Terms of reference for the procurement of services below the EU threshold - SADC

Page created by Jay Sharp
Annex 1

Terms of reference for the procurement of
services below the EU threshold

Production of five videos and an image library of TFCAs in                Project number/
Southern Africa                                                           cost centre:
Contract: 83385693                                                        2017.3500.0-028.00

1.      Context

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is endowed with abundant natural
resources including minerals, floral and faunal biodiversity in diverse terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems. This biodiversity has a vast potential to contribute to the region’s socio-economic
development and the well-being of local communities. The SADC Treaty (1992) recognizes
the importance of the protection of the environment and sustainable utilization of natural
resources in the region. Furthermore, the SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law
Enforcement (1999) aims at promoting the conservation of shared wildlife resources and the
promotion of livelihoods of local communities through the establishment of Transfrontier
Conservation Areas (TFCAs).

The core mandate of TFCA as outlined in the SADC TFCA Programme is to promote
sustainable use and conservation of shared natural and cultural resources through
harmonised, joint cross-border initiatives. The objective of the TFCA Programme is to establish
“a functional and integrated network of transfrontier conservation areas where shared natural
resources are sustainably co-managed and conserved to foster socioeconomic development,
and regional integration for the benefit of people living within and around TFCAs, the SADC
region, and the world”. This needs to promote effective governance and management, socio-
economic development, financial sustainability, climate resilience, and regional learning and
integration. TFCAs are, therefore, bold cross-border conservation and development initiatives
due to their size, complexity and vision.

In 2020, the 20th anniversary of the TFCA concept in SADC was celebrated, as it marked
exactly 20 years since former Presidents Festus Mogae of Botswana and Thabo Mbeki of
South Africa officially launched the first SADC TFCA - the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTP).
Since then, 18 cross-border areas have been listed as SADC TFCAs, out of which 12 have
signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) or Treaties. For more information, please
visit: https://www.sadc.int/themes/natural-resources/transfrontier-conservation-areas/

It is against this backdrop, that the SADC/GIZ project Climate Resilience and Natural Resource
Management (C-NRM) plans to produce five 4K resolution 3 – 5 minutes long videos, for the
information and sensitization of the national, regional, and international public and policy
environment about concept, achievements and vision. The videos should be useable in a
variety of contexts, for example, online across various social media platforms, during
conferences, television broadcasts, information screens in buildings and presentations to
stakeholders. The videos may be used by SADC Secretariat, TFCA structures (e.g.
management boards, park authorities etc.), TV networks, National Tourism Organizations,
NGOs, donors, and the private sector working with and in TFCAs. Therefore, they should be
short and appeal to a broad range of audiences.

Over the years several videos have been produced on the TFCA concept in the SADC region
as well as of individual TFCAs by various players. However, many of these videos are of a
more technical nature. It is the intention that the five videos will not be technical with a lot of
wildlife and professional terminology, but rather people centered, with simple language and

Form 41-14-1-en                                                                                  1
clear messages. The videos should motivate and inspire people and decision-makers to strive
for the overarching vision TFCAs stand for.

It is of critical importance that these videos capture the emotion and the essence of
transfrontier conservation in SADC and the uniqueness of the various TFCAs themselves. In
conveying the message, emphasis should be placed on letting practitioners explain the
concept (not scientists, specialists) by using the words of rangers, farmers, safari guides,
women, children, private investors.

In conjunction with the video production an image library will be established to provide images
for PR content, brochures, articles and presentations.

These Terms of Reference therefore seek to secure the services of a SADC-registered
service provider that will run the project from storyline development to finished products. The
production time available will be up to end of November 2021 for the final edits to be approved
and delivered. Launch of the videos should happen at a film festival or some type of (virtual)
event towards the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022 to be organized by SADC/GIZ.

