The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck

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The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
The Abel Prize Laureate

Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
University of Texas at Austin
The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck receives the 2019 Abel Prize

for her pioneering
achievements in geometric
partial differential equations,
gauge theory and integrable
systems, and for the
fundamental impact of her
work on analysis, geometry
and mathematical physics.
The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck

The Norwegian Academy of Science and                            critical points of functionals representing
Letters has decided to award the Abel                           geometric quantities such as energy and
Prize for 2019 to                                               volume. For example, minimal surfaces
                                                                are critical points of the area and harmonic
Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck                                        maps are critical points of the Dirichlet
University of Texas at Austin                                   energy. Uhlenbeck’s major contributions
                                                                include foundational results on minimal
for her pioneering achievements in                              surfaces and harmonic maps, Yang-Mills
geometric partial differential equations,                       theory, and integrable systems.
gauge theory and integrable systems, and
for the fundamental impact of her work     Minimal surfaces and bubbling
on analysis, geometry and mathematical     analysis
physics.                                   An important tool in global analysis,
                                           preceding the work of Uhlenbeck, is the
                                           Palais—Smale compactness condition.
Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck is a founder      This condition, inspired by earlier work
of modern Geometric Analysis. Her          of Morse, guarantees existence of
perspective has permeated the field        minimisers of geometric functionals and
and led to some of the most dramatic       is successful in the case of 1-dimensional
advances in mathematics in the last        domains, such as closed geodesics.
40 years.                                       Uhlenbeck realised that the condition
     Geometric analysis is a field of      of Palais—Smale fails in the case of
mathematics where techniques of            surfaces due to topological reasons. The
analysis and differential equations are    papers of Uhlenbeck, co-authored with
interwoven with the study of geometrical   Sacks, on the energy functional for maps
and topological problems. Specifically,    of surfaces into a Riemannian manifold,
one studies objects such as curves,        have been extremely influential and
surfaces, connections and fields which are describe in detail what happens when

© In 1987 Karen K. Uhlenbeck moved to the University of Texas at Austin to take up the
Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents’ Chair in mathematics. She would remain at the
University of Texas until the end of her working career. Currently, Uhlenbeck is a Visiting
Senior Research Scholar at Princeton University as well as a Visiting Associate at the
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS).
photo : Marsha Miller

The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
the Palais-Smale condition is violated.        of all subsequent research in the area of
A minimising sequence of mappings              gauge theory.
converges outside a finite set of singular          Gauge theory involves an auxiliary
points and by using rescaling arguments,       vector bundle over a Riemannian
they describe the behaviour near the           manifold.
singularities as bubbles or instantons,             The basic objects of study are
which are the standard solutions of the        connections on this vector bundle. After
minimising map from the 2-sphere to the        a choice of a trivialisation (gauge), a
target manifold.                               connection can be described by a matrix
     In higher dimensions, Uhlenbeck           valued 1-form. Yang-Mills connections
in collaboration with Schoen wrote             are critical points of gauge-invariant
two foundational papers on minimising          functionals. Uhlenbeck addressed and
harmonic maps. They gave a profound            solved the fundamental question of
understanding of singularities of solutions    expressing Yang-Mills equations as
of non-linear elliptic partial differential    an elliptic system, using the so-called
equations. The singular set, which in the      Coulomb gauge. This was the starting
case of surfaces consists only of isolated     point for both Uhlenbeck’s celebrated
points, is in higher dimensions replaced by    compactness theorem for connections
a set of co-dimension 3.                       with curvature bounded in Lp, and for her
     The methods used in these                 later results on removable singularities
revolutionary papers are now in the            for Yang-Mills equations defined on
standard toolbox of every geometer             punctured 4-dimensional balls. The
and analyst. They have been applied            removable singularity theory for Yang-
with great success in many other partial       Mills equations in higher dimensions was
differential equations and geometric           carried out much later by Gang Tian and
contexts. In particular, the bubbling          Terence Tao. Uhlenbeck’s compactness
phenomenon appears in many works in            theorem was crucial in Non-Abelian
partial differential equations, in the study   Hodge Theory and, in particular, in the
of the Yamabe problem, in Gromov’s work        proof of the properness of Hitchin’s
on pseudoholomorphic curves, and also          map and Corlette’s important result on
in physical applications of instantons,        the existence of equivariant harmonic
especially in string theory.                   mappings.
                                                    Another major result of Uhlenbeck is
Gauge theory and Yang-Mills                    her joint work with Yau on the existence
equations                                      of Hermitian Yang-Mills connections on
After hearing a talk by Atiyah in Chicago,     stable holomorphic vector bundles over
Uhlenbeck became interested in gauge           complex n-manifolds, generalising an
theory. She pioneered the study of Yang-       earlier result of Donaldson on complex
Mills equations from a rigorous analytical     surfaces. This result of Donaldson-
point of view. Her work formed a base          Uhlenbeck-Yau links developments

