nearly 800,000 visitors a year. They are certainly
           among the best known Rhode Island attractions. The Preservation Society of
           Newport County operates nine different homes that were once the “summer
           cottages” of America’s wealthiest families. Of these, The Breakers, Marble House,
           The Elms and Rosecliff are the most popular.

Rhode Island Beaches
                                                                     With 400 miles of coastline and more than 100 salt and
                                                                     freshwater beaches, Rhode Island has lots of options if you
Roger Williams Park Zoo                                              want to head to the beach. Want a calm beach for the family?
Named the “finest zoo in New England” by The Boston                  Check out Third Beach in Middletown or Roger Wheeler State
Globe, the Roger Williams Park Zoo attracts more than                Beach in Narragansett.
500,000 visitors per year. It’s one of the most popular Rhode
Island attractions, with more than 100 species of animals            Want to go where the action is? Try Narragansett Town
from around the world.                                               Beach or Easton’s Beach in Newport.

                                                                     Need to get away from it all? The quiet Blue Shutters Town
                                                                     Beach in Charlestown or Mohegan Bluffs Beach on Block
                                                                     Island might be just what you’re looking for.

                                                                     Rhode Island beaches are definitely among the most
                                                                     popular of all Rhode Island attractions, so try to visit at least
                                                                     one while you’re in town.

International Tennis Hall of Fame
If you enjoy tennis, be sure to stop by the International
Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport. The museum has a large
collection of tennis memorabilia, including a fun exhibit of
tennis fashions through the years. The beautiful grounds             Performing Arts in Providence
include 13 grass tennis courts that are still used today.            The performing arts are a big draw in Providence. People flock
                                                                     to the Providence Performing Arts Center to see Broadway
                                                                     shows, concerts, plays and more. Trinity Rep is a Tony-award
                             SUMMER MEETING                          winning professional theater company that has been home to
                             CONFERENCE APP                          two Oscar-nominated actors: Richard Jenkins (“The Visitor”)
                               Available June 1                      and Viola Davis (“Doubt”). If you love classical music, you’ll
                           “NFHS Summer Meeting 17”                  definitely want to take in a performance by the Rhode Island

                     ONLINE                                          When you’re looking for top Rhode Island attractions, you
               REGISTRATION ONLY:
                                                                     might not consider the performing arts, but going to a
                                                                     concert or show can often be the highlight of a trip!

Federal Hill
                                                                       In the late 19th century, Federal Hill was the home of Rhode
Newport Polo                                                           Island’s Italian immigrant community, which is why the area
Newport Polo, host of the Newport International Polo Series,           is often referred to as Providence’s Little Italy. Today, you’ll
offers public exhibition polo matches, club member services            still find an abundance of Italian restaurants and specialty
for arena and grass polo, year-round polo instruction, and sea-        food shops within the neighborhood, which sits a few blocks
sonal venue rentals. For 25 years, Newport Polo has extended           west of downtown Providence.
the goodwill of this international pastime, hosting teams from
over 30 nations and attracting a global audience to the polo           Though you can explore the area on your own, several recent
grounds at historic Glen Farm. Public exhibition matches take          visitors recommended tagging along on a walking tour.
place every Saturday in June, July, August and September,              Because this neighborhood is defined in part by its food,
beginning at 5:00 p.m. Visit for more          many tours, such as those offered by Federal Hill Tours and
information.                                                           Savoring Rhode Island, have a culinary focus.

                                                                       State House
                                                                       The State House is the active seat of Rhode Island’s
                                                                       government, but there’s more than political bickering going
RISD Museum                                                            on in these halls. The impressive building was designed by
This hidden gem’s five buildings are clustered on the south            architectural firm McKim, Mead and White, the mastermind
side of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) campus.               behind many of the Newport mansions. The State House
Inside, more than 91,000 works of art are on display,                  dome is the world’s fourth largest self-supported dome (the
including pieces by Monet, Degas and other impressionists,             largest being St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome). A painting by
along with sizeable Medieval and Gothic collections. Recent            Rhode Island artist James Allen King (called “The Four
visitors were most impressed with the range of the museum’s            Freedoms”) is visible on the inside of the dome. Not much
collection and the various mediums represented. Reviewers              of an architecture buff? The building is full of American
also praised its size, saying it was manageable and easy to            history, too. A gun from the battle of Gettysburg, a replica
explore within a few hours (though culture hounds will likely          of Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell and Gilbert Stuart’s portrait of
want to spend half a day, say travelers).                              George Washington can all be found here.
  •	Hours of operation: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Tuesday-Sun-
      day, with extended hours every Thursday until 9:00 p.m.)         Recent visitors called this a Providence landmark, and a
  •	Admission: $12 Adults, $3 kids and teens (ages 5-18)              must-see while in Rhode Island. Though some reviewers
  •	The museum waives entrance fees every Sunday and                  enjoyed simply walking through the building on their own,
      on the third Thursday evening of each month (from 5:00           others suggested signing up for a free guided tour. Guided
      p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)                                               tours, which last about 50 minutes, are offered on the hour
  • Website:                                    beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 2:00 p.m.


               Please Read Carefully

               For Meeting Registration:
                 1. Each attendee will be required to register for the Summer Meeting.
                 2.	You must register online at
                 3.	Each delegate (state association staff member, board member, etc.)
                     must register separately online.
                 4.	In order to provide ample workshop seating, please select one workshop
                     from each session that you plan on attending.
                 5.	Golf Tournament, Fun Run/Walk, Spouse/Guest Breakfast, Children’s Program,
                     Optional Activities, Marketing Summit and Community Service participants
                     must indicate their participation during online registration.

Instructions for Completing
Online Registration
               Conference and Hotel Cancellation Procedures

               In case of cancellation, all registration fees paid to the NFHS will be refunded,
               if notice is given by June 16, 2017.

               If a hotel reservation has been made, you may cancel your reservation at no charge
               by contacting the hotel at 401-598-8000 (Omni Providence) or 401-831-3900 (Hilton
               Providence) – 48 hours prior to your arrival. The hotel will assess a fee if you cancel
               within 48 hours of your arrival.

                              SUMMER MEETING

                              CONFERENCE APP                   ONLINE
                                Available June 1         REGISTRATION ONLY:
                            “NFHS Summer Meeting 17”

Providence Area Map

                        Rhode Island
                      Convention Center

Dunkin’ Donuts Center/Rhode
Island Convention Center Maps
Dunkin’ Donuts Center

                                                            •   Opening Ceremony
                                                            •   First General Session
                                                            •   Second General Session
                                                            •   Closing General Session

The Rhode Island Convention Center - 5th Level

                                       Luncheon &
                                     NFHS Hall of Fame
                                                                          • N
                                                                             FHS Hall of Fame
                                                                            Press Conference

                                                                          • # MyReasonWhy
                                                                             Campaign Execution
                                        Registration                      • Hall of Fame Reception
                                                                          • NFHS Board of
                                                                             Directors Meeting
                                                                          • NFHS Network Digital
                                                                          • Spouse/Guest

Mark Your Calendar For Future NFHS Summer Meetings!

June 28 – July 2, 2018     June 28 – July 2, 2019    June 28 – July 2, 2020   June 28 – July 2, 2021
  Chicago, Illinois         Indianapolis, Indiana      Denver, Colorado         Orlando, Florida
                         100TH SUMMER MEETING


                                   NATIONAL FEDERATION OF
                               STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONS
                              PO Box 690 • Indianapolis, Indiana 46206
                              Phone: 317-972-6900 • Fax: 317.822.5700
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