The Effect of S.A.Q and ( MetCon) Training to Developing Some Motor Abilities, Explosive Ability and Defensive Foot Movements for Young Basketball ...

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4782      Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

    The Effect of S.A.Q and ( MetCon) Training to Developing
    Some Motor Abilities, Explosive Ability and Defensive Foot
            Movements for Young Basketball Players

                                Ahmed Ishhab Abdulhussein1, Jamal Sabri Faraj Al Abdullha2
          Ph.D. Student, 2Prof. Dr. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Babylon, Iraq

       The research aims to prepare (S.A.Q) and (MetCon) exercises to develop some motor abilities, explosive
       ability and defensive foot movements for young basketball players, and to learn about the effect of (S.A.Q)
       training and (MetCon) in the development of some movement abilities, explosive ability and defensive
       foot movements of young basketball players. The researcher hypothesized that there is a positive effect of
       (S.A.Q) training, which consists in developing some movement abilities, explosive ability and defensive
       foot movements for young basketball players. The researcher used the experimental method using the
       method of (the two equal experimental groups) of pre and post-test due to its suitability to the nature of
       the research, the research sample was represented by (12) players who were deliberately selected from the
       research community and randomly assigned to two groups, two experiments, a group of (S.A.Q) exercises
       and a group of MetCon exercises. The most important conclusion is that (S.A.Q) training has a positive
       effect in developing some movement abilities, explosive ability and defensive foot movements for young
       basketball players. Through the conclusions, he mentioned some recommendations, the most important of
       which is the emphasis on the use of (S.A.Q) and (MetCon) training to develop the defensive foot movements
       of young basketball players. And the use of complex exercises by integrating motor abilities and explosive
       ability with defensive foot movements in similar conditions according to the motor path of the skill.

       Key words: S.A.Q0 exercises - MetCon training - defensive foot movements

                            Introduction                                     stimulating the muscle groups and mobilizing the largest
                                                                             possible number 2 of muscle fibers, and this leads to their
     The steps for success in all sporting events and
                                                                             having the property of rapid muscle contraction, and it
activities require coaches and experts to follow the
                                                                             stimulated it to work with great capacity by focusing on
correct scientific method that achieves the goals set to
                                                                             the biomotor capabilities represented by the different
reach the best achievements by using training methods
                                                                             speeds, agility, and the maximum capabilities of the
that are commensurate with the characteristics and type
                                                                             skillful performance, so it is called the exercises of the
of the game, the prevailing energy system 1, the level of
                                                                             nervous system because 3 it generates a great effort on
players and their capabilities, in order to raise the level
                                                                             it due to the neurotransmitters to mobilize the largest
of sports achievement, this only comes through the use
                                                                             number of movement plates, and then adaptation and
of training methods that simulate the movement path of
                                                                             development in these capabilities take place.
motor skills according to the conditions of play with the
latest means, methods and technology in planning and                             Basketball is one of the games that is characterized
training.                                                                    by the rapid rhythm of switching between attack
                                                                             and defense and vice versa, and as a result of this the
    The (S.A.Q) exercises which consist of modern high-
                                                                             multiplicity of different movement performances, which
intensity functional exercises, are the nervous system
                                                                             are characterized by changing speed and direction and
exercises that require relatively large muscular effort by
                                                                             working with explosive capabilities in line with the
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3   4783

