TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT

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TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
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                                                                         REACH SOUTH INDIA

                               TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE
                            Andhra Pradesh l Telangana l Tamilnadu l Pondicherry l Karnataka l Kerala
                            Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, `40/-
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
Study Finds 5G will Drive $1.3 Trillion in New Revenues
  in Media and Entertainment Industry by 2028: Intel
According to the newly released “5G Economics          The report points to the following breakouts in        the full potential of augmented reality (AR), vir-
of Entertainment Report” commissioned by Intel         revenue as 5G networks overtake 3G and 4G by           tual reality (VR) and new media.
and conducted by Ovum, it is forecast that over        offering new capabilities:                             The average monthly traffic per 5G subscriber will
the next decade (2019-2028) media and enter-           • 2022: nearly 20 percent of total revenues –          grow from 11.7GB in 2019 to 84.4GB per month
tainment companies will be competing to win                $47 billion of $253 billion                        in 2028, at which point video will account for 90
a share of a near $3 trillion cumulative wireless      • 2025: more than 55 percent of total revenues         percent of all 5G traffic.
revenue opportunity. Experiences enabled by 5G             – $183 billion of $321 billion                     Evolved 3G and 4G networks would offer a
networks will account for nearly half of this reve-    • 2028: nearly 80 percent of total revenues –          degraded experience because the capacity will be
nue opportunity (close to $1.3 trillion).                  $335 billion of $420 billion                       insufficient to handle the increased video view-
Why 2025 is the 5G Tipping Point: The report           How Media Demand Drives Network Evolution:             ing time, content evolution to higher resolutions,
says that as early as 2025, 57 percent of global       The “5G Economics of Entertainment Report”             more embedded media and immersive experi-
wireless media revenues will be generated by           forecasts that 5G will accelerate content con-         ences.
using the super-high-bandwidth capabilities of         sumption, including mobile media, mobile adver-        Forecast to provide $140 billion in cumulative
5G networks and the devices that run on 5G.            tising, home broadband and TV, and improve             revenues (2021-2028), expanded AR and VR expe-
The low latency of these networks means that no        experiences across a broad range of new immer-         riences may also enable a whole new channel for
video will stall or stop – livestreaming and large     sive and interactive technologies – unleashing         content producers to reach consumers.
downloads will happen in the blink of an eye.

 Hyderabad to have Qualcomm’s                                                                                 Currency Notes, Coins,
                                                                                                              ATMs, Mobile Internet
    largest campus after US                                                                                    Payments and Coun-
                                                                                                               terfeit Currency Will
Tech major Qualcomm will set up up a campus            from the US-headquartered telecommunication                   End Soon
in Hyderabad at an investment of $400 million          equipment maker met the state’s Minister for
(about Rs 3,000 crore), which will be its largest      IT and Industries K.T. Rama Rao to discuss their
facility outside of the United States, the Telan-      growth plans in the city, according to a Ministry
gana state government announced on Saturday.           statement.
“Qualcomm will be investing USD 400 million (Rs        Qualcomm joins the elite list of companies that
3,000 crore) to set up their campus in Hyderabad,      have their largest presence globally outside of
Telangana. This is one of the largest investment       their headquarters in Hyderabad, Rama Rao said
by a marquee company after the formation of            in the statement. “We have Apple, Amazon, Goo-
the state,” it said in a release. The phase-1 of the   gle, Microsoft, Facebook and now Qualcomm.
project will include a built-up space of 1.7 million   This list will only increase as they are a few more    India Future Age Solutions (FAS), a Singa-
sqft, housing about 10,000 employees.                  in the pipeline that we are working actively with.     pore-based disruptive products innovation
Qualcomm hopes to start its work in 2019. Qual-        This is indeed a big boost to the state of Telan-      startup, is about to launch an innovative product
comm already has a presence in India in Hyder-         gana, as well as to the electronics, and semicon-      called Digital Wallet, a payment device enabling
abad, Bengaluru, and Chennai. The delegates            ductors industry…,” he said.                           peer-to-peer payments that works without Inter-
                                                                                                              net, reaching even the remotest areas of the
Samsung India Delivers 5G Tech Sessions to                                                                    The Digital Wallets will eliminate or minimize the
                                                                                                              needs of worldwide printing of currency notes,
 Enable Opportunities Around 5G in India                                                                      minting of coins, ATMs, and Internet based
                                                       tory Authority of India (TRAI), Telecom Engineer-      phone payment options. In addition, worldwide
                                                       ing Centre (TEC), and Centre for Development           counterfeit currency business will come to an
                                                       of Telematics (C-DOT). The participants also           end, says Vinod Khillan, Vice President FAS.
                                                       included a number of key representatives from          On an average, 10% of the world economy is trans-
                                                       international organizations and government offi-       acted in cash mainly for small payments through
                                                       cials from Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Europe.        physical wallets. The idea of this invention is to
                                                       “These sessions truly helped understand the flex-      replace the physical wallets by Digital Wallets.
                                                       ibility that 5G offers to enable various verticals     Digital Wallet, a handheld slim and tiny biometric
                                                       such as Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) to address         device that works on fingerprint authentication,
                                                       the crucial last-mile connectivity problem in India,   makes payments or transactions highly safe and
Samsung India and ITU-APT Foundation of India          and the importance of securing both below 6GHz         secure in encrypted mode. Moreover, the total
(IAFI) recently held the 5G Spectrum Conference        and above 6GHz bands, for enabling 5G India            isolated private network, encrypted intercom-
in New Delhi, providing a forum for global experts     deployments,” said Mr. Srinivasan Sundararajan,        munication and total isolation from Internet con-
to exchange information and experiences regard-        Vice President, Samsung Networks Business.             nectivity makes the digital wallet extremely safe,
ing regulatory conditions, trials, and implemen-       “ITU-APT Foundation of India is very happy to          secure and immune to hacking and data theft.
tation opportunities to facilitate development of      partner with Samsung R&D to deliver these              The Digital Wallet functions on proprietary sys-
views on 24.25-29.5 GHz spectrum for 5G. This is       unique knowledge sharing sessions. These are           tems like processor, operating system, Unique
the essential spectrum band for 5G deployments         very timely in nature and the feedback has been        Embedded Text Script and payment processing
globally.                                              tremendously positive,” said Mr. Bharat Bhatia,        software application inventions by an Indian ori-
The conference was attended by members of the          President, IAFI, which focusses on development         gin inventor and founder of FAS, Raj Tore.
Department of Telecom (DoT), Telecom Regula-           of Indian telecom sector.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                        2                                            KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
  MI LED TVs TO BE MADE IN ANDHRA PRADESH                                                                        Rashi Peripherals & Asus
                                                                                                                 Ignite Passion For Sales
                                                                                                                 Among Channel Partners

