THE JIM CUDDY BAND Live Performance Contract Rider 2018/2019 - Starfish Entertainment

Page created by Ruby Lawson
THE JIM CUDDY BAND Live Performance Contract Rider 2018/2019 - Starfish Entertainment

Live Performance Contract


    Please Sign and Retain for
        Future Reference

                1        Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                        October 2017
The JIM CUDDY Band     Jim Cuddy               Vocals & Guitar
                       Colin Cripps            Guitar & Vocals
                       Bazil Donovan           Bass
                       Anne Lindsay            Violin
                       Joel Anderson           Drums
                       Steve O’Connor          Keyboards
CREW                   Rich Steeb              Sound Engineer
                                                     Cell: (416) 949-3498
                       Lee Chomiak             Stage Technician
                       Duke Foster             Monitor Technician

          Contacts: Susan de Cartier           Manager
                    Jude Coombe                Event Coordinator
          Address:  906A Logan Ave., Toronto, ON M4K 3E4
          Phone:    (416) 588-3329

          Contact:  Kay White               Agent
          Address:  8215 Hwy 93, Wyebridge, ON L0K 2E0
          Phone:    (705) 527-1900
          Cell:     (705) 529-9448
          Fax:      (705) 527-1902

         Contact:      Mike Balogh          Account Representative
         Phone:        (905) 776-5908
         Cell:         (905) 536-5277

                                        2            Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                    October 2017
Head Office:
     Toronto, ON
             Ken Boyer       Product Manager
                             Phone: (416) 758-1145

            Steve Waxman     National Publicity
                             Phone: (416) 758-1097

Branch Offices:
     British Columbia
             Contact:   Scott Johnson         Branch Manager
             Phone:     (604) 299-0900

             Contact:    Laura Fraser         Branch Manager
             Phone:     (403) 259-3000

            Contact:    Brian Irwin             Branch Manager
            Phone:      (416) 758-1095

      Ottawa, ON + Manitoba
            Contact:    Mary Jelley            Branch Manager
            Phone:      (613) 723-8201

           Contact:     Mitch DePalma        Branch Manager
           Phone:       (514) 731-6401

             Contact:   John Poirier            Branch Manager
             Phone:     (902) 429-0122

                                      3              Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                    October 2017
           Live Performance Contract Rider 2018/2019
The parties hereto agree that the following provisions shall form part of the attached live performance
engagement contract dated                                                  , 20__ (the "Contract") issued by:

        Agent:                    Trick or Treat Booking Entertainment Inc.,         between:

        Artist:                   Jim Cuddy (dba 5 Corners Productions Inc.),        represented by :

        Management:               Starfish Entertainment Inc.,                       and:

        Purchaser:                ________________________________________.

This Rider is part of the Contract. No modification of the Contract or of this Rider shall be valid unless
expressly approved and initialed by Management.

1.0      PAYMENTS
1.01     Flat Fee:
         (a) Deposit: 50% of the guaranteed fee shown on the Contract shall be deposited with Agent by
certified cheque payable to Agent on return of the Contract signed by Purchaser. The performance
cannot be announced prior to the Artist’s deposit being received.
         (b) Balance: The balance of the guaranteed fee shall be paid to Artist's Tour Manager, in cash
or by certified cheque payable to 5 CORNERS PRODUCTIONS INC., upon arrival of Artist's Tour
Manager. Should Purchaser wish to make a direct deposit to Artist Bank Account, this must be done the
day prior to the show and with advance arrangement of Artist Agent or Management.

