ISSUE #58 WINTER 2020

AFFINITY      THE MAGAZINE FROM FERTILITY NETWORK UK   @fertilityNUK   fertilitynetworkuk   fertilitynetworkUK
Hello and welcome to the Winter edition of Affinity, Fertility Network’s magazine.

This issue coincides with the charity’s annual National Fertility Week, this year 2nd November –
5th November. The aims of the week are threefold: it’s about changing perceptions and raising
awareness of fertility issues; it’s also about providing vital support and finally it’s about raising much
needed funds to continue the charity’s work.

#YouAreNotAlone is our core message. Here’s what we did during Fertility Week:

Monday 2nd November #FertilityInequalities

To kick-start this important week, we spotlighted inequalities to fair access to fertility treatment for
all. We want to see fair and equitable access to NHS fertility treatment regardless of where you live,
your race or your sexuality. We highlighted the unacceptable rationing of treatment throughout
the UK, the difference in provision between each of the four nations and the postcode lottery in
England. We also raised awareness of inequalities in access based on ethnicity and sexuality, of the
differences in outcomes for some ethnic groups, and called for fairness for everyone who needs

Tuesday 3rd November #MentalHealthMatters

Infertility is not only about physical health, but can take a toll on mental health too. The impact of
COVID-19 with clinic closures and reduced capacity on reopening has increased distress for many
patients, making our #MentalHealthMatters day more important than ever. We shared testimonials
from our community as well as tips from mental health experts about how best to look after
yourself. This day was about raising awareness of fertility and mental health and offered solutions to
help fertility patients navigate this challenging journey.

Wednesday 4th November #MenMatter

Men are half the fertility equation but their voices are not always heard. Men can find it harder
to express their feelings, and during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, men reported
feeling forgotten and overlooked. During our #MenMatter day, we spotlighted men’s voices with
testimonials from our male community and experts in the field. We highlighted the need for
more tailored support and advice for men, and publicised some of Fertility Network UK’s new
initiatives aimed specifically at our male community.

Thursday 5th November #FertilityEducation #FertilityInTheWorkplace

Our Fertility Education day looked at why our society needs to be more informed and educated
about fertility. We asked why young people are still not aware of the lifestyle factors that could affect
their fertility. We also shared the results from our own Fertility Education project #FutureFertility,
which is funded by the Scottish Government, and launched our new project in Wales.

We highlighted the need for more education for all, including
healthcare professionals and employers, and raised awareness of the
importance of our #FertilityInTheWorkplace initiative.

Although Fertility Week 2020 has finished, the campaign has
not: share your stories, experiences, blogs using the hashtag
#YouAreNotAlone. Host a Fertilit-Tea and help raise funds even
virtually. We hope that 2020 will be one of our biggest years ever.

Very best wishes, Gwenda


Craig Mcallister
    marathon runner

    Myself and my wife Kat tried
    for four years to become
    pregnant, however, as Kat
    suffers from PCOS we knew
    it could be more difficult to
    conceive. Eventually, in 2017 we
    were referred for IVF treatment at
    Oxford Fertility.

    Like so many others, we entered      The next year, in April 2018,   more anxious and scared to get
    our fertility journey with raised    we once again attended          excited.
    expectations, nerves for what        the clinic and, after what
    might be, and the hope that we       seemed like the longest         In September 2018 we had an
    might become the parents we so       two-week wait, we were over     early scan and were overjoyed
    wanted to be. Sadly, on our first    the moon to find out that we    to discover we were expecting
    attempt we only managed two          were expecting. We were so      twins. We were in complete
    embryos and unfortunately this led   excited that finally Kat was    disbelief that finally, after
    to a failed cycle.                   pregnant and at long last       such a difficult and traumatic
                                         we would become parents.        journey, we could now
    We gathered our strength and         But I cannot put into words     look forward. Our beautiful
    decided to have another attempt.     the grief we felt when we       daughters Mikeala and Lille
    However, unlike our first time our   were told that our precious     arrived on April 7th 2019 and
    expectations were raised when        pregnancy was ectopic. This     our life has been transformed.
    we were told that Kat had 25         pregnancy was not to be, and    Although a difficult journey,
    follicles. Great, we thought – we    we were absolutely devasted;    full of worry with so many
    may get more quality embryos and     one minute so hopeful and       competing emotions we are
    an increased chance of success.      the next so desolate.           so thankful for the support we
    However, again our hopes were                                        received.
    dashed as Kat was suffering          After taking the time to
    from ovarian hyperstimulation        come to terms with the loss,    Fertility Network UK are an
    syndrome (OHSS).                     we agreed to have another       amazing charity, and with
                                         attempt at a frozen cycle.      their support I have been lucky
    The consultant explained that                                        enough to secure a place in
    the risks to Kat were too great      We returned to the clinic       the London Marathon in 2021.
    to go ahead with a transfer and      in Oxford and we had two        This will enable me to raise
    Kat needed to recover. Although      embryos replaced. As with       awareness of infertility and
    downhearted, we were consoled        the last attempt, that two-     funds to support the work
    in the fact we had 11 embryos all    week wait seemed to last        the charity does to help more
    suitable for freezing and we could   forever! We were so happy to    people on their fertility journey.
    have a frozen cycle when Kat         get a positive result however   I hope you will follow and
    recovered.                           this time we were much          support me on this too.
                       01 Welcome                                         16-17 Peanut’s TTC Community

             02 Craig McAllister marathon                                      18-19 Gut Microbiome

                                                                             20 Highlights from Wales
          04 A Simple intervention to know

                                                                       21 Highlights from Northern Ireland

            05 Fertility Funding: We need a
           radical new approauch from our
                       government                                          22 Highlights from Scotland

               06-07 Our journey: fertility                                23 Highlights from England
            treatment, adoption and family

                                                                               24-25 It takes a village
          08-10 Putting men centre stage in
                 thier fertility journey

                                                                         26-27 Working with our patients

                    11 Graham’s story

                                                                        28-29 Fertility treatment add-ons:
                                                                       an update to the HFEA’s traffic light
            12-13 The future of fertility travel                                       system

                   14-15 Fertility Yoga                                30 Fertility Network UK support line

                                                                               31 The Patient Pledge

Fertility Network UK is a trading       Address:                 Information:                   Magazine designed by:
name of The Infertility Network (UK)    Fertility Network UK    Marshall Creative
Company Registration                    The Forum at Greenwich   Tel: 01424 732361    
No. 4822073                             Trafalgar Road                                
Charity Registration                    Greenwich                Media Enquiries:
No. 1099960                             London         
Charity Registration in Scotland        SE10 9EQ                 Tel: 07469 660845
No. SC039511                                                                                                          3
    BY N E I L J O H N S O N , F R O M O U R PA RT N E R S G U E R B E T

