Page created by Josephine James
   Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act
   1993, that a Meeting of Tamworth Regional Council will be held in the Council
   Chambers, 4th Floor Ray Walsh House, 437 Peel Street, Tamworth, commencing
   at 6:30pm.


                   13 NOVEMBER 2018

Tamworth Regional Council – Ordinary Council – 13 November 2018

                                          Order of Business

ITEM                                                  SUBJECT                                                   PAGE NO

1      APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE ................................................................... 5

2      COMMUNITY CONSULTATION................................................................................... 5


4      DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST ...................................................................................... 5

5      MAYORAL MINUTE ..................................................................................................... 5

6      NOTICE OF MOTION ................................................................................................... 5

OPEN COUNCIL REPORTS                                                                                                          5

7      ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING ............................................................................... 5
              DP 797999, 7 SCOTT ROAD, SOUTH TAMWORTH .................................................... 5
                                                                     2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
                                                 1 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURES ENCLOSED
              RECREATION ZONE .............................................................................................. 22
                                                                                         4 ANNEXURES ATTACHED

8      INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICES ....................................................................... 26
                                                              2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
       8.2    IPART - REVIEW OF RURAL W ATER COST SHARES ............................................... 27
                                                                     2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
       8.3    PROPOSED LICENCE AGREEMENT FOR THE RURAL FIRE SERVICE .......................... 32
              DETERMINATIONS ................................................................................................ 33
                                                                                          2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
                                                               2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED

9      GOVERNANCE, STRATEGY AND FINANCE ............................................................ 39
              ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 .......................................................................................... 39
       9.2    EVOCITIES MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2019-2023 .................................. 44
                                                                                        2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
       9.3    TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL - NEW FEES AND CHARGES 2018/2019 ................ 48

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10   COMMUNITY SERVICES ........................................................................................... 49
     10.1 CRIME PREVENTION W ORKING GROUP MEETING - 24 AUGUST 2018 ...................... 49
                                                           1 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
     10.2 MATCH PLACEMENT AGREEMENT – W ESTS TIGERS ............................................... 51

11   REPORTS FROM DELEGATES ................................................................................ 52
     11.1 2018 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NSW ANNAUL CONFERENCE ...................................... 52
     11.2 ARTSTATE BATHURST 2018 ................................................................................. 54

12   QUESTIONS ON NOTICE .......................................................................................... 54

13   REPORTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN CLOSED COUNCIL ......................................... 54
          DUNGOWAN DAM ................................................................................................. 55
     13.2 PROPOSAL TO LEASE PART 7-11 ANNE STREET, SOUTH TAMWORTH...................... 55
          ROAD ................................................................................................................. 55
     13.4 ILLUMINATED STREET SIGNS - CLAUDE OUTDOOR PROPOSAL ................................ 56

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                          nd         th
Meeting Date:           2 and 4 Tuesday of the month commencing at 6:30pm.
Matters determined by Ordinary meetings will include all those non-delegable functions identified in Section 377 of the Local
Government Act as follows:
               “the appointment of a general manager
               the making of a rate
               a determination under section 549 as to the levying of a rate
               the making of a charge
               the fixing of a fee
               the borrowing of money
               the voting of money for expenditure on its works, services or operations
               the compulsory acquisition, purchase, sale, exchange or surrender of any land or other property (but not
                including the sale of items of plant or equipment)
               the acceptance of tenders which are required under this Act to be invited by the council
               the adoption of an operational plan under section 405
               the adoption of a financial statement included in an annual financial report
               a decision to classify or reclassify public land under Division 1 of Part 2 of Chapter 6
               the fixing of an amount or rate for the carrying out by the council of work on private land
               the decision to carry out work on private land for an amount that is less than the amount or rate fixed by the
                council for the carrying out of any such work
               the review of a determination made by the council, and not by a delegate of the council, of an application for
                approval or an application that may be reviewed under section 82A of the Environmental Planning and
                Assessment Act 1979
               the power of the council to authorise the use of reasonable force for the purpose of gaining entry to premises
                under section 194
               a decision under section 356 to contribute money or otherwise grant financial assistance to persons
               the making of an application, or the giving of a notice, to the Governor or Minister
               this power of delegation
               any function under this or any other Act that is expressly required to be exercised by resolution of the council.”
Other matters and functions determined by Ordinary Council Meetings will include:
               Notices of Motion
               Notices of Motion of Rescission
               Council Elections, Polls, Constitutional Referendums and Public Hearings/Inquiries
               Ministerial Committees and Inquiries
               Mayor and Councillors Annual Fees
               Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Mayor and Councillors
               Local Government Remuneration Tribunal
               Local Government Boundaries
               NSW Ombudsman
               Administrative Decisions Tribunal
               Delegation of Functions by the Minister
               Delegation of Functions to General Manager and Principal Committees
               Organisation Structure
               Code of Conduct
               Code of Meeting Practice
               Honesty and Disclosure of Interests
               Access to Information
               Protection of Privacy
               Enforcement Functions (statutory breaches/prosecutions/recovery of rates)
               Dispute Resolution
               Council Land and Property Development
               Annual Financial Reports, Auditors Reports, Annual Reports and Statement of the Environment Reports
               Performance of the General Manager
               Equal Employment Opportunity
               Powers of Entry
               Liability and Insurance
               Membership of Organisations

Membership:                     All Councillors
Quorum:                         Five members
Chairperson:                    The Mayor
Deputy Chairperson:             The Deputy Mayor

