The Acropolis Restoration News - 17-18 December 2018 - User account | ABEKT

Page created by Maurice Walsh
The Acropolis Restoration News
                                                                                                          17-18 December 2018

                          View of the Parthenon cella from the East. Photo R. Christodoulopoulou, 2018

                              V. Eleftheriou, 2017-2018 - The progress of the Acropolis restoration works
                      V. Manidaki, J. Dourakopoulos - Restoring the orthostates of the Parthenon west pediment
               Ch Pinatsi, C.Koutsadelis, E. Kakogiannou -The stategic plan for the interventions on the Acropolis walls
                      R. Christodoulopoulou, V. Manidaki - Moving and re-arranging the cranes of the Parthenon
E. Karakitsou, E. Petropoulou, Activities to promote research and bring the restoration works on the Acropolis monuments to the fore
      I. Kaimara, A. Leonti, M. Tsiolaki - «A Greek Temple»: A new web application on the architecture of ancient Greek temples
                                                E. Petropoulou - News from the Acropolis
2017-2018, The progress of the Acropolis restoration works                                                                         3

                                                                                      This current issue of the Acropolis Res-     in addition to these works the Potain        which were approved by the ministe-           employing temporary staff. This project
                                                                                      toration News focuses on the period de-      crane was moved inside the Parthenon         rial decision YPPO/GDAMTE/DAAM/               followed the approved, since 1997, study
                                                                                      fined by two important events organised      and the old Derrick crane was donated to     TMAM/43085/4759/257/86/15.2.2017.             of N. Toganidis. However, a new updated
                                                                                      by YSMA dedicated to our mentor and          the Lavrion Technological and Cultural       It started in June 2017 with the disman-      study by K. Skaris and A. Vrouva, has
                                                                                      ESMA President, Charalambos Bouras.          Park (see the relevant article in this is-   tling of the central orthostate of the tym-   already been submitted for discussion
                                                                                      The two day conference on “Specialised       sue). The aim of these changes was not       panum, which due to its specific geome-       to the Central Archaeological Council.
                                                                                      research and implementation issues in        only to facilitate the scheduled restora-    try and deterioration demanded careful        By the end of 2018 all the external or-
                                                                                      the Acropolis restoration works carried      tion programmes, but also to enhance         handling during its structural restora-       thostates of the wall had been reset on
                                                                                      out during the period of 2010-2015”,         the appearance of the monuments by           tion. Then two more orthostates, which        the monument, while in the interior
                                                                                      which took place in November 2016, and       removing all the unnecessary installa-       had similar problems, were also dis-          five vacuums remained expecting new
                                                                                      the event organised in November 2018         tions, materials and scaffoldings.           mantled. The backing wall, though, had        marble in order to structure the 5th, 6th
                                                                                      are extensively presented in the articles    The person in charge of the works on the     received very serious damage. After dis-      and 7th orthostates. The 1st row had been
                                                                                      that follow. It should be pointed out that   Parthenon is the architect R. Christodou-    mantling the blocks of the upper rows, it     half-completed while the restoration of
                                                                                      two important editions resulted from         lopoulou, while the scientific personnel     was revealed that the blocks of the three     the 2nd row had started.
                                                                                      the two aforementioned events: the first     consists of the architects Dr K. Karana-     lowest rows presented exit fractures,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Finally, another work that continued
                                                                                      one promotes the entire work of YSMA,        sos, Dr L. Lambrinou, V. Manidaki, A.        while the extent of older interventions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              was the carving of flutes on the new fill-
                                                                                      since its establishment and is based on      Papandropoulos, K. Skaris, and the civil     in the area had been exposed: for exam-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ings of the third from the north column
                                                                                      the texts of Ch. Bouras, while the second    engineers A. Vrouva, Dr J. Dourakopou-       ple, an architectural member which had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of the Pronaos.
                                                                                      one contains a thorough analysis of the      los and Dr E. Pasiou. The people respon-     been chiselled off, or the use of inappro-
                                                                                      results of the scientific study and re-      sible for the worksites were the marble      priate materials (block-adhesive Meyer).      In 2018 the process to commission the
                                                                                      search conducted in recent years within      technicians G. Aggelopoulos and S. Kar-      The really bad condition of the mar-          supply of new marble from the quarries
                                                                                      the guidelines of article 16 of the Venice   damis. The works, following a set sched-     bles caused a delay in the calculations       Dionysos-Penteli was completed, and
                                                                                      Charter; this research had also been in-     ule, are conducted in three areas, that is   of the needed reinforcement for the           thus the amount of new marble that
                                                                                      cited by the encouragement and support       the west pediment, the north wall of the     bindings and the titanium clamping            would cover the needs for the comple-
View of the Parthenon west side after moving the Potain crane inside the monument.
Photo: V. Eleftheriou, 2018                                                           of Ch. Bouras.                               cella, and the 3rd column of the Pronaos.    elements. The engineers responsible for       tion of works on the Parthenon untill
                                                                                                                                                                                the relevant studies are A. Vrouva, J.        2020 was ensured.
                                                                                      In spring 2017, the work “Restora-           The project of restoring the west pedi-
                                                                                                                                                                                Dourakopoulos and E. Pasiou. Until the
                                                                                      tion and conservation of the Acropolis       ment of the Parthenon is the most em-                                                      The process to commission the “Study of
                                                                                                                                                                                end of 2018 the structural restoration
                                                                                      monuments”, included in the EPAnEK           blematic of this restoration period and                                                    topographic and photogrammetric sur-
                                                                                                                                                                                of the orthostates had been completed,
                                                                                      NSRF 2014-2020, received a funding           is being conducted in accordance with                                                      veying on the Parthenon” started after
                                                                                                                                                                                whereas works on the backing wall were
                                                                                      of 5,000,000 €; the deadline for these       the studies: “The restoration of the                                                       NSRF approved its financing. After con-
                                                                                                                                                                                just starting.
                                                                                      works was in spring 2021. In June the        tympanum orthostate of the west pedi-                                                      ducting a public tender the study regard-
                                                                                      Service advertised 40 job vacancies of       ment of the Parthenon” of V. Manidaki        The permanent personnel of the Service        ing the complete and exact geometrical
                                                                                      various specialties. The process of as-      and L. Palaeologos, and the “Restora-        had worked on the restoration of the          documentation of the North wall of the
                                                                                      sessing about 400 applications and the       tion of the backing wall of the west         north wall of the cella until September       cella, the West pediment and the ceil-
                                                                                      need to answer the raised objections on      pediment of the Parthenon” of K. Skaris,     2017 when work was intensified after          ing of the West wing of the Parthenon,
                                                                                      the produced rank lists of the applicants
                                                                                      was completed at the end of August; fi-
                                                                                      nally the new recruits were employed in
                                                                                      September. Having now a staff of more
                                                                                      than 155 people, who were professionals
                                                                                      specialised in fields other than the ones
                                                                                      employed permanently by the Service
                                                                                      (civil engineers, mechanical engineers
                                                                                      and others), allowed the Service to me-
                                                                                      thodically programme and proceed with
                                                                                      the works it has undertaken for the indi-
                                                                                      cated period.
