Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council

Page created by Rodney Turner
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Spring 2021

Support for
residents page 4

Supporting young
people page 5

Help make your      York Vaccination
property flood         Centre page 8
resilient page 10

Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
My covid story
- let’s keep working
together York
People in York have been telling their stories to remind us all
to carry on staying safe and following Hands, Face, Space.

                               My Covid Story

      We see a lot of patients
      not survive this horrible
      disease, and the heart-
      breaking impact on
      their families.

                           Elaine, Nurse

Let’s do what York does best and
work together to keep fighting
the virus. For more powerful
stories about the impact of
covid please visit:

2 Our City | Spring 2021
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Steve and Hattie of York
                                                                                           Supper Collective

Thank you
On 31 January 2020, the first
Coronavirus cases in the UK
were recorded in York. Since
those cases were declared,
the pandemic has impacted
every aspect of life, at a great
Yet, the way York responded in the early days      Exceptional challenges in 2020 included:
of the crisis laid the foundation for the city’s   • S tewarding or marshalling (incl symptom-
continued response.                                   free testing and vaccination centres)
Communities came together, neighbours              • Supporting community hubs
helped each other and businesses adapted to
keep safe.                                         • Food distribution
At time of printing, the case rates in the city    • Doorstep natters
have fallen substantially following a sharp        • Wellbeing telephone calls
rise. However they are still too high, and
the council is reminding everyone of the           We are all immensely grateful for the support
importance of staying at home where possible,      of our volunteers over the past year and we
to protect the NHS and save lives.                 thank everyone in advance for their help in
We thank everyone for their huge efforts           the year ahead.
throughout the year to keep the people we          *figure taken from recent City of York Council survey
love safe.                                         on volunteering. Based on percentage of respondents
                                                   to survey.
A specially big thank you to
york’s volunteers
Following a call for volunteers in 2020 we
have been overwhelmed with the generosity                 Ready to help?
of the residents of York, with an estimated               Anyone interested in volunteering
71%* of people in our city now offering some              with York’s voluntary and community
form of unpaid help.                                      sectors can do so with York CVS’s new
                                                          volunteer centre:
                                                              01904 621 133     @CityofYork    /cityofyork                                                              3
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Accelerating Recovery:

Support for
If you are suffering financial                    Additional support
hardship as a result of                           An additional £100,000 has been made
coronavirus there's support                       available for 200 discretionary payments of
available for all who need it.                    £500 to York residents who are required
                                                  to self-isolate but don’t meet the full
Track & trace payment                             Government criteria.
If your earnings are affected by self-isolating   We will accept applications from working
when you are told to do so by NHS Test and        adults living with parents and from York-
Trace, you may be entitled to a one off £500      based full-time students with jobs who are
payment.       experiencing financial hardship because they
covid-19/testing-and-tracing                      have been told to self-isolate.

Help, when you need it                            For help to claim any of the help above or for
                                                  more advice on sources of support in the city:
If you’re struggling to manage, or you don’t
have any support, but need it because of             01904 551556.
COVID-19, the council’s helpline is here
to help you through this difficult time.
   01904 551550

4 Our City | Spring 2021                                      The sun shining on Heworth high street
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Accelerating Recovery:

young people

Please don't suffer in silence

The past year has been really tough.               Papyrus: Support for people feeling suicidal
Lockdowns, restrictions, home-schooling    
and loneliness all stirring up so many feelings.     0800 068 4141
We’ve pulled together a list of specialist
organisations who can help.                        Childline: Free private and confidential
Don’t bottle it up, speak to someone today.        service where you can talk about anything
York Mind: One-to-one counselling by                  0800 1111
telephone or video-link for 16 to 25-year-olds                                 More mental health resources                  
   01904 643364                                    mental-health.htm
                                                   Lockdown support for school pupils
Young Minds: Coronavirus advice
and mental health support

