The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group

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The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group

The FX Report
Solving market challenges
FX Futures

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The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
1                                                                                                                                    IN THE MARKETS

IN THIS                                                                                                                              A quarter of parts – pandemic, participants, progress,
REPORT:                                                                                                                              and solving market challenges
In the Markets
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
                                                                                                                                     By Paul Houston, Managing Director, FX Products
participants, progress, and
solving market challenges 
                                                                                                                                     This quarter saw much lower volumes across the FX           The second is the CME OTC Vol Converter Tool, scheduled
In the news
A view on G5 – volatility, event                                                                                                     market, relative to the excitement of the first quarter.    for launch in September and currently in pilot with a
risk, opportunity 
                                                                                                                                     The impact of zero interest rates, working from home,       number of customers. This tool displays CME listed FX
In our markets                                                                                                                       and the market-wide deleveraging combined to dampen         options in an OTC equivalent volatility surface across
Fulfilling demand for transparency
                                                                                                                                     activity. Despite this, the FX team at CME have been        the G5 currencies. It offers numerous rich functionalities,
in swaps, options, (and quotes)
with new analytical tools                                                                                                           active across a number of initiatives, aiming to ensure     including tradeable bid/offer spreads with drilldown to the
                                                                                                                                     our products continue to be as accessible, efficient, and   underlying CME contracts.
In our markets
Focused on reducing costs                                                                                                            cost-effective as possible.
through product enhancements                                                                                                                                                                     A huge amount of resources and effort has gone into
and programs 
                                                                                                                                     In particular, in this edition we have highlighted new      creating these tools, and we hope you will find value in
Need to know                                                                                                                         analytical tools, which are aimed at bringing both          learning more about them in our report. This edition also
Futures and options: From G10
to EM 
                                                                                                                                     greater transparency to the marketplace ‒ as well as        features the upcoming plans for EBS. EBS Market has
                                                                                                                                     providing richer information to participants to aid their   a prominent role in the spot FX market, and the Q&A
Need to know
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The
                                                                                                                                     decision-making.                                            interview with Jeff Ward outlines the details and decisions
future has begun for EBS                                                                                                                                                                        behind these changes. I would like to wish everyone the
                                                                                                           The first of these is the CME Swap Rate Monitor, launched
                                                                                                                                                                                                 very best, and thank you for the continued support of
How to...                                                                                                 this quarter and available for free on
                                                                                                                                                                                                 CME FX products.
                                                                                                           This tool shows: (a) current and historical access to FX
                                                                                                                                      Link pricing, which is potentially
                                                                                                                                      an important transparent data
                                                                       NEW: VOL CONVERTER TOOL
                                                                       Launching Sept 2020
                                                                                                                                      source for customers given the
                                                                                                                                      OTC FX swap market has no                                     More than a product:
                                                                       Options 4%                                          Currency Swaps 2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                    A source of reliability in market stress
                                                                                                                                      central primary pricing CLOB and
                                                                       Listed FX Options
                    Now, whichever                                     Available in 24 currency

                                                                                                                                                                                                    H1 2020: Averaged
                                                                       pairs, with weekly and                                                     Spot 30%

                    instrument you                                     monthly expiries on Mondays,

                    trade, you can do so
                                                                       Wednesdays and Fridays.                     EBS Spot
                                                                                                                                      (b) combines FX futures and FX
                                                                                                                                               Available to trade in over
                                                                                                                                               60 currencies pairs across

                                                                                                                                      Link pricing to calculate implied                             $83.2bn notional traded in Futures and Options
                                                                                                                                               EBS Market and EBS Direct

                    with the certainty of
                                                                       NDFS 4%
                                                                                                                                               and a primary market for
                                                                                           Global FX Market                                    EUR, JPY, and CNH
                                                                       EBS NDFs                                    BIS 2019 Survey
                    CME Group.
                                                                                                                                      interest rate differentials across
                                                                       Available in Asian, South
                                                                       American and now African
                                                                                                                   Listed FX Futures

