Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust

Page created by Hugh Fleming
Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust
Thank you to
                         our Sponsors
                         Eagle Sponsor $2,500+
                         94.1 myFM

                         Hawk Sponsor $1,000+
                         1 Password
                         Graham Scott Enns

                         Oriole Sponsor $600+
                         Canadale Nurseries Ltd.
                         CJDL Consulting Engineers
                         Don and Hazel Williams Foundation
                         Elgin Business Resource Centre

Don and Hazel Williams
                         Ferguson DiMeo Lawyers
                         Kim Husted Surveying Ltd.
                                                                        Spell Laugh Give Back
     Foundation          Yurek Pharmacy & Home Healthcare

                         Wren Sponsor up to $600                        The Official Rule Book
                         Belmont Farm Supply                            1.   How to Play
                         Capital Management Group
                         Century 21                                     2.   Silent Auction
                         Mauer & Associates                             3.   Give Back: What you help us do
                         St. Thomas Police Association                  4.   Thank you: Our Sponsors
                         Yorkville Asset Management

                         Thank you to
                         Printing for
          Capital        donating the note pads for each participant.
     Management Group

                         Twitter: @kcetrust
                         Facebook: @kcenvironmentaltrust
Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust
The Night
                                                               Best Dressed
6:30 p.m.        Doors Open (Arrive no later than 6:45 p.m.)   Best Costume
7:15 p.m.        Welcome/Introductions/Rules                   Tried My Best
7:30 p.m.        First Swarm of Words
                                                               Costumes and creative team names are
7:45 p.m.        Break                                         welcomed but not mandatory—no
                                                               extra points awarded. However, there
8:15 p.m.        Second Swarm of Words                         will be prizes for the best costume and
                                                               the best team name as determined by       Original Graphite
8:30 p.m.        Break (First Silent Auction Table Closes)                                               Maple Valley by Kevin Jackson 31” X 19”
                                                               the Honey Bee Court. Tried your Best?     Donated by: Minerva Art Gallery             Value: $645

9:00 p.m.        Final Swarm of Words                          There may be prizes for the team that

9:15 p.m.        Break (Silent Auction Closes)
                                                               places last, or had the lowest scoring                     Mamma Mia!
                                                                                                                      At the Grand Theatre
9:45 p.m.        Closing Comments/Winner Announced                                                                                     Value: $150

                                                                                                         The Grand Theatre has donated TWO TICKETS to Mamma
Smarty Pants 2018—Team E BEE RCs (Elgin Business                                                         Mia! to be auctioned off at SpellBound. Tickets can be for
                                                                                                         any performance (excluding opening night) from April 23
Resource Centre) will be back to defend their title.                                                     — May 11, 2019 (A, B or C seating).
Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust
Silent Auction                                                                                                                          Spell: How to Play
All bidders must be 19 years of age or older for items involving   Silent Auction Items
                                                                   This list is not complete. Additional items are being added daily.
alcohol. Bidding will commence at 6:30 p.m. Designated                                                                                  1.   All team members must have registered and paid their entry fee prior to
tables will close at the beginning of the second and final                                                                                   competition.
swarm of words. If there is a specified minimum amount, any
                                                                                                                                        2.   Each team will consist of up to six (6) members. All teams should arrive
bids below this amount will not be honoured. Full payment is
                                                                                                                                             before 7 p.m. (Doors open at 6:30 p.m.) Supper is not included. There are
required on the day of the auction – cash or cheque preferred,     The Grand Theatre: two tickets to Mamma Mia!                              snacks.
but debit and credit card payments will also be possible. If the
                                                                                                                                        3.   Each team will select one member to write their team’s spelling of the word
winner does not have payment on the day of the auction, the        Scandinave Spa
                                                                                                                                             on the materials provided. Letters must be clearly printed. Several versions
item will be offered to the next highest bidder. Winning
                                                                                                                                             may be printed; it is the team’s responsibility to scratch through or erase the
item(s) will be given at time of full payment. All funds raised    London Symphonia: two tickets to Obsessions
                                                                                                                                             misspelled words, leaving only one version to be judged. Capital letters are
from this Silent Auction will go to the Kettle Creek
Environmental Trust .                                              Budweiser Gardens
                                                                                                                                        4.   Team members are encouraged to collaborate on the spelling of the words.
                                                                   Exodus Escape Rooms: Gift Certificate
                                                                                                                                        5.   Use of pen and paper is allowed. Electronic devices, including cell phones and Google glasses, are not
                                                                                                                                             permitted. Dictionaries are not allowed.
                                                                   St. Thomas Golf and Country Club: Golf for four
                                                                                                                                        6.   All teams participate in each round or swarm of words. Each swarm will consist of 15 words. The
                                                                   3M Gift Basket                                                            Bumble Bee will pronounce the word, use the word in a sentence and pronounce the word once again.
                                                                                                                                             Once this is complete teams will be given 30 seconds to spell the word or answer the trivia question
                                                                   Ripley’s Aquariums: admission for four                                    before the Bumble Bee moves on to the next word in the swarm.

                                                                                                                                        7.   Once the swarm is complete Team Captains must raise their scoring card in the air to be collected by
                                                                   Windermere Manor: dinner for two                                          Bee Keepers. The Bee Keepers will take the cards to the Honey Bee Court for marking.