Changing Lives – to support
your own recovery
                                                          Don’t Miss
Changing Lives is a charity that helps people
facing difficulties with drugs and alcohol.
Whichever stage you are on in your recovery              Brain-building
journey, whether you are looking to access               activities for
support or are already in recovery, we can               0-2 year olds
support you on your way with tailored,
specialist services, including day programmes            ‘Look, say sing play’ is a joint scheme
and clinical support.                                    by NSPCC and City of York Council
                                                         that provides tips and hints on fun ways           to help your child’s brain develop and                            strengthen your bond with them.Visit
   Blossom street: 01904 464680                and sign up to a
   Oaktrees: 01904 621776                                weekly newsletter.     @CityofYork    /cityofyork                                                     5
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Accelerating Recovery:

Supporting                                         take care of them is to take care of you.
                                                   #FeelRealYork is here to show you that its

businesses                                         ok not to be ok.You can get hints and tips for
                                                   emotional fitness, and access support for you
                                                   and your colleagues from a range of experts.
We know you’re facing
an unprecedented set of                            Supporting skills growth in the city
challenges, so we’re working                       A new City Skills and Employment Board has
with partners to offer                             been created by City of York Council and
unprecedented levels of                            our partners to make sure the right training
support.                                           and skills opportunities are available over the
                                                   next ten years to help and support the city’s
The council has distributed over £140m of          recovery, and help residents improve their
grants and rates relief so far, and the support    employment options.
goes beyond cash grants. Whatever challenge
you’re facing; from cashflow problems,             Get support today
emotional health issues or adapting to             Help is already available for anyone wanting
changing markets. To see what help is available:   to improve their employment opportunities.                 With a wide range of free courses, from
                                                   brushing up on your maths or digital skills
Taking care of your mental fitness -               to finding out more about starting your
#FeelRealYork                                      own business, and information about the
As a business owner in 2021 you’re busy            training and support options locally, including
caring about your own family, your colleagues      apprenticeships.
and your supply chain. The best way to      

6 Our City | Spring 2021                                                  Duttons for Buttons in York
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Accelerating Recovery:

Back York                                           By supporting York to continue as a
                                                    council in its own right, the council and

to retain its                                       residents have agreed:

own council
                                                      To protect York’s historical identity

                                                      To continue to keep local decision making
                                                      To protect residents from service
Following the recent devolution deals for             disruption and a significant rise in council
South & West Yorkshire, discussions are               tax, with no corresponding service
currently taking place with the Government            improvements (above any as a result of
regarding a potential devolution deal for our         covid-19)
city and region.
                                                      To recognise the City of York’s geography
A devolution deal for York and North                  is distinctly different to its surrounding,
Yorkshire could potentially unlock significant        mostly rural and coastal areas
investment in the region, including investment
in York’s transport infrastructure, low-carbon      •	
                                                      To continue to prioritise the city’s recovery
technologies, more affordable housing and             from the pandemic
major schemes, like York Central.                   •	
                                                      To continue to support a successful,
If conversations between the Councils and             sustainable city, recognised as one of the
Government progress well, a governance                best places to live in the UK.
review will be required to take place, including
a full consultation, which will provide residents
and businesses a further opportunity to
comment before decisions are made at
Executive and then, Full Council.
Two proposals have been submitted:
  One which merges all district & borough
  councils together in North Yorkshire
  County Council, with City of York Council
  and its current unitary authority footprint
  kept intact.
  One which proposes merging all councils,
  including York, into two new councils on an
  East West split model.

Residents Back York
                                                          Back York
Following independent research, conducted
                                                          You can find more information
in 2020, we have seen overwhelming support
                                                          on Devolution, local government
from residents for keeping our unitary
                                                          restructure and our Back York
authority footprint the same.
                                                          campaign online.
                                                       @CityofYork     /cityofyork                                                        7
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Accelerating Recovery:

Vaccines being administered at
the York vaccination centre

York                                               •	
                                                     Please don’t contact the NHS to seek a
                                                     vaccine, we will contact you

vaccination                                        •	
                                                     When we do contact you, please book
                                                     your appointment
centre                                             •	
                                                     Please come at your appointment time and
                                                     try not to come early
                                                     Have your booking reference handy and
York residents have been                             wear your mask
receiving their vaccination at
                                                     Continue to follow all the guidance - hand
the Askham Bar site, which
                                                     hygiene and social distancing in particular -
has now been extended to                             to control the virus and save lives.
include the NHS vaccination
centre for people within a                         To find out more about what to expect when
45-minute drive.                                   coming to the York Vaccination Centre.
The centre is supported by local volunteers,
working alongside healthcare workers
and operational staff. It is managed by
Nimbuscare, a group of 11 local GP Practices.
People will be invited to book in for their              Symptom free testing
vaccination by the NHS or by their local GP              1 in 3 people with covid won’t show any
Practice. The priority groups for vaccination            symptoms, but can still pass on the virus.
are determined by the Joint Committee on                 If you’re still visiting your workplace, are
Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).                     a carer or an eligible student or staff
York people have an important part to play to            you could get regular free testing. Find
help us deliver the vaccine effectively to those         out if you’re eligible and book a test at:
who need it most.                                  

8 Our City | Spring 2021
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Community Stories:

Discover local                                       Shop local
grocery and food                                     Throughout the pandemic many of us have
                                                     looked local to get those essential items, as
deliveries options                                   well as a few tasty treats.
                                                     With the best Yorkshire has to offer it’s not
To support residents across the city through         hard to see why. Now, as we look to get back
lockdowns, restrictions and changing guidance        to normal these businesses need our support
Live Well York has compiled an accessible list       more than ever.
of all the restaurants, pubs and cafes that are
offering takeaways and delivery.                     Fresh food in the city centre
With nearly 70 venues offering delicious             Head to the Shambles Market, the home of
food to enjoy in your own home from fully            the city’s largest collection of independent
prepared meals to specific vegetable and             traders, where essential goods are still on
ingredient deliveries, tasty treats and more         offer, served in a socially distanced and
you are sure to find something to suit all           responsible manner.
tastes in your house.
More suppliers are joining regularly, and
you can find the list here:                                Support local                 and buy online
If you don’t have internet access and would                The #LoveYork Virtual Market is an
like a list of food suppliers, please contact              online platform where many of the
Customer Services on Tel: 01904 551550                     city’s well-known independent retailers
                                                           have set up virtual shop – selling their
                                                           products directly to you online.

   Delicious fresh produce             at Shambles /cityofyork
                      @CityofYork      Market                                                         9
Support for residents page 4 Supporting young people page 5 - York Vaccination Centre page 8 - City of York Council
Community Stories:                                                Flood defences in action in York

make your

A new website with                              The website also signposts you to information
information and advice to                       to help you better understand your property’s
                                                flood risk, and where to find the most up-to-
make sure that if the worse
                                                date information on flooding information.
does happen your property
is flood resilient has been
launched, helping you reduce                    Yorkshire Flood Resilience is one of three
                                                Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder
flood damage for a speedier
                                                Projects nationally that have been funded by
recovery.                                       the Department for the Environment, Food
                                                and Rural Affairs (Defra).
With real life case studies from people who
have adapted their properties to be flood
resilient, together with clear explanations
about how you can do the same, the website
is designed to be a user-friendly and helpful        COVID safe
hub of practical information.                        winter weather
Hear from industry experts on everything             This winter, the council responded to
from flood insurance to new building                 freezing temperatures and rising river
materials.                                           levels in a COVID-safe way. Protecting
                                                     homes and businesses, flood defences
                                                     were installed earlier than normal to
                                                     ensure operations could continue safely.