                                                                                                                                                                                                    $80.0bn traded in Spot on EBS
                                                                       currencies vs USD covering                                              Available in more than 40
                                                                       1M, EOM and monthly rolls                                               currency pairs and used
                    CME cash and listed FX
                                                                                                                                      currency pairs ‒ highlighting
                                                                                                                                               as a proxy for OTC spot
                                                                                                                                               & forward outrights.
                    products offer absolute                                                                                                    Calendar spreads also act

                                                                                                                                                                                                    $232bn in Open Interest in Futures and Options
                                                                                                                                               as a proxy for OTC FX swaps.
                    and additional liquidity to
                    bilaterally traded FX swaps,
                                                                       Swaps 49%

                                                                       CME FX Link
                                                                                                                                      areas where investment and
                                                                                                                                                  Outright Forward 11%
                    options, spot, forwards
                                                                                                                                      trading opportunities could be
                                                                       Available in 8 currency pairs.
                                                                       Provides a cleared, standardized            EBS Forwards
                    and NDFs.                                          and credit efficient alternative
                                                                       to FX swaps.
                                                                                                                                               Available in more than
                                                                                                                                               120 currency pairs as both

                                                                                                                                      executed using FX Link as a
                                                                                                                                               outright Forwards and Swaps

                                                                       NEW: FX SWAP RATE MONITOR
                                                                       Live June 2020                                                 trading mechanism.
                    Data: Percentages according to 2019 BIS Triennial Survey, based on foreign exchange turnover
                    Expirations or availability of currencies may only be available on certain currencies or platforms
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
2                                    IN THE NEWS

IN THIS                              A view on G5 – volatility, event risk, opportunity                                                                            STAY UP-TO-
REPORT:                              By Erik Norland, Senior Economist                                                                                             DATE WITH
In the Markets                                                                                                                                                     FAST-MOVING
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
participants, progress, and          In Q2 2020 the biggest currency pairs traded quietly, with    1	Divergent pandemic outcomes: The coronavirus                 MARKETS.
solving market challenges 
                                     little movement in either EUR/USD, which rose 1.8% versus        pandemic appears to have receded in some countries,
In the news                          the US dollar, or USD/JPY, which was nearly unchanged.           while new cases continue to rise in other countries.         SUBSCRIBE 
A view on G5 – volatility, event
risk, opportunity 
                                     Brexit negotiations weighted on GBP, which fell by 1%            How might it impact the currency markets if some
                                     versus USD and by 3% versus EUR, a small move by                 countries move towards a second lockdown while
In our markets
Fulfilling demand for transparency
                                     historical standards. As the coronavirus receded in China,       others do not?
in swaps, options, (and quotes)      offshore renminbi strengthened by 1.5% versus USD.
with new analytical tools                                                                         2	The possibility of divergent monetary and fiscal policies:
                                     The real action was further afield. As China and other           Among the major currency pairs, fiscal and monetary
In our markets
Focused on reducing costs            nations reopened their domestic economies, commodity             policies were remarkably similar in Q2. Most central
through product enhancements
and programs                        prices recovered from their lows, pulling CAD 4% higher          banks cut rates towards zero, if they weren’t there
                                     versus USD while AUD rallied 12% over the course of the          already, and expanded their balance sheets. Fiscal
Need to know
Futures and options: From G10        second quarter.                                                  policy also saw increases in public spending and
to EM 
                                                                                                      deficits to offset the impact of social distancing.
                                     While currency movements were generally quite small
Need to know                                                                                          Going forward, fiscal and monetary policies may
                                     during the second quarter, options traders appear
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The
                                                                                                      begin to diverge as different currency areas curtail the
future has begun for EBS            concerned about the prospect for future volatility. Implied
                                                                                                      exceptional measures more quickly than others. This
                                     volatility on many of the currency options was about one-
How to... 
                                                                                                      may be particularly acute if some countries opt for
                                     third higher at the end of June 2020 than it had been pre-
                                                                                                      renewed lockdowns while others do not.
                                     pandemic. There are a variety of factors that may be of
                                     concern to currency market participants including:
                                                                                                   Read, watch, and listen to more insights from Erik
                                                                                                   Norland and Blu Putnam, our Chief Economist 
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
3                                                    IN OUR MARKETS

