The 2021 Buck Fifty Relay Race Starts Friday, April 16th at 1:00 pm and ends Saturday, April 17th around 8:00 pm

Page created by Ron Moreno
The 2021 Buck Fifty Relay Race Starts Friday, April 16th at 1:00 pm and ends Saturday, April 17th around 8:00 pm
The 2021 Buck Fifty Relay Race
 Starts Friday, April 16th at 1:00 pm and ends
     Saturday, April 17th around 8:00 pm

As we approach year number five for our event, we have learned a ton of
information about what we are doing and how we should be doing it. If
there is one compliment we have received often, it's about how organized
our event is. The 2020 race was our most challenging by far due to COVID-
19. We had to establish a new start/finish line location, reroute 6 of our 30
legs, and make sure we kept everyone safe by working with the Ross County
Health District, all within a 30-day window. It was challenging and stressful,
but we pulled off a fantastic event when it would have been easier to quit.
Quit is a word we do not understand, and that is for two fundamental
reasons. Number one, we know with proper training and preparation, we
can accomplish anything. Number two, our race supports Ross County's
future through the Drug Free Clubs of America Program our local teens call
M.A.D.E. (My Attitude Determines Everything). Without our race, there is no
program for these teens, and we will not fail them.

After having the event for the first three years at Ohio University Chillicothe,
we moved to the First Presbyterian Church who so graciously hosted our
race on July 24th & 25th this year. It was a beautiful location but will not
hold the number of teams we plan to have for years to come. We also
believe in providing the best event experience for our runners and
community, bringing the start/finish line to Downtown Chillicothe.   PO BOX 764 Chillicothe, OH 45601
The 2021 Buck Fifty Relay Race Starts Friday, April 16th at 1:00 pm and ends Saturday, April 17th around 8:00 pm
Past Years Race Dates and Teams

Date                           Number of Teams
April 6-7 2017                 38
April 13-14 2018               74
April 12-13 2019               83
April 17-18 2020               106 registered but had 54 on July 24th & 25th 2020.
April 16-17 2021               Estimate of 70 teams

As you can see, our race has grown very fast, and we annually bring in
runners who represent 20 different states each year. 80 % of these runners
come from Central and Southern Ohio. Our goal is to get to 150 teams
each year, which is our sellout number of teams.
We have tried to have live bands, food trucks, drinks, bouncy houses, music,
and tents, trying to bring the community up to our event to see what's
happening with The Buck Fifty. The public does a great job supporting us,
but they haven't come to O.U.C. to witness the race.

It's time to take the start/finish line to our

Notes on how to make it happen
    1. Downtown Chillicothe has been improving over the last several years,
       and with many shops and restaurants, it's become a fantastic place to
       walk around.
    2. The Second Street location at the Majestic has become a focal point for
       many events. Our community is used to gathering at that location.
    3. We will leave Blood Alley open, running from the North to the South.
       We are asking to close Second Street West of that Alley to East of
       Paint Street.        PO BOX 764 Chillicothe, OH 45601
The 2021 Buck Fifty Relay Race Starts Friday, April 16th at 1:00 pm and ends Saturday, April 17th around 8:00 pm
4. We will have teams come in the gates from the North parking lot area
       for check-in on race day, and they will exit onto Second Street. Teams
       are required to be checked in one hour before the race. Being in the
       heart of the First Capital will be nice for our runners and our downtown
       businesses to meet one another. We will pass out maps at registration
       so they can see what is available to them.
    5. The Chillicothe-Ross Chamber of Commerce is in favor of this move.
    6. The Downtown Business Association is in favor of this move.
    7. Many of our sponsors are in favor of this move to downtown.
    8. We have spoken to the Ross County Health District in early December
       and learned the following.

          a. We had zero COVID-19 cases come out of the July 2020 race.
          b. They were pleased with our efforts and how we handled safety.
          c. They believe that we should proceed as planned for our April
             race, and we have their support.
          d. The Buck Fifty Safety Video, which all runners watch before race
             day, had rules for COVID-19. This year we are looking to team
             up with R.C.H.D. to include them in this year's video to add more
          e. NOTE: The Ohio Department of Health reviewed the 2020 Buck
             Fifty race plan, along with their attorneys, before our July race.
             We received their full blessing to execute the race.
    9. Through recent conversations with Adena Health System, it is believed
       that the peek of COVID is upon us currently. They expect a decline in
       mid-January, and with vaccines hitting the market soon.

We are requesting a street closure on Second Street from west of the Alley
beside the Majestic to Paint Street's east side. This request is from 9:00 am
on Thursday, April 15th- 10:00 pm on Saturday, April 17th.
We will not have an F-Permit for this event or bring in food trucks. We will
rely on our local restaurants and businesses to deliver hospitality to our
runners, drivers, and volunteers.
We are working with Tabernacle Baptist Church to utilize their parking lots
on Mulberry Street.   PO BOX 764 Chillicothe, OH 45601
How do teams start and finish our race?
    1. Teams are required to register one hour before their designated
       starting times. Registration opens at 11:00 am on Friday, April 16th.
       The first teams will start at 1:00 pm, and the final starting group
       should be at 7:00 pm. We have a staggard start, and teams will go off
       every 15-30 minutes in groups of 4-6 runners at a time from the
       starting line.
    2. The first teams coming back to the finish line will arrive at
       approximately 10 am on Saturday. The majority of our teams will
       finish between 1:00 pm and 6:30 pm on Saturday. Once they finish,
       many teams will disburse and want to find something to eat or head
       straight home to get a good night's sleep.


Dave Huggins
Race Director
The Buck Fifty, Inc.   PO BOX 764 Chillicothe, OH 45601
Race weekend is
                             Friday April 16th & 17th 2021
                             Start/Finish Majestic Theater
 Paint Street


2nd St.

                                                                               St. Closed
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