The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
in differential geometry and algebraic          families. Based on this observation,
geometry, and is a foundational result for      Uhlenbeck described algebraically
applications of heterotic strings to particle   harmonic mappings from spheres into
physics.                                        Grasmannians relating them to an infinite
     Uhlenbeck’s ideas laid the analytic        dimensional integrable system and
foundations for the application of gauge        Virasoro actions. This seminal work led to
theory to geometry and topology, to the         a series of further foundational papers by
important work of Taubes on the gluing          Uhlenbeck and Chuu-Lian Terng on the
of self-dual 4-manifolds, to the ground-        subject and the creation of an active and
breaking work of Donaldson on gauge             fruitful school.
theory and 4-dimensional topology, and                The impact of Uhlenbeck’s pivotal
many other works in this area. The book         work goes beyond geometric analysis.
written by Uhlenbeck and Dan Freed on           A highly influential early article was
“Instantons and 4-Manifold Topology”            devoted to the study of regularity theory
instructed and inspired a generation of         of a system of non-linear elliptic
differential geometers. She continued to        equations, relevant to the study of the
work in this area, and in particular had an     critical map of higher order energy
important result with Lesley Sibner and         functionals between Riemannian
Robert Sibner on non self-dual solutions        manifolds. This work extends previous
to the Yang-Mills equations.                    results by Nash, De Giorgi and Moser
                                                on regularity of solutions of single non-
Integrable systems and harmonic                 linear equations to solutions of systems.
mappings                                              Karen Uhlenbeck’s pioneering
The study of integrable systems has             results have had fundamental impact on
its roots in 19th century classical             contemporary analysis, geometry and
mechanics. Using the language of                mathematical physics, and her ideas
gauge theory, Uhlenbeck and Hitchin             and leadership have transformed the
realised that harmonic mappings from            mathematical landscape as a whole.
surfaces to homogeneous spaces
come in 1-dimensional parametrised
The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
A biography of
Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
By Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Fellow of the Royal Society,
University of Surrey

In 1990, in Kyoto, Japan, Karen Uhlenbeck     Ohio in 1942. Her father, Arnold Keskulla,
became only the second woman to give          was an engineer and her mother, Carolyn
a Plenary Lecture at the International        Windeler Keskulla, an artist and school
Congress of Mathematicians – ICM – the        teacher. The family moved to New Jersey
largest and most important gathering of       when Karen was in third grade. As a young
mathematicians in the world. It is held       girl, she was curious about everything. Her
every four years, and the first woman         parents instilled in her a love of art and
to do this was Emmy Noether in 1932.          music, and she developed a lifelong love
Such a shocking statistic reflects just       of the outdoors, regularly roaming
how hard it is for many women to achieve      the local countryside near her home.
the recognition they deserve in a male-             Most of all, she loved reading,
dominated field.                              shutting herself away whenever she
     But by that point in her career,         could to devour advanced science
Uhlenbeck had already established             books, staying up late at night and even
herself as one of the world’s preeminent      reading secretly in class. She dreamed of
mathematicians, having overcome               becoming a research scientist, particularly
many hurdles, both personally and             if it meant avoiding too much interaction
professionally. In 2000, she received the     with other people; not that she was a shy
US National Medal of Science. Yet for         child, but rather because she enjoyed the
many, the recognition of her achievements     peace and solitude of her own company.
should have been far greater, for her work    The last thing she wanted to do was
has led to some of the most important         to follow in her mother’s footsteps and
advances in mathematics in the last           end up teaching – an attitude that would
40 years.                                     change dramatically later in life.
     Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck, the eldest           Uhlenbeck’s love affair with mathe­
of four children, was born in Cleveland,      matics developed only after she had