various situations that the player faces during defense          form of a complex and integrated to suit the movement
or attack especially defense 3, which is the cornerstone         path of the movements of the feet, which led to a clear
of the beginning of the attack to face the different attack      weakness in the performance of the defensive skills
methods, so mastering the performance of defensive               associated with the movements of the feet, and if any, it
skills is one of the most important topics that concern          does not meet its purpose due to the failure to follow the
those concerned with the game and that foot movements            appropriate methods that employ the physical side in the
(moving forward, backward and sides) in defensive                skill side during training and the lack of awareness of the
skills, it is one of the important requirements for its          players and their lack of adaptation to the performance
performance, as the rapid movements of the feet enable           such exercises with high intensity and great mastery of
the player to take the best defensive place and confuse the      the skillful movements of the feet for young basketball
opponent, cut the ball and perform the defense in the best       players.
way as it guarantees the performance of what happens
                                                                       Research objectives:
in the competition 4 and the kinetic performance of the
skills while ensuring the work with the same muscular                - Preparing S.A.Q and MetCon exercises to
and nervous pathways for defensive skills, therefore,            develop some movement abilities, explosive ability and
raising the level of training for any player cannot be           defensive foot movements for young basketball players.
promoted, whether physical, skill, or planning without
developing the skills of defensive foot movements and                 - Identify to the effect of S.A.Q and MetCon
from this great importance of foot movements and their           training to develop some motor abilities, explosive
large space in defensive performance as well as the              ability and defensive foot movements for young
movement of the player and changing his speed and                basketball players.
direction with maximum capabilities                                   Research hypothesis: The S.A.Q training and
    The researcher decided to go into this study by              MetCon have a positive effect to developing some motor
applying 3 modern training methods represented by                abilities, explosive ability and defensive foot movements
(S.A.Q) training, which are used to develop and improve          for young basketball players..
the required speeds and explosive capabilities of some                 Research fields:
defensive skills related to the foot movements of young
basketball players.                                                   The human field: Young Hilla basketball players
                                                                 for the sports season (2019-2020).
    Research problem:
                                                                       Time field: From (11/12/2019 to 1/7/2020).
    The research problem is embodied in the presence
of weakness in the foot movements of young basketball               Spatial field: Martyr Hamza Nouri Hall for Sports
players despite its direct link and importance with              Games in Babel Governorate Center
defensive skills, due to the lack of time given in training
and focus on developing it during the training units by
most coaches, using functional and complex training                  The researchers used the experimental approach
methods according to the motor duty of the skill.                because of its suitability to the nature of the research.

     Through the researcher’s interest and follow-up to                Community and sample research:
the training units, being a former player, and his contact
                                                                     The research community was identified with the
with coaches of the Iraqi Basketball Super League for
                                                                 young basketball players of Al Hillah Sports Club for
Youth, it was found that they are not given enough time
                                                                 the 2019-2020 season, and their number is 16 players
to focus on training that needs a high level of speed,
                                                                 aged between (17-19), and the sample was chosen by
agility, compatibility and maximum abilities in the
4784       Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

an intentional method, then they were divided into two                              -    Agility.
equal groups randomly, each group of 6 players, who
                                                                                    -    Coordination.
represent 75% of the research community, and (MetCon)
training was given to the experimental group.                                       -    Motor speed.

       Devices, tools and means used in the research:                               -    Explosive power.

       Means of data collection:                                                    -    Defensive foot movements.

       -      Observation.                                                          Tests and measurements used in the research:

       -      Tests and benchmarks.                                                 Motor abilities tests:

       -      Personal interviews                                                   First: Agility (T) Test. (1)

       -      Questionnaire.                                                      The purpose of the test: Measurement of the
       Tools and devices used:
                                                                                 Second: Coordination              test   (eye   and   feet
       -      Sony Chinese imaging cameras.
                                                                              Coordination). (2)
       -      Computer (HP) of Chinese origin.
                                                                                  The purpose of the test: Measurement of
     - A Chinese digital (Canon) camera of 25 images                          coordination of movement between the eyes and the
/ second.                                                                     legs.

       -      (8) basketballs, type (Molten), made in China.                     Third: The test of the motor speed of the two
                                                                              men: (3)
    - Two (2) electronic Chinese-made electronic
stopwatch.                                                                          Test name: side steps.

