The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...

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The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
The Research Monitor
                  June Quarter 2019

      inside this issue
  Are Small Companies too expensive?
ASX Tech sector returns like Moore’s Law
    A partially Inverted Yield Curve
              + stock picks
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
Q1 2019 Performance
    The Australian Share Market, as measured by the S&P/ASX 300 Index,
    recorded its best quarter since September 2009 – rising 9.5% in price
    terms and 10.9% including dividends, after having produced the worst
    quarter since 2011 in the previous quarter.

    A strong rebound in global markets          Energy sector returns recovered             of global diversification for Australian
    was mirrored in the domestic market         following a bounce in the oil price. West   investors. Bond markets rallied on
    as bond yields fell, US/China trade         Texas Intermediate oil prices rose 32.5%    the back of lower long-term interest
    talks progressed, central banks             in the quarter and this pushed the          rates with the Bloomberg AusBond
    pivoted and fears of a slowdown in          sector up 15.2% after dividends, with       Composite (0+Y) index up 3.4% and
    global growth waned.                        heavyweight Woodside Petroleum (WPL)        Bank Bills returning 0.5%. The spread
                                                up 10.5%.                                   between 90-day bank bills and cash
    Among Australian equity sectors,                                                        fell from 59 basis points at the end
    all sectors posted positive returns         The worst performing sector was             of December to only 27 points at
    during the quarter. Leading the             Banks, followed by Food and Staples         the end of March – a strong sign of
    charge were the Software and                Retailing where first half profit results   easing credit conditions.
    Telecommunication Services                  were disappointing. Woolworths (WOW)
    sectors, up 19.9% and 17.9% including       rose only 3.3% and rival Coles Group        Long term interest rates in Australia
    dividends respectively. These are           (COL) rose only 0.9%.                       hit a record low of 1.72%, and
    relatively small parts of the Australian                                                measures of housing activity continued
    market, comprising 2.45% and 2.82%          Global equity markets also                  to show weakness, suggesting the
    of the market. Globally, these sectors      performed strongly in the March             broader economy is coming off the
    are much more significant and there are     quarter, with the MSCI World ex             boil somewhat. Market measures of
    signs that local investors are “paying      Australia Index in Australian dollars       risk or volatility, fell significantly during
    up” for these sectors to catch the global   up 12.6%. Quite astonishingly, this         the quarter, suggesting investors have
    tailwind.                                   brings compound returns over the past       become comfortable with the likely path
                                                ten years from global equities to 14.8%     of inflation, interest rates, growth and
    Whilst defensive industrial sectors such    per annum – highlighting the importance     trade.
    as Food and Staples Retailing performed
    relatively well in the December quarter,
    these sectors performed relatively poorly         Sector                                      Performance            Market Cap
    in the March quarter, with the exception         Energy                                             15.21%                94,822
    being the “bond proxies” such as Real            Materials                                          17.69%               319,035
    Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) (up
                                                     Capital Goods                                      13.20%                15,681
    14.4% including dividends) and the
    Utilities sector (up 11.6% including             Commercial & Professional Services                 15.06%                43,288
    dividends). There are 32 REITs in the            Transportation                                     10.57%                79,188
    ASX300 index and the best, Charter Hall          Consumer Services                                   9.94%                49,698
    Group (CHC) posted a 38.4% gain. The             Retailing                                          14.78%                54,978
    worst, Vicinity Centres (VCX) was flat.          Food & Staples Retailing                            4.09%                55,771
    The largest component of the S&P/                Food, Beverage & Tobacco                            7.68%                34,957
    ASX 300 Index is the Banks Sector                Health Care Equipment & Services                    7.79%                49,715
    (21.9% index weight), which rose                 Pharmaceuticals, Biotech & Life Sciences            6.06%                91,962
    only 2.0% in price terms and 3.0%                Banks                                               3.03%               369,551
    including dividends, extending                   Diversified Financials                             13.56%                85,464
    the period over which banks have
                                                     Insurance                                          14.17%                65,802
    underperformed the index. The
    second largest – but closing in on being         Software & Services                                19.95%                41,374
    the largest - sector, Materials (18.9%           Telecommunication Services                         17.89%                47,561
    index weight) rose 17.7% including               Media & Entertainment                              12.58%                14,678
    dividends, with bellwether BHP up                Utilities                                          11.64%                33,788
    12.5% despite paying over $2.20 in               Real Estate                                        14.38%               123,968

2 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
Are Small Companies
too expensive?

