Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.

Page created by Mike Carrillo
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
The Most Holy Trinity                                                                     June 7, 2020

                              Our FEAST of the TRINITY – the Relationships of the Three in ONE
                              God. And God’s relationship with us.

                              1. Congratulations to our GUARDIAN ANGELS SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020! You have
                              amazed me in your sharing of your Talents - Creativity through the years -In the Living
                              Wax Museum projects each year, your preparation and showmanship in Song and acting
                              in our School Plays, your strong gifts of music in our school choirs, our Angelic Choir and
                              so often at our School Masses in Leading our Sung Prayer in serving as Cantor, or
                              Proclaiming the Psalms. Your teamwork in sports, practices and games will serve you well
in your high school years. May you listen with a heart filled by Jesus’ love; Listen with an ear with Jesus’ compassion;
Act with for others!

2.    YES! The Governor and Our Bishop have given Guidelines to move us toward Public Mass SOON. The earliest is June
13th and 14th. Not all parishes will be ready by then. Re-Opening and How we can gather for Mass and how many
people, etc. is requiring clear and safe planning for safe and proper Mass celebrations here at St Clare.
I expect to decide Tuesday our readiness regarding next weekend. If you supplied St. Clare with your email address,
you should have received a survey regarding necessary volunteers for having mass. PLEASE REPLY TODAY if you have
not. Email Verna if you did not receive our survey.
Fr. Grace Manano, Fr. John Jairo and I will present a video to be posted this week, “What You Can expect when you
come to St Clare’s for Mass in these Times” AND “What we expect of You when gathered for Mass in these Times.”
3.    “GOD’s Gonna’ Trouble the Waters…” – For my Relatives, the phrase “The Troubles!” refers to the Irish struggle for
Independence in the past 100 years. ’T R O U B L E’ S’ I believe is a great word for our people, our country our times.
Watching the news of another young black man killed. And once again killed by a police officer. Witnessing the uprising
of communities of protestors gathering in waves across our nation and more so well beyond our borders needs to
catch my attention for more than a soundbite.
Has GOD troubled the waters?
A son of my friends posted sharing his Anger and Hatred of Police. My friends asked if I would reply to my younger
friend, their son. I said I intended to AND needed time to sleep on it before I would Reply. I’ll share with you my
attempt at engaging this exceptionally good, Catholic Christian educated young man with a deep compassion for justice
for all. “Being a priest has been for me since the beginning a blessed and sacred journey. YET from my start in 1983 my
journey has also been disturbing and challenging. The institutional [Church] acceptance, tolerance, and cover-up of
clergy sexual abuse and pedophilia was horrific! The TRAUMA still remains
deeply traumatic for those abused. Healing Resolution often incomplete. And
the betrayal of family trust in parishes, as well as the betrayal of the trust of
Good Priests, screams still for being heard and healed.

[2]                                                                                            SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
The Most Holy Trinity                                                                    June 7, 2020

                              God troubled the Water’s – So, FINALLY the Courts ACTED, after much protest anger of
                              good people of faith, those whose faith was damaged, destroyed or stolen. Then & now,
                              I feel at risk when the Media or others generalize about priests. In the midst of injustice
                              in and by the Church, I have resolved to go about doing my best to share a different,
                              hopefully more gospel way.

                              The anger regarding our historic and current racial divide fueled today by the deaths of
                              black men and women in our country needs to change! The application of justice needs
                              to be fair and practical. For our communities, Police Standards and Accountabilities need
new enforcement in all cities and towns. The work done in Camden by citizens and catholic priests and clergy of the
many churches brought stronger relationships with the Police and their community. Changes were addressed in the
structures of the police department and the relationship of police with the broader county police. The marches in
Camden were done jointly, the community with their police. And peace has reigned among them. True peaceful
protests will help, so I might be awakened to notice, to listen, to engage and possibly learn the issues. I look to
Reverend ML King, Mahatma Ghandi and other leaders who through protest, education and song-filled prayer led us
through earlier awakenings of injustices. Behavior of violence against shop owners, opposition voices and even against
police I hold as criminal, and accountability is needed. Publicly speak out of the crimes of oppressors, of Bad cops and
Bad Administrators, bad judges who empower and protect unjust treatment.

