Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council

Page created by Lori Schneider
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
Building a
 Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
     Sustainability Report 2017
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
More than just a
      place to live in, Holland-
Bukit Panjang Town is our home.
It is where we connect to a larger
  community, nurture our future
generations and grow to be better
 people. For that reason, we are
    committed to build Holland-
     Bukit Panjang Town into a
         sustainable town.

                                     Pictured on the front cover and
                                           this page: Pang Sua Pond
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
About the report
The first Sustainability Report to be published by Holland-Bukit Panjang
Town Council, this report aims to communicate our sustainability practices to
stakeholders in a transparent and accountable manner. Covering issues related                               02        Chairman’s Message
to governance, stakeholder engagement and the environment, this report
establishes the sustainability topics relevant to the operations of Holland-Bukit
                                                                                                            04        Envisioning a Sustainable Town
Panjang Town Council.                                                                                                 • About Holland-Bukit Panjang
                                                                                                                        Town Council
Through this report, we seek to identify opportunities for improvement in our
                                                                                                                      • Our Organisation Structure
sustainability management approach as we integrate sustainability into our
strategic plans, stakeholder engagement initiatives and operational processes. By                                     • Our Sustainability Framework
working with our partners and stakeholders, we will continuously seek to advance                                      • Our Stakeholders
sustainable practices within the Town Council and our community at large.
                                                                                                                      • Our Sustainability Goals
Reporting Scope and Period
This report covers activities organised by the Holland-Bukit Panjang Town
                                                                                                            14        Creating a Sustainable
Council for the period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017, unless                                                Environment
otherwise specified. Activities are inclusive of those within Bukit Panjang
Constituency and Holland-Bukit Timah Group Representation Constituency
                                                                                                            22        Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders
(GRC), which are under its care.
                                                                                                            30        Advancing Shared Community
Set for publication every four years, the next Sustainability Report will be
published in 2021. There is no restatement of information or changes in
reporting in this inaugural publication.
                                                                                                            38        Holland-Bukit Panjang Town
                                                                                                                      Sustainability Journey
International Standards and Guidelines
This report has been prepared with reference to Global Reporting Initiative
                                                                                                            39        Realising a Sustainable Town
(GRI) Standards, adopting the “GRI-Referenced” claim. Using a GRI-referenced                                41        GRI Disclosures Summary
claim ensures transparency about how the Standards have been applied. This
report has been submitted for the GRI-Referenced Service and adheres to the
specific wording of a GRI-Referenced claim. This material references Disclosures
102-1, 102-2, 102-3, 102-4, 102-5, 102-6, 102-7, 102-14, 102-18, 102-23, 102-26, 102-40,                  All information is correct at the time of publishing.
102-42, 102-43, 102-44, 102-48, 102-49, 102-50, 102-51, 102-52, 102-53 and 102-56                         Date of publication: April 2018.
from GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016.
                                                                                                          Produced by Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council.
This report also references the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development                               No reproduction, in part or in whole, of the report
Goals and the Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB) 2015.                                                 may be made without prior permission from
                                                                                                          Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council.

                                                                                                          Editorial Team
                                                                                                          Adviser: Dr Teo Ho Pin
                                                                                                          Chairman: Allen Ang
                                                                                                          Committee Members: Nora Tan, Juliana Lim,
                                                                                                          Lawrence Toh, Sheila Ng, Dorothy Cheung,
Assurance                                                                                                 S. Seenivasan Vijay, Kua Soo Chong
No external assurance has been sought for this inaugural report.

Consistent with Holland-Bukit Panjang Town’s practice to advocate responsible
consumption and production of resources, only limited copies of this report
will be printed. This report is available for viewing and downloading at
                                                                                                          Consistent with Holland-Bukit Panjang Town
Feedback                                                                                                  Council’s ongoing efforts to promote environmental
We welcome your enquiries and feedback for clarification and improvement.                                 responsibility, limited copies of this report are printed
Do send your comments and suggestions addressed to Sustainability                                         on 250gsm Green Forest Smooth and 120gsm
Manager at                                                                           Green Forest Smooth – FSC TM certified papers.

102-48 Reinstatement of information, 102-49 Changes in reporting, 102-50 Reporting period, 102-51 Date of most recent report, 102-52 Reporting cycle,
102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report, 102-56 External Assurance
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
2                    Back to Contents                                                                       Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Chairman’s Message

                     Dear stakeholders,                                                               continued development of the town’s
                                                                                                      hardware and heartware. That is why even
                     To many of our residents, Holland-Bukit                                          as we continue to focus our efforts on
                     Panjang Town is more than just a town.                                           keeping our town clean, beautiful and
                     It is a place they call home, and where                   We recognise that      efficient, we set out to imagine how we
                     their families and friends grow together                                         can build a better town for all tomorrow.
                     with them. At Holland-Bukit Panjang
                                                                             the key to realising a   Our aspiration for Holland-Bukit Panjang
                     Town Council, we are glad to be able to                 greener and healthier    Town is reflected in the title of our
                     contribute towards our residents’ well-                town, where everyone      inaugural sustainability report “Building
                     being through ensuring the cleanliness                                           a Sustainable Town”.
                     of the estate, the maintenance and                      can enjoy good health
                     performance of shared facilities, and                     and quality living     Our Inaugural
                     the prudent spending of service and
                     conservancy funds.
                                                                                standards, is the     Sustainability Report
                                                                            continued development     To guide our progress towards becoming
                                                                                                      a sustainable town, we referenced
                     However, we recognise that the key to                  of the town’s hardware    the United Nations (UN) Sustainable
                     realising a greener and healthier town,
                     where everyone can enjoy good health                        and heartware.       Development Goals (SDGs) and the
                     and quality living standards, is the                                             Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB)

                     102-14 Statement from the most senior decision-maker
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                             Back to Contents      3

                                                                                                                          Chairman’s Message
                                                                             opportunities to engage in gardening
                                                                             activities in our 37 community gardens
                                                                             and leisure walks in pristine parks
                                                                             conveniently located in the town.

                                                                             Hearteningly, we are not alone in our
                                                                             sustainability journey. Many of our
                                                                             partners and volunteers have pitched
                                                                             in. For example, we work in partnership
                                                                             with the National Environment Agency
                                                                             (NEA) and our stall owners at the
                                                                             hawker centres to ensure that patrons
                                                                             can dine in cleaner environment. In
                                                                             addition, 220 resident volunteers have
                                                                             also come forward as “Friends of Town
                                                                             Council”, helping us to rekindle the
                                                                             Kampung Spirit within Holland-Bukit
                                                                             Panjang Town.

