The Influence of E-Service Quality and Perceived Value on the Positive E-Word of Mouth through Satisfaction of Customers Users of Internet Banking ...

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The Influence of E-Service Quality and Perceived Value on the Positive E-Word of Mouth through Satisfaction of Customers Users of Internet Banking ...
International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                          Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Research Paper                                                                  E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

 The Influence of E-Service Quality and Perceived
  Value on the Positive E-Word of Mouth through
Satisfaction of Customers Users of Internet Banking
              BRI in the City of Medan
                    Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis1, Endang Sulistya Rini2,
                            Beby Karina Fawzeea Sembiring3
     Postgraduate Students Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business at University of
                                           Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
       Postgraduate Lecturer Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business at University of
                                           Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
                                  Corresponding Author: Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis

ABSTRACT                                                    customer satisfaction with value of t test equal
                                                            5,711; Perceive value affect positively to the e-
Industry      4.0    information      technology,           WOM with the t test value amounted to 3,256;
telecommunications and computer is growing                  e-SerQual affect positively towards customer
rapidly and almost all people already use the               satisfaction with value of t test equal 2,784; e-
internet in their daily life. Similarly with PT.            SerQual affect positively to the e-WOM with
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), has a technology               the value of the t test of 4,975. As for the
that uses the internet in the transaction, namely           indirect influence of variable e-SerQual with
internet banking with token serves as an                    customer satisfaction as a variable between the
authentication transaction to secure the                    positively influential to e-WOM with the t test
transaction, plated. Transactions using internet            value amounted to 2,046 and Perceived value
banking BRI experienced growth every year,                  with customer satisfaction as a variable between
signifies the more often a customer uses internet           the positively influential to e-WOM. Where the
banking BRI. However, the use of and                        value t count above > than t table value.
transactions of internet banking increases,
accompanied by an increase in positive                      Keywords: Human Resources, E-SerQual,
electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) Even the                   Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction
numbers of complaints each year increased,
from 13% in the year 2017, then an increase of              INTRODUCTION
16% in 2018 and 17% in 2019. This Data is not                       Information               technology,
support with the user of internet banking                   telecommunications and computer is
continues to mags. This study uses a                        growing rapidly and almost all people
Quantitative approach with associative design.
                                                            already use the internet in their daily life.
Method of analysis the study used Partial Least
Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-                 The number of internet users in Indonesia
SEM) by using the application SmartPLS (v                   grew 10,12 percent. of a total population of
2.3.8).                                                     264 million inhabitants of Indonesia, there
The results of research in the outer model shows            are as many as 171,17 million, or about 64.8
the not found trimming, where all variables are             percent of which is already connected to the
constructs have the validity and reliability are            internet (APJII, 2019: 29). One of the
worth it. While the inner model found that                  sectors that are affected by the rapid
customer satisfaction affect positively to the e-           development of the use of the internet is
WOM with the value of the t test of 3,154;                  banking. Banking itself has a technology
Perceive value affect positively towards                    that uses the internet in a transaction that is

                      International Journal of Research and Review (                               259
                                        Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