Xiaomi has Dixon Technologies based our of             to get an ecosystem in state where $250 billion
Noida to manufacture Mi LED TVs locally at the         worth of electronics manufacturing will happen,          In a bit to ignite the passion for sales among its
state-of-the-art facility in Tirupati which was        which is half of the country’s consumption of            channel community, Rashi Peripherals, India’s
inaugurated by state Chief Minister N. Chan-           electronics in India every year”.                        only value-added distributor and Asus, recently
drababu Naidu.                                         Manu Jain, Vice President, Xiaomi and Managing           concluded the Asus NB Passion event. The five-
Chief Minister said,”I have a vision of making         Director, Xiaomi India said, “We are already the         city event was aimed at educating channel part-
Tirupati an IT Hub, offering a one-stop solution       number one ‘Smart TV’ brand in India, and we             ners on Asus Notebook business.
for leading electronics players encompassing the       hope that with our increased focus on local man-         During the event, partners were given in-depth
entire life cycle of and ecosystem in electronics      ufacturing, we would be able to increase our sup-        training on latest product offerings. The rep-
from design to death. “I am delighted to welcome       ply and reach out to many more Mi Fans”.                 resentatives from Asus and Rashi Peripherals
Xiaomi, the undisputed leader of ‘Smart TVs’ in        “After a successful smartphone journey, we are           offered them an expert guidance on the right
India, along with Dixon Technologies to the holy       beginning a new chapter with Mi LED TV manu-             market pitch for earning better ROI. There were
city of Tirupati and to the family of other leading    facturing in India. The 32-acre Mi LED TV manu-          also dedicated zones for product display and live
electronics players that will help showcase the        facturing plant now employs more than 850 peo-           demo which enabled partners to touch feel and
state as an example of transparent governance,”        ple. The factory will be able to produce 100,000         explore the technology.
the chief minister added”.                             Mi LED TVs per month by the first quarter of             Talking about the motive behind the Asus NB Pas-
IT Minister of AP, Nara Lokesh said”Our target is      2019, the company said.                                  sion event, Mr. Mihir Talekar, Business Manager at
                                                                                                                Rashi Peripherals said, “The objective of the five
                                                                                                                city partner meet was to grow the passion quo-
  Galaxy Watch Developers Discuss                                                                               tient among partners for the Asus Notebook busi-
                                                                                                                ness and have deeper engagement with them.
  Putting the ‘Smart’ in Smartwatch                                                                             Asus NB Passion was a platform to connect with
                                                                                                                partners, understand their views and aspirations
                                                       terns when they wear the device to bed, and clas-        in order to give them best possible support. We
                                                       sifies sleep quality in four categories.                 want to ensure that our partners are well-updated
                                                       The smartwatch incorporates insights it gains            on the current market and technology trends. We
                                                       from analyzing users’ sleep into the briefings that      will continue to organize such events and provide
                                                       it automatically sends them every morning and            them value-added services.”
                                                       night. The morning briefing displays sleep qual-
                                                       ity, as well as useful contextual information such             Tata Communications
                                                       as the weather forecast and the user’s schedule.          acquires mobility and Internet of
                                                       The evening briefing reminds users of any pend-              Things specialist Teleena
                                                       ing events on their schedule, includes a summary         Tata Communications, a leading global digital
                                                       of their level of activity for that day, and also dis-   infrastructure provider, is acquiring Teleena, a
Is a smart device that’s difficult to use really all   plays the next day’s forecast.                           Netherlands-based Internet of Things (IoT) con-
that smart? It’s a question that many consumers        Myung-hwan explained how, to help make the               nectivity specialist and mobile virtual network
have found themselves asking when their (sup-          briefing function as convenient as possible, the         enabler (MVNE). The company’s technology
posedly) smart devices’ advanced features prove        team designed it to notify users at optimal times.       reduces the operational complexity and cost of
frustratingly hard to manage.                          This means that once the Galaxy Watch has ana-           mobility and IoT deployments for businesses.
Samsung Electronics designed the Galaxy Watch          lyzed the user’s sleep and wake-up patterns, it          Teleena’s solution is a key part of the Tata Com-
with a focus on delivering the level of ease and       automatically issues the morning and evening             munications’ MOVE™ platform, which enables
intuitiveness that makes a smart device truly and      briefings before they typically go to bed, and just      enterprises and device manufacturers to cap-
unequivocally smart. Recently, Samsung News-           after they normally wake up.                             ture, move and manage information worldwide
room spoke with members of the new smart-              The App Shortcuts widget is another particularly         through borderless, secure and scalable connec-
watch’s development team product planner               useful example of the Galaxy Watch’s ‘smart’             tivity. The acquisition is an investment in tech-
Myung-hwan Lee and hardware developer Joo-ho           automation. This clever feature automatically            nology and talent to complement Tata Commu-
Lee who discussed how they designed some of            analyzes the user’s location and the time of day         nications’ growth strategy in the global mobility
the Galaxy Watch’s most convenient and intuitive       and presents them with shortcuts to frequently           and IoT market. It gives the company full access
features.                                              accessed apps that they might need.                      to Teleena’s technology portfolio, including its
Myung-hwan Lee began by outlining the Galaxy           To illustrate its convenience, Myung-hwan                MVNE platform, its Operational Support System /
Watch team’s goal of designing “a product that         described how the widget makes it easier for             Business Support System (OSS/BSS) solution, and
virtually anyone could use without difficulty.” He     users to streamline their commute. “When it’s            the expertise of Teleena’s mobility and IoT indus-
pointed to the device’s ability to automatically       time to go to work,” he explained, “the Galaxy           try specialists.
detect and log certain exercises such as runs,         Watch will place a public transportation app in          Teleena’s customers will now transition to
walks and cycling sessions as an example of its        the App Shortcuts widget if that’s the app that          become Tata Communications’ customers, and all
ease of use1.                                          the user uses most when he or she goes to the            Teleena employees will become Tata Communica-
The Galaxy Watch utilizes its heart-rate sensor        office.”                                                 tions’ employees.
and accelerometer to measure users’ sleep2 pat-

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                         3                                             KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
HCL TECHNOLOGY’S NEW GLOBAL IT                                                                               EDITORIAL
 DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING CENTRE AT                                                                              EDITOR: Dinesh Shyam Sukha
           VIJAYAWADA                                                                                          CO-ORDINATOR : Siddhi
                                                                                                               PRODUCTION & OPERATION: Ramayya
                                                                                                               POSTAGE & PACKING: L.N.Rao
                                                                                                               ADVERTISING SALES: V.K.Gupta
                                                                                                               DESIGN : Dikshit
                                                                                                               CREATIVE DESIGNER: MKVS
                                                                                                               ACCOUNTS: Murthy

                                                                                                               MAGAZINE CUSTOMER
                                                                                                     , 9246402144

                                                                                                               All products, brands, service names
                                                                                                               mentioned may be trademarks of their
                                                                                                               respective owners

