The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church

Page created by Darryl Waters
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Berthoud

                                       The Banner
        Nurturing Sharing Serving
           Through God’s Love                                                   June 2022

                                2022 Women’s Luncheon
The 2022 Women’s Luncheon was held on Saturday, May 7th. The theme this year was “Quilts -
Past and Present”, which included a delicious lunch, games and door prizes. Thanks to everyone
who helped with the food, planning, setup and all of those who attended. A special thanks to the
men who served and cleaned up!
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
PAGE 2                                                                                        THE BANNER

            From Pastor Jung
              Always Giving Thanks
       How much we can be happy depends upon
how much we can give thanks to God. David,
who became a king of Israel from a humble shep-
herd, had to go through various hardships in his
life. He had to fight against wild animals to pro-
tect sheep when he was a boy. He had to fight
against Goliath for his country. He had to flee
from Saul’s threat of life. He had to confront
numerous enemies on the battle fields. He had                Because David believed God’s power of love
to run away from his son’s rebellion. Although         and grace, God could not stop loving him. So,
he was the great king of Israel, his life was filled   Acts chapter 13 verse 22 said, “God made David
with numerous difficulties. But he always gave         their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have
thanks to God and stayed within God while he           found David son of Jesse a man after my own
was in the serious hardships. How could he do          heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’”
this? There was a secret.                              That is why he could have the wonderful life.
       First, he believed “Jehovah Roi.” “The          And, he became the ancestor Jesus Christ. Gos-
Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not be in want. He        pel Matthew begins with “A record of the geneal-
makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads          ogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of
me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He        Abraham.”
guides me in paths of righteousness for his                  We say we are Christians. That means we
name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:1-3). Whenever he              have to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
faced hardships, he remembered his past experi-        That means we have to show our identity as
ences and gave thanks to God. The meaning of           Christians. As Christians, therefore, we have to
“Jehovah Roi” is “God is my shepherd.” As he           give thanks to God for “Jehovah Roi” because he
did his best for his sheep, he believed God was        has led us until now. In our daily lives, we have
his shepherd and God protected him at every sin-       to give thanks to God for “Jehovah Shammah”
gle moment. He reminded himself that God was           because he is with us now. We also have to give
with him when he was in the most difficult time.       thanks to God for “Jehovah Jireh” because he
That is why he could give thanks to God.               gives us the eternal life, prepares our home in
       Second, he believed “Jehovah Shammah.”          heaven, gives us the hope, will be with us forev-
“Even though I walk through the valley of the          er. Thomas A. Kempis said, “Grace always fol-
shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are      lows those who are grateful.” God is our shep-
with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort         herd. God is with us. God will lead us. How
me.” (Psalm 23:4) The meaning of “Jehovah              amazing is it? Let’s believe, obey, and follow
Shammah” is “God is always with me.” Because           him. At that time, we could have the faith with
he experienced God’s guidance and protection in        “Always Giving Thanks” for our Lord.
his life, he had the belief that “God is always
with me.” Although many people followed him,
they left him when he was in hard times. Alt-
hough many people bowed down to David, they                          Worship In June
betrayed him when David was in difficult circum-
stances. David realized that only God is always        Sunday, June 5 ,10:00 AM         Acts 2:1-21
with him and only God is his fortress and refuge.            Pentecost             “Each One of Them”
       Third, he also believed “Jehovah Jireh.”                                    Pastor KyeongSu Jung
“You prepare a table before me in the presence
of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my         Sunday, June 12, 10:00 AM     Galatians 5:1, 13-25
cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will fol-          Trinity Sunday          “Free Man vs. Servant”
low me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in
the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:5-6)                                      Pastor KyeongSu Jung
The meaning of “Jehovah Jireh” is “God will pre-        Sunday, June 19, 10:00         Dave Keagle
pare.” It also means “God will lead.” In his life,               AM
David experienced God’s amazing help, guid-              Second Sunday After
ance, protection, and blessing. So, he believed               Pentecost
that God will lead him until he returned to the        Sunday, June 26, 10:00 AM        Psalm 8:1-9
heavenly kingdom. Because he had the belief
about “God’s grace of preparation,” he could           Third Sunday After Pen-      “How Wonderful!”
have the hope and vision as God’s people. That                 tecost              Pastor KyeongSu Jung
is why he could give thanks to God.
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church

                                    Sunday School Ministry
             Children’s Sunday School           meets at 10 AM on Sundays for children Kindergarten
             through Grade 5, in the third floor classroom; please join us!

