THE CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD - 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606 April 19, 2020

Page created by Patricia Porter
THE CHURCH OF ST. BERNARD - 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606 April 19, 2020
                         51 Prospect Street, White Plains, NY 10606
                                       April 19, 2020

Rectory 914-949-2111                                 The Little Disciple Learning Center 914-428-4727
Rev. Robert J. Morris
Pastor                                               Jennifer Frias-Gonzalez
Director of Religious Education                      Director of The Little Disciple Learning Center
Executive Director of The Little Disciple Learning
Center                                               Saturday Mass/ Misa del Sábado
                                                     5:30 pm
Weekend Associates:
Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M                             Sunday Masses / Misas del Domingo
Rev. Edward Byrne                                    9:00 am
Rev. Msgr. Peter C. O’Donnell                        10:30 am
                                                     12:00 pm (Spanish / Español)
Veronica Cuahuey
Rectory Office Manager                                 Confessions:
                                                     Saturday / Sábado
Virna Verastegui                                     4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Coordinator of Religious Education
Second Sunday of Easter
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.
                                          - John 20:29b

Segundo Domingo de Pascua
Dichosos los que creen sin haver visto.
                                          —Juan 20:20b
Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith           sister with whom we share our life. . . . This sister now cries out to us
                  will deepen and grow - a day at a time                   because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use
                                                                           and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her." Thus opens
                    Sunday, Apr 19, 2020                                   Laudato Si’, Pope Francis' encyclical "On Care for Our Common Home."
                    SOLEMNITY OF THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER;              Do we really want to live in darkness? Shine a light on what each of us
                    DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY                                    can do to clean up the planet. And plant a tree for good measure!
                    Empty chairs, full hearts                                    TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 5:17-26; John 3:16-21 (269). “The light
On this day 25 years ago, 168 people died in the bombing of the Alfred           came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light.”
P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The footprint of the
building is now ringed by trees providing a living threshold for ground    Thursday, Apr 23, 2020
made sacred by grief. A surviving wall records the names of those          MEMORIAL OF GEORGE, MARTYR
who lived through the tragedy, while a Field of Empty Chairs recalls the   Face the dragon
adults and children who perished. Violence created the need for this       The legend of Saint George the dragon slayer is a famous one, but it’s
memorial. But the chairs, which become vigil lights of memory through      not as rooted in historical fact as is the manner of his martyrdom. Yes,
each night, attest that a light shines in every darkness. Be that light.   George had the courage to face a monster—but the monster was the
      TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31         Roman emperor Diocletian, whose persecution of Christians in the
      (43). “They devoted themselves . . . to the breaking of the bread    early 300s martyred not only George but well-known saints Sebastian,
      and to the prayers.”                                                 Agnes, Lucy, and Philomena, among countless others. George, a
                                                                           soldier, remained joyous even when tortured for his belief. What
Monday, Apr 20, 2020                                                       negative influences threaten your own joyous practice of Christian
EASTER WEEKDAY                                                             faith today—and are you willing to face them, as George was?
Give life the last word                                                           TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 5:27-33; John 3:31-36 (270). “One who
Today is the 21st anniversary of the Columbine school shooting. How to            is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things.”
cope with the sorrow and outrage of that incident and so many similar
ones? We begin to rebuild our society when we allow the Spirit to flow     Friday, Apr 24, 2020
through us and see the face of God in others. “Every human being . . . ,   MEMORIAL OF FIDELIS OF SIGMARINGEN, PRIEST, MARTYR
however weak, is created ‘in the image and likeness of God,’” Pope         Clothes make the saint
Benedict XIV said in Cameroon in 2009. “Every person must live! . . .      Holding a law degree from Germany, Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Death will never have the last word!” Acknowledge the right of those       (1577-1622) was known as the “poor man’s lawyer” who sometimes
around you to live, no matter their differences, their weakness or         would give his destitute clients the clothes off his back. But he tired of
strengths, their failings or successes.                                    the adversarial nature of the law profession, so he joined the Capuchin
       TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 4:23-31; John 3:1-8 (267). “You do not       Friars. Ordained a priest in 1612, Fidelis was sent to Switzerland to
       know where [the wind] comes from or where it goes; so it is with    convert Calvinist reformers. In violent reaction to his successful
       everyone who is born of the Spirit.”                                efforts, Fidelis was set upon and murdered. He was canonized in 1746
                                                                           by Pope Benedict XIV. Fidelis means “faithful” in Latin. Exercise your
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020                                                      faith today by donating clothes to the poor in memory of Fidelis.
MEMORIAL OF ANSELM, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH                                  TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 5:34-42; John 6:1-15 (271). “This is
Our Redeemer, in the flesh                                                        truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.”
In 1098, Saint Anselm wrote the treatise “Why the God-Man?” to
champion a core Christian tenet: the Incarnation—the belief that           Saturday, Apr 25, 2020
Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. Incarnation is a big deal.    FEAST OF MARK, EVANGELIST
Nearly every heresy tackled by the Early Church concerned errant           Write the Good News with the ink of your life
beliefs about Jesus’ true nature. No, we don’t believe that Jesus was      Mark was an early follower of Jesus but not one of the 12 apostles.
merely human (Arianism) or that he was all divine, only pretending to      Most scholars think that he was the “John who is called Mark”
be human (Docetism). We believe that the second person of the Trinity      referenced in Acts 12:12 who joined in mission work with Paul and
took on human flesh to save us. Imagine that!                              Barnabas. Today’s first reading mentions that he had a special sonlike
      TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 4:32-37; John 3:7b-15 (268). “You must        relationship with Peter. Beyond that, little is known except that he used
      be born from above.”                                                 the gifts he had been given to write the shortest and earliest gospel a
                                                                           few decades after Jesus’ death. His gospel became the inspiration for
Wednesday, Apr 22, 2020                                                    Matthew and Luke to write theirs. How will those who come after you
EASTER WEEKDAY                                                             take inspiration from your life and the way you shared the Good News?
Give your sister some breathing space                                             TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Peter 5:5b-14; Mark 16:15-20 (555). “Go
"Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a                into the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all creation.”
Collections                             Flocknote
                                                      The weekly bulletin will be distributed
                                                      electronically via Flocknote (and also on our
Through Mail                                          parish website). You can sign up to receive all
3/22/20        $1,031                                 Flocknote notifications from our parish   b y
3/29/20        $870                                   visiting
4/1/20         $870                                   If you have any questions please
4/3/20         $1,125                                 contact the Rectory at
4/7/20         $906                                   914-949-2111.
4/13/20        $3,395 (Easter)
                                                       Prayer for Spiritual Communion
April 1st - 15th $2,782                                 My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the
                                                                    Most Holy Sacrament.
                                                      I love you above all things and I desire to receive
The Church of St. Bernard would like to thank                           you in my soul.
those parishioners who are continuing their               Since I cannot at this moment receive you
contributions by placing their offerings in the mail                     sacramentally,
slot in the Rectory office and through WeShare.                Come at least spiritually into my heart.
Your generosity is helping to make a difference            I embrace you as if you were already there
to our parish.                                                 And unite myself wholly to you.
                                                          Never permit me to be separated from you.
Senior Outreach
Senior Aid
The Parish will do our best to offer our senior
parishioners assistance with shopping or picking           Prayer to the Virgin Mary
up any needed prescription. Please contact the
Rectory to try to arrange help. Our ability to
                                                                for Protection
respond to these request is depended upon             O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as
parishioners who volunteer.                                      a sign of salvation and hope.
                                                       We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.
Volunteer Opportunity                                 At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’
Any parishioner who would like to volunteer to                      pain, with steadfast faith.
help our elderly parishioners with buying             You, Our Lady of New York, know what we need.
groceries or running errands, please call the            We are certain that you will provide, so that,
Rectory at 914-949-2111.                                         as you did at Cana of Galilee,
                                                               joy and feasting might return after
                                                                       this moment of trial.
 St. Bernard’s Internet Outreach -                              Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
                                                           to conform ourselves to the Father’s will
         Stay Connected                                          and to do what Jesus tells us:
                                                       He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and
                                                      bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross,
                                                                 to the joy of the Resurrection.
          Facebook: @stbernardswpny                                           Amen.
          Instagram: @stbernardswpny
             YouTube: Daily Strength