                                                                             Our Commitment to
                                                                             Building a Sustainable
                             2015; identify goals that are relevant to us;
                             and mapped out tangible milestones.             We are, however, still in the early days
                                                                             of our sustainability journey. We see
                             Notably, it is clear that for our vision        many more opportunities in enhancing
     We are confident        to come true, the collective effort of          our sustainability efforts to serve the
                             all stakeholders is needed. Hence we            community better. At the same time, we
  that through working       look to strengthen our stakeholder              are mindful that the demographics of
   collaboratively with      communication and engagement efforts            our community are changing.
  our stakeholders, we       with a sustainability report. Through
                                                                             Facing an ageing community, we have
                             referencing the Global Reporting Initiative
    will be able to find     (GRI) Standards – a universal reporting         to be sensitive to the needs of seniors
 solutions that empower      framework – in this report, we seek to          in our town, calling for the building of
                             clearly communicate our sustainability          infrastructure with more senior-friendly
    the achievement of       efforts as well as to demonstrate our           features. This can be challenging for
     a progressive and       planned and transparent approach to stay        a developed town like Holland-Bukit
                                                                             Panjang which already has its facilities
 inclusive Holland-Bukit     on track in achieving set milestones and,
                                                                             in place. Nonetheless, we are confident
                             ultimately, the goals.
   Panjang community.                                                        that through working collaboratively
                                                                             with our stakeholders, we will be
                             Our Sustainability                              able to find solutions that empower
                             Journey                                         the achievement of a progressive
                             Although this may be Holland-Bukit              and inclusive Holland-Bukit Panjang
                             Panjang Town Council’s inaugural                community.
                             sustainability report, our sustainability
                             journey has actually started many years
                             ago. As a result, our residents today enjoy     Dr Teo Ho Pin
                             the convenience of having one recycling         Chairman
                             bin to every residential block, as well as      Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
Back to Contents

                                      GOALS WERE ADOPTED
                                          FROM UNITED
                                      NATIONS SUSTAINABLE

                    TARGETS ARE SET
                      TO GUIDE OUR
                   JOURNEY TOWARDS
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
Back to Contents

           a Sustainable
           We embark on our sustainability journey as a long-
           term effort that is driven by continual improvement.
           Beyond adopting clear goals and setting realistic
           targets, we have also identified relevant programmes
           which engage the efforts of our various stakeholders.

   “Concurrent to our pursuit to build a
   sustainable town, we are committed
  to better serve the community as well
  as foster a greener and healthier living
environment where everyone enjoys good
   health and quality living standards.”
         – Dr Teo Ho Pin, Chairman,
           Holland-Bukit Panjang
                Town Council

                                                        Aerial view of Firefly Park
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
6                               Back to Contents                                                                                                                                                    Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Envisioning a Sustainable Town

                                  About Holland-Bukit Panjang
                                  Town Council                                                                                                                                     The Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council was
                                                                                                                                                                                   formed on 13 November 2001 under the Town
                                                                                                                                                                                   Councils (Declaration of Towns) Order 2001,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Town Councils Act.

                                            Zhenghua                                                                                                                               Under the Act, local elected representatives
                                                                                                                                                                                   and residents are empowered to decide
                                                                                                                                                                                   on local estate management matters –
                                                                                                                                                                                   determining the identity and character of
                                                                   way                                                                                                             our town. In addition, the town council also
                                           K r a n ji E                                                                                                                            undertakes the maintenance of common
                                                                                                                                                                                   property, building maintenance, mechanical
                                                                                                                  Central Catchment
                                                                                                                    Nature Reserve                                                 and electrical maintenance, horticultural
                                                                                                                                                                                   maintenance and estate improvement works.
                                                                                            Buk it

                                  Bukit                                                                  Park
                                                                                                                                                                                   Currently, our Town Council manages
                                                                                                    T ima

                                 Panjang                                                                                                                                           approximately 49,000 Housing & Development
                                                                                                     h E xp

                                                                                                                                                                                   Board residential flats, and over 800
                                                                                                       r e ss w

                                                                                                                                                                                   commercial units and stalls (food and market).

                                    Cashew                                                                                                                                         Helmed by Members of Parliament (MPs), the
                                                                                          Bukit Timah                                                                              Town Council is made up of Holland-Bukit
                                                                                         Nature Reserve                                                                            Timah Group Representation Constituency
                                                                                                                                                                                   (GRC) and Bukit Panjang Single Member
                                                                                                                                                                                   Constituency (SMC). Holland-Bukit Timah GRC
                                                                                                                                                                                   comprises Bukit Timah, Cashew, Ulu Pandan
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Zhenghua Divisions.
                                                                                                                     Bukit Timah                  uk

                                                                                                                                                            T im



                                                                                                r                                                                            pr
                                                                                         Ex p                                                                                     e ss
                                                                                  an d                                                                                                   wa
                                                                     Pa   n Isl                                                                                                            y

                                                                                            Ulu Pandan

                        Dr Vivian Balakrishnan                                  Ms Sim Ann                                         Dr Teo Ho Pin                                     Mr Liang Eng Hwa             Mr Christopher de Souza
                          MP for Holland-Bukit Timah                       MP for Holland-Bukit Timah                              MP for Bukit Panjang                              MP for Holland-Bukit Timah     MP for Holland-Bukit Timah
                                 GRC (Cashew)                                  GRC (Bukit Timah)                                       Constituency                                        GRC (Zhenghua)                GRC (Ulu Pandan)
                          Elected Member of Holland-                       Vice-Chairman of Holland-                              Chairman of Holland-                               Vice-Chairman of Holland-      Elected Member of Holland-
                          Bukit Panjang Town Council                       Bukit Panjang Town Council                           Bukit Panjang Town Council                           Bukit Panjang Town Council     Bukit Panjang Town Council

                                  102-1 Name of the organization, 102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services, 102-4 Location of operations, 102-5 Ownership and legal form
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                               Back to Contents        7

                                                                                                                            Envisioning a Sustainable Town
The state of our estate reflects the
collective efforts of Holland-Bukit Panjang
                                                                 Close to           Close to          Over
Town Council and our stakeholders.
Therefore, we strive to work collaboratively
with our stakeholders to build a desirable
                                                                 49,000 500                           300
living environment through focusing on                           residential        commercial        market and
six key areas.                                                   units              units             food stalls

        Estate Cleanliness                                    Estate Maintenance               Lift Performance

          Service and
      Conservancy Charges                                              Corporate                  Financial
      Arrears Management                                              Governance                  Adequacy

102-5 Ownership and legal form, 102-6 Markets served, 102-7 Scale of organisation
Sustainable Town Building a - Holland Bukit Panjang Town Council
8                               Back to Contents                                                                                               Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Envisioning a Sustainable Town

                                 Our Organisation Structure
                                 Town Councils are led by elected Members of Parliament (MPs). The Town Council Chairman is
                                 appointed by the elected MPs of their respective towns. As autonomous entities, Town Councils
                                 take charge of local estate management matters and their respective day-to-day operations.