1.02      Percentage Payment: When Artist is being paid based on a percentage, the following shall be
in effect:
          (a) Deposit: Section 1.01 (a) shall apply.
          (b) Balance: The balance of the guaranteed fee shall be paid to Artist's Tour Manager, in cash
or by certified cheque payable to 5 CORNERS PRODUCTIONS INC., upon arrival of Artist's Tour
          (c) Percentage: All remaining payments shall be paid to Artist's Tour Manager within 30
minutes following the commencement of Artist's performance; by cash and/or certified cheque payable to
          (d) Right To Enter Box Office: Purchaser agrees to give Artist's representatives the right to
enter the box office at any time during and after the performance to examine and make extracts or copies
from the box office relating to the gross receipts of this engagement.
          (e) Show Expenses: Purchaser must provide Artist's tour manager, at the time of settlement,
with a list and proper receipts and/or signed vouchers of all such approved show expenses, failing which
any expenses not supported by proper documentation shall not be considered a show expense at the
time of settlement. Any approved show expenses budgeted for which are not fully expended shall be
adjusted at the time of settlement. (Example: If $5000 is budgeted for advertising and only $4000 spent,
the approved expenses shall be lowered by $1000.)
          (f) Advertising Expenses: Purchaser agrees to consult with Management on all radio and
television time buys.
          (g) Admission $6.00 & Over: For the purpose of filing the SOCAN Live Performance Report,
when the admission price for this engagement is $6.00 or over, Purchaser agrees to provide Management
with: (1) a ticket stub for each performance or show which includes the admission price; and (2) a copy of
any newspaper advertisement which includes the date and times of each performance and the admission

                                                      4                     Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                                October 2017
(h) SOCAN: Purchaser agrees to advise Management if any other artists appearing with Artist
are performing songs licensed through SOCAN. Since the songs being performed by Artist at this
engagement are licensed through SOCAN, Artist requires this information to obtain a waiver of the
payment of licensing fees to SOCAN in the event that only songs licensed through SOCAN will be
performed at this engagement.
        (i) One Price On Tickets: Under no circumstances shall Purchaser print tickets on which there
appears more than one ticket price. Should there be more than one price on any ticket, it shall be
assumed that the ticket was sold at the higher price.

1.03    Requirements for Settlements:
        Documentation: Purchaser shall provide a complete, accurate and detailed settlement to Artist's
tour manager or tour accountant on the night of this engagement. Purchaser must have available and
copies provided of the following:
                (1) bona fide invoices or signed vouchers for each expense item included;
                (2) verified and signed box office statements;
                (3) ticket printer's manifest;
                (4) all unsold tickets
                (5) executed facility and labour contracts;
                (6) agreements with independent ticket distributors;
                (7) advertising - invoices for radio and television advertising and tear sheets with
                     finalized invoices for all print advertising, and;
                (8) copies of appropriate sales, entertainment or other applicable tax returns.

2.0     GUESTS
        (a) Artist Guests: Purchaser agrees to permit free admission for 20 guests of Artist or
Management. If applicable, Purchaser should reserve 20 of the best available seats.
        (b) Press and Media: Purchaser agrees to admit accredited press and media personnel free of
        (c) Complimentary Tickets: No more than 1% of official house seating should be distributed
without express approval by Artist Management.

3.0       TAXES
          Purchaser shall pay and hold Artist harmless of and from any and all taxes, fees, dues and the
like relating to the engagement hereunder and the sums payable to Artist shall be free of such taxes,
fees, dues and the like.

4.01    Advertising: No advertising or announcements of any kind with respect to this engagement shall
be issued prior to receipt of the deposit and signed contract.

4.02      Billing: Artist is to be billed only as THE JIM CUDDY BAND and shall receive 100% Sole Star
Billing in all manner and forms of advertising and publicity, lights, displays, marquees, posters,
newspaper ads, programs, or any other form of advertising media communication. When Artist is not the
headline act, Artist shall receive 75% Special Guest billing.

4.03     Use of Artist Name: Purchaser shall have the right to the reasonable use of Artist's name, but
solely for the promotion and advertisement of this engagement. Artist's name shall not be used or
associated, directly or indirectly, with any product, service or company.

4.04    Commercial Sponsorships: All forms of sponsorship, whether part of an ongoing series or
specifically for Artist's show, must first be authorized and approved by Management in writing.