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                     Community Consultation Policy
The first 30 minutes of Open Council Meetings is available for members of the Public to address the
Council Meeting or submit questions either verbally or in writing, on matters INCLUDED in the Business
Paper for the Meeting.
Members of the public will be permitted a maximum of three minutes to address the Council Meeting.
An extension of time may be granted if deemed necessary.
Members of the public seeking to represent or speak on behalf of a third party must satisfy the Council
or Committee Meeting that he or she has the authority to represent or speak on behalf of the third party.
Members of the public wishing to address Council Meetings are requested to contact Council either by
telephone, in person or online prior to 4:30pm the day of the Meeting to address the Council Meeting.
Persons not registered to speak will not be able to address Council at the Meeting.
Council will only permit three speakers in support and three speakers in opposition to a recommendation
contained in the Business Paper. If there are more than three speakers, Council’s Governance division
will contact all registered speakers to determine who will address Council. In relation to a Development
Application, the applicant will be reserved a position to speak.
Members of the public will not be permitted to raise matters or provide information which involves:
     personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors);
     personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer;
     information that would, if disclosed confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom
      Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business;
     Commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:
      - prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or
      - confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or
      - reveal a trade secret;
     information that would, if disclosed prejudice the maintenance of law;
     matters affecting the security of the Council, Councillors, Council staff or Council property;
     advice concerning litigation or advice that would otherwise be privileged form production in legal
      proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege;
     information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on
      community land;
     alleged contraventions of any Code of Conduct requirements applicable under Section440; or
       on balance, be contrary to the public interest.
Members of the public will not be permitted to use Community Consultation to abuse, vilify, insult,
threaten, intimidate or harass Councillors, Council staff or other members of the public. Conduct of this
nature will be deemed to be an act of disorder and the person engaging in such behaviour will be ruled
out of the order and may be expelled.
Disclosure of Political Donations or Gifts
If you have made a relevant planning application to Council which is listed for determination on the
Council Business Paper you must disclose any political donation or gift made to any councillor or
employee of the Council within the period commencing two years before the application is made and
ending when the application is determined (Section 147(4) Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
If you have made a relevant public submission to Council in relation to a relevant planning application
which is listed for determination on the Council Business Paper you must disclose any political donation
or gifts made to any councillor or employee of the Council by you as the person making the submission
or any associate within the period commencing two years before the submission is made and ending
when the application is determined (Section 147(5) Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979).

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3       MINUTES OF              PREVIOUS           MEETING         SUBMITTED          FOR
That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday, 30 October 2018, copies of
which were circulated, be taken as read and confirmed as a correct record of the
proceedings of the Meeting.

Pecuniary Interest
Non Pecuniary Conflict of Interest
Political Donations



AUTHOR:                   Dan Whale, Development Assessment Planner
                                                             2 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
                                               1 CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURES ENCLOSED

      Persons making public submissions (written or verbal) Members of the Public

Record (Division) of Voting

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Tamworth Regional Council – Ordinary Council – 13 November 2018

   In accordance with Section 375A(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, a Division is required to be called
   whenever a motion for a planning decision is put at a meeting of the Council or a Council Committee.
   A DIVISION under Section 375A(3) of the Act is required on this Planning Application.

(i) Relevant Planning Application
   In accordance with Section 10.4(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a person who
   makes a relevant planning application to Council is required to disclose the following reportable political
   donations and gifts (if any) made by a person with a financial interest in the application within the period
   commencing 2 years before the application is made and ending when the application is determined:
           (a)   all reportable political donations made to any local councillor of the Council;
           (b)   all gifts made to any local councillor or employee of the Council.

(ii) Relevant Public Submission
   In accordance with Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, a person who
   makes a relevant public submission to Council in relation to a relevant planning application made to the
   Council is required to disclose the following reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by the
   person making the submission or any associate of that person within the period commencing two years
   before the submission is made and ending when the application is determined:
           (a)   all reportable political donations made to any local councillor of the Council;
           (b)   all gifts made to any local councillor or employee of the Council.

   Disclosure of Reportable Political Donations and Gifts
           Planning Applications
           Public Submissions

   That in relation to Development Application No. DA2017/0323 for Construction of
   Supermarket, Associated Signage, Carpark and Subdivision to Create Two Lots on Lot
   1 DP 797999, 7 Scott Road, South Tamworth, that the development application be
   refused for the following reasons:
   (i)     in accordance with the Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010, the
           proposal does not satisfy the objectives of the B4 Mixed Use zone because:
               the development has not demonstrated that it is compatible with adjoining
                 residential dwellings; and
               the development has not addressed suitable access to the site via public
                 transport, pedestrian or cycling modes due to the unresolved traffic and
                 access concerns;
   (ii)    in accordance with the Commercial/Retail Development Controls contained
           within the Tamworth Regional Development Control Plan 2010, suitable vehicle
           site access has not been demonstrated as the development will likely have a
           detrimental impact on a Classified Road and the surrounding local roads;
   (iii)   the proposed changes to road network, including the removal of the parking lane
           on the southern side of Scott Road will impact on the neighbouring properties
           and the ongoing functionality and efficiency of the road network;

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(iv)   the site is not suitable for the proposed development for the reasons identified
       above; and
(v)    the development is not in the public interest for the reasons identified above.


