Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework

Page created by Stephen Robertson
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Successful Together

                      Investor Presentation
                      Sustainable Funding Framework
                      Utrecht, September 2020
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
A strategy
supporting a
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Growing a Better World Together through our dual strategy

                                  Growing a better world together

               Banking for the Netherlands                                  Banking for Food

      Excellent customer             Meaningful                     Rock-solid                 Empowered
             focus                   cooperative                      Bank                      employees

      Customer satisfaction     Rabobank front-runner        Sound capital &            Our employees feel
       benefitting from focus     in sustainable                liquidity position          empowered to
       on digitalization and      initiatives and                                           represent Rabobank
                                                               Diversified loan
       launch of innovative       financing                                                 and are inspired by our
                                                                portfolio with focus on
       products                  As a cooperative bank         the Netherlands             mission
      Optimized domestic         we have a strong focus                                   Focus on people
                                                               Continued focus on
       operating model            on major societal                                         development and
                                                                our core: divestment
       improving commercial       transformations                                           recruitment of
                                                                program completed
       effectiveness             Cooperative                                               strategic important
                                  contribution to                                           target groups
      Focus on digital
       services to meet           support local initiatives                                Diversity is top priority
       demands of customers                                                                 and visible in senior
       with a strong                                                                        management
       performing digital                                                                   positions
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Sustainability is in our DNA

Rabobank has been a pioneer and strives to continual improvements in its sustainability efforts

             • Rabobank’s first      • Founding            • Rabobank              • Rabobank and           • Green bond of            • Sustainalytics ESG
               annual                  member of the         offices 100%            EIB launch               the year award             risk rating #1
               sustainability          Equator               climate neutral         unique Impact            of                       • PCAF 2019 report to
               report                  principles                                    loan fund for            environmental              assess carbon
             • Rabobank starts         (presently 95+                                Dutch SMEs               finance                    footprint
               calculating CO2         members)                                                             • Oekom Prime              • One of the first banks
                                                                                                              status                     to sign the UN
                                                                                                            • Member board               Principles for
                                                                                                              of directors –             Responsible Banking
                                                                                                              global reporting
                                                                                                              initiative (GRI)
                                                                                                            • Co-author of the
                                                                                                              social bond
                                                                                                              published by

          1998         1999       2003       2004       2007       2014        2015         2016        2017        2018           2019                             2020

                                                                          • Rabobank                                             • 10% CO2 reduction per FTE
                                                                            green                                                  compared to 2013
                                                                            structurer of                                        • € 80mn investment in AGRI3 by
                                                                            several first                                          Rabobank and Ministry of
                                                                            green issuances
                                                                          • Rabobank                 • First green CP              Foreign Affairs
                                                                            initiator of food,         issuer ever               • H2 2020: Climate impact report
                                                    • Founding              agri and                 • Green depot                 Dutch portfolio
                                                      member green          forestry climate           for home-                 • Rabobank voted most
                                                      bond principles       bond initiative            owners                      sustainable bank in NL
                                                      (presently 300+       standards                • Rabobank, FMO               (Sustainable Brand Index)
                                                      members)            • Rabobank top 5             and IDH                   • Rabobank joins Nasdaq Sustainable
                                                    • Client photo          wind energy                launched the                Bond Network
          • Rabobank                                  mandatory in          financier                  AGRI3 fund                • Rabobank acted as Sustainability
            issues first      • Sustainability        credit approval       worldwide                • Co-author of                Coordinator for international
            ‘Groenbank’         assessment            process               (Bloomberg)                the circular                agricultural commodity trader
            green bond          obligatory in       • Rabobank            • Introduction of            economy                   • Rabobank participates in DNB
            to retail           credit                partner climate       Green                      finance                     anthology on Climate RiskCO2
            clients             processes             bond Initiative       mortgage                   guidelines
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Rabobank is in the highest ESG class seen among banks
     Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating                                                    Commercial
                                                                                        Bank for

