"Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." - St. Joseph Catholic Community

Page created by Charlie Arnold
"Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." - St. Joseph Catholic Community
March 7, 2021

                                    “Destroy this temple and
                                    in three days I will raise it up.”
                                    Jn 2:19

                                    “Destruyan este templo y
                                    yo lo reedificaré en tres días. ”

                         P.O. Box 72, Bound Brook, NJ 08805
Parish Office (732) 356-0027 • Parish Fax (732) 356-8092 • www.dreamsofstjoseph.org

                                      – 1–                                             0557
"Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." - St. Joseph Catholic Community
Ana Valencia, Pastoral Services and Faith Formation Director .................................................................. Ana.Valencia@sjcbb.net
Edgar Chaves, Deacon ................................................................................................................................................... Deacon.Edgar@sjcbb.net
Gary Newton, Deacon .................................................................................................................................................... Deacon.Gary@sjcbb.net
Gustavo Sandoval, Deacon .......................................................................................................................................... Deacon.Gustavo@sjcbb.net
Jacek Malik, Operations Manager ............................................................................................................................. Jacek.Malik@sjcbb.net
Joseph J. Kerrigan, Pastor............................................................................................................................................ Jkerrigan@diometuchen.org
Julian Mahecha, Co-Director, Evangelization ...................................................................................................... Julian.Mahecha@sjcbb.net
Kathy Champignon, Pastoral Administrative Assistant ................................................................................ Reled@sjcbb.net
Lukas Blicharski, Parochial Vicar ............................................................................................................................ Fr.Lukas@sjcbb.net
Luz Helena Escobar, Co-Director, Evangelization ........................................................................................... LuzHelena.Escobar@sjcbb.net
Maritza Alvarez, Music Ministry Director ............................................................................................................ Maritza.Alvarez@sjcbb.net
Martha Rovitto, Administrative Assistant ............................................................................................................ Martha.Rovitto@sjcbb.net
Mary Ellen Kirchman, Office Manager .................................................................................................................. MaryEllen.Kirchman@sjcbb.net
PARISH SERVICE LOCATIONS                                                                              SACRAMENTS OF SERVICE
Church: 111 East High Street, Bound Brook, NJ 08805                                                   Christian Marriage: Congratulations and blessings on
Parish Center: 124 East Second Street, P.O. Box 72,                                                   your engagement. Every couple has unique gifts and
Bound Brook, NJ 08805                                                                                 needs, and our clergy will walk and work with you to
Phone: (732) 356-0027 | Fax: (732) 356-8092                                                           meet our own time-tested standards to get you to the
Center morning hours (remote service only, no in-person):                                             altar and beyond. Contact anyone on the pastoral team.
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM                                                           Holy Orders: If you are sensing God’s call to service as a
evening remote hours: Tuesday only 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM                                                  priest or deacon in the church, contact our pastor and/or
Website: https://sjcbb.net. Soon: dreamsofstjoseph.org                                                any parish team member you feel can best serve you.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St-Joseph-                                                         Similarly, even though there are no sacraments
Catholic-Church-Bound-Brook-NJ-1639226116329049                                                       associated with the religious life, monastic life, lay
                                                                                                      ministry or faith-based humanitarian service, please
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BezmenneT
                                                                                                      contact us if we can help you in your discernment.
SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION                                                                              DEVOTIONS
Infant/Child Baptism: Baptism is our incorporation into                                               First Friday Mass in Time of Pandemic:
the Body of Christ and the foundation of our sacramental                                              For every First Friday of the Month, apart from Holy
life. Contact Ana Valencia at the parish center to begin the                                          Week, the parish will offer a bilingual “Mass in Time of
process of instruction and celebration.                                                               Pandemic”at 7:00 PM.
Children’s Penance/Eucharist/Confirmation: Preparation                                                Next Mass in Time of Pandemic: Friday, April 16
for these sacraments of initiation are handled within our                                             First and Last Friday Eucharistic Adoration:
Faith Formation program. For questions, contact                                                       Every First Friday morning of the month, Adoration of the
Ana Valencia.                                                                                         Blessed Sacrament will run from 9:00 AM - Noon in the
Adult Initiation: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults                                          church. For every Last Friday of the month, an evening
                                                                                                      Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered from
(RCIA) is the path for those seeking to learn more and
                                                                                                      5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
perhaps ask for full initiation into the Catholic church.                                             Next Dates: March 26 (PM), May 7 (AM)
A related process is available for those adults who only
                                                                                                      Monthly St. Sharbel Healing Mass: Every 22nd of the
need to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. For initial                                            month, a bilingual healing Mass will be offered, focusing
questions, contact any clergy person of the parish.                                                   on the intercession of St. Sharbel, the hermit of Lebanon,
SACRAMENTS OF HEALING                                                                                 who is the subject of increasing devotion throughout the
Penance: this Sacrament is celebrated Saturday from                                                   world for his intercessory popularity with healing.
