Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Biomechanics of Human Movement - SEARCH School of Kinesiology Open date: December 21, 2020 This search will ...

Page created by Scott Watts
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Biomechanics of Human Movement - SEARCH School of Kinesiology Open date: December 21, 2020 This search will ...

Assistant Professor
in Biomechanics of
Human Movement
School of Kinesiology

Open date: December 21, 2020
This search will remain open until the
position is filled.

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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Biomechanics of Human Movement - SEARCH School of Kinesiology Open date: December 21, 2020 This search will ...
The School of Kinesiology within UBC’s
Faculty of Education, one of the world’s
leading faculties of its kind, invites
applications and nominations for the
position of Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
in Biomechanics of Human Movement
The School of Kinesiology within UBC’s           to participate in scholarly activity and
Faculty of Education invites applications for    to secure competitive research funding
a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor     (e.g., tri-council and partnership grants) in
position in the area of biomechanics of          biomechanics is required.
human movement. The successful candidate
will contribute basic and applied research       The successful candidate must have
that supports the areas of neuromechanical       advanced knowledge and a demonstrated
and systems biology. In addition to basic        history of publications using biomechanical
research into the biomechanical and              approaches in 3-dimensional kinematics
aspects of human movement, the successful        and dynamics. Demonstrated research
candidate will be able to contribute to          experience in electromyography, tissue
teaching in areas that require expertise         mechanics, mechanical energy, modelling,
and advanced knowledge in applied                as well as evidence of using these
biomechanics (e.g., occupational, sport          biomechanical techniques in applied
performance, injury biomechanics, robotics       settings would be preferred.
and human factors). The appointment is
expected to begin on July 1, 2021 or as          The candidate will have demonstrated
negotiated with the successful candidate.        capability to provide effective instruction
                                                 at introductory and advanced levels of
At the time of application, the candidate        biomechanics. The candidate will be
must hold a PhD in biomechanics or a closely     expected to teach three courses, including a
related discipline. Post-doctoral training       core undergraduate course in biomechanics
would be an asset. The candidate must have       as well as develop and teach a new
a record of research dissemination in terms      advanced undergraduate/graduate course
of peer-reviewed articles in recognized          in a) injury biomechanics and b) applied
academic journals in the field and evidence      biomechanics (e.g., occupational, sport,
of presentations at national and international   robotics and human factors).
scholarly conferences. Demonstrated ability

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The successful candidate will be encouraged      a way that celebrates diversity, equity and
to collaborate across the diverse research       innovation, and welcomes international
areas in the School and, more broadly, the       collaboration in an increasingly borderless
University. The successful candidate will        globe. We provide a comprehensive set of
complement the School of Kinesiology’s           programmatic offerings at the baccalaureate,
strategic plans for interdisciplinary research   magistral, and doctoral levels. For further
excellence within the School and across          details about the Faculty of Education and its
faculties at UBC and play a key role in          research and teaching programs, please visit
generating and disseminating knowledge           the Faculty’s website.
on the role of physical activity and health
in diverse populations. The successful           UBC’s Vancouver campus is located on the
candidate is expected to establish a program     traditional, ancestral and unceded territory
of original, externally funded research (e.g.,   of the Musqueam people in Vancouver,
tri-council and partnership grants), teach       currently a multicultural, multilingual city
undergraduate courses in the School, and         ranked as one of the best places to live in the
contribute to the growth of the School           world. The University is a global centre for
through supervision of graduate students,        teaching, learning and research, consistently
participation in service activities within       ranked among the top 20 public universities
the University and in the broader scholarly      in the world and recently recognized
community, and collaboration with scientists     as North America’s most international
within the School and across faculties at        university.
                                                 The School of Kinesiology, the Faculty of
The School of Kinesiology currently has 24       Education, and UBC are dedicated to the
full-time tenure stream faculty members,         goal of building a diverse and inclusive
1350 full-time undergraduate students, and       academic community. We strongly
160 graduate students. We offer a Bachelor       encourage applications from candidates who
of Kinesiology degree with specializations in    can demonstrate through their teaching,
neuromechanical and physiological sciences,      research experience and service that they
social and behavioural sciences, and multi-      can contribute to this goal. Familiarity with,
disciplinary science. The graduate program       and experience using pedagogical methods
includes MA, MSc, Master of Kinesiology          and designing research that enable students
(non-thesis), Master of High Performance         across Indigenous, racial, ethnic, sexual and
Coaching and Technical Leadership, and PhD       gender identity and socio-economic groups
degrees. For further details about the School    to reach their maximum potential will be
of Kinesiology and its research, please visit    considered an asset. Candidates should have
the School’s website.                            a strong commitment to fostering inclusivity
                                                 and teaching in a welcoming and politically
The UBC Faculty of Education is one of the       astute environment.
leading faculties of its kind in the world,
advancing educational research and
understanding of teaching and learning in

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This is a tenure-track position in the             (vii) a diversity statement. Diversity
Professoriate Stream. The successful               is an important part of the School of
candidate will be reviewed for                     Kinesiology’s, the Faculty of Education’s
reappointment, tenure and promotion                and UBC’s mission. Please provide a
in subsequent years, in accordance with            diversity statement (maximum one
the Collective Agreement. For a detailed           page) that describes and documents
description of the Assistant Professor             how diversity figures into your past
rank and criteria for reappointment and            and present experience of teaching,
promotion, please review the Collective            research, and your lived experience.
Agreement. The position is subject to              Going forward, how would you imagine
final budgetary approval. Starting salary          incorporating attention to creating
is determined both by the candidate’s              or advancing a culture of equity and
qualifications and experience and by their         inclusion?
placement on the career progress scale
within UBC’s Faculty of Education.              The complete application file must be
                                                submitted in the format of one bookmarked
Interested applicants are invited to send:      PDF file, addressed to Dr. Robert Boushel,
                                                Director, School of Kinesiology, and sent
   (i) a cover letter;                          electronically to kin.hr@ubc.ca by the
                                                application review start date (below). Please
   (ii) curriculum vita;                        include this subject heading: Biomechanics
   (iii) a five-year research plan;             of Human Movement. Following the
                                                submission of the application, the applicant
   (iv) a summary of teaching interests and     will receive an equity survey link via email.
   philosophy;                                  Completion of the anonymous equity survey
                                                is required as part of the application process.
   (v) evidence of teaching excellence
   (such as course outlines and student         Applicants should also arrange to have three
   evaluations if available);                   letters of reference sent directly to kin.hr@
                                                ubc.ca by the application review start date
   (vi) three papers that are the most
   significant and relevant to their research
   interests; and                               While applications will be received until
                                                the position is filled, interested parties are
                                                encouraged to submit by February 15, 2021,
                                                to ensure optimal consideration.
                                                Questions regarding the position should
                                                be directed to Dr. Robert Boushel, Director,
                                                School of Kinesiology at kin.hr@ubc.ca.

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Equity and diversity are essential to
academic excellence. An open and diverse
community fosters the inclusion of voices
that have been underrepresented or
discouraged. We encourage applications
from members of groups that have been
marginalized on any grounds enumerated
under the British Columbia Human Rights
Code, including sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, racialization,
disability, political belief, religion, marital
or family status, age, and/or status as a First
Nation, Métis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to
apply; however, Canadians and permanent
residents of Canada will be given priority.
All applicants will be required to complete a
confidential equity survey.
ubc.ca | educ.ubc.ca

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