RACE AROUND EKKA Schedule - 2019 Competitions

Page created by Alma Frazier
RACE AROUND EKKA Schedule - 2019 Competitions

  2019 Competitions
RACE AROUND EKKA Schedule - 2019 Competitions

                    FRIDAY 9 – SUNDAY 18 AUGUST 2019

                   RACE AROUND EKKA
                        supported by Activate Ed
                   CONSENT FORMS DUE Friday 26 July 2019 at 5.00pm
                             ENTRY FEES Online - $15.00 per student (GST free)
                                        Manual - $20.00 per student (GST free)

                                              Maximum of six students per team (teams may have less
                                              than six students)

             MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TEAMS         Maximum of six teams per school
                                             Participation is open to the following year
                                             levels: Class 1 — Junior (Years 7 to 8)
                                             Class 2 — Junior Secondary (Years 9 to 10)
                                             Class 3 — Senior Secondary (Years 11 to 12)

                                             entries@royalqueenslandshow.com.au or
                                             Post to: RNA, Competition Coordinator
                                             Locked Bag 1010

                                             Once the consent forms have been completed please
                                             either email them to:
                       CONSENT FORMS         entries@royalqueenslandshow.com.au or Post to:
                                             RNA, Competition
                                             Coordinator Locked Bag 1010
                                             ALBION QLD 4010
                    RACE DAYS (FILMING)      Monday 12 August or Tuesday 13 August 2019
                                             Schools are required to nominate a preferred day on their entry
           RACE DAY SIGN ON & WELCOME        Monday 12 August and Tuesday 13 August 2019, 9.00am
                                             until 10.00am
                                             Location: TBC
             SUBMISSION OF FILM ENTRIES      By 6pm the day following your filming day

                           JUDGING DAY       Thursday 15 August 2019

                   WINNERS ANNOUNCED         Friday 16 August 2019 after 5.00pm

                                             Teams are required to plan and submit a storyboard to
                                             accompany their video submission. The storyboard should
                                             explain your pitch or plan to meet the client brief. Sketched
                 STORYBOARD OVERVIEW
                                             images are encouraged. Each submission should be a
                                             maximum of four (4) A4 pages. Teams are encouraged to
                                             use the template provided within this document.

                            LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
RACE AROUND EKKA Schedule - 2019 Competitions
The RNA wishes to thank the following supporter who has contributed towards prize money, prizes
                     or conduct of the RACE AROUND EKKA competition

                                         Activate Ed
Welcome from
the President
Our Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) competitions are the ultimate showcase of the best of the best. They reward and
recognise our valued exhibitors for achieving excellence and promote agriculture and the critical role it plays in our
everyday lives to Queenslanders.

In 2018, more than 4,125 exhibitors travelled to the Ekka for their chance to win a coveted blue ribbon and share in
the $530,000 prize pool, including 1,186 new competitors.

We received 21,000 entries across 11,000 classes in 48 competition sections, with an increase in entries across
many categories including Canine, Cookery, Dairy Goats, Education on Show, Poultry and Farriers and Blacksmiths.

It was pleasing to see large crowds acknowledging the achievements of our exhibitors, with more than 414,000
people attending the 2018 show - our biggest Ekka since 2011.

Some of our competitions were even recognised at the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE)
Awards, which represents more than 1,100 fairs around the world. The Ekka won 24 international awards including 16
first places, with the Floristry, Race Around Ekka, Little Sprouts, Cookery and Student Made Cheese competitions all

The RNA is also committed to providing exhibitors with world-class facilities to use, through our $2.9 billion Brisbane
Showgrounds Regeneration Project.

In 2019, our Canine Competition exhibitors will use the new Alexandria Park, offering an undercover area for benching
and a grassed area for judging. Also this year, all four storeys of our world first animal pavilion will be in use for the
very first time, housing many animals including beef and dairy cattle, poultry and sheep.

For 143 years the RNA has been dedicated to championing agriculture and is honoured to stage Queensland’s largest
event on behalf of the community each year.

Good luck and we look forward to seeing your entries at the 2019 Royal Queensland Show.