  Application No.          DA2017/0323

  Application For:         Construction of Supermarket, Associated Signage, Car
                           Park and Subdivision to Create Two Lots

  Date Received:           8 February 2017

  Applicant:               Stimson & Baker Planning

  Owner:                   Mr RE & Mrs MJ Ambrose

  Land/Address:            Lot 1 DP 797999, 7 Scott Road, South Tamworth

  Zoning:                  B4 Mixed Use - Tamworth Regional Local Environmental
                           Plan 2010

 The key issue for this proposal is the impact of the development on the ongoing
 functionality and efficiency of the Classified Road, being Scott Road. As neither Council,
 nor NSW Roads and Maritime Services are satisfied as to the potential impacts of the
 development on traffic and access, it is recommended that the Development Application is
 determined by refusal.
 It is recognised that a significant period of time has elapsed between lodgement of the
 application and referral to Council for determination. This period has allowed all avenues
 for traffic and access to be investigated and exhausted by the proponent.
 Upon conclusion of the assessment process, the proponent was advised that if the
 application was not withdrawn, Council officers would refer the matter to a Council Meeting
 with a recommendation of refusal. The proponent has elected to have the application

A Development Application has been lodged seeking consent for the construction of a
supermarket and associated signage and car parking on Lot 1 DP 797999, 7 Scott Road,
South Tamworth. The application also seeks consent to subdivide the land to create two
new lots; one containing the existing dwelling and the other a lot on which the supermarket is
to be constructed.
The supermarket is to be operated by the Aldi chain and will have a gross floor area of
1727m². It is intended that the supermarket will operate with a staff of up to 20 people
between the hours of 8:30am – 8:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, and 8:30am – 9:00pm on Thursday. There are 102 car parking spaces,
including three accessible spaces proposed in association with the use, and also a free-
standing illuminated pole sign 5.4 metres in height.

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The supermarket and associated infrastructure would be constructed on proposed Lot 2
which is to be 2.09 hectares in area.
Proposed Lot 1 is to be 4088m2, and as noted above will contain the existing dwelling and
ancillary buildings.
Plans of the proposed development are ATTACHED, refer ANNEXURE 1.
The subject property is Lot 1 DP 797999, 7 Scott Road, South Tamworth. The site is located
on the northern side of Scott Road, opposite the intersection with Karwin Street. The
property contains a dwelling and several ancillary buildings. The remainder of the site is
vacant land, except for a billabong (Barnes Gully).
Residential development is located to the west and south of the site, although the land
around Hilton Street is zoned for commercial uses. The land to the north and east consists
of floodplain which is used for agricultural pursuits.
A map of the locality is ATTACHED, refer ANNEXURE 2.
The western portion of the land has been zoned for business since the late 1970s. In 2013,
the company ‘Masters – Home Improvement’ lodged a Planning Proposal to rezone the
remaining portion of the site, and that process concluded with introduction of the B4 Mixed
Use zone and a floor space ratio in the western portion of the site in August 2014. The
lodgement of a Development Application by ‘Masters – Home Improvement’ never
eventuated and the company later went into liquidation.
Aldi arranged a pre-development meeting in August 2016, prior to lodgement of this
Development Application. The primary consideration for the development identified at the
meeting was traffic and access, and the potential impacts on Scott Road and the surrounding
street network.
Aldi have not proposed the same access solution as the Masters proposal for the site, which
included access from Locks Lane with a bridge over Barnes Gully. Instead, the access to the
proposed Aldi development is to be from a single driveway for ingress and egress off Scott
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
s.4.46 Integrated Development
The proposal is integrated development, requiring a controlled activity permit from the
Department of Primary Industries – Water (DPI - Water) pursuant to the Water Management
Act 2000 for works within 40 metres of a natural water course. In this regard, it is proposed
to discharge stormwater from the development into Barnes Gully located directly to the east
of the subject site.
The DPI - Water issued their General Terms of Approval to Council on 3 April 2017 with
conditional approval for the development.
The following matters listed under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and
Assessment Act 1979, are relevant in considering this application:

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s.4.15(1)(a)(i)      Provisions of any environmental planning instrument
State Environmental Planning Policies
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 – Remediation of Land (SEPP 55)
Pursuant to clause 7 of SEPP 55, Council is required to consider the potential for land
contamination to exist on the site and therefore whether or not the property is suitable for the
proposed land use. The property has historically been utilised for residential purposes, with
some livestock grazing toward Barnes Gully.
An Environmental Site Assessment Report was undertaken by Geo-Logix for the Masters
Planning Proposal. The report found that the site and surrounding site has a mixed history of
residential commercial and agricultural use. The contamination report found that given the
site history and the testing undertaken, that the potential for widespread contamination was
Aldi engaged Eastwest Enviro Ag to undertake a gap analysis of the previous investigation
for the Masters Development. The additional tests were all below the threshold levels for
commercial use. As such, no further consideration is required under SEPP 55.
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 64 – Advertising & Signage (SEPP 64):
Pursuant to clause 13 of SEPP 64, Council must not consent to an application to display an
advertisement unless satisfied having regard to the assessment criteria in Schedule 1, that
the proposal is acceptable in terms of its impacts.
The proposed signage includes a 5.4 metre high illuminated pole sign, plus three illuminated
box signs 2 x 2.4 metres attached to the south, east and west elevations. The combination
of the small number of signs, together with their placement and content are considered to be
consistent with the requirements of SEPP 64.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 (ISEPP):
The proposal is a traffic generating development pursuant to Schedule 3 of the ISEPP.
Clause 101(2) states that Council must not grant consent to development on land that has a
frontage to a Classified Road unless it is satisfied that:
(a)   where practicable, vehicular access to the land is provided by a road other than the
      Classified Road, and
(b)   the safety, efficiency and ongoing operation of the Classified Road will not be adversely
      affected by the development as a result of:
      (i)     the design of the vehicular access to the land, or
      (ii)    the emission of smoke or dust from the development, or
      (iii)   the nature, volume or frequency of vehicles using the Classified Road to gain
              access to the land, and
(c)   the development is of a type that is not sensitive to traffic noise or vehicle emissions, or
      is appropriately located and designed, or includes measures, to ameliorate potential
      traffic noise or vehicle emissions within the site of the development arising from the
      adjacent Classified Road.
In this regard:
(a)   Scott Road is a Classified Road. Direct vehicular access is proposed from Scott Road
      because there is no other economically viable alternative.