    Women experiencing              is sent through the canal of         impact even when the disease
    infertility problems may        the cervix. The solution is then     itself is not extensive. Indeed,
    feel under pressure to start    gently instilled into the uterus,    we found that those with a
    IVF (in vitro fertilisation)    through the fallopian tubes          history of endometriosis in our
    treatment immediately.          and bathes the pelvic cavity.        trial group experienced around
                                                                         a four-fold improvement
    But there is a quick,           “Very occasionally, there may        in fertility. We thought it
    minimally invasive              be some discomfort, but it is        was amazing and have
    intervention they could         not usually painful, and the vast    been offering it as a routine
    explore first, potentially      majority of patients tolerate it     treatment for infertility since
    increasing their chance         extremely well. Appointments         2004.”
    of becoming pregnant            take around half an hour, but
    without the need for IVF.       the main part of the procedure       Patients who are unsuitable
    The procedure involves          usually takes just 10 minutes.”      for treatment
    using iodised poppy seed
    oil and appears to have a       Particular success for women         Nevertheless, there are women
    positive immuno-biological      with endometriosis                   who are unsuitable for the
    impact on fertility, possibly                                        intervention. “For example, if
    by flushing fertility-          An HSG was once a purely             a patient’s fallopian tubes are
    hindering debris from the       diagnostic intervention, where       blocked or damaged, then the
    fallopian tubes.                dye is injected into the cervical    treatment is not going to work,
                                    canal in order to investigate        and they should proceed to
    However, many patients          the shape of the womb and            IVF,” says Professor Johnson.
    are unaware this treatment      fallopian tubes.
    exists — and that’s wrong,                                           “Other patients who won’t find
    says Professor Neil Johnson,    However, between 1999 and            it beneficial include women
    a fertility specialist based    2004, Professor Johnson              who don’t release an egg
    in Auckland, New Zealand,       and his team recognised its          — they will need ovulation
    and President of the World      remarkable therapeutic effects       induction instead — and those
    Endometriosis Society.          when iodised poppy seed              whose partners have a low
                                    oil doubled fertility within a       sperm count. However, it is
    “IVF is involved, expensive     trial group with unexplained         absolutely appropriate for the
    and carries the possibility     infertility.                         majority of women who have
    of complications,” he notes.                                         relatively mild endometriosis-
    “This intervention, however,    The procedure was particularly       related infertility that hasn’t
    is low-invasive, cost-          beneficial for women with a          damaged their fallopian tubes.
    effective, carries a very low   history of endometriosis, an         In fact, it’s probably their best
    chance of complications         inflammatory disease where           first-line treatment because it’s
    and is very effective.”         tissue that normally lines the       so effective.”
                                    inside of the uterus is also
    What to expect during the       found outside of the uterus.         There’s now growing interest
    procedure?                                                           in the procedure around the
                                    “Endometriosis is a benign           world. “That’s very exciting,”
    The iodised poppy seed oil      condition that can cause             says Professor Johnson. “I
    can be administered in a        abdominal pain, pelvic pain          think every woman visiting a
    hysterosalpingogram ram         and infertility,” he says. “In New   fertility service should have
    (HSG). “The patient lies on     Zealand, we’ve discovered that       the opportunity to explore this
    an X-ray bed,” Professor        this procedure has increased         treatment as a first option,
    Johnson explains. “A            the fertility of women with          instead of moving straight to
    speculum is then inserted       endometriosis, which can have        IVF.”
    into the vagina and tubing      a substantial negative fertility

Fertility funding: We need a radical new
 approach from our government

Prof Dr Geeta Nargund, Medical          IVF Tariff to increase the number    The savings could be diverted to
Director, CREATE Fertility              of cycles that can be funded         funding more IVF cycles.
                                        within the existing budget.
At present, there exists a deep         Currently, the price paid per        However, with pressures on NHS
inequality in access to fertility       IVF cycle differs dramatically       budgets only increasing in the wake
treatment in the UK. A woman’s          between regions, ranging from        of COVID-19, it is unfair to place
age, egg reserve, whether she is        £2500 to over £6000 for the same     responsibility for IVF funding solely
single or in a same-sex relationship    treatment. This cost per cycle has   at the NHS’ door. I believe that the
and whether herself or her partner      a direct impact on the number        Treasury, and the departments
have had a child from a previous        of couples who can access IVF.       of Work and Pensions, Health
relationship, all determine whether     By introducing an upper limit        and Social Care, and Women and
she is granted IVF treatment. Just      for the price any CCG pays for       Equality should also meet the cost
this month, it was revealed that        IVF treatment, the NHS could         of funding IVF treatment for those
women in 24 NHS regions are             save money whilst giving more        who need it. This is because crucially,
required to prove that they are in a    couples around the country           by improving access to fertility
“stable” relationship before funding    access to treatment within the       treatment, we are also supporting
is considered.                          existing budget. The NHS already     the future social and economic
                                        employs this standardised            prosperity of the UK. Research
Further, with an increasing             national approach for other          shows that, through tax and pension
number of Clinical Commissioning        medical treatments, so why not       contributions, the economic value
Groups (CCGs) deciding to               IVF?                                 of a child born in the UK is over
cut fertility treatment funding                                              £700,000 over their lifetime, and
altogether, thousands of women          Currently, our NHS bears the         current birth rates will fail to meet
and couples are being denied            burden of treating women             the country’s future economic
the chance to become parents,           hospitalised following Ovarian       requirements.
simply by virtue of where they          Hyperstimulation Syndrome
live. Therefore, although NICE          (OHSS) and caring for premature      It is therefore in our government’s
guidelines recommend that               and low birth weight babies          interest to tackle the current
women under 40 should be                born as a result of multiple         inequality and invest in IVF funding,
offered at least three cycles of IVF,   births from IVF treatment. We        not only to give more women and
currently only 12% of regions meet      could potentially save millions of   couples the precious chance to start
this recommendation.                    pounds to the NHS if we reduce       a family, but also to support the long-
                                        these complications by adopting      term economic prosperity of the UK.
One way we could look to tackle         modern treatment protocols and       We need a collective action from our
this is by introducing a National       single embryo transfer policies.     government.
Our Journey: Fertility
    Treatment, Adoption
         and Family
          By Anya Sizer