                      Martin Crabb
                      Chief Investment Officer

                              Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 3
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
Are Small Companies
     too expensive?

    Small Companies – defined as those in the All Ordinaries index
    outside the Top 100 – traditionally trade at a small PE premium to
    Large Companies due to their greater potential for growth. Based on
    market consensus forecasts since 2005, this premium has averaged
    3.9%. At current levels, this premium is 17.4% - a significant premium
    to historical averages. Small Companies’ PE is 18.0x versus Large
    Companies 15.3x, using consensus earnings estimates.

                                      Price/Earnings Ratios                                                       Small Caps are more expensive than Large

      19                                                                                              20%

      17                                                                                              15%
      13                                                                                               0%

      11                                                                                               -5%
       7                                                                                              -20%
           Jan 00

                    Jan 02

                             Jan 04

                                       Jan 06

                                                Jan 08

                                                         Jan 10

                                                                  Jan 12

                                                                           Jan 14

                                                                                    Jan 16

                                                                                             Jan 18

                                                                                                                                                          Nov 10
                                                                                                                                                                   Nov 11
                                                                                                                                                                            Nov 12
                                                                                                                                                                                     Nov 13
                                                                                                                                                                                              Nov 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nov 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nov 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nov 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nov 18
                                                                                                             Nov 05
                                                                                                                      Nov 06
                                                                                                                               Nov 07
                                                                                                                                        Nov 08
                                                                                                                                                 Nov 09

                                            Small           Large                                               Small PE/Large PE                                      Average                         +/- 1 SD

     Forecast Growth                                                                                              12m                                                                                             24m
     Communication Services                                                                                           4.5%                                                                                        8.7%
     Consumer Discretionary                                                                                    10.6%                                                                                              9.8%
     Consumer Staples                                                                                          14.4%                                                                                            18.2%
     Energy                                                                                                    21.4%                                                                                            -2.6%
     Financials                                                                                                10.1%                                                                                              9.9%
     Health Care                                                                                               51.7%                                                                                            42.7%
     Industrials                                                                                               26.4%                                                                                            13.1%
     Information Technology                                                                                    25.7%                                                                                            33.6%
     Materials                                                                                                 44.2%                                                                                            17.6%
     Real Estate                                                                                                -0.8%                                                                                             3.2%
     Utilities                                                                                               -19.0%                                                                                             -4.8%
     Small Ordinaries                                                                                         19.2%                                                                                             12.2%
4 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
CHART 1: Earnings per Share Growth Y1 fwd to Y2 fwd                                                                                                             CHART 2: Small Caps growing faster
30%                                                                                                                                      20%
 15%                                                                                                                                     10%

 10%                                                                                                                                     5%
                                                              Apr 11
                                                                        Apr 12
                                                                                 Apr 13

                                                                                                                     Apr 17
                                                     Apr 10

                                                                                          Apr 14
                                                                                                   Apr 15
                                                                                                            Apr 16

                                                                                                                              Apr 18
       Apr 05

                          Apr 07
                Apr 06

                                   Apr 08
                                            Apr 09


                                                                                                                                                                                                Oct 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Oct 12

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oct 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Oct 17
                                                                                                                                                                                      Oct 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Oct 14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Oct 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Oct 16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Oct 18
                                                                                                                                                          Oct 07
                                                                                                                                               Oct 06