Has God troubled the waters -here & now:
Martin Luther King “ I choose to Love, Hate is Too heavy a burden to live with.” Jesus said ‘Love one another, as I have
loved you!’ and in John 17: 19-22 I pray for them: 20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will
believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May
they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me …. so that they may be brought to complete
unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”
I pray that we might SEE, LEARN & ACT. I believe Learning & Listening are the first steps I need to take. And you…

                                                     Fr. Dave

[3]                                                                                          SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
La santisima trinidad                                                                  7 de junio de 2020

        ministeriohispano@stclarenj.org website: https://stclarenj.org/communidad-hispana
                              Línea directa en español: 856-467-0227
                             Nuestra FIESTA de la TRINIDAD: las relaciones de los Tres y UN solo
                             Dios. Y la relación de Dios con nosotros.
                             1. ¡Felicitaciones a nuestra CLASE DE ESCUELA DE LOS ÁNGELES GUARDIANES
                             DE 2020! Me has sorprendido al compartir tus talentos - Creatividad a través de los
                             años - En los proyectos del Living Wax Museum cada año, tu preparación y talento para
                             el espectáculo en la canción y la actuación en nuestras obras escolares, tus fuertes
                             dones de música en nuestros coros escolares, nuestro angelical Coro y muy a menudo
                             en nuestras misas escolares para dirigir nuestra oración cantada para servir como
                             cantor o proclamar los salmos. Tu trabajo en equipo en deportes, prácticas y juegos te
                             servirá bien en tus años de escuela secundaria. Que escuches con un corazón lleno del
                             amor de Jesús; Escucha con un oído con la compasión de Jesús; ¡Actúa con los demás!

 2. SÍ! El gobernador y nuestro obispo han dado pautas para avanzar hacia la misa pública PRONTO. El primero es el
 13 y 14 de junio. No todas las parroquias estarán listas para entonces. La reapertura y cómo podemos reunirnos
 para la misa y cuántas personas, etc., requiere una planificación clara y segura para las celebraciones de la misa
 seguras y adecuadas aquí en St. Clare. Espero decidir el martes nuestra preparación para el próximo fin de semana.
 Si le proporcionó a St. Clare su dirección de correo electrónico, debería haber recibido una encuesta sobre los
 voluntarios necesarios para la misa. POR FAVOR RESPONDA HOY si no lo has hecho. Envíe un correo electrónico a
 Verna si no recibió nuestra encuesta. El Padre Grace Manano, Padre John Jairo y yo presentaremos un video que se
 publicará esta semana, "Lo que puedes esperar cuando vengas a misa a Santa Clara en estos tiempos" Y "Lo que
 esperamos de ti cuando nos reunimos para la misa en estos tiempos".

 3. "DIOS va a preocupar las aguas ..." - Para mis parientes, la frase "¡Los problemas!" se refiere a la lucha irlandesa
 por la independencia en los últimos 100 años. 'T R O U B L E' S 'Creo que es una gran palabra para nuestra gente,
 nuestro país en nuestros tiempos. Viendo las noticias de otro joven negro asesinado. Y una vez más asesinado por
 un oficial de policía. Ser testigo de la sublevación de las comunidades de manifestantes que se congregan en oleadas
 en todo nuestro país y más allá de nuestras fronteras necesita llamar mi atención por algo más que un mordisco.

 ¿DIOS ha turbado las aguas?

 Un hijo de mis amigos publicó compartir su ira y odio a la policía. Mis amigos me preguntaron si respondería a mi
 amigo menor, su hijo. Dije que tenía la intención Y necesitaba tiempo para dormir antes de responder. Compartiré
 con ustedes mi intento de involucrar a este excepcionalmente bueno, joven católico cristiano educado con una
 profunda compasión por la justicia para todos. “Ser sacerdote ha sido para mí desde el principio un viaje bendito y
 sagrado. Sin embargo, desde mi inicio en 1983, mi viaje también ha sido inquietante y desafiante.

[4]                                                                                          SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
La santisima trinidad                                                                  7 de junio de 2020

        ministeriohispano@stclarenj.org website: https://stclarenj.org/communidad-hispana
                             Línea directa en español: 856-467-0227
                               ¡La aceptación, tolerancia y encubrimiento institucional [de la Iglesia] del abuso sexual
                               y la pedofilia del clero fue horrible! El TRAUMA sigue siendo profundamente
                               traumático para los maltratados. Resolución de curación a menudo incompleta. Y la
                               traición de la confianza familiar en las parroquias, así como la traición de la confianza
                               de los buenos sacerdotes, todavía grita por ser escuchada y sanada.