                                                                                        Financial /
     ISS ESG Corporate Rating         2ndout of 284 (segment Financials/ Commercial    Commercial
                                                                                         Bank for
                                      Banks & Capital Markets)                        Sustainability

Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Sustainability integrated in credit approval process

            Client engagement process                           Main developments

                                                                • Active client engagement aimed at improving their
                                                                  sustainability performance and to engage with clients on
                                                                  relevant climate change actions and support them with
                        1. Sustainability
                                                                  knowledge, a network and (financial) services
                       Policy compliance
                                                                • Assessment of sustainability performance of potential
                                                                  and current business clients integrated in credit
                                                                  approval and monitoring processes
5. Follow-up: Action                        2. Sustainability
        plan                                    analysis        • Sustainability performance of clients with an exposure >
                                                                  EUR 1mln is measured in a Client Photo

                                                                • 27% of Wholesale clients and 11% of Local Rabobank
                                                                  clients received highest rating
                                       3. Preliminary
          4. Client
                                       sustainability           • Target for 2020 is a client photo for 100% of our
                                          category                Wholesale and Dutch clients

                                                                • We are in the process of improving our rating
                                                                  methodology for Dutch rural and for most of our
                                                                  Dutch SME clients the new improved methodology is
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Our sustainability efforts in numbers

              Sustainable products & services
              • Sustainable financing amounted to EUR 49bn in H1 2020
              • Sustainable products & services (2019):
                   • assets under management EUR 6.4bn
                   • sustainable funding EUR 5.3bn
                   • sustainable transactions for clients EUR 6.7bn
              • Sustainable asset management (to become) the new standard:
                   • as of June 2020 the ‘Basic’ asset management service fully consists of sustainable funds
                   • in the second half of this year both ‘Active’ and ‘Exclusive’ asset management services will follow

    Sustainability rating                         Sustainability rating Dutch                   Energy label mortgage
    Wholesale clients                             SME clients                                   portfolio (Dec 2019)

             5%                                            9%      11%
                        27%                                                                                       24%

                                                                                                  61%                15%
                                   B                                            A                                          A label

       67%                         C                                            B                                          B label
                                   D+                        80%                C                                          Other
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Our contribution to the UN SDGs

       • EUR 108bn lending in the       • Rabobank frontrunner in      • Co-author of the circular    • Several products & services
         Food & Agri sector               financing sustainable energy   economy finance guidelines     to stimulate sustainable
       • Actively partnering with local   generation                   • Rabobank is main financier     housing
         cooperative banks in           • EUR 4.2bn (H1 2020) of         of the Dutch economy         • GreenHome tool for
         developing countries             investments in project       • 300 clients assisted through   customer insights in
                                          finance for sustainable        our Circular Business Desk     sustainability measures to
                                          energy generation                                             improve homes
                                                                                                      • Launch BPD housing fund to
                                                                                                        develop 15,000 sustainable
                                                                                                        private sector rental houses

                                                  Growing a better world together

       • EUR 48bn in sustainable         • Contribution and              • AGRI3 EUR 1bn fund           • Deltaplan Biodiversity
         finance in H1 2020; EUR           commitment to the Dutch         together with partners to      conservation
         9.8bn of this to businesses       Climate Agreement               boost sustainable land use   • WWF Rabo partnership for
         with a meaningful               • Committed to mandatory        • Actively involved in           international projects around
         sustainability label              reporting on climate impact     developing the Dutch           sustainable food production
       • Several sustainability-linked     of our portfolio                Biodiversity Monitor for     • Member/co-chair of the
         products and services           • Clients’ sustainability         arable farming                 Climate Smart Agriculture
         through subsidiaries              performance integrated in                                      Working Group of the
       • Actively involved in Food         credit approval process                                        WBCSD
         waste reduction initiatives
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
Sustainably Successful Together - Rabobank Investor Presentation Sustainable Funding Framework
A Sustainable Funding Framework with ‘thematic Sub-Frameworks’