10 Our City | Spring 2021
Help us shape York’s future
    Here are just some of the many ways
    you can shape the decisions which          #Ask TheLeaders
    affect you, and hear the views of others            Facebook Q&A
    from across York.
    Your direct access to decisions            In 2020 we held our first Facebook Live
    and leaders                                Q&A, giving residents the chance to ask
    All the big decisions about the city and   questions directly to the key decision
    the people who proudly live here are       makers in the city.
    made by the council’s Executive.           We have now held more than 20 Q&As,
    Meeting are streamed online via the        covering topics including public health
    Council’s YouTube channel live and all     and COVID restrictions to business
    the reports are published in advance.      support and grants, education and
    Anyone is allowed to register to speak     emotional wellbeing. With the videos
    on a decision, so your voice can be        reaching over 130,000 people and
    heard on a subject important to you.       hundreds of questions answered on the
                                               most important issues.
    You can find out what meetings and
    decisions are coming up, and watch all     With the success of these sessions, we
    previous meetings at:                      are hoping to continue regular sessions
                                               as way for you to get your questions
                                               answered directly.
                                               For the most up to date information on
                                               upcoming Ask the Leaders event visit
                                            @CityofYork    /cityofyork                                           11
Everyone will benefit from Census 2021
                                      Understanding the needs of the nation
                                      helps everyone from councils and health

      Have you
                                      authorities to central government to plan
                                      and fund public services across England
                                      and Wales. Census data informs where
      got your                        billions of pounds of public funding is spent,
                                      on services like transport, education and
      census                          health – on road repairs, schools and dental

      letter?                         Information from the census is also
                                      important in helping lots of other people
                                      and organisations do their work.
                                      Results will be available within 12 months,
                                      although personal records will be locked
                                      away for 100 years, kept safe for future
       The census is a once-          generations.
       in-a-decade survey
       that gives us the most         You should now be receiving letters
                                      with online codes explaining how you
       accurate estimate of all the   can complete the forms (or you can also
       people and households in       request a paper questionnaire if you’d
       England and Wales. It has      prefer to complete your census that way.)
       been carried out every         If you don’t get a letter in the next couple
       decade since 1801, with        of weeks, please get in touch with the
       the exception of 1941.         census contact centre.
                                      Local census support centres will be open
                                      while the census is happening. Staff will
                                      offer help for people not confident online,
                                      who don’t have a computer or need help
                                      completing on paper.

                                      For more information:
                                        0800 141 2021

12 Our City | Spring 2021
St Helen's square looking beautiful in the sunshine

      Census facts
      At the time of the
      last census…
                                                          More than 45,000 of you used a car
                                                          or van to drive to work, although over
                                                          17,500 walked to work
    198,051 people lived in the York,
    including 22,669 students                           •	
                                                          York was made up of 252 different
    30 people worked as road
    construction operatives                             •	
                                                          Other than the UK, Poland was the
                                                          top country of birth, with Polish the
    There were 974 food, drink and                        most popular language other than
    tobacco process operatives                            English or Welsh, spoken by 1,577
                                                          of you
    Home to the famous street the
    Shambles, there were 6,317 sales and                •	
                                                          There were 577 households with
    retail assistants                                     2 or more families       @CityofYork        /cityofyork                                                   13
Join our big
       conversation and share
       your views on York
       You can get involved           What we will talk about
       in a range of surveys,         •	
                                        Our response & priorities to the
       online workshops,                recovery
       discussions hosted on          •	
                                        The climate emergency and our
       social media and – when          Climate Strategy
       restrictions are lifted – in   •	
                                        How we move around the city
       communities.                     through the Local Transport Plan and
                                        our One Year Recovery Transport
                                        Defining an exciting future for our
                                        city centre and district centres
                                        Where we live and work, what jobs
                                        are available
                                        How we make sure York’s economy
                                        works for all residents

                                         To find out
                                         more visit

14 Our City | Spring 2021
Cleaner, Greener:

York community
woodland starting
to take roots

Work to create a new community woodland
within York’s boundary, west of the A1237
at Knapton, which could see 50,000 trees
planted by 2023, has taken an important step
This community woodland will become part         Meet Thundertruck
of the wider White Rose Forest which will
span North & West Yorkshire, feeding into the
plans for a wider Northern Forest. Creating      You may have already spotted the
a long term and sustainable impact in health     newest addition to our waste fleet on a
and wellbeing, as well as new green jobs.        street near you.
                                                 Thundertruck joins our waste fleet
Share Your Woodland Walk Memories                family, powered by waste to help collect
We will soon be sharing plans of what the        waste! Any waste that can't be recycled
community woodland could look like and           is burned, providing us with energy to
would like to hear your thoughts and ideas for   power our growing fleet.
what could be included.
Your input will
help us define
                                                 Zero carbon homes
the overall                                      move forward
vision for the
                                                 110 new Passivhaus homes will
                                                 start construction later this year at
                                                 Burnholme and Duncombe Barracks.