4:00-4:30 PM in the Church. Other times are available by                                              Next St. Sharbel Healing Mass: Monday, March 22
                                                                                                      at 7:00 PM, with Deacon Edgar Chaves preaching.
making an appointment with parish priests.
                                                                                                      Marian Devotion: first Friday Angelus, 12 noon monthly,
Anointing of the Sick: freely offered to those who are sick,                                          at the conclusion of Benediction of the Blessed
facing surgery, those with chronic mental or emotional                                                Sacrament.
illness, and those of advanced age. In the COVID-19 era,
there are certain conditions that prevent clergy from                                                   HOLY SAVIOR ACADEMY
home visits and hospitals, but contact Fr. Blicharski at the                                            The Middlebrook Deanery Catholic School
parish if you would like the sacrament and we can                                                       Mrs. Theresa Pasqua, Principal | Grades Pre-K through 8
determine if we can celebrate it safely.                                                                149 S. Plainfield Avenue, S. Plainfield, NJ 07080
                                                                                                        (908) 822-5890 | www.holysavioracademy.com

                                                                                          – 2–                                                                                         0557
                                                                                                                             THIS WEEK’S READINGS
                                                                                                                             MARCH 8 - 14, 2021
                                                                                                                             Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b | Lk 4:24-30
                                                                                                                             Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43 | Mt 18:21-35
                                                                                                                             Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9 | Mt 5:17-19
                                                                                                                             Thursday: Jer 7:23-28 | Lk 11:14-23
                                          MARCH 7, 2021                                                                      Friday: Hos 14:2-10 | Mk 12:28-34
                                                                                                                             Saturday: Hos 6:1-6 | Lk 18:9-14
MASSES/PENANCE FOR THE WEEK                                                                                                  Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23 | Eph 2:4-10 | Jn 3:14-21
ALL MASSES IN THE CHURCH                                                                                                     THROUGH AT LEAST SEPTEMBER 2021…
Monday, March 8, 2021                                                                                                        Due to COVID-19 realities, all non-parish-wide activities
8:30 AM World Peace                                                                                                          (i.e., groups) are suspended for the foreseeable future.
6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer
6:30 PM S Vespers                                                                                                            COVID-19 FURTHER CHURCH RESTRICTIONS
7:00 PM B Lectio Divina                                                                                                      On February 22, Governor Murphy raised the capacity
Tuesday, March 9, 2021                                                                                                       limits for houses of worship to up to 50%, if 6-foot
8:30 AM Andreim Sartori and Paul Sartori, request of                                                                         distancing can be maintained. We are working on
            family                                                                                                           determining our new raised limit.
6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer                                                                                                 We have added a 6:00 PM Sunday Spanish evening Mass
6:30 PM S Vespers                                                                                                            to provide an added safe option for worship and to
7:00 PM S Spanish Mass                                                                                                       increase weekend capacity.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021                                                                                                    Those in vulnerable groups should stay home, and those
8:30 AM John Bednar, request of wife, Florence                                                                               who are sick or symptomatic must stay home. Catholics in
6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer                                                                                                 our diocese will continue to be dispensed from the
6:30 PM S Vespers                                                                                                            obligation to attend Mass until further notice.
7:00 PM S Spanish Mass                                                                                                       PARISH OFFICE CLOSED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2021
Thursday, March 11, 2021                                                                                                     As near-misses and second-level exposures to the
8:30 AM Victims of COVID-19                                                                                                  coronavirus increase among parish staff and leaders,
6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer                                                                                                 the parish center is again closed to the public. The parish
6:30 PM S Vespers                                                                                                            team will use this time to reconfigure the entrance area
7:00 PM S Abraham Acevedo, request of family                                                                                 to have a safer degree of encounter with parishioners
Friday, March 12 2021                                                                                                        when we do open again. Staff is continuing to work
8:30 AM Souls in Purgatory                                                                                                   remotely and in the office and can be reached by phone
6:00 PM Contemplative Prayer                                                                                                 or email.
