Page created by Roy Jones
New Transitions                                  Issue 7                   September 2017

                                  By Nathalia De Souza
        Washington DC, Berkeley, Standing           intervention was scarce, if existent at all.
Rock, and Charlottesville. Do you know what         Nonetheless, some critics associated with the
they all have in common? Protests. From the         political right said it was not a valid protest,
alt-right to the Antifa, the attendees of these     including Johnanna Williams, who said the
demonstrations vary in shape, size, and             march was “a protest against democracy.”
political views. While protests typically           Moreover, actor Jon Voight said the protest
provide peaceful expressions of dissent in the      was “destructive” and “against the
social-political world, America is no stranger      government and against the president.”
to demonstrations gone wrong.                                In Standing Rock for the past two
        A protest, as defined by Merriam-           years, protesters from the Sioux tribe have
Webster, is “a gesture of disapproval [...or] a     peacefully protested the implementation of
usually      organized                                                         the Energy Transfer
public demonstration                                                           Partners'      Dakota
of       disapproval.”                                                         Access        Pipeline
Meanwhile, a riot is                                                           (DAPL)      in     the
defined as “a                                                                  northern US. It was
tumultuous                                                                     supposed to cross the
disturbance of the                                                             Missouri River and
public peace by [...]                                                          run through areas
persons […] with a                                                             well-populated      by
common intent,” says                                                           Native Americans,
Merriam-Webster.                                                               but many people
America, a multi-                                                              insisted the risk of
                                                    Source: Nathalia De Souza
faceted nation full of various people, is no                                  spilling oil was too
stranger to protests and riots. In fact, one        great. Demonstrators protested at the
catalyst to the independence of the US was the      building grounds, and a New York City march
Boston Tea Party—a protest against high taxes       was also conducted, on November 5th of 2016.
on English imports. As our country diversifies,     In response to the mostly unarmed DAPL
we must know: Where does the line get               protesters at the building site, a private
crossed?                                            security group hired by the DAPL used pepper
        On January 21st of this year, millions of   spray and attack dogs to attack protesters and
people gathered in large cities across the          move them out of the pipeline’s way. Some
states to march for women’s rights at the           people said this response was too extreme,
Women’s March on Washington. Some                   while others, like Ryan Severance, said “the
protesters there, though, showed up to              tribe’s specific claims of injustice […were] full
undermine the election of President Trump.          of holes at best and [were] blatant lies at
They felt he attacked and endangered basic,         [their] worst.” (Continued on page 13…)
constitutional values minority causes. The
demonstrations were peaceful, and police
New Transitions                             Issue 7                   September 2017

                                                        Dear Students,
 TABLE OF CONTENTS                                              The Journalism class aims to
                                                        create a sense of pride in students for
Ø Campus News                                           their accomplishments at LMCHS.
    o   Club Fair pg. 3
    o   Leadership Lunchtime Events pg. 3               The students at this school have
    o   New Changes at LMCHS pg. 3-4                    earned unique opportunities, and
    o   Student Resources pg. 4                         those who thrive in this environment
    o   Student Union Benefits pg. 4
    o   New Staff […] pg.5
                                                        are often among the highest quality
Ø Local News                                            students the country can hope for.
    o   Central Valley Catch-Up pg. 6                   This class intends to create content
Ø National News                                         that will help students recognize the
    o   This Month in America pg. 7-9                   incredible accomplishments that is
         § North Korea Nuclear Scare pg. 7              possible through attendance at
         § Charlottesville Protest pg. 7-8              LMCHS. Encouraging awareness of
         § US Somali Airstrike pg. 8
                                                        and participation in school events,
         § Advancements […] Afghanistan pg.8
         § USS John S. McCain Collision pg. 8           along with fostering a knowledge of
         § Charleston Hostage Situation pg.8-9          current events directly pertaining to
         § Solar Eclipse pg.9                           LMCHS students, continues to be the
         § Presidential Pardoning of Joe Arpaio pg.9    primary goal of the Journalism class.
         § Hurricane Harvey pg.9
                                                        This content will be provided in ways
Ø First Person Experiences                              that are entertaining and humorous,
    o   High School Survival Guide pg. 10
    o   Interview with a Freshman pg. 11                while also maintaining level of
Ø Editorials                                            quality akin to professional content
    o   When Does a Protest Become a Riot? Pg. 12       of similar nature. This class will
Ø Features                                              continue to pursue these goals in all
    o   Your Pathway to an AA pg. 13                    of its various content.
Ø Recommendations and Reviews                           -LMCHS Journalism Team
    o   Opportunities in Lemoore & Hanford pg. 14
Ø Themed Articles
    o   Settling into Classes pg. 15
Ø Creative Corner
    o   Around the World Word Search pg. 16