The Abel Prize Laureate 2019 - Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck
© Karen Uhlenbeck giving a talk at the Institute for Advanced Study. photo: Andrea Kane

started at university. Having been inspired   where she studied general relativity and
in high school by the writings of great       the geometry of space-time – topics
physicists such as Fred Hoyle and George      that would shape her future research
Gamow, she enrolled at the University         work. Although a pure mathematician,
of Michigan, initially planning to major in   Uhlenbeck has drawn inspiration for her
physics. However, she soon discovered         work from theoretical physics and, in
that the intellectual challenge of pure       return, she has had a major influence in
mathematics was what really excited her.      shaping it by developing ideas with
It also meant she didn’t have to do any lab   a wide range of different applications.
work, which she disliked.                           For example, physicists had predicted
      Graduating in 1964, she married her     the existence of mathematical objects
biophysicist boyfriend Olke Uhlenbeck         called instantons, which describe the
a year later and decided to embark on         behaviour of surfaces in four-dimensional
postgraduate study. Already well aware        space-time. Uhlenbeck became one
of the predominantly male and often           of the world’s leading experts in this
misogynistic culture in academia, she         field. The classic textbook, Instantons
avoided applying to prestigious schools       and 4-Manifolds, which she co-wrote in
such as Harvard, where Olke was heading       1984 with Dan Freed, inspired a whole
for his PhD and where competition to          generation of mathematicians.
succeed was likely to be fierce. Instead,           In 1971, she became an assistant
she enrolled at Brandeis University           professor at the University of Illinois at
where she received a generous graduate        Urbana-Champaign where she felt isolated
fellowship from the National Science          and undervalued. So, five years later she
Foundation. There, she completed her          left for the University of Illinois at Chicago.
PhD in mathematics, working on the            Here, there were other female professors,
calculus of variations; a technique that      who offered advice and support, as well
involves the study of how small changes       as other mathematicians who took her
in one quantity can help us find the          work more seriously. In 1983, she took
maximum or minimum value of another           up a full professorship at the University
quantity – like finding the shortest          of Chicago, establishing herself as one
distance between two points. You might        of the preeminent mathematicians of
think this would be a straight line, but      her generation. Her interests included
it is not always so straightforward. For      nonlinear partial differential equations,
example, if you have to drive through         differential geometry, gauge theory,
a busy city, the quickest route is not        topological quantum field theory and
necessarily the shortest. Needless, to say,   integrable systems. In 1987, she moved
Uhlenbeck’s contribution to the field was     to the University of Texas at Austin to take
somewhat more complicated than this!          up the Sid W. Richardson Foundation
      After a brief teaching period at        Regents’ Chair in mathematics. There, she
MIT, she moved to Berkeley, California,       broadened her understanding of physics

by studying with Nobel Prize winning                         science. She has come a long way from
physicist Steven Weinberg. She would                         the young girl who wished to be alone.
remain at the University of Texas until the                  For a while, she struggled to come to
end of her working career.                                   terms with her own success, but now
      Uhlenbeck’s most noted work                            says she appreciates it as a privilege.
focused on gauge theories. Her papers                        She has stated that she is aware of
analysed the Yang-Mills equations in four                    being a role model, for young female
dimensions, laying some of the analytical                    mathematicians in particular, but that
groundwork for many of the most exciting                     “it’s hard, because what you really need
ideas in modern physics, from the                            to do is show students how imperfect
Standard Model of particle physics to the                    people can be and still succeed. Everyone
search for a theory of quantum gravity.                      knows that if people are smart, funny,
Her papers also inspired mathematicians                      pretty, or well-dressed they will succeed.
Cliff Taubes and Simon Donaldson, paving                     But it’s also possible to succeed with
the way for the work that won Donaldson                      all of your imperfections. I may be a
the Fields Medal in 1986.                                    wonderful mathematician and famous
      Uhlenbeck, now back in New Jersey,                     because of it, but I’m also very human.”
remains a staunch advocate for greater                       Karen Uhlenbeck is certainly a remarkable
gender diversity in mathematics and in                       human.