                                  Contracts                           Estate                           Finance                           Project                   Publicity
                                  Committee                         Committee                         Committee                         Committee                 Committee

                                 Contracts Committee                                                                3. Advise on achieving better economy, efficiency and
                                 1.   Advise on legal matters pertaining to contracts                                  effectiveness in Town Council funds management and
                                 2.   Review and endorse all contracts procedures                                      make investment recommendations to the Town Council
                                 3.   Advise on tender contract specifications and conditions                          on surplus funds
                                 4.   Evaluate and make contract award recommendations,                             4. Oversee arrears management policy, monitor the arrears
                                      except for town improvement projects and projects of the                         of service and conservancy charges payment due to the
                                      Publicity Committee                                                              Town Council and recovery of such arrears

                                 Estate Committee                                                                   Project Committee
                                 1. Review maintenance programme, cyclical works and major                          1. Develop the Town’s identity and character through town
                                    repair works in common areas, open space, landscape sites                          improvement projects
                                    and estate facilities                                                           2. Advise on the aesthetic improvement of the environment
                                 2. Monitor service delivery level in estate maintenance and                        3. Evaluate and recommend on the award of tenders related
                                    cleansing                                                                          to town improvement projects
                                 3. Recommend policy and by-laws procedure governing the                            4. Liaise with Government and statutory authorities on
                                    management, maintenance and use of common property                                 guidelines and policies on project development and funding
                                 4. Liaise with Government, statutory authorities and other
                                    agencies on matters relating to estate management and                           Publicity Committee
                                    maintenance                                                                     1. Promote Town Council’s image as a professional, efficient,
                                 5. Study and recommend new techniques and cost effective                              effective, yet friendly and caring organisation
                                    methods in estate management and maintenance                                    2. Enhance understanding and appreciation for the Town
                                                                                                                       Council’s work through communication activities and
                                 Finance Committee                                                                     publicity materials
                                 1. Regulate and administer the proper allocation and use of the                    3. Evaluate and recommend on the award of tenders related
                                    Town Council Funds                                                                 to publicity materials and public relations projects
                                 2. Prepare annual budget estimates and statement of accounts,                      4. Liaise with grassroots organisations, Government and
                                    determine the accounting policies of the Town                                      statutory authorities on the promotion of educational
                                                                                                                       campaigns and publicity programmes.

                                 102-18 Governance structure, 102-23 Chair of the highest governance body , 102-26 Role of highest governance body
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                                                             Back to Contents        9

                                                                                                                                                          Envisioning a Sustainable Town
Our Sustainability
A sustainability framework – founded upon our mission to foster a desirable living environment
for all – guides the management of Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council.

                                Through upholding                                 Committed to environmental
                        high governance and operational                              sustainability, we actively
                      standards, we seek to continuously                            implement and maintain eco-
                      improve our processes to better                                 friendly infrastructure within
                         serve the diverse needs of                                       our town while adopting
                             our community.                nity                ing         responsible consumption
                                                         mu                        En                 practices.
                                                        m                                        v



                                                                                                         al Imp

                                                          Building a

              We are committed to
                                                               Town                                                         Suppliers /
                                                                                                                      Government Agencies
                                                                                                                       / Non-governmental
             provide our residents                                                                                   Organisations (NGOs) and
           with a better, greener and               En                                                                     Civil Society

                                                         ga                                      e
          healthier living environment
                                                              gin                       o   ld                        We treat our partners
               where everyone is                                    g O u r St a   ke h                                 with respect and
             included and enjoys a
                                                                                                                      emphasise fairness in
               high quality of life.
                                                                                                                        our interactions
                                                                                                                           with them.
                                         We work with our                                   Staff
                                       volunteers, equipping                   We value our staff and
                                     them with knowledge and                  care for their well-being
                                    resources they need to fulfil                and development.
                                        their commitment.
10                               Back to Contents                                                                                                     Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Envisioning a Sustainable Town

                                         Our Stakeholders
                                         Holland-Bukit Panjang Town considers stakeholders as entities and individuals who
                                         are significantly affected by our activities, or whose actions can impact our strategy
                                         implementation towards the stated objectives. Currently, we proactively and continuously
                                         engage our key stakeholders in regular interactions, including written and digital
                                         communication, face-to-face meetings and briefings, to address issues, feedback and concerns.

                                                      Stakeholders                                                    Key Topics and Concerns

                                                                                                    • A clean, green and safe environment that allows
                                                                                                      for quality living and bonding
                                                                                                    • Prudent use of service and conservancy funds
                                                            Residents                               • Inclusiveness of infrastructure for all residents
                                                                                                    • Avenues for resident engagement
                                                                                                    • Sense of belonging to the town

                                                                                                    • Adequacy of resource support for programmes
                                                                                                    • Availability of support for capability building

                                                                                                    • Caring employer
                                                                                                    • Opportunity for career development
                                                                Staff                               • Quality of internal communication
                                                                                                    • Safe workplace
                                                                                                    • Relevant skills and knowledge

                                                                                                    • Clarity in rules of engagement
                                                                                                    • Collaboration opportunities in community projects

                                                                                                    • Active role in advancing Sustainable Singapore
                                                    Government Agencies                               Blueprint (SSB) 2015 goals

                                                     Non-governmental                               • Reduce negative environmental impact
                                                    Organisations (NGOs)                            • Champion sustainable practices
                                                      and Civil Society

                                         102-40 List of Stakeholders, 102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders, 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement, 102-44 Key topics
                                         and concerns raised
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                    Back to Contents   11