                               Dios perturbó el agua - Entonces, FINALMENTE los Tribunales ACTUARON, después de
                               mucha ira de protesta de las buenas personas de fe, aquellos cuya fe fue dañada,
                               destruida o robada. Entonces y ahora, me siento en riesgo cuando los medios u otros
                               generalizan sobre los sacerdotes. En medio de la injusticia en y por la Iglesia, he
                               decidido hacer todo lo posible para compartir una forma diferente, ojalá más

 ¡La ira con respecto a nuestra división racial histórica y actual alimentada hoy por la muerte de hombres y mujeres
 negros en nuestro país debe cambiar! La aplicación de la justicia debe ser justa y práctica. Para nuestras
 comunidades, las normas y responsabilidades policiales necesitan una nueva aplicación en todas las ciudades y
 pueblos. El trabajo realizado en Camden por ciudadanos y sacerdotes católicos y el clero de las muchas iglesias trajo
 relaciones más fuertes con la policía y su comunidad. Los cambios se abordaron en las estructuras del departamento
 de policía y la relación de la policía con la policía del condado en general. Las marchas en Camden se realizaron
 conjuntamente, la comunidad con su policía. Y la paz ha reinado entre ellos. Las verdaderas protestas pacíficas
 ayudarán, por lo que podría despertarme para notar, escuchar, participar y posiblemente aprender los problemas.
 Miro al Reverendo ML King, Mahatma Ghandi y otros líderes que a través de la protesta, la educación y la oración
 llena de canciones nos guiaron a través de los primeros despertares de injusticias. Comportamiento de violencia
 contra dueños de tiendas, voces de oposición e incluso contra la policía que considero criminal, y se necesita
 responsabilidad. Hablar públicamente de los crímenes de los opresores, de los malos policías y los malos
 administradores, los malos jueces que empoderan y protegen el trato injusto.

 ¿Ha turbado Dios las aguas aquí y ahora?

 Martin Luther King "Elijo amar, odiar es una carga demasiado pesada para vivir". Jesús dijo "¡Ámense los unos a los
 otros como yo los he amado!" Y en Juan 17: 19-22 oro por ellos: 20 "Mi oración no es solo por ellos. También rezo
 por aquellos que creerán en mí a través de su mensaje, 21 para que todos sean uno, Padre, así como tú estás en mí
 y yo estoy en ti. Que también estén en nosotros para que el mundo pueda creer que me has enviado ... para que
 puedan ser llevados a la unidad completa. Entonces el mundo sabrá que me enviaste y los has amado como tú me
 has amado a mí ”.

 Rezo para que podamos VER, APRENDER Y ACTUAR. Creo que aprender y escuchar son los primeros pasos que debo
 seguir. Y tu…

                                  Fr. Dave
[5]                                                                                          SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
                          FOR THE WEEK
     GB = Gibbstown / PB = Paulsboro / SB = Swedesboro
                                                                     USCCB Priority Resources as
                                                                       Regards to COVID-19
       MH = Ministerio Hispano / BTM = Mass with Baptism

SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2020
8:00 am SB Lucy Grasso r/o Joseph L. Grasso                  Through the good leadership of our shepherds, the
9:30 am GB Mary Marabito r/o Her Children                    Church is experiencing the remarkable grace of
9:30 am SB Brian Williams r/o His Wife, Carmen —MH           spiritual closeness from a distance. To the extent
11:00 am SB William H. Gardopee r/o Matthew Dolan & Family
                                                             you may find it helpful, the Conference has been
MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2020                                         collecting examples of how our community of faith
8:30 am GB People of the Parish                              has sought to remain with one another in prayer
                                                             during these difficult times.
8:30 am GB People of the Parish
6:30 pm SB People of the Parish—MH
                                                             You may find the list here:
8:30 am GB People of the Parish
8:30 am SB People of the Parish
                                                             In the days ahead, we will update this page as we
FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2020                                        find and you share additional resources. USCCB
8:30 am SB Michael Drager r/o Joseph Drager                  Public Affairs and Episcopal Resources teams are
                                                             partnering also with the Office of Divine Worship,
9:00 am SB People of the Parish                              the Office of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth,
4:30 pm GB Elizabeth McBride r/o Nick Jean                   and other Conference colleagues to develop new
SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2020                                        resources to help the faithful in our home prayer.
8:00 am SB Leon Barber r/o Wife, Helen and Family            These are being prepared for Catholic Current.
9:30 am GB Gloria Flamini r/o Rita an Family
9:30 am SB People of the Parish—MH
                                                             Those resources are here:
11:00 am SB John Cavallaro r/o The Golden Girls

