The Application of DOMS Mechanism and Prevention in Physical Education and Training

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Journal of Healthcare Engineering
Volume 2022, Article ID 9654919, 5 pages

Research Article
The Application of DOMS Mechanism and Prevention in Physical
Education and Training

          Cong Zeng ,1 Ge Luo ,1 Shijun Xu ,1,2 and Yi Li                               3

            Sports Department, Liuzhou Institute of Technology, Liuzhou 545616, China
            Physical Education College, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China
            Sports Department, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China

          Correspondence should be addressed to Ge Luo;

          Received 24 September 2021; Revised 19 November 2021; Accepted 9 December 2021; Published 7 January 2022

          Academic Editor: Balakrishnan Nagaraj

          Copyright © 2022 Cong Zeng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
          which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
          To analyze the causes of muscle soreness and injury during precompetition training in university sports meet and taking the
          DOMS mechanism as the main line to find a reasonable way to deal with the muscle pain and prevent the injury, 125 college
          students participating in stadium games training were randomly selected. The muscle pain and injury during the training were
          obtained through interviews, mathematical statistics, and literature review. The information of exercise load, pain and injury type,
          exercise ability, pain degree, and recovery time was comprehensively analyzed to study the mechanism of pain and injury
          formation. Muscle pain and injury occurred in precompetition training, especially in freshmen. After heavy load, muscle soreness
          occurred, causing DOMS and developing into muscle injury. Affected by the external climate environment, sudden muscle
          soreness and injury are a gradual transformation process with DOMS as the boundary, which is the comprehensive result of
          exercise load, water, energy, and material metabolism; control load intensity, water supplement, and energy and material
          supplement can effectively prevent the occurrence of DOMS, and timely recovery after DOMS symptoms can effectively avoid the
          occurrence of sports injury. According to the different intensity of exercise, it is of great significance to clarify the mechanism of
          DOMS and explore effective prevention methods for physical education and sports training.

1. Introduction                                                          the body finds it difficult to recover to participate in the
                                                                         school sports meeting; some of them have left old injuries
As a continuation of physical education, the school sports               and even have not fully recovered after sophomore year.
meeting has an important reference value for testing stu-                Freshmen have just left high school and entered college.
dents’ physical quality, sports ability, and physical education          They are eager to get excellent results, have not dealt with the
level. The precompetition training of freshmen after entering            experience of increasing sports load, have ignored the sports
school in autumn is a concentrated period of sports muscle               health problems, and have become a group prone to exer-
pain and injury. The sports meeting of Guangxi University of             cise-induced muscle pain and injury. The occurrence of
science and technology is held at the beginning of November              injuries has a negative impact on students’ learning, life, and
every year, which is representative in time and nature. It is            physical and mental health, as well as the development of
similar to the sports meeting of most universities in                    physical education and sports training, weakening the en-
Guangxi. The research on muscle pain and injury in pre-                  thusiasm of injured students to participate in sports in the
competition training is of sample significance to other                   future. The related literature lacks internal mechanism re-
universities. In the precompetition training, a large number             search on this special period, combined with the climate
of students have muscle ache, delayed onset muscle soreness              characteristics and the discomfort caused by a large number
(DOMS) and other symptoms, and even muscle injury,                       of freshmen participating in sports training. It is of great
especially a large number of freshmen show more obvious;                 significance to analyze various factors that lead to muscle
2                                                                                                 Journal of Healthcare Engineering

