The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021

Page created by Martha Hawkins
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
The home report
Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021

Living, still
The past 12 months have elevated the home above everything else.
It’s where we live, work and play. The spaces we call home have
changed - adults have drifted from cities back to their parents’
homes. Urban families have relocated for more square feet and a
natural environment. Rooms which were previously dedicated to
eating or relaxing are now also places of business and education.

Among all of this change, influencers have used their platforms to
inspire and share how they create this new evolved version of home.
And, it’s interesting who has been able to stir feelings of joy in what
a home could and should be since the start of the pandemic. Those
who have posted endless minimalist pictures of themselves waiting to
be released from lockdowns have artfully reflected the nation’s
malaise, but not captured its heart.

In fact, it is the influencers who have continued to live wonderfully
and creatively within new boundaries that have been able to engage
people with their stories, despite the world feeling stopped.

Those who have injected warmth, colour, comfort and magic into
their homes are thriving. Those who have documented enormous
shifts in how they will live post-pandemic are also magnificently
compelling. And those who are striving to create homes - in some
cases from scratch - have brought a richness to interiors and living
content which is impossible to ignore. Yes, the state of home has
changed but these stories have shown innovation and happiness are
still possible. It’s all completely in their followers’ hands.
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
                                               Themes for the season

                  @sophiarcook                             @feldsparstudio                                   @moveovermagnolia

MAGICAL MOMENTS: influencers creating a sense of          JOYFUL SMALL SPACES: with homes being over run                MAXIMALIST EMBELLISHMENT: remember pre-
occasion and wonder in the depths of lockdown have        by children homeschooling and parents working, the            pandemic Christmases on Instagram when the sign of
delighted their followers, especially as they share how   desire to find small retreats has been evidenced in           going aesthetically large was an awe-inspiring wreath?
easy their ideas are to copy. Sophia Cook’s balloon       influencers sharing spaces they’ve carved out in which        Well, 2020 proved this was the maximalist bare
bath was a jolt of energy in 2020, and Katie Wood’s       they can be free. Artemis Russell is the queen of this,       minimum as lavish “mantelscapes” became the
garden summer cinema nights - complete with drapes        having documented travelling in her VW camper van             obsession of interiors Instagram. The much cited
and fairy lights - were inspiring but attainable.         with her children for a decade and pitching idyllic tents     inspiration for this was the creations of Em, designer and
Meanwhile, Claire Stuart of This Little House hung        on the beach and in fields for lunchtime naps. Then           founder of Move Over Magnolia. And this has
luscious plants from her ceilings and made every corner   there’s Cath and Jeremy Brown of design studio                continued into 2021 with floral designers like Gemma
of her home hygge-appropriate, with gentle light, piles   Feldspar who relocated from London to Dartmoor and            Burniston of Little Botanica using plants and natural
of blankets and enormous cushions. Also see Danielle      promptly built a treehouse. Particularly clever is creative   materials to make heady scented garlands for every
from Sienna & I whose entire raison d’être is creating    coach Sara Tasker, who hired a cosy camper van and            occasion. Also always focused on the most maximalist
magical moments for her and her daughter to share.        turned it into her home office.                               embellishments is Amanda Davies.
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021

                            Shifts in stories about how we live

                   @sydneymayhome                           @stephanieyeboah                               @katherine_ormerod

HOME-OWNING IN YOUR TWENTIES: while                     CURATED CORNERS OF PEACE: influencers have                 RENTAL REDECORATION: the proud rental movement
the average age of a first-time home owner in the       taken a much more granular approach to their homes         was catapulted by interiors influencer and nurse Medina
UK is 34, their has been a flurry of influencers in     since the first lockdown, showcasing single shelves and    Grillo when she launched #howirent in 2018 to
their twenties buying properties since the start of     bedside tables (60% of UK women have reportedly            destigmatise not owning property. This continues to have a
the pandemic. As a result, they are documenting         suffered from pandemic-related sleep issues since March    ripple effect, with influencers documenting how they make
their decor process and launching dedicated             2020). There has also been a rise in bath table curation   significant improvements to their homes without altering
interiors Instagram accounts. The interesting thing?    - the few items influencers choose to help them relax in   the structure. Pati Robinson has redecorated her home in
Their young followers are engaging with this in their   the tub. Kerry Lockwood and Deepa Devlukia are             Wales while Katherine Ormerod has taken her rental from
droves. Notable new young home owners include           masters of showcasing each curated nook in their home,     drab to amazingly chic, sharing highly-effective but
Sonny Turner, Sydney May Crouch, Elle Jarrett,          with the latter creating especially calm spaces for her    impermanent DIY hacks on the way. Also posting their
Char Ellesse,Joe Sugg and Dianne Busswell, and          children. Meanwhile, Stephanie Yeboah has found            rental improvements are Sophie Milner, Kristabel
Cinzia Baylis-Zullo.                                    caring for plants has aided her mental health.             Plummer, Jazmine Marie Rocks and Ride Suleri-Johnson
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
Evolving influencer
homes thanks to new
Nothing sparks a shift in what home means and the impulse to
decorate like a new arrival. However, the pandemic has meant many
have put baby plans on hold. In fact, PwC reported 2021 could deliver
the UK’s lowest birth rate (569,000 babies are expected to be born
this year) since records began due to couples postponing growing their
families and fertility treatments such as IVF not being possible for many
during lockdowns.