For many of us, as we grow up there           felt like just scraping by.              often not the most helpful route. A new
is an expectation of a “natural order”                                                 therapeutic model of parenting will be
of events. We find a job, meet a part-        Our son was diagnosed early on           almost certainly needed.
ner, settle into a career and then start      with Foetal alcohol syndrome, a
a family. It is such a presumed course        lifelong debilitating condition which    As such, we really do need to be realistic
of events, that it makes infertility diffi-   means he will always require extra       and sensible about who investigates
cult to navigate.                             support and care. It was a gradual       adoptive parenting, and we certainly
                                              process of coming to terms with this,    need to challenge the concept of “just”
So how do we proceed when famil-              and has involved battles on many         adopting. There is no just in adoption.
iar terrain disappears?                       fronts, which it still does and always
                                              will.                                    There is some fantastic training about
As a couple, we experienced first-                                                     this and some useful books, but the
hand the grief of infertility and the         Parenting a child with additional        reality is that you can only prepare so far
demands of IVF. We were hugely                needs has challenged us far beyond       without meeting your child. Looking into
lucky after six years, five rounds of IVF,    what we thought was possible. At         the realities of adoption, working out
two miscarriages and huge amounts             times it has stretched us to breaking    how you will best support yourself going
of investment (on every level) to             point. Adoptive parenting is certainly   forward and putting structure in place is
have our two children - and yet we            equal in terms of value but not in       essential.
had also always wanted to explore             terms of demand.
adoption.                                                                              The second key learning point is the
                                              However, after some time we              fundamental need for support when
For us, the actual process of being           discovered a new normal. A new           adopting a child. Another phrase I used
matched with a child was relatively           way of being a family. We found the      to happily throw out before we met our
easy. It took far longer than it should       support that we all needed in terms      son was that it “takes a village to raise a
have done, three years in total from          of educational care, medication and      child”.
start to finish, when these days it           a new tribe of people who would
takes under a year.                           carry us through. We have learned        Since becoming an adoptive parent, I
                                              to persevere, to lower expectations      know now this is not just true but vital in
However, the process felt positive and        and to love unconditionally in a way     making such a family work and holding
hopeful, the absolute antithesis of fer-      we had previously never had to.          onto hope during the almost inevitable
tility treatment. There were certainly                                                 turbulence. As with infertility, we have
huge numbers of forms, home visits            Adoption has completed our family        sadly found that some people will just
and hurdles to go through, but there          and we have a lively, funny affection-   not understand or be able to empathise
was an end goal in sight. For a cou-          ate bundle of craziness to call our      with your experience.
ple who had spent so long navigat-            son, a brother who we love equally
ing uncertainty, this was a huge relief.      to our birth children. We would not      However, there will be others who do,
                                              change it for the world, even though     who stand in the gap for you when life
However, I would now challenge                the process has been more costly         just seems too difficult to navigate. We
our initial assumptions that it was           than we could ever have imagined         will always be grateful that we found our
basically all the same and just an-           when we started.                         tribe and for the amazing support we
other route to parenthood. Adoptive                                                    have found along the way.
parenting is so much more demand-             What, then, have we learned in all
ing than that, and as Krish Kandiah           this?                                    Ultimately, adoption can be a wonderful
CEO of the Home for Good adoption                                                      option for becoming parents but per-
charity so rightly puts it:                   The first thing I would argue is that    haps even more importantly can be an
                                              adoption is an incredible option, but    incredible option for the child. It is not for
“Ultimately adoption is not about             not one for everyone, and certainly      everyone, nor is it a second-best prize.
family completion, but the flourishing        not one that should be continually
of vulnerable children.”                      the domain of the infertility com-       Finally, then to return to my original
                                              munity. To do so demeans both the        question: how do we proceed when
Our son came to us aged 15 months,            child and prospective parent.            familiar terrain disappears?
a tiny bundle of energy, wonderful
but scared and angry about the                The average age of a child up for        With fertility treatment and adoption,
change in his environment. We faced           adoption in the UK is just under four    the answer is that we build a new terrain.
months of barely any sleep and days           years old. They will almost certainly    Slowly, and at times with uncertainty, but
when we were all exhausted and                have a history of neglect and abuse,     we build and we make something new.
overwhelmed. It was a lonely time             and may have special needs. The          We make our own definition of family.
when we felt we really should be              realities of parenting such a child
coping well but in reality, each day          mean that “normal” parenting is