                                         Adult Sunday School Classes
*Exploring the Bible, led by Keith Henderson meets Sundays at 8:30 a.m. in the Builder’s Room; all
are welcome to join us!
*Faith and Fellowship, led by Ric Haskins, meets Sundays at 11:15 a.m. in the Builder’s Room. The
class is currently studying the life and teachings of Jesus as depicted in the synoptic gospels of
 Matthew, Mark & Luke. All are welcome to join us!

                                        Youth Notes…
                                  Hello, everyone. I hope you guys all had an awesome month of
                                  May! How has 2022 been for you so far? Well, if it hasn’t gone
                                  according to plan, we still have half a year to get back on track!

                                  There is a saying in baseball that goes, “there’s always next
                                  year.” But why wait that long to make things happen? This year
                                  seems to be a little “stop and go” as we continue to get back to
                                  “normal life” following the pandemic. Whether you’re still trying
                                  to keep a New Years resolution, simply wanting to try something
                                  new, or have ideas on how you can make a difference within your
                                  community; there is no time like the present! Ecclesiastes 11:4
                                  says “Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks to
                                  the clouds will not reap.”

                                  So if you are still struggling to get going this year, or things have-
                                  n’t gone according to plan; don’t get caught watching the world
                                  go by and remember to keep working towards your goals. Make
                                  things happen!
   Youth Coordinator
   Ruben Carrillo                 Thank you all for your continued support!
                                  Ruben Carrillo

                                                                   Seniors Recognized
                                                                        on May 22
                                                                It is our church tradition, to rec-
                                                                ognize our seniors. They were
                                                                presented with Bibles by the Unit-
                                                                ed Methodist Men’s Group during
                                                                the worship service. Ruben pre-
                                                                sented the Bibles and congratulat-
                                                                ed the seniors. Hallie Cook was
                                                                not able to attend the service.
                                                                Please continue to pray for our
                                                                seniors and all of the youth of our
From left: Ruben Carrillo, Laelim Jung, Rev. KyeongSu Jung,     congregation as they continue to
Paige Bauer                                                     learn and grow. Congratulations!
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
PAGE 4                                                                                    THE BANNER

                                     United Methodist Women
                                                              UMW April Circle Meeting Schedule
                                                         Hope Circle
                                                         Thursday, June 9, 1:30 p.m., library
                                                         Early Bird Circle:
    It’s Noodle making time!                             Saturday, June 18, 8:00 a.m., library
                                                         Executive Board Meeting:
 Get ready to mix, knead,                                Wednesday, June 1, 9:00 a.m. third floor

 flatten and dry the dough
 While enjoying great fellow-                            UMW Annual Tomato
 ship and teamwork! Ses-                                 Plant Sale a Success!
 sions will begin Saturday                               Thank you to everyone
 mornings at 9:00 a.m.,                                  Who participated in the sale.
  August 27 - September 24.                              Thank you to Sue Parsons for providing the
 Watch for more details!                                 plants. $431.50 was raised for UMW.

                                 First United Methodist Church
                                         Craft and Food Fair
                                         Saturday, October 8, 2022

Dear Crafters,
This is an invitation for you to submit an application to our 2022 Craft & Food
Fair, scheduled for Saturday, October 8, 9a.m. - 2 p.m. If you are interested in
becoming a vendor, please go to: for an application
and general rules. Click on the Event link on the top of the homepage.
Please call the church office at: 970-532-2142, if you need assistance. The
deadline for taking applications is July 1, 2022, and you will be notified by
July 14, 2022. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please
call Carol Keck at 970-532-5836. We are looking forward to seeing you

                              United Methodist Men
                  The Men’s breakfast is Saturday, June 18, 8:00 a.m. in the Builder’s Room. Please
                  join us for a time of good food and fellowship!