                                                                                                                 Envisioning a Sustainable Town
                    How We Respond

 • Put up information on Town Council’s communication channels
 • Ensure contracts awarded are value for money
 • Ground up initiatives such as dialogues, town hall forums and community gardens
 • Organise events and activities
 • Encourage participation in town improvement projects, including seeking feedback through
   Friends of Town Council programme, and from residents

 • Work closely with Town Councilors/grassroots leaders
 • Collaborate with partner agencies on knowledge sharing sessions and training

 • Provide a safe work environment
 • Staff bonding activities
 • Career progression
 • Training and development programmes
 • Regular staff meetings and sharing sessions

 • Adopt contractual terms and specifications for sustainability
 • Work with contractors on clean and green projects

 • Compliance with SSB policies
 • Collaborate to advance common goals

 • Collaborate with NGOs on relevant programmes
 • Promote NGOs practices through featuring contents on Town Council’s communication channels
12                               Back to Contents                                                                        Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Envisioning a Sustainable Town

                                         Our Sustainability Goals
                                         Guided by our sustainability framework, we referenced the 17 Sustainable Development
                                         Goals (SDGs) under United Nations (UN) and adopted seven goals relevant to Holland-
                                         Bukit Panjang Town after a rigorous evaluation process.

                                                    Good Health and Well-Being                         Affordable and Clean Energy
                                          3         Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being
                                                                                                  7    Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
                                                    for all at all ages                                sustainable and modern energy for all

                                                    Quality Education                                  Sustainable Cities and
                                          4         Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
                                                                                                  11   Communities
                                                    education and promote lifelong learning            Make cities and human settlements
                                                    opportunities for all                              inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                       Back to Contents   13

                                                                                                                    Envisioning a Sustainable Town
         Responsible Consumption                     Partnerships for the Goals
12       and Production
                                                17   Strengthen the means of implementation
         Ensure sustainable consumption              and revitalise the global partnership for
         and production patterns                     sustainable development

         Climate Action
13       Take urgent action to combat climate
         change and its impacts
Back to Contents

                                         LIFTS ARE EQUIPPED WITH
                                        LIFT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS
                                            WITH INSTALLATION
                                         ONGOING FOR ANOTHER
                                                 705 LIFTS

                   SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC
                     (PV) PANELS WERE

Back to Contents

Creating a
We take the lead in championing sustainability
within the town. Besides installing practical and
environmentally sustainable infrastructure, we also
incorporate green features that are beneficial and
aesthetically pleasing to our living environment.

                   1 RECYCLING BIN IS
                PLACED AT EVERY BLOCK
                 TO EMBRACE RECYCLING

                                                 Solar Panels on the
                                               rooftop of Block 240,
                                           Bukit Panjang Ring Road
16                                      Back to Contents                                Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Creating a Sustainable Environment

                                     Paving the Way
                                     for Clean and
                                     Affordable Energy

                                      Solar PV panels at Bukit Panjang estate

                                               riven by the vision to build a
                                               sustainable town, we have adopted
                                               a two-pronged approach to reduce
                                     electricity consumption while generating clean
                                     and renewable energy.

                                     The installation of 126 solar photovoltaic
                                     (PV) panels between Pang Sua Park Connector
                                     and Block 223 Petir Road since 2015 has
                                     enabled us to leverage solar energy to power
                                     lighting in common areas. The excess electricity
                                     that is generated above and beyond what
                                     is needed for the lifts and pumps is credited
                                     against the monthly electricity bill of the Town
                                     Council, resulting in cost savings for our town.
                                     There are plans to install solar PV panels to
                                     another 122 blocks.
Sustainability Report 2017                                                               Back to Contents   17

                                                                                                            Creating a Sustainable Environment
                                              An estimate of

                                              tonnes of CO2
                                              reduced from the
                                              installation of LED lights

                                              Complementary to these initiatives is also the
                                              installation of 93,257 light-emitting diode (LED)
                                              lights for 441 blocks in our precinct since 2011.
                                              Fitted with motion sensors, the LED lights are
                                              not only energy saving but also brighter than
                                              fluorescent lighting and with lifespans that are
                                              approximately three times longer. From these
                                              efforts, Holland-Bukit Panjang Town has directly
                                              contributed to the reduction of approximately
         LED lights installed in all blocks
                                              4,221 tonnes of carbon gases.

              Did you know?
                                              Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council’s
                                              office has been certified as an Eco-Office
                                              by the Singapore Environment Council
                                              (SEC) since 2014. The certification
                                              recognises Holland-Bukit Panjang
                                              Town Council’s efforts in incorporating
                                              environmental practices into the daily
                                              lives of office workers as well as inspiring
                                              and educating management and non-
                                              management staff to do their part in
                                              preserving the environment.
18                                       Back to Contents                                                              Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Creating a Sustainable Environment

                                     Procuring Sustainably
                                     and Safely

                                         n advancing the safety of the built
                                         environment for our residents, as part of
                                         Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council’s
                                     procurement practices, we specify and check
                                     on appointed contractor’s eligibility in bizSAFE    Did you know?
                                     practices and their Clean Mark accreditation.
                                     We also ensure that environmentally friendly        Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
                                     materials approved by relevant authorities are      works closely with National Environment
                                     used for the works.                                 Agency (NEA), to ensure that the exhaust
                                                                                         hood filters at hawker centres are
                                     One example is that in every Repairs and            properly maintained with a scheduled
                                     Redecoration (R&R) tender, we will specify the      monthly maintenance.
                                     requirement to use solvent free paints, which       This programme
                                     are water-based and environmentally friendly.       helps to reduce
                                                                                         smoke and
                                     Applying the same standards when assessing          heat emission
                                     the need for external façade repairs, we actively   within the
                                     investigate for defects on external façade using    various
                                     non-invasive and non-destructive methods.           premises.
                                     And only when the defects are deemed to be
                                     beyond repairs, new designs will be proposed
                                     and put through for evaluation, ensuring
                                     prudence in procurement.
                                                                                          Maintenance of
                                                                                          exhaust hood filters
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                                             Back to Contents     19

                                                                                                                                            Creating a Sustainable Environment
Enabling Sustainable
Green Practices
                                                                      eading the way towards sustainability, we go beyond embracing
                                                                      green practices within the Town Council to create optimal
                                                                      conditions that enable our residents to do likewise. For example,
                                                               in encouraging our residents to recycle waste, we place one recycling bin
                                                               at every block within the precinct. The setup of 12 recycling points under
                                                               Recycle @ North West by the Residents’ Committees (RCs) is in tandem
                                                               with the initiative to also advance our residents’ recycling knowledge.