2.     Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The contractor is responsible for providing the following services:

1.   One 3-5-minute general 4K video on TFCAs in Southern Africa (describing the TFCA
2.   Four 3-5-minute TFCA-specific 4K videos
3.   Image library

2.1. Description of the tasks

        2.1.1. One general video on TFCAs in Southern Africa (describing the TFCA

Against the backdrop of the 20th anniversary of KTP as the first established TFCA and the
progress to date (e.g. 18 TFCAs – in different stages of development), the TFCA concept will
be explained to the audience. The TFCA approach in the SADC region is unique, and SADC
can call itself a leader in TFCA development. A storyline will be used with concrete examples
of what the TFCA concept entails i.e. strengthening cross-border cooperation, conserving
biodiversity, wildlife and world heritage, improving livelihoods of local communities with the
vision to enhance long-term regional integration and helping to mitigate the effects of climate
change. This may include highlights of TFCA development (signing of treaties) what can be
achieved through TFCAs and cross-border cooperation: economically (jobs and income, free
movement…), socially (stability, better life, relationship with neighbours, peace), ecologically
(wildlife, biodiversity, ecosystem services, risk/climate change resilience), politically (regional
exchange, international role of SADC) and an outlook into the future (vision).

The focus could be on 3 key pillars of TFCAs development:

     i Enhancing landscape connectivity/species dispersal and ecosystem services
     ii Socio-economic development (communities, agriculture, tourism, and investment)
     iii Regional integration (political commitment)

2.1.2. Four TFCA-specific videos

Showcasing four individual TFCAs. Showing the characteristics and highlights of the TFCA,
achievements of development initiatives, challenges, and future plans. Each video should
briefly show the landscape of the specific TFCA as well as key ecological, cultural and
economic features. Then the videos should showcase the unique features and success stories
i.e. enhancing landscape connectivity/species dispersal, ecosystem services, communities
and socio-economic development and investment (agriculture & tourism), regional integration
as well as key factors for successful TFCA development for the specific case. The videos
should include some narration and interviews with people in and around the TFCAs
(communities, tourism providers, parks staff, etc.)

The four selected TFCAs are:

       i.       KAZA TFCA (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). Established in
       ii.      Malawi-Zambia TFCA (Malawi, Zambia). Established in 2004.
       iii.     Lubombo TFCA (Eswatini, Mozambique, South Africa). Established in 2000.
       iv.      /Ai/Ais Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (Namibia, South Africa). Established
                in 2013.

       2.1.3. Image library

Creation of an image library totaling a minimum of 75 images of each TFCA where field trips
have been undertaken as part of the overall project. The images should be properly archived
and referenced in an EXCEL table that lists the image name or number, location, names of
people on picture (if applicable), short caption/testimonial accompanying picture. The images
and captions can be used for future use on various communication platforms or PR material.
Usage rights and all permissions in perpetuity, to complement the image library will be handed
over to SADC/GIZ.

2.2. Milestones and deliverables

Certain milestones and deliverables, as laid out in the table below, are to be achieved by
certain dates during the contract term.

 Tasks                                          Deliverables        Deadline
 Hold kick-off meeting with GIZ to brainstorm   Minutes             20 August
 on video concepts and clarify contract

Submit inception report including work plan     Inception report          24 August
and requirements/support needed by
SADC/GIZ in order to achieve final materials
i.e. park permits, key contacts,
recommended interviews and a provisional
timeline within the given timeframe
Virtual inception meeting with SADC/GIZ         PPT, minutes, updated     27 August
and Boundless Southern Africa to discuss        inception report
the inception report agree on the work plan
and way forward.
Co-develop the overall concept and scenario     5 video scripts           8 September
of the video, as well as a video script and
storyboard with video task team (SADC/GIZ
and the four selected TFCAs)
Prepare draft video/image library structure     Consent form, excel       8 September
and consent form content in close               structure of
collaboration with SADC/GIZ                     image/video library
Present a draft version of the video script     PPT, minutes, updated     10 September
and storyboard to the video task team for       video scripts, updated
comments and feedback.                          image/video library
Finalise travel schedules in close              Travel schedule           17 September
collaboration with SADC/GIZ, Boundless
Southern Africa and the selected TFCAs to
request for availability of partners and
facilitate necessary approvals.
Field visits to create video content and
performance of appropriate video filming
and shoot interviews.
Sourcing of stock footage required, with        Stock footage usage
usage rights and permissions in perpetuity.     rights
Sourcing of voice over artists to narrate and
allow for sync sound for interviews.
Submit first version of videos for comments.    5 draft videos            19 November
Submit excel table accompanying                 Excel table of            19 November
image/video library for comments.               image/video library
Present videos to SADC/GIZ, Boundless           Minutes of meeting        26 November
Southern Africa and the selected TFCAs for
further inputs
Submit final videos, including cut downs for    5 videos including cut-   3 December
social media.                                   downs
Provide a hard drive with high-res image        Hard drive                10 December
and video gallery including rights and
permissions in perpetuity.