New Transitions                              Issue 7                          September 2017

                                                   events will be held one to two times a month
           CLUB FAIR                               during lunch in the Area. The first game was
                                                   held on August the 23rd—a donut eating
        By Mackenzie Jeffery                       contest. Students who participate and win the
        Club Fair is an annual festival hosted     games will contribute to their class’s
by the many clubs that call the Lemoore            accumulation of points, and will be rewarded
Middle College High School campus home.            at the end of the year. Although the location
        This year, Club Fair was held on August    is only known to a select few, Ms. Patheal’s 5th
30th in the grassy field central to our school.    period class says that you won’t want to miss
Clubs each had their own booth, where they         out on your chance win a class field trip at the
advertised their club in the hopes of gaining      end of this school year. As of right now, the
new members. Some clubs gave out free              Senior class is in the lead with 200 points, and
mementos, such as stickers (provided by the        the Freshmen are not too far behind with 100.
SAGA club), while others had food available        Finer details will be announced in future
for purchase. Club Fair has become somewhat        games and rallies, so keep your eyes and ears
of a tradition over the years, and students look   open.
forward to joining new clubs, purchasing
lunch and treats, and listening to music!
        Even if students did not join new clubs            CHANGES AT
at the Fair, they can still easily become
members by reaching out to the club                          LMCHS
presidents, or simply attending a meeting.
Lemoore Middle College High School offers                    By Hannah Sexton
many unique and exciting clubs, so there is                This year we have many new changes
sure to be one that appeals to each and every                 in classrooms at LMCHS. First of all,
student.                                                           the Life Skills class no longer
                                                                     exists; instead, all freshmen
                                                                          must now take AVID with
 LEADERSHIP’S                                                             Coach              Ramos.
                                                                      Furthermore, both LMCHS
  LUNCHTIME                                                       coaches’ rooms have moved.
                                                                The old bookstore is now coach
    EVENTS                                                     Mac’s PE classroom, and behind it
       By Nathalia De Souza                        is coach Ramos’s AVID classroom. Meanwhile,
                                                   the old lunchroom is now the new and
       Recently, LMCHS Leadership’s Small          improved band room. Speaking of the band
Events Committee took it upon themselves to        room, the old one is now the Lemoore Online
conduct lunchtime games and events. These          High School that Mrs. Bracy runs. She also
New Transitions                               Issue 7                          September 2017

teaches Government and Economics. This              Union now takes care of everything that the
classroom located closest to the back of the        administrative building used to, including
library on the same portable as the new             class registration, campus questions, and
lunchroom. Mrs. Bracy shares that classroom         making appointments with counselors and
with Mr. Shinn. We also have some new staff.        advisor. These resources are freely available
Over the summer, Mrs. Reis became the               to all students, so why not take advantage of
Curriculum Consultant in ELA/ELD for the            them?
district. Ms. Kjelson—her replacement—is the
new English 10 and 11 teacher and the
Yearbook adviser. Ms. Patheal now teaches               STUDENT UNION
English 9 and 12, AP Literature, Journalism,
and Leadership. These new changes might be                 BENEFITS
a bit confusing to students, so hopefully you
won’t get lost too often.
                                                          By Rosalynne Jones and
                                                            Alessandra Tolentino
                                                    By now, most—if not all—sophomores,
                                                    juniors, and seniors have been to the Student
                                                    Union, but for freshmen this gigantic building
                                                    might come off as intimidating. However, the
                                                    Student Union is a great resource for LMCHS
                                                    students! On top of having an amazing food
                                                    court with both an “Eagle Store” and an “Eagle
                                                    Café,” the Union has computers for academic
                                                    work and staff for college advice and
                            Source: AP Architects
                                                    assistance. However, the Union is a West Hills
                                                    College building that students are allowed to
                                                    use, not a high school space, so everyone who
                                                    goes there needs to treat the space and
          STUDENT                                   property with the utmost respect and care.