6:30 PM S Vespers                                                                                                            LIVE-STREAM MASS AT ST. JOSEPH CHURCH
7:00 PM B Mass in Time of Pandemic                                                                                           The English 10:00 AM and the Spanish 12:00 PM Masses
7:30 PM S Spanish Stations of the Cross                                                                                      are being live streamed on YouTube.
Saturday, March 13, 2021                                                                                                     The best way to access the Mass is use the following link:
8:00 AM Audrey Riccioli, request of Riccioli family                                                                          https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCiyEO3bu2KX2rb
4:00 PM Penance                                                                                                              7RXiDuImg/live. Thank you to Julian Mahecha and Luz
5:00 PM Angelo Frezza, request of Wayne and                                                                                  Helena Escobar for providing this service.
            Josephine Holbig
7:00 PM S Parishioners of St. Joseph                                                                                         2021 COLLECTION ENVELOPES
                                                                                                                             The 2021 Collection Envelopes are available for pick-up in
Sunday, March 14, 2021                                                                                                       the narthex of the main church. The church is open seven
8:00 AM Patricia Johnstone, request of                                                                                       days a week during the times noted on the mass schedule
            Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wendt                                                                                        to the left.
10:00 AM Theresa Bertucci, request of daughter,
            Rose Marie Green
12:00 PM Acción de gracias al Divino Niño, Jesús,

            request of Lozada family
6:00 PM S Paulino Vargas, request of José Luis Cascante                                                                           St. Joseph Catholic Church Bound Brook, NJ
S = Spanish Mass                   B = Bilingual Mass

                                                                                                                   – 3–                                                         0557
                                                               2021 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL
                                                               Transformed by Christ Body and Blood – Sent on Mission
                                                               to Light a Fire in the Heart of the Church
                                                               The devastating global pandemic of 2020 caused the loss
                                                               of countless lives, widespread critical illness and has
So that the Church of Metuchen may be spiritually one in       impacted every family around the world in so many ways.
a common observance of Lent, the following days of fast        The important work of Catholic Charities could not and
and abstinence are to be observed by all Catholics of the      did not stop during this time. Requests for basic services
Diocese who enjoy the blessings of good health:                such as food, shelter and clothing increased and the staff
1. The days of fast and abstinence are Ash Wednesday           at Catholic Charities truly lived out the Corporal Works of
and Good Friday.                                               Mercy. Rental assistance and housing support continued.
                                                               The Catholic Charities food pantry provided curbside
2. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.           delivery and made home deliveries to protect those most at
3. From the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy          risk of coronavirus. Critical counseling services were made
Thursday until the celebration of the Easter Vigil on the      available through tele-health and safe, socially distant
evening of Holy Saturday, the Easter fast should be            visits.
observed so that, with uplifted and welcoming hearts, we       Twenty-four percent – $1.7 million dollars – of the funds
may be ready to celebrate the joys of the Resurrection.        raised by the 2021 Bishop’s Annual Appeal is earmarked
This ancient tradition, intimately connected with the          for Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen. Your
Rites of Holy Week and the Order of Christian Initiation of    generosity and sacrifice help to ensure that no one is left
Adults, is encouraged, especially in those places baptizing    without services in these difficult times.
catechumens at the Easter Vigil.                               ST. JOSEPH PARISH GOAL FOR 2021: $33,000.
The obligation to fast applies only to Catholics between       CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2021-2022 TUITION ASSISTANCE
the ages of 18 and 59. To fast in the Catholic tradition       ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS OPEN
means to limit oneself to one full meal during the day so      Families interested in applying for tuition assistance to
as to experience hunger.                                       attend an eligible Diocese of Metuchen elementary or
The obligation of abstinence affects all Catholics who         high school may apply online now through FACTS Grant &
have reached the age of 14. Abstinence in the Catholic         Aid Assessment at https://online.factsmgt.com/aid.
tradition means to abstain from meat.                          Online applications must be completed (including all
                                                               required documentation) by no later than March 31,
The obligation of fast and abstinence, as a whole, is a
                                                               2021. Applications are available in English and Spanish.
serious obligation. While failure to observe any
                                                               Families that need assistance completing the online
penitential day in itself may not be considered serious,       application or need access to a computer to apply should
the failure to observe any penitential days at all, or a       contact their school.
