Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...

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Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
Sustainability in motion
2021 – Kerry proprietary research

The gap between consumer
intent and action is closing
rapidly, and across all consumer
archetypes, the importance of
sustainability is irrefutable.
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
3    About the report
4    Executive summary
6	Sustainability – market overview
7    Sustainability maturity
8    Strongest associations with sustainability
10   Sustainability adoption curve and consumer archetypes
12	Sustainability adoption curve
13	Category focus areas and expectations
14	How can food and drink manufacturers help consumers
    meet their sustainability needs?
15	Kerry technology and toolbox
17	About Kerry
18	Methodology
19	Sources and citations

                                                    © Kerry 2021 | 2
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
About the report

In 2021, Kerry surveyed over     It shows how rapidly the topic is evolving,
                                 with ‘sustainability’ now encompassing
14,000 consumers across          a far broader range of consumer
18 countries and three           expectations and associations than
                                 previously seen.
continents to understand
their views on sustainability.   The research has also revealed a consistent
                                 ‘Sustainability Adoption Curve’ amongst consumers
This comprehensive study         globally. Different consumer cohorts are at different
                                 points on this curve, but the overall journey is
demystifies the concept          remarkably consistent, globally*. The research
                                 references a Kantar sustainability estimate that
of sustainability from the       shows a $382 billion opportunity for sustainable

consumer’s perspective.          fast-moving consumer goods, based on the
                                 spending power of the one in two global consumers
                                 who are already sustainability-conscious.

                                     Providing a sustainable food chain
                                     for nearly half of the world’s consumers
                                     requires big picture thinking and
                                     joined-up action. Technology will
                                     play a critical role, as will a shared
                                     commitment to action from producers
                                     to consumers, field to fork.

                                 As the leading global expert in taste and nutrition,
                                 Kerry creates a crucial link between manufacturer
                                 capabilities and consumer expectations. Kerry is
                                 firmly at the forefront of technological innovation
                                 within food and beverages, a critical foundation
                                 for building a more sustainable future food (and
                                 beverages) chain, on a global basis.

                                  Kerry surveyed over 14,000 consumers across 18 countries in
                                 North America, Europe, and Latin America including UK, France,
                                 Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada,
                                 Spain, USA, Italy, Poland, Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina,
                                 Russia and Columbia.

ABOUT THE REPORT                                                                 © Kerry 2021 | 3
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
Executive summary
Sustainability is more than just a trend

The definition of sustainability
is evolving, with more and more
emphasis on health and nutrition,
and sustainability as it relates
                                                      of global consumers
to an individual, instead of the                      consider sustainability
more traditional associations of                      when choosing food
                                                      and beverages1
sustainability and its impact on
the environment.

When it comes to the food and beverage
industry in particular, an individual’s
considerations regarding sustainable food and
drinks may encompass any of the following:
                                                      3 in 4
                                                      global consumers
• Environmental concerns                              expect companies to
  (zero emissions, food waste, animal welfare…        invest in sustainability2
  as well as conventional packaging expectations),

• Social needs
  (community aid, economic stability),

• Industrial expectations
  (food production practices, ingredient sourcing),

• Personal goals
  (sustainable health and nutrition).

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                 © Kerry 2021 | 4
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
Executive summary

  Global consumers follow a consistent
  Sustainability Adoption Curve:
                                                                                        Personal health
          KERRY PROPRIETARY                                                             and nutrition
                                                                                        Food waste
                                                                                        Clean label claims
                                                   Reducing food,                       such as locally
                                                   packaging and                        sourced, no artificial
                  TABLESTAKES                      production waste                     ingredients, organic
                                                   Zero plastic movement                and non-GMO
                  Environment and
                  Sustainable packaging
                  Community aid and
                  human rights advocacy

                  Extrinsic                                                                   Intrinsic
                  Extrinsic associations are the                                    Intrinsic associations are
                  first point of contact                                           made by consumers who
                  consumers have with                                                 have matured in their
                  sustainability.                                                      sustainability journey.

  Consumers experience sustainability
  on two levels, extrinsic and intrinsic

  Individuals are at different stages of the curve,           These findings have major implications for the
  depending on the extent to which they see                   food and drinks industry. Our growing and
  sustainability as an external issue which does              increasingly urbanised global population has
  not directly affect them versus something that              high expectations regarding sustainability.
  directly impacts them and upon which they can               However, it also demands high standards in
  have an impact (e.g. choosing clean label foods             terms of taste, convenience and value.
  that are more environmentally sound (external)              Creating a sustainable food chain on a mass
  as well as healthier (internal).                            scale requires a fine balance between improving
                                                              sustainability without compromising on these
                                                              other key expectations. A mix of creativity,
                                                              collaboration and technological innovation
                                                              can deliver this balance.