                                                                                      At the same time, preparations at the
                                                                                      worksites of the Parthenon and the area
                                                                                      B17 of the walls were completed in order     Restoring a fragmented block from the backing wall of the Parthenon west tympanum: view before (on the left) and during the works (on
Dismantling an orthostate of the Parthenon west pediment. Photo: T. Souvlakis, 2017   to carry out the projects listed in NSRF;    the right). Photo: A. Panou, 2018

supervised by the topographic engineer         Technical University of Athens (NTUA)          which the dismantling of the western-         which was not to be dismantled, during                                                   A. Tsimereki, and is to be re-examined
D. Mavromati, was contracted out to            in order to record seismic activities with     most part of the worksite canopy in or-       the works on the underlying sections.                                                    together with the geotechnical-static
the consortium “Elliniki Photogram-            the use of a pair of accelerometers placed     der to make the east wall of the north        Until the end of 2018 the latest addi-                                                   study before being submitted for ap-
metriki Ltd - Photopo PLC”. In parallel        on the northeast corner of the Parthe-         wing of the Propylaia visible.                tions had been dismantled from the in-                                                   proval to KAS.
to the above, the topographic engineer         non and one more recording equipment,                                                        tervention, the gaps in the interior part
                                                                                              In 2017 the Central Archaeological                                                                                                     For the preparation of the above two
S. Kyparissi produced three-dimensional        which was placed on the south wing of                                                        of the masonry had been filled with mor-
                                                                                              Council approved the “Study for the res-                                                                                               studies there were used bibliographical
models of the dismantled architectural         the monument.                                                                                tar, four new blocks had been placed on
                                                                                              toration of the area B17 of the north wall                                                                                             data, experimental data, as well as obser-
members with the use of photographs            The Head of the Technical Office of                                                          the 7th and 8th rows and the surface of
                                                                                              of the Athens Acropolis” and the “Study                                                                                                vations made during small-scale works
and the appropriate software which             the circuit walls is the civil engineer                                                      the new members had been treated. An
                                                                                              for the restoration of the area B12-B13                                                                                                that have been conducted in the last five
serve three purposes: they document the        D. Michalopoulou; in the same Office                                                         inscribed fragment that was removed
                                                                                              of the north wall of the Athens Acropo-                                                                                                years on the Acropolis walls. The stud-
preservation condition before and after        work the architects K. Mamalougas, A.                                                        from this area of the wall was given to
                                                                                              lis”, of D. Michalopoulou, K. Mamalou-                                                                                                 ies will therefore, after being approved,
the interventions, they can be used as         Hadjipapa and Ch. Pinatsi and the civil                                                      the Ephorate of Antiquities. Finally, po-
                                                                                              gas, A. Hadjipapa, E. Aggelakopoulou                                                                                                   become a valid framework of principles
backgrounds for static solutions and fi-       engineer Dr E. Kakogiannou. The civil                                                        ros from Pitsa Korinthias was obtained
                                                                                              and A.Tsimereki. The relevant works                                                                                                    and methodologies to be applied to the
nally they can also provide the context        engineer N. Ninis, on a part-time se-                                                        for the construction of new fillings.
                                                                                              were all included in NSRF 2014-2020.                                                                                                   future interventions on the walls.
for implementations in the areas of in-        condment to YSMA by the Directorate                                                          The crew responsible for the conser-
                                               of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities,      Priority was given to the area B17 as                                                                                                  During the period 2017-2018 the walls
formation and education.                                                                                                                    vation of the walls dealt with parts of
                                               contributed to the work of “The consoli-       scaffolding had already been raised in                                                                                                 as well as the entire archaeological site
A workstation was set up (using a pow-                                                                                                      them in many areas (such as an area
                                               dation of rock masses and the walls”.          the specific location. However, after the                                                 Three-dimensional model of a block from      have been monitored with the use of var-
erful computer system) at the Parthenon                                                                                                     NE of the Erechtheion) while part of
                                               The marble technician G. Vasdekis is in        study was approved the scaffolding had                                                    the backing wall of the west Parthenon       ious instruments: a) a network of 11 ac-
                                                                                                                                            the east side of the wall on the SE cor-    tympanum and a model with photographic
office in order to process demanding           charge of the crew for restoration works.      to be modified in order to allow the re-                                                                                               celerometers supported by the Institute
                                                                                                                                            ner of the Acropolis rock was repaired.     texture. Production: S. Kyparissi
software and complex computer files.                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Geodynamics of the National Obser-
                                               Analogous to the cleaning and enhance-         moval of the wall blocks without dis-         After detecting problems in the area of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     vatory of Athens, b) a system of optical
In 2017 YSMA renewed for three more            ment works conducted in the area sur-          mantling the overlying rows. In addi-         the elevator (B14) on the north wall, the   was assigned to the consortium of the        fibres installed by the company OSMOS
years its collaboration with the MIE           rounding the Parthenon, were the works         tion, a support system was designed and       Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens clo-      engineering companies GEOPER Con-            Hellas on the foundation of the west
University in Japan and the National           in the area of the Propylaia, among            constructed, aiming to buttress the area      sed off the north walkway, Peripatos.       sultants Engineers SA and Domos Con-         wall of the Propylaia’s north wing and c)
                                                                                                                                            Our Service appointed Ch. Pinatsi and       sulting Engineers. At the end of 2018,       a station of geotechnical instruments in-
                                                                                                                                            E. Kakogiannou to conduct a study and       under the supervision of D. Michalopou-      stalled in a well near the Belvedere tow-
                                                                                                                                            launched a public tender in order to        lou and N. Ninis and under the tutelage      er in order to monitor backfilling works,
                                                                                                                                            commission the repair work of the wall      of a sub-committee consisting of the         supported by the company Edafos - Engi-
                                                                                                                                            in this area. The work, to be conducted     President of the ESMA, M. Korres and         neering Consultants SA.
                                                                                                                                            within two months, is to start on 16th      the ESMA members, M. Chronopoulos
                                                                                                                                            January 2020.                               and P. Kouphopoulos, the second phase        Conservation works of the surface of
                                                                                                                                                                                        of the final study was completed while       the monuments continued on the Par-
                                                                                                                                            In September 2018 the cleaning of the
                                                                                                                                                                                        its approval by ESMA and KAS is being        thenon and the Propylaia, while on the
                                                                                                                                            wall and the slopes from weeds was com-
                                                                                                                                                                                        expected.                                    walls they had an explorative character;
                                                                                                                                            pleted after launching a public tender.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     small-scale conservation works were
                                                                                                                                                                                        The “Strategic plan for the interventions
                                                                                                                                            Before the beginning of works in the                                                     conducted on poros architectural mem-
                                                                                                                                                                                        on the Acropolis walls" (master plan)
                                                                                                                                            area B12-B13, D. Michalopoulou and A.                                                    bers by the Office of Scattered architec-
                                                                                                                                                                                        was the result of a collective effort of
                                                                                                                                            Hadjipapa had prepared a study, while                                                    tural members. The person in charge
                                                                                                                                                                                        the Technical Office of the circuit walls
                                                                                                                                            ESMA had approved to supply and in-                                                      of the Office and Laboratory of surface
                                                                                                                                                                                        and the Office and Laboratory of surface
                                                                                                                                            stall a bridge crane on a scaffolding;                                                   conservation is the chemical engineer,
                                                                                                                                                                                        conservation. After a bibliographical
                                                                                                                                            provisions for launching a relevant pub-                                                 Dr E. Aggelakopoulou.
                                                                                                                                                                                        research in the period 2015-2016, the
                                                                                                                                            lic tender for these works are under way.