Karen K. Uhlenbeck will meet schoolchildren for mathematical games in Archimedes’ Labyrinth in the
Botanical Garden at the University of Bergen during the 2019 Abel Week. The labyrinth is designed by
Hans Munthe-Kaas, chair of the Abel Committee. Photo: Avinor/Daniel Volle - Pandora Film
CC BY-SA 3.0

A glimpse of the Laureate’s work

“I’m Forever
Blowing Bubbles”
Arne B. Sletsjøe, ass. professor, Department of Mathematics,
University of Oslo

      I’m forever blowing bubbles,          Soap bubbles are beautiful objects,
      Pretty bubbles in the air.            perfectly shaped and with a marvellous
      They fly so high,                     play of colours, due to interference of
      Nearly reach the sky,                 light reflecting off the front and back
      Then like my dreams,                  surfaces of the soap film. Soap bubbles
      They fade and die.                    are beautiful objects in a mathematical
                                            setting as well, as they constitute
      		         Jaan Kenbrovin             examples of minimal surfaces. When the
                                            enclosed volume of air inside the bubble
                                            is fixed, the soap film will minimize the
                                            wall tension, pulling the bubble into the
                                            shape of the least surface enclosing a
                                            fixed volume, known for centuries to be a
                                            perfect sphere.
                                                  If we instead of blowing the bubble,
                                            dip a heavily deformed wire loop into a
                                            soap bubble solution, the soap film will
                                            form a disc with its boundary given by
                                            the wire loop and of minimal area. Unlike
                                            the sphere-shaped bubble, this film has
                                            equal pressure on each side, hence it is
                                            a surface with zero mean curvature, i.e.
                                            the average curvature along all directions
                                            is zero. Even if the soap film almost
                                            instantly is able to form a minimal surface,
                                            computing the shape of the surface
                                            analytically is a rather complicated task.

Among curves connecting two points         of minimal surfaces, Uhlenbeck wanted to
in space, we can always find a shortest         understand what happens when Condition
path. The analogous statement is not true       C is violated. In a paper co-authored
for surfaces when considering their area.       with Jonathan Sacks, they describe in
The problem is that in order to reduce the      detail the situation where you cannot
area of a surface, a consequence could          rely on the conclusion of Condition C.
be that the surface is shrunk to a curve,       They construct a sequence of mappings
which of course does not count as a             of a sphere into the target space which
minimal surface. An example of this is the      satisfies Condition C, but in such a way
minimal tubular surface connecting two          that their limit does not. Outside of a finite
parallel circles. If the distance between the   set of singular points everything works
circles is small compared to their radius,      well, but near the singularities the so-
the minimal surface looks like a slightly       called bubbling phenomenon appears.
concave cylinder. When pulling the circles      The area of the limit surface is strictly
apart the cylinder will shrink in the region    less than the limit of the areas of the
between the circles, forming a surface          surfaces in the sequence. The difference
known as a catenoid. At a certain point,        is concentrated in a finite set of isolated
the middle part of the curved cylinder will     points, being the limit of “bubbles” in
collapse along the line connecting the          the sequence of surfaces. The idea and
centres of the two parallel circles. When       the methods of this revolutionary paper
pulling the circles further apart there is no   has since it was published become a
tubular minimal surface connecting them.        successful mathematical tool. In particular,
                                                the bubbling phenomenon has had
Mapping spaces                                  great influence as a method for solving
In 1968 Karen Uhlenbeck received her            problems in various parts of mathematics.
Ph.D. from Brandies with the thesis
“The Calculus of Variations and Global          Footprints of gauge
Analysis”. Her supervisor was Richard           Karen Uhlenbeck also left her footprints
Palais, who a few years earlier and             in the field called gauge theory. Gauge
together with Stephen Smale, had                theory is a mathematical theory
introduced the so-called Palais-Smale           introduced by Hermann Weyl in 1918,
Condition C. This condition gives a             which originated in theoretical physics and
criterion for the existence of minimizers       Einstein´s theory of general relativity. A
for functionals on mapping spaces.              key idea in Einstein´s work is that laws of
“Minimizers for functionals on mapping          physics should be the same in all frames
spaces” is a more general phrase than           of reference. This is also the general idea
“find the surface of least area”, but           of a gauge theory, to find connections that
Condition C can also be applied to the          compare measurements taken at different
minimal surface problem, but then it fails.     points in a space and look for quantities
Motivated by the general non-existence          that do not change. The physical