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(b)   (i)(iii) The Parking and Traffic Assessment, prepared by Christopher Hallam &
      Associates Pty Ltd, identifies that neither the design of the vehicular access to the land
      nor the nature, volume or frequency of vehicles using the Classified Road to gain
      access to the land will adversely affect the considerations described by this clause.
      However, this is contrary to Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and Council staff’s
      position that the development cannot operate without causing detrimental impact to the
      existing road network.
      (ii)   The proposal is for a supermarket which does not produce smoke or dust.
c)    The proposal is for a supermarket which is not sensitive to traffic noise or vehicle
      emissions that may arise from the adjacent Classified Road.
The application was referred to RMS pursuant to Schedule 3 of the ISEPP. A detailed
assessment of the advice from RMS regarding the traffic issues associated with the
development is provided later in this report.
However, the recommendation of RMS is that Council does not support the development due
to the potential for significant road safety issues which have not been resolved by the
applicant. The proponent has elected not to submit any further information to support the
application and address the concerns of the RMS.
Local Environmental Plan
Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010:
The subject site is zoned B4 Mixed Use pursuant to Tamworth Regional Local Environmental
Plan 2010. The objectives of the zone are as follows:
    to provide a mixture of compatible land uses.
    to integrate suitable business, office, residential, retail and other development in
      accessible locations so as to maximise public transport patronage and encourage
      walking and cycling.
The proposal is not consistent with the objectives of the zone because it is not compatible
with adjoining residential land uses and because the development will not result in a retail
land use being in an accessible location so as to maximise public transport patronage and
encourage walking and cycling due to the constraints in accessing the site on foot and all
forms of transport.
The proposed development is defined as a “shop” which is permissible with consent in the
Clause 2.6 requires that land can only be subdivided with consent.          This Development
Application seeks consent for subdivision to create two lots.
Clause 4.1 requires that the size of any lot resulting from a subdivision of land is not less
than the minimum lot size shown on the Lot Size Map. In this instance, there is no minimum
lot size nominated for the land.
Clause 4.5 contains the provisions relating to the calculation of the site area for development.
In this regard, the Floor Space Ratio map nominates a floor space ratio of 0.5:1 for the
western portion of the site. This area of the site does not comprise part of this application.
Clause 7.2 aims to minimise the flood risk to life and property associated with the use of
land. The western portion of the site is nominated as a flood planning area on the Flood
Planning Map. This area of the site does not comprise part of this application.

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Clause 7.4 refers to development in zones B1 and B4 and restricts the gross floor area of
shops in these zones to 2500m2. The proposal complies with the requirements of this clause
with a proposed gross floor area of 1727m².
Contributions Plan
Changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 came into effect on 1
March 2018. Contributions towards the provision or improvement of amenities or services
previously levied under s.94 are now levied under s.7.11, and fixed development consent
previously levied under s.94A are now levied under s.7.12. These changes do not affect the
Plans previously made.
Tamworth Regional Council Section 94A (Indirect) Contributions Plan 2013 (s.94 Plan)
In accordance with Section 80A(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
s.94 Plan monetary contributions must be paid to Council to cater for the increased demand
for community infrastructure resulting from development. A contribution of over $53,000
would be applicable to this development.
s.4.15(1)(a)(ii)   Provisions of any draft environmental planning instrument
There are no draft environmental planning instruments applicable to the proposal.
s.4.15(1)(a)(iii) Provisions of any Development Control Plan
Tamworth Regional Development Control Plan 2010 (TRDCP 2010)
The Commercial/Retail Development Controls and Subdivision Development Controls
chapters of the TRDCP 2010 are applicable to the proposal. The proposal is consistent with
the relevant provisions of these chapters with the exception of traffic and access, which are
addressed in the table below and discussed in detail later in the report.
Traffic and Access

      Requirement                          Comment                       Complies?

 The verge for the        The verge is proposed to be constructed of        Yes
 frontage of the          hardstand materials to facilitate safe, low-
 development is to be     maintenance pedestrian access.
 constructed of
 hardstand materials to
 facilitate safe, low-
 pedestrian access.

 All vehicles must be     The development plans demonstrate that all        Yes
 able to enter and exit   vehicles, including heavy vehicles can enter
 the site in a forward    and exit the site in a forward direction.

 Design must              The design seeks to limit conflict between        Yes
 demonstrate no           pedestrians and customer and delivery
 conflict between         vehicles. Design elements include the
 pedestrian, customer     provision of footpaths, pedestrian
 vehicles and delivery    crossings/islands within car parking areas
 vehicles.                and the installation of bollards around the

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                          forecourt area. The greatest potential for
                          conflict exists between customer vehicles
                          and delivery vehicles and to address this
                          issue, it is proposed to locate access routes
                          for delivery vehicles along the eastern
                          periphery of the site away from the main car
                          parking areas. Pedestrian areas have also
                          been separated from the major thoroughfare
                          for delivery vehicles to minimise conflict.

Wearing surfaces for      Hardstand areas for all vehicle manoeuvring       Yes
access driveways,         areas have been designed relative to the
parking areas,            design vehicle.
facilities and
associated vehicle
manoeuvring areas
relative to the design

Unsealed vehicle          No unsealed vehicle movement areas are            Yes
movement areas are        proposed.
not acceptable due to
management impacts.