improves sperm quality, and this can be           stress levels. You can ask your fertility
                                                              performed through a minor out-                 team for these tests.
                                                                 patient procedure.
                                                                                                             Sperm DNA quality
                                                    Next, we should do a more
                                                      detailed examination                                   Your sperm DNA is your baby’s blueprint.
      PUTTING MEN CENTRE STAGE                         of the man’s semen.                                   DNA is what makes you who you are.
                                                       Infections in semen are                               Your sperm DNA carries a copy of the
      IN THEIR FERTILITY JOURNEY                        also a very common cause                             genes that you pass on to your baby.
                                                         of infertility. They can                            Not only do your genes pass on your
                                                         be easily detected by a                             characteristics, like eye colour or height,
       Sheena E. M. Lewis BSc PhD CBiol FRSB            ‘semen culture’ and easily                           but they also build your children’s brains,
            Honorary Professor, Queen’s               cured with antibiotics.                                determine their behaviour and their
           University Belfast CEO Examen             Third, we need to find out                              future health. Sperm DNA damage is
                        about the man’s medical                                   another leading cause of male infertility,
                                                 conditions and medications.                                 but it is not tested routinely in most
                                                He may be diabetic or taking                                 clinics. Even though you can have a
                                             antidepressants, and these can affect                           normal semen analysis, your sperm
                                          his sperm.                                                         DNA damage could be high. That
                                                                                                             makes it less likely that you will get your
                                                        He may be taking seemingly innocuous                 partner pregnant naturally, or even
    This article is written by Professor Sheena Lewis   products for hair loss or protein shakes in          with treatment. Men with high levels of
    who is the CEO of Examen, a company offering        the gym but some of these can lower his              damaged sperm DNA also have double
    the tests mentioned in the piece, and represents    sperm count. By not investigating the man            the risk of miscarriage. Sperm DNA can be
    her views. Patients should always seek advice       fully, we are in danger of making men feeling        damaged when sperm are being made,
    about any tests from their specialist.              ignored and emasculated by their fertility           snapping some of the DNA strands. We
                                                        journey and also of reducing the couple’s            can’t do much about that, but more
    Couples often find their fertility journey          chances of having their own family.                  often DNA damage is caused by lifestyle
    is female focused. The woman is given                                                                    hazards like smoking, poor diets or being
    numerous examinations, investigations and           Let’s return to the semen analysis and what          overweight and we can change that.
    offered new tests. The man is not. He is            it tells us. A conventional semen analysis
    seldom examined; he is rarely asked about his       measures the number of sperm a man is                You can ask your fertility team about
    current health or past illnesses and the only       producing (sperm count or concentration),            testing your sperm DNA. Some fertility
    test his sperm will have is a semen analysis that   how well his sperm can swim (motility)               clinics will send your sample directly to
    hasn’t changed much for the past 60 years.          and what shape they are on the outside               a sperm DNA testing lab for you. Other
                                                        (morphology). A semen analysis has two               clinics can arrange for you to attend a lab
    This is surprising because in 2018, the HFEA        weaknesses: in many men, it can’t diagnose           like TDL in London, produce your semen
    reported that male problems were actually           their problem nor can it predict their               sample there and TDL will send your
    the most common reason for couples having           chances of success with fertility treatment.         sample for DNA testing. Your results will
    fertility treatment. You might think that would     That said, it’s the still the first test every man   be back in 10 days.
    have brought more focus to the man and his          should have. It just shouldn’t be the only
    needs. Sadly, this is not the case.                 one. It needs to be followed up with other           Knowing the quality of your sperm
                                                        investigations to provide a better diagnosis,        DNA will help fertility experts predict
    Checking out the man                                to guide men to the best treatment for               the fertility treatment with the highest
                                                        them.                                                likelihood of success for you. This means
    The first thing we need to do is check out the                                                           you could improve your chances of
    man. Just as we treat women, the man needs          Sperm Stress                                         getting pregnant with fewer treatment
    an examination.                                                                                          cycles and every couple wants that;
                                                        You may not know this, but sperm can get             especially with the longer waits for
    Have you heard of ‘varicoceles’? They are           stressed! It’s a special kind of stress called       treatment caused by COVID-19.
    varicose veins on the scrotum, and they             ‘oxidative stress’ and it is caused by reactive
    are really common in men with fertility             oxygen species or ROS for short.                     Improving your sperm health
    issues. Up to 40% of men who aren’t able to
    have children have varicoceles. This figure         This can be produced by environmental                There is one big difference between men
    increases to a staggering 80% of men who            pollution, or poor lifestyle choices. ROS can        and women – apart from the obvious!
    already have children but are unable to have        also be produced by diseases that cause
    more. Despite this, clinical examinations are       inflammation like diabetes or arthritis.             Men produce new sperm every three
    seldom performed on men attending for               Weight and age also play a factor. The good          months whereas women have all their
    fertility investigations. Yet there is strong       news is that there are a number of ROS tests         eggs in place before they are even born.
    scientific evidence that varicocele repair          that can be used to check your sperm’s

That means that men can improve their next           conversation for clinics and couples alike.          egg has a better chance of repairing the
batch of sperm if they find their sperm aren’t       When men have a normal semen analysis, this          sperm DNA breaks in ICSI than in IVF.
well. This puts men back in control.                 also means that they won’t be investigated any       For those couples who have had several
                                                     further. If there is no diagnosis; there can be no   failed ICSI cycles, donor sperm used
 With the right advice, men can protect and          personalised solution.                               to be the only route left for them. New
improve their sperm health. The good news                                                                 solutions are now being explored.
is that lifestyle changes can bring about rapid      This can lead to expensive, invasive, prolonged
improvements. Here are some easy ways to             and often unsuccessful cycles of treatment.          Scientists have found that when
improve your sperm health:                           Further tests for couples with ‘unexplained          men have high DNA damage in their
                                                     infertility’ can be really useful. For example,      ejaculated sperm, it is possible to take
1. Stop smoking: Preparing for parenthood            research has shown that 75% of men with              sperm from the testis and use them
can be a great opportunity to quit smoking           ‘unexplained’ infertility have high DNA damage       in ICSI instead. The success rates with
and improve the health of you and your               in their sperm. If men find out they have high       this treatment are very good and it is
family. Giving up cigarettes can increase your       DNA damage, they can take steps to improve it        becoming more popular. It is done as
likelihood of becoming a parent, so why not          in the next batch of sperm they make.                an out-patient procedure, with plenty of
make the change now?                                                                                      anaesthesia so you won’t feel a thing!
                                                     The importance of understanding men’s role in
2. Reduce your stress levels: Not only can stress    miscarriage                                          The importance of having healthy sperm
put you off sex, it also produces free radicals,
which can damage sperm DNA. Taking some of           We don’t usually think of miscarriage as a           Poor semen quality is not just linked
the stress out of your life can go a long way to     form of infertility, because the couple did get      to a man’s fertility. It is also linked to
improving your sperm quality.                        pregnant. Yet in broader terms, we might think       cardiovascular risk, later onset cancers,
                                                     of all couples that can’t have a baby as having      and shortened life expectancy. So, it’s
3. Get healthy: Being at a healthy weight gives      fertility problems.                                  worth keeping an eye on sperm health as
you the best chance of producing sperm of                                                                 a check of overall health.
good quality and quantity. Regular exercise          When we think of pregnancy loss, we usually
and healthy eating are essential to lose weight      think of the mum. We often forget how                For your children’s health
and maintain a balanced lifestyle.                   important the dad is in creating a healthy baby
                                                     as well. As discussed earlier, men with high         Sperm quality can also impact your
4. Cool off: Your testes are where they are for      levels of sperm DNA damage take longer to get        children’s health. So, if you find it hard
a reason – sperm production works best at a          their partner pregnant and have double the risk      making lifestyle changes for yourself, do
lower temperature than inside your body. Try         of miscarriage.                                      it for your kids.
to avoid activities that increase your testicular
heat, such as wearing lycra shorts or tight          In a new study just published by Professor           We hope that all of this new information
underwear, spending all day sitting at a desk or     Sheena Lewis, Dr Hassan Shehata and Dr               will help more men become dads.
even doing lots of cycling.                          Stephen Gordon, sperm DNA damage in
                                                     men whose partners have miscarried was               Living the ‘new’ normal
5. Avoid drugs: Cannabis damages sperm in            compared with that of men who had babies
many ways including slowing them down and            recently. The Examen test was used to assess         As of September 2020, COVID-19
changing the way they act, making it harder          the average level of sperm DNA damage, the           restrictions have eased enough to let
for them to find the egg and to penetrate it         proportion of sperm with low DNA damage              clinics open again. However, post-COVID
when they do. Regular cannabis use over a few        and the proportion with high DNA damage, to          we don’t have time for several ART
years can permanently reduce a man’s ability         determine whether these are reliable indicators      cycles. We need a better diagnosis and a
to make sperm. Even if you don’t take drugs,         in the diagnosis of miscarriage.                     better understanding of how to optimise
some protein shakes and health supplements                                                                our sperm for the next treatment cycle
contain steroids which can also damage                Male partners of women who had miscarried           to give ourselves the best chance that
sperm.                                               were all found to have much higher sperm             that cycle alone will work.
                                                     DNA damage than fertile men, and the Examen
6. Don’t use supplements unless you have             tests were highly predictive of both sporadic        If you’re feeling overwhelmed by delays
been tested and found to have high levels of         and recurrent miscarriage. This shows that           and isolated as you try to get through
ROS. We are inclined to think ‘over the counter’     sperm DNA tests are a powerful tool for              your fertility crisis during the pandemic,
vitamins and antioxidants can’t do us any            understanding and predicting pregnancy               then know that you’re not alone. Many
harm. That’s not true. Too many vitamins can         loss, and lead to new fertility pathways for         couples are experiencing the same
cause serious damage to our sperm. Save your         couples struggling with miscarriage. Men who         feelings as you. We know you are worried
money instead.                                       have experienced miscarriage should visit            about when you can get treatment and
                                                     a urologist, a specialist doctor trained and         if COVID-19 will affect your pregnancy.
Have you been told that fertility experts can’t      focused on male reproductive problems.               Fertility Network UK is here to support
find anything wrong with you?                                                                             you.
                                                     The latest treatments for male fertility
You are not alone. Believe it or not, more than a                                               
quarter of couples having fertility investigations   For men who have low sperm counts or high            fertility-treatment/male-issues/
are told that neither of them have any               sperm DNA damage, ICSI is the best treatment
detectable problems. This is a disappointing         because only one sperm is needed, and the
As if this were not complicated enough, whilst the lap-
                                                                           aroscopy was taking place, Graham had to produce
                                                                           a semen sample whilst a nurse waited outside an
                                                                           upstairs bathroom!