However, brands with nursery and children’s interiors to promote
should not fear - influencer pregnancy and new baby announcements
have been more frequent than ever. Those expecting this year include:
Freddie Harrel, Beth Sandland, Laura Whitmore, Chessie King, Dr Zoe
Williams, Rosie Spaughton, Echo Michaela Poutney, Jade Sutor,
Radka Kovacova and Danielle Fogarty.

Meanwhile, there have also been many new arrival announcements
since the start of 2021. Those documenting early motherhood include
Nush Cope, Liv Purvis, Megan Ellaby, Corrie Bromfield, Roxy Pope
and Ben Pook from So Vegan, Natalia Homolova, Rosie Ramsey,
Camille and Jean from The Backpacker Diariez, illustrator Emma Block
and Gemma from Eating Up London.

Lastly, while the birth rate is down, there has been astonishing growth
in the number of people getting pets. Pet ownership in London alone
has soared by 84% in the past year. Influencers reflecting this trend are
Faye Ellaby and Annie Drea who both have new puppies, Anna Hart             @thefrugality
who has a rescue cat and Henrie Kwushue and Penelope Bielckus who
respectively have new rescue kittens.
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
                                             Stories about relocation

                  @theallotmentflorist                             @jadevanrielx                                   @modernbarnlife

WORK & SPACE: a poll by PwC found more than 400,000                CULTURAL & LIFESTYLE IMPLICATIONS: a                     A VERY BIG HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY: for many
Londoners intend to exit the city in 2021 thanks to the pandemic   question influencers’ followers always seem to pose      influencers, relocation is the result of finding their dream
and how this has changed their feelings about the capital. This    when they leave London is how they cope with the         home with their dream partner and happily leaving the
has also been catalysed by the realisation that working            change of culture and pace? This is something Jade       city behind. Beauty influencer Em Ford moved to a barn
anywhere is possible. Influencers who have departed since          Vanriel has addressed at length after leaving her        conversion with her partner Jamal in winter 2020 and
March 2020 include Allotment Florist Helena Willcocks who          home city to buy an apartment in Essex. She has          has a dedicated Instagram to sharing her experience.
has moved to York, where she has a bigger plot of land and has     surmised that while there are immediate issues - for     Meanwhile, food and parenting influencer Sarah
already been featured in regional magazines. Artist Laurie         example, it is harder for her to get products for afro   Barnes has moved to Worcestershire with her husband
Maun has moved back to her home city of Manchester and             hair - she accepts these due to lower house prices       and their twins to restore a Grade II listed farmhouse.
Anneli Bush has relocated to Norway. Entrepreneur and              and more space. Meanwhile, Frankie Dammone who           Two lifestyle influencers who have seen enormous
YouTuber Jamie Genevieve is staying in Scotland but moving to      moved from Hackney to York in 2020 shared her            success in documenting their big moves to the
a bigger house, Jennie Birrell fled London for the Scottish        family has quickly adjusted but she always makes         countryside are Lydia Millen and Victoria Magrath
countryside in 2020 and Nancy Straughan left Stoke                 sure she has upcoming trips to London in her diary.      whose relocations have sparked them taking a more
Newington for Newcastle in autumn 2019.                                                                                     sophisticated approach to their content too.
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
                                           Stories about renovation

                  @hygge_for_home                              @renovating_cheznous                              @rona_renovation