                                                 Designed by Stirling Prize-winning
                                                 architect Mikhail Riches, the two
                                                 developments will focus on fostering
                                                 a greater sense of community and
                                                 wellbeing, building on York’s pioneering
                                                 housing heritage.
Keep up to date                                  City of York Council is committed that a
  /cityofyork                                    minimum of 40% of the ultra-low energy
                                                 properties will be for social rent or
                                                 shared ownership – twice the amount              required. Revenue from the market sale               homes will be used to support the total
community-woodland                               development costs.    @CityofYork   /cityofyork                                              15
World-class infrastructure:

Castle gateway                                         York central
update                                                 update

                                                       A new generation of jobs, housing, leisure
                                                       and cultural facilities for York have moved
                                                       a step closer, as early site clearance
                                                       works are now taking place on the York
                                                       Central site.

                                                       The site clearance works will prepare
                                                       the area for the infrastructure works to
                                                       unlock the 42 hectare site, which will
                                                       provide up to 2500 new homes; up to
                                                       1.2 million square feet of commercial
                                                       development as well as vastly improved
Castle Mills                                           visitor access experience at the National
Planning approval was granted in December              Railway Museum.
2020 to build 106 new homes, including 20
new council homes. The development will also           The area has enterprise zone status and
deliver a new riverside park and a pedestrian/         will provide around 6500 new jobs and a
cycle bridge over the River Foss and the sale          £1.2bn boost to the local economy.
of apartments will contribute to the wider
                                                       The work has been approved as part of
masterplan of the Castle Gateway.
                                                       the planning approval on the site, which
                                                       included a detailed assessment of the
Work at Clifford’s Tower                               heritage value of the buildings. More
                                                       than 300 mature trees will be planted
English Heritage are undertaking conservation          during the next phases of infrastructure
work and improvements to the visitor                   works, while the development also
experience. The project is expected to be              includes the largest park in the city
completed in summer 2021.                              for 100 years and areas to encourage

    Join the

This spring the council will launch the next phase of My Castle Gateway, This will
engage residents in the design of the new public space around Clifford’s Tower and the
Eye of York, which will replace Castle Car Park.You can see the latest plans online at:
Make sure your voice is heard by signing up to be part of the My Castle Gateway
conversation at or follow the latest news on social media
– search ‘My Castle Gateway.’

16 Our City | Spring 2021
World-class infrastructure:

St George’s
Field Car Park

A new multi-storey car park and improved
coach park with new landscaping and a new
cycle route through to Piccadilly received
planning approval in January 2021. Following
further work now getting underway on a car
parking strategy for the city centre, Executive
will make a final decision on the proposal later
this year. If it goes ahead, the proposal will
replace two large surface level car parks with
a modern car park that will be accessible in       Healthy Start
times of flood.
                                                   If you’re getting Healthy Start vouchers,
                                                   did you know you can also get free
York’s european links                              vitamins? Just ask your midwife or health
still going strong                                 visitor where to get them.
York has had twinning relationships with Dijon         0845 6076823
in France since 1953 and Münster in Germany
since 1957. Over the years, these bonds
have inspired people to share their cultures,      Vitamin D boost
creating a new understanding and forming
lasting friendships.
                                                   Vitamin D is essential for good health
Now, the York–Münster Twinning Association         and bone and muscle health. The NHS
and their new chair, Ursula Lanyers, is keen       are offering free vitamin D supplements
to reach out to York residents to continue to      to those on the clinically extremely
strengthen this special link.                      vulnerable list and those in residential                        and nursing care homes in England. If you
   /YorkMuensterTwinning                           are eligible you will have received a letter
                                                   offering you the chance to register.
                                                @CityofYork    /cityofyork                                                 17
Who is your councillor?