                                                                                                                                                                                        design study of the walls started in 2017    On the Parthenon, under the supervi-
                                                                                                                                            Moreover, A. Hadjipapa and E. Kakogi-
                                                                                                                                                                                        and its first version was presented to       sion of the conservator A. Panou, the
                                                                                                                                            annou are carrying out another study
                                                                                                                                                                                        ESMA for discussion in June 2018. The        conservation works at the east face of
                                                                                                                                            focusing on the restoration of the inter-
                                                                                                                                                                                        strategic plan included alternative pro-     five architrave backers of the SW corner
                                                                                                                                            nal side of the wall at the SE corner.
                                                                                                                                                                                        posals for the enhancement of the areas      of the Parthenon were completed; the
                                                                                                                                            The public tender for outsourcing the       where the classical wall has been consid-    programme of conserving a total of 20
                                                                                                                                            “Geotechnical - static study of the cir-    erably preserved. The study (see the rele-   architectural members from the entab-
                                                                                                                                            cuit walls of the Athens Acropolis and of   vant article in this issue) was conducted    lature of the west side (4 metopes, 5 tri-
Conservation and restoration works on the Parthenon. Top (left and right): restoring blocks on the north wall of the cella. Photo: V.       their rocky foundations on specific are-    by D. Michalopoulou, C. Koutsadelis, Ch.     glyphs, 9 cornices and the areas of the
Eleftheriou, 2018. Bellow (left): Carving flutes on the third column of the Pronaos. Photo: V. Eleftheriou, 2018. Bellow (right): Binding   as of priority” started in April 2017 and   Pinatsi, E. Kakogiannou, A. Hadjipapa,       regulae and tenia of two architraves)
fragments on an orthostate of the Parthenon west tympanum. Photo: L. Stephaniotis, 2018                                                     was completed in March 2018. The work       E. Aggelakopoulou, E. Xynopoulou and         continued. Rescuing conservation inter-

                                                                                   ventions were carried out during the dis-    tion and c) proposals about appropriate
                                                                                   mantling of the pediment blocks, while       conservation materials.
                                                                                   the systematic conservation of the re-
                                                                                                                                YSMA tried in the past to analyse the
                                                                                   moved blocks of the orthostate is un-        composition of Piraeus stone that makes
                                                                                   derway. In addition, conservation works      up the main structural stone of the an-
                                                                                   are being carried out on the blocks of the   cient wall of the Acropolis. The conduct-
                                                                                   north wall of the cella before resetting     ed studies concluded that Piraeus stone
                                                                                   them to their initial positions, while the   can be divided in two general categories
                                                                                   orthostates are being sealed after set-      according to where it has originated (the
                                                                                   ting them on their final position.           coast of Piraeus or the Munichia Hill),
                                                                                   At the Propylaia, under the supervision      and two sub-categories as for its frac-
                                                                                   of the conservator A. Frantzikinaki, the     ture toughness. Specifically, this stone
                                                                                                                                is a) very tough actitis “type A” (fracture
                                                                                   conservation of the columns and the
                                                                                                                                toughness Fc=40-133 MPa), b) mildly
                                                                                   overlying part of the entablature of the
                                                                                                                                tough actitis “type B” (Fc=20-40 MPa),
                                                                                   north wing colonnade of the monument
                                                                                                                                c) soft Munichia stone “type A” (Fc=10-
Shoring the Acropolis wall on the area B17, before commencing restoration works.   was completed. The works and the mon-
                                                                                                                                20 MPa) and d) very soft Munichia stone
Photo: K. Mamalougas, 2017                                                         ument’s conditions were presented in
                                                                                                                                “type B” (Fc

In addition, within the context of the                                                                                                                                                                                        the Action Plan of “Bilateral and Multi-
collaboration with the Ephorate of An-                                                                                                                                                                                        lateral Cooperation between Greece and
tiquities of Athens for the “Reopen-                                                                                                                                                                                          China”. The proposal entitled SCIENCE,
ing and new uses of the old Acropolis                                                                                                                                                                                         concerns not only the implementation
Museum”, a large number of architec-                                                                                                                                                                                          of satellite interferometry SAR on re-
tural members was listed; among                                                                                                                                                                                               cording movements-deformations, in
them architectural members from the                                                                                                                                                                                           order to diagnose and observe possible
Erectheion, and groups such as frag-                                                                                                                                                                                          dangers the monument face, but also the
ments from the votive offering of the                                                                                                                                                                                         exchange of information within this
kings of Pergamon, located on the NE of                                                                                                                                                                                       particular field, focusing on the Athens
the Parthenon, were jointed to produce                                                                                                                                                                                        Acropolis and the Medieval fortifica-
new members. The blocks recommended                                                                                                                                                                                           tion of Heraklion. A similar recording
for storage were given to the Ephorate                                                                                                                                                                                        will be conducted in monuments in Chi-
together with their catalogues; fur-                                                                                                                                                                                          na. This non-intrusive method does not
thermore, all the blocks kept in the old                                                                                                                                                                                      expose the monuments to any danger
Museum, 260 scattered blocks in total,                                                                                                                                                                                        and also has the capacity to collect data
                                            Conserving the entablature of the Propylaia north wing. Photo: K. Frantzikinaki, 2018
were moved elsewhere in order to start                                                                                               The triglyph and the capital of the archaic Parthenon exhibited now at the Acropolis     from the last twenty years. The proposal
restoration works in the building. In the                                                                                            Museum. Photo: V. Eleftheriou, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              has been approved and the project fiche
summer of 2018 the adhesion of poros
                                            so as to imitate the tool traces of the       series of actions related to documenting   E. Karakitsou, after entering informa-      (further information can be read in an       will soon be submitted.
architectural members of large dimen-
sion started, beginning as such the 3rd     original fragments and the sealing of the     the networks on the rock and the slopes    tion concerning moulds and copies of        article that follows).                       Works that remain in suspension is the
phase of fragment adhesion.                 joints. The restoration of the triglyph,      of the Acropolis.                          casts into a database and completing                                                     use of the property at Polygnotou Street,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Finally E. Petropoulou and E. Karaki-
                                            with the collaboration of YSMA’s Office                                                  the catalogue of iron clamps from an-                                                    use rights of which have been granted
In 2018 the restoration of the triglyph                                                   YSMA’s Documentation Office, with Dr                                                   tsou wrote the minutes of all ESMA
                                            of Scattered Fragments (E. Sioumpara,                                                    cient and older restoration interven-       meetings.                                    to YSMA, which intends to convert it
ΑΕ 21432, which came from the archaic                                                     E. Lempidaki as its Head, and perma-
                                            L. Zaharopoulos, K. Tsirindoulakis) and                                                  tions on the Parthenon, delivered the                                                    into the “Charalambos Bouras” Centre
Parthenon, was completed, it had been                                                     nent personnel the archaeologists E. Ka-                                               The Office of Information and Educa-
                                            the Office for Surface Conservation                                                      works to the Ephorate of Antiquities.