       -      25m metal tape measure.                                             The purpose of the test: Measuring the player’s
                                                                              speed in lateral leg movement.
       -      12 plastic signs of different heights.
                                                                                    Fourth: The vertical jump test of stability: (4)
       -      Fox whistle, count (3).
                                                                                  The purpose of the test: Measurement of the
       -      Agility ladder, length of 8 m.
                                                                              explosive power of the muscles of the legs and the stump.
       -      Barriers, 30 cm high, count (4).
                                                                                 Fifth: Test the movement of defenders with
       Field research procedures:                                             basketball : (5)

     Determine the variables used in the search : For the                        The purpose of the test: Measuring the time of
purpose of determining some of the motor capabilities,                        movement of a defender with a basketball.
foot movements in the basketball game and its tests, the
researcher sought to seek the help of scientific sources
and research that dealt with the above subject and were                            The pre-tests were conducted on Sunday 11/10/2020
presented to a group of experts and academics in the                          at four o’clock in the afternoon, and included tests of
field of basketball with scientific and field experience.                     motor and physical abilities represented according to
Young people, which are commensurate with the nature                          their effect on the nervous system, which are the test of
of work, namely:.                                                             explosive ability, the motor speed of the legs, agility,
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3     4785

and the defensive movement test.                                   Tuesday, Thursday) for the second experimental group
                                                                   (MetCon Training).
    Main experience:
                                                                       - The goal of S.A.Q training is to develop
    The (S.A.Q) and MetCon exercises had been
                                                                  explosive ability, agility, agility, and defensive skills
prepared, and these exercises include the movement,
                                                                  related to the foot movements of young basketball
physical and skill sides and in a manner consistent with
the defensive foot movements on 18/10/2020, it lasted
for eight weeks and was distributed in the training                   - Taking into account the exchange of work
units in a coherent and appropriate manner, taking into           between muscle groups and legalizing the training load
account the components of the training load (intensity,           for both experimental groups, so that they are close in
repetitions, appropriate rest periods) as well as the             intensity, size and intensity.
movement capabilities, explosive ability and defensive
foot movements of the research sample, the tools used
and the training method, to be able to develop these                  The post tests were conducted on Sunday 13/12/2020,
capabilities for the two experimental research groups To          taking into account the same circumstances, conditions
achieve the objectives and goals of the training process.         and instructions that were used in the pre-tests.

     Details of the S.A.Q and MetCon exercises used for                 Statistical methods used:
the two experimental groups:
                                                                        -      Mean.
    - The total number of training units will include
exercises (48) doses for each group (24) doses                          -      Std. Deviation.

    - The number of weekly training units for each                      -      Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
group is (3) doses, for a period of (8) weeks.                          -      Leven test for homogeneity.
   - The time for one training dose is (25-30)                          -      (T) test for cross-linked samples.
                                                                        -      (T) test for independent samples.
    - Training days during the week will be (Saturday,
Monday, Wednesday) for the first experimental group                     Presentation, analysis and discussion of results:
(S.A.Q exercises)
                                                                      Presentation of the results of the two experimental
    -    Training days during the week will be (Sunday,           groups in the pre and post-tests in some motor, physical
                                                                  and skill abilities under study.

  Table (1) it shows the difference of the arithmetic mean, its standard deviation, the value (t), the level of
significance, and its significance, the differences between the results of the pre and post-tests in some motor
    abilities, explosive ability, and defensive foot movements for the first experimental group, (S.A.Q.).
                                                                            Standard           T value
                                                   Difference of
           Testing            Measuring unit                                deviations                           Sig level    Sig type
                                                      means                                   Calculated
            Agility                Second               3.06                  0.63                11.82            0.000            Sig
         Compatibility             Second               2.35                  0.75                6.26             0.008            Sig
    Two legs motor speed           Second               2.83                  0.98                7.05             0.001            Sig
        Explosive power            Watts                1.77                  1.38                3.13             0.026            Sig
        Defensive move             Second               4.28                  2.10                4.98             0.004            Sig
4786    Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