4.05    On Stage Signage: There will be no signs, placards, banners or advertising material, ON,
BEHIND OR WITHIN 50 feet of the stage at any time during the performance nor on any tickets,
advertising or promotional material, without express written authorization from Management.

                                                     5                    Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                            October 2017
4.06    Approval of Advertising: Management must approve all advertising and promotion of this
engagement and shall have the right to require Purchaser to withdraw and cease the use of any
advertising or promotion that does not meet with Management's approval.

5.01    Restriction: No part, portion or segment of Artist's performances may be professionally
recorded, transmitted or reproduced, either by audio or visual means, without the express written consent
of Management. Purchaser is responsible for enforcing this restriction. Video feeds to in-house screens
for simulcast during the show is permitted.

6.01     Set Up: Artist shall have the first right of set up and placement for all instruments, equipment and
properties used in Artist's performance. Under no circumstances shall any of Artist's equipment be
moved after it has been set up by anyone other than Artist's road crew without permission from and under
the direction of Artist's tour manager.

6.02     Sound Check: Purchaser shall provide for a sound check rehearsal for Artist. Artist's road crew
will require a minimum of 3 hours to set up Artist's equipment on stage and a minimum of 1 hour to sound

6.03    Stage Hands & Lighting Designer: Purchaser shall provide, at no cost to Artist, a minimum of 2
professional, sober and able-bodied assistants for load in, tear down and load-out. Artist requires 1
house lighting technician.

7.01   Technical: Purchaser shall supply Artist Management with the technical specifications including
the Technical Director's contact information.

7.02    Stage Plot: Artist's Stage Plot is attached.

8.01    One Performance: The Artist has 100% control over the content of the performance.

8.02      Production: Purchaser agrees that Artist shall have full use and direction of all production
facilities on the premises during sound check and Artist's performance, including, without limitation, all
equipment and all related technical personnel, the full sound system and the stage lighting system.

8.03    Other Acts - Approval: Any and all support acts must first be approved by Management and
must play sets no longer than 45 minutes. Support acts must use all of their own equipment, sound
technician and must not interfere with Artist's performance whatsoever. When other acts are on the
program, Artist shall close the show unless otherwise stated on the Contract.

9.01    Room Set Up: Purchaser shall provide at least 1 clean, well lit, private dressing room suitable
for 15 people, with an appropriate number of chairs and/or sofas, tables, clothes hanging facilities,
garbage receptacles, towels, mirrors with clean, private bathroom facilities for the exclusive use of Artist.
Dressing rooms must have ample and proper AC power outlets for tuning instruments.

9.02     Keys: Purchaser shall provide Artist's Tour Manager with keys to the dressing room. The keys
shall be returned immediately after Artist leaves the place of engagement.

9.03   Security: Purchaser shall provide security personnel for the dressing room at all times and
Purchaser shall be liable for any loss, damage or theft to Artist's personal property, instruments and
equipment. NO ONE other than Artist or Artist's crew shall be permitted in Dressing Room without the
express approval of the Artist or Artist's Tour Manager.

                                                       6                    Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                               October 2017
        Rider: Purchaser shall comply with the requirements set out on the attached Hospitality Rider
forming a part hereof.

         Purchaser shall guarantee proper and adequate security at all times to insure the safety of Artists,
their instruments, equipment and personal property. Particular security must be provided at the dressing
room door, backstage and on the stage. Purchaser shall be responsible for all injuries, damage, loss or
theft due to inadequate security. Artist and Management absolve themselves from any and all liabilities in
case of accident, injuries, thefts, damages or any other causes, resulting from inadequate security

12.01 By Artist: Artist reserves the right to cancel this engagement no less than 21 days prior to the
date of this engagement by notice, in writing (email or mail) or by fax to Purchaser at the contact
information given on the Contract. In the event of such a cancellation, as long as the cancellation is not
due to a breach of Contract by Purchaser, any monies paid by Purchaser shall be returned and neither
Purchaser, nor Management, nor Artist shall be under further obligation or liability to the other.