                                                                                Top 10 Competitions in 2018
                                                                                       Competition              2018 Entries
David Thomas                                                                     1.    Canine                       2,319
RNA President                                                                    2.    Woodchop and Sawing          1,648
                                                                                 3.    Poultry                      1,624
                                                                                 4.    Horse                        1,578
                                                                                 5.    Stud Beef                    1,232
                                                                                 6.    Photography                  1,135
                                                                                 7.    Cookery                      1,098
                                                                                 8.    Creative Art and Craft       1,014
                                                                                 9.    Painting and Drawing          974
                                                                                 10.   Education on Show             896
GENERAL REGULATIONS                                     23. Teams consent to the RNA using submitted entries, participant’s
                                                                               names and photography for advertising, marketing and
1. The Race around Ekka (RAE) is conducted and promoted by the                 promotional purposes.
   Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of
   Queensland (RNA), as part of the Royal Queensland Show.                 24. The RNA is not liable for any loss or damage to equipment or
                                                                               property or injury to participants. Participants indemnify the RNA
2. Teachers, parents or legal guardians are deemed to accept the               for any loss or damage to RNA property caused by them or
   competition terms and general regulations by submitting a                   participation in this competition.
   signed entry form.
                                                                           25. The RNA reserves the right to cancel or amend the RAE
3. Teachers must observe all entry and submission deadlines.                   competition at its sole discretion and to amend these terms and
   These will be strictly enforced.                                            conditions on reasonable notice to participants.

4. All entry content must be the original work of the students within      26. The selection of the winning entries is at the absolute discretion
   the team submitting the entry.                                              of the RNA.

5. All entries will be judged using the rubric supplied within             27. The winning videos will be announced and available for viewing
   the schedule.                                                               on the Ekka website (Race Around Ekka page) from Friday 16th
                                                                               August 5.00pm.
6. The maximum length of an entry is thirty (30) seconds for task one
   or ninety (90) seconds for task two (excluding credits and titles).                      ACCEPTANCE OF ENTRIES
7. All entries must be received by the RNA by 6pm the day                  The attention of intending Exhibitors is drawn to the fact that entries
   following the teams filming day.                                        are accepted subject to the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial
                                                                           Association of Queensland Act 1971, and to the Constitution, Rules
8. Teams must submit a storyboard by the nominated deadline. If            and By-Laws of the Association. Copies of the Constitution, Rules
   the storyboard is not submitted by this date a deduction of points      and By-Laws may be obtained upon application to the
   will apply.                                                             Competitions Department.

9. Teams must have a nominated teaching supervisor onsite at all                      NOTICE TO INTENDING EXHIBITORS
   times during their filming day.
                                                                           Entries will only be received on the “Application to Enter” form
10. Teams may consist of a maximum of 6 students per team.                 enclosed with this Schedule or available for download online at
                                                                           www.ekka.com.au. Entries submitted other than on the correct form
11. Teams must register on arrival to the Brisbane Showgrounds at          will be returned to the Exhibitor and, unless all requirements are
    the designated RAE sign in desk.                                       complied with and the forms returned to the office by 5.00pm on the
                                                                           “Application to Enter” closing date as shown in the Schedule, they will
12. All team members must complete an RNA consent form which               not be considered.
    will be sent to the supervising teacher on receipt of entry.
                                                                                                PRIVACY STATEMENT
13. A minimum of 50 percent of the video footage must be filmed
    onsite in the Ekka precinct.                                           You can be assured that the privacy of your personal information is of
                                                                           the utmost importance to us. The information provided by you in any
14. Video entries must be submitted through the nominated upload           application for membership or application to enter is used by the Royal
    process; (advised by the RNA after close of entries), unless an        National Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland (RNA)
    alternative arrangement has been agreed to by both the RNA             to offer member services or to organise and conduct competitions at
    and the school prior to date of submission.                            the Royal Queensland Show. By applying for membership or entering
                                                                           such competitions you consent to provide such details as your name,
15. Teams or their school must supply all required filming equipment.      address and exhibit details. Competition information may be made
                                                                           available to the media and included in RNA publications.
16. The RNA will allocate each team a race day and notify the              Your information will not be disclosed without your consent for any
    teams supervising teacher after the close of entries.                  other purpose unless required by the law. You may request access to
                                                                           your information and request that our records of that information be
17. All entries become the property of the RNA and by submitting           corrected by contacting our Privacy Officer (07) 3253 3900 or by
    an entry for judging, schools and participants assign absolutely       writing to the RNA, Locked Bag 1010, ALBION QLD 4010.
    to the RNA all intellectual property rights, including copyright in
    the entry. Schools and teams may use their submitted entry for                             GOODS AND SERVICES TAX
    their own educational and publicity purposes with prior arrival                           The RNA’s ABN is 41 417 513 726
    from the RNA.
                                                                                                       ENTRY FORMS
18. The RNA reserves the right in its absolute discretion to disqualify
    any entry which includes or depicts unlawful or dangerous subject      Exhibitors must complete “STATEMENT BY EXHIBITOR” section on
    matter including unlawful or unsafe acts, inhumane treatments of       the front page of the Entry Form advising their taxation status.
    animals, racist or sexist material or sexually explicit or offensive
    content.                                                                                           PRIZE MONEY