                                                               In an effort to reduce air pollution, we have replaced 260 old oil drums
                                                               used as incense burners in Holland-Bukit Panjang Town with new
                                                               eco-burners, which enable better combustion and produce less smoke
                                                               and ashes.

                                                               These initiatives combined with our ongoing cleaning programmes see
 Recycling bin
                                                               us fostering a cleaner environment for our residents. They also enhance
                                                               our residents’ knowledge and practice on recycling.

                 Did you know?
      The Bukit Panjang Hawker Centre and Market
      that was built by NEA has been recognised by
      Building & Construction Authority with the
      highest Green Mark Platinum Award. Some of
      the notable green features include:

            Achieving estimated annual energy savings of
            635,442 kWh and water savings of 57,124 m3
            Naturally ventilated with adjustable louvres
            Energy-efficient lights and fans                           Bukit Panjang Hawker Centre
            Daylight optimisation with sun pipes and sensors
            A rainwater harvesting system and plumbing
            with “excellent” water efficiency label                                It also boasts of an inclusive
            Sustainable products were used                                         environment that caters to
            in building the Centre                                                 residents with varying needs:
            Vertical green walls and food                                              Rooms equipped with nursing and
            waste recycling plans                                                      diaper changing facilities
                                                                                       Family cum handicap friendly toilets
                                                                                       Pro-family dining corner
                             Vertical green walls                                      Child-height wash hand basins
20                                   Back to Contents                                                                                 Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
 Creating a Sustainable Environment

                                      Creating a Safe and Inclusive
                                      Neighbourhood for All

Pang Sua Pond

                                                        s we strive towards becoming a sustainable
                                                        town, the well-being of our residents remains
                                                        at the heart of what we do. For that reason,
                                              we proactively look to create a built environment that is
                                              not only safe and inclusive for all, but also ready to meet
                                              the rising needs of our residents in the coming years.

                                               Sheltered walkway and lift surveillance system               Barrier-free access ramp
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                                          Back to Contents   21

                                                                                                                                       Creating a Sustainable Environment
                                                                   Have you seen?
                                                                   The pinned up artworks on the Art Gallery
                                                                   outside the Town Council Office are
                                                                   periodically updated to liven up the place and
                                                                   nurture art appreciation among residents.

      The result is, we continuously look to expand the        spaces will create more social nodes that enable
      network of covered walkways and install more lift        residents of different ages to come together and
      surveillance systems. To date, 393 lifts are already     interact – engaging in activities, learning new skills
      equipped with lift surveillance system; and we are in    and staying physically and socially active.
      the midst of installing the same for another 705 lifts
      by 2020.

      In addition, we have embarked on actualising
      a senior and child friendly town blueprint for
      Holland-Bukit Panjang Town. With the 3G Wellness
      Centre being one of the first initiatives to promote
      intergenerational and community bonding activities,
      we are also currently working on ensuring barrier
      free access throughout Holland-Bukit Panjang Town
      along with the construction of facilities such as
      elderly fitness corner and centres, community halls,
      hardcourts, exercise stations and playgrounds.
                                                                Inclusive playground at Bangkit Road
      When completed, we expect that these physical
Back to Contents

Reaching Out to
Our Stakeholders
We reach out consistently to our stakeholders –
educating and engaging them whenever possible.
Along the way, we are encouraged to observe
increasing participation from the stakeholders,
including residents and partners who proactively
advocate and support our sustainability programmes.


                                             TREES HAVE BEEN


               NORTH WEST MOBILE
Back to Contents

                    RESIDENTS ARE ENGAGED
                      IN OUR COMMUNITY


                                   Community garden at Ghim Moh Link
24                                   Back to Contents                                                Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders

                                   Promoting Active
                                   Lifestyle with
                                   Community Gardening

                                   Community gardeners in Fajar

                                                 ur town is home to a vibrant community
                                                 gardening culture – with 37 community
                                                 gardens set up around the estates. Besides
                                        adding appeal to the town, the produce harvested
                                        from the gardens provides food source for the
                                        community. Rooftop gardens sited above multi-storey
                                        carparks further transform the carparks into spaces
                                        ideal for community bonding and interaction.

                                        In addition, the physical activities involved in gardening
                                        provide residents with a good workout while engaging
                                        them in a shared interest, bringing them closer to
                                        one another. As at 31 December 2017, the number                           Bountiful harvest from
                                                                                                                  community gardeners
                                        of community gardeners in our town stands at 667.
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                            Back to Contents   25

                                                                                                                         Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders
       Did you know?
       A group of 22 senior
       residents, between 57 and
       79 years old, have been
       employed as our town
       gardeners. They stay
       active, form social bonds
       through new friendships,
       and further their
                                        Town gardeners
       knowledge in gardening
       while making a dignified
       living for themselves.

                                                              Ghim Moh Community Garden

 Cashew Community Garden

                                                                                             Toh Yi Community Garden

                             Bukit Panjang Community Garden

                                                                                          Zhenghua Community Garden
26                                   Back to Contents                                                                               Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders

                                   Fostering Care for the
                                   Environment through
                                   Tree Planting

                                   Holland-Bukit Timah GRC                                                                      Cashew Division

                                   Bukit Panjang Division                       Ulu Pandan Division                      Zhenghua Division

                                                            Over                                     very year, residents are engaged in tree

                                                            450 trees
                                                                                                     planting activities at the different estates
                                                                                                     within our town. Through these activities,
                                                                                              the residents not only contribute to greening our
                                                            have been planted                 town’s environment, but are also reminded of
                                                                                              the importance of caring for the environment by
                                                                                              taking positive actions. Over 450 trees have been
                                                                                              planted in the past five years.
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                                        Back to Contents   27

                                                                                                                                            Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders
       Activating the
       Community to Promote
       Town Cleanliness
                eyond depending on the cleaners to keep our
                town clean, we also encourage our residents
                to take ownership in the cleanliness of our
       neighbourhood by taking part in initiatives such as
       the “Hold on And Bin IT” campaign and litter picking
       activities during the annual Cleaners’ Appreciation Day.