reconstructed with the use of actitis                                                     rakitsou and E. Petropoulou, the painter                                               tion employs the archaeologist I. Kaima-
                                            (E. Aggelakopoulou, E. Fragkiadaki, G.                                                   Digitisation of drawings and mappings
stone. The latest works comprised the                                                     D. Hamopoulou and the IT technician                                                    ra, who is the Head of the Office, and the
                                            Frantzi), had started after the late ESMA                                                were carried out while guidelines were
carving off the surfaces of the fillings,                                                 G. Alexopoulos increased its personel                                                  archaeologists L. Leonti and M. Tsiola-
                                            President Ch. Bouras suggested to the                                                    drawn in order to launch a public tender
                                                                                          by employing the archaeologists Dr C.                                                  ki; during the works, Ms K. Hadjiaslani,
                                            President of the Acropolis Museum, Pro-                                                  for the digitisation of the existing film
                                                                                          Koutsadelis and S. Poulou as well as the                                               the former Head of the Office, assisted
                                            fessor D. Pandermalis to include it in the                                               footage. YSMA also produced copies of
                                                                                          librarian, M. Maznoki. The Office con-                                                 in many ways. Among the numerous
                                            permament Museum exhibition. Thus,                                                       its documents that were sent to the fa-
                                                                                          tinued its work of documentation and                                                   educational programmes, which many
                                            since November 2018 the triglyph is                                                      cilities of the National Documentation
                                                                                          management of documents by insert-         Center (EKT) for safeguarding.              students, pupils and teachers attended,
                                            being exhibited together with a column-
                                                                                          ing into the database material from the                                                there are also programmes addressing
                                            capital coming also from the archaic                                                     New information signs containing in-
                                                                                          restoration works of the Parthenon, the                                                children with special needs, such as
                                            Parthenon in the gallery of the archaic                                                  formation about the monuments were
                                                                                          Propylaia and the tower of Athena Nike,                                                the students of the Special School for
                                            monuments at the Acropolis Museum.                                                       placed on the rock, south from the Par-
                                                                                          and the works of backfilling at the Ere-                                               the Blind at Kallithea. The popular pro-
                                            Finally, works of inserting reports, pho-                                                thenon.                                     gramme “Build your own temple with
                                                                                          chtheion; it has also started collecting
                                            tographs and other information into YS-                                                                                              Lego” was also created by the Office and
                                                                                          documents from the restoration works       The Documentation Office organised a
                                            MA’s database continued together with                                                                                                was greatly appreciated during the
                                                                                          of the walls. At the same time the data-   variety of activities to promote the res-
                                            the drawing of scattered architectural                                                                                               Christmas holidays by the young visi-
                                                                                          base of AutoCAD files was updated,         toration works and inform the public,
                                            members.                                                                                                                             tors of the Acropolis Museum. The most
                                                                                          while, new documents were being im-        among them there were events, publi-
                                            The vacancies that existed in 2016 at         ported in the library (books, reports,     cations, updates of its website, and the    important digital activity of the Office
                                            the Electromechanical Team of YSMA            studies, project logs and others), and     exhibition “Chisel and Memory: the          was the design of the online educational
                                            were filled in September 2017 after           finally new content was added into YS-     contribution of marble craftsmanship        game “An ancient temple”.
                                            recruiting specialised personnel; the per-    MA’s library catalogue Openabekt. The      to the restoration of monuments”, with      In 2018, YSMA and the Ephorate of An-
                                            son in charge of this team is G. Kechagias,   photographer T. Souvlakis continued        which YSMA and ESMA participated in         tiquities of Heraklion participated in
                                            mechanical engineer and museologist.          the photographic documentation of the      the celebrations of the European Year of    the proposal for a research programme
                                            The team during the period 2017-2018,         restoration works. Within the context of   Cultural Heritage 2018, in collaboration    that was submitted by the NTUA, the          The listed building which will house the
Recording architectural members at the      apart from supporting the worksites of        NSRF 2014-2020 a three-year contract       with the Directorate of Modern Culture      Harokopio University, and private insti-     Documentation Center of the Acropolis
area of the Chalkotheke.                    the monuments restoration, collaborat-        was signed for filming selected works      and Intangible Cultural Heritage and        tutions in the context of an invitation      Works «Charalambos Bouras».
Photo: E. Sioumpara, 2018                   ed with the Ephorate of Antiquites in a       from the restoration of the monuments.     the Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation        by EPAnEK for funding works within           Photo V.Eleftheriou, 2018
Restoring the orthostates of the Parthenon west pediment

for the Documentation of the Acropolis        ing programmes (NSRF and PIP) of the        have already been removed. Applying
Works. In 2018 the Central Council for        works for the restoration and conserva-     the acquired experience and knowledge
Modern Monuments approved its new             tion of the Acropolis monuments.            and with the support of the members
use and the relevant draft study, which       For the effective management of the         of ESMA, as well as with the collabora-
was written by K. Skaris. In parallel         materials P. Karabetsou, Head of the rel-   tion with the relevant departments of
with the above, a collaboration memo-         evant department and E. Zygouras have       the NSRF Task Force of the Ministry of
randum was signed with the Friends of         also made an important contribution.        Culture and Sports and the Managing
Acropolis Society, while the P. and A.        Finally YSMA’s Administration Office,       Authority of EPAnEK of the Ministry
Kanellopoulou Foundation decided to           despite having only two members of          of Development, Competitiveness, In-
subsidize the necessary studies so as         staff, Ch. Papanikolaou, in charge and P.   frastructure, Transport and Networks,
to propose the work for inclusion in the      Konstantopoulos, succeeded in satisfy-      we are optimistic that we will complete
next co-funded programmes.                    ing the administration requirements of                                                    Dismantling orthostates of the west tympanum in previous interventions.1902: ΔΤΥ1, part of ΔΤΥ2, part of ΔΤΥ3, ΔΤΥ5, ΔΤΥ8. 2011:
                                                                                          the works within the deadline set and
                                              the Service.                                                                              ΔΤΥ10. 2017: ΔΤΥ4. 1945: Restoring part of ΔΤΥ6.
Throughout this previous period, YS-                                                      deliver to the public the parts of the Par-
                                                                                                                                        Study of the orthostates: V. Manidaki, 2015. Surveying design: V. Eleftheriou – V. Manidaki, 2008.
MA’s Accounting Department, under             YSMA, almost twenty years in opera-         thenon and the wall restored and secure.
the supervision of P. Katsimichas, and        tion, has deployed until today about                                                      The structure of the tympanum                   ing 80cm in length and exceeding the         though that Balanos had conducted
its personnel of M. Mouzoura, E. Soula-       52,000,000 € from the National and Eu-                                                    The tympanum of the Parthenon’s pedi-           ordinary clamps, which range between         more interventions on the west tympa-
kou, A. Moshouris and A. Kapalou, has         ropean resources in order to realise this
                                                                                                                                        ment comprises ten orthostates in the           30-50cm.                                     num. Out of the eight in situ preserved
contributed a lot not only to the prepara-    impressive and successful restoration of
                                                                                                                                        façade (ΤΥ1-ΤΥ10) and a backing wall of                                                      orthostates of the west tympanum three
tion and submission of the proposal for       the Acropolis monuments. Large parts of                                                                                                   Early interventions
                                                                                                                                        fifty-eight blocks of isodomic masonry                                                       were totally dismantled (ΔΤ1, ΔΤΥ5,
the funding from NSRF 2014-2020, but          the monuments have been restored, as it     Vasiliki Eleftheriou                                                                          In modern times, the court architect
                                                                                                                                        placed on six courses. From the west ped-                                                    ΔΤΥ8) and parts of two other (ΔΤΥ2
also to the demanding work of managing        is clearly indicated by the new marble      Architect Engineer                                                                            Leo von Klenze, in his general propos-
                                                                                                                                        iment eight out of ten orthostates and                                                       and ΔΤΥ3), while four large clamping
the resources taken from the three fund-      fillings, while most of the scaffoldings    Director of YSMA                                                                              als of 1834 for interventions on the
                                                                                                                                        two great fragments of the 6th orthostate                                                    elements of strong profile were placed
                                                                                                                                                                                        Acropolis monuments, included the ne-
                                                                                                                                        are preserved. Only the 7th orthostate is                                                    on the position of the ancient twisted-
                                                                                                                                                                                        cessity to conduct repair works on the
                                                                                                                                        entirely missing. The cross section of all                                                   clamps, and sixteen clamps for securing
                                                                                                                                                                                        west pediment. In the period 1836-1842
                                                                                                                                        the four central orthostates, which were                                                     the cracks were added; interventions
                                                                                                                                                                                        under the direction of Kyriakos Pitta-
                                                                                                                                        obviously the higher and the heavier                                                         were also carried out on the horizontal
                                                                                                                                                                                        kis, the first repair works took place for
                                                                                                                                        blocks of the tympanum differ from the                                                       cornices underneath (ΔΓ12, ΔΓ13, ΔΓ14,
                                                                                                                                                                                        the fastening of the central orthostates.
