The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission

Page created by Chester Kennedy
The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
The Regional Broadband Scheme
reporting portal
Instructions for carrier submission
JULY 2021
The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission

Making a submission using the RBS portal             1
Logging in to the RBS portal                         2
First-time users                                     3

Completing the Carrier Submission Form               5
Reporting submissions                                8
Nominated Carrier Declaration Reporting             10
Declaration                                         11
Finishing and submitting your application           11

Further information                                 12

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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
Making a submission using the
RBS portal
The Regional Broadband Scheme Reporting Portal (RBS Portal) will take you through
the process required to meet your reporting obligations under the Regional Broadband
Scheme (RBS) for the reporting period 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021.

This form captures the reporting obligations under section 100 of the
Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999.

Access to the RBS Portal is only available through the myGovID authentication
service, a secure login that identifies those acting on behalf of businesses when
assessing government services provided online.

For details on setting up a myGovID, please refer to the webpage Using the RBS

Any questions in the portal that are marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory and
must be answered.

You can save your progress at any time by clicking the save         button.

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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
Logging in to the RBS portal
1.   Go to

2.   Log into the RBS Portal by selecting the ‘Access ACMA RBS Reporting Portal’
     button shown below.

3. You will then be redirected to the ‘Government Authentication Service’ where
   you will be required to log in with your myGovID email in order to continue.

4. Once you have been directed to the Authentication screen, open the myGovID
   app on your phone and accept or enter the code given.

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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
5.   Select ‘Continue’. You are now logged onto the RBS Portal.

First-time users
To access the RBS Portal for the first time, you will be issued with a one-time token.

1. To log onto the RBS Portal using this one-time token, select the ‘Register One
   Time Token’ link.

2.   A ‘Register One Time Token’ page will appear advising you to enter your one-
     time token.

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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
3. Enter your one-time token and select ‘Register’. Once you have access, you will
   be able to view the ‘Carrier Submission’ form.

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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
Completing the carrier
submission form
1.   On the ‘Welcome’ page, select the arrow icon           to navigate to the ‘Carrier
     Information’ page.

2. On the ‘Carrier Information’ page, check that your name and email address are

3. If any of the details are incorrect, you need to complete the Authorised Contact
   Registration Form and submit to the Revenue Assurance team by email.

4. The ACMA will send an acknowledgement once you have lodged your RBS

5. Ensure that all sections marked with a red asterisk * are completed. You will not
   be able to continue with the form unless these are completed.

6. Select the arrow icon       to navigate to the ‘Nominated Carrier/Associate
   Information’ page.

7. Depending on your organisational structure, answer the questions relating to
   nominated carriers and associates as either ‘yes’ or ‘no’:
     >    Are you a nominated carrier in relation to one or more local access lines in
          relation to which a nominated carrier declaration is in force?
     >    Do you wish to report on recently connect greenfield premises?
     >    Are you part of an associated group?
     >    Are you the controller of the associated group?

     The answers provided will determine the reporting submission you are required to

     Note: If you answered ‘No’ to the question ‘Are you part of an associated
     group?’, the question ‘Are you the controller of the associated group?’ will not
     be shown to you as it has been determined that you are the controller of your

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The Regional Broadband Scheme reporting portal - Instructions for carrier submission
8. Select the arrow icon         to navigate to the next page.
    a. Nominated Carrier Declarations in force
       If you answered ‘yes’ to the question relating to a nominated carrier and ‘no’ to
       the question relating to an associated group, you will be taken to the ‘Details
       of Nominated Carriers Declaration in force’ page.

         Complete the following for the Nominated Carrier Declaration
         >     Nominated Carrier Declaration Number: a link has been included here
               that will take you to the Nominated Carrier Declarations Register on the
               ACMA website to assist with this.
         >     Name of entity under Nominated Carrier Declaration.
         >     ABN/ABN of entity under Nominated Carrier Declaration.

         If you have more than one Nominated Carrier under a declaration, select the
         ‘Add Nominated Carrier’ button in the bottom left-hand corner to include their

    b. Associates
       If you answered ‘no’ to the question relating to nominated carrier and ‘yes’ to
       the question relating to associated group, you will be taken to the ‘Details of
       Associates’ page.