                                                                           Once the egg was collected, it was suspended in a
                                                                           special fluid culture medium and the prepared sperm
                                                                           sample was simply added to it in a petri dish. It was
                                                                           then incubated for several hours and viewed frequently
                                                                           under a stereo microscope to see if it had fertilised.
                                                                           Incubation continued for two or three days until it
                                                                           reached blastocyst stage, and then it was reintroduced
                                                                           to the uterus via a catheter. It was a very exacting task
                                                                           as it had to be introduced into the right area of the uter-
                                                                           us at the right time and although ultrasound existed, it
                                                                           was very basic.

                                                                           The treatment available in Lesley and Graham’s time
                                                                           was in stark contrast to the standard procedure now,
                                                                           where an artificial menopause is induced, followed
                                                                           by super-ovulation via hormone injections and the

 By Michèle Wright
                   Story                                                   eggs collected via transvaginal ultrasound. The men's
                                                                           rooms also tend to be slightly more luxurious and ‘well
 A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to meet Graham
                                                                           Unfortunately, Graham and Lesley lost their
 Hunter. He was one of the first patients through the                      much-wanted baby at six weeks. This had a further
 doors at Bourn Hall, the Cambridgeshire fertility                         impact on Lesley's mental health and ultimately the
 clinic opened in 1980 by Robert Edwards (later Sir) and                   marriage ended. In an ironic twist of fate, Graham went
                                                                           on to sell IVF equipment all over the world. He started
 Patrick Steptoe, both now sadly deceased.                                 his own company, Hunter Scientific, which specialised
 This is Graham’s fascinating story; the treatment options for infer-      in microtools for IVF and had a multi-million-pound
 tility were very different in the 1970s, but the emotional impact was     turnover by the time he retired in 2012.
 just as devasting as it is now and the moral dilemmas associated
 with treatment remain.                                                    By 2010 it had become possible to assess the quality of
                                                                           an embryo through timelapse photography, enabling
 Graham and his wife Lesley married in 1972, when they were                a thorough analysis of the cell division that has taken
 both 21. Later that year Lesley was very ill, resulting in her losing a   place. The fertilised egg is monitored for three days
 fallopian tube and being told she would never have children. In           to check that division has taken place correctly and
 1975, they heard that Robert Winston had pioneered a technique            without granulation. During this period, it is now also
 to unblock tubes and as they were desperate to have a family,             possible to diagnose genetic conditions via pre-implan-
 Lesley underwent surgery. Sadly, this was not successful and had          tation genetic diagnosis (PGD), to look for suspected
 a massive impact on her mental health.                                    diseases such as cystic fibrosis. To do this, a cell is
                                                                           surgically removed from the embryo at the 4 or 8 cell
 In 1978 the first test tube baby, Louise Brown, was born in Oldham.       stage and a chromosome map is produced to look for
 Graham and Lesley wondered if they might now have a chance of             that specific disease. PGD only became possible after
 a family and so, in 1980, they wrote to Bourn Hall asking for help.       Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) was perfected,
 They were accepted for treatment and began the first phase - tak-         and initially only a few diseases could be screened for
 ing Lesley’s temperature every morning for three months, to detect        as the genome had to be found which coded for them.
 a temperature increase that would indicate ovulation.
                                                                           Techniques and knowledge have advanced a great
 The only treatment available at the time, the one that Edwards            deal over the last 45 years, but complex moral di-
 and Steptoe had been researching, involved fertilising a single           lemmas remain surrounding those embryos that are
 egg outside of the body. Lesley and Graham stayed at Bourn Hall           not ‘good enough’ or surplus to requirements. Some
 for the three days before Lesley ovulated. And on the morning of          unwanted embryos are donated for implantation and
 her temperature increase, Lesley was rushed into theatre for a            some for stem cell research. Further complications can
 single egg recovery by laparoscopy. Timing was critical as the egg        arise as there are limits as to how long frozen eggs,
 had to be retrieved as soon as it was released from the ovary but         embryos and sperm can be stored. However, the most
 before the fimbrial end of the fallopian tube could catch hold of it      emotive (and legally challenging) problems arise when
 and propel it towards the uterus.                                         a couple separate, and one party, for example, wishes
                                                                           to use their frozen material with a new partner.