substantial number of them without good cause, would
be considered a grave matter. Those unable to abstain for      HOW TO REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE
a valid reason on any given Friday of Lent are asked to        If you were sexually abused by a member of the clergy or
perform some other penitential act, or to abstain on           anyone representing the Catholic Church, or you know of
another day.                                                   someone who was, you are encouraged to report that
                                                               abuse to local law enforcement, the New Jersey Division
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS                         of Child Protection and Permanency at 1-877-NJ ABUSE
                   If you or someone you know would like       (652-2873) or 1-800-835-5510 (TTY/TDD for the deaf),
                   to hear more about Jesus and His            and also the Diocesan Response Officer at (908) 930-
church, we invite you to join us at an Inquiry Session. In     4558 (24 hours/7 days a week). For more information on
addition, if you wish to be baptized into the Catholic         how to report abuse, visit our diocesan website:
Faith, you are already baptized and wish to receive the        diometuchen.org/healing.
other Sacraments of Initiation, or you come to us from         HEALING AFTER ABORTION
another faith wishing to become a fully initiated member       Have you suffered an abortion? Experience God’s love
of the Catholic Church, then we invite you to join RCIA        and mercy and begin the journey of healing. Please call
(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). For more             the Sisters of Life (866) 575-0075 or email
information about sessions in English, please contact          hopeandhealing@sistersoflife.org. For men, call Theresa
Deacon Gary Newton at Deacon.Gary@sjcbb.net or for             Bonopartis at Lumina (877) 586-4621 or email
sessions in Spanish, please contact                            Lumina@postabortionhelp.org.
Deacon Edgar Chaves at Deacon.Edgar@sjcbb.net.

                                                        – 4–                                                     0557
PARISH STEWARDSHIP                                                                                CHURCH CAPACITY LIMITS TO BE RAISED
February 28 Weekend Masses ............................ $                            3,499.00     On February 22, Governor Murphy raised the capacity
Online Giving .............................................................. $         745.00     limits for houses of worship to up to 50%, if 6-foot
Weekday Masses....................................................... $                157.00     distancing can be maintained. If everyone properly fills
Total .......................................................................... $   4,401.00     the numbered sections, we can now seat 163, but the
                                                                                                  realistic limit is more around 130. Thanks for your
WEEKLY DONATIONS                                                                                  continuing compliance and cooperation.
If you would like to mail your donation for the Sunday
collection, please address your envelope as follows:                                              NEW PARISH WEBSITE!
St. Joseph Church | P.O. Box 72 | Bound Brook, NJ 08805                                           Please visit our new parish website
Your generous support is greatly appreciated.                                                     at www.dreamsofstjoseph.org. This
                                                                                                  website was developed with much
                                                                                                  thought and will enable both our
                                                                                                  parishioners and staff to conduct
St. Joseph Parish now offers Parish Giving, an online
                                                                                                  business more efficiently during this
option for donating to the Sunday collection. It’s simple.
Go to the St. Joseph Parish website dreamsofstjoseph.org                                          time of pandemic and beyond.
and click on the Parish Giving Logo. Follow the easy                                              YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH
registration instructions.                                                                        Our contemplative theme in March is "The Name.”
FUND-RAISING OPPORTUNITY                                                                          God calls us by name. How important is your name? Your
Following the example of other parishes, a parish finance                                         confirmation name? The name of Jesus? Many
council member has suggested that parishioners donate                                             contemplative practices focus on a sacred name, or, in the
$100 for a one-month remembrance and support of the                                               case of the "Jesus Prayer," the name of Jesus. How do you
church’s altar candles; also $100 for the candles at the                                          unleash the power of the name in your spiritual practice?
ambo. If interested, please contact Mary Ellen Kirchman                                           Our action theme in March is "Conversion. "What positive
at the parish center.                                                                             changes would you like to see within yourself this Lent?
Thank you to the following who donated to support both                                            Within our community? Our world? How can you be that
the Altar and Ambo candles:                                                                       change right now?