in the form of internet banking. The use of                         In Table 1.1 look there are 9 (nine)
internet banking more practical and efficient              banking companies which present with the
in doing the banking transaction that usually              features of Internet Banking. Amid the
takes time and cost more.                                  competition, BRI try to present in order to
        Internet banking is relatively wider               meet the needs of the internet banking
accessibility. As the name implies, as long                customer them as transfer transactions,
as there is internet network, then the                     payments and purchases. Customer internet
customer can open a channel of internet                    banking BRI feel the benefits on these
banking. So, the customer can access via a                 facilities, so the use of internet banking in
computer table, laptop or smartphone.                      BRI is increasing every year. This can be
Internet banking can be accessed 24 hours                  seen in Table 1.2 below.
from anywhere. Features of internet banking                   Table 1.2 Growth of Transactions Internet Banking BRI
is also quite complete, which contains                     Period         Growth Transactions
account information and credit cards                       2017           Tumbuh sebesar 83% yoy
                                                           2018           Tumbuh sebesar 109,75% yoy
(balance, history of transactions up to a                  2019           Tumbuh sebesar 121,55% yoy
certain period, current accounts, savings                                     Source: infobank, 2020
plans, and others), features the transfer of
funds of the same bank or interbank market                         Table 1.2 shows that the transactions
(including the transfer of unscheduled),                   using internet banking BRI experienced
features payment or a bill payment, deposit                growth every year. The growth in
opening and withdrawal online, e-commerce                  transactions indicates the more frequent a
transactions, investment features and so on.               customer uses internet banking BRI, the use
Internet banking is equipped with a token                  of which recurring will be done by the
that serves as the authentication transaction              customer if the customer merasapuas with
to the security of the transaction-plated.                 the performance of the BRI.
With the practicality and convenience                              BRI as one of the leading banks in
offered by internet banking makes it become                Indonesia is also always abreast of the times
increasingly demanding customers. In                       in marketing its products and services. Bank
addition, the cost to provide banking                      BRI also has some social media as one of
services through internet banking can be                   the means of marketing, and also as a place
cheaper than the costs incurred to open a                  for customers to give reviews on the
branch office. New banking service and its                 performance and quality provided by bank
offerings can be launched via the web with                 BRI. However, the use of and internet
more quickly.                                              transactions banking increase is not
        One of the banks that provide                      accompanied by an increase in positive
internet banking facility to its customers is              electronic word of mouth (e-WOM). E-
Bank Rakyat Indonesia or called bank BRI.                  WOM is the statement negative or positive
Bank BRI does not own, at present almost                   created by the actual consumer, potential or
all banks have internet banking facility, as               former consumers about a product or
shown in Table 1.1. here.                                  company where this information is available
                                                           for people or institutions through the
       Table 1.1 List of Internet banking in Indonesia
Banks            Website                                   medium of the internet (Julilvand and
Bank Mandiri              Samiei, 2012: 35). The author took a sample
                                                           of e-WOM BRI on their twitter account
BRI                          which is @BANKBRI_ID already got a
Bukopin                 blue check from twitter show the
Bank ANZ
Bank Danamon                  authenticity of the twitter account of BRI.
Bank Mega       The      authors    record     how      many
              Source :, 2020              @BANKBRI_ID in mentionoleh their
                                                           followers throughout the years 2017 to 2019

                         International Journal of Research and Review (                          260
                                           Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

by the number of samples mentions ebanyak                  website and social media, not only displays
100 eur per year. As for the resume of e-                  information, but also has been able to offer
WOM BRI can be seen in Table 1.3 below:                    services such as transactions; use internet
                                                           banking is one form of e-Service Quality
          Table 1.3 a Sample e-WOM BRI on twitter          BRI to the customers. Previous Data
Characters Mention                2017     2018   2019
Answer Customer Complaints        13%      16%    17%      showed that users of Internet Banking
Answer The Question               79%      77%    78%      continues to increase every year, this shows
Positive Recognition              8%       7%     5%
                                  100%     100%   100%     that basically the customer BRI did not find
Source: Processing of Many Standard Mention @BANKBRI_ID,   the obstacle, they are satisfied with the
                                                           services online through internet banking
        The Data in Table 1.3 shows that in
                                                                   Other factors that affect the type of
the year 2013 of the 100 samples tweeting
                                                           marketing through word of mouth (WOM)
@ mention to @BANKBRI_ID obtained
                                                           are perceived value (Anwar and Gulzar,
13% of netizens (social media users)
                                                           2011: 52). Perceived value according to
revealed the complaint, while 79% asked
                                                           Kotler and Keller (2009: 136) is the
and 8% expressed satisfaction with the BRI.
                                                           difference between the ratings of
Data each year shows that the level of
                                                           prospective customers for all the benefits
complaints is still higher compared with the
                                                           and costs of an offer against the alternatives.
level of satisfaction of netizens. Even the
                                                           So, the product is said to have a high value
numbers of complaints each year increased,
                                                           if in accordance with the needs, desires, and
from 13% in 2017, then increase to 16% in
                                                           requests of the customer. The perceived
2018 and 17% in 2019. This Data is not
                                                           value (perceived value) is the profit received
support with the user of internet banking
                                                           by consumers in relation to the total cost.
continues to mags as outlined in Table 1.2.
                                                           The perceived value (perceived value) is
        As previously disclosed, that the use
                                                           also used by the consumer to weigh the
of a product is repeatedly an indication due
                                                           various aspects of the quality of service is
to the presence of customer satisfaction. It is
                                                           directly proportional to the relative with the
also in line with what was expressed by the
                                                           cost offered by different service providers.
Alfianor, Nice and Sanjaya (2018) stating
                                                                   In order to get a description of how
that the customer is satisfied provide e-
                                                           the level of e-service quality and perceived
WOM which is positive. However customer
                                                           value of customers of BRI, the authors
satisfaction is not in line with the positive e-
                                                           conducted a survey pre-study in the form of
WOM in the BRI. E-WOM positive very
                                                           distributing questionnaires to a sample of 20
instrumental in giving a positive impression
                                                           customers of BRI in the City of Medan who
and are able to influence the netizens who
                                                           are accustomed to using internet banking
do not use the product BRI. A positive
                                                           BRI. From these results showed that both e-
image in the world of the internet (social
                                                           service quality ditemukan constraints while
media) also influence the increase in sales,
                                                           the perceived value of customers of BRI in
at least this is indicated by a study
                                                           the City of Medan did not find the obstacle.
conducted by Lawrence et al (2019: 57).
                                                           Respondents who basically are customers of
        One of the variables related to
                                                           BRI for the services online in it is Internet
positive e-WOM is the E-Service Quality
                                                           Banking still not satisfied. This is indicated
(Kartika and Shihab, 2019: 199). Swaid and
                                                           by the majority of respondents (8 out of 20
Wigand (2009:13) defines quality of service
                                                           people) said “do Not Agree”, and 5
of electronic (electronic service quality) as
                                                           respondents      expressed     “Neutral”,    4
the provision of service to customers
                                                           respondents stated “Strongly Agree” and
through the electric media, namely the
                                                           each 2 respondents stated “Agree” and
internet. The expansion of e-Service Quality
                                                           “Strongly Disagree”. To find out more, the
when this has penetrated not only through
                                                           author conducted interviews with one
website but also through social media. A