Loading bay(s) must       The loading bay is to be located at the rear      Yes
be sited to avoid use     of the site behind the main building. The
for other purposes        location is not anticipated to lend itself to
such as customer          parking and/or storage as there is suitable
parking or materials      parking and storage infrastructure provided
storage and be line       elsewhere upon the site.
marked and sign

Site access not           The proposed development will be located           No
permitted:                approximately 250m from the intersection of
                          Goonoo Goonoo Road and Scott Road,
   -   Close to traffic
                          forming part of the Classified Road network
       intersection or    known as the New England Highway. The
       roundabouts        intersection is one of the busiest in the
       with inadequate    Tamworth region and regularly experiences
       site distances;    high traffic volumes during daily peak
                          periods. The proposed development is a
   -   Opposite other
                          high traffic generating business, and
                          includes changes to the road network so as
       without a          to allow for right hand vehicle movements
       median island;     both in and out of the site.
   -   Where there is     The proposed development site is not
       heavy and          located in close proximity to any other large

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    constant            development, nor is there heavy and/or
    pedestrian          constant pedestrian movement on the
    movement on         existing footpath.
    the footpath;
                        It is proposed that a turning lane would be
-   Where right         created in Scott Road for south-bound
    turning traffic     vehicles turning right into the site, along with
    entering the site
    may obstruct
                        a merging lane for vehicles turning right out
    through traffic     of the site to allow these vehicles to re-join
                        the through traffic heading south along Scott
                        Road. The existing parking lane utilised by
                        residents of dwellings located on the
                        southern side of Scott Road would be
                        acquired for the purpose of providing a
                        through traffic lane for southbound vehicles
                        because without the provision of a though-
                        lane, traffic turning right into the
                        development would obstruct through traffic
                        heading southbound along Scott Road.
                        The removal of the existing parking lane for
                        residents along the southern side of Scott
                        Road is not a safe outcome for residents
                        because of the high volume of traffic in
                        Scott Road. Currently residents utilise the
                        parking lane to either; a) park their vehicle,
                        or b) reverse their vehicle out of their
                        driveway and into the parking lane to allow
                        them to safely merge into the through traffic
                        lane. Removal of the parking lane will result
                        in unsafe vehicle movements for residents
                        along Scott Road which will subsequently
                        increase the risk of a traffic incident
                        The location of utilities within the road
                        reserve including above-ground electricity
                        infrastructure is likely to conflict with heavy
                        vehicles travelling southbound on Scott
                        Road should they be forced to utilise the
                        proposed through traffic lane. RMS have
                        indicated that such utility infrastructure
                        would be required to be relocated in order to
                        accommodate use of the through-lane by
                        trucks and other tall vehicles which could
                        potentially impact infrastructure in the area
                        due to the proximity of poles to the kerb in
                        combination with the camber of the road.
                        Traffic issues associated with the proposed
                        development are anticipated to have a
                        detrimental impact upon the existing
                        Classified Road network and this has been

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                            reiterated through the external referral
                            response received from RMS, as the Roads
                            Authority. Therefore, the development
                            should not be supported as proposed.

Separate, signposted        The proposed development will be provided         Yes
entrance and exit           with a single combined entry/exit driveway
driveways are               with ingress and egress paths being
required for                separated by a median.
requiring more than
50 parking spaces or
where development
generates a high
turnover of traffic.

The number of access        The proposed development will be provided         Yes
points from a site to       with a single combined entry/exit driveway.
any one street
frontage is limited to 1
ingress and 1 egress.

Driveways must be           The applicant has indicated that all              Yes
provided in                 driveways and vehicle manoeuvring areas
accordance with             will be constructed in accordance with
AS2890.1 Parking            AS2890.1.

Manoeuvring areas           The applicant has indicated that all              Yes
within the                  driveways and vehicle manoeuvring areas
development must be         will be constructed in accordance with
designed to                 AS2890.1.
accommodate a B99
vehicle under
AS2890.1 Parking
Facilities for Off Street

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Tamworth Regional Council – Ordinary Council – 13 November 2018

 Nominate that a            A pedestrian footpath is proposed to be            Yes
 pedestrian footpath be     provided along the frontage of the
 constructed for the full   development site and will connect into the
 frontage of a              existing footpath network along Scott Road.
 development to a
 width consistent with
 any connecting
 pedestrian footpath or
 where there is no
 connecting footpath in
 accordance with
 Council’s Engineering
 Guidelines for
 Subdivisions and

 Swept paths for a B99      Swept paths for a B99 vehicle have not             Yes
 vehicle must be            been shown on the development plans.
 shown on plans             Swept paths for 12.5m and 19.0m long
 prepared to                delivery vehicles have been provided
 accompany the DA.          demonstrating the ability for delivery
                            vehicles to enter/exit the site in a forward

s.4.15(1)(a)(iiia) Provisions of any Planning Agreement
There are no Planning Agreements applicable to the proposal.
s.4.15(1)(a)(iv) Any matters prescribed by the Regulations
There are no matters prescribed by the Regulations applicable to the proposal.
s.4.15(1)(b)      The likely impacts of development including environmental impacts
                  on both natural and built environments and social/economic impacts
                  in the locality
Traffic, Access and Transport
A Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) was prepared by Christopher Hallam & Associates Pty Ltd
in relation to both traffic and parking impacts associated with the proposed development. The
initial report was revised following feedback from RMS and a Road Safety Audit has also
since been undertaken in consultation with RMS.
Vehicular access to the development is proposed to be from a single driveway off Scott
Road, which is a Classified Road. Scott Road consists of a two lane sealed carriageway
approximately 12 metres in width. Access to the loading docks for delivery vehicles is also
proposed to be obtained from the Scott Road access. Upgrades to existing road
infrastructure including dedicated turning lanes are proposed to facilitate traffic movements to
and from the site.
The closest major intersection to the development site is the roundabout located at the
intersection of Scott Road and Goonoo Goonoo Road.