                                                                                                                                        8.   There will be a break between each swarm of words to allow the judges time to mark and tally scores.
                                                                   Belmont Golf Course: golf for four
                                                                                                                                        9.   Teams are not eliminated.
                                                                   Toronto Zoo
                                                                                                                                        10. One point is awarded for each correctly spelled word. Scores per round will be updated and displayed
                                                                                                                                            at the event. The highest scoring team at the end of the evening will win the coveted Smarty Pants
                                                                   Please note: No meal is provided but pizza will be
                                                                   served at 8:30 p.m.                                                  11. If there is a tie at the end of the evening each team will be asked to appoint their top speller for a Killer
                                                                                                                                            Bee. Each team’s contestant will be asked to spell a different word. The last contestant standing must
                                                                                           Bar is CASH only                                 correctly spell his/her given word. In the event that both team representatives misspell their words,
                                                                                                                                            both will return for another round under the same rules. This will continue until only one team
                                                                              Visa/Debit/Cash will be accepted for                          representative has correctly spelled his/her word and is declared the winner of SpellBound.
                                                                                     Silent Auction items.
Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust
The Officials                                                 How Are We Helping Locally?

The Bumble Bee will be the emcee for the evening. He                                            The Kettle Creek Environmental Trust (KCET) was initiated in 2006 by a group of dedicated
will pronounce the words, give the definition, use the                                          volunteers who wanted to ensure that money raised locally for environmental efforts remained local. Today,
                                                                                                the Trust invests in projects that aim to conserve, protect, restore and educate the
words in a sentence and pronounce the words once
                                                                                                community about the Kettle Creek watershed. Current projects include the following:
                                                             KCET 2019 Trustees
                                                                                                Environmental Youth Corps
An Official Timer – called the “Bee Keeper” – will be        Don Ferguson, President            Do you know a high school student looking to earn volunteer hours?
                                                                                                KCET is proud to support Kettle Creek Conservation Authority’s Environmental
responsible for calling the time during the Spelling Bee.    Kathy Cook, Vice President         Youth Corps (EYC). The EYC provides a unique opportunity for students to earn
Players have 30 seconds to spell each word.                                                     their volunteer hours while participating in hands-on environmental stewardship
                                                             Dan Dale
                                                                                                projects that help the Kettle Creek watershed. Program members will be assisting
The Judges or “Honey Bee Court” will determine if            Perry Clutterbuck                  in tree planting, wildflower planting and bird box building, environmental
words are spelled correctly and make the final decision                                         monitoring trail maintenance and invasive species removal. High school students
                                                             Stephen Harvey
                                                                                                can apply at or call 519-631-1270 to learn
on all questions, including disputes concerning pronun-
                                                             Kevin Jackson                      more.
ciation, interpretation of the rules, time, etc. Honey Bee
Court rulings are final. There will be no appeals.           Marshall Martinico                 Re-Wild the Family
                                                             David Warden                       KCET’s Re-Wild the Family program provides families who have never camped before because of financial
The Hive of Knowledge It’s none of your beeswax but                                             need, social hardship or other unique circumstances the opportunity to connect with nature. “Feedback from
                                                             Elizabeth VanHooren                last year’s families was overwhelming,” says KCET President, Don Ferguson. In 2019, four families with a
the official dictionary of SpellBound is the Canadian                                           combined total of 12 children were provided a weekend of camping. Of the four Re-Wild families, three
Oxford Dictionary. Any spelling listed in this dictionary                                       extended their stay. One camper stated, “What stands out to me is that we are able to keep our
will be considered correct. However, the Honey Bee                                              camping gear, we’ve never camped as a whole family before and there’s no way on our income that we could
Court rulings are final.                                                                        afford to buy everything for our entire family. The fact that the Re-Wild program exists means that this
                                                                                                experience isn’t a one-time shot .” Proceeds from tonight’s event will help make this a permanent program.

The Official Smarty Pant Trophy has been awarded
                                                                                                Invasive Species Inventory and Management
since 2015 to the top scoring team. First to Team                                               In 2019, KCET donated $50,000 over the next three years to
Bowsher (2015), then to Team Bloomin’ Oxymorons                                                 assist KCCA in the development of a comprehensive invasive
                                                                                                species program. The control of invasive species on KCCA
(2016), to Team Fascinators in 2017 and our reigning
                                                                                                property and throughout the watershed is a growing concern;
champions EBeeRCs in 2018. The winning team keeps                                               however, a comprehensive inventory of species and/or
the Smarties, a $300 cash prize and bragging rights.                                            management plan has not been developed—until now.

                                                                                                Invasive species are defined as non-native species, whose
                                                                                                introduction or spread negatively impact natural biodiversity,
                                                                                                the economy and or society, including human health. This            Phragmites—Before (above) and after (below) views
                                                                                                project will focus largely on phragmites, European buckthorn,       of phragmites control at Lake Whittaker Conservation
                                                                                                Manitoba maple, giant ragweed, garlic mustard, and white            Area.
                                                                                                sweet clover. With KCET’s support, KCCA has hired a Forest and
                                                                                                Lands Technician who will inventory and assess the quantity,
                                                                                                extent and location of invasive species on Authority owned
                                                                                                lands. This inventory will be used to develop a strategy for the
                                                                                                control and/or removal of invasive species. The position will set
                                                                                                implementation priorities and lead in the implementation of the
                                                                                                strategy using various techniques, including monitoring the
                                                                                                effectiveness of the program.

                                                                                                The position will also lead invasive species outreach and
                                                              Twitter: @kcetrust
                                                                                                education initiatives throughout the watershed including making
                                                              Facebook: @kcenvironmentaltrust
                                                                                                contact with landowners willing to undertake projects on private lands, and municipalities that may wish to
                                                                                                work with KCCA to implement similar programs of removal and monitoring on municipal lands.
Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust Thank you to our Sponsors - Kettle Creek Environmental Trust
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