IN THIS                                              Fulfilling demand for transparency in swaps, options, (and quotes)                                                                                                                           USE THE FX
REPORT:                                              with new analytical tools                                                                                                                                                                    SWAP RATE
In the Markets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MONITOR,
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
participants, progress, and                          Swaps: Get to know the FX Swap Rate Monitor                                             Options: Introducing the Vol Converter –                                                             TRACK IMPLIED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  INTEREST RATE
solving market challenges 
                                                     – live since June 2020                                                                  launching Sept 2020
In the news
A view on G5 – volatility, event                     The OTC FX swap market, according to the latest BIS                                     For the first time, traders will be able to compare listed                                           DIFFERENTIALS
risk, opportunity 
                                                     survey, trades $3.2 trillion daily. Despite this volume, there                          FX options and OTC FX options in one screen – bringing                                               ACROSS EIGHT
In our markets
Fulfilling demand for transparency
                                                     is no primary market that offers a firm, central OTC pricing                            a unique level of price transparency and comparability.                                              CURRENCY
                                                     source. FX Link addresses this by providing a firm CLOB
in swaps, options, (and quotes)
with new analytical tools 
                                                     tradeable spot starting IMM swap across eight currency
                                                                                                                                             This new tool will calculate and convert listed CME FX                                               PAIRS 
                                                                                                                                             option premiums, fixed strike data, rules, and formats
In our markets                                       pairs, traded and cleared on CME’s markets. With the
Focused on reducing costs
                                                                                                                                             – into an OTC-equivalent volatility surface, in OTC
                                                     recent launch of CME FX Swap Rate Monitor, which
through product enhancements                                                                                                                 standard tenors, deltas, and quote conventions –
and programs                                        displays FX Link pricing in a current and historical view,
                                                                                                                                             creating comparable pricing across major options pairs.
Need to know
                                                     participants have access to a public reference FX swap
Futures and options: From G10                        rate ‒ for the first time ever, at no charge. This new tool
to EM 
                                                     also combines FX Link pricing with FX futures pricing to
                                                                                                                                               Vol Converter Tool
Need to know                                         calculate implied interest rate differentials across the eight
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The                                                                                                                   LIVE – September 2020
future has begun for EBS                            currency pairs ‒ available in a current and historical view
                                                                                                                                               EVALUATE – OTC-equivalent pricing across eight tenors and a full delta surface
                                                     and highlighting potential investment opportunities.                                      DISCOVER – The underlying CME contracts driving each value
How to... 
                                      FX SWAP RATE                                                                                                                                                                                VOL CONVERTER
                                                                                                                                               ACT – On the optimal trade, with the ability to analyze price divergences in all
                                     MONITOR TOOL    Since the product launch, many participants have signed                                   deltas and all maturities

                                                     up to use the tool, available now on

                                                     Get to know the tool, the calculation, and read about
                                                     different ways it can be applied.

                                                                                                                                               Bringing transparency to Request for Quote
                                                                                                                                               See how our new Directed Request For Quote (DRFQ)
                                                       FX Swap Rate Monitor Tool
                                                                                                                                               functionality enables you to get more quotes easily,
                                                       LIVE – June 1, 2020
                                                                                                                                               from more of your chosen liquidity providers 
                                                       PROGRESS – Over 700 views

                                                       FOLLOW – Market information on FX swap pricing and daily changes, delayed
                                                       only by 10 minutes

                                                       VIEW – Implied interest rate differentials for eight currency pairs as they develop

                                                       IDENTIFY – Potential areas of opportunity using FX Link

                                                       Sign up and see 
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
4                                    IN OUR MARKETS