interpretation was brought further by Yang     which both originate from a wish to
and Mills in the fifties, in what is now       understand nature. When mathematicians
called the Yang-Mills equations. To reveal     get interested in such problems, the theory
the secrets of theoretical physics you have    propagates into theoretical constructions
to work in a (at least) four-dimensional       far beyond the tangible objects of nature.
space, three spatial coordinates and one       But even if the mathematical theory seems
time-coordinate. A physical law should         to be soaring, scientists often benefit from
be the same wherever you are located in        the generalized theory. Karen Uhlenbecks
space-time, i.e. independent of choice of      mathematical achievements constitute
frame of reference.                            important examples of such processes.

Minimal surfaces                               (I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles is an
Karen Uhlenbeck attacked this problem          American song from the Broadway
from the mathematical point of view.           musical The Passing Show of 1918. It
She pioneered the study of Yang-Mills          was released in 1918, the same year as
equations in a rigorous analytical way.        Hermann Weyl introduced the notion
Her work formed a base of all subsequent       of a gauge. In addition to the obvious
research in the area of gauge theory. Her      connection to minimal surfaces, the
analysis of the Yang-Mills equations in four   lyrics may have some associations to
dimensions together with C. H. Taubes,         mathematical research in general. The
also laid the ground for the theories of       song is also adapted as the club anthem
Simon Donaldson, who later was awarded         of West Ham United, a London-based
the Fields Medal in 1986 for his work on       football club.)
the topology of four-manifolds.
     Minimal surfaces and gauge theory
are two separate fields of mathematics

Karl Johans gate, the main street of Oslo during the Abel week.
photo: Thomas Brun/NTB

About the
Abel Prize

The Abel Prize is an international award       Developing Countries, and the Bernt
for outstanding scientific work in the field   Michael Holmboe Memorial Prize for
of mathematics, including mathematical         excellence in teaching mathematics in
aspects of computer science, mathe­            Norway. In addition, national mathematical
matical physics, probability, numerical        contests, and various other projects and
analysis, scientific computing, statistics,    activities are supported in order to
and also applications of mathe­matics in       stimulate interest in mathematics
the sciences.                                  among children and youth.
     The Abel Prize has been awarded                At the Heidelberg Laureate Forum
since 2003 by the Norwegian Academy            in Germany young mathematicians get
of Science and Letters. The choice of          the opportunity to meet winners of the
laureates is based on the recommen­            Abel Prize.
dations from the Abel Committee. The
prize carries a cash award of 6 million        Call for nominations 2020
NOK (about 650,000 Euro or about               The Norwegian Academy of Science and
730,000 USD).                                  Letters hereby calls for nominations for
     The prize is named after the              the Abel Prize 2020, and invites you (or
exceptional Norwegian mathematician            your society or institution) to nominate
Niels Henrik Abel (1802–1829). According       candidate(s). Nominations are confidential
to the statutes of the Abel Prize the          and a nomination should not be made
objective is both to award the annual Abel     known to the nominee.
Prize, and to contribute towards raising
the status of mathematics in society and       Deadline for nominations for the Abel Prize
stimulating the interest of children and       2020 is September 15, 2019.
young people in mathematics.
     Among initiatives supported are the       Please consult for
Abel Symposium, the International              more information.
Mathematical Union’s Commission for

© DNVA / Snøhetta

The laureate wall in The Abel-room at the Norwegian Academy
of Science and Letters. photo: Eirik Furu Baardsen
2018 Robert P. Langlands
      “for his visionary program connecting representation theory to number

2017 Yves Meyer
      “for his pivotal role in the development of the mathematical theory of

2016 Sir Andrew J. Wiles
      “for his stunning proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by way of the
      modularity conjecture for semistable elliptic curves, opening a new era
      in number theory.”