12.02 By Purchaser: If for any reason Purchaser cancels this engagement: (a) within 14 days before
the date of this engagement, Purchaser shall pay Artist the total amount of the Contract price; or (b) prior
to 14 days before the date of this engagement Artist is entitled to retain the Deposit.

12.03 Force Majeure: Artist's obligation to perform is subject to the prevention to do so by accident,
means of transportation, Acts of God, riots, strikes, labour disputes, epidemics, any act or order of any
public authority or any cause beyond the direct control of Artist. If Artist is on site and prepared to
perform but is unable to do so due to no fault of its own, Artist shall be paid its full Contract price.

12.04 Illness, Incapacity: If any member of Artist shall become ill or incapacitated, Artist shall have
the option to either: (1) replace such member and perform or perform without such member; or (2) cancel
this engagement. In the event of cancellation, Purchaser shall be so notified and any monies paid by
Purchaser shall be returned forthwith and neither Purchaser, nor Management, nor Artist shall be under
further obligation or liability to the other.

13.01 Stage: If the performance is to be held outdoors, Purchaser must provide a properly constructed
roof that is waterproof over the stage, wings and front of house riser in the event of inclement weather.
There should be a minimum of 18' of clearance between the deck and the roof.

                      *Minimum Stage Size must be 32' Deep x 40' Wide x 4'6” High.
                         See attached technical rider for full stage specifications.

13.02 Grounding: Provisions are to be made for the proper grounding of the instruments and
equipment so as not to constitute a danger or hazard to Artist. If the Artist or Artist's Tour Manager
deems that the stage could jeopardize the safety or property of the Artist, the Artist reserves the right to
cancel the performance without liability to Purchaser and Purchaser shall remain liable for the full
Contract price to Artist.

11.03 Weather Cancellation: If Purchaser, due to of inclement weather, decides not to present the
engagement or any part thereof, Artist shall nevertheless be paid the full Contract price. Purchaser's
obligation hereunder to pay Artist shall not be affected because of inclement weather. If a rain date has
not been negotiated or is not possible, Purchaser confirms payment in full to Artist if the scheduled
performance is prevented or curtailed due to inclement weather. This engagement shall be postponed to
a rain date only if a rain date appears on the face of this Contract and in such event Purchaser agrees to
pay Artist's expenses incurred due to any such postponement.

                                                      7                     Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                               October 2017
14.01 Exclusive Right: Artist reserves the exclusive right to sell any and all merchandise (such as t-
shirts, posters, buttons, hats, etc.) inside or around the place of engagement on the date of this
engagement. No merchandise other than other artists performing on the same bill, food or drink shall be
offered for sale inside the place of engagement without prior written consent from Management. No fee or
percentage of the sale of Artist merchandise shall be paid to Purchaser or any other party.

14.02 Vending, Locations & Tables: Artist will either provide a salesperson or Purchaser may be
asked to do so. Purchaser shall make available, at no cost to Artist or Management, vending locations
and tables, which shall be in such a position as to be easily visible to the public using the main entrance.

14.03 Non-authorized Merchandise: Artist shall have the sole and exclusive right to sell and
distribute merchandise of any kind containing the name, voice, likeness and logo of Artist. Purchaser
agrees to co-operate with Artist and Management to stop the sale of any counterfeit or non-authorized

        The Jim Cuddy Band will sell concert tickets directly to its audience through JIMCUDDY.COM.
The Jim Cuddy Band works cooperatively with the promoter to sell the show. The following clauses define
the purchaser’s role in facilitating online sales through JIMCUDDY.COM as part of the live performance

15.01 General Description Of The Ticketing Program: JIMCUDDY.COM will sell an unrestricted
inventory of all seats during the pre-sale period. The pre-sale period will commence no sooner than 24
hours after the announcement of the concert and last for no less than one week prior to a public sale. The
face value of the concert tickets sold will be held in trust by The Jim Cuddy Band and factored into the
settlement of the show.