       Degree of freedom (5), level of significance (0.05).                correct responses to the movements of the feet, which
                                                                           have an important role in the coordination process, as
     Discussing the results of some movement
                                                                           the success of Mahdi and Akram Sobhi indicates that
capabilities, explosive ability, and defensive mobility
                                                                           “Continue to perform the exercise or repeat it until The
for a group of (S.A.Q.) exercises.
                                                                           muscular response to performance is formed at a high
      Through what has been presented in the tables (1),                   level, because compatibility exercises need to be trained
we note that there are significant differences between                     more than other features in order to reach the desired
the pre and post-tests to test agility and in favor of the                 level of performance (8).
post test. The researchers attribute this development in
                                                                                Through what was presented in the tables (1), we
this ability to (S.A.Q) exercises, as the exercises used
                                                                           note that there are significant differences between the
in this method had a positive effect on agility, because
                                                                           pre and post tests for testing the kinematic velocity and
it was focused on developing double and triple abilities
                                                                           in favor of the post test, the researcher attributes this
in one exercise, through the use of floor stairs and their
                                                                           development in this ability to (S.A.Q) training because
coupling with jumping and rapid movements, in addition
                                                                           it depends on the development of all types of speed, as
to kick and start exercises, rapid movement exercises
                                                                           mentioned by Zoran Milanović, et al. (2011) “Sacho
by changing direction, whether using the feet, trunk or
                                                                           training is considered one of the training forms that
hands, with linking the exercises together in one exercise
                                                                           contribute to improving some special physical abilities,
according to the conditions of correct performance was
                                                                           the most important of which is speed of all kinds” (9),
one of the important factors in achieving development in
                                                                           by focusing on compound exercises and by developing
agility. Physical abilities within a single training program
                                                                           more than one trait in one exercise as quickly as possible
(6), the researcher attributes the reason for reaching these
                                                                           during the performance of the exercise and for all parts
results in the development of the experimental group’s
                                                                           of the body, the nature of (S.A.Q) exercises that focused
performance level in the dimensional measurement of
                                                                           on the accuracy in implementing the exercises prepared
the tests of movement capabilities represented by testing
                                                                           for the player in terms of a sense of place, time and the
the numbered circuits to the effect of SAQ exercises
                                                                           ball, where we notice that the higher the accuracy of
developed by the researcher and related to motor
                                                                           execution Motor performance indicates the high level
compatibility represented by (ground stairs and jumping
                                                                           of compatibility, “good compatibility is related to the
on specific marks with one or both legs on the ground and
                                                                           nature of movement and the feeling of placing the body
exercises steps in different directions and sudden stops
                                                                           in a vacuum in terms of the process of arrangement
using stopping, support, rotation and rope jumping),
                                                                           and coordination of movements in order to achieve the
this resulted in highly efficient movements, that is,
                                                                           desired goal and with the least possible effort” (10).
neuromuscular compatibility and the agreement of the
limbs on which the defensive foot movements depend                              Through the presentation and analysis of the results,
on basketball, which have effectively contributed to                       it was noticed that there were few significant differences
developing the compatibility of the eye with the feet and                  for a group of (S.A.Q) exercises in the explosive ability
this is in agreement with (Aline Wadih and Salwa Ezz El                    test between the pre and post measurements and in favor
Din) “during the movement that is performed in various                     of the post test. The researcher attributes the reason to
directions The working muscle groups in cooperation                        the use of (S.A.Q) exercises, in which exercises were
and succession in a systematic and sequential framework                    used that were performed repeatedly, in a simplified
in terms of time and place to obtain an efficient and                      and sequential manner, according to scientific and
effective complex movement (7) . Likewise, the various                     well-studied training standards, as we note that these
repetitions and the constant focus of foot movements                       exercises have affected the results of the dimensional
had a great role in developing the special compatibility                   tests clearly due to their reliance on speed to develop
between the eye and the man, as the player produced the                    explosive power, as the maximum speed stimulates the
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3     4787