Eileen and Leon Borowski – March 2021                                                             COMING HEALING OPPORTUNITIES:
In Memory of Joseph F. Howard – April 2021                                                        Monthly St. Sharbel Healing Mass: Monday, March 22 at
Gerry and Al DeNicola - August and December 2021                                                  7:00 PM (bilingual) with the Sacrament of Anointing
Also coming in 2021: opportunities to give through                                                available.
memorial brick pavers around the church, and the                                                  Morning Confession Opportunity: Tuesday, March 23
possibility of a columbarium at the parish cemetery.                                              from 7:45-8:30 AM. We understand in a very small
                                                                                                  parish such as ours, an outside priest may be preferred
ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY                                                                               for confessions. Fr. Pauly Thekkan, chaplain at RWJ-
In order to better protect and maintain St. Joseph
                                                                                                  Barnabas, New Brunswick, will hear confessions before
Cemetery grounds, gates have been installed on the
                                                                                                  the morning Mass on March 23.
Foothill Road and Chimney Rock Road entrances.
The cemetery hours are:                                                                           SAVE THESE DATES
April 1st to October 31st                                                                         PASCHAL TRIDIUM, APRIL 1-4
Monday through Saturday           8:00 AM to 5:00 PM                                              Morning Prayer: Mon.-Wed., April 1-3, 7 AM
Sunday and Holidays               9:00 AM to 4:00 PM                                              Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper: April 1, 7 PM
November 1st to March 31st                                                                        Good Friday Service of the Lord’s Passion: April 2, 3 PM
Monday through Saturday           9:00 AM to 4:00 PM                                              Stations of the Cross: April 2, 7 PM
Sunday and Holidays               9:00 AM to 4:00 PM                                              The Great Easter Vigil: April 3, 8:30 PM
               Please be advised that during severe winter                                        Easter Sunday, April 4:
               weather, such as snow and ice storms, that                                         Mass at Dawn: 7 AM, in the Parish Cemetery
               the roads and paths inside the cemetery                                            Regular Sunday Mass Schedule, but only the 8 AM Mass
               may not be plowed. Please do not visit the                                         will be celebrated in the church. 10 AM, 12 noon and 6 PM
               cemetery, and if you must visit, use extreme                                       will be celebrated outside the front door of the church,
               caution during such conditions.                                                    weather permitting.

                                                                                           – 5–                                                     0557
CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA                                      El 22 de febrero, el Gobernador Murphy elevó la
Primera Lectura: 2 Crónicas 36:14-16,19-23                      capacidad límites para las casas de culto hasta el 50%, si
El Señor, Dios de sus padres, los exhortó continuamente         6 pies de distanciamiento se puede mantener.
por medio de sus mensajeros.                                    La capacidad de la Iglesia es ahora de 166 personas. Se
Segunda Lectura: Efesios 2: 4-10                                espera que los asistentes a la misa desinfecten sus manos,
Dios muestra, por medio de Jesús, la incomparable               usen máscaras y se sienten a seis pies de distancia. Los
riqueza de su gracia y su bondad para nosotros.                 que viven en grupos vulnerables deben quedarse en casa,
Evangelio: Juan 3: 14 -21                                       y los enfermos o sintomáticos deben quedarse en casa.
Tanto amo Dios al mundo, que le entrego a su Hijo único,        Los católicos de nuestra diócesis seguirán siendo
para que todo el que crea en el no perezca.                     dispensados de la obligación de asistir a la Misa hasta
                                                                nuevo aviso.
Confesiones                                                     ¡LAS NOCHES DE LA PARROQUIAL SAN JOSÉ!
Las confesiones se realizan en inglés y español:                Programa (lunes a viernes)
• Sábados de 4:00 a 4:30 PM en la Iglesia.                      6:00 PM Silencio Contemplativo
Se requerirá máscaras y distanciamiento social.                 6:30 PM Vísperas (español)
Para confesarse en otro momento debe hacer una cita             7:00 PM Eucaristía (español)
previa llamando al (732) 356-0027.                              7:30 PM Vía Crucis (viernes-español)
TOME NOTA                                                       Misa los Domingos a las 6:00 PM (Continua)
El Diácono Gustavo Sandoval está disponible para                La misa del domingo por la noche 6:00 PM en español
aquellas personas que necesiten alguna ayuda espiritual.        continuará hasta nuevo aviso.