HCL Technologies, the third largest IT company         amongst several other key leaders.
in India, yesterday performed the Bhumi Puja for       HCL plans to service its global customers espe-         oped as part of the MoU. This is an initiative to
its new Global IT Development center at Ganna-         cially in the Hi-tech industry. Through its “come       bridge the employability divide between the met-
varam. Spread over 29.86 acres, the new center is      back home” campaign, HCL plans to attract talent        ros and urban cities, it will also provide an eclec-
envisaged as part of the state’s drive to create a     who belong to Vijayawada and provide them with          tic range of employment opportunities to the
new IT hub. The Government of Andhra Pradesh           exciting careers in the areas of application and        youth in the region that will ultimately enhance
signed a MoU with HCL Technology in 2017.              product development including new technolo-             the quality of life.
Mr. Nara Lokesh, Hon’ble Minister for Panchayati       gies on demand. The company will be investing           Financial Services, Manufacturing, Telecommuni-
Raj, Rural Development, Information Technol-           in creating a training center for fresher engineer      cations, Media, Publishing, Entertainment, Retail
ogy & Communications, Government of Andhra             graduates from local colleges.                          & CPG, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Oil & Gas,
Pradesh, laid the foundation stone in the pres-        In accordance with the MoU with the Andhra              Energy & Utilities, Travel, Transportation & Logis-
ence of Ms. Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Executive           Pradesh government, HCL will develop two facil-         tics and Government. With 124,121 professionals
Director & CEO, HCL Corporation, Director, HCL         ities with an investment of over Rs 700 crores          from diverse nationalities, HCL focuses on creat-
Technologies, Trustee, Shiv Nadar Foundation,          – Campus in Vijayawada and Amravati in phases           ing real value for customers by taking ‘Relation-
Founder & Trustee, The Habitats Trust and Shi-         over the next few years. A skill development cen-       ships Beyond the Contract’.
khar Malhotra, Vice Chairman, HCL Healthcare           ter with a 1,000-seat capacity will also be devel-

  AP drones corporation signs MoU to                                                                            Triton solar company signs
                                                                                                                MoU to set up solar battery
  train and manufacture drones in AP                                                                                    plant in AP

                                                       foxcon group for renewable energy. The venture
                                                       has already won a 250 mw solar power project
                                                       with NTPC in AP.
                                                       The Chief Minister also met Sam Kalyanam, exec-
                                                       utive global business head, IBM Watson financial
                                                       services, former MD Citi group and discussed on
                                                       various opportunities of collaboration between          The Triton Solar company of US entered into an
                                                       the Govt of AP and Watson financial services.           MoU with AP Economic Development board to
                                                       Watson plans for outsourcing AI blockchain and          set up a solar batteries manufacturing plant in AP
                                                       fraud/regulatory compliance linked investments          under PPP mode. The plant help for conversion of
                                                       in India. Data analytics and operational research       electrical vehicles and secure 200 mw solar power
                                                       operations possibility in Vizag fintech valley to       storage supply to meet the state solar energy
Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu met several         proactively support on insights from the financial      needs.
industrial giants and discussed with them on           markets for AP to pursue key clients.                   The company came forward to set up a solar bat-
the investment opportunities in Andhra Pradesh         Earlier AP Drones corporation, a govt of AP ini-        tery manufacturing plant at a cost of Rs 727 cr
and invited them to AP. Some of the companies          tiative represented by chairman Babu A and Uni-         after chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu held dis-
signed MoUs with Govt of AP to set up companies        versity of Texas Dallas represented by Emily Lacy       cussions with the delegates of the company today.
in the state.                                          Associate director of research and Value Thought        When the Chief Minister explained the priority of
The Chief Minister met Sunil Bharti Mittal, founder    IT Solutions Private limited represented by N           the state govt to introduce electrical vehicles in
and chairman Bharti Enterprises and discussed on       Mahesh signed an MoU to create technical and            the state, the company chairman Himansu Patel,
opportunities of collaboration between the com-        trained manpower on drone and its allied areas          managing partner Nand Sandilya came forward to
pany and Govt of AP. The Bharti Enterprises is one     and to utilise machine learning, deep learning          set up plant in the state.
of India’s leading conglomerates with diversified      and drone captured imagery. To create an eco            The company representatives entered into an MoU
interests in telecom, insurance, real estate, agri     system R&D centre and manufacturing centre on           with EDB in the presence of Chief Minister N Chan-
and food, besides other ventures. SB Energy is         drones and thereby create start ups incorporat-         drababu Naidu, Principal secretary of Industry and
joint venture proposed with Softbank group and         ing them both in Texas and Andhra Pradesh.              investments Ajay Jain, AP Economic Development
                                                                                                               board CEO Jasti Krishna Kishore.
CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                        4                                              KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
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      T VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                                                    5                                      KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT

 Intel Recognizes Manufacturing Day
                                                                                                               ing facilities in the world.
                                                                                                               The scale of the modern-day fab operation is
                                                                                                               stunning, even to us. Both of us began our careers
                                                                                                               on the Oregon campus, starting in a single fab of
                                                                                                               less than 100,000 square feet. Thirty years later,
                                                                                                               multiple large buildings now are linked together
                                                                                                               with clean automation systems to form factories
                                                                                                               with roughly 1 million square feet of clean room
                                                                                                               As the number of players with a leading-edge
                                                                                                               logic fab has shrunk from 25 in 2003 to just four
                                                                                                               today, Intel continues to grow, delivering record
                                                                                                               revenue and contributing billions of dollars to the
                                                                                                               Last year, Intel invested billions of dollars in
                                                                                                               research and development, making it one of
                                                                                                               the largest R&D investors among U.S. compa-
On behalf of Intel, we proudly join the U.S. Depart-   In April 1969, less than a year after operations        nies. Intel received the third-most patents in
ment of Commerce and the National Association          began in California, Intel introduced its first prod-   the United States in 2017, with more than 3,700
of Manufacturers in celebration of National Manu-      uct: the 64-bit 3101 bipolar static random access       newly granted U.S. patents in its portfolio, which
facturing Day on Friday. Since Intel’s inception 50    memory. It was faster and more powerful than            totals more than 28,000 active U.S. patents. Our
years ago, manufacturing has been at the heart of      anything on the market, and Intel’s remarkable          R&D investments drive breakthroughs in engi-
what we do and we have been committed to man-          technical achievement signaled to the world that        neering and manufacturing that enable Intel to
ufacturing in America. Today, Intel remains one of     it would be a leader in bringing innovative tech-       create the cutting-edge products and technolo-
the only U.S. technology companies that has kept       nology and manufacturing processes to the fore-         gies that power and connect billions of devices
the majority of its advanced manufacturing and         front of the semiconductor industry.                    and the infrastructure of the smart, connected
research and development in the U.S.                   What began as a small operation in Fab 1 in             world.
Every day, our talented teams work to make             Mountain View, California, five decades ago has         When we joined Intel in the mid ’80s, the indus-
astounding technical breakthroughs to create the       grown into a manufacturing and engineering              try’s big challenge was developing a “sub-micron”
next generation of technologies. Over the years,       powerhouse. Intel is one of the world’s largest         technology. Fast-forward to today, and our focus
we’ve been privileged to witness the develop-          and most successful semiconductor companies.            on 10- and 7-nanometer technologies shows the
ment of some of the greatest advances that have        Intel’s state-of-the-art fabrication facilities, or     amazing journey – one we feel privileged and
profoundly changed the world.                          fabs, are among the most advanced manufactur-           take great pride in being a part of.