IN THIS                              Focused on reducing costs through product enhancements                                                                             SIGN UP
REPORT:                              and programs                                                                                                                       FOR FX LINK
In the Markets                                                                                                                                                          VOLUME
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
participants, progress, and          Enhancing FX Link: New functionality,                           Expanding options: Solving for the short end                       ALERTS,
                                                                                                                                                                        DELIVERED TO
solving market challenges 
                                     built for better spread trading
                                                                                                     In February, we expanded our short-term options
In the news
A view on G5 – volatility, event     Historically in order to transact on FX Link, a customer        to include Monday expiries. We now offer Monday,                   YOUR MAILBOX
risk, opportunity 
                                     must trade directly into the Globex central limit order         Wednesday, and Friday expiries. As the consequences of             WEEKLY 
In our markets                       book (CLOB). C-Cross and RFQ functionality provides             Covid-19 have been felt across the globe, the market has
Fulfilling demand for transparency
in swaps, options, (and quotes)      participants and liquidity providers with an alternative form   increasingly turned to these contracts in order to manage
with new analytical tools 
                                     of execution, enabling larger order sizes to be negotiated      and express risk.
In our markets                       pre-execution and subsequently submitted through Globex.
Focused on reducing costs
                                     This method of execution is closer in nature to the existing
through product enhancements                                                                           NEW: Everything you need to trade FX options 
and programs                        OTC FX swap market, enables brokers to be used, and
                                     offers participants the ability to execute larger trade sizes
Need to know                                                                                         Notably, average daily volume in Mondays expiries
Futures and options: From G10        by accessing additional liquidity that isn’t immediately
to EM                                                                                               increased by 107% in June compared to May.
                                     present in the order book.
Need to know
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The
                                                                                                       NEW: Resources created specifically for intermediaries 
future has begun for EBS 
                                       Read the SER: Live July 27, 2020 
How to...                             An SER is a Special Executive Report – released by
                                       CME Group whenever there is a rule change to our              As demand has grown, so has the range of solutions we
                                       products or markets.                                          offer – from more strikes, to more maturities, and aligning
                                                                                                     our expiries to the 10 a.m. NY cut. Now, we’re making our
                                                                                                     markets more accessible to our network of intermediaries
                                     WHAT: Agree in advance size, price, and direction ‒ prior to
                                                                                                     to help more participants use our centrally-cleared, capital
                                     entering an order in Globex
                                                                                                     efficient model – and more compelling to participants
                                     HOW: BPVM (Better Price or Volume Match) percentages            who need to express large risk transfer, contributing to all
                                     on all outright FX futures equal to 50%, in line with the       participants’ TCA.
                                     current levels for all FX options

                                     WHY: Standardizes CME’s Globex crossing mechanism                 Manage risk with the new large trade fee reduction for
                                     across the entire listed FX complex, enabling FX Link to be       FX options traders with large risk transfer needs. However you
                                                                                                       execute – the cost has been reduced by half for 12 months to
                                     used as an even better proxy for bilateral FX swaps.
                                                                                                       help traders around the world manage risk.