pain and injury and to study the internal mechanism of pain,          muscle spasm theory, injury theory, inflammation theory, and
so as to find an effective way to deal with muscle pain and             enzyme escape theory [2], but the above single theories
prevent DOMS and muscle injury and serve school physical              cannot clearly explain the real cause of DOMS, and the
education.                                                            prevention and control measures for DOMS cannot really
                                                                      work. Therefore, it is necessary to sort out and summarize
2. Methodology                                                        the existing research results and explore the path of DOMS
                                                                      production, combined with various influencing factors. This
In the field of track and field, 125 students who participated          paper mainly focuses on the metabolism of substance and
in the prematch training of the school sports meeting were            energy, from the macrosystem integration effect to the
randomly selected as the research objects.                            microcombination of transverse bridge and actin in the
    By means of interview, on-site observation, and math-             theory of myofilament gliding, in order to provide a new way
ematical statistics, the data of muscle pain and injury in the        to clarify the mechanism of DOMS.
process of athletes’ training were obtained, the data were
consulted, and the internal mechanism of muscle pain and
injury was studied based on the mechanism of DOMS. The                3.2.1. Exercise and Lactate. The work of has shown that
injury type, muscle pain type, pain degree, exercise ability,         lactate produced by exercise is not the cause of DOMS; the
and recovery time were analyzed.                                      works of show that the energy consumption, oxygen con-
                                                                      sumption, and lactic acid produced by muscle centrifugal
3. Results and Discussion                                             contraction were less than that of centripetal contraction,
                                                                      but the DOMS produced was more serious. For example, the
3.1. Sports and Pain and Injury. The part of muscle pain in           incidence of DOMS was 100% when the legs of the first and
sports training is related to the muscle groups used in work. In      second jumps of the third jump landed in the ground.
the running events, the proportion of ache in middle and long         Lactate may cause fatigue related muscle pain, but it cannot
distance running is lower than that in sprint, and the inci-          be explained that lactate produced during exercise can cause
dence of DOMS and injury is also lower than that in sprint.           delayed pain after 24–48 hours [3]. It can be seen that the
The incidence of ache, DOMS, and injury in jumping events is          production of lactic acid in muscle during exercise may lead
higher, and the incidence of ache, DOMS, and injury in                to two different pain results: muscle soreness and DOMS.
middle and third-level jumping events is 100%, and the injury         There are some similarities between the two mechanisms
rate is 87.5%. The incidence of ache, DOMS, and injury in             and pathways, but there are obvious differences. There are
throwing events is 100%. The incidence of soreness, DOMS,             two main ways of glucose metabolism in human body:
and injury was the highest compared with other groups. It can         aerobic oxidation (under aerobic condition) and glycolysis
be seen from Table 1 that the total number of people with pain        (under anaerobic condition); the tricarboxylic acid cycle is
is 101, accounting for 80.8% of the total, the number of people       the common way for sugar, fat, and protein to decompose in
with DOMS is 91, accounting for 72.8% of the total, the total         vivo. Under certain conditions, the three major energy
number of people with injury is 65, and the total injury rate is      substances take the tricarboxylic acid cycle as the hub and
52%. DOMS is between pain and injury. Sudden muscle                   pyruvate, acetylcoa, etc., as the intersection point for mutual
soreness can be recovered in a short period of time and               transformation [4].
generally will not cause sports injury. If the recovery is un-            During strenuous exercise, the muscle lacks oxygen
favorable, a large part of it will be converted into DOMS,            supply, which produces lactic acid through glycolysis and
which will lead to injury. DOMS has a high correlation with           releases energy for ATP resynthesis; due to the lack of
muscle injury and the intensity of exercise load. With the            enzyme in muscle that reversely transforms into glucose, the
increase of exercise intensity, the incidence of muscle soreness      lactic acid in the muscle can no longer be converted into
and muscle injury increases gradually. Although aerobic               glycogen; when the oxygen supply is sufficient, most of the
exercise has a large load, such as middle and long distance           lactic acid can be oxygenated into CO2, H2O, and energy;
running, the incidence of DOMS is low; the incidence of               about 17–25% of the lactic acid diffuses into the blood, and
DOMS in throwing and jumping events with a large load                 regenerate glycogen or glucose in the liver by gluconeo-
intensity is high, which is very easy to cause muscle injury. It is   genesis, which is called lactate cycle, can avoid the loss of fuel
very important to study the mechanism of the generation,              and the accumulation of muscle lactate, leading to early
development, and disappearance of DOMS.                               muscle fatigue or acidosis [5]. During short-time vigorous
                                                                      exercise, energy consumption mainly depends on glycolysis.
3.2. Discussion on the Mechanism of DOMS. DOMS refers to                  The process of lactate production cannot explain DOMS
the feeling of muscle pain or discomfort after engaging in the        alone, so it is necessary to combine with lactate removal
unaccustomed exercise. The degree of discomfort occurs in             pathway. Lactic acid produced by glycolysis can be removed
the first 24 hours after exercise, reaches the peak in 24–72           mainly through three ways, as shown in Figure 1, and a small
hours, and then gradually relieves and disappears in about            part can be directly removed from the body with urine and
5–7 days [1]. Since Hough discovered the phenomenon of                sweat. Under the action of lactate dehydrogenase, lactate is
DOMS in 1902, there is no unified explanation for the                  transformed into pyruvate when oxygen supply is sufficient and
mechanism of DOMS at home and abroad. At present, there               then enters mitochondria to generate AcCoA, which is oxidized
are mainly representative theories such as lactic acid theory,        to CO2, H2O, and energy through the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering                                                                                                          3