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Traffic Impact Assessment
Christopher Hallam & Associates Pty Ltd predicted that the proposed development would
have minimal impact on the ongoing functionality of the intersection, with the exception of a
relatively minor increase to traffic numbers.
The report also nominated that the peak hours of the surrounding road network were on
weekdays between 4:30pm and 5:30pm, with the weekend peak hour between 11:30am and
12:30pm. The volume of traffic using Scott Road during the adopted peak hour for
weekends was approximately 874 vehicles per hour eastbound and 640 vehicles per hour
westbound. The number of vehicles recorded in the surrounding streets, including Karwin
Street and Hilton Street, were identified to be minimal.
Christopher Hallam & Associates Pty Ltd estimated that the development would generate
approximately 108 vehicle movements in the weekday peak hour and 210 vehicle
movements within the weekend peak hour period. The study predicted that 75% of the traffic
generated by the development would access/egress the site from Scott Road to/from the
west, while the remaining 25% of traffic generated would access/egress the site from Scott
Road to/from the east.
The report nominated that the most significant impact created by the development would be
on Scott Road, which is currently used on a frequent basis by a mixture of both local and
interstate traffic utilising the New England Highway to travel either north or south of
The recommendations of Christopher Hallam & Associates Pty Ltd were to include a
channelised right hand urban treatment, or CHR(S) for the right turn into the site, and a site
access Type 4 driveway with six metre entry, six metre exit and one metre centre median.
The outcome of the CHR(S) recommendation would be the removal of the parking lane on
both sides of Scott Road, with the greatest impact in front of the existing houses along the
southern side of Scott Road.
As noted previously in the report, the application was referred to RMS being a traffic
generating development under the ISEPP. Referral was also required because the
development proposes a new access onto Scott Road, which is a Classified Road.
The Development Application was referred to RMS in March 2017. A number of potential
issues related to traffic and access on Scott Road were immediately identified. The concerns
of RMS related to safety, efficiency and ongoing operation of the Classified Road, specifically
with respect to there being:
   no safe access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic to/from the site;
   safety issues with respect to the vehicular access to and from the private driveways of
     residences on both frontages to Scott Road between Hilton Street and the Barnes
     Gully bridge, as following removal of the parking lanes, residents would be required to
     reverse their vehicles directly into a through-lane of traffic and try and merge;
   limited availability of space within the existing road reserve to accommodate all
     required works; and
   existence of above-ground utility infrastructure within close proximity to kerb and the
     constraints this poses for potential road upgrade works.
The outcome of the initial feedback was that further investigation including an amendment to
the TIA was required to identify a “preferred option” concept design with section diagrams.

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The concept design was required to be based on survey data, as well as detailing the extent
of the works proposed, including tie-in to the existing road network.
The amended TIA was submitted in May 2017, and RMS again identified a significant
number of outstanding matters, and subsequently advised that based on the information
available, they were not satisfied that the proposed development would improve, or even
maintain the current standard and operational capability of Scott Road. The outstanding
matters included:
   the Karwin Street intersection did not appear to be included in the analysis to
     demonstrate its interaction with the proposed, and could not be confirmed without the
     SIDRA analysis. SIDRA is a software package used for intersection and network
     capacity, level of service and performance analysis;
   the proposed road design would generate vehicle weaving movements for westbound
     traffic between the proposed site access and Karwin Street. The TIA did not address
     safety impacts of such movements; noting Karwin Street is identified as a short cut to
     New England Highway (south) in the PM peak;
   the amended design prioritised development-related traffic over vehicles entering and
     leaving a public road i.e. Karwin Street. The amended TIA did not address the impact
     of additional delay on the safety of vehicles turning at the Karwin Street intersection;
   the amended TIA identified that the proposed site access would experience
     unacceptable delay (Level of Service F) for vehicles turning right out of the site access
     under future conditions. The amended TIA did not identify any appropriate future
     treatment/s, or when any such measures would be required to be implemented so as to
     address adverse impacts on the Classified Road;
   the proposed road design shifts westbound highway traffic into the kerbside lane, which
     will impact existing on-street parking arrangements along both frontages of Scott Road,
     between Hilton Street and the Barnes Gully bridge. The amended TIA did not give
     consideration to the existing demand for on-street parking, the safety of vehicles
     reversing out of residential driveways into the proposed travel lane or the impact on
     safety and efficiency related to service vehicles, such as garbage trucks, using the
     through travel lane to service the residential properties;
   the amended TIA did not state whether the proposed road design will provide sufficient
     clearance between westbound heavy vehicles and utility infrastructure within the clear
     zone behind the curve. If appropriate clearance cannot be achieved then affected
     utilities will need to be relocated;
   the proposed road design would restrict right turns to/from properties on the southern
     frontage of Scott Road, this means eastbound vehicular access to such properties will
     necessitate use of the roundabout at the intersection of Scott Road and Peel Street or
     alternatively, unsafe U-turn movements along the Classified Road (Scott Road).
     Motorists undertaking unsafe U-turn movements is anticipated to be a result of the
     proposed restriction of right-hand turn movements to said properties given that use of
     the Scott Road/Peel Street roundabout will add approximately four kilometres to
     residents journeys;
   the amended TIA did not consider the redistribution of local traffic movements resulting
     from the need for residents to access properties left-in and left-out only. Any
     consideration should include safety impacts associated with likely U-turn movements;