                                     Find out more about this functionality, how it works,             Find out how to participate 
                                     and how to take advantage of it 
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
                                     Analyzing the June roll: Assessing improved                      Reducing the cost to trade: Reducing Minimum
IN THIS                              price discovery                                                  Price Increments                                                                                                                                       WATCH THE
REPORT:                              Cost of execution improvement: EUR, JPY, CAD, and AUD            The backdrop of Covid-19, a move to SA-CCR for the                                                                                                     ROLL AS IT
In the Markets
                                     were all quoted at .2 throughout the two-week roll period.       calculation of counterparty credit risk exposures, and                                                                                                 DEVELOPS,
                                     EUR was at the MPI, approximately 99% of RTH, with               the Uncleared Margin Rules continue to bring attention
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
participants, progress, and
                                     JPY at the MPI, 90% of RTH. Both CAD and AUD were                to the potential costs and benefits of clearing for both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             USE OUR PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             OF THE ROLL
solving market challenges 
                                     quoted at the .2 MPI, approximately 99% and 95% of RTH           FX FWDs and FX swaps. In response to client feedback,
In the news
A view on G5 – volatility, event     respectively. GBP was at .5, 96% of RTH.                         we have been reducing the minimum price increment for                                                                                                  TOOL, TO HELP
risk, opportunity 
                                                                                                      the quarterly roll in the G5 pairs by 50-60% in order to                                                                                               YOU ANALYZE
                                                                                                      materially reduce the cost to trade, making the use of FX
In our markets
Fulfilling demand for transparency
                                       Read more 
                                                                                                      futures more cost effective than ever before.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             YOUR ROLL
                                       About how we have improved TCA, and how to
in swaps, options, (and quotes)
with new analytical tools             consider the quantitative and qualitative factors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             STRATEGY 
In our markets
                                       that affect it                                                                             Lower Cost of Execution with CME FX Calendar Spreads
Focused on reducing costs                                                                                                    CAD                 AUD                        GBP                     JPY                            EUR
through product enhancements                                                                                      $7.00
                                                                                                                                                                        $6.25                    $6.25                         $6.25
and programs 
                                     Efficiency of the roll: CME’s Pace of the Roll tool indicates                $6.00

                                                                                                                          $5.00               $5.00
Need to know                         that the transference of open interest was above the                         $5.00

Futures and options: From G10                                                                                                       60%                 60%
                                     historical average across nearly all of the G5 currencies,

                                                                                                     Tick Value
                                                                                                                  $4.00             Savings             Savings
to EM                                                                                                                                                                          $3.125

                                     with EUR (85%) at 8% above the historical average, JPY                       $3.00

                                                                                                                                  $2.00               $2.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                          $2.50                          $2.50

Need to know                                                                                                      $2.00

Spot, forwards and NDFs: The
                                     at 78% (+7% vs. avg.), GBP at 77% (+5% vs. avg.), CAD at
future has begun for EBS            78% (+10% vs. avg.), and AUD at 63% (-6% vs. avg.).

How to...                                                                                                                                                                                                            Savings assumes aggressing execution
                                                                                                                                                                  Initial MPI      Reduced MPI                                  at minimum price increment

                                       June Pace of the Roll: G5 Pairs
                                                                                                      The use of FX futures as a cleared derivative enables
                                                 OI Rolled –     OI Rolled –      Change vs.          CVA charges to be removed as well as the netting of
                                        Pair     Q2 2020         Prior 4          Average
                                                                                                      exposures and cash flows against CME ‒ optimizing
                                        EUR      85%             77%              +8%
                                                                                                      capital costs as well as operational workflows. In addition,
                                        JPY      78%             71%              +7%                 the residual exposure attracts a much lower counterparty
                                        GBP      77%             72%              +5%                 risk weighting for risk weighted asset calculations, a cost
                                                                                                      that can be relevant on a direct or indirect basis for some
                                        AUD      63%             69%              -6%
                                                                                                      OTC FX transactions.
                                        CAD      78%             68%              +10%
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
6                                    N E E D TO K N O W

IN THIS                              Futures and options: From G10 to EM                                                                                             FOLLOW
REPORT:                              Key Stats                                                                                                                       THE VOLUME
In the Markets                                                                                                                                                       WHENEVER
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
participants, progress, and          As the world reflects on the events of Q2 and the memorable activity across financial instruments and commodities,              YOU WANT
                                                                                                                                                                     TO, ADD THE
solving market challenges 
                                     volume in our markets followed global trends as participants looked to express risk. Often turning to our markets to gain the
                                     price certainty and transparency they sought, and to find the liquidity they needed.
In the news
A view on G5 – volatility, event                                                                                                                                     CONTRACTS
risk, opportunity 
                                                                                                                                                                     YOU WANT TO
In our markets
Fulfilling demand for transparency
                                                                                                                                                                     WATCH TO MY
in swaps, options, (and quotes)
with new analytical tools           EUR/USD                                     A S S E T M A N AG E R S                    AU D/ U S D                             PORTFOLIO 
In our markets
Focused on reducing costs            Traded $31.1B in notional                   Held 48% of all                             Traded $7.19B in notional
through product enhancements
and programs                        in H1, equivalent to                        open interest in                            in H1, equivalent to 107,849
Need to know                         $219K+ contracts.                           EUR/USD.                                    contracts. YTD open interest
Futures and options: From G10
to EM 
                                                                                                                             averaged 149,198 contracts.
                                     Open interest was up                        Use this tool to explore
Need to know
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The         12% YTD, at 587,813.                        Open Interest, using CFTC data             See the contract 
future has begun for EBS 