            Volkswagen and Microsoft partner to give
               drivers a connected, seamless ride
                                                                                                               of joining forces and putting the best of each
                                                                                                               company at the table and building the business
                                                                                                               together,” says Heiko Huettel, head of connected
                                                                                                               car for the Volkswagen Group.
                                                                                                               As Volkswagen aims to transform its company
                                                                                                               to a digital services-driven business, the Volk-
                                                                                                               swagen Automotive cloud will be built from the
                                                                                                               ground up on top of Microsoft’s Azure cloud and
                                                                                                               IoT Edge platform as its technology foundation.
                                                                                                               To start, the cloud will leverage Microsoft cloud
                                                                                                               services including Azure IoT, PowerBI and Skype
                                                                                                               to help create in-car consumer experiences,
As Volkswagen began planning for its push into         The issue is one automotive companies world-            telematics and productivity solutions. By building
electric cars and autonomous technology, the           wide are grappling with as they seek to create          its own dedicated automotive cloud, Volkswagen
company faced a major challenge — how to build         connected, customized driving experiences that          will be able to leverage consistent mobility ser-
a connected car that enabled drivers to seam-          move across customers’ daily lives. To address          vices across its entire portfolio of brands.
lessly access digital services on the go.              that challenge and gain the knowledge to build          Volkswagen will establish a new legal entity
A driver might, for example, be listening to music     its own mobility services, Volkswagen turned to         located in North America close to Microsoft’s
at home and want to continue listening as she          Microsoft. The two companies are partnering to          headquarters in Redmond, Washington, to build
gets in her car, then need to jump on a confer-        develop the Volkswagen Automotive Cloud, a              its new automotive cloud. To help bolster those
ence call, then check her online calendar. Access-     dedicated global cloud platform that will provide       efforts, Microsoft will provide hands-on sup-
ing those services on the road can be problem-         digital mobility services across the automaker’s        port, including initial engineering consulting
atic, since applications from third-party providers    portfolio.                                              resources. The new entity will be governed by
typically don’t talk to each other in a seamless       “I think this is an industry benchmark in terms         an executive council with business and technical
way.                                                                                                           leaders from both companies.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                         6                                             KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
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      T VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                           7                                      KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT

                                                                                                           Nokia 7.1 launches the
            Chinese Maker Vivo                                                                             first smartphone with
               launches Z3i                                                                                 PureDisplay screen
Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has launched a         has fallen to Rs 20,990.
                          new smartphone Vivo        For the camera department, the Z3i is equipped
                          Z3i in its home country.   with dual rear cameras with a combination of
                          The smartphone is said     16-megapixel primary lens with f/2.0 aperture
                          to a rebranded version     and a 5-megapixel secondary shooter with f/2.4
                          of the Vivo V11 that       aperture. It has a 24-megapixel front camera with
                          was launched in India.     f/2.0 aperture. The front camera can be also used
                          The Vivo Z3i has been      for face unlock feature.
                          launched with a price      Vivo Z3i runs on Android 8.1 Oreo OS with Fun-
                          tag of RMB 2,398,          Touch OS on top. The handset has a battery
                          which roughly amounts      capacity of 3315mah battery. The phone has            HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones,
                          to Rs 25,600. Buyers       regular connectivity features such as 4G VoLTE,       announced the Nokia 7.1 – the first smartphone
will be able to choose from Millennium Pink and      Bluetooth 4.2, WiFi, micro USB port, GPS, GLON-       to come with PureDisplay screen technology,
Aurora Blue colors. In comparison, the Vivo V11      ASS, OTG, FM Radio and 3.5mm audio jack. It           which will take your viewing experience to the
was launched in India for Rs 22,990. But within      measures 155.97 x 75.63 x 8.1mm and it weighs         next level due to its high contrast ratio, greater
two weeks of launch, the device’s price in India     163.7 grams.                                          clarity and enhanced colours across all of your
                                                                                                           The Nokia 7.1’s stunning HDR display lies within
  Capture and share your experiences                                                                       a masterfully crafted, gorgeous design and offers
                                                                                                           an advanced imaging experience powered by a
  as you see them with the Galaxy A9                                                                       dual rear depth sensing camera with two phase
                                                                                                           detection and ZEISS Optics to ensure you never
                                                     “As a global leader in smartphone innovation, we      miss a moment.
                                                     understand the demand for meaningful innova-          Juho Sarvikas, Chief Product Officer, HMD Global
                                                     tion in a fast-paced world driven by visual com-      said:
                                                     munication,” said DJ Koh, President and CEO of IT     “Almost two thirds of videos around the world
                                                     & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung           are viewed on mobile which is why we’ve intro-
                                                     Electronics. “Building on our legacy in smart-        duced our PureDisplay screen technology, to give
                                                     phone camera development we’re introducing            everyone a premium viewing experience on a
                                                     next-generation technology across our entire          smartphone. The Nokia 7.1 even offers real-time
                                                     Galaxy portfolio to give more consumers the           SDR to HDR conversion, meaning you can expe-
                                                     opportunity to experience cutting-edge innova-        rience HDR quality entertainment, event when
Samsung Electronics announced the Galaxy A9, a       tion. We’re excited to deliver on this promise and    your content is not.
smartphone built for those who love to explore,      debut world leading smartphone camera technol-
capture the moment and share it as they see it.      ogy with the Galaxy A9.”
The pioneering Galaxy A9 debuts the world’s first    In an exciting and connected world where                   Realme Unveils
rear quad camera and is packed with features         moments and memories, from the everyday to
designed to help you live each day to the fullest.   the once-in-a-lifetime, are captured and shared
                                                                                                             ‘Realme 2 Pro’ in India
The Galaxy A9 is tailored for those who know         instantly, the smartphone has become so much                             Realme 2 Pro, is set to become
what they want, and go after it. Whether it’s        more than just a phone to consumers. That’s                              a benchmark in the mid-range
capturing a dare-devil selfie or that perfect pan-   why the Galaxy A9 is packed with Samsung’s best                          segment owing to its ‘Max
orama, the Galaxy A9 is the ultimate companion       camera innovations, to enable all consumers to                           Power, Max Style’ proposi-
for capturing and sharing everyday adventures,       achieve more, experience more and unlock more                            tion. The device carries a for-
no matter where life takes you.                      possibilities every day.                                                 midable Snapdragon 660 AIE
                                                                                                                              processor and comes in three
                                                                                                                              variants; 4 GB RAM + 64 GB
                                                                                                                              ROM at INR 13,990/-, 6GB RAM
     Oppo K1 launched with In-Display                                                                                         + 64 GB ROM at INR 15,990/-
                                                                                                                              and 8GB RAM + 128GB ROM
      Fingerprint Sensor & 6gb Ram                                                                         at INR 17,990/- .
                                                                                                           Realme 2 Pro, with a super large and marvelous
                             OPPO has launched       the OPPO K1 is priced at Rs.19,300 approx as per      view, 6.3-inch Dewdrop Full Screen and the high-
                             the in China k1, it     the present exchange rate. The handset comes          est screen-to-body ratio of 90.8% in its segment,
                             basically comes in      in two colors – Van Gogh Blue and Mocha Red.          will be exclusively available on Flipkart from
                             two memory con-         The smartphone is now available for pre-order         October 11, at 00:00 Hours (October 10 mid-
                             figurations,    one     in China and is set go on sale in the country for     night) onwards. The phone will be available in
                             with 4GB RAM +          the first time at 10:00 AM on October 19. Those       three trendy new colors- Blue Ocean, Black Sea
                             64GB storage and        who pre-order the K1 will receive a Selfie stick      and Ice Lake.
                             6GB RAM + 64GB          as a gift. As for global availability, OPPO has not   Speaking at the launch of Realme 2 Pro, Madhav
                             storage. The 4GB        revealed any plans just yet. If OPPO does decide      Sheth, Chief Executive Officer, Realme India, said,
                             RAM variant of the      to launch the K1 in India, it might prove to be a     “With our first offering in the mid-range segment,
                             handset has been        solid alternative to the Vivo V11 Pro. The Vivo       we bring to you Realme 2 Pro, packed with a pow-
                             priced at Rs.17,100     V11 Pro features a very similar design to the K1      erful processor, dewdrop full screen, superlative
                             approx. And the         and also happens to be equipped with an in-dis-       photography experience and much more, further-
                             6GB RAM variant of      play fingerprint sensor.                              ing our product philosophy of Power meets Style.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                      8                                            KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
                                                                                                              ASUS Republic of
       Intel Announces World’s Best                                                                           Gamers launches
             Gaming Processor                                                                                   Strix GL12CX
                                                      Core processors, new Intel Core X-series proces-                            ASUS Republic of Gamers
                                                      sors and the Intel® Xeon® W-3175X processor.                                (ROG) announced the Strix
                                                      “Our goal is to deliver leadership performance                              GL12CX, the world’s first
                                                      across all computing segments and product                                   desktop to use the recently
                                                      lines,” said Anand Srivatsa, vice president and                             launched,     range-topping
                                                      general manager, Desktop, Systems and Chan-                                 NVidia GeForce RTX 2080
                                                      nel, within the Client Computing Group at Intel.                            Ti graphics engine. Built
                                                      “Today’s announcements underscore our ability                               to be the most powerful
Intel announced the 9th Gen Intel® Core™              to do exactly that, including, hands-down, the                              branded gaming desktop in
i9-9900K, the world’s best gaming processor1,         world’s best processor for gaming. Whether                                  the world, the Strix GL12CX
and said preorders for the new processor would        a gamer, a creator or an expert using the most       also features specially selected, factory-over-
begin. The announcement was made as part of           advanced workstation applications possible,          clocked Intel CPUs. The highest available option
a series of new desktop processor introductions       Intel and our partners are focused on delivering     in Intel’s fastest desktop chip: the octa-core Core
that will enable amazing performance and plat-        balanced platforms with real-world leadership        i9-9900K CPU. The GL12CX is also fitted with a
form features to meet a range of consumer needs       performance and robust capabilities that exceed      custom liquid cooling system to ensure uninter-
from gaming to content creation. New processors       their needs.”                                        rupted and reliable performance.
introduced today include the first 9th Gen Intel                                                           The 9th Gen “K” model Intel Core processor
                                                                                                           is fully unlocked for further fine tuning via our
                                                                                                           Armoury Crate software, which also lets you cus-
Vertiv Introduces New Range of products                                                                    tomize the Aura Sync lighting inside and out.
                                                                                                           To complement the hot-swap SSD bay demanded
    to strengthen its position in India                                                                    by esports tournaments, there’s an innovative
                                                                                                           DIMM.2 module that can hold dual SSDs cooled
                       Vertiv, formerly known as      also comes with capabilities to monitor environ-     by dedicated heatsinks. With cutting-edge com-
                       Emerson Network Power,         mental conditions such as airflow, temperature,      ponents and extensive connectivity housed in an
                       announced two of its lat-      humidity and dew point to provide enhanced           easily upgradeable design, the ROG Strix GL12CX
                       est offerings – RPDU(Rack      protection. The RPDUsare available in a range        offers a jaw-dropping gaming experience today
                       Power Distribution Units)      of colours which will help in identifying power      with room to grow into tomorrow.
                       and VRacks, from its           feeds to match the input power.
                       diverse portfolio of next      To address the computing demands of high per-
                       generation data centre         formance computing requirements, increased            RackStation RS1219+
                       solutions, to strengthen its   streaming content, VRacks are designed to meet         Storage Scalability
                       position as a market leader    the requirements of the Enterprises, Cloud, Hyper
                       in the data centre infra-      scale and Edge Data centers. The latest offeringis
                       structure industry.            inbuilt with single &split 77% perforated doors,
                       The new RPDUs are pat-         available in 8 sizes and is capable ofaccommo-
                       ented with U-locking sock-     datingupto 2000 Cat6 cables. It also entails an
ets for rigid cable connections that can hold upto    additional 63.5mm usable depth v/s market offer-
40 PD’s cascade with fault tolerance design. It       ings which can be used for higher depth servers
                                                      and 60A PDUs.                                        Synology Inc. launches RackStation RS1219+,
                                                                                                           a brand new Synology 2U 8-bay NAS featuring
                                                                                                           storage scalability and M.2 SSD support to super-
                                                                                                           charge its performance. With its compact chassis
   HP brings affordable digital learning                                                                   design, RS1219+ is capable of fitting in a 2-post
            with Mini Desktop                                                                              or wall mount rack and is perfect for small as well
                                                                                                           as medium-sized businesses to jump-start their
Designed specifically for the Indian education                                                             businesses without a substantial investment in
ecosystem, the affordability of these desktops                                                             building a Data Center.
will enable schools and institutes to set up or                                                            Since the Total cost of ownership (TCO) is a crit-
upgrade the computers in their Science, Technol-                                                           ical factor and needs to be considered when
ogy, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) labs at                                                            starting a business. The storage solution one
a minimal cost. These devices will help students      band with the HP 260 G3 desktop mini. With this,     buys not only needs to be comprehensive but
enhance their science and technological skills,       HP will be able to address the market’s need for     also economical as well. Featuring the capability
thereby enhancing their knowledge and creativ-        cost-effective desktop PCs. We are reaching out      to fit in a 2-post rack due to its 12-inch depth,
ity.                                                  to schools and educational institutions in metro     RS1219+ allows running a business from limited
“As technology becomes integral to businesses         cities as well as those in smaller cities, where     space without unnecessary investment in rail kits
and consumers’ daily lives, students need to learn    affordable digital learning devices can be highly    or server facilities.
digital skills that equip them well for the future.   useful.’’                                            “The storage capacity of RS1219+ can be
Driven by our goal to empower students, HP has        The HP 260 G3 is an extremely compact yet pow-       upgraded to 144 TB when connected to one
launched the mini desktop solution to enable          erful PC with Intel integrated graphics. When        RX418 expansion unit, providing growing compa-
easy and affordable digital learning for students     paired with HP Integrated Work Center and HP         nies with a data storage solution that scales with
across India.” said Sumeer Chandra, Managing          EliteDisplay, teachers can read and present files    their business. It can be upgraded to enhance
Director, HP India.                                   effortlessly. With the wide range of input display   performance and reduce latency by using M.2
Vickram Bedi, Senior Director, Personal Systems,      connectors (VGA, USB, HDMI), documents can           SATA SSD caching with a dual M.2 SSD adapter
HP Inc. India said, “We are hitting a new price       also be shared across multiple monitors.             card via the PCIe slot without occupying the front
                                                                                                           drive bay” added Shao.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                      9                                            KRISHNA, October -2018
TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE - REACH SOUTH INDIA Vol-13 Issue-3, Krishna, October - 2018, Pages-16, '40/- CELLIT
                                                                                                                  Mi Box S 4K media
 iBall launches Toto PT security camera                                                                            streaming box to
                                                                                                                 take on Google’s new
                        iBall, a brand known for       (Surface Mounted Diode) IR LEDs, the Camera                    Chromecast
                        its innovative and latest      provides superior clarity up to a distance of 10        Xiaomi has announced a new Mi Box S stream-
                        technology, brings the         m even at night. With around the clock vigil, Toto                                       ing media player in
                        latest in consumer-level       PT Camera keeps the users informed of all hap-                                           the US, soon after
                        smart-home with the            penings. With its compact and appealing hous-                                            Google announced
                        launch of iBall Guard          ing, Toto PT Camera looks more like a toy, but                                           its new Chrome-
                        Toto Smart HD PT Cam-          protects the users like a Boss.                                                          cast. The new
                        era – iB-HDP103SAF giv-        With 350-degree Pan and 90-degree Tilt feature,                                          streaming      box
                        ing economical solution        it can be rotated and angled as per the area to                                          by Xiaomi offers
for safety of our home, office and shops which is      be covered, leaving no uncovered spots. Enabling        almost all the same features as the new Chrome-
Wi-Fi enabled and let you watch and get alerts on      real time viewing, multiple users can view record-      cast but unlike the latter, it comes with an audio
your phone or tablet.                                  ings simultaneously, while the Camera adapts            out port and supports 4K HDR video streaming.
With minimal installation, flexible set-up and a       and customises to your needs. Bringing 2-way            The Mi Box S is capable of streaming content in
varied range of security features, safety is now       conversation, this Toto PT Camera lets you stay         4K and it also comes bundled with a voice remote
just a click away. Embedded with 1.0 MP high           connected to your loved ones at all times.              for easier navigation. As it’s powered by Android
resolution HD Camera and encased with 6 SMD                                                                    8.1 Oreo-based Android TV, it comes integrated
                                                                                                               with the Google Assistant and also features
                                                                                                               Chromecast support.
   Air purifer with four step purification                                                                      Coming to the technical specifications, the
                                                                                                               Xiaomi Mi Box S is powered by a 64-bit quad-core
           system, digital display                                                                             Cortex A53 CPU and a Mali-450 GPU. It features
Samsung AX5500 has Dual Smart Sensor that              wider area, reaching every corner of the room.          2GB RAM, coupled with 8GB of eMMC storage
                     detects the air quality in        The Front Air Inflow easily draws in air from the       and alongside HDR support, it can play videos of
                     real time and the Air Dig-        front allowing and the power fan spreads clean          up to 4096 x 2160p resolution at 60fps. Connec-
                     ital Display numerically          air out in 3 directions – top, left and right side,     tivity options on the device include a dual-band
                     shows PM2.5/ PM10/ Gas            enabling it to reach much wider area of upto 60         Wi-Fi 802.11ac, and the Bluetooth v4.2, one USB
                     Pollution Level to the con-       sq. meters (646 sq. ft.) and purifiers faster achiev-   2.0 port, one HDMI 2.0a, a power interface and
                     sumers, so you can be sure        ing a CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) of 455 cu.         as mentioned earlier, an audio out. It supports
                     that you’re breathing clean       meters per hour.                                        almost all major audio and video formats like
                     air. The first-of-its-kind Fil-   Samsung AX5500 air purifier’s 4 step purification       H.265, H.264, VP9, Dolby, DTS, Mp4, JPG, GIF,
                     ter Life Indicator lets you       system keeps the air pure. Firstly, the Pre Filter      PNG, TIF, and many more. Further, the remote for
                     track the life of the filter      extracts larger dust particles, such as pollen. Sec-    the Mi Box S supports voice search via Google
and help users to plan their next filter purchase.     ondly, a Deodorization Filter removes Formalde-         Assistant and also features a dedicated Netflix
Equipped with 360° wheels, the product can be          hyde, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Styrene. Then,         button.
easily moved anytime and anywhere based on the         its PM2.5 Filter captures upto 99% of ultrafine
requirement.                                           dust. Finally, Virus Doctor eliminates up to 99% of     Google updates Chrome-
Samsung AX5500 is designed to quickly purify a         certain viruses and bacteria.
                                                                                                                cast with 15% faster per-
                                                                                                                 formance, support for
   The new smart speaker and                                                                                   1080p streaming at 60fps