           By Logan Smith
        There are many services available to
LMCHS students through West Hills College
resources. According to Library Technician
Sharon Horn, the library offers not only text
resources, but an E-Center for computer
access. The online database and physical
newspaper archive are great sources for an
essay or report. Need to study in a serene                                  Source: Hanford Sentinel
place? Use the rentable study rooms for an
isolated place to get work done. On the report
of Student Services Technician Sze Ki
“Marissa” Liu, Student Services at the Student
New Transitions                             Issue 7                          September 2017

  NEW STAFF, NEW                                  Ms. Kjelson & Mrs. Bracy
   By Destiny Gonzales, Leilani                   What position are you currently in?
                                                    • Kjelson: “I teach [English] 10P and 11P,
Hammonds, and Rosalynne Jones                           and [am the] yearbook advisor.”
       This year has brought many changes           • Bracy: “[I’m] the American Govern-
to our school, and not only regarding school            ment teacher and the new instructor
architecture, but school staff too! Two new             for Lemoore Online School. (For those
staff members have arrived. Ms. Kjelson now             who don’t know, Lemoore Online
teaches English 10 and 11, and Ms. Anaya is             School in an online high school for
the new Student Assistant. Mrs. Bracy is no             students in grades nine through
longer the Student Assistant, but is now                twelve.)”
teaching American Government and the
Lemoore Online School. Luckily, the Panther       What position were you in previously?
Post has been granted the opportunity to            • Kjelson: “I taught at Lemoore High
learn more.                                             School; I taught English at LHS to 9th
                                                        and 10th graders.”
         Ms. Yvonne Anaya                           • Bracy: “[I was previously the] Student
        Ms. Yvonne Anaya has already shown              Assistant.”
herself to be already a great addition to
LMCHS. Although the beginning of the              How do you feel about your new position?
interview she humbly admitted, “I’m not the
best at interviewing,” Ms. Anaya comes off as
                                                      •   Kjelson: “I love it. I love teaching
very pleasant to converse with, and it was
                                                          sophomores and juniors, and my
interesting to know that she has a love for
                                                          yearbook staff is amazing. It’s fun to
dogs. It is also beneficial to know that she
                                                          see the light bulbs go off inside and
attended West Hills prior to working as the
                                                          outside of class, and I love being part
LMCHS Student Assistant. She hopes to apply
                                                          of Lemoore Middle College High
her knowledge of West Hills to help students
                                                          School’s community.”
succeed. Ms. Anaya admits that being in this
new setting can be a challenge, but is looking        •   Bracy: “I love it and [I am] passionate
forward to becoming better acquainted with                about and excited to the 2017-2018
                                                          school year.”
the students and the school. Within her new
position, Anaya aims to positively impact
                                                  How is your new job different from your old
LMCHS       by    creating    a    “family-like
environment for everyone here.” Ms. Yvonne
is eager to help and invites students to come        • Kjelson: “When I taught at LHS, I
into the office and ask for assistance anytime           taught Pre-AP and Intensive English,
during school hours.                                     and then last year I taught SDAIE
                                                         second language learners.”
                                                     • Bracy: “Compared to last year, [I am]
                                                         currently working more hours, but
                                                         [I’m] doing something that [I] love.”