nervous system to perform quickly, (Abu Al-Ela Ahmad                Al-Baik). “Training takes a form very similar to training
1992) states that capacity training requires high speed             during matches, so that vital equipment gets used to this
during exercises to obtain better motor performance                 performance” (12) , as well as choosing the exercises
during competitions (11), in addition to the adoption of            that were distinguished by focusing on the motor path
(S.A.Q) exercises on various explosive capabilities,                of the skill and linking more than one movement at the
including jumping over barriers, partridge, jumping,                same time and diversity in technique and tactics in the
starting, stopping and sudden launching with explosive              skillful performance of foot movements by performing
movements that depend on lengthening and shortening,                these exercises in four different directions and focusing
reducing the recoil time, and consequently increasing               on the use of the left and right leg when performing the
the explosive power.                                                exercises and for various directions had a clear effect.
                                                                    In developing this skill, according to their movements,
     Through what was presented in table (1), we note
                                                                    reluctance to move quickly to allow the player to move
that there is a difference in the arithmetic circles between
                                                                    as best as possible, thwarting the opponent’s attack,
the two measurements before and after the defensive
                                                                    turning it into a counterattack, and scoring points. As
movement test for a group of S.A.Q exercises and in favor
                                                                    these technical performances, through their multiplicity,
of the post-test as a result of the effect of S.A.Q exercises
                                                                    diversity and method of training, enable the player to
that the researcher was inspired by the actual situations
                                                                    cope with changing circumstances and positions during
of competition, which is characterized by change and
                                                                    the match, as the forms of these exercises were closely
diversity in a way that serves the motor duty that has had
                                                                    related to the defensive foot movements of basketball, as
an effective impact on the development of defensive foot
                                                                    they included harmonic movements by changing speed,
movements by integrating the components of exercises
                                                                    direction, stopping, rotation and maneuvering with the
in order to have complex goals (physical - kinesthetic
                                                                    feet in conditions quite similar to competition, states,
- skill), which helps in the acquisition of players joint
                                                                    “The individual’s possession of a high level of motor
development of the abilities of the defensive move, the
                                                                    abilities helps him to successfully practice sporting
researchers attribute the reason for this development to
                                                                    activities”(13), accordingly, the researcher has achieved
the effectiveness of the training used by the user, and the
                                                                    the research goal with regard to developing defensive
researcher’s keenness to have (S.A.Q) exercises close
                                                                    foot movements for young basketball players.
or similar to situations and conditions of play and in a
standardized manner represented by sudden releases and                  Presenting the differences of the arithmetic mean
different moves in directions and levels with changing              and the standard deviation between the pre and post-tests
speed and direction and their money from a direct effect            of some motor abilities, explosive ability, and defensive
on developing defensive movement and thus getting                   foot movements for the second experimental group
used to the player performs in conditions similar to what           (MetCon exercises), analyzing and discussing It.
is happening in the match, and this was confirmed (Ali

  Table (2) It shows the difference of the arithmetic mean, its standard deviation, the value (t), the level of
significance, and its significance The differences between the results of the pre and post-tests in some motor
   abilities, explosive ability, and defensive foot movements for the second experimental group (MetCon

                                                                           Standard              T value
                                                    Difference of
           Testing              Measuring unit                             deviations                             Sig level     Sig type
                                                       means                                    Calculated

            Agility                  Second               1.22                 0.64                 4.59            0.006             Sig
4788    Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

 CONT... Table (2) It shows the difference of the arithmetic mean, its standard deviation, the value (t), the
  level of significance, and its significance The differences between the results of the pre and post-tests in
 some motor abilities, explosive ability, and defensive foot movements for the second experimental group
                                               (MetCon training).

           Compatibility                   Second                1.05                 0.46           4.51          0.020       Sig

       Two legs motor speed                Second                1.83                 0.75           5.96          0.002       Sig

         Explosive power                    Watts                2.66                 1.10           6.64          0.001       Sig

         Defensive move                    Second                2.83                 2.67           2.58          0.049       Sig

       Degree of freedom (5), level of significance (0.05).