                                            Table 1: Sports events and pain and injury analysis.
                             Run (61)                         Jump (24)                                Throw(40)
Project (people
                   Distance race (25) and sprint High jump (6), broad jump (10), and Shot put (12), back throw solid ball (16), and
                               (36)                        triple jump (8)                         softball throw (12)
Pain of body           Quadriceps, gluteus,      Quadriceps, gluteus, gastrocnemius,  Deltoid, erector, dorsal, abdominal, triceps
parts               gastrocnemius, and biceps       psoas, dorsal, and abdominal     brachii, quadriceps femoris, and medial thigh
Ache people
                         16 (64) 30 (83.3)                  5 (83.3) 8 (80) 8 (100)                       10 (83.3) 16 (100) 12 (100)
number (%)
DOMS people
                         12 (48) 24 (66.7)                  5 (83.3) 7 (70) 8 (100)                         9 (75) 14 (87.5) 12 (100)
number (%)
Injure people
                         4 (16) 20 (55.6)                   3 (50) 6 (60) 7 (87.5)                         8 (66.7) 6 (37.5) 11 (91.7)
number (%)
Project injury
                               19.2                                  12.8                                                20
rate (%)

                                                                                   O2 supply sufficient             O2 + H2O + energy
                                               without O2
        Glycogen             pyruvate                          Lactate + energy (for muscle use)

                                                                                      diffuse into liver + O2 + energy          glycogen

                                                       Figure 1: Glycolysis process.