                Several types of sustainable financial instruments to be issued under the same Framework

      1         Financial instruments might include: bonds, loans, derivatives, commercial paper, certificates of deposit

                Sustainable instruments can be issued in different flavours

      2         •
                     Each issuance will occur under one thematic Sub-Framework
                     No mix of Use of Proceeds categories in one instrument

                                         Four Sub-Frameworks
    Renewable             Sustainable Real                    Healthcare and                     Covid-19 Crisis
      Energy                   Estate                          Care Facilities                  Support for SMEs
Sub-Framework I
Renewable energy

 Use of Proceeds:
 • Solar energy projects
 • Onshore and offshore wind energy projects

 ICMA Green Bond Principles & LMA/APLMA/LSTA
 Green Loan Principles category :
 Renewable Energy

 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) contribution:
 SDG 7: ‘Clean and Affordable Energy’ and SDG 13: ‘Climate

 EU Environmental Objective:
 Climate change mitigation

 Impact reporting
 • Estimated installed capacity in gigawatt (GW)
 • Indicative volume of carbon emissions avoided
 • Standard Equator Principles reporting
 • Case studies
Green Sub-Framework alignment with the EU Green Bond Standard

              EU Environmental Objectives
              Sub-Framework I on renewable energy has a direct impact on the EU Environmental Objectives of
              Climate Mitigation

              No significant harm

              Adverse risks on all loans and projects financed under the Framework (and by Rabobank in general) are
              monitored via:
              • Sustainable Policy Framework
              • Client sustainability assessments

              Social Safeguards
              Social safeguards on all loans and projects financed under the Framework (and by Rabobank in

              general) are secured through human rights and labour standards that include alignment with:
              • Eight core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) as set forth in its
                Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
              • UN Declaration of Human Rights
              • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

              EU Taxonomy
              • Sub-Framework I on renewable energy aligns with the EU Taxonomy under NACE codes D.35.1.1
                (Production of Electricity from Solar PV ) and D.35.1.1 (Production of Electricity from Wind Power )
Sub-Framework II
Green Real Estate

 Use of Proceeds:
 Mortgage loans for real estate used for commercial
 purposes in the Netherlands that received an Energy
 Performance Certificate (EPC) label A or higher

 ICMA Green Bond Principles & LMA/APLMA/LSTA
 Green Loan Principles category :
 Green real estate

 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) contribution:
 SDG 11:‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’

 EU Environmental Objective:
 Climate change mitigation

 Impact reporting
 • CO2 emissions avoided compared to average energy
    labels in the Netherlands
 • CO2 emissions avoided compared to theoretical original
    built quality of buildings
 • Case studies
Sub-Framework III
Healthcare and Care Facilities

 Use of Proceeds:
 • Loans provided to physical and
    mental healthcare services (e.g.
    medical hospitals, psychiatric and
    substance abuse facilities)
 • Loans provided to care centers (e.g.
    community care facilities for the
    elderly or people with disabilities)

 ICMA Social Bond Principles:
 Access to essential services (health and
 healthcare)                                Impact reporting
                                            • Estimated number of people who received care services
 Target Population:                         • Distribution of real estate energy labels of facilities
 Vulnerable groups and people with          • Average absenteeism under employees
 disabilities                               • % of facilities using renewable energy, are involved in circular
                                               economy solutions, have a monitored energy management
 Sustainable Development Goal                  and carbon emission reduction plan, have a sustainable
 (SDG)                                         purchase and waste plan and a vitality plan for employees, is
                                               affiliated with initiatives and certifications e.g. ‘Green Deal
                                               Duurzame Zorg’ , the ‘Milieuthermometer Zorg’ or ISO 26000
 SDG 3:‘Good Health and Well-Being’
                                            • Case studies
Sub-Framework IV
Covid-19 Crisis Support for SMEs