    Discussing the results of some motor abilities,                        skillful performance, and the researcher also attributes
explosive ability, and defensive foot movements for the                    this development to the MetCon training group for
MetCon training group.                                                     their commitment to the exercise and its accurate
                                                                           application and continuing to perform the training units
      Table (2) showed that there are significant                          without interruption, structured training results in an
differences between the pre and post -test in the agility                  increase in the individual’s performance ability as a
test for the group, the MetCon exercises and in favor of                   result of performing physical exercises for several days,
the post test, as this group showed a slight significant                   weeks or months, by imprinting the body’s systems on
development compared to the (S.A.Q) group because the                      performance to such exercises, given that continuing
MetCon exercises lacked sudden change in speed and                         training, whatever its goal, will have an effect, even if
direction exercises and focused on jumping, jumping                        it is simple. The functional aspect of the player’s body.
and partridge exercises and backlash training as for the
simple development in the MetCon training in the agility                        Table (2) showed that there are significant
test, it was the result of linking the MetCon training                     differences between the pre and post- test in the kinetic
with the skillful movements of the feet and defensive                      velocity test for the group, the MetCon exercises and
follow-up. The researchers attribute the reason for the                    in favor of the post test, as this group showed a slight
little development in the compatibility test to linking                    significant development compared to the S.A.Q group
the exercises used as well to the quality of the exercises                 of exercises because the MetCon do not focus on speed
used and their appropriate repetitions that the team                       of all kinds ,they are limited to the instantaneous speed
used within the approach followed, which had a role                        of explosive movements and move away from the
in developing the movement’s abilities of the player,                      transitional speed. As for the simple development in the
but this development is not at the required level when                     kinetic velocity of the MetCon group, it came as a result
compared to the development of the (S.A.Q) group,                          of the use of compound movements for all parts of the
which relied on skill training which is more specific in                   body, which was reflected in the speed of performance
addressing the weaknesses that the player suffers from                     in the performance of the defensive skills of the foot
and which the researcher seeks to develop through the                      movements of young basketball players.
development of the motor abilities to be developed,
                                                                                     Through the presentation and analysis of the
because it is considered one of the basic capabilities of
                                                                           results, it was noted that there are significant differences
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3          4789

regarding the mean differences of the group of S.A.Q                           Through the presentation and analysis of the results,
exercises between the pre and post measurements and in                    it was noticed that there are significant differences for
favor of the post-test in the test of explosive power. The                the second experimental group (MetCon training) in
researcher attributes the reason to the use of the method                 the defensive move test, but these differences are small
of MetCon exercises, in which exercises characterized                     compared to S.A.Q training in defensive movement,
by high intensity and explosive movements related to                      this little development is due to the effect of (MetCon)
rapid rebound jumps using all parts of the body as Step                   training by linking it to the performance of lateral
up (Burpee. Squatting) exercises. All of these exercises                  movements (slid) and moving forward and backward,
depend on combining force with speed with harmonic                        in addition to that, these exercises are characterized
movements under the influence of the central nervous                      by change and diversity in a way that serves the motor
system and with high intensity to develop the explosive                   duty that had an effective effect on the development of
ability for that. The mean differences between the pre                    defensive foot movements.
and post measurements in the explosive power test were
                                                                               Presentation, analysis and discussion of the results
high compared to the S.A.Q exercises, in which the
                                                                          of the differences between the two experimental groups
mean differences were small.
                                                                          in the dimensional tests of motor abilities, explosive
                                                                          ability, and defensive foot movements.

 Table (3) shows the differences of the arithmetic mean for tests of some dimensional motor abilities of the
                           two experimental research groups (S.A.Q - MetCon).
                                (S.A.Q training)

                                                                      group (MetCon



                                                                                                   Difference means


                                                                                                                                   Sig level

                                                                                                                                               Sig type
                                                                                                                       T value
                                            Std. Deviation

                                                                                 Std. Deviation


   Agility       Second       7.79         0.51               9.69              0.49                1.9                6.56        0.000       Sig

Compatibility    Second       5.67         0.42               7.05              0.51              1.37                 4.08        0.006       Sig

  Two legs
                 Second      10.16         0.75               8.66              1.21                1.5                2.57        0.028       Sig
 motor speed

                  Watts      12.98         0.80               14.93             0.84              1.95                 4.08        0.002       Sig

                 Second      17.97         1.17               21.48             1.33              3.51                 4.83        0.001       Sig

    Freedom degree (10), level of significance (0.05).