2.3. Period of assignment

The assignment will take place from 20 August until 17 December 2021. Please note that 17
December is a hard deadline. An extension of the contract is not possible due to ending of
the funding source.

3.     Concept

In the technical offer, the bidder is required to show how the tasks defined in Chapter 2 are to
be achieved, if applicable under consideration of further specific method-related
requirements (technical-methodological concept).

Strategy: The bidder is required to consider the tasks to be performed (see Chapter 2).
Following this, the bidder presents and justifies the strategy with which it intends to provide
the services for which it is responsible.

The bidder is required to describe the key processes for the services for which it is
responsible and create a schedule that describes how the services according to Chapter 2
are to be provided. In particular, the bidder is required to describe the necessary work steps
and, if applicable, take account of the tasks and deliverables in accordance with Chapter 2.

3.1. Project management of the contractor

•    The contractor is responsible for selecting, preparing and steering the experts assigned
     to perform the tasks.
•    The contractor makes available equipment and supplies and assumes the associated
     operating and administrative costs.
•    The contractor manages costs and expenditures, accounting processes and invoicing in
     line with the requirements of GIZ.

4.     Requirements of the contractor

•    Minimum of 5 years of video production experience in the field of conservation, community
     development, sustainable development or related fields;
•    Proven experience working with or within TFCAs;
•    Proven track-record of working with well-established international and regional
     organisations in the above mentioned fields;
•    High technical skills in pre-production, production, editing and post-production;
•    Excellent technical capacities and equipment (state of the art 4K video equipment);
•    Experience in translating development communication in understandable language for the
     general public.
The bidder is required to provide a personal concept with up to 10 team members, to be able
to fulfil the range of tasks (Chapter 2).

5.     Operational arrangements

•      The selected contractor shall obtain written consent from individuals that are captured in
       any video footage or photographs using pre-agreed declaration of consent forms.

•      The contractor will be responsible for any permits required to record the required
•      Videos produced should be following the SADC/ individual TFCA/GIZ corporate identity
       rules (as applicable).
•      Copyrights of all materials produced under these Terms of Reference shall vest with
       SADC and GIZ, and no materials are to be reproduced without prior written consent.
•      The appointed company shall comply with the GIZ General Terms of Contract and shall
       be mindful of his/her duty of loyalty and confidentiality connected to this contractual

6.     Reporting

The contractor will report to SADC Secretariat and C-NRM Project.

At project closure a hard drive with the complete high-res image and video gallery will be
submitted to the SADC/GIZ C-NRM offices in Gaborone, Botswana.

7.     Costing requirements


The contractor will work from its respective home country. Travel to the selected TFCAs will
be required and will be discussed with the GIZ at the onset of the works. The contractor is
expected to make its own logistical arrangements for transport, accommodation, necessary
visas and permits. Travel cost are not to be included in the financial offer. Travel cost will be
covered in addition to the contract value against submission of travel cost invoices and
according to GIZ per diem rates.

Production costs

The offer should be a fixed lump sum price that covers fees, production and other
costs.Stock footage may need to be sourced and budgeted for in the financial offer to
showcase the history of the development of TFCAs and for additional visuals of the TFCAs
themselves for different regions, times of year, key events and for areas that budget and time
do not allow for the production team to visit.

The maximum available budget for the works is 75.000 EUR.

8.     Requirements on the format of the financial bid

As the contract to be concluded is a contract for works, please offer a total price that
indicates overall fees for proposed team and overall production cost. Travel costs are not to
be included in the financial offer The price bid will be evaluated based on overall price.

9.     Requirements on the format of the technical bid

The following items have to be submitted with the technical proposal:

     1) Technical proposal as described in section 3

2) Brief personnel concept and CVs of up to 10 team members
   3) Company profile
   4) References / examples of previous work of three projects where similar products
      were developed and a show reel.

For further information on submission of the technical and financial proposal kindly refer to
the Invitation letter to bid.

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