       On an ongoing basis, we also organise litter picking
       programmes targeting students from neighbourhood
       schools with the goal of reinforcing positive clean
       habits from a young age.
                                                                      Cleaners’ Appreciation (Ulu Pandan)

                                                                                                     Have you seen?
                                                        Launch of Keep Clean, Singapore 2017
                                                                                                     Around our town, we use
                                                                                                     Battery Operated Carts (BOC)
                                                                                                     to help our cleaners collect and
                                                                                                     transport refuse efficiently and
                                                                                                     safely from the bins or refuse
                                                                                                     chutes to the bin centre for
                                                                                                     disposal into compactors.

Operation We Clean Up
28                                     Back to Contents                                                                                     Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders

                                   Rallying the Community
                                   to Fight Mozzie Together
                                           ecognising that the fight against dengue calls for
                                           collective effort, we actively reach out to our residents
                                           to do the five-step mozzie wipeout exercise at home
                                   every year during the peak mosquito breeding season.

                                                                                                           Bukit Timah Mozzie Awareness Outreach

                                                                             House visit

                                   Mozzie Watch Keeper
                                   @ North West
                                   In 2016, a mobile app which allows                          Community unites to fight mozzie
                                   the community to learn, prevent, spot
                                   and report cases of potential mosquito
                                   breeding grounds was developed in
                                   collaboration with National Environment
                                   Agency (NEA) and North West Community
                                   Development Council (CDC). The campaign
                                   drew participation from over 15,000
                                   students and residents. It also raised
                                   $30,000 for the North West Student
                                   Support Fund through contribution from
                                   Building & Estate Management Alumni
                                   (BEMA) of National University
                                   of Singapore.                                               Launch of Mozzie Watch Keeper @ North West
Sustainability Report 2017                                                               Back to Contents   29

                                                                                                            Reaching Out to Our Stakeholders
Motivating Stakeholders
to Embrace Green Habits

                                     he support of our partners
                                     and residents is key to the
                                     sustainability of many of our

                             programmes. Therefore, we actively
                             reach out to involve them in our
                             sustainability journey forward.
                             While the distribution of advertising      each received an
                             flyer boxes to households encourages       advertising flyer box
                             our residents to take part in the Green    with green messages
                             Homes @ North West programme, the
                             placement of used textbooks collection
                             boxes at our Town Council’s office
                             provides an avenue for residents to give
                             away textbooks they no longer need to
 Advertising flyer box       others who need them.
Back to Contents

                                     RESIDENTS AND OTHER
                                       STAKEHOLDERS ARE
                                    ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN THE
                                   REMAKING OUR HEARTLAND
                                      (ROH) INITIATIVE AND
                                   NEIGHBOURHOOD RENEWAL
                                       PROGRAMMES (NRP)

Cycling track outside Petir Park
Back to Contents



                                   RESIDENTS HAVE BEEN
                                  ENLISTED TO BE “FRIENDS
                                    OF TOWN COUNCIL”

                   We recognise that to be truly sustainable, our
                   community has to embrace sustainability practices
                   as the way of life. That is why our sustainability
                   programmes are founded upon strong, unwavering
                   and strengthening community ownership.
32                                        Back to Contents                                                                                              Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Advancing Shared Community Ownership

                                       Providing Green Urban Spaces
                                       for Community Bonding
                                                                                                                                                hrough inclusive green spaces
                                                                                                                                                like Bukit Panjang Park, Clementi
                                                                                                                                                Neighbourhood Park, Firefly
                                                                                                                                       Park and Petir Park, our residents have
                                                                                                                                       opportunities to enjoy and interact with
                                                                                                                                       the rich biodiversity in the area. Resultantly,
                                                                                                                                       their appreciation for and desire to
                                                                                                                                       preserve these places have heightened.

                                                                                                                                       Notably, many of these parks also present
                                                                                                                                       as great places for residents to exercise
                                                                                                                                       and bond, assimilating these places into
                                                                                                                                       venues for everyday activities.
                                       Firefly Park

                                             Features of
                                             Chestnut Nature Park


                                            81                                   5.6
                                            hectares                             kilometres
                                                                                 hiking trail

                                            8.2                                     pump
                                            kilometres                           First
                                            mountain biking trails               track in Singapore
                                                                                                                    Hiking trail

                                            Facilities for                       7-storey
                                            renting or washing                   tower provides
                                            mountain bikes                       paranomic view                                    Biking trail

                                            The Chestnut Nature Park is managed by National Parks Board (NParks).
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                                   Back to Contents   33

                                                                                                                                Advancing Shared Community Ownership
         Features of
         Zhenghua Nature Park

          Spans                       Over                    Home to

         17.3 30                                             37
         hectares                    species                 species
                                     of plants               of birds

         The Zhenghua Nature Park is managed by NParks.

Features of
ABC Waters @ Pang Sua Pond

                                                                                      Did you know?
                                                                                      We have a butterfly garden within
                                                                                      our Holland-Bukit Panjang Town.
                                                                                      Featuring over 60 species of
                                                                                      butterflies, the garden situated at
                                                                                      Blocks 213/214 Petir Road spots
                                                                                      the moderately rare royal Assyrian
                                                                                      amongst others such as Horsfield’s
                                                                                      Baron, The Knight, Branded

                                                                                      Imperial, Common Lascar and
                                                                 stage with seating
                                                                                      Bigg’s Brownwing.
Elevated                                                         capacity of over
for jogs and walks                  decks                        250

Largest man-made                                  6
                                                  primary and secondary
floating wetland                                  schools have adopted
system in Singapore                               the pond

The ABC Waters @ Pang Sua Pond is managed by Public Utilities Board (PUB).
34                                         Back to Contents                                                                             Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Advancing Shared Community Ownership

                                       Enhancing Mobility
                                       within Our Town
                                           n line with Singapore’s vision of becoming a car-lite   demarcated yellow boxes. In addition, this system also
                                           society, we partnered the Grassroots Organisations,     ensures that bike sharing is executed in an orderly
                                           Land Transport Authority (LTA), National Parks Board    manner by curbing illegal parking in common areas
                                       (NParks) and SG Bike Pte Ltd to implement a geostation      except for designated yellow boxes and approved
                                       technology system for our town.                             bicycle parking areas.

                                       The system allows our residents to use either the           To complement this new scheme, 305 yellow boxes have
                                       mobile application or their EZ-link card to unlock the      been demarcated at void decks in the town for residents
                                       sharing bicycles and dock the bicycle after use in the      to enjoy convenient access to bike sharing services.