 Use of Proceeds:
 • Loans provided to Dutch SMEs
 • Existing loans to SMEs with an extended
    redemption period offered by Rabobank

 ICMA Social Bond Principles:
 • Employment generation through the potential
    effect of SME financing
 • Access to essential services: financing and
    financial services

 Target Population:
 SME owners and employees and vulnerable groups
                                                    Impact reporting
 Sustainable     Development        Goal   (SDG)    • Employee evolution
 contribution:                                      • Revenue evolution
 SDG 1: ‘No Poverty’ and ’SDG 8: ‘Decent Work and   • Distribution of real estate energy labels of SMEs
 Economic Growth’                                   • Percentage of SMEs using renewable energy
                                                    • Percentage of SMEs that with specific external
                                                       sustainability certifications
Framework core components: Management of Proceeds and Reporting

                                   Management of Proceeds
 • Balanced by a matching amount of loans to eligible projects on a portfolio basis
 • Healthy buffer of assets over liabilities of at least 130%
 • The balance of unallocated proceeds are held and/or invested at Rabobank’s own discretion,
   in its liquidity portfolio

 • Every 6 months, Rabobank will report on the volumes of outstanding sustainable financial
   instruments outstanding on its website
 •    A Sustainable Funding Report will be published annually with allocation and impact
     reporting per Sub-Framework
 •   Reporting will occur on portfolio level
 • Reporting on a transaction will occur until full allocation of the proceeds
 • The Sustainable Finance Funding Report will be audited by an external auditor and be
   published on Rabobank’s website
 • Allocation reporting is tailored per Sub-Framework, but intends to include for all Sub-
     – Percentage allocated
     – Percentage new finance vs. refinance
     – Number of eligible projects provided with finance
     – Alignment with specific Sustainable Finance Guidelines
 • Impact reporting is tailored per Sub-Framework (see slides on Sub-Frameworks for details)
Managing the do no significant harm principles in our loans

                                                   Rabobank core values
                      Respect                  Sustainability       Integrity            Professionalism

                                       Sustainability Policy Framework
                                 Basis of sustainability standards for business relationships,
                                     and for providing financial products and services:
                                               ● Core Policies on ESG topics
                                      ● Theme policies on material, thematic topics
                                 ● Sector policies on specific industries and supply chains

                                                 Periodic Sustainability
Sustainability Matrix applicable to                                          GAIA Next assessment applicable to
Dutch retail clients with loan >1m                                           wholesale clients with loan >1m
•   Tailored for 40 different sectors                                        •   Alignment with the Sustainability Policy
•   Alignment with the Sustainability Policy                                     Framework
    Framework                                                                •   Data collection on client’s sustainability
•   Data collection on client’s sustainable                                      opportunities and risks
    business conduct
Managing the Social Safeguards to be respected by our clients
                 Rabobank prevents and mitigates adverse impacts on human rights from
                 its activities and associated relationships, but also contributes positively
                 to human rights wherever it can
                 Rabobank upholds:
                  The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
                  The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
                  Eight core conventions of the International Labour Organization as set forth in its Declaration on
                   Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

                 Rabobank describes own commitments and its expectations towards clients in the
                 Sustainability Policy Framework:
                 • Core policy on human rights including:
                   – Requirement to uphold the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and related international legislation
                     and the standards as described in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at
                   – Transparency requirements
                 • Core policy on labour standards including:
                   – Requirement to uphold internationally recognized labour standards, including those described in
                     the IFC Performance Standard 2 on Labour and Working Conditions and
                   – Transparency requirements
                   – Diversity expectations