3.2.2. The Relationship between Lactic Acid and DOMS.                    by movement; DOMS cannot be eliminated before the in-
When the body participates in the exercise without O2, there             flammation disappears. Lactic acid accumulation changes
are two situations: one is that the exercise load is light and a         the internal environment, hinders the patency of energy
small amount of lactate is produced, but the body has                    supply, and increases the local body temperature, but it is not
adapted to achieve the dynamic balance of production and                 the direct cause of DOMS.
decomposition so that the internal environment of lactate is
kept at a low concentration level; the other is that the body
                                                                         3.2.3. Energy Supply System and Lactate and DOMS. The
cannot adapt to the increase of exercise load, and the large
                                                                         relationship between different exercise loads and lactate and
amount of lactic acid produced in an instant cannot be
                                                                         DOMS was discussed from three energy supply systems.
decomposed or removed in a short time, large amount of
                                                                         Because lactate cannot explain DOMS alone, in addition to
lactate cannot be decomposed or removed in a short time,
                                                                         the production of lactate by glycolysis, the phosphagen system
and the dynamic balance between production and decom-
                                                                         and the aerobic system were investigated. The working
position is broken, resulting in the accumulation of lactate.
                                                                         principle of muscle tissue confirms the increasing exercise
The hydrolysis and synthesis of ATP consume a lot of O2 and
                                                                         load until the submaximum (such as marathon) due to the
energy. Energy materials such as glycogen are mainly
                                                                         sufficient O2 supply; glycogen decomposes completely
supplied by glycolysis: ADP + CP + energy is used to syn-
                                                                         without lactic acid accumulation and DOMS phenomenon,
thesize ATP + C, which produces amount of CO2 and me-
                                                                         so the accumulation of lactic acid is related to the sudden
tabolites (including lactic acid). CO2 + H2O � H2CO3 makes
                                                                         increase of exercise load, which is beyond the adaptive range
the internal environment acidified more seriously. With the
                                                                         of the body. A large number of experiments have proved that
increase of exercise load, fat, and protein gradually par-
                                                                         DOMS can be produced by intensive exercise in a short
ticipating in energy supply, producing acid phosphates,
                                                                         period of 1-2 minutes, such as pull-up and sit ups, which are
ammonium salts, and other substances and making the
                                                                         mainly powered by glycolysis and phosphagen system. DOMS
internal environment of muscle tissue lose its steady state
                                                                         has a significant common feature, which is the decrease of
and pH drop, the inherent acid-base balance is broken,
                                                                         ATP synthesis efficiency and the change of substance
temperature rise makes the activity of enzyme decrease,
                                                                         metabolism in cells [6]. Therefore, we focus on phosphagen
leading to metabolic disorder, ATP energy supply is blocked,
                                                                         system, which mainly provides energy for the fast maximum
energy loss cannot be supplemented in time, and metabolic
                                                                         power, namely, explosive power, in the first 10 seconds or so
product removal is blocked, there is muscle tissue ache, and
                                                                         of exercise.
the work ability drops. The receptors of nerve endings in
muscle tissue continue to produce local inflammation and
induce DOMS under the joint action of physical stimulation               3.3. Inference of the Relationship between Muscle Pain, DOMS,
(mechanical strain and temperature rise) and chemical                    and Injury Degree. The injury degree of muscle tissue is
stimulation (internal environment acidification) generated                directly proportional to the recovery time and inversely
4                                                                                               Journal of Healthcare Engineering

                                            Table 2: Recovery of muscle pain and injury.
Injury types                          Recovery time                      Ability to exercise                         Pain focus
Muscle soreness                      Recover in hours                     Ability decline                           Unapparent
DOMS                                    5–7 days                            Dyskinesia                           More concentrated
Muscle injury                         About a month                      Unable to exercise                      Focus on one place