                        International Journal of Research and Review (                       261
                                          Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

respondent stating “do Not Agree” and                      banking, while perceived value is not
expressed the obstacles that are often faced               subjected to constraints.
while using Internet Banking BRI as
follows:“Often lag Kak when I used it, there               LITERATURE REVIEW
are obstacles that appear, continue to the                 E-Service Quality
response is also slow. I don't know why. I                         E-Service Quality is the evaluation
did not ever phone to the call center,                     and provides the evaluation against the
because if in the refresh, it usually can be, is           quality of service in the market virtual
not crucial, but sometimes annoying also,                  (Santos, 2003: 17). E-ServQual was
especially if at the end of the month, in the              developed to evaluate and test against the
date 25an that. Maybe because of too much                  service-the service available on the internet.
disposable time yes, right the end of the                  E-service quality by its very definition, as
month the person did me a huge payday”.                    an extension of the ability of a site to give a
(Statement Of Respondent, 2020).                           facility activities spend, purchase, and
        As for the statement about the                     distribution effectively and efficiently
Perceived Value, the majority of                           (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006: 214).
respondents are quite satisfied, this is
indicated by the majority of respondents that              Perceived Value
“Agree” to the statement II (11 people out                        Perceived value is a group of the
of 20 people), each of the 4 respondents                   expected benefits will be obtained the client
who answered “Strongly Agree” and                          from the product, the value of the service,
“Neutral” and 1 person answered “Not                       the value of the employee and the value of
Agree”.                                                    the image. The value of the product for
        From the above explanation, there                  example the pleasures of the menu offered.
are unique things that happen in the BRI,                  The value of the service for example the
where the users of internet marketing BRI                  accuracy in the serve, his hospitality. The
continue to increase every year. The use of                value of the employee for example his
internet banking recurring is an indication of             experience, way of dressing, way of
customers satisfied with the performance of                speaking, whereas the value of the image
BRI. However, this increase is apparently                  corresponding with the image (Krisno and
not commensurate with the positive e-WOM                   Samuel, 20013:3).
in the BRI, where the author took a random
sample of as many as 300 standard call                     Customer Satisfaction
@BANKBRI_ID throughout the years 2017                              Customer satisfaction is feeling
to 2019 on their twitter account, it is                    happy or disappointed that emerged after
obtained that the level of complaints to the               comparing the performance (results)
BRI higher compared with the level of                      products of the mind against the
satisfaction. This shows the e-WOM BRI on                  performance (or results) expected. When the
social media shows no symptoms of a                        performance of employees does not
positive.                                                  correspond with the customer's expectations
        Based on the literature study it was               and when expectations are set too low, then
found that e-Service Quality and Perceived                 the customer will feel unsatisfied and toed
Quality affects Word Of Mouth (WOM). In                    disappointed, if the performance fits with
order to get a description of customer BRI                 the expectations then the customer will feel
to e-Service Quality and Perceived Quality,                satisfied, yet when the performance of the
the authors conducted a survey pre-study                   product exceeds expectations, then the
and found the majority of respondents                      customer will feel very satisfied and leave a
experiencing constraints against services                  positive impression (Kotler, 2014:150.
online (internet banking) BRI where one
complaint is the instability of internet