How to...                           See the contract 

                                     B U I LT F O R E V E N T R I S K            OPEN INTEREST                               E M PA I R S

                                     Volume in Monday                            $9B across all                              Volume grew to 83K
                                     FX Options Expirations                      Weekly options expiries:                    contracts YTD ‒ driven by
                                     increased by 107% in                        Monday, Wednesday,                          BRL up 54%, ZAR up 80%,
                                     June over May.                              and Friday                                  and RUB up 41%.

                                     Get the codes and                           Use this heatmap tool to explore            Follow the volume in our EM pairs 
                                     get to know the expiries                   open interest 
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
7                                    N E E D TO K N O W

IN THIS                              Spot, forwards and NDFs: The future has begun for EBS                                                                                                       Are you an existing
REPORT:                              A discussion with Jeff Ward, Managing Director, EBS, on future plans and the benefit and value it will bring to the market.                                 client of EBS?
In the Markets
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
participants, progress, and          The integration of EBS Market onto                Q3 Credit challenges remain top of mind for           Q5 As markets change, are you seeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                 WATCH OUR
solving market challenges 
                                     CME Globex is the first step in bringing          many participants, can EBS help solve for this?       demand for your products from new and               WEBINAR TO
                                                                                                                                             different clients?
In the news                          to market a cohesive offering across              A: We’re bringing to market an enhanced                                                                   SEE ALL THE
A view on G5 – volatility, event                                                       credit model, which will enable more                  A: EBS is synonymous with OTC FX. Our
risk, opportunity 
                                     listed futures, options, and cash FX.
                                                                                       efficient credit management, by enabling              history established us at the heart of FX           DESIGNS,
In our markets
                                     Q1 What are your plans for EBS Market,
                                                                                       customers to share credit across our                  market structure, and for many interdealers,        BENEFITS AND
                                                                                       platforms, leverage Net Open Position Credit          execution – from the key pad to the screen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 DETAILS 
Fulfilling demand for transparency
in swaps, options, (and quotes)      as a primary and central source of liquidity      if desired, and to consolidate regional credit        We’re seeing the asset management
with new analytical tools 
                                     for so many OTC FX products, currencies,          to a single global limit.                             community increasingly make that same ask
                                     and customers?
In our markets                                                                                                                               of us – with growing adoption of our EBS  
Focused on reducing costs                                                                                                                    Institutional platform. Uniquely, this platform
through product enhancements
                                     A: EBS Market, our CLOB, will be integrated
and programs                        with CME Globex, with a distributed                  EBS remains on course to integrate                 is designed for portfolio managers. Their
                                     matching model in London and New York.               EBS Market with CME Globex by the                  needs have shaped every aspect of the build
Need to know
                                     Each engine will be a single source of global        end of 2021                                        – from trade, to best ex, with built in pre-trade
Futures and options: From G10
                                     liquidity – in EM and G10 respectively. This                                                            Execution Cost Analysis and post-trade TCA.
to EM                                                                                    Find out more about EBS 
                                     new design enables us to fulfil one clear ask                                                           It’s interesting to see that 48% of OI in CME’s
Need to know                         from the marketplace – to simplify. We’ll do                                                            EUR/USD futures is held by this segment,
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The
                                     this by concentrating liquidity, decreasing the                                                         as this community increasingly turns to our
future has begun for EBS                                                              Q4 What sets EBS apart from other
                                     technology investment required to access it,                                                            complementary cash and listed solutions.
                                                                                       OTC platforms?
How to...                           and by reducing operational risk as books
                                                                                       A: We want to do more than provide
                                     get passed from desk to desk.                                                                           Q6 Finally, how would you summarize
                                                                                       best-in-class liquidity, we want to benefit
                                                                                                                                             what the future of EBS will bring to market
                                                                                       participants through the development of
                                     Q2 And, as bilateral relationship trading                                                               participants?
                                                                                       additional tools in which they can analyze
                                     evolves, will EBS Direct?                         their own trading, fill ratios, liquidity providers   A: Our goal is to be as relevant for our clients
                                     A: EBS Direct creates optionality for our         ‒ to better inform decision making. Quant             in another 25 years as we are today by
                                     clients. On this platform, we are retaining       Analytics does this, exceptionally. Again,            creating a platform for liquidity, analytics,
                                     the existing order routing model, whilst re-      we’ve looked at the technology, and we’re             and efficient risk management. Built to
                                     platforming and upgrading the underlying          making it even better. We’re now thinking             benefit all participants – from front to back
                                     technology and architecture to increase speed     about integrating the EBS platforms with the          office, from global banks to regional asset
                                     and flexibility – so we can keep meeting          existing CME offerings for FX futures, options,       managers – by re-platforming, re-designing,
                                     demand for this type of bilateral liquidity.      and listed and cash interest rates ‒ creating         and recognizing what the market needs.
                                                                                       complementary value with the tools already
                                                                                       in place.