                                                                                                                                        others. Their builders resorted to carving                                                   ΔΓ15 and ΔΓ19).
                                                                                                                                                                                        The two large orthostates were secured
                                                                                                                                        part of the invisible side in order to light-
                                                                                                                                                                                        against overturning with the use of          Studies on the restoration of the tym-
                                                                                                                                        en them. It is calculated that from the 5th
                                                                                                                                                                                        large connectors that were anchored on       panum - Priorities of the rescuing
                                                                                                                                        orthostate (ΔΤΥ5) the removed volume
                                                                                                                                                                                        the backing wall. After the earthquake       intervention
                                                                                                                                        of the marble is about 1m3 and 2.8 ton
                                                                                                                                                                                        in 1894, Durm, Penrose and Magne ex-         In the recent past, attention has been di-
                                                                                                                                        weight. The three next orthostates on
                                                                                                                                                                                        pressed their concern about the danger       rected to the structural problems of the
                                                                                                                                        both sides of the tympanum gable are
                                                                                                                                                                                        of the pediment’s collapse. Durm, espe-      west orthostate. In 1997 K. Zambas, civ-
                                                                                                                                        regular, in shape, with a rectangular
                                                                                                                                                                                        cially, suggested that the most appropri-    il engineer from the technical office of
                                                                                                                                                                                        ate measure would be the entire restora-     the Parthenon (1984-2000), mentioned
                                                                                                                                        Special attention was given in order to         tion of the west pediment, with the use      in a report that “deterioration has wors-
                                                                                                                                        provide additional security to the hori-        of new marble blocks for filling in the      en…and that in some cases there is di-
                                                                                                                                        zontal connection of the four central or-       tympanum and its backing wall, as well       rect danger of big fragments falling off
                                                                                                                                        thostates, with the backing wall. It was        as the reconstruction of all fallen cor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     from the monument…”.
                                                                                                                                        used a unique and sophisticated system          nices. In 1902, Nikolaos Balanos inter-
                                                                                                                                        of eight pairs of custom-shaped clamps          vened on the pediment after completing       In 2015, while examining the tympa-
                                                                                                                                        placed in the middle area of the or-            works in the west side (1900-1902). Bal-     num, after the completion of the resto-
                                                                                                                                        thostates height and the upper surface          anos’ report on the restoration works he     ration programmes on the two corners
                                                                                                                                        of the middle courses of their backing          completed at this area is summed-up in       of the Parthenon west side (programme
                                                                                                                                        wall. These clamps have the shape of a          a phrase: “the central block of the pedi-    2011-2015), it was documented the un-
                                                                                                                                        twisted double T and are known in the           ment was placed back on its original po-     stable condition of the central orthos-
                                                                                                                                        bibliography as twisted-clamps. These           sition and connected with iron clamps        tates. Multiple crackings throughout
                                                                                                                                        clamps are the largest connectors that          with the marble wall found behind the        the height of the marbles, some of which
A general view of the Acropolis from Philopappou hill. Photo: T. Souvlakis, 2018                                                        have been used in the building, reach-          pediment blocks”. Research revealed          were caused by the oxidations of the

clamps used in Balanos intervention, as      and thoughts of the participants as well    removal of the oxidized clamps from the      structural restoration was explored in        design the clamping of the orthostates        geological layers of the marble, it has
well as fractures on their footing posed     as YSMA’s personnel have been pub-          previous interventions, the stabilisation    an implementation study prepared by J.        with the backing wall, dynamic analyses       been suggested that the reinforcements
a danger of crumbling that asked for im-     lished in the Proceedings of the Meet-      of each member, and connecting them          Dourakopoulos (Implementation study           according to various seismic scenarios,       of the structural restoration should
mediate rescuing measures.                   ing. The decision concerning the entire     together by following as much as pos-        for the structural restoration of the or-     were conducted. These scenarios were          traverse horizontally, covering the larg-
                                             or partial completion of the tympanum       sible the ancient clamping system. For       thostates ΔΤΥ4 and ΔΤΥ5, September            represented by the relevant recorded          est possible length so as to consolidate
The restoration of the west pediment
                                             is pending to be resolved after more ur-    this reason it was found necessary to        2018). There was also extensive collabo-      accelerographs, taken from the accel-         these cracks and reinforce the ones that
orthostates is part of the 4th sub-pro-                                                                                               ration with A. Vrouva on studying the
                                             gent matters regarding safety will have     dismantle the damaged orthostates and                                                      erographs catalogue which was com-            have yet to appear on opening fracture
gramme that focuses on the west side of                                                                                               seismic behaviour of the pediment. The
                                             been dealt with.                            the blocks of the backing wall allowing as                                                 posed in the context of the research          surfaces.
the Parthenon, as it was defined by the                                                                                               restoration of the orthostates as struc-
                                             In 2016 the following studies were sub-     such the removal of the clamps used at                                                     programme entitled “Choosing the right
“Study for the restoration of the west                                                                                                tural members is expected to be complete                                                    The study also highlights that special at-
                                             mitted and approved, “Study on the          the Balanos restoration.                                                                   accelerographs for dynamic analyses of
side of the Parthenon-general organi-                                                                                                 by July 2019, while their repositioning                                                     tention should be given to both the south
                                             restoration of a tympanum orthostate                                                                                                   the Acropolis monuments” (Psycharis
sation of the project and intervention                                                   The intervention for safely consolidat-      will follow the structural restoration of                                                   corner of the orthostate ΔΤΥ5 because of
                                             of the west Parthenon pediment”, by                                                                                                    2014), after having been amplified with
proposals on the two corners of the en-                                                  ing the orthostates of the tympanum in-      the backing wall scheduled for the mid-                                                     its almost horizontal crack through its
                                                                                                                                                                                    the appropriate factors. Finally, the cho-
                                                                                                                                      dle of 2020.                                                                                width, at a height of about 1.90m from
                                                                                                                                                                                    sen seismic scenarios were applied to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the orthostate base, and to the area at
                                                                                                                                      Implementation study for the                  three main directions at the base of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the south and middle footing of ΔΤΥ4,
                                                                                                                                      structural restoration of the                 monument.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  which after a cannonade it has been bro-
                                                                                                                                      orthostates ΔΤΥ4 and ΔΤΥ5
                                                                                                                                                                                    Because of the serious damage observed        ken into many fragments and uneven
                                                                                                                                      Initially, the design of the necessary re-
                                                                                                                                      inforcement for the structural restora-       after the orthostates were dismantled,        fracture surfaces. For the first case it
                                                                                                                                      tion of the orthostates, based on static      as it is thoroughly presented in the          has been suggested to place, apart from
                                                                                                                                      calculations with kinematic considera-        aforementioned study, according to            the horizontal reinforcements, inclined
                                                                                                                                      tions, was performed. Then, in order to       which the orthostates mainly exhibit          reinforcements in order to strengthen
                                                                                                                                      test the aforementioned results and           cracks throughout their width, vertical       the horizontal crack and avoid a verti-
                                                                                                                                                                                    along their height and parallel to the        cal drilling, in parallel, that is, with the

Numbering the orthostates and twisted-clamps of the Parthenon tympanum (Code of row, number of the orthostate).