Remember in Your Prayers                                   We seek refuge under your protection,
                 Please pray for all those                          O Holy Mother of God.
                 affected by the Coronavirus           Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the
                 throughout the world, including         test – and deliver us from every danger, O
                 some of our parishioners who                    glorious and blessed Virgin.
                 have contracted the virus.                                 Amen.
Colectas                             Flocknote
                                                     El boletín semanal se distribuirá
                                                     electrónicamente a través de Flocknote. Puede
Por Correo                                           suscribirse para recibir todas las notificaciones
3/26/20        $1,031                                de Flocknote de nuestra parroquia visitando
3/29/20        $870                         Si tiene
4/1/20         $870                                  alguna pregunta, comuníquese con
4/3/20         $1,125                                la Rectoría al 914-949-2111.
4/7/20         $906
4/13/20        $3,395 (Pascua)
                                                                 Oración para la
WeShare                                                        comunión espiritual
April 1st - 15th $2,782
                                                      Creo, Jesús mío, que estás realmente presente
                                                           en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar.
La Iglesia de San Bernardo quisiera agradecer a           Te amo sobre todas las cosas y deseo
los feligreses que continúan sus contribuciones         ardientemente recibirte dentro de mi alma,
colocando sus ofrendas en la ranura de correo          pero no pudiendo hacerlo sacramentalmente,
en la oficina de la Rectoría y a través de              ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón.
WeShare. Su generosidad está ayudando a hacer         Quédate conmigo y no permitas que me separe
una diferencia en nuestra parroquia.                                       de ti.