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Complete the following for the Associate Information:
>   Name of Associate
>   Type of relationship under section 152 of the Telecommunications Act
     >   Partner of the controller.
     >   Trustee of a trust – where the controller or other associated person
         of controller receives benefits or is capable of receiving benefit of the
     >   A person who acts or is accustomed to act in accordance with the
         directions of controller.
     >   A person who acts or is accustomed to act in accordance with the
         directions of controller and associate under another paragraph.
     >   A person who is under contract or an arrangement is
         intended/expected to act in accordance with directions of controller.
     >   A person who is under contract or an arrangement is
         intended/expected to act in accordance with directions of controller
         or the associate or the controller under another paragraph.
     >   Another company that is related body corporate of the controller.
     >   Another company if the controller or the controller and an associate
         under another paragraph are able or in a position to exercise control
         of the company.

>   Association is in relation to:
     >   telecommunications network
     >   company
     >   local access line.

>   Associate ACN/ABN.
>   Associate Carrier Licence Number.
>   Set out the circumstances that resulted in you being the controller of the
    associated group.
    If you have more than one Associate, select the ‘Add Associate’ button
    in the bottom left-hand corner to include their details.

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c. Nominated Carriers Declaration in force and Associates
       If you answered ‘yes’ to the questions relating to nominated carrier and
       associated group, you will be taken to the ‘Details of Nominated Carriers
       Declaration in force and Associates’ page.

         Complete the information for the Nominated Carriers under a Declaration and
         Associates as per a. and b. above.

    d. No Nominated Carriers Declaration in force or Associates
       If you answered ‘no’ to the questions relating to nominated carrier or
       associated group, you will be taken directly to the ‘Reporting Submission’

Reporting submissions
1. Select the arrow icon       to navigate to the ‘Reporting Submission’ page.

    The answers provided at the ‘Nominated Carrier/Associate Information’ page
    will determine the reporting submission that you need to complete.

2. Number of Chargeable Premises
    Complete the number of premises that were supplied with a designated
    broadband service by any carriage service provider through a local access line
    owned by you for the whole or part of the month. If no premises were supplied
    during the month, enter ‘0’.

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3. Concessions
   a. Recently Connected Greenfield Premises
      If, when completing the questions in relation to ‘Nominated
      Carrier/Associate Information’, the answer to the question ‘Do you wish to
      report on recently connect greenfield premises?’ was ‘Yes’, the Carrier
      Reporting will require details of the Recently Connected Greenfield Premises
      for the reporting period.
      This amount is limited to the Number of Chargeable Premises claimed or
      55,000, whichever is the lower.

   b. Potentially Concessional Premises
      If, when completing the questions in relation to ‘Nominated
      Carrier/Associate Information’, the answer to the question ‘Do you wish to
      report on recently connect greenfield premises?’ was ‘No’, and it has been
      determined that you are the controller of an associate group, the Carrier
      Reporting will require details of the Potentially Concessional Premises.
      This amount is limited to the Number of Chargeable Premises claimed or
      25,000, whichever is the lower.

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Nominated Carrier Declaration Reporting
1. Complete the number of premises that were supplied with a designated
   broadband service by any carriage service provider through a local access line for
   which you are a nominated carrier where a nominated carrier declaration is in
   force for the whole or part of the month. If no premises were supplied during the
   month, enter ‘0’.

2. Select the arrow icon      to navigate to the ‘Declaration’ page.

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1. Download the Statutory Declaration template available from the ACMA website
   and upload a completed and signed version.

2. If any supporting documentation in substantiation of what is being reported is
   being included as part of the submission, upload it here. To upload more than one

     document, select the       button.

3. Ensure that the Declaration of submission has been ticked, certifying that the
   information being provided in the form and any attached documents is, to the best
   of knowledge, true and correct.

4. Select the arrow icon        to navigate to the ‘Finish’ page.

Finishing and submitting your application
1.   if you would like to keep your answers for later use, select ‘Yes’.

2.   If ‘Yes’ is selected, enter a description for the file and save appropriately.

3.   Select the submit button              to submit the form.

4.   Once submitted, an acknowledgement will appear on screen, and will also be
     sent to the email address provided at the start of the submitted form.

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Further information
For further information on the reporting requirements (including associated legislation
and definitions) visit the RBS page on the ACMA website.

If you need further information or have trouble completing forms, contact the ACMA at or +61 (2) 6219 5355.

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