  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                    © Kerry 2021 | 5
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
Sustainability – market overview

  Sustainable food                                 ATTRIBUTES INFLUENCE YOUR PURCHASE
                                                   DECISION OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES1
  and beverages are a

  billion global opportunity

Unsurprisingly, with such enormous consumer
interest in sustainability, the commercial
opportunity is equally substantial.                   Europe    LATAM   North America

Kerry research references Kantar’s 2020
estimate that the overall spending                 SUSTAINABILITY/SUSTAINABLE
                                                   ATTRIBUTES INFLUENCE CHOICE
power of consumers who are already
                                                   OF RESTAURANT1
engaged with sustainability is estimated
at $382 billion.                                                 72%
                                                       60%                  57%
The opportunity spans all fast-moving consumer
goods and major food and drinks sectors, and as
more and more consumers become sustainability-
aware, this opportunity will continue to grow.

In the meantime, sustainability is already a
consideration for 69% of global consumers when
buying food and drinks in stores, and for 63% of
                                                      Europe    LATAM   North America
consumers when it comes to eating out.

SUSTAINABILITY – MARKET OVERVIEW                                                  © Kerry 2021 | 6
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
 Sustainability maturity

                           Colombia        Guatemala

                                                Period of exposure to sustainability
                                           (Bubble size represents current population of the country)

While the presence of sustainability as a topic of
concern exists across the globe, no country is alike
in their exposure to sustainability and the level of
maturity their consumers have developed.

Each country’s media, government, and innovation
activities influence their people in unique ways,
driving their consumers to adopt various values,
attitudes and behaviours based on their collective
exposure to sustainability.

STATE OF THE INDUSTRY                                                                                          © Kerry 2021 | 7
Sustainability in motion 2021 - Kerry proprietary research The gap between consumer intent and action is closing rapidly, and across all ...
Strongest associations
with sustainability
Evolving sustainability messaging as consumer priorities evolve

Despite the rising focus and attention to                                Regardless of how it gets defined, sustainability
sustainability, consumers across all countries                           is top-of-mind for consumers around the globe,
have vastly different opinions and associations                          with 73% of consumers saying they would
with sustainability.                                                     change their behaviour to reduce negative
                                                                         impact on the planet.4
Sustainability has long been associated with
environmentally friendly practices, evoking                              With the entire planet facing the COVID-19
an immediate association with preservation,                              pandemic, public health and safety has become
eco-friendly packaging and natural                                       the topmost concern and has come to be
resource protection.                                                     strongly associated with sustainability.

Looking ahead, the definition
of sustainability is evolving,
with consumers now blurring the
lines between sustainability and
health and nutrition.

Public hygiene and sanitation, environment and atmosphere preservation,
food waste, and health and nutrition are strongly associated with sustainability.

 Sustainability associations                                                     GLOBAL     EUROPE       LATAM      NAMER

 Public hygiene and sanitation (e.g., reducing the spread of
                                                                                    80%        76%        89%         75%

Environment and atmosphere preservation (e.g., Deforestation,
                                                                                    80%        77%        89%         73%
air/water pollution, climate change, carbon footprint, etc.)

Food waste (e.g., shelf life on products, minimising food waste, etc.)              78%        76%        84%         72%

Health and nutrition (e.g., health aging, nutritionally balanced food, etc.)        77%        74%        86%         73%

Animal welfare and protection (e.g., animal rights, care and protection, etc.)      76%        75%        83%         69%

Product packaging (e.g., recyclable, biodegradable, etc.)                           74%        73%        83%         67%

Community aid and human rights advocacy (e.g.,ending hunger,
                                                                                    74%        71%        83%         68%
clean water, worker safety, supporting farmers, gender equality)

Food and ingredient sourcing (e.g., locally sourced, country of origin,
                                                                                    72%        71%        76%         70%
naturally-derived, organic, etc.)