“My name is Afryea and I had always desired to be a mum.
                                                                              From a young age l had already naively predicted how
                                                                              many children I would have. My husband and I decided
                                                                              we wanted to start a family as soon as possible following
                                                                              our wedding, however we struggled to conceive due to my
                                                                              irregular and then absent cycles. After being continually
                                                                              turned away by the NHS with no real direction, we sought a
                                                                              second opinion and discovered I had significantly elevated
                                                                              Prolactin levels, which were causing my body to think my
                                                                              body was already pregnant. Following multiple scans, inva-
                                                                              sive tests, holistic womb support - we found a medication
                                                                              that worked and reinstated my cycles. We were blessed with
                                                                              the birth of our beloved daughter who was born in March

                                                                              The hardest part of my journey was constantly being in the
                                                                              unknown, and for such a long time having no diagnosis or
                                                                              understanding of what was blocking my fertility. I had the
                                                                              fear of not being able to fulfil my dream of motherhood. So
                                                                              many people around me had been able to fulfil that dream
                                                                              for themselves and were understandably looking to us for
                                                                              when we would join what felt like the exclusive parenthood
                                                                              group. As we chose to keep our challenge quite private,

It Takes a Village
                                                                              aside from family and a few close friends, it heightened
                                                                              the feeling of loneliness and anxiety all the time. To remain
                                                                              optimistic and positive, I turned inward and tried to cultivate

Written by Vanessa Haye
                                                                              my inner peace. Meditation and seeking holistic ways to
                                                                              assist my body in the process grounded me and helped to
Contributions by Afryea Henry-Fontaine                                        maintain a positive outlook, even when things were most
                                                                              challenging. I wish I knew more about the varying ways
and Noni Martins                                                              women can be affected by infertility or challenges with con-
                                                                              ceiving. It’s not one size fits all.” - Afryea Henry-Fontaine
“Have you been to see the doctor yet?” This question will go down in
my history books as one of the most forward questions I’d ever received       “For a long time, I felt shame, not because I was being
from a family member during our journey of trying to conceive our first       made to feel ashamed externally, but because I was
child, three and a half years into failed fertility treatments.               ashamed within myself. My experience forced me to ask
                                                                              myself where these feelings come from, and when I wrote
Whilst it was extremely out of the blue, at least it wasn’t as bad as the     my first blogpost and got responses like “this is a taboo
all familiar question: “When are you going to have children?” This type       topic” and “I’m sure your husband still loves you”, it hit me.
of question, which I could never seem to avoid answering in family so-        All those years growing up in Zimbabwe, the indoctrination,
cials and friendly catch-ups, seemed much worse because it summed             especially as a black girl: the whole idea around servitude
up the epitome of why many couples in some communities will struggle          to the man I marry and his legacy, what we are taught
with infertility in silence and shame. It is the presumptuous thinking that   about womanhood and the strong focus on motherhood
a couple can successfully start a family with no issues, while setting a      as huge part of that.
timeline against that, which is typical of pronatalist attitudes in some
communities, and particularly Black communities.                              For Southern African women whose spouses pay ‘lobola’
                                                                              (a bride price) for them, infertility comes with yet another
I was victim to these unwelcome remarks, as gaining a degree, securing        dimension where a woman can feel that she has to prove or
a ‘good’ job afterwards, getting married and finally starting a family        show her worth by giving the man a child. My husband paid
was the idea of ‘success’. These social and cultural norms are what           lobola for me and although I am evolved and his family is
caused me to feel alienated and alone when I had achieved all but             equally evolved and incredibly supportive about our situa-
one milestone by the age of 27. I felt that I had failed my husband, my       tion, internally in the back of my mind I have thought about
parents and even my siblings. Even though I got through my ‘secret bat-       it. Growing up, I used to hear stories of women being sent
tle’ by joining online forums and chat groups, there were some issues         back to their families because they couldn’t fall pregnant,
discussed that I never felt could be understood in great detail, due to       with the man’s family demanding their money back.
very specific beliefs and behaviours that were held in my culture, and so
it was a very isolating and lonely experience.                                These might have been just stories but even then, why such
                                                                              stories? Just imagine the lasting impact – I am 31 now. My
Five years later with our two-year-old son, I often reflect back on those     feelings of shame, and the silence I maintained were rooted
difficult times and when speaking with other women and couples from           deep in my upbringing, even when my current lifestyle is
my Black community who were experiencing the same issues I faced,             that of a liberal surrounded by other liberals. Our ethnicity
I felt a strong urge to hold a safe space for other Black women who           and cultures play a big part in who we become and what
require the support network I didn’t have. So Femelanin was created,          we subconsciously believe and hold onto.
a community-based organisation that provides a safe and uplifting
space for women to share their intersectional experiences.                    My infertility journey has taught me to challenge and un-
                                                                              learn all these belief systems. Finding other black women in
Here are a few inspiring and encouraging stories to read from two             this struggle affirms my new perspective.” - Noni Martins
women, who like me found their own ways to cope through infertility
between our community’s ‘walls of silence’.