proportional to the exercise ability. The more serious the          4. Conclusion
injury degree is, the longer the recovery time is and the
weaker the exercise ability is. The injury degree of DOMS           It is of great practical significance to teach the basic
can be indirectly inferred. Experiments show that, in ad-           knowledge of exercise physiology and to let students master
dition to DOMS produced by high-intensity centrifugal               the scientific exercise methods for improving the students’
exercise, there will be a drop in muscle strength immediately       health level and physical quality and promoting the devel-
after exercise [7], and a decrease in the range of joint activity   opment of physical education. The freshmen’s lack of ex-
lasting for 1–4 days, and then, it gradually recovers [8]. From     perience to participate in high-intensity training,
Table 2, it can be seen that the injury degree of DOMS is           strengthens sports health education and popularizes sci-
between muscle pain and muscle strain. The part of muscle           entific exercise methods and prevention measures of general
pain was unapparent and the part of DOMS was concen-                sports pain and injury. Especially for high jump, long jump,
trated in the whole muscle, but the pain focus was not              javelin, shot put, and other fast strength events [10], it is easy
obvious, and the pain focus of muscle injury was obvious.           to cause muscle soreness symptoms and even injury. In
DOMS is a delayed subjective discomfort, involving the              training, we should arrange exercise load reasonably; es-
consumption of material and energy.                                 pecially, the increase of exercise intensity has a gradual
                                                                    process, masters the matching of exercise amount and in-
                                                                    tensity, and pays attention to the recovery of physical fitness.
3.4. DOMS Threshold Theory. The excitation and contraction              Under the dry and hot climate in South China in au-
of muscle tissue come from the action potential of muscle           tumn, the water consumption of the body is accelerated,
fibers. The origin of DOMS is also from the action potential         which is easy to cause the body to lose water. In the process
of motor unit, so it has the similar characteristics of action      of training, according to the principle of a small amount and
potential full or none, nonattenuation conduction, and pulse        many times, we should supplement water for the body and
type [4]. It is impossible to produce DOMS as soon as ex-           keep the internal environment relatively in a stable state,
ercise is performed. The stimulation intensity of individual        which is conducive to the material exchange between muscle
DOMS is called “individual DOMS threshold,” and different            tissues and cells and the timely elimination of metabolites.
individuals have great differences. Once any stimulus rea-           Supplement energy maintains the normal operation of the
ches the threshold value of individual DOMS, DOMS will be           energy supply system of the body, pays attention to nutrition
produced and reach the maximum value. The pain level will           diet before and after training, and maintains the nitrogen
not be changed by the stimulus, and then, it gradually              balance of the body and the activity of various enzymes.
subsides to complete the whole process of DOMS. This                When inorganic salt was added, Ca2 + which triggered action
explains that once DOMS is produced, it cannot be inter-            potential was added in time and Na+ and K+ were added to
rupted or stopped immediately, and various sports and               maintain the excitability of nerve impulse of muscle cells.
treatment recovery methods are difficult to work. Exercise                The development of muscle injury from DOMS is a
does not affect the natural recovery of DOMS, and the                process of increasing pain and body load. Therefore, we
exercise induced by DOMS will not cause the accumulation            should pay attention to the active recovery of body fatigue
of DOMS symptoms [9]. Once DOMS is generated, it will               and sudden muscle ache. After DOMS occurs, we should
spread to the whole muscle participating in the movement,           take rest for some time and reduce the exercise during the
and the pain will not be weakened due to the increase of the        period when the pain reaches the maximum value, so as to
transmission distance, which explains that the whole muscle         avoid the aggravation of pain and tissue damage and develop
tissue produces the same pain, and the focus of the pain is         into muscle damage. Preventing DOMS and taking timely
unapparent.                                                         rest measures after DOMS symptoms, we can effectively
     In a period of time, after the recovery of DOMS, the same      avoid the occurrence of sports muscle injury, enable students
load no longer causes DOMS, which explains that two                 to learn the general knowledge of self judgment of muscle
consecutive DOMS have time intervals that should not be             soreness symptoms and self-protection, and provide theo-
present. Continuous centrifugal exercise with repetition no         retical reference for other school sports meeting training and
more than the first training load will neither affect the re-         competition to prevent sports muscle pain and injury.
covery process of DOMS produced by the first training nor
aggravate the muscle damage. However, the rest interval is          Data Availability
too long (it varies from person to person, and the experiment
proves that it is about 15–30 days). The same load can cause        The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
DOMS, and the adaptation time of the load obtained by the           are available from the corresponding author upon reason-
body disappears.                                                    able request.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering                                         5

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no potential conflicts of
interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

This work was supported by 2021 Research project on the
Theory And Practice of Ideological and Political Education
for College Students in Guangxi (2021SZ048): research and
Practice on the educational model of “participation expe-
rience acquisition” of college physical education curriculum
from the perspective of curriculum ideological and political
education, Guangxi Education Science Planning 2021
Project (2021B147): research on College Students’ physique
monitoring and safety implementation PATH under the
background of sports education integration, special subject
of the 13th five year plan of Guangxi Education Science
(2019ZJY098): Research on the reform of national tradi-
tional physical education teaching and training in Colleges
and Universities, and 2019 Liuzhou Institute of technology
“physical aesthetic education and labor education” project:
Research on College Students’ Physique Monitoring and
Safety and Health Education Path (2019GJZX012).

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