                                                                                                     PRAYER LIST
                                                                      Peter Accordino, Joseph Accordino, Angela, Anderson, Michele Baran, Michelle
                                                                      Barr, Vinny Battaglia, Sandy Belcher, Linda Boone, Jane Boone, Adam Boucher,
                                                                      Geri Buckley, Michael Campbell, Mario Carpino, Anna Carpino, Louis Cipolone,
            The Tabernacle Candle burns in memory of                  Mikie Coco, John Collins, Judith Conego, Dee Conrad, Marie Corey, Gabe
                    Leon Barber r/o                          Covici, Mark Dawalt, Megan Davis, Alex DeSimone AF, Andrew DiFonzo, Mikey DiPaolo,
                      Wife, Helen                            Nancy Donnelly, Ann Doran, Edward Duerstock III, Philip Delacot, Kathleen Alice Doyle,
                                                             Solina Feliciano-Gonnion, Peggy Fiderko, John Fogel, Caroline Fountain, Mark Gage,
          The Pro-Life Rose is sponsored by the              Frances Gargiulo, Michael George, Reginald Hall, Anne Marie Harrington, Curtis
                  Knights of Columbus                        Holland, Gloria Holland, Thomas Jennings, Ronald Karpovich, Thomas Keegan, John
                                                             Kelly, Emmanual Kuoma, Kenley Kuhn, Richard Lane, Lucille Leonardi, Sabrina Lisa, Louis
                                                             Leonardis, Nina Lopes, Kathy McCann, Bruce & Kate Macphail, Betty Moore, Jonathan
                                                             Ortiz, Yesenia Vazquez Pagan, Alfio Patane, Susan Paul, Pasquale Pezzano, Clelia
                                                             Pezzano, Nancy Plant, Carolyn Reistle, Maribeth Reyes, Zach Rizzuto, Anthony Salvatico,
                                                             Carol Schultz, Maryann Sparks, Ron Steidler, Bill Swan, Jada Thompson, LeeAnn &
                                                             Amron Acevedo Thompson & Family, Gabrielle Tiedeken, Francis Trani Zallie, Pasquale
            SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS                            Tropiano, Dave Vanneman, Sergio Vera, Michelle Vause, Ruben Vedar, Jill Watson,
                                                             Bridget (Bea) Weiss and Pat Zabel
           In Preparation Sunday, June 14, 2020
     First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a
                                                             Pray for our Service Men and Women
       Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17                Sgt. Christopher Clark, FA Alex Curran, SPC. Trevor Durning, 1st Lt. Patrick George,
               Gospel: John 6:51-58                          Mason Harris, Mitchell Harris, Lt. David Kehoe, Sgt. Christian Klaus, Lt. Jeffrey Riggs, SFC
                                                             Sarah Nothdurft , HN Michael C. Rutcosky, Jr., Dylan Sams, Daryn Smith, Lt. Cdr. Sarah
                                                             Turse EOD, LCpl Issey Wright and the Diocese of Camden Clergy who serve in the armed

 [6]                                                                                                              SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
Message from Fr. Dave - Effective immediately
After careful consideration regarding the letter from Bishop Dennis Sullivan sent to all
      parishes, Fr. Dave Grover and our St. Clare Leadership team have concluded
       important and necessary changes to our parish office activities and events.
 No Public weekly or Sunday MASS will be celebrated until further notice from
            our Diocese and direction from our Bishop Dennis Sullivan.

                       Parish Office will be closed to the public.
                 Our staff will continue to work remotely from home.
                Please leave a message if you would like a return call
                             from parish staff or clergy.

             Please Remember that large gatherings are not permitted. We are following the National,
                            State and Diocesan guidelines of Social distancing.

                            Please visit our website stclarenj.org for more information
                         Daily Mass Monday through -Friday will be celebrated Privately
                                      by our Pastor and our priests.