                                                       phones to hear commands better over louder
                                                       listening levels. With Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Alexa
                                                       built in, they deliver instant, easy access to mil-
                                                       lions of songs and tens of thousands of skills for
                                                       information, entertainment, smart home control,
                                                       and more. They work brilliantly alone or together
                                                       as a multi-room system.
                                                       “Voice-controlled speakers aren’t new, and there
                                                       are plenty of great options to choose from. But         Google says that the new Chromecast is 15%
Bose begins the next chapter in its legendary          we had a different vision for ours, inspired by         faster than its predecessor and can do 1080p at
home audio history with a new wireless smart           what we could uniquely do to make the experi-           60 frames per second. The streaming dongle will
speaker and two new smart soundbars— the               ence better,” said Doug Cunningham, category            be available in two colours—Chalk and Charcoal.
Bose Home Speaker 500 for music, and the Bose          manager in the Bose Consumer Electronics Divi-          A big addition to the new Chromecast is that it
Soundbar 700 and Soundbar 500 for music and            sion. “All of our new smart speakers double up          works better with your Google Home setup. On
home theater. Each crushes the limitations of          on functionality. It takes just one Home Speaker        its official blog Google says, “Just say what you
spaciousness from a single enclosure, combining        500 to deliver true stereo separation — there’s         want to watch from compatible services, like You-
size-defying performance with superior voice           no need to pair two. Our Soundbar 700 and 500           Tube or Netflix, and control your TV just by ask-
pickup and the power of Amazon Alexa now,              are thin and discreet with jaw-dropping surround        ing. Try, “Hey Google, play Cobra Kai from You-
other voice assistants to follow, and AirPlay 2 for    sound — whether you’re streaming Spotify, or            Tube,” or “Hey Google, play Lost in Space from
simple streaming from Apple devices added in           watching a movie. They combine Bluetooth and            Netflix.” Its not that you couldn’t do this. Today
early 2019.                                            Wi-Fi for unbeatable ease of use, can be mixed          you need to say things like Play Spiderman Trailer
Engineered from the ground up, the new Bose            and matched to play in sync or separately, and          on my living room Chromecast to your Google
smart speaker and soundbars use the proprietary        with new Alexa functionality and more VPAs on           Home and you need to have the Chromecast set
mic technology found in Bose headsets and head-        the way, they’ll only get better over time.”            up as the living room Chromecast.