New Transitions                                 Issue 7                          September 2017

                   CENTRAL VALLEY CATCH-UP
                         By Destiny Gonzales
            New DMV Update         trapping, neutering, and                       releasing strays.
        There are many student drivers out            However, the issue has yet to be resolved.
there, so it is beneficial to be aware of the              Thursday Night Marketplace
DMV and how they are taking more action to                    Every Thursday from 5:30-9:00 pm,
prevent the illegal use of disability parking         through September
placards. There are many people that use or           28th, there will be
borrow signs that belong to family members            live entertainment
to get a better parking spot, which is against        and vendors that
the law. Fines run up to $1,000, so don’t go          sell fresh produce
using your grandma’s placard to get front             from local growers
parking at that Twenty-One Pilots concert.            in Downtown Hanford. Make sure to stop by
                                                      while you can.
        Kings SPCA Shut Down
       The Kings SPCA, or the Kings County                Fresno State Standardized Tests
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to                     This August was the last time
Animals, is closing down after 60 years of            freshmen at Fresno State had to take
            service. However, staff working at        placement tests in English and Math. If
              the shelter still need volunteer        students failed the placement test before this,
                  assistance to maintain the          they would have to take remedial courses
                     building and move the            before starting their actual college courses,
                     remaining animals out.           causing an increase in time and money spent.
                                                      Now, CSU schools are going to focus more on
                       Feral Cat Overload             high school transcripts instead of placement
                               Several cities in      tests alone in hopes of raising graduation
Kings County, including Lemoore, have                 rates.
complained about the number of feral cats in
the area. They are seeking solutions to address                    Caruthers Fair
the problem, such as making it illegal for                    It’s almost time for the Caruthers Fair!
citizens to feed feral cats. The ban is still being   This September 27-30th, ride on over to see
weighed by officials in Lemoore and Hanford,          that epic gathering full of carnival rides,
but is not supported by the Kings County              delicious food, adorable animals, booths,
Animal Services manager. The manager has              exhibits, prize drawings, motorcycle racing,
suggested that the people feeding the cats            and live entertainment. Drop on by for some
take full responsibility for their health by          fun at the Caruthers Fair!

New Transitions                                  Issue 7                              September 2017

                        THIS MONTH IN AMERICA
 By Nathalia De Souza, Alessandra Tolentino, and Destiny Gonzales
         These past couple of weeks have meant          would “watch a little more the foolish… conduct”
confusion for much of the US Amidst the                 of the American military before reconsidering the
possibility of nuclear war, counterterrorist air        launch of any missiles. While relations are still
strikes overseas, and an alt-right protest, our         tense between North Korea and the US, this threat
nation is nothing if not unpredictable. Following       was just one of many false alarms.
is a recap of the most recent stories to break
concerning the US
                                                                 Charlottesville Protest
                                                                  On Saturday, August 12, a planned
     North Korean Nuclear Scare                           demonstration against the removal of a statue of
         On Friday, August 11, President Trump            Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia went
sent out a widely-received tweet directed at North        south. The demonstration, called the “Unite the
Korea. “Military                                          Right” rally, was supported by the alt-right, Ku
solutions are now                                         Klux Klan, and neo-Nazis, who all came out
fully in place,                                           dressed in their respective white-nationalist garb.
locked         and                                        Many people sported swastika tattoos, wore KKK
loaded,     should                                        robes, openly carried firearms, and displayed pro-
North Korea act                                           white posters. Among them stood counter-
unwisely,” the           Source: The National Interest    protesters, many of whom were holding their own
President tweeted. This tweet came in response to         “anti-right” propaganda.
hostility from implications that the Southeast                    After some conflict, including the attack
Asian country had plans to shoot a nuclear missile        on Deandre Harris, the governor of Virginia called
at Guam, a US territory in in the Western Pacific         a state of emergency and requested aid from the
Ocean. This was followed by a retweet the                 National Guard. Meanwhile, the Charlottesville PD
President made of the US Pacific Command, which           used tear gas to diffuse the crowds. Skirmishes
included an image of two Air Force B-1B bombers           mostly resulted in minor injury, but, as reported
along with the hashtag #FightTonight. This                by the Los Angeles Times, “at least three people
hashtag represented “readiness to fight if                were killed and 35 were injured.” James Alex Fields
needed,” rather than an                                                    Jr. ran over multiple counter-
implication that a battle                                                  protesters. In the process he
might soon ensue, according                                                killed 32-year-old Heather Heyer
to The Washington Post.                                                    and injured about 19 more. The
Nonetheless, North Korean                                                  New York Times says Fields was
dictator Kim Jong Un was                                                   “arrested and charged with
not pleased. Despite this, the                                             second-degree      murder”      in
Korean Central News Agency                                                 addition to multiple counts of
reported that the North                                                    malicious wounding. In addition
Korean dictator said he                                                     to     this,   counter-protester
                                                    Source: Mercury News
New Transitions                                    Issue 7                            September 2017