                                              Stay Healthy & Safe

                                                                      Thank you for sharing your family
                                                                   picture with us! Our live streaming on
                                                                   Saturdays have been more joyful hav-
                                                                  ing your family pictures as we celebrate
                                                                              our Sunday Mass!
                                                                   If you have not had the chance to send
                                                                           us a picture, please do!
                                                                     Your pictures ( PDF FORMAT, please)
                                                                       may be sent to Steve Obarski, our
                                                                    pastoral associate for Liturgy & Music.
                                                                    Thank you very much for participating

[8]                                                                                       SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
St. Clare of Assisi Parish
                                                                     Financial Support
        Grotto for our Lady of Guadalupe
                                                                      Contributions to
                                 Thank you for your generous              St. Clare
                                        donations to         I would like to extend a special thanks to
                                  Lady of Guadalupe Grotto.      the many parishioners who have been so
                                   Your contribution is im-      kind as to send their weekly offertory
                                        portant to us.           envelopes into the office when not
                                 We are getting closer to our attending Mass.
                                      goal of $20,000
                                   With your help, activities,
                                    fundraisings events and
                                  families donations we have
                                     collected $ 18,582

             Gracias por sus generosas donaciones a
            Nuestra Gruta de la Señora de Guadalupe.
           Su contribución es importante para nosotros.
       Nos estamos acercando a nuestra meta de $ 20,000
                                                                 We depend on your offertory to meet our
      Con su ayuda, actividades de la comunidad , eventos de     regular operating expenses so your efforts
      recaudación de fondos y donaciones de familias, hemos      are much appreciated.
                       recaudado $ 18,582
                                                                 During this period of Social Distancing,
                         For more information
                                                                 please consider sending your offertory to
                                                                 us directly via mail : (140 Broad St,
                     go to:   stclarenj.org
                                                                 Swedesboro, NJ 08085), or you can sign up
                                                                 Online to have your contribution sent di-
                                                                 rectly from your bank account or credit
       St. Vincent de Paul Society & Clare’s Cupboard            card. Deposit your envelope in The Black
                       (856)423-4190                             Box outside of our parish office.
       Kings Things 1404 Kings Highway, Swedesboro               We have provided this link Give on our
                       (856)467-1796                             website https://stclarenj.org to start your
                                                                 online given process: click on “Give” -

[9]                                                                                    SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
Our FEAST of the TRINITY - the Relationships of the Three in ONE God. And God's relationship with us.
Stewards Cornerstones
                  May 10, 2020
               5th Sunday of Easter

    “The stone which the builders rejected
       has become the cornerstone.”
                   1 PETER 2:7
    Every person has been given gifts from
        the Holy Spirit. These are called
    “charisms” and they are used to build
     God’s kingdom on earth. While many
    people are able to recognize their nat-
    ural talents and      abilities, they may
               be unsure of their
    charisms as Christian Stewards. If you
    know someone who is struggling for a
     direction in life, give them a little en-
    couragement. Help them discern their
    charisms and how God is calling them
                  to use them.
      Remember - no gift is too small or
     Insignificant in God’s salvation plan.

        "La piedra que los constructores
    rechazaron se ha convertido en la piedra
             angular". 1 PEDRO 2: 7
        Cada persona ha recibido dones del
    Espíritu Santo. Estos se llaman "carismas"
    y se utilizan para construir el reino de Dios
        en la tierra. Si bien muchas personas
          pueden reconocer sus talentos y
      habilidades naturales, pueden no estar
       seguros de sus carismas. Si conoces a
         alguien que está luchando por una
        dirección en la vida, dale un poco de
     aliento. Ayúdalos a discernir sus carismas
     y cómo Dios los está llamando a usarlos.
      Recuerde: ningún regalo es demasiado
       pequeño o insignificante en el plan de
                   salvación de Dios.

[                 SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
                                                          MY NEIGHBOR?”
                                                                 To Give go:

Please feel free to use resources, which will be         https://stclarenj.org/
updated as new information becomes                    Please know you can easily find
available, in lieu of celebrating Mass at parishes    Diocesan audio Podcasts and
                                                      YouTube resources from local
and other areas, in accordance with public
                                                      Catholic experts, produced by the
weekday and Sunday Masses being suspended.            Office of Communications with the
                                                      Catholic Star Herald, to share with
Go to                                                 others
                                                      at talking.catholicstarherald.org/
for a complete list including times, continually
being updated.

St. Clare’s Children’s Liturgy resources
           are available online
     To publish Information in our parish bulletin?
              Please send us an email to:
            communications@stclarenj.org                    Daily Audio Mass 1 PM |
                                                          Live stream: Weekdays 1 PM

[                                                                    SAINT CLARE of ASSISI PARISH
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