Drawing: Manidaki, 2015

tablature” in 2008 by V. Eleftheriou,        V. Manidaki and “Structural problems        cludes the dismantling, restoration and
V. Manidaki and A. Vrouva. This study        of the orthostates of the west pediment,    repositioning of 4 orthostates (ΔΤΥ4,
included information on the structure        focusing on the risk of their overturn”     ΔΤΥ5, ΔΤΥ6α, ΔΤΥ8) and the in situ res-
and pathology of the Parthenon tym-          by L. Paleologos; according to them         toration of the third orthostate ΔΤΥ3.
panum and also alternative proposals         priority was given to taking urgent ac-     Out of these 4 orthostates only the 4th
for completing the orthostates with          tion and to the implementation, firstly,    orthostate was probably intact since
new marble. The study was approved by        of the rescuing intervention, which is      the antiquity. The project also incorpo-
the Central Archaeological Council in        probably the first and most crucial part    rates the restoration of the underlying
2008, with a positive decision regard-       of a potential planning for an entire       horizontal cornices of the central area,
                                             making out. The current restoration         because these are the blocks on which
ing the entire filling of the tympanum.
                                             programme is part of the wider pro-         the central orthostates are standing and
Since it was expected though to conduct
                                             gramme concerning the west pediment,        fixed with dowels (ΔΓ14, ΔΓ15, ΔΓ16,
a special study on the sub-programme,
                                             which involves the restoration of the       ΔΓ17, ΔΓ19 and ΔΓ21).
the question of whether the tympanum
would be entirely or partially completed     backing wall (study by K. Skaris, 2013).
                                                                                         Commencing the works
was raised again in a questionnaire ad-      Main points of the proposed rescue          The restoration of the tympanum start-
dressed to the participants of the 6th In-   intervention                                ed in June 2017 by carrying out the
ternational Meeting for the restoration      The aim of this rescue intervention is,     planned dismantling and taking down
of the Acropolis monuments in 2013.          on the one hand, to treat important         of the orthostates. Then the clamps of
The two alternative proposals regarding      structural problems of the orthostates,     the previous restorations were removed
the entire or the partial completion were    and on the other, to safely connect them    and their fragments were detached. Thus
presented in a poster at the exhibition of   then with the backing wall. Treating        the total extent of the fractures and any
the Meeting. The theoretical reflections     these structural problems assumes the       other damages could be assessed. Their       Orthostates of the west tympanum ΔΤΥ5 (left) and ΔΤΥ4 (right), east side. Orthophotographs: V. Kyparissi, 2018
15                              The strategic plan for the interventions on the Acropolis walls

                                                                                             clamp (four in ΔΤΥ5 and three in ΔΤΥ4)       Preface                                       the Mycenaean period (13th century BC)           unfortified sanctuary, especially after
                                                                                             consists of two parts of bended bars that    The Acropolis wall is a monument of           and parts of this fortification were prob-       the construction of the Propylaia (437-
                                                                                             anchor on undamaged areas of both the        great historical, archaeological and          ably preserved until the Persians invad-         432 BC) that left unfortified the west-
                                                                                             ortostate and the relevant block, and        aesthetic importance; thus, the condi-        ed Athens and systematically destroyed           ern access.
                                                                                             which also have threaded edges that          tion of its preservation requires taking      it (480-479 BC). The few remnants of             In the construction of the Themisto-
                                                                                             will be later used to join them together     measures for its consolidation, reno-         the Mycenaean wall, constructed in ac-
                                                                                             by using a specially shaped nut. When                                                                                                       clean wall architectural members from
                                                                                                                                          vation and protection. Given that, it is      cordance with the cyclopean system us-
                                                                                             using the clamp inside the orthostate it                                                                                                    archaic buildings, destroyed by the
                                                                                                                                          essential for a consistent restoration        ing Acropolis limestone, can be easily
                                                                                             is suggested to use dowels, perpendicular                                                                                                   Persians, were incorporated, often pur-
                                                                                                                                          programme to conduct a comprehensive          discerned from later fortifications.
                                                                                             to the marble surface, placed in the mid-                                                                                                   posefully and not as simple building
                                                                                                                                          study of the historical and structural
                                                                                             dle of its width to minimize the possi-                                                    The construction of the new walls seems          material. The ensemble of architectural
                                                                                                                                          phases of the monument, its architec-
                                                                                             bility of fragmentation because of the                                                     to have started right after the Persian          members from the entablature of the
                                                                                                                                          tural documentation, and the exami-
                                                                                             narrow width of the marble. Moreover,                                                      Wars, at the time of Themistocles, when          Ancient Temple and the Pre-Parthenon
                                                                                                                                          nation of its structural pathology; in
                                                                                             it was found essential to reposition the                                                   the north wall of the Acropolis was built        column drums are two characteristic
                                                                                                                                          addition, it was considered necessary to
                                                                                             Π-shaped connector that was placed by                                                      (479 BC). A few years later the south and        examples. In the Cimonian wall the
                                                                                                                                          compose a masterplan focusing primar-
                                                                                             Balanos and joined the orthostate ΔΤΥ4                                                     east walls were erected using plunder            isodomic construction system has been
                                                                                                                                          ily on defining the underpinning prin-
                                                                                             with block 4.2 of the backing wall.                                                        from Cimon’s victory at the Eurymedon            applied with the use of ashlar blocks of
                                                                                                                                          ciples of these interventions.
                                                                                                                                                                                        river (469 or 466 BC), whereas during            Actitis stone; yet, in its lowest section
                                                                                             It should be noted that the dynamic
                                                                                                                                          The “Strategic plan for the interventions     the construction of the Periclean Par-           blocks from the Archaic Parthenon have
                                                                                             analyses conducted in the above-men-
                                                                                                                                          on the walls of the Athenian Acropolis”,      thenon (448-437 BC) part of the Cimo-            been used, of which we can distinguish
                                                                                             tioned study assumed that every block
                                                                                                                                          realised by YSMA’s Technical Office for       nian wall was raised. The walls, apart           three architraves.