Deandre Harris was assaulted by a group of far-          the war, albeit without discussing any details.
right protesters. Fellow activists are still pushing     Despite this, he mentioned that he would be
for the arrests of the eight men who assaulted him.      sending more troops to help the Afghan troops. “A
         Cities across the nation have reacted by        hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum for
tearing down their own confederate statues. Other        terrorists, including ISIS and Al Qaeda,” the
reactions to the rally vary, with President Trump        President said. “[Terrorists] need to know… no
tweeting that there was fault and violence on            place is beyond the reach of American might and
“many sides.” Multiple people, including other           American arms,” he also insisted. Reactions from
political officials who work with Trump, chastised       the public and other government officials were
him for his avoidance in condemning the alt-right,       mixed; Rand Paul, one of the candidates that ran
which prompted him to amend what he said                 against Trump in the 2016 elections, said he felt
before. On the following Monday, Trump’s arrival         that “the mission in Afghanistan has lost its
in his home state of New York was met with a             purpose.” The jury is still out on how many troops
protest conducted by pro-left supporters against         and resources Trump will send to Afghanistan.
him because of his response.
                                                                 USS John S. McCain Collision
           US Somali Airstrike                                    That same Monday, August 21, the USS
         That same week, on                                                John S. McCain, a guided-
Thursday the 17 of August,                                                 missile destroyer, collided with
pro-government            Somali                                           the Alnic MC—a Liberian oil
troops and US Military                                                     tanker—off the coast of
advisers confirmed the 6th                                                 Singapore.     The      collision
“self-defense” airstrike in                                                occurred on the left side of the
recent weeks in Jilib, Somalia.                                            destroyer, close to the stern. It
They were on the brink of                                                  carved a hole into the side of
“approaching              [their]                                          the ship that stretched above
objective of a planned                                                     the waterline. Five US Navy
                                                         Source: News Week
counter-terrorism raid” when they                                          sailors were injured, and nine
came under attack, says CNN. The US and Somali           are currently missing. The body of one of the—
troops were under fire from al Shabaab, al Qaeda’s       previously ten—missing sailors, Kenneth Aaron
third largest affiliate. As they returned fire, the US   Smith, has been recovered since the collision. As
and Somali troops were unable to neutralize the          stated by the Washington Post, the issue in
attackers, and called for the airstrike. There were      recovering the other sailors is that the Navy is
no US casualties, but seven of the al Shabaab            unsure whether their bodies are lost in open sea
attackers were killed.                                   or submerged in the parts of the boat that are
    Advancements in the War in
           Afghanistan                                       Charleston Hostage Situation
                                                                         On Thursday, August, 24, an active
         On Monday, August 21, President Trump
                                                         shooter took the patrons of a Charleston, South
made a televised speech to troops in Fort Myer,
                                                         Carolina restaurant hostage. The shooter, a
Virginia discussing his plans for the ongoing war
                                                         “disgruntled employee” of the restaurant
in Afghanistan. Before his presidency, Trump
                                                         Virginia’s On King, shot and killed one person and
criticized the government’s actions towards the
                                                         wounded another. Charleston police and a SWAT
war, and felt that the US should back out
                                                         team were called to de-escalate the situation; they
immediately. During his speech, though, Trump
                                                         “set a perimeter and had [a] hostage negotiator on
recognized that “decisions are much different
                                                         scene,” said police chief Jerome Taylor. The
when you sit behind the desk in the Oval Office.”
In saying so, Trump briefly outlined his plans for
New Transitions                                  Issue 7                             September 2017