15.02 Seating Inventory Sold Through A current seating chart for the venue will be
emailed or faxed to Starfish Entertainment within 48 hours of the purchaser signing this agreement. Ticket
pricing and all applicable per ticket venue fees must be agreed upon prior to the pre-sale date.
Subsequent changes and additions to ticket prices and facility fees will not be recognized in the
settlement with purchaser for sales through JIMCUDDY.COM.
         THE JIM CUDDY BAND Tickets E-Mail: tickets@JIMCUDDY.COM (preferred)
                                        Or Fax: 416-516-5839

15.03 Ticket Pre-Sales Through The Purchaser agrees to reserve all assigned
seating to be made available for public sale through the Artist's Official Web Site, JIMCUDDY.COM.
JIMCUDDY.COM will start selling and/or auctioning the tickets prior to the public on-sale date. Tickets
sold through JIMCUDDY.COM are separate and in addition to the Artists’ guest list, press and media and
any other complimentary ticket lists included in this rider.

15.04 Public On-Sale: If JIMCUDDY.COM does not sell out the entire venue during the pre-sales
period, The Jim Cuddy Band will negotiate in good faith with the purchaser for additional seating inventory
to be made available through JIMCUDDY.COM during the public on-sale period based on the success of
the pre-sale campaign. In such cases JIMCUDDY.COM is to be included in all radio and print advertising
and promotion as a ticketing agent with equal billing to any other ticketing agents.
JIMCUDDY.COM sales will be communicated to purchaser on a regular basis.

15.05 Physical Ticket Delivery: Upon the Artist’s request, Purchaser will courier the physical tickets
for the "Best Seats In The House" sold through JIMCUDDY.COM. JIMCUDDY.COM Tickets c/o The
Official Community Corporation 25 Morrow Avenue, Suite G1 Toronto, ON M6R 2H9.

15.06 Settlement: Purchaser will receive a statement of funds held for all tickets sold through
JIMCUDDY.COM that will include the agreed-upon face value price plus facility fee charge (if any) of the
tickets sold through JIMCUDDY.COM two days prior to the date of the show.
                                                 8                    Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                              October 2017
15.07 Venue Box Office: Purchaser will ensure the venue box office (if any) is aware they are
responsible for receiving and distributing the tickets sold through JIMCUDDY.COM on the basis of Will
Call Pick Up.

15.08 Customer Service: All customer enquiries pertaining to tickets sold through JIMCUDDY.COM
made to the venue box office or the Purchaser should be redirected to:
                                   E-mail: or
                                         Phone: 416-469-1866

***We have a vested interest in the show running smoothly. The purchaser can be assured that we will
work with them to report sales figures and to set aside seats for promotion as needed. The details
associated with sale and distribution of tickets through JIMCUDDY.COM will be handled cooperatively
with the promoter.

16.01 Insurance: Purchaser agrees to provide comprehensive general liability insurance (including,
without limitation, coverage to protect against any and all injury to persons or property as a consequence
of the installation and/or operation of the equipment and instruments provided by Artist and/or its
employees, contractors and agents). Such liability insurance shall have a limit of no less than Two Million
Dollars ($2,000,000) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. Purchaser further
agrees to provide full all-risks insurance coverage for all equipment and instruments provided by Artist
insuring against property damage, theft, fire, or any other act causing harm or damage to or loss of the
instruments and equipment provided. Purchaser agrees to indemnify and save harmless Artist and
Management from such claims and demands whether covered by insurance or not. Purchaser assumes
full and complete liability for the aforesaid.

16.02 Indemnification: Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Artist and their employees,
contractors and agents from and against any claims, costs, expenses, damages, liabilities, losses or
judgments arising from or in connection with any claim, demand or action made by any third party as a
direct or indirect consequence of the engagement. The same holds true to any and all loss, damage
and/or destruction occurring to Purchaser's employees', contractors', or agents' instruments and
equipment at the place of engagement, including but not limited to, damage, loss or detraction caused by
an Act of God.