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                        262
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

E-Word of Mouth                                            of services or the experience of using your
         E-Word of Mouth is the marketing                  product or service. Word of Mouth has great
activities through the intermediary of                     power have an impact on the behaviour of
person-to-person good oral, written, or                    purchase of consumers (Kotler and Keller,
electronic communication devices which                     2009:512).
connect with the experience of the purchase

                                          Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Hypothesis                                                 7. Indirectly Perceived Value has a
        Based on the concept presented by                     positive and significant positive e-WOM
the author, the research hypothesis can be                    through customer satisfaction Internet
formulated as follows:                                        Banking BRI in the City of Medan.
1. Directly e-Service Quality has positive
    and significant effect towards Customer                MATERIAL AND METHODS
    Satisfaction, Internet Banking BRI in the                      This research is a quantitative
    City of Medan.                                         research associative. Quantitative methods
2. Directly Perceived Value has positive                   can be interpreted as a research method that
    and significant effect towards Customer                is based on the philosophy of positivism, is
    Satisfaction, Internet Banking BRI in the              used to examine the population or a
    City of Medan.                                         particular sample, data collection using
3. Directly Customer Satisfaction and                      research instruments, quantitative data
    significant positive effect on positive e-             analysis/statistics, with the aim to test the
    WOM users Internet Banking BRI in the                  hypothesis that has been set (Sugiyono,
    City of Medan.                                         2015:11). The approach of associative
4. Directly e-Service Quality has positive                 according to Sugiyono (2017:37), is
    and significant effect on positive e-                  research that asks the relationship between
    WOM users Internet Banking BRI in the                  two or more variables. The variables that
    City of Medan.                                         will be studied is the Influence of e-service
5. Directly Perceived Value has positive                   quality and perceived value On positive e-
    and significant effect on positive e-                  wom through satisfaction of customer is the
    WOM users Internet Banking BRI in the                  user of internet banking BRI Medan City.
    City of Medan.                                                 The population in this research is
6. Indirectly e-Service Quality has positive               user of internet banking BRI in the city of
    and significant effect on positive e-                  Medan who already use internet banking
    WOM through customer satisfaction                      BRI more than 3 times. Population data
    Internet Banking BRI in the City of                    could not be found or was provided by the
    Medan.                                                 company. The sample is part of the number

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                        263
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