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                        10                                             KRISHNA, October -2018

                    Fujitsu Works with NVIDIA to Power Startups
                       and Students Developing Advanced AI
                                                     platforms has been instrumental in accelerating        of the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique in Par-
                                                     deep learning, which is a vital part of any AI –       is-Saclay, which also hosts Fujitsu’s AI Center of
                                                     but can require specialized computing facilities.      Excellence (CoE)1. Intended to help underpin the
                                                     To address this potential bottleneck the compa-        development of a strong AI ecosystem in Europe,
                                                     nies are introducing a joint initiative, the Fujitsu   the GPU cluster offers a breakthrough opportu-
                                                     and NVIDIA GPU Cluster. Part of Fujitsu’s Zinrai       nity for new startups or students in educational
                                                     initiative1, a collective framework of AI capabil-     institutions.
                                                     ities that are available to Fujitsu customers, the     The cluster is based on NVIDIA® Tesla® V100
                                                     cluster makes HPC capabilities more easily avail-      Tensor Core GPUs and Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers.
                                                     able to start-ups, based on the power of Fujit-        Together, these provide the powerful computing
Fujitsu announced it is collaborating with NVIDIA    su’s PRIMERGY server infrastructure and NVIDIA         capabilities needed to develop deep learning
to provide startups and students with the com-       GPU’s.                                                 projects. The relevant compute capacity will be
puting power required to develop successful          The Fujitsu and NVIDIA GPU Cluster will be based       distributed based on the needs of individual AI
advanced artificial intelligence (AI) projects.      at the Drahi X-Novation Center, the incubator          projects being developed by startups, by Poly-
The use of high-performance computing (HPC)                                                                 technique students and by the Fujitsu AI CoE.

 Anil Kumble’s Microsoft AI-enabled Power Bat partners                                                      said Peggy Johnson, executive vice president,
  with Star India to revolutionize cricketing experience                                                    Microsoft. “We’ve already seen the impact that
                   for players and fans                                                                     connected devices have had in other industries,
                                                                                                            and we believe that with the advancements in
                                                     the sport and help improve their game — all            our AI and cloud services, this is just the begin-
                                                     powered by the Microsoft Azure cloud platform          ning of what’s possible for not only cricket, but
                                                     using AI and Internet of Things (IoT) services.        all sports.”
                                                     Microsoft has been working closely with Spek-          Sanjay Gupta, managing director, Star India, said,
                                                     tacom and its founder Anil Kumble, former cap-         “Star India has always strived to redefine and ele-
                                                     tain, Indian cricket team, to incubate and launch      vate experiences for sports fans. From Multi-lan-
                                                     the product, as part of its ScaleUp program. Star      guage feeds and Select Dugout to VR and Watch
Microsoft Corp. and Anil Kumble’s technology         India, the leading cricket broadcaster in India,       n’ Play, the coverage of Vivo IPL demonstrates
startup, Spektacom Technologies, with support        has used the technology successfully in recent         our commitment toward creating new bench-
from broadcast partner Star India, came together     series to provide real-time statistics and insights    marks in how technology is deployed to deepen
on Thursday to announce the introduction of          straight off the oval.                                 fan engagement. The Power Bat promises to be
the Power Bat. The Power Bat provides players,       “We’re excited to be a part of the work Spek-          another step in the same direction, and we look
coaches, commentators, fans and viewers with a       tacom and Star India are doing to enhance the          forward to the partnership with Anil Kumble
completely new and unique way to engage with         cricket experience for fans, players and coaches,”     (Spektacom) and Microsoft in bringing it to our

 How AI and Robotics are Transforming Factories of the Future
                                                                                                            machines and maintain productive manufacturing
                                                     promising manufacturing speed and quality. With        operations.
                                                     advancements in AI, a truly smart factory can          2. Intelligent Robotics Collaborating with
                                                     realise these capabilities by deploying intelligent    Humans: Intelligent robots with precision capa-
                                                     robots that can learn and think like their human       bilities for performing intricate movements can
                                                     counterparts and yet safely operate alongside the      take over tasks that would be tedious or dan-
                                                     human workforce.                                       gerous for people, to improve productivity and
                                                     How AI Enables for Smart Factories of Tomorrow         safety in factory operations. Often, this requires
                                                     1. Quality Control and Predictive Maintenance: A       close collaboration with both the human workers
                                                     recent PWC research found that the use of big          and the environment.
In the age of Internet and globalisation, consumer   data analytics and AI adoption for predictive          For example, Epson’s vision system can enable
demands for customised and unique products are       maintenance in manufacturing industries will           robots to “see”, and its algorithm software is
pushing manufacturing companies to adopt flexi-      increase by 38 percent over the next five years.       able to detect colour and shapes of objects, as
ble manufacturing practices. Consider the case of    Connected technologies, sensors and robotics           well as positioning and orientation of the objects
eyewear ecommerce that requires several work-        enable organisations to understand the perfor-         through a camera. In an assembly line, it can
ers at the production line to build thousands of     mance patterns of assembly line machines and           auto-calibrate on where to pick, even if the item
eyeglass frame variations for customer choices       identify potential maintenance issues ahead of         has fallen or positioned out of place.
that evolve on a daily basis. A traditional indus-   schedule or downtime.                                  Combined with Epson’s force sensor which
trial automation system can’t possibly offer the     With this capability, manufacturing companies          employs Epson’s proprietary piezoelectric quartz
flexibility to meet changing customer demands at     will no longer need to rely on fixed maintenance       sensing technology that is sensitive to minimal
scale and speed.                                     schedules. Performing maintenance routines too         force, the robots can perform complex tasks such
Instead of developing standardised products          soon results in wasted labor and undiagnosed           as precise assembling of delicate components.
optimised for the masses, factories of the future    machine failures. Performing the maintenance           To enhance human engagement, the smart fac-
must leverage intelligent technologies capable       routine too late risks equipment malfunctioning        tory of tomorrow will enable robotics control
of performing tasks that are less predictable and    during production and reduces the machine life         through smart glasses and augmented reality.
require real-time decision-making capabilities.      span.                                                  For example, robotics combined with augmented
In fact, smart factories in the Industry 4.0 era     As a result, organisations can avoid unplanned         reality can help in remote technical assistance,
should offer mass customisation without com-         downtimes, improve the performance lifespan of         bringing engineering expertise to troubleshoot

CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                      11                                            KRISHNA, October -2018
on the robot when they are not able to be pres-       While robots can entirely replace human work-        like characteristics, and are no longer acting as
             ent physically.                                       ers to perform certain risky manufacturing pro-      “blind” systems led by fixed hard-coded software
             Epson’s Moverio wearable smart glasses lever-         cesses, they must work together with humans on       programs that may not account for unexpected
             ages augmented reality to project what onsite         several tasks that require human supervision.        human presence nearby.
             engineers are seeing instantaneously, to help         The next-generation AI-robotics technologies         This philosophy aligns with Epson’s vision of
             diagnose and solve issues without being at the        will be designed to work alongside humans and        intelligent robotics technologies and sophisti-
             site.                                                 manage safety standards and production perfor-       cated sensors designed to seamlessly support
             3. Safe Workplace: AI and robotics technologies       mance instead of merely automating repetitive        smart factories in the Industry 4.0 era to achieve
             augment workplace safety by replacing humans          tasks. These robots can be programmed to iden-       high efficiency through autonomous control and
             to perform manufacturing tasks that pose              tify risk to humans as they interact with factory    synchronisation.
             life-threatening risks to factory workers. A recent   workers. Sensors embedded onto robotic arms          4. Going Beyond the Supply Chain: AI makes it
             McKinsey research found that AI-enabled visual        can help identify when humans are in close prox-     possible to adapt and strategize manufacturing
             inspection can improve defect detection rates by      imity and maneuver accordingly.                      processes and production routines based on
             90 percent compared to the traditional methods        Proliferation of AI means that robots can be col-    external factors beyond the shop-floor. Advanced
             of manual inspections.                                laborative, intuitive, self-monitoring with human-   mach

                        F-Secure announces Rahul Kumar as the new
                            Country Manager for India & SAARC

                                                                                                Rahul Kumar, Country Manager for India & SAARC, F-Secure
                                   F-Secure,     a     global      role, he was the Country Manager and Direc-          “Rahul has a proven track record in sales man-
                                     cyber security leader         tor of data security provider WinMagic, where        agement and comes equipped with a profound
                                      has announced the            he spearheaded the sales, pre-sales, marketing,      understanding of the cyber security industry,
                                       appointment of Rahul        and post-sales support for WinMagic in India.        as well as the broader Indian market. His out-
                                       Kumar as the Coun-          “F-Secure is making rapid advances in the realm      going and friendly nature further makes him
                                      try Manager for India        of cyber security with its forward-looking prod-     stand out from the crowd,” said Martin. “We
                                     & SAARC. Kumar is an          uct innovations and ground-breaking research,”       are delighted to welcome Rahul to the F-Secure
                                   industry veteran with           said Kumar. “Cyber security has a great role to      team and believe he will further enhance our
             over               a decade of experience in          play in India as the nation witnesses’ unprece-      expanding business footprint.”
             driving teams across large & diverse sales orga-      dented digitization. I am excited to take up the     In his new role, Kumar will spearhead the
             nizations. In his 11 years of rich and dynamic        baton at this crucial juncture and am confident      growth of F-Secure’s business in India and
             experience in sales and marketing, he has             that by working together, we will bring about        SAARC, and reinforce F-Secure’s leadership
             worked closely with companies such as Das-            the desired results.”                                position as a strong, channel-driven cyber secu-
             sault Systems, Sutherland Global Services, WNS        Kumar will report to Keith Martin, F-Secure’s        rity company in the region.
             Global Services, and more. In his most recent         Regional Director for Asia Pacific and Japan.

                  D-Link eyes bigger market share in SMB segment
                                                                                                  Abhishek Kumar, General Manager for its SMB product line
                                D-Link, a leader in end-to-        established a focused team that will be led by       we are well positioned to assist SMBs to realise
                                    end network connectiv-         Mr. Abhishek Kumar to drive SMB business at          the benefit of a strong & secure IT network.
                                       ity solutions is com-       D-Link”                                              In this journey our partners will play a crucial
                                         mitted to expanding       “Mr. Abhishek Kumar brings on board rich             role as we enter newer markets & explore more
                                         its market share          industry experience, and will be instrumental        business opportunities” said Mr. Abhishek
                                         across all business       in devising business strategy, customer acqui-       Kumar, GM – SMB & Business Wireless, D-Link
                                         segments. Underlin-       sition, channel engagement and meeting busi-         (India) Limited.
                                       ing its focus on SMB        ness goals. We are confident, his skills and         SMB is a rapidly growing business segment and
                                    segment that continues         expertise will benefit the organization and          D-Link has been creating complete, end-to-end
             to be              a key contributor to its over-     contribute to our revenue growth for 2018-19”        networking solutions that’s perfectly suited for
             all revenue, D-Link this week announced the           he added.                                            their rapidly evolving business needs. D-Link
             appointment of a new business head for SMB            Mr. Abhishek Kumar is a seasoned sales pro-          SMB solution encompasses Switching, Wire-
             – Mr. Abhishek Kumar. This new move is sig-           fessional with rich industry experience of 11+       less, Security, IP Surveillance and Management
             nificant to D-Link, as it will ensure sustainable     years. He is currently positioned as General         Solutions that deliver best-in-class perfor-
             growth while the company further strengthens          Manager for SMB & Business wireless, and             mance. D-Link is a leader in SMB networking
             its leadership position in SMB segment.               will be based out of D-Link corporate office         solution in India with significant market share
             Talking about the new appointment & compa-            in Mumbai. His most recent assignment was            in switching & wireless product categories.
             ny’s vision for 2018 Mr. Rohit Purushottam, VP        with Gajshield, and previously he has held cru-      Moving forward company aims to amplify its
             – Enterprise Sales said, “SMB sector in India         cial sales roles with reputed organizations like     reach & extend its market share in SMB seg-
             is on a growth path. Improved government              Ingram Micro, Redington and Gati.                    ment.
             policies, ease of doing business, and digital         “I am excited to be part of D-Link’s growing         D-Link will soon be introducing a series of SMB
             awareness has resulted in tremendous oppor-           SMB business and look forward to working             specific products & solution. This will be fol-
             tunity in SMB. In last couple of years we have        with the team to develop its dealer network          lowed by a series of regional partner/ system
             observed significant traction with more & more        and enhance market share. With our focused           integrator meets pan India. D-Link will also roll
             SMB’s investing in IT infrastructure. We foresee      business approach, strong partner/ system inte-      out lucrative partner incentive programs for
             huge prospect in this segment and hence have          grator network, and state-of-the-art products        OND 2018.

             CELL IT, VOL-13, ISSUE-3                                                      12                                          KRISHNA, October -2018
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