17.0     GENERAL
17.01 Rider: No modification of the Contract or of this Rider shall be valid unless expressly approved
and initialed by Management.

17.02 Permits, Licenses, Certificates, Authorizations, Approvals: It is Purchaser's sole cost to
obtain all permits, licenses, certificates, authorizations, or other approvals required to be obtained by any
union, guild, public authority, performing rights society or other entity properly having jurisdiction over or
with respect to this engagement and shall comply with all terms and conditions thereof.

17.03 Breach: If Purchaser breaches any provision of this Contract, Artist shall have the right, without
limiting any other legal remedies, not to perform or to cease performing if such breach occurs during
Artist's performance. Notwithstanding any such non-performance, Purchaser shall be liable to Artist for all
compensation under this Contract in the same manner as though Artist had fully performed. A breach of
any provision contained in this Contract shall be deemed a material breach. If Artist elects to perform or
continue to perform notwithstanding a breach of this Contract by Purchaser, such performance shall not
constitute a waiver of any claim or cause of action Artist may have for damages or otherwise.

                                                       9                     Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                               October 2017
Signature Page
No modification of the Contract or of this Rider shall be valid unless expressly approved and
initialed by Management. If this Rider or any portion or counterpart thereof shall be removed,
deleted, or altered in any way without prior negotiation and written consent from Management,
the entire Contract may, at the option of Artist or Management, be canceled and deemed null
and void or enforced as originally submitted to Purchaser.


Accepted and agreed to:


By Susan de Cartier








Attached Hospitality & Technical Addendums read and agreed to:

                                                 10                 Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                   October 2017
                                                    (Page 1 of 2)

Event Coordinator:  Jude Coombe
Phone:              (416) 588-3329

Please advance all hospitality times and number of touring party with the Event Coordinator.

* The Catering Room should be separate from the Dressing Room
* Two “NO SMOKING” signs: one in Dressing Room

There are specific dietary concerns for band members you must be aware of when preparing meals:
1.      1 person is diabetic.
2.      1 person has a shellfish allergy so please note when serving.
3.      1 person has egg sensitivity so please note when egg is used.

BREAKFAST: 9:00 a.m. till 11:30am – 15 to 20 people
Hot: Eggs (made to order is appreciated), bacon and sausage, toast
Cold: 1 litre each Orange, Apple & Grapefruit juice; Cereal (at least 3 varieties) - one multigrain & some sugar);
Assortment of Fresh Pastries from Local Bakery; Long-cooking steel-cut Oatmeal in a crockpot, Granola and/or
Oatmeal; Assorted Fresh Fruit; Sliced White; Wheat & Raisin Breads; English Muffins; Butter; Peanut Butter; Jams &
Honey. Please provide a toaster.
Smoothie Station: 1 clean blender with lots of fruit (mostly raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries); fresh
organic bananas; 8 x 100 ml Vanilla Greek Yogurt (i.e. Liberte); clean ice; pure apple juice.’’

1 National Post newspaper
1 Globe and Mail newspaper

LUNCH: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm – 15 to 20 people
Various Meat & Veggie Sandwiches (Hot Turkey, Hot Roast Beef, Ham) or Local Specialty; Soup or Chili; Salad;
Dessert (cookies, squares, etc.); Fresh Fruit; Soft Drinks; Juice; Bottled Water.

DINNER: After Sound Check – 15 to 20 people: (Please include some Vegetarian & Fish Choices)
       1.      Dinner Buyout is $25 per person.
       2.      No take out food of any kind is acceptable.
       3.      No plastic cutlery or paper plates. Please use china with stainless steel cutlery & table linens.
       4.      Dinner should be in serving dishes. Chafing dishes should be used for hot foods.
       5.      Please provide access to fresh drinking water that we can use to refill water bottles.