                                                                                             of the backing wall has been structur-
                                                                                                                                          the Walls during the period between Oc-       from their fortification role, functioned
                                                                                             ally restored; that is, the individual                                                                                                      The Acropolis remains unfortified un-
                                                                                                                                          tober 2017 and June 2018, focuses on the      also as retaining walls of a large vol-
                                                                                             fragments of the blocks were tightly                                                                                                        til the Late Roman period (3rd century)
                                                                                                                                          study of the monument’s historical phas-      ume of backfilling, extending towards
                                                                                             joined while their original dimensions                                                                                                      when its west side is fortified, probably
                                                                                                                                          es, the recent interventions, its architec-   the south, which had considerably en-
                                                                                             remained the same. However, while the
                                                                                                                                          tural documentation, the examination          larged the surface of the Acropolis. The         after the destructive invasion of Her-
                                                                                             study was being carried out, and after
                                                                                                                                          of its pathology and the presentation of      Acropolis though, loses very quickly its         ules (267 AD) and the dramatic shrink-
                                                                                             dismantling the 4th and 5th courses of
                                                                                                                                          alternative proposals for its restoration.    defensive importance and turns into an           age of the city. It is then that the Beulé
Orthostates of the tympanum ΔΤΥ4 (above) and ΔΤΥ5 (below).                                   the backing wall, it was revealed that the
Three-dimensional model: Above and below, on left: Different colours indicate the            blocks of the 3rd course were in bad pres-   It also discusses matters related to the
existence of fragments. Above and below on right: reinforcement of structural restoration.   ervation state exposing the existence of     coding system of the wall, its structural
Photogrammetry: V. Kyparissi. Model: J. Dourakopoulos                                                                                     monitoring, its archaeological enhance-
                                                                                             multiple fragments; in addition, there
                                                                                             are also indications that many blocks of     ment, the restoration of the western
crystal layers of the marble. For the sec-     its footing that were used originally to      the 2nd course are in a similar condition.   foundation wall of the Propylaia north
ond case, regarding the south and mid-         set these members and consolidate the         As a result, the preservation state of the   wing, the problem of rainwater man-
dle footing of ΔΤΥ4, and because of the        metal cantilevers under the pedimental        orthostates and the blocks of the back-      agement on the Acropolis surface, the
oblique fracture surfaces, it is suggested     sculptures. It should be pointed out that     ing wall does not allow the development      building materials of the wall and also
that inclined reinforcements should be         the correct seating of the orthostates                                                     the materials used for the conservation
                                                                                             of axial forces that correspond to the
placed along the width of the orthostate;      plays an important role for their stabil-                                                  interventions. The following people par-
                                                                                             dimensions of the cross-sections of the
moreover, some of the fragments, which         ity and seismic response, therefore the                                                    ticipated in the study: Ch. Pinatsi (ar-
                                                                                             ancient transverse clamps. Therefore,
                                               appropriate works should be conducted                                                      chitect), C. Koutsadelis (archaeologist),
cannot be joined with the others or held                                                     it is proposed to use the appropriate de-
                                               in order to secure them without though
together with reinforcements because of                                                      creased cross-sections so as the fracture    E. Kakogiannou (civil engineer), D. Mi-
                                               damaging the ancient surfaces. Moreo-
their small size, should be replaced with                                                    of the clamp in the area of the marble       chalopoulou (civil engineer), A. Hadji-
                                               ver dowels should be repositioned on the
new marble.                                                                                  surrounding the mortise could happen         papa (architect), E. Aggelakopoulou
                                               base of the orthostates.
                                                                                             before any marble cracking.                  (chemical engineer), E. Xynopoulou
In addition, since the footing of the          Finally, regarding the transverse clamps                                                   (chemical engineer) and A. Tsimereki
orthostate ΔΤΥ4 has been rendered              that join the orthostates with the back-                                                   (conservator).
unsafe, even after joining its largest         ing wall, and because the cracks are          Vasileia Manidaki
ancient fragments, and because of the          located in the areas of their anchoring       Architect Engineer                           Historical phases
uneven fracture surfaces along the nar-                                                                                                   The Acropolis of Athens was built on a        The north wall before Balanos interventions (1898). Among others we can see the wall that
                                               both on the orthostates and the blocks
                                                                                             John Dourakopoulos                                                                         blocks the classical little gate (area B15), the large block erosion on the lowest dwellings of
row width of the orthostate, it is sug-        of the wall, it was found unsafe to restore                                                high ellipsoid rock that dominates the
                                                                                             Dr Civil Engineer                                                                          the area B16 and the chasm in the east side of the area B17. In the lower part we can see
gested that new marble fillings should         the original geometry of the clamps. For                                                   landscape of Attica basin. This place         the wall of Hypapante (Photographic Archive of the Deutsches Archaeoligisches Institut:
be placed in the rectangular notches on        this reason it would be better that every     Parthenon Restoration Project                was fortified for the first time during       DAI-ATH-Acropolis-0323)

                                                                                               gate with its two towers is built, while     strengthened, adapted to the demands          buildings, including the battlements          ing wall of the northwest terrace (1878),
                                                                                               during the same period or little later       of the recently introduced technology         and fortifications of the west side. From     and by N. Balanos on the Athena Nike
                                                                                               (3rd or 4th century) the eastern part of     of firearms. The powerful earthquake of       the middle of the 19th century to the         tower (1937-1938), both manifesting in-
                                                                                               the north wall is reconstructed from         1705 makes necessary the extensive re-        middle of the 20th century the walls          tentions to restore their classical form.
                                                                                               scratch and the north edge of the east-      pair of the walls and in some cases even      are subject to successive consolidation       Similar intentions, but through dif-
                                                                                               ern wall is raised higher. This building     their total reconstruction. Moreover,         interventions. On the north wall impor-       ferent means, can be also discerned in
                                                                                               phase, incorporating alternating zones       the fierce battles that took place around     tant interventions were carried out by        the intervention of A. Orlandos in the
                                                                                               of lower and greater height and blocks       the Acropolis during the Greek War of         N. Balanos, which aimed at its system-        southeast corner of the wall, in which
                                                                                               of grey and white colour, has an explicit    Independence (1821-1830) cause seri-          atic consolidation, during the period         there is an attempt to imitate the an-
                                                                                               morphological intention, in contrast         ous damages. Thus, we can attribute to        1899-1910, and at securing the rocky          cient isodomic masonry with mortar.
                                                                                               with the interventions that would fol-       the Ottoman period the extensive con-         mass of the north slope in the years
                                                                                                                                                                                          1934-1935.                                    Hence, the present appearance of the
                                                                                               low.                                         solidation interventions with the use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Acropolis walls is the result of consecu-
                                                                                                                                            rubble masonry on the exterior face of        As for the south and east wall, despite
                                                                                               Throughout the Byzantine period the                                                                                                      tive interventions on the walls of the
                                                                                                                                            the wall as well as the re-building of en-    some local interventions conducted by
                                                                                               defence system of the Late Roman pe-                                                                                                     Classical period starting from the Late
                                                                                                                                            tire parts of it in the vicinity of the My-   N. Balanos, its present form is to a large
                                                                                               riod seems to be retained without any                                                                                                    Roman era until nowadays, yet, most of
                                                                                                                                            cenaean stairway and in the middle of         degree the result of a comprehensive
                                                                                               important changes. On the contrary,                                                                                                      these interventions do not possess any
                                                                                                                                            the east side of the Acropolis. Ottoman       restoration programme carried out by A.
                                                                                               during the period of Frankokratia                                                                                                        distinct characteristics. The enhance-
                                                                                               (1204-1456), attention is paid to the for-   interventions often cover the ancient         Orlandos during the period 1947-1950.
                                                                                                                                            structures to such a degree that give the                                                   ment of those historical phases with
                                                                                               tification of the Acropolis once again,                                                    The interventions on the wall, having         architectural aspirations still remains
The north wall during the Balanos interventions (1904). The classical little gate has opened                                                false impression that the latter has not
and the consolidation of the lowest part of the area B16 has been conducted with the
                                                                                               as it hosts now the palace of the sov-                                                     mainly a rescuing character, depending        a challenge and should be one of the
                                                                                               ereigns. The most emblematic work of         been preserved, as for example the west
use of rectangular blocks, while the restoration of the area B17 is being carried out. The                                                                                                on the case include the consolidation,        main objectives of the future restora-
intervention of L. Kaftantzoglou (1878) on the northwest retaining wall had already been       that period is the construction of a high    part of the south wall.