Food production practices (e.g. transparent production, etc.)                       72%        69%        79%         68%

Economic stability (e.g., country GDP, inflation, etc.)                             68%        61%        79%         63%

STRONG ASSOCIATIONS WITH SUSTAINABILITY                                                                          © Kerry 2021 | 8
 Consumers articulate each of these associations in further depth in
 our research. For instance, the association of sustainability with health
 and nutrition is made evident through the following drivers:

                                ASSOCIATIONS WITH  GOALS

     Highly significant association       Average association

    Eating more fruits and vegetables          33%

    Eating healthy (not more, not less)        31%

              Exercising/Staying active        30%

                          Mental wellness      24%

              Limiting/Reducing sugar          23%

            No additives/Preservatives         23%

 Consuming fresh food and beverages            22%

                       Managing weight         21%

                           Healthy aging       21%

                       Nothing artificial      19%

      Unprocessed foods and beverages          19%

                    Limiting/Reducing fat      17%

               Note: percentages are rounded

                                         KERRY PROPRIETARY


                                                                             © Kerry 2021 | 9
Sustainability Adoption Curve
and consumer archetypes
Seizing key consumer opportunities

In our research, we uncovered four                  These consumer archetypes exist globally,
key consumer archetypes based on                    however the size of these consumer archetypes
                                                    differ across countries and regions.
their adoption of and understanding
of sustainability.

          Inactives		         Passives

          Followers		         Frontrunners




  Extrinsic                                                                     Intrinsic

STAGES OF SUSTAINABILITY ADOPTION AND CONSUMER ARCHETYPES                               © Kerry 2021 | 10
Understanding each of these consumer                      Despite the varying sizes of these consumer
archetypes – what they value, how they                    archetypes, each of them understands the
                                                          sustainability-imperative, but have differing
define sustainability, specific attributes
                                                          drivers and barriers toward its adoption.
they prioritise, can be used as a key to
unlock opportunities to attract them
and meet their unique needs.


           Inactives | 6%                                             Followers | 23%
           (of sustainability-minded consumers):                      (of sustainability-minded consumers):
           • Care a little                                            • More likely to be younger
                                                                        millennials, Gen Z
           • Don’t act
                                                                      • Engaged and willing to act
           • Price is a big barrier
                                                                      • Want manufacturers/brands/
                                                                        external authorities to lead

           Passives | 24%
           (of sustainability-minded consumers):
           • Very environmentally concerned,
                                                                      Frontrunners | 46%
                                                                      (of sustainability-minded consumers):
             but don’t understand own role/impact
             on sustainability                                        • More likely to be millennials – older
                                                                        millennials, less likely to be boomers
           • Price is a barrier to action
                                                                      • Deeply engaged
                                                                      • Aware of own impact
                                                                      • Act consistently
                                                                      • Influence wider world to act

40%                                                                        41
30%                                                              31
20%                                        21               23
          3        6     5
           Inactives                   Passives              Followers               Frontrunners

                         Global                 NAMER         Europe               LATAM

SUSTAINABILITY ADOPTION CURVE AND CONSUMER ARCHETYPES                                                 © Kerry 2021 | 11
Sustainability Adoption Curve

The Frontrunners                                         The Passives
Deeply committed to sustainability, aware of their       Similar-sized group to the Followers, they care
own need for and impact on sustainable nutrition,        deeply about environmental issues, but are less
this large cohort are proactively driving the global     likely to make sustainability-influenced purchase
shift towards more sustainable food and beverages.       decisions. For them, sustainability is more about
They seek to influence manufacturers and public          what the outside world needs to do and less about
authorities to meet their sustainability needs, rather   their own personal needs or impact. They are more
than accepting the status quo. Interestingly, this       likely to be women and boomers. Price and a lack
group are most likely to be older millennials.           of awareness of their own sustainability impact are
                                                         the key barriers holding them back from making
                                                         more sustainable food and drinks purchases.
  While the importance of sustainability
  is irrefutable, consumers often state
  lack of information, lack of resources,
                                                         The Inactives
  and price as the largest barriers to                   A small but extremely important group.
  acting sustainably. Frontrunners are not               Whilst they account for just 6% of global
  hindered by these barriers.                            consumers, they also represent the 51% of
                                                         the global population who are not yet conscious
                                                         of sustainability being a consideration in terms
                                                         of their food and drinks choices.
The Followers
23% of global consumers who are willing to make            While consumers adopt various
sustainable food and beverage choices, but look to         ways to be sustainable – recycling,
manufacturers, brands and authorities to take the
                                                           reducing food waste, etc, they
lead in terms of providing sustainable options.
                                                           relegate the primary role of
This group is most likely to be younger millennials
                                                           supporting sustainability to the
and Gen Z.
                                                           industry (brands, manufacturers,
                                                           government, environmental
                                                           agencies, etc.)