                                                                 Oración privada
Alcance a Personas de Mayor Edad
                                                     Oh María, brillas continuamente en nuestro viaje
Ayuda a Personas de Mayor Edad                           como un signo de salvación y esperanza.
La iglesia ofrecerá a nuestros feligreses mayores       Nos confiamos a ti, Salud de los Enfermos
asistencia para comprar víveres o recoger              Al pie de la cruz, participaste en el dolor de
cualquier receta necesaria. Póngase en contacto
                                                                    Jesús, con fe firme.
con la Rectoría para tratar de organizar la ayuda.
                                                     Tú, Nuestra Señora de Nueva York, sabes lo que
Nuestra habilidad de poder ayudar depende en
los feligreses que puedan ser voluntarios,                              necesitamos.
                                                      Estamos seguros de que proporcionará, para
Oportunidad de voluntariado                                que,como hiciste en Caná de Galilea,
Cualquier feligrés que desee ofrecerse como              La alegría y el banquete podrían regresar
voluntario para ayudar a nuestros feligreses               después de este momento de prueba.
mayores con compras víveres o hacer                         Ayúdanos, Madre del Amor Divino,
diligencias, llame a la Rectoría al 914-949-2111.          conformarnos a la voluntad del Padre
                                                              y hacer lo que Jesús nos dice:
 San Bernardo - Mantente conectado                      El que tomó nuestros sufrimientos sobre Sí
                                                     mismo, y cargó nuestras penas para llevarnos, a
                                                      través de la Cruz, al gozo de la Resurrección.
          Facebook: @stbernardswpny
          Instagram: @stbernardswpny
             YouTube: Daily Strength

                                                          Buscamos refugio bajo tu protección,
Recuerde en sus oraciones                                       Oh Santa Madre de Dios
                                                      No desprecies nuestras súplicas, nosotros los
Por favor ore por todos los afectados por el         que somos puestos a prueba, y líbranos de todo
coronavirus en todo el mundo, incluyendo
algunos de nuestros feligreses que han                    peligro, oh Virgen gloriosa y bendita.
contraído el virus.                                                       Amén.
Mass Intentions for the Week                Sunday’s Collection:
                                            Today’s Second Collection is for Maintenance.
Saturday, April 18, 2020                    Second Collection will be for Fuel. Thank you
5:30 Jose Ismael Mejia                      for your generous support to our parish.

Sunday, April 19, 2020
9:00 June & Heidi Sullivan                  La Segunda Colecta de hoy será para el
                                            Mantenimiento. La Segunda Colecta de la
10:30 Nicola Scarrano                       próxima semana será para el Combustible.
12:00 For the People                        Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a
                                            nuestra parroquia.
Monday, April 20, 2020
9:00 Communion Service                      If you come to the church for private prayer,
                                            you can place your donation in any offertory
Tuesday, April 21, 2020                     box located inside. We are deeply grateful
                                            for your continued support of our parish in
5:30 Communion Service
                                            this time of crisis.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
9:00 Louis Solimano
Thursday, April 23, 2020
9:00 Liboria Gambino
Friday, April 24, 2020
9:00 Liboria Gambino                          A Coffee a Day for our Parish
                                             Through the A Coffee a Day for Our Parish
Saturday, April 25, 2020                     campaign, we have increased our offertory by
5:30 Rocio del Carmen Velazquez              17.30%. Thank you so much to everyone who
                                             has contributed to this effort. If you not already
Sunday, April 26, 2020                       done so, please consider making an increased
                                             offertory commitment. Your participation will
9:00 Michael Marchesani                      help to strengthen our parish.
10:30 Liberotore Domenico
                                              Un café al día para nuestra parroquia
12:00 For the People
                                             A través de la campaña “Un café al día para
                                             nuestra parroquia”, hemos aumentado nuestro
                                             ofertorio en un 17.30%. Muchas gracias a todos
                                             los que han contribuido a este esfuerzo. Si aún
                                             no lo ha hecho, considere hacer un compromiso
Prayer for the Sick /                        de aumentar su ofrenda. Su participación
                                             ayudará a fortalecer nuestra parroquia.
Oración para los Enfermos
Please remember in your prayers those       Reserving Announced Masses
who are ill and those who serve them. /     To request a Mass be offered for a loved one,
Recemos for todas las personas de nuestra   living or deceased, please contact the Rectory
parroquia que se encuentran enfermas.       914-949-2111. Mass offering is $15.

Thomas Barrett     Mary Barrett             Reservando Misas Anunciadas
William Fargelli   Jerrie Duffy              Para solicitar una Misa para un ser querido, vivo o
Richard Finn       Jennie Magnotta          fallecido, por favor comuníquese con la Rectoría
Larry O’Neil       Vicky Rebatta            al 914-949-2111. El ofrecimiento para la misa es
Elie Rodriguez
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