shooter was killed by the police and hostages were     name a few. He was scheduled to be sentenced in
able to return to safety.                              October of 2017, but on Friday, August 25,
                                                       President Trump granted Arpaio presidential
                Solar Eclipse                          pardon. After the pardon, Arpaio hinted that he
                                                       would dip his toe back into politics. Reactions
n Monday, August 21, many citizens were able to
                                                       across the nation vary, with many people insisting
witness a solar eclipse different from many others
                                                       that this pardon is unconstitutional and upholds
in recent years. This celestial event crossed the US
                                                       racist ideals.
coast to coast for the first time since 1979. As
specified by NASA, a solar eclipse occurs when the
moon aligns perfectly with the Earth and the sun.                  Hurricane Harvey
This alignment allows the sun to be blocked by the              Late Friday, August 25, Hurricane Harvey
moon, totally, partially, or annularly, and makes      made landfall in the Texas Gulf, 30 miles northeast
the dark side of the moon visible to the Earth. This   of Corpus Christi. What started out as a category 1
time around, the eclipse’s path of totality was        hurricane evolved into a category 4 behemoth
visible across the contiguous US. Eclipse chasers      within 56 hours, says TIME magazine. By Saturday
had been preparing for years to record the moon’s      morning, though, the hurricane calmed back
travel speed across                                                                 down to a category 1,
the country. Various                                                                and eventually to a
methods for viewing                                                                 tropical         storm.
the          eclipse—                                                               Nonetheless, Hurricane
including high ISO                                                                  Harvey has been the
glasses,      pinhole                                                               fiercest hurricane in
cameras, and more—                                                                  little more than a
allowed         many                                                                decade, rolling in with
citizens to witness                                                                 winds of 130 miles per
the remarkable solar                                                                hour. After it calmed
eclipse       without                                                               down, wind speeds
harming           their                                                             were down to 70 mph
eyesight, even if                                                                   with the storm itself
they weren’t in the                                                                 traveling two miles per
path of totality.                                                                   hour. As explained by
                                                                       Source: NASA Eric Blake, a specialist
        Presidential Pardoning                         at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami,
                                                       the danger now is “historic levels of flooding” that
             of Joe Arpaio                             could occur in Texas. The NHC estimates there to
         In 2013, federal judge Murray Snow ruled      be 15-30 inches across the Texas coast over the
that Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was racially           course of the storm. Eight deaths and major
profiling Latinos. Then, he was found guilty in        property damage have already been reported
contempt of court in July of 2017 for “ignoring a      from coastal cities. Health and Human Services
federal judge’s orders to stop detaining people        Secretary Tom Price has provided health care
based on their perceived immigration status,” says     providers of Medicare and Medicaid with “more
the Washington Post. According to the Phoenix          power to treat emergency medical needs in
New Times, his crimes include running a jail           response to the hurricane” by lessening
Arpaio described as a “concentration camp,”            restriction on patients without proper
forcing a pregnant woman to wait without reason        documentation or medical records, says The Hill.
for medical attention (resulting in the loss of her    President Trump declared a public health
child), marching Latino prisoners into segregated      emergency on Saturday morning, and traveled to
area guarded by an electric fence, and arresting       Texas to support relief efforts.
New York Times reporters for covering him to
New Transitions                           Issue 7                         September 2017

                                 By Rosalynne Jones
       Welcome, class of 2021! We know that high school can be pretty tough. There’s more
homework, more tests, and many more responsibilities than there were in middle school, so new
students can get pretty confused about the unfamiliar system. Not to mention that, at LMCHS,
pressure to do well in classes, college courses, and clubs is doubled! However, upperclassmen
already know how the school works, and they have some tips for this year’s newcomers:

New Transitions                          Issue 7                          September 2017

INTERVIEWS WITH                                If you could add a word to the dictionary, what
                                               would it be, and what would it mean?