    Discussion of the results of the two experimental research groups on tests of motor abilities, explosive ability,
and two dimensional defensive foot movements.
4790   Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

     Through what was presented in tables (3), we note                    the eye, the hand and the leg is the most important
that there are significant differences between the tests of               factor for the performance of the athlete, and there is a
the two experimental groups (S.A.Q - MetCon) in the                       transmission of nerve signals between the nervous and
agility test and in favor of the group of S.A.Q exercises                 muscular systems. Therefore, all the movements that he
prepared by the researcher, as these exercises contributed                performs require a degree of compatibility between the
to the development of this group in the dimensional                       nervous system and the muscular system necessary to
measurements between the two groups due to the S.A.Q                      perform the skills” (15).
exercises, which were distinguished by combining speed,
                                                                               Through what was presented in Table (3), we note
harmony and strength training exercises in a way that
                                                                          that there are significant differences between the tests
serves the motor duty such as agility ladder exercises
                                                                          of the two experimental groups (SAQ - MetCon) in
and the change of direction between the signs, quickly
                                                                          the test of kinetic velocity and in favor of the group
and with high accuracy.
                                                                          of SAQ exercises prepared by the researcher, as these
     The researchers attribute the reason for reaching                    exercises contributed to the development of this group in
these results in the evolution of the experimental group’s                the dimensional measurements between the two groups
performance level in the dimensional measurements in                      due to exercises(S.A.Q.), which was characterized
the compatibility test to the effect of S.A.Q exercises                   by rapid performance through exercises that change
developed by the researcher during the implementation                     direction, sudden breakthroughs, speed of response
period of the main experiment, which was built on correct                 and decision-making according to the kinetic path of
scientific foundations in terms of the use of focused and                 defensive foot movements, the choice of appropriate
appropriate exercises, gradually, the use of optimal                      and varied exercises and their standardized repetition
repetitions and effective intervals of interval, and the                  and their consistency with the level of the players
focus on harmonic movements using ground ladder,                          helped in the development of movement speed. Thus,
jumping ropes and jumping over the figures that have                      these exercises have the main role in developing these
been carefully prepared in order to affect the working                    important movements that the player relies on when
muscles, Compound skill exercises for defensive foot                      performing defensive skills with basketball, as Cracken
movements also contributed to the development of these                    emphasized, according to the planning theory that “the
important abilities through a sudden stop with several                    organization of training in a manner Varied or variable
tools and various maneuvers by changing speed and                         and using stimuli or means is more influential in learning
direction, which play a major role in the development                     than training or organizing training in a constant manner
of motor control and control on which the special                         without any change from one iteration to another “ (16),
compatibility between the eye and the two legs depends,                   the researcher also attributes these differences to the
by sending different nerve signals at the same time,                      selection of appropriate exercises for the development
and thus these complex exercises have the main role in                    of rapid force, kinetic velocity and kinetic abilities
developing this important ability that the player relies                  represented by explosive ability and force characterized
on when performing the defensive move. Moreover,                          by velocity, harmony, kinetic velocity and kinematic
“the development of kinetic compatibility enables the                     balance, which work to develop skillful performance and
athlete to perform the motor performance of the skill in                  this is what Makram Al-Saadoun confirmed, “that the
the best possible way” (14), we conclude from this that                   individual’s possession of a high level of rapid strength,
the development of the compatibility of defensive foot                    movement velocity and capabilities mobility helps him
movements has a great impact on the development of this                   to successfully practice sports activities (17).
skill, as the basketball player must have explosive ability
                                                                              Through what has been presented in tables (3), the
and a high compatibility between the eyes, arms and
                                                                          researchers attribute the significance of the differences in
legs when performing this skill, and this was confirmed
                                                                          the explosive ability test between the two experimental
by Luay Ghanem “Where the compatibility between
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3   4791