             United Methodist Men shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to
             know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily His will. Our primary purpose is
             to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships. If
             you would like to be involved with the Berthoud United Methodist Men, please e-mail
             Ruben Carrillo at
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
PAGE 5                                                                                  THE BANNER

                                     This and That...
                    Craft Group meets every Thurs-
                    day at 9:30 a.m. in the library–
                                                           Caring      Connections helps to care for the
                                                           needs of our congregation. All are welcome
                    bring your favorite craft, sewing,     to join us! The next meeting is scheduled
                    crochet or embroidery project to       for Wednesday, June 1 at 9:00 a.m. in the
   work on while enjoying the company of other             library.
   crafters and sewers!
                      The Book Club will meet Thursday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss Please Look
                      After Mom by Kyung-Sook Shin. See Barbara Boyd for a copy of the book.

  News regarding Small Groups: Existing and New

  Most of the existing groups at Berthoud Methodist Church are open for people to visit and/or join at
  any time. There is a list of these groups available in Van Amburg Hall. You can either take the initi-
  ative and reach out to the contact person or call Betsy Haskins (303-818-2577) or Mary Jane Bohall
  (309-825-4001) and we will get you connected.
  Over the summer, we will be offering opportunities to participate in different types of new groups
  (Bible or spiritual book study, movies, games, hiking, gospel song fest). The common denominators
  are fellowship and fun. Watch the E-Blast and the Sunday bulletins for more information.

                                    A HUGE thank you to Mary Jane
                                    Bohall and Meredeth Neitenbach
                                    for using their splendid gardening
                                    skills to beautify our church flow-
                                    er beds.

               Join us for

  at Berthoud’s Historic Old Town Park
     Sunday, June 26, at 10:00 a.m.

         More details to follow

 Colorado Rockies Faith Day is back! There
will be a limited number of tickets for the
game on August 14th. If you are interested
in attending, please reach out to Ruben, or
any of the men associated with the United
Methodist Men's for more information.
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
THE BANNER                                                                                  PAGE 6

                                   LISTENING SESSION

The planning team has continued to meet since the all-church listening session on February 20
to translate into action the 100+ suggestions you made to enhance our worship experience and
ministries and increase attendance. In the April newsletter, we reported on worship, and in this
update, you’ll read what we’re doing to minister locally and beyond. In a subsequent newsletter,
we ‘ll provide information on our plans to increase attendance.

First, however, you told us we needed to improve our communication of the important work we
do and the many opportunities for service and fellowship we offer. To that end, we’ve updated
our Facebook page (Thanks, Aaron Lucero!), enlisted the help of someone to manage our print-
media communication (Thanks, Carolyn Kerr!), and designed a new website that should be fin-
ished soon (Thanks, Marlen Steward!). And, so people can identify us as Berthoud Methodists,
we’ve designed a fancy red t-shirt, to be worn for the first time during our participation in
Berthoud Day activities on June 4, that sports our church name, a new logo, and a familiar graph-
ic. (Thanks, Ric Haskins and the mission committee!). If you haven’t ordered yours yet, contact
the church office.

Local Ministries
As part of our local ministry, we continue to address needs of our church members as we assist
with meals, house and yard work, transportation to medical appointments, and offering our time
and Christian concern to those who are dealing with illness or have suffered a loss. We recently
held an after-church meeting to highlight the many church groups and organizations that offer
fellowship and service opportunities. Members of the congregation also minister locally through
volunteer work at Berthoud Living Center and in highway litter cleanup as well as in several com-
munity nonprofits, including Meals on Wheels, House of Neighborly Service, Habitat for Humani-
ty, A Little Help, and the Berthoud Faith Coalition’s Homeless Assistance Program.