   FRESHMEN                                        • “Unicorn extravaganza, and it would
                                                       mean the act of searching unicorns,
        By Laila Noble and                             finding them, and explaining how they
                                                       came to earth.” - Lee-Ann Spurlin
        Alessandra Tolentino
                                               If you could describe your first day of school
       Welcome, class of 2021! The first few
                                               with an emoji, what would it be?
weeks of high school may be the hardest part
of your high school experience. However, it        • “Because it was nerve-
may also be the best part since this year is           wracking, but exciting
when you meet new people that could                    to meet new people.”
possibly become your friend! Here are some             - Abigail Arredondo
thoughts of some of your peers.
                                               How do you plan on following P.R.I.D.E?
What were you most confused about when           • “I plan on being nice to people and
you got to LMCHS?                                    being respectful to the perspective of
   • “Schedules because LMCHS has a block            people.” -Dayanara Andrade
       schedule.” -Kayla Evans

Which class is the easiest, and which is the
hardest for you?
   • “The easiest would be Geography and
       the hardest class would maybe be
       English for me” -Lance Beltrano

How do you plan on using the resources our
school offers?
   • “I plan on going to the library more
       often than I use the iPads, because I
       can find more information there than
       iPads could offer.” -Cindy Figueroa

If you could wish for one thing to come true
this school year, what would it be?
    • “I would wish to have an infinite
        amount of wishes.” -Zaid Rojas

New Transitions                                Issue 7                           September 2017

                                  By Nathalia De Souza
        (Continued from front page) Meanwhile, on    riots? The answer lies in the moral and civil
August the 12th, a demonstration in                  values a person believes in.
Charlottesville, Virginia influenced both pro-                Be it wrongful use of free speech, the
and anti-right protesters to demonstrate in          spread of dangerous ideas, or the promotion
response to the removal of a statue of Robert        of separatist views, opposing sides will always
E. Lee. According to President Trump, there          find something to disagree on. No matter how
was violent and unruly people on “both               peaceful the “Unite the Right” protest in
sides,” and--while the way he blamed both            Charlottesville could have been, some citizens
sides is questionable to many--his ultimate          would still insist that it was a threat to public
message is essentially correct. There was,           safety. Same goes for the Berkeley protest
indeed, ferocity on both ends. The alt-right         against Milo Yiannopolous: even if it had been
came to protest with batons, guns, rifles, and       more civil than it actually was, other citizens
other assault gear. One                                               would argue it breached the
man even shot into a                                                  first amendment. The fault in
crowd with a pistol. On                                               this reasoning results in
the farther left side,                                                                misrepresented
people carried their own                                              demonstrations and public
riot shields, pocket                                                  discord.
knives,      and       guns.                                                  In our society, what
Another man used an                                                   critics say dictates public
aerosol can as a faux-                                   Source: TIME
                                                                      reception of national events.
flamethrower. The end                                                 For this reason, we need to
result of this “protest” was the death of a          focus on clearly drawing a line between what
woman, Heather Heyer, and the physical               we call riots and what we call protests. Where
injury of many more.                                 protesters aim to have their voices heard
        These are only four of the most media-       peacefully, rioters mean to instil fear in others
covered demonstrations in the US, but can            in order to make them see their way. As social-
you point out the similarities? No matter their      political views go, it is clear that clashing
topic, these public demonstrations were all          perspectives have difficulty deciding on a
called riots by critics. So who is right? The list   Venn diagram of shared ideals. On this same
of demonstrations in the US these past couple        note, it is evident that a protest becomes a riot
of years is extensive and varies in violent          as soon as critics feel like it. For this reason,
intent, but one thing is certain: protests and       we--as a media-dominated country--must find
riots are not the same thing. So why is it that      a way to agree on a true social definition and
some people insist that peaceful protests are        distinction between the two.

New Transitions                              Issue 7    September 2017

                  YOUR PATHWAY TO AN AA
                                      By Logan Smith
        At Lemoore Middle College, many
students aspire for an AA degree or to
complete general education certification
while attending high school. For freshmen
and new students transitioning into college
curriculum, here is a short guide for
completing either path.
        After choosing an AA, the academic
tracker in the Student Home portal, on the
myWestHills site, lists the required courses. If
you do not wish to attain an AA, another
option is IGETC classes. The Intersegmental
General Education Transfer Curriculum
includes the general education classes, and
they are transferable to any CSU or UC,
automatically making a promotion to a
college junior.
        Into the actual college classes, more
than one can be taken by the spring semester
of freshman year. An easier class, such as
Music or Art Appreciation, is advisable to get
accustomed to the strain of multiple college
classes. To get on the fast track to an AA
during high school, take summer classes,
provided the workload is not excessive. While
completing a degree is important, summer
classes are accelerated, and it is important to
have a reprieve from the usual bulk of
assignments during the school year.
        Remember that a minimum of 15
credits per year is the requirement to
graduate with an AA by senior year, so keep
track of your credits and don’t overload
yourself; you have time!