2015 John Forbes Nash, Jr.
		   and Louis Nirenberg
      “for striking and seminal contributions to the theory of nonlinear partial
      differential equations and its applications to geometric analysis.”

2014 Yakov G. Sinai
      “for his fundamental contributions to dynamical systems,
      ergodic theory, and mathematical physics.”

2013 Pierre Deligne
      “for seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their
      transformative impact on number theory, representation theory,
      and related fields.”

2012 Endre Szemerédi
      “for his fundamental contributions to dis­crete mathematics and
      theoretical computer science, and in recognition of the profound
      and lasting impact of these contributions on additive number theory
      and ergodic theory.”

2011 John Milnor
      “for pioneering discoveries in topology, geometry and algebra.”
2010 John Torrence Tate
      “for his vast and lasting impact on the theory of numbers.”

2009 Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov
      “for his revolutionary contributions to geometry.”

2008 John Griggs Thompson
		   and Jacques Tits
      “for their profound achievements in algebra and in particular
      for shaping modern group theory.”

2007 Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan
      “for his fundamental contributions to probability theory and
      in particular for creating a unified theory of large deviations.”

2006 Lennart Carleson
      “for his profound and seminal contributions to harmonic
      analysis and the theory of
      smooth dynamical systems.”

2005 Peter D. Lax
      “for his groundbreaking contributions to the theory and application of
      partial differential equations and to the computation of their solutions.”

2004 Sir Michael Francis Atiyah
		   and Isadore M. Singer
      “for their discovery and proof of the index theorem, bringing together
      topology, geometry and analysis, and their outstand­ing role in building
      new bridges between mathematics and theoretical physics.”

2003 Jean-Pierre Serre
      “for playing a key role in shaping the modern form of many
      parts of mathemat­ics, including topology, algebraic geometry
      and number theory.”

After hearing a talk by 2004 Abel laureate, the late Sir Michael Atiyah, Karen Uhlenbeck became
interested in gauge theory. photo: Didier Vandenbosch

Programme                                           Abel Banquet at Akershus Castle
                                                    Iselin Nybø, Minister of Research and Higher

Abel Week 2019
                                                    Education, hosts the Norwegian government’s
                                                    banquet at Akershus Castle in honour of the
                                                    Abel Laureate (by invitation only)

May 20

                                                                                                        front page photo :
Holmboe Prize Award Ceremony
                                                    May 22
Jan Tore Sanner, Minister of Education
                                                    The Abel Lectures
and Integration, presents the Bernt Michael
                                                    The Laureate will give the Abel Prize lecture
Holmboe Memorial Prize for teachers

                                                                                                        © Marsha Miller
                                                    at the University of Oslo, Georg Sverdrups Hus,
of mathematics at Oslo Cathedral School
                                                    Aud. 1. This will be followed by other lectures
                                                    with topics related to the prize winner’s work
Wreath-laying at the Abel Monument
by the Abel Prize Laureate in the Palace Park
                                                    The Abel Party
                                                    at the Norwegian Academy of Science
Dinner in honour of the Abel Laureate
                                                    and Letters (by invitation only)
at the Norwegian Academy of Science and
Letters (by invitation only)

                                                    May 23
May 21                                              —
                                                    Abel Prize Lecture and mathematical games
                                                    The Abel Laureate gives a lecture at the
Abel Prize Award Ceremony
                                                    University of Bergen. Schoolchildren will invited
His Majesty King Harald V presents the
                                                    to play mathematical games with the prize
Abel Prize to the Laureate in the University
                                                    winner in Archimedes Labyrinth in Bergen
Aula, Oslo, Norway
                                                    Botanical Garden
Reception and interview with
                                                    Register online at: from
the Abel Laureate
                                                    mid-April or contact,
at Det Norske Teatret, Oslo, Norway

                                Press contact:                  For other information:
                                Marina Tofting                  Håkon Sandbakken
                                + 47 938 66 312                 + 47 454 03 077
                                Anne-Marie Astad
                                + 47 415 67 406
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