Far-reaching Ministries
If you were in church or tuned in on May 15, you heard our first monthly Mission Moment, detail-
ing UMCOR’s involvement in aid to Ukraine and our church’s part in providing that aid. The Mis-
sion Moment will be part of worship the third Sunday of each month and will be followed up with
a summary of the Mission Moment, called the Mission Corner, in each newsletter. As another
part of our commitment to minister beyond our walls and the boundaries of our community, a
mission team from Berthoud Methodist is finalizing plans for a trip in July to the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation in Montana, where they expect to work on repairs and maintenance to buildings,
fences, and horse stalls, as well as engage youth in the Blackfeet community through horseback
riding lessons and fun activities.
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
PAGE 7                                                                             THE BANNER

                                   June Calendar

Wednesday, June 1      9:00 AM– UMW Executive Board Meeting, third floor classroom
                       9:00 AM– Caring Connections, library
Thursday, June 2       9:30 AM– Craft group, library
Sunday, June 5          8:30 AM– Exploring the Bible Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
                       10:00 AM– Worship, Children’s Sunday School
                       11:00 AM– Youth Group, youth room
                       11:15 AM– Faith & Fellowship Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
Tuesday, June 7        4:00 PM-Spanish Class, library
Thursday, June 9       9:30 AM– Craft group, library
                       1:30 PM– Hope Circle, library
Sunday, June 12        8:30 AM– Exploring the Bible Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
                       10:00 AM– Worship, Children’s Sunday School
                       11:00 AM– Youth Group, youth room
                       11:15 AM– Faith & Fellowship Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
Tuesday, June 14       4:00 PM- Spanish Class, Van Amburg Hall
Thursday, June 16      9:30 AM– Craft group, library
Saturday, June 18      8:00 AM– Early Birds Circle, library
                       8:00 AM– Men’s Breakfast, Builder’s Room
Sunday, June 19        8:30 AM– Exploring the Bible Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
                       10:00 AM– Worship, Children’s Sunday School
                       11:00 AM– Youth Group, youth room
                       11:15 AM– Faith & Fellowship Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
Tuesday, June 21       4:00 PM-Spanish Class, Van Amburg Hall
                       7:00 PM– Trustees Meeting, library
Thursday June 23       NEWSLETTER DEADLINE
                       9:30 AM—Craft group, library
                       7:00 PM– Book Club, library
Sunday, June 26        8:30 AM– Exploring the Bible Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
                       10:00 AM– Worship, Children’s Sunday School
                       11:00 AM– Youth Group, youth room
                       11:15 AM– Faith & Fellowship Adult Sunday School, Builder’s Room
Tuesday, June 28       4:00 PM-Spanish Class, library
Thursday, June 30      9:30 AM– Craft group, library

             Conference to be held on June 16-18,2022 in Helena, MT
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
June Birthdays and Anniversaries
  June 1         Anna D’Amico                                                    June 21            Meredeth Neitenbach
  June 7         Trina Bridgman                                                  June 21            Dolores Robb
  June 8         Kristine Obendorf                                               June 22            Sarah Ford
  June 14        Jesse Bercaw                                                    June 23            Kenna Caudill
  June 16        Kevin Obdendorf                                                 June 28            Cameron Denning
  June 16        Chad Pickert                                                    June 29            Brenda Hollander
  June 18        Conrad Ellis                                                    June 30            Harry Higgs III
  June 18        Anne Smith                                                      June 30            Gabe Smith

               June 3             Bob & Leeanne Bauer                    June 11                     Mike & Corina Camire
               June 5             Rob & Barbara Howell                   June 17                     Ross & Linda Armour
               June 8             Robert & Sue Towles                    June 20                     Tim & Joyce Patterson
               June 9             Jerry & Sherri Copple                  June 25                     Craig & Marcy Greenslit

             Please keep us informed about your joys and sorrows. Many are in need of prayer (both public & private). Call the
             office and we will notify the appropriate contact and add your note to the Prayer Corner of the Sunday bulletin. We
             are here to serve God and we want to share your burdens and joys. Phone: 970-532-2142 Email: secre-
    or To have concerns given to the prayer chain, please email
             Barbara Boyd at

      First United Methodist Church of Berthoud
            820 9th Street (9th and Lake) Berthoud, CO 80513

Phone: 970-532-2142                                      Church email:
Website:                             Pastor email:
The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church The Banner June 2022 First United Methodist Church of Berthoud - Berthoud Methodist Church
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