                                                                                                                                                                                          restoration or re-building with rubble        tion interventions. In addition to the
concluded (Photographic Archive of the Deutsches Archaeoligisches Institut: DAI-ATH-           rectangular tower on the south wing of       Interventions on the wall in the 19th         the crumbling Ottoman masonry. Few            above we should not overlook the his-
                                                                                               the Propylaia, while on the whole they       and 20th centuries                            are the cases of interventions with ar-       torical significance of the walls, as they
                                                                                               cautiously re-organise and reinforce the     The Ottoman garrison withdraws from           chitectural aspirations, beyond their         comprise the history of the city of Ath-
                                                                                               fortification of the west side. However,     the Acropolis in 1833 and immediately         consolidation character. Among them           ens from its very beginning until today.
                                                                                               after systematically dismantling the         afterward systematic works start for          there are the interventions carried out       Enhancing thus the architectural value
                                                                                               medieval and later fortifications the re-    dismantling the medieval and Ottoman          by L. Kaftantzoglou on the west retain-       of the walls of the Athenian Acropolis
                                                                                               maining parts that belong to the above
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        without erasing its historical memory
                                                                                               historical periods are rather scarce.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        constitute a major challenge for the cur-
                                                                                               Among them there are seven buttresses                                                                                                    rent restoration project.
                                                                                               on the east part of the south wall that
                                                                                               had been added to reinforce its bearing                                                                                                  The pathology of the walls
                                                                                               capacity. These buttresses were con-                                                                                                     The objective of examining the struc-
                                                                                               structed with massive blocks in second                                                                                                   tural pathology of the walls is to docu-
                                                                                               use, together with straight rows of intact                                                                                               ment their present condition and hence
                                                                                               new bricks. It is worth noticing that re-                                                                                                identify areas that appear unsafe and
                                                                                               liefs were used in the 8th from the east                                                                                                 request a structural study and possible
                                                                                               buttress, probably either for aesthetic                                                                                                  consolidation plan.
                                                                                               reasons or for averting evil; in one of                                                                                                  The technical description of the pathol-
                                                                                               these a protruding cross can be seen. In                                                                                                 ogy is supplemented by drawings that
                                                                                               the parts of the wall between the but-                                                                                                   map the pathology of the exterior part
                                                                                               tresses there are many areas that can                                                                                                    of the walls surrounding the Acropolis
                                                                                               also be dated to the Byzantine or Frank-                                                                                                 rock; it also includes extensive photo-
                                                                                               ish period, but we still need to investi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        graphic material. Moreover, the retain-
                                                                                               gate this matter further.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ing walls that were built by Balanos in
The northern slope of the Acropolis after the consolidation of the rock and parts of the                                                    The area between the 9th and 10th buttress during the Balanos intervention (1938). On
northern wall by Balanos, in the period 1934-35. The massive walls retaining the rock mass
                                                                                               During the Ottoman period (1456-                                                                                                         1934 for the retention of the rock mass
                                                                                                                                            the right there is the area of another intervention also conducted by him in 1919 (pho-
were constructed in the framework of this intervention (American School of Classical Stud-     1833) the fortifications of the western      tographer: Voglis) Photographic Archive of the Directorate for the Restoration of Ancient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        near the middle of the north side are
ies in Athens, Archives, Archaeological Photographic Collection: AK 1233)                      side of the Acropolis were significantly     Monuments)                                                                                  also examined.

For every side of the wall, the areas are
grouped according to the structural pa-
thology they present, which is generally
divided into two categories: in the defor-
mation of the load bearing structure (ro-
tation, displacement, barreling) and in
the deterioration of the structural ma-
terials (cracks, fractures, weathering,
material degradation, mortar erosion).
Hence, the areas that have been charac-
terized unstable are presented below.
It must be noted that every area corre-
sponds to a photogrammetric sign and is
coded under a capital Greek letter and a
serial number. The letter denotes the ori-
entation of the corresponding side of the
wall (B/N/A/Δ), and the number the or-
                                              The Orlandos intervention on the eastern part of the south wall (1947).
der the relevant area is found, from the
                                              (Photographic Archive of the Directorate for the Restoration of the Ancient Monuments)
east to the west or from the north to the
                                              local curvatures are observed on the          (NW terrace area), Δ5 (north tower of
On the north wall the areas Β3, Β12 and       claddings, which may include part of          the Beulé gate - western view), Δ9- Δ10
Β17 are highlighted, as inclinations re-      the ancient construction. Due to the          (south tower of the Beulé gate).
lating to the vertical axis and localized     fact that the exterior claddings block        Within the context of trying to detect
curvatures can be observed. In the ar-        visual inspection of the ancient con-         the pathology of the walls it has been
eas Β4, Β15, Β16, Β17 parts of the block      struction, it is difficult to decide and      recommended that mechanical crack-
structures are displaced to such a de-        conduct a study on how to intervene in        meters should be immediately placed on
gree that large gaps are revealed.            these specific areas.                         the cracks of the walls in order to moni-
In the area of the southeast corner it is     The main problem, apparent through-           tor their development and measure pos-
observed loss of the structural continu-      out the length of the south wall, is hu-      sible micro-movements. We suggest that
ity of the wall due to breaks of stones                                                     40 mechanical crackmeters be placed,        North wall of the Acropolis, areas Β16-Β17. Indicative presentation of the documentation and analysis of the present state of a wall sec-
                                              midity, as it can be seen to cover an
                                                                                            the majority of which are positioned in     tion. Above: Historical phases. (Study: C. Koutsadelis, Ch. Pinatsi. Drawing: Ch. Pinatsi, J. Trihakis). Below: Pathology (Study: E. Kakogian-
and extensive cracks that traverse this       extensive area of the exterior part, pre-                                                 nou. Background: Ch. Pinatsi). Photogrammetric survey: Study for the development of GIS on the Acropolis of Athens, 2009
specific area from the crown to the base      senting “damp parts” on the claddings.        the area of the SE corner and the NW
of both sides of the corner, at a distance    In many parts this has led to the ero-        terrace. The low cost of the crackmeters
of a few meters from the edge.                sion of the mortars used for the rubble       allows their application in large num-
                                              masonry construction, leading to the          bers.
As for the south wall, emphasis should
be given on its function as a retaining       creation of gaps between the blocks,          The suggested positions of the mecha-
wall because it receives strong lateral       displacements, or fragmentations that         nical crackmeters can be seen in the
earth pressures (active earth pressures)      may lead to collapses. The above dam-         drawings mapping the pathology of the
from the backfilling, which needs to be       ages are more severe in the 7th buttress      walls. Finally, there has been an effort
withheld. This backfilling, which was         from the east, as well as in the area be-     to compare the section drawings of the
used to increase the level at the required    tween the 11th-12th buttresses, where an      walls found in the bibliography with the
height of the classical temples, is espe-     extensive reduction in the mass of the        sections produced by the photogram-
cially high (reaching 18m – 20m at the        construction material can be seen.            metric survey; these drawings are also
south-east corner of the Parthenon) be-                                                     included in the study.
                                              In the western wall, concavity can be
cause of the morphology of the rock on
                                              observed in parts of the NW terrace area      Architectural study
this side.
                                              and the north tower of the Beulé gate.        The architectural study of the Acropo-
In the areas between the 6th - 7th and 9th-   Extensive use of incompatible mate-           lis walls includes the documentation of     North wall of the Acropolis, areas B16-B17. Proposal. Drawing: Ch. Pinatsi. Photogrammetric survey: Study for the development of GIS on
10th buttress, counting from the east,        rials can be noticed in the areas Δ2          the monument and the presentation of a      the Acropolis of Athens, 2009
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