Para comunicarse con él, favor llamarle al teléfono
(732) 317-8544 o a su correo Deacon.Gustavo@sjcbb.net.          VELA CONMEMORATIVA DE LA PANDEMIA Y
El Diácono Edgar Chaves está disponible para las                LIBRO DE DIFUNTOS
personas adultas que deseen hacer el bautismo,                  Se ha dedicado una vela conmemorativa en el nártex de
comunión o confirmación. También el está a cargo de la          nuestra iglesia en memoria de los miembros de nuestra
Divina Misericordia y los ensayos de matrimonio en              familia parroquial que han muerto de COVID-19. Un libro
español, si desea más información contacte al diacono en        conmemorativo también está disponible para que
su correo Deacon.Edgar@sjcbb.net.                               cualquier persona agregue los nombres de sus seres
                                                                queridos que han fallecido a causa de COVID-19. Cada
La Sra. Martha Rovitto atiende todo lo relacionado con
                                                                primer viernes del mes a las 7:00 PM, en nuestra Misa
Misas, bautismos, registros parroquiales y certificados.
Llamando al (732) 356-0027 ext. 15 o al correo                  mensual en Tiempo de Pandemia, anunciaremos los
Martha.Rovitto@sjcbb.net.                                       nombres de aquellos escritos en nuestro Libro de
Ana Valencia la directora del programa de Formación de
Fe (CCD), pueden contactarla llamando (732) 356-0027            REFLEXIÓN
ext. 17, o al correo Ana.Valencia@sjcbb.net, las personas       "No te harás ídolos de cualquier forma” - Éxodo 20:4
que necesiten consultar sobre la Formación de Fe.               ¿Cuántos “dioses” anteponemos a Dios? Los ídolos no
                                                                siempre toman la forma de cosas físicas, cosas que
                                                                podemos tocar y sentir. Esos son fáciles de reconocer.
A medida que las exposiciones casi perdidas y de segundo
nivel al coronavirus aumentan entre el personal y los           Muchas veces toman la forma de cosas que no podemos
líderes de la parroquia, el centro parroquial vuelve a          tocar y son mucho más difíciles de detectar como el
estar cerrado al público. El equipo parroquial                  orgullo, el poder, el ego, el tiempo, la comodidad o la
aprovechará este tiempo para reconfigurar el área de            salud. Rece pidiendo la ayuda de Dios para eliminar
entrada para tener un grado más seguro de encuentro             nuestros vicios y crecer en virtud.
con los feligreses cuando abramos de nuevo. El personal         INTENCIONES DE ORACIÓN DEL SANTO PADRE
continúa trabajando de forma remota y en la oficina y se        PARA EL AÑO 2021
puede comunicar por teléfono o correo electrónico.              Marzo
DONACIONES SEMANALES                                            Intención para la evangelización –
Si desea enviar su donación por correo para la ofrenda          Sacramento de la Reconciliación
dominical, diríjase de la siguiente manera:                     Recemos para que vivamos el sacramento de la
St. Joseph Church, P.O. Box 72 Bound Brook, NJ 08805.           reconciliación con renovada profundidad, para
Su generoso apoyo es muy apreciado.                             saborear la infinita misericordia de Dios.

                                                         – 6–                                                    0557
AÑO DE SAINT JOSEPH                                            APELACIÓN ANUAL DEL OBISPO 2021
Nuestro tema contemplativo en marzo es "El nombre".            Transformado por el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo - Enviado
Dios nos llama por su nombre. ¿Qué tan importante es tu        en Misión para Encender un Fuego en el Corazón de la
nombre? ¿Tú nombre de confirmación? ¿El nombre de              Iglesia
Jesús? Muchas prácticas contemplativas se centran en un        Esta semana recibirá una carta del Obispo Checchio
nombre sagrado, o, en la "Oración de Jesús", el nombre de      anunciando La Apelación Anual del Obispo 2021, por
Jesús. ¿Cómo se liberar el poder del nombre en su              favor esté atento a su correspondencia. Puede encontrar
práctica espiritual?                                           el video a Bishop's Annual Appeal en
Nuestro tema de acción en marzo es "Conversión". ¿Qué          https://diometuchen.org/BAA o yendo a nuestro sitio
positivos cambios que le gustaría ver dentro de sí mismo       web de la parroquial en sjcbb.net. Nuestra parroquia
esta Cuaresma? ¿Dentro de nuestra comunidad? ¿Nuestro          podrá obtener un reembolso del 50% del monto que
mundo? ¿Cómo puedes hacer eso cambio en este                   recauda por encima de la meta que le fue establecida.