and characteristics possessed by the                       RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
population (Sugiyono,2016:81). As for the                  The Influence of E-Serqual Customer
sampling technique the sample size in the                  Satisfaction
study of multivariate preferably using the                         The results of this study found that
Method of Hair that is by doubling a                       e-Service Quality (e-SerQual) directly
minimum of 10 of the total free variables                  shown to affect Customer Satisfaction of
and bound (Sinulingga, 2017). In this                      Internet users Banking BRI in the City of
research, there are 4 variables of the study,              Medan. For companies engaged in the
and the author chose the 25 times                          services sector such as Banks, application
multiplication, so that the obtained number                service quality (service quality) that better
of respondents taken as many as 100 people                 will create satisfaction for its customers. E-
the sample of the study. Sampling in this                  service quality is defined as the general
study using non probability sampling                       evaluation and assessment of the consumers
method      with     accidental     sampling.              based on the excellence and quality of
According to Sugiono (2012:122) accidental                 services delivered in a market place in
sampling is a sampling technique based on                  virtual environments (Santos, 2003).
chance,      that     anyone      who      by              Whereas, satisfaction is an evaluation of the
chance/incidental meet with the researchers                overall consumer on a product or a provider
can be used as a sample, when viewed                       of services (Al-Hawari & Ward, 2006).
people who happened to find it suitable as a                       This research was supported with
data source.                                               previous research that states that more and
        Data collection techniques used by                 better e-service quality that is given, will
researchers is the Study of Literature that is             result in a high level of satisfaction
research to obtain the data by reading and                 perceived consumer (Ribbink et al., 2004,
studying the literature and previous research              Al-Hawari & Ward, 2006, Kassim & Ismail,
contains theories, concepts, and information               2009, Kassim & Abdullah, 2010, Sheng &
related to research conducted and Field                    Liu, 2010, Gounaris et al., 2010, Ganguli &
Studies. Field studies used to obtain data                 Roy, 2011, Al-Hawari, 2014). The above
about the existing problems and directly                   caused by the customer satisfaction where
held relationship with the object of research,             that complacency is the result of an or
then needed some way to obtain it, namely                  collection of in repeated of the services they
by using a questionnaire, which is a                       experienced. Therefore, consumers rate the
technique of research to which the data is                 level of satisfaction after they have
taken directly randomly from the people                    experienced the good and bad of a service
who are being studied.                                     given (Gounaris et al., 2010).
        Data collection methods used in this
research is quantitative data (data in the                 The Influence of Perceived Value towards
form of numbers or numbers). While the                     Customer Satisfaction
source of the data used in this study is                           The main result of this research
primary Data is data obtained or collected                 stated that the direct Perceived Value has
by the researcher directly from the source                 positive and significant effect towards
data. To obtain primary data, the technique                Customer Satisfaction, Internet Banking
used by researchers is the dissemination of                BRI in the City of Medan. Parusuman et al.,
questionnaire and Secondary Data is data                   (1998) states that perceived quality is
obtained or collected researchers from a                   something      that    precedes     customer
variety of sources that already exist.                     satisfaction, quality and expectations affect
Secondary Data can be obtained from a                      kepuasaankonsumen. The perception of
variety of sources such as books, journals                 quality is one of the key dimensions of
and previous research related to this study.               brand equity. Perceived quality positive will
                                                           encourage the satisfaction of consumers so

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                        264
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

it will take the decision to buy the product.              the internet regarding the service provided
Based on research conducted by Fepria                      by the bank are not negative. It is also
(2009) mention the positive perception of                  supported by the research of the Ika
the quality of a product, then the more                    Suhartanti (2018), which states the higher
powerful the satisfaction of consumers.                    the e-service quality given to a company in
                                                           the website then the higher the likelihood
The Influence of Customer Satisfaction                     customers will provide a positive E-WOM.
on Positive E-WOM
         The results of this study find that               The Influence of Perceived Value on
direct Customer Satisfaction and significant               Positive E-WOM
positive effect on positive e-WOM users                            The results of the research found that
internet banking BRI in the City of Medan.                 Perceived Value directly affect psoitif and
         Consumers who are satisfied are                   significantly to positive e-WOM users
known to have a tendency to give WOM                       internet banking BRI in the City of Medan.
positive on other individuals who do not                   Customerperceived value is the perception
have a particular relationship in their                    of customers on the value provided by the
transactions, so that ultimately affects the               company, the customer expects the value
individual to make a purchase. The loyalty                 given by peruahaan as expected so the
of the consumer where they are willing to                  company also expects the given value will
give positive information to others about                  give a positive impact from customers.
products or services that make them                                The results of the research supported
satisfied, also referred to as emotionally                 by the research conducted by Abdul and
expressed behavior. It is also supported by                Sonny (2017) who concluded that the higher
research (Ranaweera & Phrabu, 2003),                       customer perceived value the higher the
which states that customers who feel                       creation of E-WOM. So it is necessary to
satisfied with the product/jasayang offered                continue to improve the customer perceived
by the company by itself will give positive                value in order to provide services, products,
reviews about products/services, if the                    services and good image to the consumer so
purchase via the internet, the consumer by                 that the formation of e - word of mouth. It
itself right gives a positive electronic word              can be interpreted that customer perceived
of mouth for goods or services that are                    value has an important role in the formation
being enjoyed.                                             of the positive e-word of mouth. This is in
                                                           accordance with research conducted
The Influence of E-Serqual to Positive E-                  Sihaloho (2012) in his research explained
WOM                                                        that customer perceived value has an
        The results of the study found that e-             influence on E-WOM.
SerQual directly positive and significant
effect on positive e-WOM users internet                    The influence of E - Service Quality on
banking BRI in the City of Medan.                          Positive E-WOM Through Customer
        E-service       qualitymempengaruhi                Satisfaction
significantly e-word of mouth mainly on the                        The results of this research mention
banks that provide the facilities with the use             that the indirect e-SerQual positive and
of the internet such as internet banking, so               significant effect on positive e-WOM
the bank must always improve e-service                     through Customer Satisfaction internet
quality, one by way of more thoroughly and                 banking BRI in the City of Medan. Daryanti
quickly in response to problems that occur                 and Shihab (2019) defines e - service
on the system website or with eager to serve               quality as a level of how a website is
the demand of its customers and always                     effectively and efficiently facilitate the
provides features that are more superior than              customers in terms of shopping, make a
its competitors, so E-WOM circulating on                   purchase and the process of delivery of