Acomb Ward                      Guildhall Ward
	Cllr Stuart Barnes L          	Cllr Denise Craghill G
	Cllr Katie Lomas L            	Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick L
                                	Cllr Janet Looker L
Bishopthorpe Ward       
	Cllr John Galvin I      Haxby & Wigginton Ward
                                	Cllr Ian Cuthbertson LD
Clifton Ward            
	Cllr Danny Myers L            	Cllr Andrew Hollyer LD
	Cllr Margaret Wells L         	Cllr Edward Pearson LD

Copmanthorpe Ward               Heworth Ward
	Cllr David Carr I             	Cllr Claire Douglas L
                                	Cllr Anna Perrett L
Dringhouses & Woodthorpe Ward
	Cllr Stephen Fenton LD        	Cllr Robert Webb L
	Cllr Ashley Mason LD       Heworth Without Ward
	Cllr Paula Widdowson LD       	Cllr Nigel Ayre LD

Fishergate Ward                 Holgate Ward
	Cllr Andy D’Agorne G          	Cllr David Heaton L
	Cllr Dave Taylor I            	Cllr Rachel Melly L
                                	Cllr Kallum Taylor L
Fulford & Heslington Ward
	Cllr Keith Aspden LD

18 Our City | Spring 2021
L   Labour   LD   Liberal Democrats   C   Conservative    G   Green Party   I   Independent

Hull Road Ward                                    Rural West York Ward
	Cllr Aisling Musson L                           	Cllr James Barker LD                
	Cllr George Norman L                            	Cllr Anne Hook LD                
	Cllr Michael Pavlovic L                      Strensall Ward
                                                  	Cllr Paul Doughty C
Huntington & New Earswick Ward            
	Cllr Chris Cullwick LD                          	Cllr Tony Fisher LD              
	Cllr Keith Orrell LD                        Westfield Ward

	Carol Runciman LD                               	Cllr Simon Daubeney LD              
                                                  	Cllr Susan Hunter LD
Micklegate Ward                           
	Cllr Rosie Baker G                              	Cllr Andrew Waller LD                 
	Cllr Jonny Crawshaw L                      Wheldrake Ward

	Cllr Peter Kilbane L                            	Cllr Christian Vassie LD               

Osbaldwick & Derwent Ward
	Cllr Martin Rowley C                                   For more information                               please call:
	Cllr Mark Warters I                                    01904 551550                              Your councillors will be working for you
                                                         in their communities and are here to
Rawcliffe & Clifton Without Ward                         help. Follow us on Twitter @CityofYork
	Cllr Darryl Smalley LD                                 where we post breaking news and                              latest road closures. Send us your views
                                                         on what’s happening in the city via
	Cllr Derek Wann LD                                     Facebook at                                 Report neighbourhood issues on our
	Cllr Sam Waudby LD                                     simple-to-use online form at:                         

What’s on in York
What's on

The Gesualdo Six residency                        Live Well York
and virtual concert                               Information and advice community website
National Centre for Early Music’s                 for adults and families in York.
21 March                                          Their range of events include community
This year the National Centre for Early           activities along with a wide range of digital and
Music celebrates Early Music Day by hosting       covid-safe events.
a residency with the award-winning ensemble  
The Gesualdo Six.
                                                  York Learning
                                                  York Learning run courses and workshops to
Trans-Siberian: The                               help you improve your skills for work, learn
World's Longest Railway                           a new hobby or improve your mental and
National Railway Museum                           physical health. With topics including languages,
Major new exhibition                              crafts and digital skills there’s something for
26 March onwards (TBC)                            everyone.
This exhibition will explore the extraordinary
engineering challenge behind the famous
railway’s construction, its social and economic
impact on Russia and the unique experience
                                                                For more information about
of travelling onboard.
                                                                what’s on in York go to:

                                                                         February 2021 | Issue 00
                                                                                                            February 2021

                                                  Support for
                                                  residents page 4

                                                  Supporting young
                                                  people page 5

                                                  Help make your             York Vaccination
                                                  property flood                Centre page 8
                                                  resilient page 10


                      February 2021
                                                          Produced by
You can also read