groups (SAQ - MetCon) to the effect of the MetCon               work to achieve the skills of the game must be selected
exercises prepared by the researcher, as these exercises        and developed in a manner similar to what happens in
contributed to the development of explosive ability             the match”(20). Also, the use of training tools It has an
of young basketball players and were performed in a             effective effect on the development of defensive foot
manner. Organized, arranged and influential repetitions         movements for the members of the (S.A.Q) training
Qassem Hassan asserted that “special exercises contain          group, because “auxiliary means make the player able
an element or several elements of activity similar to the       to address deficiencies, especially those whose leg
movement or close to it in the direction of the movement        movements are slow and increase the effectiveness of
or the strength of the movement” (18),also, compound            the training unit” (21).
MetCon exercises with defensive foot movements
                                                                     The researcher attributes the development of the
contributed to the development of this important ability
                                                                defensive movement to a group of S.A.Q exercises
using jumping, jumping and partridges exercises over
                                                                and the exercises it contained in order to develop
the hips and stairs. In the S.A.Q exercises, there was
                                                                special motor abilities, which had a positive effect on
an improvement in explosive ability, but in a small
                                                                developing the motor abilities of compatibility, agility
percentage, compared to the MetCon exercises, in which
                                                                and balance. Which has great importance in skill
the researcher focused on rebound exercises through
                                                                performance and this is consistent with what Essam
jumping, jumping and partridge, MetCon exercises focus
                                                                Abdel Khaleq referred to, that “the motor performance
on fast force, while S.A.Q exercises focus on speed by
                                                                of the skill depends on the special motor abilities” (22),
changing direction, i.e. skill speed in accordance with
                                                                as the growth and development of the motor capabilities
the kinetic path of defensive foot movements.
                                                                would contribute to the process of events of balance and
     And through what has been presented in tables (3),         coordination in the work of muscles and then employing
we note that there are significant differences between the      balanced ratios of physical abilities such as strength
tests of the two experimental groups in the dimensional         and speed in performing various motor duties with high
tests between the two experimental groups to test the           compatibility, and this is what a basketball player needs.
defensive movement and in favor of the training group
S, A.Q , whereas, the reason for the development of the                  Conclusions and Recommendations
defensive movement is due to the effect of the various                Conclusions:
and different skill exercises related to that skill, so
                                                                     - The (SAQ - MetCon) training achieved good
that the (S.A.Q) exercises prepared by the researchers
                                                                results in arithmetic mean differences between the pre
scientifically in terms of planning, organization and
                                                                and post measurements and in favor of the post-test in
application helped in developing the skill of defensive
                                                                tests of some biomechanical abilities and defensive skills
foot movements with basketball, and this is what Hanafi
                                                                (motor velocity, agility and defensive movement) and
Mahmoud Mukhtar confirmed. And testing appropriate
                                                                did not achieve good differences in the test (explosive
exercises enables the coach to develop physical qualities
                                                                ability and strength distinguished by speed and defense
and at the same time work to perfect the player basic
                                                                follow-up ).
skills and digest playing plans (19) . And that these
exercises are inspired by the researcher from the actual             - The (S.A.Q - MetCon) training achieved good
situations of the competition, which are compound               results in the differences of arithmetic mean in the two
exercises that are applied by linking many movements            dimensions - dimensional, and in favor of S.A.Q exercises
in different areas similar to the places in which the           in tests of some motor abilities (agility, compatibility,
player moves during the competition, this is consistent         and kinetic speed), and did not achieve good differences
with what Muhammad Hassan Abu Ubayya said, “as                  in the test of explosive ability and defensive movement.
they are taught how to properly link skills to each other
to become a complex, and the various exercises that
4792    Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2021, Vol. 15, No. 3

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