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   the proposed design did not provide appropriate delineation between vehicles turning
     in and out of the site access. A raised median island is typically required to separate
     entering and exiting vehicles; and
   the amended TIA did not consider access to the development via public transport.
A further amendment was made to the TIA and submitted in June 2017, in response to the
issues raised. When reviewed by RMS, they again identified significant issues around traffic
safety, specifically with regard to proposed right-hand out movements for vehicles leaving the
subject site had not been resolved. A Road Safety Audit (RSA) was recommended by RMS
as the next step to quantify the level of risk associated with the proposed concept design,
and the applicant commenced preparations.
A Road Safety Audit was undertaken and upon completion a response was provided to
Council by RMS in December 2017. The response detailed the findings of the RSA and
provided final recommendations to Council as follows:
1.   RMS reiterates the recommendation of 21 July 2017, that the applicant be required to
     address the delay to vehicles turning right out of the proposed development under
     future conditions. The introduction of additional conflict points generating excessive
     delays for turning traffic is a risk factor contributing to crashes and must be addressed.
     It was suggested that Council require the applicant to identify a suitable right turn
     treatment and the timing at which such treatment will be required to address excessive
     delay. It is requested that any proposed treatment be justified by an updated SIDRA
     analysis reflecting the amended concept design and informed by incremental analysis
     of future years to forecast the likely timeframe for introduction of the proposed
     Where any proposed treatment will result in westbound vehicles exiting left out only,
     then the assessment will need to identify a suitable turnaround location and any
     treatment/s required to accommodate likely demand.
2.   The RSA identified an existing utility pole located immediately behind the kerb and
     gutter east of Karwin Street as being a roadside hazard with a high risk rating. The
     applicant was advised that Roads and Maritime Services will likely require the
     installation of appropriate protection and/or relocation of the structure and any other
     structure deemed to represent a risk to an errant vehicle within the clear zone.
3.   The RSA identified risks associated with vehicles entering and leaving properties
     opposite the proposed development and the need for vehicles to undertake such
     manoeuvres within the travel lane.
     The applicant is advised that RMS will likely require the installation of a central median
     to address the risk of vehicles accessing residential properties by turning right across
     the proposed westbound right turn lane. The Developer is responsible for achieving a
     safe design and any resulting amendments to the current concept design.
     Acceptance of the current concept design will result in vehicles reversing from
     residential driveways into the westbound travel lane and will result in the loss of on-
     street parking in the vicinity of the proposed development. Service vehicles, for
     example garbage collection trucks, will result in delay to through traffic. It should be
     determined by Council whether or not the identified impacts on residential access,
     traffic efficiency and/or road safety are in the public interest.
4.   An amended concept design has removed the westbound merge for vehicles leaving
     the proposed development and identified improvements to the site access to reduce

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     conflict generated by the proposed design. These amendments are considered to
     address the related issues identified under the RSA and the applicant proposed
     changes remedy these risks are acknowledged. Access, traffic efficiency and road
     safety are in the public interest.
RMS concluded that where the above points are not addressed, there is likely to be a
detrimental impact on the safety and efficiency of the Classified Road. Further, they have
advised that to maintain the public investment made on Scott Road as an important interstate
and inter regional freight route, that Council should resolve all outstanding matters prior to
making determination.
Having regard to the comments from RMS, staff from Council’s Strategy and Development
and Development and Approvals Divisions, have formed the view that the development
cannot be supported as proposed. The applicant was provided with an opportunity to
respond to issues raised by RMS in response to the RSA, to which a reply was received
requesting the application be determined as submitted in April 2018.
The applicant retracted this request in July 2018, to investigate alterative accesses, and then
in September 2018, advised all avenues had been exhausted and instructed that the
application be determined.
Given the complexity of the issues in this section of Scott Road and that neither Council nor
RMS are confident that the development will not detrimentally impact the function of the
Classified Road, the development application should not be supported. The loss of the
parking lane and subsequent impact on the residents of Scott Road would also be a
significant compromise.
Large delivery trucks, including articulated vehicles up to 19 metres long will service the
development. Appropriate manoeuvring areas have been provided in accordance with
Australian Standards within the site so as to ensure that articulated vehicles may enter and
exit the site in a forward direction.
The parking rates adopted for development are for “shopping centres” as provided by the
RTA Guidelines for Traffic Generating Development, which is consistent with the parking rate
identified for major retail premises identified by the Commercial/Retail Development Controls
chapter of the TRDCP 2010. The parking proposed for the development satisfies these
Public Transport
The RMS have identified that there is no public transport to or from the proposed
development, and this has not been satisfactorily addressed by the proponent.
Footpaths are proposed to be retained and constructed (where required) along the road
verge fronting the development site so as to provide pedestrian access to the centre.
Utilities – Water, Sewer, Stormwater
Water and sewer is connected to the lot, but an additional connection would be required and
services upgraded to accommodate the proposed development. An onsite detention system
would need to be constructed, which would capture stormwater and runoff from the
development and release it at pre-developed flows into Barnes Gully.