The Future of
Fertility Travel
                                                          donation treatment and 55% said that were expecting
                                                          own egg treatment to cost between £2,500 and £5,000. A
                                                          range of funding sources were identified to pay for treat-
                                                          ment which included loans from family, friends and banks,
                                                          savings, credit card payments, re-mortgaging property
                                                          and crowdfunding proposals.
A recent online survey, believed to be one of the larg-
est ever to be undertaken on fertility tourism suggests
there remains a substantial number of people who
                                                          Potential travellers were attracted to treatment provid-
are prepared to travel, and travel far, for the right
                                                          ers for a variety of reasons. Many cited the availability of
                                                          donors and treatments; smaller waiting lists, success rates,
                                                          clinic experience and reputation and positive feedback
The recent 2020 Fertility Travel Survey was undertak-
                                                          from former patients. Although donor anonymity was a
en by the International Fertility Company, in part-
                                                          reason for some to travel it was not a key driver. Partici-
nership with Fertility Network UK and other fertility
                                                          pants were also asked what would negatively affect their
organisations. The work was conducted against the
                                                          decision to travel and these responses varied dramatically
backdrop of border closures and COVID-19 travel
                                                          by age.
                                                          The 18-24 year old group overwhelmingly cited perceived
Co-authors Andrew Coutts, Jakub Dejewski and Alex
                                                          language difficulties (48%) and being away from family
Wiecki paint an optimistic view of future patient
                                                          and friends (27%) as potential barriers to accessing treat-
travel. 77% of survey participants (over 500) had
                                                          ment abroad. Anxiety about communication dropped to
not travelled for treatment previously, but 97% of all
                                                          6% in the over-45 group and 10% in the 35-44 group, who
participants said they were actively considering it for
                                                          both identified the level of regulation being the crucial
the future.
                                                          determinant of travel choice. Interestingly only 4% of re-
                                                          spondents said they would be put off travelling by hearing
Those participating in the survey were from Europe,
                                                          individual horror stories online.
Canada, Australia, India, the US and across Asia. The
most popular treatments sought after were donor
                                                          It is apparent from participants’ feedback that there is a
egg treatment and IVF with own eggs, while 10% of
                                                          significant interest in travel, yet 86% of those questioned
participants were seeking surrogacy options.
                                                          said that although there was a lot of information on fertil-
Spain remains the most popular fertility destination,
                                                          ity travel available, it was not enough. Quite understand-
although countries like Greece, Cyprus and the Czech
                                                          ably against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Republic are emerging as favourites for younger
                                                          online interaction was preferred at the time of the survey
patients driven by cheaper prices. However, price
                                                          with participants highlighting the desire for more digital
is no longer the absolute driver for travel for all age
                                                          access to clinics and staff, consultations and telemedicine
                                                          orientated communication.
The UK and US were the preferred locations for 5%
                                                          There was a call for more pre-travel testing to become
of participants from all age groups, but significantly,
                                                          available in order to reduce the amount of time spent
this rose to over 12% of those aged over 35.
                                                          away from home during treatment and there was over-
Interestingly respondents were prepared to not only
                                                          whelming support for treatment providers to incorporate
travel, but travel long distances as Andrew Coutts ex-
                                                          wellness activities into core treatment packages.
plains: “Prior to travel restrictions being imposed, we
were seeing individuals and couples travelling con-
                                                          Andrew Coutts sums up the work:
siderable distances for treatment at specific clinics
                                                          “There is a lot of first-hand information in this survey which
or with specific doctors. We saw American patients
                                                          can help those thinking about travel. We hope that it will
travelling to the UK, South Africa and India; Australi-
                                                          also act as a useful resource for treatment providers, en-
an patients travelling to Spain; and Chinese patients
                                                          abling them to consider support services and treatments
travelling into Eastern Europe. Judging by responses
                                                          that are responsive to patient needs.”
from the survey we don’t see any reason for this to
stop once we can all travel freely again.”
                                                          The full report from the survey is available here:
Participants demonstrated a realistic approach to
the cost of treatments, with 69% saying they were
expecting and prepared to pay over £5,000 for egg

Fertility Yoga
Fertility Network UK responded to the COVID-19 pandemic when clinics
closed, and treatment was cancelled, by reaching out to patients to
support them emotionally. We were overwhelmed by the response to our
Fertility Yoga classes and the feedback has been so positive from patients
that we are continuing to hold weekly webinar classes.

Our teacher Annie Perry, now known by so many fertility patients across
the UK, has taken some time out of her busy schedule to tell us more
about the benefits of Fertility Yoga.

Yoga has an incredibly positive effect on emotional and mental health,
something that is imperative to nourish when going through fertility
treatments and struggles which are physically, emotionally and financial-
ly demanding.

One of the most widely recognised benefits of yoga is its role in stress
reduction. Numerous studies have shown it to be effective in reducing
stress in a broad range of populations. There is no question that ongoing
fertility challenges are stress-producing. A study by Dr Alice Domar at the
Harvard Medical School documented that the anxiety and depression
levels of women facing fertility challenges was on a par with the levels of
people who had been diagnosed with terminal diseases (Domar, 2002).

In turn, stress can negatively impact our ability to become pregnant
when the adrenal glands pump stress hormones such as adrenaline into
the bloodstream and thus rob the uterus and ovaries of the rich blood
blow and oxygen they require to function optimally. Yoga on the other
hand can elicit the ‘relaxation response’, a term coined by cardiologist Dr
Herbert Benson in the late 1960s.

Yoga and meditation are particularly effective in eliciting the relaxation
response. They activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing
the body to reverse the physiological effects of the fight-or-flight response,
and instead activating the relaxation response. Interestingly, the hypo-
thalamus gland, which mediates the relaxation response also regulates
all aspects of reproduction. (Domar, 2002)

The aim of Fertility Yoga classes is to elicit the relaxation response in
patients going through fertility struggles, while also tailoring the physical
yoga postures according to the menstrual cycle and/or treatment stage.
Breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditations are also used to
help to balance complex emotions, aid sleep and rest, help to develop
self-compassion, and finally to help the patient feel more empowered
and in control.

Annie Perry
YogaBellies Teacher of the Year 2019!
BA (Hons), MSc, Certified YogaBellies Teacher (300 hours), Birth ROCKS
Mentor, Fertility Yoga Teacher, Pre- & Post-Natal Massage Therapist