Meal Preferences Include: Grilled or barbequed chicken, glazed wild salmon, grilled steak, roast beef, pork ribs,
pork tenderloin. In good weather, use a barbecue for Chicken, Pork, Beef and Fish. Please note: use only organic
meats. Made to order staffed stir-fry or pasta bar. Baked potatoes, fresh vegetarian salads, steamed vegetables,
brown rice, beans, lentils. Note: no peppers in main courses or sides with the exception of salads and crudité.

Vegetarian Choice Suggestions: Local specialty (please advise promoter on what entrees you make best), other
standard options like veggie chili, pasta with pesto / tomato sauce, veggie lasagna or veggie burgers.
                                      Please include Vegetarian & Fish Choices!

Please include with meal:
         Bread/Rolls & Butter (include some multigrain or non-processed bread)
         Salad (at least one fresh tossed or garden salad)
         2 Types of Fresh Vegetables
         Dessert: Pie, cake, brownies, fruit salad, etc.
         Coffee, Tea, Skim Milk, Pop, Juice, Water
         All required condiments (salt, pepper, soy sauce, mustard, ketchup, hot sauce, etc.)
                                                           11                      Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
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DRESSING ROOM: Upon Load In – 12-16 people
*Note: All beverages should be on ice and ice should be topped up when necessary.
           All bottles, containers and bags should not be opened or pre-poured.
20 large size ceramic or china plates
20 full sets of stainless steel cutlery
24 Clean white Towels (If there are showers, 48 towels will be needed)
6 Black Sharpies (permanent markers)
1 Garbage Can
2 Corkscrews
1 Beer Bottle Opener
Coffee Service - Fresh brewed Starbucks coffee (Regular and Decaf) with cups, sugar, milk, cream & stir sticks
1 Salt and Pepper shaker set
2 limes
1 Small Cutting Board & 1 Paring Knife
50 Paper napkins
40 Plastic 12 oz. plastic cups - no logos
2 Six foot tables with tablecloths
6 Wine glasses
3 medium size bottles of Perrier water
6 small size bottles of Perrier water
1 fresh fruit tray with dip
1 sliced assorted vegetable tray with dip
1 Small Size Tray of Sandwiches (approx. 6) cut in halves (Tuna Salad, Egg Salad, Meats (smoked turkey, ham) &
Veggie) please use a selection of bread including enriched white, whole wheat, multigrain, rye, and pita bread.
Please make sure to have some non-meat options. The tray must be kept in a refrigerator (not on ice).
1 Electric Juicer with:
          4 lbs. fresh peeled & cut carrots
          4 lbs. fresh peeled & cut beets
          2 pieces fresh peeled ginger root
          8 celery stalks, cleaned & sliced
1 box low-fat granola bars (chewy)
1 can assorted nuts (no peanuts)
1 bag Natural Potato Chips (Kettles, etc.)
3 large chocolate bars
2 x 24 - 500 mL bottles spring water - non-carbonated (no Nestle brands please)
Wine buyout of $100 to be paid in cash to tour manager on day of show
18 Bottles of Craft Beer
12 assorted soft drinks - Cans only! (8 Diet Coke, Misc. Coke, Ginger Ale, Orange Pop, etc.)
1 Litre 100% Natural Juice

STAGE RIGHT: Deliver to Stage Right technician
4:00 p.m. for sound check
    -   24 single serving bottles of spring water (non-carbonated & at room temperature)
    -   18 black hand towels

7:00 p.m. or 1 hour before performance begins
    -   1 cooler with ice and 4 Diet Coke, 4 Aranciata, 4 Perrier

DRESSING ROOM: Aftershow Hospitality
Please have caterer prepare and leave aftershow hospitality food for 16 people consisting of:
      -   Salad
      -   Chicken
      -   Pasta
It is essential to have 20 large size ceramic plates and 20 full sets of stainless steel cutlery in the dressing room.