SUSTAINABILITY ADOPTION CURVE                                                                  © Kerry 2021 | 12
Category focus areas and expectations
Creating sustainable food and beverages

Sustainability priorities differ by
consumer archetypes, but also                 SUSTAINABILITY IMPORTANCE IN
                              SUSTAINABILITY IMPORTANCE
                                              THE CATEGORY1 IN THE CATEGORY
by category.

High frequency consumption of a specific food or
beverage increases the importance of sustainability   Dairy                            72%
in that product. Dairy, meat and their plant-based
alternatives are the top four categories most
important to carry the sustainability-halo. While     Chicken appetisers              68%
snacks and alcoholic beverages ranked among the
bottom, the focus on sustainability in those
                                                      Dairy alternatives/
categories continues to rise.                                                         68%
                                                      Plant-based dairy

                                                      Meat alternatives/
                                                      Plant-based meat alternatives

                                                      Baked goods                 66%

                                                      Meals and side dishes       66%

                                                      Non-alcoholic beverages     65%

                                                      Snacks                      64%

                                                      Alcoholic beverages       57%

                                                          KERRY PROPRIETARY

CATEGORY FOCUS AREAS AND EXPECTATIONS                                                   © Kerry 2021 | 13
How can food and drink manufacturers
help consumers meet their
sustainability needs?
There is a gap between global consumers’ desire                                      to play in accelerating accessibility of more
to eat and drink more sustainably, and how easy                                      sustainable options for consumers and raising
this is to achieve in practice. Price and knowledge                                  awareness of the role consumers themselves
are the key barriers holding people back from                                        can play. With nearly half of all global consumers
making more sustainable choices in the grocery                                       expecting manufacturers to play this role,
store, particularly for the Inactive and Passive                                     watching and waiting is not an option.
cohorts, not to mention the 51% of consumers
who are unaware of the need for sustainability in                                    A powerful way to strengthen sustainability in
relation to food and beverage choices.                                               global nutrition is to switch to more sustainable
                                                                                     recipes, ingredients and manufacturing
                                                                                     processes, whilst continuing to deliver on taste,
   Strongly sustainability-minded
                                                                                     price or convenience expectations. Kerry is a
   consumers take it upon themselves
                                                                                     pioneer in this space, leveraging technologies to
   to resolve food waste but look to the
                                                                                     strengthen the sustainability of some of the most
   industry to drive significant impact.
                                                                                     popular consumer foods and drinks in the world.
                                                                                     Some examples of where Kerry and its customers
Kerry’s global research suggests that we are at a                                    are working hand in hand at the cutting edge of
critical tipping point when it comes to sustainable                                  sustainable food and drinks technologies include:
nutrition. Manufacturers have an important role


       BREWING SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                        BC30™
       Sustainable solutions across the          Reliably sourced, authentic         Sugar reduction to improve nutrition    Spore-forming probiotic with digestive & immune
    whole brewing process including raw         savoury taste solutions, from             while also delivering lower         support benefits is available Non-GMO Project
        material, manufacturing and                     food, for food                greenhouse gas and water impacts            Verified, enabling sustainable nutrition
    disposal, to reduce carbon emissions
        and reduce production costs

                                                FOOD PRESERVATION                                PROTEINS                                STOCKS & BROTHS
                                               Clean label, consumer friendly          Healthy, nutritious and functional        Ensuring good animal welfare conditions,
                                            preservation that delivers food safety         dairy and plant proteins               balanced and sustainable nutrition and
           DRY BEVERAGES                               and less waste                                                               contributing to a circular economy
      Refreshing sustainable solution
      reducing carbon emissions and
     waste throughout the supply chain
                                                 KERRY RED ARROW                     OAT TEXTURANT POWDERS
                                            Condensed smoke removes harmful          100% whole grain oats, sourced from
                                             substances and lowers emissions                                                             Clinically proven to help
                                                                                     North American farmers, claim-driven,           strengthen the immune system,
                  ENZYMES                       versus traditional smoking              dairy-free, and conscious of our              enabling sustainable nutrition
     Clean label sustainable solutions to                                                    environmental impact
    help deliver a better product, better
    process and are better for the planet

                                                  Clean label taste, natural
                                             ingredients, with origin traceability
                                                                                     Plant-based offerings that support a
                                                                                     consumer shift to lower impact diets


 Extrinsic                                                                                                                                                     Intrinsic