19. Entries must be suitable for audiences of all ages including           •   Prize Money stated in the Schedule excludes GST.
    children less than 15 years of age – which means no excessive
    violence, sexual references or coarse language.                        •   GST will be added to the Prize Money for Exhibitors who are
                                                                               registered for GST purposes.
20. The RNA reserves the right to edit or alter entries for the purpose
    of reproducing or publishing them. The winning or commended            •   The Association will provide a “Recipient Created Tax Invoice”
    video entries may appear on the Ekka’s Facebook or website.                to Exhibitors who are registered for GST purposes.
21. Images or graphics downloaded from sites such as YouTube or            •   All cash prizes and trophies must be claimed within six months
    Facebook must not be used and any entries containing such                  from the closing date of the Royal Queensland Show. Prizes not
    content will be disqualified.                                              claimed and prize cheques not presented by that date will be
                                                                               considered to have lapsed, and the amount will become a
22. Teams must obtain written permission for all music or other                donation to the Association.
    copyright material used in its entry. If a team chooses to use
    published music, permission in the form of a license agreement         •   Any prize money will be paid into your nominated bank account
    must be obtained. This permission is to be supplied to the RNA             by 31 October 2019.
    when the entry is submitted. To avoid paying a licence fee, the
    RNA strongly encourages teams to use original music.
School Name                                           Page      _ of       _

Team Name                                             Date:                _

                        SHOT #          SHOT DESCRIPTION and SCRIPT DIALOGUE:

                        SHOT TYPE:

                        CAMERA ANGLE:

                                        CAMERA MOVEMENT:



                        SHOT #          SHOT DESCRIPTION and SCRIPT DIALOGUE:

                        SHOT TYPE:

                        CAMERA ANGLE:

                                        CAMERA MOVEMENT:



                        SHOT #          SHOT DESCRIPTION and SCRIPT DIALOGUE:

                        SHOT TYPE:

                        CAMERA ANGLE:

                        TIME:           CAMERA MOVEMENT:


School Name                                               Page     _ of   _

Team Name                                                 Date:           _


                            SHOT #          SHOT DESCRIPTION/DIALOGUE:

                            SHOT TYPE:

                            CAMERA ANGLE:

                                            CAMERA MOVEMENT:

                            MUSIC:          TRANSITION:

                            SHOT #          SHOT DESCRIPTION/DIALOGUE:

                            SHOT TYPE:

                            CAMERA ANGLE:

                                            CAMERA MOVEMENT:



                            SHOT #          SHOT DESCRIPTION/DIALOGUE:

                            SHOT TYPE:

                            CAMERA ANGLE:

                            TIME:           CAMERA MOVEMENT:


                   Client    Royal Queensland Show (Ekka)
                             Ekka is the largest annual community event in Queensland, attracting an average of 400,000 visitors
            Client Profile
                             who come to experience a unique mix of animals, entertainment, agriculture and food each year.
        Target Audience      Families aged between 25 to 54 years with children aged from 3 to 14 years.

TASK 1 ENTRY OPEN TO:                                     TASK 2 ENTRY OPEN TO:
CLASS ONE (Years 7 to 8)                                  CLASS THREE (Years 11 to 12)
CLASS TWO (Years 9 to 10)
Task 1: Create one 30 second advertisement                Task 2: Create one 90 second documentary about the people that bring
highlighting one competition displayed at the Ekka.       the Ekka to the city.