BUS: 11:00 p.m. (to be confirmed on a daily basis)
12 assorted soft drinks - cans only! (Coke, Diet Coke, Ginger Ale)
1 x 10 Litre water bottle with spigot
3 bags of clean ice
1 Bus Driver overnight lunch – sandwich(s), dessert and juice to be wrapped and given to Tour Manager.

                                                            12                       Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
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                               TECHNICAL RIDER

        Sound Engineer:         Rich Steeb                Event Coordinator:       Jude Coombe
        Phone:                  (705) 506-2000            Phone:                   (416) 588-3329
        Cell:                   (416) 949-3498            Fax:                     (416) 588-2842

Artists’ crew must be allowed to operate any and all equipment provided by the Purchaser or the
Purchaser’s sub contractors. No other acts will be permitted to use the Artists’ equipment (i.e.: drums,
amps or the services of the Artists’ crew) without prior consent of the Artists’ Tour or Production
Managers. The equipment and special effects of any other acts on the same stage will be operated under
the supervision or control of the Artists’ Tour Manager and he/she shall have the final decision in the
placement of any and all equipment on or off stage.

Front truss: Seven leko’s, two Mac 2000s for wash.
Rear truss: Eight Mac 2000s.

See Attached Plot

Loaders:                Two required for Artist Backline at Load In and Load Out
Technicians:            One Monitor Technician / Operator
                        One Lighting Technician / Operator

1 - Console – Avid Profile or Avid SC 48 or Avid S6L

V – DOSC Line Array System with Subs
D & B Line Array System with Subs

1 - Avid Profile S6L or Avid SC48 - Minimum 16 outputs
6 - Biamp Wedge Monitors & Listen
5 – Sennheiser In Ear Systems. W/ Engineer pack Artist supplies ear buds.

                                                     13                  Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                                           October 2017

        14       Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                October 2017
                       BACKLINE REQUIREMENTS

Drum Kit:

Yamaha Custom Maple

22" Kick with backup pedal

12" Rack Tom

16" Floor Tom

Snare w/stand

Ride Cymbal Boom Stand

2 Crash Cymbal Boom Stands

Hi Hats Stand

Drum Stool- All Hardware Double Braced

Drum Carpet

Bass Rig:

Ampeg SVT Classic Head W/ 4x10 Cabinet

Gallien Krueger RB 800 Head (spare)


2 Vox AC 30 C2 Model

Guitar Boat-6 spaces

6 single guitar stands


Yamaha CP 300 Piano

Nord Electro-4D-61 key or Korg CX3 organ version 2 software

Adjustable Bench- Adjustable Key X-stand W/arms to hold organ above
                                         15               Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                         October 2017
                                  INPUT LIST
 1 - Kick Senn 902- SB

 2 - Snare SM 57- SB

 3 - Hats Senn 914-SB

 4 - Rack Senn 604

 5 - Floor Senn 604

 6 - OH SR Senn 914-TB

 7 - OH SL Senn 914-TB

 8 - Bass SR Active DI

 9 - Guitar 1-Jim- Senn 609. Iso Cabinet off stage-USC

10 - Guitar 2-Jim- Senn 609. Iso Cabinet off stage-USC

11 - Guitar 1-Colin- Senn 609. Iso Cabinet off stage-USC

12 - Guitar 2-Colin- Senn 609. Iso Cabinet off stage-USC

13 - Acoustic Centre Active DI

14 - Acoustic SL Active DI

15 - Mandolin SR Active DI

16 - Fiddle SR Active DI

17 - Piano SR Passive DI

18 - Piano SR Passive DI

19 - Organ SR Passive DI

20 - Organ SR Passive DI

21 - Vocal SR Senn 865- TB

22 - Vocal C Senn 865- TB

23 - Vocal SL Senn 865- TB

24 - Vocal Key Senn 865- TB

25 - Ambient US Centre- TB

26 - Ambient DSR- SB

27 - Ambient DSL- SB
                                              16           Jim Cuddy Rider 2018/2019
                                                                          October 2017
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