SUSTAINABILITY IN MOTION                                                                                                                                © Kerry 2021 | 14
Kerry technology and toolbox
Creating a World of Sustainable Nutrition with Kerry

At Kerry, we inspire food and nourish life with an         Kerry enables our customers to move along the
aspiration of reaching 2 billion consumers with            spectrum of sustainable nutrition. We have created
sustainable nutrition by 2030. Sustainable nutrition       integrated Taste & Nutrition solutions, helping
is about addressing the nutritional, environmental         our customers to respond to evolving consumer
and social impact to shape a sustainable food              demands and archetypes. The archetypes show
future. We aim to guide, inform and support our            an increasing link between personal health and
customers on this journey along the spectrum of            environmental awareness. The research shows
sustainable nutrition. Together with our customers,        progress across the sustainable nutrition spectrum
we are committed to creating an impact that is             aligns with the consumers’ progress across the
better for people, better for society and better           Sustainability Adoption Curve and the archetypes of
for the planet.                                            Inactives, Passives, Followers, and Frontrunners, as
                                                           consumers move from an externalised only view to
                                                           include an internalised view of sustainability.

                                                 Positive &
                                             Balanced Nutrition
                               Clean                                             Proactive
                               Label                                             Nutrition

             Food Safety
              & Security                                                                           Personalised

                                              Social              Regenerative
                                             Impact                Agriculture
 Nutrition                     Climate
                               Positive                                                 Circular

              & Social                                                                                     Sustainable

     OR - Without Globe
                                                 Positive &
                                             Balanced Nutrition
                               Clean                                             Proactive
                               Label                                             Nutrition

             Food Safety
              & Security
                                                                                                           © Kerry
                                                                                                   Personalised      2021 | 15
Kerry technology and toolbox
Creating a World of Sustainable Nutrition with Kerry

Our comprehensive capabilities across all food            We have developed a wide range of
and beverage categories means we have been                technology platforms to support our
enhancing the nutritional profile of our customers’
                                                          customers’ growth toward sustainable
products for decades through food safety and
security, clean label, positive and balanced nutrition,   nutrition, no matter where they fall on
proactive nutrition and an increasing focus on            the sustainable nutrition spectrum.
personalised nutrition. Through our Beyond the
Horizon sustainability strategy, Kerry is combining
optimising nutritional profiles with improving the
environmental & social impact of our customers’
products with a focus on regenerative agriculture,
circular solutions and being climate positive.

KERRY TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLBOX                                                            © Kerry 2021 | 16
About Kerry

Kerry is the world’s leading taste and nutrition partner
for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

We innovate with our customers to create great tasting products,
with improved nutrition and functionality, while ensuring better
impact for the planet. Our leading and proprietary consumer insights,
global RD&A team of 1,000+ food scientists and local manufacturing
footprint in 31 countries enable us to co-create with our customers
across over 150 countries. At Kerry, we are driven to be our customers’
most valued partner, creating a world of sustainable nutrition,
and will reach over 2 billion consumers with sustainable nutrition
solutions by 2030.

For more information, visit

ABOUT KERRY                                                               © Kerry 2021 | 17
Conducted in 2021, Kerry surveyed over 14,000            Over 10 sustainability topics and 85
consumers across 18 countries in North America,          attributes were tested in relation with
Europe, and Latin America employing a quantitative
                                                         associations made with sustainability,
survey methodology. Additional social media
listening and qualitative exploration corroborate
                                                         with a focus on grocery products as
the quantitative findings. These respondents were        well as foodservice menus.
primary shoppers who prioritised sustainability on
various degrees; i.e. paid attention to sustainability   Additionally, consumers were further asked their
messages on the product label or restaurant menu.        opinion of sustainability when considering specific
These consumers also tended to read the nutrition        food and beverages – meat, plant-based meal
label and ingredient declaration most of the time.       alternatives, dairy, snacks, bakery,
                                                         meals & sides, and beverages.

METHODOLOGY                                                                                     © Kerry 2021 | 18
Sources and citations
                Primary source of information:
                1.      Kerry Proprietary Consumer Research – Sustainability 2021

                Additional sources of information:
                2.      Innova Database, Global, Top Ten Trends Survey 2020
                3.      Kantar’s #WhoCaresWhoDoes 2020 research
                4.      Nielsen, The Business of Sustainability, Episode 22, 05-6-2019

SOURCES AND CITATIONS                                                                    © Kerry 2021 | 19
Inspiring Food, Nourishing Life
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