                                        At the launch of bike sharing services

                                                                                                                                        can be parked in the 305
                                                                                                                                        yellow boxes set aside at
                                                                                                                                        void decks in the town
                                                                                                                                        for residents to enjoy
                                                                                                                                        convenient access to bike
                                                                                                                                        sharing services
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                          Back to Contents   35

                                                                                                                       Advancing Shared Community Ownership
Empowering Better
                                                                  ommunication and feedback underpin the
                                                                  success of many programmes we initiate in
                                                                  the town. In a bid to rekindle the Kampung
                                                          Spirit within our town, we have enlisted the help of
                                                          over 220 residents to be “Friends of Town Council”.

                                                          More than providing a platform for residents to
                                                          come forward and share suggestions and feedback,
                                                          the programme hopes to inspire a strong sense of
                                                          ownership among residents. Since its introduction,
                                                          our “Friends” have alerted us to incidents of black
                                                          out, pest population increase, etc.

                                                          In addition, the restructured “Citizens on Patrol”
                                                          programme that was started in 1999 was enhanced
                                                          in 2011 to recruit residents in the community.
                                                          Through this initiative, residents have provided
                                                          information concerning the safety aspect of estates,
                                                          including lighting out of order or potential fire
                                                          hazard areas along corridors.

    Did you know?
    Residents can also choose to
    provide feedback to the Holland-
    Bukit Panjang Town Council
    through the iTown@SG app.
    Feedback received will be attended
    to according to its status.

          Feedback with the “immediate” status,    Scan to download the iTown@SG app:
          which usually concerns safety issues,
          are attended to within 24 hours
          “Urgent” feedback will be addressed
          within three working days
          “Routine” feedback will get a response
          within five working days
                                                      Play Store             App Store
36                                        Back to Contents                                                                    Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Advancing Shared Community Ownership

                                       Shaping Our
                                       Town with Our
                                                                                                    Before upgrading

                                                                                                                         After upgrading

                                                                                                                Before Upgrading
                                                                                                                The vibrant market street
                                                                                                                has unsightly canvas and
                                        Walkabout at Farrer Road                                                narrow walkway

                                                                                                                After upgrading
                                                                                                                Large overarching canopy to
                                                                                                                provide shelter against weather
                                                                                                                and market street was retiled
                                                                                                                with anti-slip tiles

                                        Dialogue session in Zhenghua
                                                                                                                “Once the decision to
                                                                                                                upgrade the Bukit Panjang

                                       T                                                                        Neighbourhood Centre was
                                              owards building a sustainable town where every
                                              resident can enjoy enhanced quality of living, we
                                              actively engage our stakeholders in the Remaking
                                                                                                                made, we moved fast so as
                                       Our Heartland (ROH) initiative and Neighbourhood Renewal                 to reduce inconvenience
                                       Programmes (NRP).                                                        to residents and minimise
                                       Apart from sharing our vision and plans for the town
                                                                                                                stall owners’ income loss
                                       through newsletters, annual reports and Town Improvement                 during the upgrading
                                       Plans which are published every five years, we also hold                 period. We also provided
                                       regular dialogue sessions with our stakeholders to hear
                                       their feedback on concerns and update them on progress                   regular updates to keep
                                       of respective projects. Consequently, we see stakeholders                everyone informed.”
                                       demonstrating unwavering support throughout the                          – Lawrence Toh, Assistant General Manager,
                                       duration of development as well as expressing satisfaction               Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
                                       from completed works.
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                   Back to Contents   37

                                                                                                                Advancing Shared Community Ownership
                        Bangkit Art Street in Bukit Panjang

        Before Upgrading
        Poor ventilation and
        cluttered passageway
                                            Before upgrading
        After upgrading
        Openings for natural
        cross-ventilation and
        energy efficient fans

        Before Upgrading
        Narrow passageway

        After upgrading
        Roomy and airy walkway                        After upgrading

                                                                        Before Upgrading
                                                                        Shopfronts with no signages

                                                                        After upgrading
                                                                        Attractive shopfronts and
                                Before upgrading
                                                                        orderly signages

                                                                        Before Upgrading
                                                                        Messy display of
                                                                        merchandise with self-made
                                                                        bamboo pole hanging system

                                                                        After upgrading
                                                                        Pleasant and neat display
                                                                        of merchandise with
 After upgrading
                                                                        stainless steel racks
38                                                   Back to Contents                                                                    Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Sustainability Journey

                                                    Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Sustainability Journey

                                                        Singapore Book of Records
                                                             Constituency with the most                                        Municipal Services
                                                                    community gardens                                          Awards 2017
                                                                                                                               2 Winners (Tier 3)

                                                             Neighbourhood                                                 Eco-Office Certification
                                                        Renewal Programme                                                  (3 years, mid 2016
                                                         (NRP) to blocks 436 to                                            to mid 2019)
                                                       442 and 447 to 453 Fajar/
                                                        Bukit Panjang Ring Road
                                                                                                                                Municipal Services
                                                                        bizSAFE partner                                         Awards 2016
                                                                            certification                                       2 Winners (Tier 3)

                                                        Clean and Green Week
                                                           Winner for best cleaner                                      Community in Bloom(1)
                                                         (Ghim Moh) award by NEA                                        2 Platinum awards
                                                                                                                        7 Gold awards
                                                                                                                        6 Silver awards
                                                                                                                        1 Winner
                                                                                                                                    Revitalisation of shops
                                                                                                                                    in Ghim Moh under
                                                                    126 solar PV panels                                             Ulu Pandan Division
                                                                                                                             NRP to blocks 246,
                                                                                                                             259A, 248 to 260
                                                     Eco-Office Certification
                                                                                                                             & 270 to 277 Bukit
                                                                 (2 years, mid 2014
                                                                                                                             Panjang Ring Road/
                                                                       to mid 2016)
                                                                                                                             Bangkit Road

                                                                                                                        Community in Bloom
                                                                                                                        1 Platinum award
                                                                           LED phase 2                                  2 Gold awards
                                                                        commencement                                    3 Silver awards
                                                                                                                        2 Bronze awards
                                                                                                                        1 Winner

                                                                 NRP to blocks 401
                                                                   to 435, Fajar Road                                            iTown@SG app Launch
                                                                    and Saujana Road
                                                                                                         The biennial Community In Bloom (CIB) Awards aim to motivate and
                                                                                                         encourage community gardeners to improve the standards of their
                                                                                                         gardens, and continue enjoying gardening as a fun and healthy activity.
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                                            Back to Contents   39

                                                                                                                                         Realising a Sustainable Town
Realising a Sustainable Town
Based on seven adopted SDGs and building upon our current achievements, we have mapped out a set of measurable
and actionable milestones and targets to be achieved by 2030.