Peanut’s TTC Community
     By Sophie Sulehria

I thought that depression and           and I felt like the world was out to      was going to connect women like
anxiety wouldn’t “happen” to me. I      get me. I would start the day fine,       herself, in need of this support
have a great job, wonderful family      be out for a walk in the park, only       and friendship. She was creating
and friends, a loving husband and       to look up and notice a group of          a community for mums. And
a lovely little house. We want for      women enjoying their babies and           perhaps she could help women
very little, what would I have to be    exchanging experiences. A group I         like me too.
depressed about?                        believed I would never be a part of.
                                        My heart would start racing and my        “You do this,” I said to Michelle.
We’d been trying for a baby for         mind would fall down a rabbit hole        “You make this app, and you make
only a few months, but I knew           of lost dreams. Next thing, I would       a success of it. And once you have,
internally that something was           be in floods of tears and heading         you need to create another app, an
very, very wrong. I had been            home, unable to move from the             app for women trying to conceive,
bleeding between periods and            sofa or bed for the rest of the day. It   for women like me. Because
I was in a lot of pain, a lot of        was traumatic, heart-breaking and         while motherhood can be lonely,
the time. For years doctors had         debilitating. For a time, I stopped       struggling to become a mum in
diagnosed me with a string of           leaving the house unless it was           the first place can be even more
incorrect illnesses, from IBS           absolutely necessary. I stopped           lonely.”
to anxiety to potential Crohn’s         shopping in case I accidently went
Disease - no one really considered      the wrong way and found myself            In 2019, four years after that
it could be gynaecological.             down a baby aisle. I stopped walking      conversation, Michelle asked me to
The truth was harsh as I was            in case I bumped into a bump. I           come into her office.
in fact suffering with severe           stopped living for anything other
endometriosis, undetected in my         than having a baby.                       “I want you to look at something,”
youth despite copious trips to                                                    she said. As she talked me through
the doctors and the long list of        Special occasions too become a            the yellow slides on her laptop I sat
symptoms.                               nightmare. Mother’s Day stopped           and cried.
                                        being about my own mum and
I went on to have two surgical          instead she would spend her day           Michelle had created ‘Peanut TTC’
procedures, which led to a worse        consoling me. Christmas will only         with the most incredible thought
conclusion – a damaged egg              ever remind me of children; it never      and care. She had produced a
supply. My husband Jonny and I          feels like an adult occasion. And don’t   platform for women struggling to
were told it would be unlikely for      get me started on baby showers!           conceive via her Peanut App. At
us to conceive children naturally.      My mental health was deteriorating        the click of a button, women TTC
We were to join the thousands of        and I had become withdrawn and            would be able to access support
other couples in a secret club that     depressed. Worse still, I didn’t know     immediately from other women
no one wanted membership for.           anyone else in the same boat as           who understood exactly what they
£50,000 worth of IVF treatment          me; I had no one in my life who           were going through. This meant
later and things looked bad             truly understood what I was going         we’d have our own community on
for us, round after round of            through. Yes, I had friends who I         Mother’s Day, or Christmas, or on
disappointment, the prospect            could talk to, but I needed to find       a random Sunday afternoon while
of becoming pregnant seeming            people who got this extremely             the world was with their children,
more and more unlikely.                 complex situation. I wanted to ask        whenever we’d need them. Those
                                        questions and find out how other          in this safe space could lean on
I’d never experienced depression        people coped. I craved hope, and          each other, through treatment,
or anxiety before. Sure, I’d been       support, and advice. I needed a TTC       and miscarriage and negative
low, but this was entirely different.   community.                                pregnancy tests, through it all
Now I was finding everyday life                                                   there would be advice and love
hard to navigate, and I could think     At around this same time, my best         and support. And it’s incredible.
about nothing other than being          friend Michelle Kennedy anxiously
pregnant.                               told me about her new business idea       Now, almost two million mothers,
                                        called ‘Peanut’. She wanted to build      expectant mothers and women
Worse still, it felt like everyone      a social networking app for mums          trying to conceive have joined the
else around me was able to              to meet, chat and learn from each         app, to connect and share their
achieve this goal that I couldn’t       other.                                    experiences in a safe space. They
seem to manage. I became hyper                                                    all now have community. My only
sensitive to pregnancy, pregnancy       “I feel hideous that while you are        wish is that it had been around
announcements and other                 going through all this, I am starting     sooner.
people’s children. Every time I         an app for mums – it’s the worst
turned on the TV, baby images           timing for you.” I didn’t mind. She       You can download the Peanut App
haunted me and pregnancy test           had her son Finlay at a time when I       here:
ads popped up. Every person I           couldn’t support her in the same way
met in the street seemed to be          I would have liked, and she herself
either pregnant or holding their        had felt isolated. She needed support                                     17
gorgeous newborn. It was torture,       as much as I did. Her app, Peanut,
     Can gut microbiome improve fertility in PCOS women?

     PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility around
     the world, affecting approximately 20% of women who of a child-
     bearing age. Many believe the real number could be significantly

     A key feature of PCOS is insulin resistance - this disorder is present
     in around 70% of sufferers.

     High insulin levels encourage the ovaries to over-produce
     testosterone, which then contributes towards the various
     symptoms of PCOS: irregular periods, and irregular or absent
     ovulation, which lead to reduced fertility as well as acne and
     unwanted hair growth.

     Recently we have begun to understand that it is not simply the
     food we eat but also our gut bacteria that can affect our blood
     glucose and insulin levels.

     In fact, the nature of our gut bacteria is a better indicator of these
     factors after a meal than the carb content of that meal.

     The gut microbiome encompasses the millions of resident
     microorganisms inside the human intestinal tract that contribute
     to multiple health-related functions, including the absorption of
     key nutrients.

     Studies have closely linked the gut microbiome with a variety of

     Endocrine functions (the way the body produces hormones) and
     metabolic functions (chemical reactions in the body’s cells) can be
     affected by gut flora (normal bacteria).

     The expression “leaky gut” is getting a lot of attention in the
     medical field. Leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal
     permeability, occurs inside our digestive system. We have an
     extensive intestinal lining covering more than 4,000 square feet of
     surface area. When working properly, it forms a tight barrier that
     controls what gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

     An unhealthy gut lining and / or changes in the microbiome could
     lead to problems within the digestive tract and beyond.

     There is a great deal of research currently showing that
     modifications in the intestinal bacteria and inflammation may
     play a role in the development of several common chronic
     diseases, including PCOS.

     Studies show women with PCOS have a different balance of gut
     bacteria that can reduce the absorption of nutrients, including
Improved absorption of             Probiotic treatment could         Women with PCOS who are
myo-inositol can help better       be an effective way in            not ovulating may consider
control insulin levels and         treating women with PCOS.         myo-inositol, however
hormone balance.                   In addition to this there are     40% of women with PCOS
                                   several ways these women          cannot absorb myo-inositol
Chronic inflammation is            can improve their gut health:     effectively.
a key contributor to the
development of PCOS.               •   Eat plenty of fibre           Choosing a myo-inositol
A dietary trigger such                                               product with alpha-
as glucose can incite an           •   Eat a variety of vegetables   lactalbumin (a whey milk
inflammatory response in                                             protein) helps reduce the
the body. If you have high         •   Avoid high protein diets      inflammation associated with
inflammation markers, it is            such as a paleo diet          PCOS and stimulates the
likely that you will have higher                                     intestinal flora growth, thus
testosterone levels and vice-      •   Eat olive oil – 1tbsp daily   increasing intestinal nutrient
versa, thus impacting your                                           absorption of myo-inositol
fertility.                         •   Eat fermented foods/dairy     and facilitating the release
                                       products – e.g. sauerkraut    of melatonin, which has
Improving the gut                                                    been shown to improve egg
microbiota in PCOS                 •   Avoid tap water – chlorine    quality.
                                       kills off gut bacteria
Research suggests that                                               For more information
improving levels of gut flora      Another key consideration is      about fertility, PCOS and
will support an improvement        supplementation:                  balanced supplements that
in PCOS as effectively as the                                        will support men, women
drug metformin.                                                      and your future family, visit:

You can also read