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Flora and Fauna
The trees to be cleared to accommodate the development are not considered to have any
significant ecological value, and their removal will not impact on any vulnerable or threatened
Waste bins would be stored in a lockable enclosure adjacent to the loading dock for
collection of general waste materials generated by day to day operation of the business. The
bins would be emptied by a local waste collection contractor.
An approval pursuant to Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, would need to be
obtained to dispose of liquid trade waste into a sewer of the Council.
Noise and Vibration
Noise is likely to be generated during both the construction and during operation which is
typical for this form of development.
s.4.15(1)(c)      The Suitability of Site for the Development
The site is not considered to be suitable for the development because it has not been
demonstrated that the traffic and access associated with the development will not be
detrimental to the ongoing functionality and efficiency of Scott Road.
s.4.15(1)(d)      Any Submissions Made in Accordance with the Act or Regulations
The application was advertised and notified in accordance with the TRDCP 2010, from 27
February to 27 March 2017. There were 18 submissions received during the exhibition
period, with one submission against the development subsequently withdrawn. Copies of the
public submissions are ENCLOSED, refer CONFIDENTIAL ENCLOSURE 1.
A summary of the issues raised is included below, including commentary on those issues not
already addressed in the report is provided below:
   Privacy concerns for neighbouring residents relating to the use of security cameras and
Comment: It is possible that CCTV may affect the privacy of surrounding residences, but it
also has many positive outcomes for the community with respect to crime prevention and
   Potential decreased property values for surrounding properties as a result of increased
     traffic issues.
Comment: The impact of property values on a development is not a matter for consideration
in the assessment of a development application.
These matters have already been addressed in the report:
   Changes to existing road configuration including the removal of the existing parking
     lane will impact on residents’ ability to enter and exit their property safely, as well as
     accommodating visitors and/or multiple cars associated with affected properties.
   Existing traffic congestion and associated issues will only continue to worsen with the
     ongoing development of Calala and the Longyard precincts. Residents on the southern
     side of Scott Road already have issues entering and exiting their properties and the
     proposed development will only make things worse.

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    Concerns over the potential for a left hand turn only arrangement into properties on the
      southern side of Scott Road. Residents of some of these properties travelling along
      Scott Road from the south towards the north will be required to either use the
      roundabout at the intersection of Peel Street and Scott Road, or undertake an unsafe
      U-turn on Scott Road to gain access to their properties from this direction.
    Potential conflicts between vehicles, cyclists and pedestrian traffic created by the
      proposed access arrangements.
    Additional traffic volumes will result in additional noise and headlight intrusion impacts
      for residential properties on Scott Road.
    Proposed access arrangements could impact ability of emergency vehicles to utilise
      Scott Road, which they frequently do.
    Traffic generation numbers used in the TIA are flawed and underestimate the traffic
      produced by a new Aldi Store in the proposed location.
    No pedestrian access for pedestrians looking to access the site from residential areas
      on the southern side of Scott Road.
    Heavy vehicles regularly use both lanes of traffic when entering and exiting Scott Road
      at the roundabout intersection of Scott Road and Goonoo Goonoo Rd to accommodate
      their required turning paths.
s.4.15(1)(e)      The Public Interest
The proposal is not considered to be in the public interest because neither RMS nor Council
are satisfied by the information submitted that there will not be a detrimental impact on the
safety and efficiency of the Classified Road. In the circumstances, it is in the public interest
to maintain the public investment made in Scott Road and ensure that it continues to perform
as an important interstate and inter-regional freight route.
(a)   Policy Implications
(b)   Financial Implications
(c)   Legal Implications
(d)   Community Consultation
      Community consultation was undertaken through public exhibition of the development
      application in accordance with the TRDCP 2010.

(e)   Delivery Program Objective/Strategy
      A Region of Progressive Leadership – L11 Provide quality customer service.
(f)   Reason for Consideration by Council
      The proposal has been referred to Council because it is recommended that the
      development application be determined by refusal.

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This report provides an assessment of the development with regard to all relevant matters
listed under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and
issues raised in the public submissions.
The primary issue for this proposal is the impact of the development on the ongoing
functionality and efficiency of Scott Road, which is constrained by width, services, presence
of surrounding dwellings and proximity of intersections in this location. As neither Council,
nor RMS are satisfied with the potential impacts of the development on traffic and access,
and the proponent has nominated not to submit any further information in this regard, it is
recommended that the Development Application is determined by refusal.

AUTHOR:                   Megan Purkiss, Strategic Planner
Reference:                Item 7.2 to Ordinary Council 30 October 2018 - Minute No
                                                                 4 ANNEXURES ATTACHED
That in relation to the report “Amendment to the Tamworth Regional Local
Environmental Plan 2010 - Planning Proposal to Remove Caravan Parks from the RE2
Private Recreation Zone”, Council:
(i)     prepare and submit a Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and
        Environment requesting a Gateway Determination in accordance with Sections
        3.33 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979;
(ii)    request that the Minister for Planning and Environment exercise their plan
        making powers under Section 3.22 of the Environmental Planning and
        Assessment Act 1979, and grant Council delegated authority to amend the
        Tamworth Regional Local Environmental Plan 2010; and
(iii)   upon receipt of a Gateway Determination in relation to the Planning Proposal,
        publicly exhibit the proposal.
The purpose of this report is to seek a resolution of Council to address the location of
caravan parks within a recreational zone that would impact upon potential future and existing
development within the Tamworth Region. The proposed changes include:
       removal of caravan parks from the RE2 Private Recreation zone Land Use Table;
       change the zoning of Lots 1 and 2 DP 1055796, Kennedy Street, Manilla from RE2
         Private Recreation to RE1 Public Recreation; and
       change the zoning of Lot 2 DP 864981, Longyard Golf Course, Greg Norman Drive,
         Hillvue from SP3 Tourist to RE2 Private Recreation.
The Planning Proposal aims to ensure that incompatible development does not occur in

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