                  Goals                            Where We Stand                          Long-term Targets by 2030

                                     Community Gardens                                     • Increase community garden plot sizes
                                     • 37 community gardens                                  by 100%
                                       Plot size of 10,612 square metres                   • Increase the number of gardeners
                                     • Bukit Panjang Community Garden Trails                 by 100%
                                     Tree Planting                                         • Plant another 1,000 trees
                                     • Planted 51 trees for SG50 and 42 trees for          • Continue to provide communal
                                       launch of SG50 Streetscape                            amenities such as multipurpose
                                     • 370 trees were planted during Clean and Green         courts, playgrounds, elderly fitness
    Ensure healthy lives and
                                       Singapore and launch of Chestnut Nature Park          corner, community halls, cycling
    promote well-being for all
                                                                                             and walking paths to encourage
    at all ages                      Community Gardeners                                     communal sports and physical
                                     • 667 gardeners                                         exercises participation by residents

                                     • Mozzie Campaign                                     • Organise 700 community education
                                     • Keep Singapore Clean                                  programmes or activities
                                     • Learning Green Habits/Rewarding Green Habits        • Encourage 10,000 participants per
                                                                                             year for community education
                                     • Recycling by Residents’ Committee and Public
                                       Waste Collector
                                                                                           • Continue with green messaging
                                     • Install banners or posters with environmental
    Ensure inclusive and equitable     messages or educational information
    quality education and            • Half page content in Town Council’s newsletter
    promote lifelong learning          on green messages
    opportunities for all

                                     Solar Energy                                          • Install solar PV panels to at least 50%
                                     • Solar PV panels installed at six existing blocks      of HDB residential blocks
                                       and open space                                      • Provide contestable electricity
                                     • 261 contestable blocks, equivalent to 50% of          supply to 100% of all blocks
                                       blocks in the five divisions, enjoy savings on      • Plan to fit another 122 blocks with
                                       tariffs with energy purchase from electricity         solar PV panels

    Ensure access to affordable,
    reliable, sustainable and
    modern energy for all

                                     Friends of Town Council                               • Recruit 10,000 Friends of Town
                                     • Identified more than 220 Friends of Town              Council
                                       Council                                             • Install lift surveillance cameras in
                                     Lift Surveillance System (LSS)                          100% of all lifts by 2021
                                     • 393 lifts, equivalent to 35% of lifts, are fitted
                                       with LSS
                                     Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP)
    Make cities and human            • 7 NRP projects
    settlements inclusive, safe,     • Benefited 13,588 households with expenditure
    resilient and sustainable          of approximately $60 million
40                             Back to Contents                                                                                Holland-Bukit Panjang Town Council
Realising a Sustainable Town

                                          Goals                         Where We Stand                   Long-term Targets by 2030

                                                                LED Installation                         • Attain 100% LED lighting installation
                                                                • 93,257 lights at 441 blocks had          at all corridors, staircases, streets and
                                                                  been replaced with LED lighting          landscape areas by 2021
                                                                  and achieved savings of 28,191 kWh     • Continue to adopt new smart
                                                                  savings a day, or 10,290 MWh savings     technologies to achieve responsible
                                                                  a year or reduction of 4,221 tonnes      consumption of water and
                                                                  of CO2 per year                          electricity
                                                                                                         • Set up an energy and water
                                                                                                           consumption monitoring system
                               Ensure sustainable
                                                                                                           so as to reduce wastages and
                               consumption and production

                                                                Eco Burners                              • Full implementation of green
                                                                • 260 eco-burners in use currently         procurement policies by 2021
                                                                Eco-Office                               • Attain Eco-Office Certification
                                                                • Certified as an Eco-Office by the        annually at our Holland-Bukit
                                                                  Singapore Environment Council            Panjang Town Council office

                               Take urgent action to combat
                               climate change and its impacts

                                                                Existing Partners                        • Strengthen 3P (Public, Private and
                                                                • National Environment Agency              People) partnerships to enhance
                                                                • Housing and Development Board            sustainability in town management
                                                                • National Parks Board
                                                                • Land Transport Authority
                                                                • Public Utilities Board
                                                                • North West Community
                               Strengthen the means of            Development Council
                               implementation and revitalise    • Municipal Services Office
                               the global partnership for
                                                                • Schools
                               sustainable development
                                                                • Merchant associations
                                                                • People’s Association
                                                                • Residents’ Committees
                                                                • Citizens’ Consultative Committees
                                                                • Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority
                                                                • Public Hygiene Council
                                                                • Singapore Environment Council
                                                                • Singapore Police Force
Sustainability Report 2017                                                                             Back to Contents   41

                                                                                                                          GRI Disclosures Summary
              GRI Disclosures Summary
                 GRI Standard General Disclosures                                         Page Reference

                 102-1       Name of the organisation                                     6

                 102-2       Activities, brands, products and services                    6

                 102-3       Location of headquarters                                     Back cover

                 102-4       Location of operations                                       6

                 102-5       Ownership and legal form                                     6 and 7

                 102-6       Markets served                                               6 and 7

                 102-7       Scale of the organisation                                    6 and 7

                 102-14      Statement from senior decision-maker                         2 and 3

                 102-18      Governance structure                                         8

                 102-23      Chair of the highest governance body                         8

                             Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values
                 102-26                                                                   8
                             and strategy

                 102-40      List of stakeholders                                         10 and 11

                 102-42      Identifying and selecting stakeholders                       10 and 11

                 102-43      Approach to stakeholder engagement                           10 and 11

                 102-44      Key topics and concerns raised                               10 and 11

                 102-48      Restatements of information                                  1

                 102-49      Changes in reporting                                         1

                 102-50      Reporting period                                             1

                 102-51      Date of most recent report                                   1

                 102-52      Reporting cycle                                              1

                 102-53      Contact point for questions regarding the report             1

                 102-56      External assurance                                           1
Holland-Bukit Panjang
Town Council
Bangkit Office
Block 256 Bangkit Road, #01-71
Singapore 670256

     1800 7669100

102-3 Location of Headquarters
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