New Transitions                       Issue 7                      September 2017

                   OPPORTUNITIES IN
                  LEMOORE & HANFORD
              By Leilani Hammonds and Destiny Gonzales

Job Opportunities in Lemoore:                   College Night:
   • KFC Team Member –                             • On September 14th, from
      Contact: +1 (559) 924-2744                      5:00pm to 8:00pm,
   • Kmart Cashier –                                  Lemoore High School will
      Contact: +1 (559) 924-8896                      be hosting a College Night.
   • Burger King Window –                             Get a head start at
      Contact: +1 (559) 925-9502                      discovering your future
   • Sears Cashier –                                  college, and find options
      Contact: +1 (559) 587-3200                      available to you!
   • Starbucks Barista –
      Contact: +1 (559) 924-8905

Job Opportunities in Hanford:
   • PetSmart Cashier –
      Contact: +1 (559) 587-0286
   • Panera Bread Associate/ Cashier
      – Contact: +1 (559) 587-2600

Volunteer Opportunities in Lemoore:
  • NAS Lemoore Thrift Store –
     Contact: (559) 998-4049

Volunteer Opportunities in Hanford:
  • Book Mender for the Kings
     County Library in Hanford –
     Contact: (559) 582-0261

New Transitions                                    Issue 7                                 September 2017

                         SETTLING INTO CLASSES
                          By Leilani Hammonds and Gabby Hicks
             Every year, settling into high school       What have you found to be helpful this year?
     classes is rather hard, especially after the long       • “This year I found my notes to be most
     summer break. Homework, studying, and                       helpful.”
     several other tasks make high school                Is there any advice that you would like to give
     extremely stressful. Even more so when              to freshmen or students taking classes you
     students have to balance college and high           have taken previously?
     school classes at the same time. To help ease           • “For the freshmen, don't slack off on
     the stress, we were able to interview Eesha                 your college and high school classes.”
     Siddiqui, a junior.
                                                         How has your view of high school changed?
     How are you organizing your notes this year?          • “I thought it would be easier, but it's
       • “AVID helps with organizing my notes                  pretty hard, although it is fun at times
           into Cornell style. I don’t usually look            too.”
           at my notes again, but AVID helps for
           that.”                                        How are you balancing both your high school
                                                         classes and college classes at the same time?
     How are you organizing your homework and                • “I’m just doing my work and turning it
     doing it?                                                   in on time. Balancing college and high
        • “For homework I just use a planner                     school classes is hard because your
             and that helps me keep track of what                college teachers don't cut you slack
             homework we have and what’s due the                 even if you have homework from high
             next class.”                                        school classes as well.”

     What have you been doing to help you study?         Do you have any websites or helpful guides
     What kinds of study methods have you been           that you would like to recommend to newer
     using?                                              students?
         • “For studying I just do practice                 • “Quizlet is helpful because it helps you
            problems for math or another subject                study for tests and create flash cards
            or use Quizlet and read notes for                   virtually.”
                                                                In the end, it’s undeniable that high
                                                         school is tough, but with the help of others,
                                                         and by putting in the effort to become
                                                         successful, everyone can fulfill their dreams.

New Transitions              Issue 7             September 2017

                  Around the World Word Search

        Australia              India         Quatar
         Brazil                Japan        Romania
         China                 Kenya          Spain
        Denmark              Lithuania      Thailand
         Egypt                Mexico        Ukraine
         France               Nigeria       Vietnam
        Germany                Oman          Yemen
          Haiti                 Peru         Zambia
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