 This presentation (the “Presentation”) is prepared by Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A. (“Rabobank”) incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands. The liability of its members is excluded. Rabobank is among others
 regulated by De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. and by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, as well as the European Central Bank. This Presentation is solely for information purposes and on the basis of
 the acceptance of this disclaimer. Neither the Presentation nor any of its contents, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, may be used for any other purpose without the prior written consent of Rabobank. This
 Presentation is only directed at Eligible Counterparties and Professional Clients, as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/65/EU (“MiFID”) (the “Recipient”). It is not directed at Retail Clients
 (as defined in MiFID).
 The content of this Presentation reflects prevailing market conditions and Rabobank’s judgment as on the date of this Presentation, all of which may be subject to change. The information and opinions contained
 in this Presentation have been compiled or arrived at from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, express or implied is made as to their accuracy, completeness or correctness. The
 information contained in this Presentation is published for the assistance of the Recipient, but is not to be relied upon as authoritative or taken in substitution for the exercise of judgment by any Recipient nor will
 any information in this Presentation (including, but not limited to, Statistical Information (as defined below) and forward- looking statements) be subject to updating. Rabobank has further relied upon and
 assumed, without independent verification, the accuracy and completeness of all information made available to it. To the extent permitted by law, Rabobank excludes any liability howsoever arising from the
 contents of this Presentation or for the consequences of any actions taken in reliance on this Presentation or the content herein. Each Recipient is advised to seek independent professional advice as to the
 suitability of any products and to their tax, accounting, legal or regulatory implications.
 Members of the Rabobank Group trade on their own account and may from time to time hold or act in securities issued by a client, or may act as advisers, brokers or bankers to a client or any of its affiliates.
 This Presentation contains certain tables and other statistical analyses (the "Statistical Information"). Numerous assumptions have been used in preparing the Statistical Information, which may or may not be
 reflected in this Presentation or may or may not be suitable for the circumstances of any particular Recipient. As such, no assurance can be given as to the Statistical Information's accuracy, appropriateness or
 completeness in any particular context, or as to whether the Statistical Information and/or the assumptions upon which they are based reflect present market conditions or future market performance. The
 Statistical Information should not be construed as either projections or predictions.
 This Presentation may include "forward-looking statements". Such statements contain the words "anticipate", "believe", “could”, “intend", "estimate", "expect", "will", "may", "project", "plan“, the negative of such
 terms and words of similar meaning. All statements included in this Presentation other than statements of historical facts, are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and
 unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or
 implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding present and future business strategies and the relevant future business
 environment. The information and opinions contained in this Presentation are wholly indicative, for discussion purposes only and are subject to change without notice at any time. No rights may be derived from
 any potential offers, transactions, commercial ideas contained in this Presentation. This Presentation does not constitute an offer, commitment or invitation and does not constitute investment advice and is not
 intended for the use by persons as an offer of securities subject to the Netherlands Financial Supervision Act. This Presentation shall not form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or
 commitment whatsoever.
 © Rabobank, Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands,, Chamber of Commerce number 30046259.
 Rabobank and the other parts of Rabobank Group that are designated as investment firms are registered as such with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. The aforementioned investment firms are
 licensed by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets under the Financial Supervision Act. If you invest funds that you have borrowed, you run the risk of incurring a debt as well as losing the invested
 This Presentation does not constitute an offering document. The information herein is neither an advertisement nor does it comprise a prospectus for the purpose of EU Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended from
 time to time). The information herein has not been reviewed or approved by any rating agency, government entity, regulatory body or listing authority and does not constitute listing particulars in compliance
 with the regulations or rules of any stock exchange.
 Nothing in this Presentation should be construed as legal, tax, accounting, regulatory or investment advice and the Recipient is advised to consult its own independent professional advisers in relation to
 investment in one of the products mentioned. The information contained herein does not purport to be complete and your decision to invest in one of the products mentioned should solely be based on the
 applicable prospectus or information memorandum including the risk factors, costs, terms and conditions and underlying values. The applicable prospectus or information memorandum is available with
 Rabobank or on
 The value of your investment can fluctuate. Past performance offers no guarantee for future results.
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