Your group must:                                          Your group must:
• Draft a 30 second, basic narration script (can be       • Research key exhibitors at the Ekka (e.g. cat exhibitor, horse
   pre-recorded)                                             exhibitor)
• Provide a storyboard of your proposed advert            • Identify which exhibitors you will interview
   content and cutaway footage using the attached         • Provide the following information using the attached template (by the
   template (by the deadline)                                deadline):
• Include the Ekka logo (to be supplied by the                   O an overview of your documentary, including
   RNA). Any altering of the logo will result in                    interviewee information, (identify their competition
   deduction of points)                                             section)
• Create an advert appropriate for the target                    O a basic shot list
   audience                                                      O general storyboard of your proposed video content
                                                          • Include in your video at least one interview with an Ekka exhibitor
Length: 30 seconds (excluding credits or titles)          Length: 90 seconds (excluding credits or titles)
Ekka attractions and exhibitors
   • Agricultural Hall                       • Dairy Cattle                            • Flower and Garden Precinct
   • Canine Competition                      • Farrier & Blacksmiths                   • Horse Competition
   • Cat Competition                         • Fine Arts                               • Woodchop

                                                       VIDEO SCORING
                     Your video will be reviewed and scored by a panel of judges selected by the RNA.
    JUDGING CRITERIA                  EXCELLENT                         SATISFACTORY                NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
LENGTH AND SUBMISSION Document was submitted by                Document was submitted up         Document was submitted
(5 points total)          5pm on the deadline date.            to 7 days after the deadline      more than 7 days after the
                          Video is exactly 30/90               date.                             deadline date.
                          seconds in length (excluding         The video is no more than 3       The video is more than 4
                          credits and titles).                 seconds over or under in          seconds over or under in
                                                               length (excluding credits and     length (excluding credits
                                                               titles).                          and titles).
-STORYBOARD/OVERVIEW      Document demonstrates strong         Document demonstrates             Document demonstrated no
DOCUMENT LINKS TO         links to the creative brief and task some links to the creative        links to the creative brief and
CREATIVE BRIEF            requirements.                        brief and task requirements.      task requirements.
-CONCEPT DELIVERY         The concept was carried through      The concept was delivered,        The concept did not feature
(5 points total)          to the film with minimal or no       however there were some           and a different concept was
                          variations.                          significant variations.           delivered on film.
AUDIO QUALITY             The video has excellent, clear       The video has good quality        The video has poor quality
(5 points total)          quality audio, with subtitles used   audio, with subtitles used        audio, with no efforts to
                          appropriately. Background music      appropriately. Background         improve clarity.
                          does not overpower people            music does not overpower
                          talking.                             people talking.
TECHNICAL QUALITY              The video has been creatively        The video has been              The video demonstrates
(5 points total)               edited with appropriate colouring    adequately edited with          no thought to editing
                               and lighting in mind.                appropriate colouring and       technique, and no edits
                                                                    lighting in mind.               to colouring and lighting.

DIRECTING QUALITY              The video has excellent use of       The video has good use of       The video has poor use of
(5 points total)               camera angles and shot               camera angles and shot          camera angles and shot
                               techniques, and has great            techniques, and has good        techniques, and has poor
                               quality, relevant questions.         quality questions.              quality, irrelevant questions.
     supported by Activate Ed
Activate Ed's primary and secondary workshops have
been designed to foster media literacy, creative thinking
and team building skills in a fun and engaging way using
new technology. First place winners will receive a half day
Short Film and Television Production with Visual Effects
Workshop for the winner's school class.

Class 1    Junior (Years 7 to 8)
           Students work in small teams to plan, script,
           perform in, direct, shoot, edit and produce
           an advertisement while working against the
           clock. The topic of the video must meet the
           judging criteria and client brief outlined in
           the schedule for TASK 1.
           First: Certificate, $400, Product;
           Second: Certificate, $200;
           Third: Certificate, $100
           Product provided by Activate Studios
Class 2
           Secondary (Years 9 to 10)
           Students work in small teams to plan, script,
           perform in, direct, shoot, edit and produce an
           advertisement while working against the
           clock. The topic of the video must meet the
           judging criteria and client brief outlined in the
           schedule for TASK 1.
           First: Certificate, $400, Product;
           Second: Certificate, $200;
           Third: Certificate, $100
Class 3    Product provided by Activate Studios

           Senior (Years 11 to 12)
           Students work in small teams to plan, script,
           perform in, direct, shoot, edit and produce a
           documentary while working against the clock.
           The topic of the video must meet the judging
           criteria and client brief outlined in the
           schedule for TASK 2.
           First: Certificate, $400, Product;
           Second: Certificate, $200;
           Third: Certificate, $100
           Product provided by Activate Studios
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