momento?                                                       Con su aporte a La Apelación Anual del Obispo, usted
                                                               ayuda a los más necesitados en nuestra diócesis – los
ESCUELA CATÓLICA 2021-2022                                     pobres, las personas sin hogar y aquellos que luchan
ABIERTA LA ASISTENCIA DE MATRICULA EN LÍNEA                    con enfermedades o penas. Entre otras cosas, con su
Las familias interesadas en solicitar asistencia para la       donación ayuda a los misterios pastorales con sus
matrícula para asistir a una escuela primaria o                necesidades, apoya la formación de seminaristas y
secundaria elegible de la Diócesis de Metuchen pueden          colabora con el mejoramiento del ministerio
solicitar en línea ahora a través de La Evaluación de La       universitario en el Centro Católico en la Universidad de
Subvención y Ayuda de FACTS                                    Rutgers. Muchos de los ministerios pastorales,
en https://online.factsmgt.com/aid. Las solicitudes en         educativos y de caridad de la Diócesis no serían posibles
línea deben completarse (incluida toda la documentación        sin la generosa contribución de las familias. Por favor, sea
requerida) a más tardar el 31 de marzo de 2021. Las            generoso como su medio lo permita.
solicitudes están disponibles en inglés y español. Las
familias que necesitan ayuda para completar la solicitud       GIANNA CENTER
en línea o necesitan acceso a una computadora para             El Centro Gianna de St. Peter’s, ubicado en New
solicitar deben comunicarse con su escuela.                    Brunswick, NJ se dedica a ofrecer atención médica
                                                               verdaderamente pro-vida para las mujeres, incluyendo
SOBRES DE CONTRIBUCIÓN Y ASISTENCIA A LA IGLESIA 2021          servicios de infertilidad, atención ginecológica general y
Si usted está registrado en la Parroquia                       más. Todos los servicios se prestan de acuerdo con las
(ya tiene un numero de sobre) debe                             Directivas Éticas y Religiosas de los Obispos Católicos de
tomar los sobres de contribución y                             los Estados Unidos para los Servicios católicos de
asistencia en la iglesia, tome en cuenta que no los            atención médica. Visité:
mandamos por correo. Las cajas fueron clasificadas en          https://www.saintpetershcs.com/Services/Gianna-
orden alfabético, por favor venga a levantar los suyos, por    Center o comuníquese con nosotros al (732) 565-5490.
favor controle que sus datos estén correctos.
                                                               SEGURO Y A SALVO SOMERSET
MISA DE TRANSMISIÓN EN VIVO DE LA IGLESIA ST. JOSEPH           El abuso doméstico es un patrón de conducta coercitiva y
Las misas del domingo 10:00 AM en inglés y a la                controladora que es un crimen generalizado y
12:00 PM en español están siendo transmitidas en vivo          potencialmente mortal que afecta a las personas en todas
por YouTube. La mejor manera de acceder a la misa es           nuestras comunidades, independientemente del género,
utilizar el siguiente enlace: https://www.youtube.com/         la edad, la orientación sexual, la raza, la etnia, la religión,
channel/UCiyEO3bu2KX2rb7RXiDuImg/live.                         la situación social y el estatus migratorio. La violencia
Muchas gracias a Julián Mahecha y Luz Helena Escobar           doméstica toma muchas formas: físicas; emocional
por brindar este servicio.                                     económico acecho y acoso; y sexual. Todos nuestros
                                                               programas son gratuitos, confidenciales, ofrecidos en
COMO DENUNCIAR ABUSOS SEXUALES                                 múltiples ubicaciones en todo el condado, y están
Si un miembro del clero o cualquier persona que                disponibles en inglés y español. Si desea obtener más
represente a la Iglesia Católica, o usted sabe de alguien      información sobre los servicios que ofrecemos o conoce a
que era, se le anima a denunciar el abuso a las fuerzas del    alguien que pueda beneficiarse de nuestros servicios,
orden, a través del sitio web diocesano                        llame a nuestra línea de llamadas o mensajes de texto de
www.diometuchen.org, o llamando a la oficina diocesana         24 horas al (866) 685-1122 o envíenos un correo
de Protección de la Infancia y la Juventud en                  electrónico a info@safe-sound.org.
(732) 562-2413.

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