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                        265
                                         Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

products and services). E-service quality                          The results of this study mentioned
good will cause a sense of satisfaction on                 that the indirectly Perceived Value has
the customer.                                              positive and significant effect on positive e-
         In services marketing, satisfaction               WOM through Customer Satisfaction
can be defined as a condition of affective                 internet banking BRI in the City of Medan.
consumer as a result of the evaluation of                  In addition to the e-service quality yang
global aspects of the whole that creates the               well, one of the factors that make the
consumer        relationship   with    service             formation of E-WOM positive is the
providers (Casalo et al. 2008). Customer                   Perceived value. Perceived value is defined
satisfaction is important for companies                    as the assessment of the overall consumer
because it is assumed as a decisive factor                 against the utility of a product based on
which will affect repeat sales, positive                   perceptions of what is received and what is
word-of-mouth and customer loyalty (Choi                   given. Consumers will provide ratings and a
et al., 2000). With the satisfaction received              positive perception when consumers receive
by the customer then the customer will be                  what is desired and what is received is in
willing to give positive reviews on the                    accordance with what is given, so that the
quality of services that have been received,               resulting sense of satisfaction on the
the customer will provide a positive e-word                consumer. Consumer's Assessment and
of mouth. Electronic word-of-mouth (E-                     perception of satisfaction received by the
WOM) according to (Hennig-Thurau et al.,                   consumer is exactly what will be poured
2004) is a statement-negative or positive                  through the E-WOM that generates E-WOM
created by the actual consumer, potential, or              which is positive. The same is the case with
former consumers about a product or                        provide a good quality of service,
company where this information is available                relationship between Perceived value and E-
for people or institutions through the                     WOM will also generate profits for the
medium of the internet. E-WOM also has                     company. Because indirectly it positive
become an important place for consumers                    given consumers through the E-WOM will
who are considered to be more effective                    help the company in convincing other
than word - of mouth due to the E-WOM                      consumers as one of the marketing tools
has the accessibility and reaching a wider                 more         effectively        and        not
(Jalilvand and Samiei, 2012). Consumers                    membutuhkanbiaya.
can post opinions, comment and review on                           This is in accordance with research
the blog, discussion forums, review sites,                 Mai Ngoc Khuong and Nguyen Hong Hanh
the status of the retail, newsgroups, and                  (2016) who found that the Variable of
social media or social networks (Cheung                    customer         satisfaction       (customer
and Lee, 2012). When the consumer                          satisfaction),    benefits/perceived     value
receives satisfaction from the quality of the              (perceived value), trust (trust), customer
services provided, consumers will do a                     loyalty (customer loyalty) has a positive
positive word-of-mouth (Athanassopoulus,                   effect indirectly on the brand equity (brand
et al.,2001).                                              equity) through E-WOM.
         It is also supported by research yani
kartika (2019) that explains that the e-                   CONCLUSIONS AND
service qualityperlu enhanced in the get                   RECOMMENDATIONS
satisfaction customer which will encourage                 CONCLUSIONS
customers to provide positive E-WOM                                Based on the research objective and
                                                           the research results can be concluded as
The Influence of Perceived Value on                        follows:
Positive E-WOM through Customer                            1. Variable e-Serqual (X1) has direct
Satisfaction                                                   influence on the variable Customer
                                                               Satisfaction (Z).

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                                         Vol.8; Issue: 1; January 2021
Kiki Rizki Ardianty Lubis The influence of e-service quality and perceived value on the positive e-word of
mouth through satisfaction of customers users of Internet Banking BRI in the City of Medan.

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