GRAND REDESIGNS: Brits spent an enormous                     REAL TALK: with homeowners taking renovation into           COUPLES' FIRST TIME RENO JOURNEYS: in the
£50billion on home renovation during 2020 after the start    their own hands thanks to the many restrictions of          past year couples documenting their renovations have
of the pandemic, proving that staying indoors hugely         lockdowns, the process was bound to be a bumpy              had an additional layer of challenge thanks to
inspired home improvement. Lockdowns have also sparked       ride. And, there are a stream of young, confident, first-   lockdowns. For example, Making The Manor - which
greater ambition on the reno front. Interiors influencer     time renovators who are celebrating their victories and     follows Dej and his partner finishing the renovation of
Katie Woods is gutting her second home (@thesmurfhouse)      sharing their mishaps on social. There’s Lydia Dinga,       their first home in south east London - showed their
in Devon and is set to move from her idyllic, much-admired   who is not just posting her DIY work in granular detail     followers how they created a makeshift office in an
family home in Leeds to take on a new property for           but publishing how much everything costs too. Then          unfinished property. Also interesting are Nads and Juls -
herself, her husband and their four kids. Renovation         there’s Liv Madeline - a midwife who is somehow also        AKA Rona Renovation - who share upcycling and
content is set to come thick and fast. Reena Simon is        renovating an ex-council flat in London. Flooring has       bargain hunting hacks. Then there’s Sophie Hannah and
continuing to document her mega reno project in Wales        gone wrong but its really starting to come together.        Robin Stanford who are turning an Essex town house
and Sarah-Jane Cousens is embarking on her biggest reno      For more real talk also see Maria/ @shod.athome.            into a maximalist’s dream.
yet (which is saying something).
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
Interiors & living influencer hotlist
          Sophia Cook: from sharing            Hannah Bullivant: an interior stylist
          the walls her children have          who recently moved out of her rented
          drawn on to her weekly               home with her two children to renovate
          “Sunday best” series in which        a static caravan in the countryside. She
          she and her husband pose,            and her husband Dave - who directs
          dressed up in their home,            George Ezra’s music videos - are
          Sophia ’s content exudes             documenting the process on their new
          warmth. Her home is beautiful        YouTube channel and saving to buy their
          but real. A breath of fresh air      first home in the process. Fascinating.
          in the interiors community of

          Katherine Ormerod: better            Freya Bramble-Carter: a ceramics
          known for her thinky take on         artist who grew up watching her father
          fashion, Ormerod spent the           Chris - a renowned potter and teacher -
          past six months sharing her          throw pots before heading to Chelsea
          redecoration of a rented             College of Arts to find her own style.
          home in the most remarkable          Now she and Chris teach together and
          series of Instagram Stories          during lockdown she’s been sharing her
          content. Don’t expect her to         latest designs which are unique, small-
          stop now.                            batch and inspired by nature.

          J a d e Va n r i e l : t h i s       Emma Hoareau: a skincare
          YouTuber and entrepreneur            influencer who bought her first flat
          takes her followers into the         in Hackney and has shared its reno
          most astounding properties           and decoration on Instagram and
          a n d s h a r e s fi n a n c i a l   YouTube. Think millennial pink
          guidance on how they can             meets Parisian style - a romantic
          get on the ladder. Plush             break from the endless whites and
          interiors obsessive with a           minimalism preferred by her peers.
          game-changing approach.
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
Interiors & living influencer hotlist
                                             Poppy Okotcha: a model, forager and
          Dean & Borja: divine
                                             home cook who left her canal house boat in
          couple restoring an estate in
          Warwickshire, sharing all          London in winter 2020 to live in a little
                                             Devon house. She is now sowing the
          the details while maintaining
                                             garden, growing food and renovating
          a brilliant sense of humour
                                             sustainably. Also interesting is the fact she
          too. Dean is an architect, so
                                             and her partner decided to buy an
          they are not completely
                                             affordable home because she didn’t want
          clueless, but this is a big job
                                             her lifestyle to be determined by a big
          - and they won’t stop until
          its’s perfect.

          Laura/ No Feature Walls:           Hermoine Chantal: millennial lifestyle
          Laura’s Instagram and blog is      YouTuber and blogger with a serious
          entirely dedicated to              skill for DIY and doing things on a
          wallpaper. To exploring            budget (example: she found a pink
          patterns, wallpaper used well      Smeg fridge in a charity shop).
          and how this changes a             Hermoine started renovating her
          space. She demonstrates this       Victorian home on the Isle of Wight two
          to great effect in her own         years ago and has shared every step
          home, which is her first           with her followers.

          Lydia Millen: a lifestyle          Mo & The Jungle Shelf: this renovation
          Yo u T u b e r w h o s e t r u e   Instagrammer also runs @colourfiedhomes - a
          passion is turning her             community passionate about using colour in
          forever home in the                decor. His gentle commentary accompanying
          countryside into a neutral         the ongoing decor and reno of his West
          paradise. The renovation of        Midlands property makes his content inspiring
          the property is ongoing and        and easy to engage with. Want to work with
          she has promised that her          him? It’s worth noting his next projects are the
          Spring interiors are going to      utility room and guest bedroom.
          be more plush than ever.
The home report CORQ - Digital stories about living in S/S 2021
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