                                                                                                                                             Read more about the market view:
                                                                                                                                             Read Jeff Ward’s interview with Colin
                                                                                                                                             Lambert, Managing Editor of Profit&Loss 
The FX Report Solving market challenges - EBS FX Futures FX Options FX Link - CME Group
                                     How to...
REPORT:                              Learn about how listed FX markets operate - watch our modules 
In the Markets
A quarter of parts – pandemic,
                                     Find out more about blocks – with this complete guide 
participants, progress, and
solving market challenges           Access our G7 futures markets as an asset manager – and why others are 

In the news                          Use our options market as an intermediary – and why you should 
A view on G5 – volatility, event
risk, opportunity 
                                     Stay connected to everything occurring in our markets – subscribe to The FX Report 
In our markets
Fulfilling demand for transparency   Speak to a member of our team – contact 
in swaps, options, (and quotes)
with new analytical tools 

In our markets
Focused on reducing costs
through product enhancements
and programs 

Need to know
Futures and options: From G10
to EM 

Need to know
Spot, forwards and NDFs: The
future has begun for EBS 

How to... 


                                     Neither futures trading nor swaps trading are suitable for all investors, and each involves the risk of loss. Swaps trading should only be undertaken by investors who are Eligible Contract
                                     Participants (ECPs) within the meaning of Section 1a(18) of the Commodity Exchange Act. Futures and swaps each are leveraged investments and, because only a percentage of a
                                     contract’s value is required to trade, it is possible to lose more than the amount of money deposited for either a futures or swaps position. Therefore, traders should only use funds that
                                     they can afford to lose without affecting their lifestyles and only a portion of those funds should be devoted to any one trade because traders cannot expect to profit on every trade.

                                     CME Group, the Globe Logo, CME, Globex, E-Mini, CME Direct, CME DataMine and Chicago Mercantile Exchange are trademarks of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. CBOT is a
                                     trademark of the Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, Inc. NYMEX is a trademark of New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. COMEX is a trademark of Commodity Exchange, Inc. All other
                                     trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

                                     The information within this communication has been compiled by CME Group for general purposes only. CME Group assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Additionally,
                                     all examples in this communication are hypothetical situations, used for explanation purposes only, and should not be considered investment advice or the results of actual market
                                     experience. All matters pertaining to rules and specifications herein are made subject to and superseded by official CME, CBOT, NYMEX and COMEX rules. Current rules should be
                                     consulted in all cases concerning contract specifications.

                                     Copyright © 2020 CME Group Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                           PM2407/0720
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