                                                                                                                                                                    Oct 08

                                                                                                                                                                             Oct 09
                         S&P ASX Small Ordinaries                                            S&P ASX 100

                     CHART 3: PE versus Growth Differential                                                                                    CHART 4: PE premium/discount drives performance

  30%                                                                                                                                     15%                                                                                                                  -20%
                                                                                                                                          10%                                                                                                                  -15%
  20%                                                                                                                                       5%                                                                                                                 -10%
  10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -5%
   0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5%
                                                                                                                                         -20%                                                                                                                  10%
 -10%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15%
                                                                                                                                         -30%                                                                                                                  20%
                                                                                                                                             Nov 05                     Nov 08                  Nov 11               Nov 14                  Nov 17
    Oct 06                 Oct 08              Oct 10                  Oct 12             Oct 14            Oct 16              Oct 18
                                                                                                                                                        12m return differential
                          Growth Differential                                     Premium/Discount                                                      Difference b/n PE premium and Growth Premium (RHS, inverted)

Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners

Is there sufficient earnings growth in Small
Companies relative to Large Companies to justify
this premium?
The key here is to look two years’                                                                  This ties in with our thesis that just                                            We polled our small cap team
ahead as the PE ratio (CHART 1)                                                                     buying the market is unlikely to result                                           and selected ten companies that
is calculated using one year ahead                                                                  in a fantastic outcome for investors
earnings. So, what does the growth                                                                  and thus they must do their homework
                                                                                                                                                                                      we believe have superior growth
differential between small caps and                                                                 and cleverly select the right stocks and                                          prospects that may not be being
large caps look like today, and does                                                                sectors that are expected to do well.                                             correctly priced by the market.
it justify the premium?                                                                                                                                                               They are:
                                                                                                    So which sectors look like they will
If we overlay the PE premium with the                                                               be delivering the highest level of
                                                                                                                                                                                              Audinate (AD8)
growth differential (CHART 3), we can                                                               growth over the next few years?
see that the market continues to see a                                                              Looking at the individual stocks that                                                     Apiam Animal Health (AHX)
growth premium of Small Companies                                                                   comprise the Small Ordinaries Index                                                       Bingo Industries (BIN)
over Large Companies beyond the next                                                                and collating the sector data, it’s no                                                    Carbonxt Group (CG1)
few years.                                                                                          surprise that Healthcare and Information                                                  IVE Group (IGL)
                                                                                                    Technology stocks have the highest
Whilst by no means a perfect correlation,                                                           forecast growth.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Money 3 (MNY)
small caps typically underperform large                                                                                                                                                       Midway (MWY)
caps (and vice versa) when this PE                                                                                                                                                            Rhipe (RHP)
versus Growth differential gets too large.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Revasum (RVS) and
                                                                                                                                                                                              Zip Co (Z1P).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 5
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
Jonathon Higgins
     Danny Younis
     Research Analysts

      ASX Tech Sector
        returns like Moore’s Law
                             oore’s law is the observation that the number of
                            transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about
                            every two years. Moore’s Law can also be utilised to
                            represent exponential growth.

6 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
The tech and high growth sector has led the rebound in the                                                                                                                                                      PERFORMANCE SINCE
US and Australia with the average $100m+ market cap tech                                                                                                                                                        THE START OF THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                YEAR TO MARCH 2019
stock up ~19% since December to March and outperforming
the broader index by ~9%.                                                                                                                                                                                       DUB             135.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEA              92.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                APX              81.4%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ISX              67.7%
Tech both domestically and                                                                                    Overall quality (measured by profitability)                                                       APT              62.6%
internationally has been a bellwether                                                                         of tech names has actually increased                                                              AD8              62.0%
for overall market sentiment.                                                                                 across the bourse as businesses have                                                              ALU              53.4%
Whilst the tech/growth sector in                                                                              matured, management drive towards                                                                 Z1P              52.3%
Australia pales in comparison with                                                                            profitability and higher quality later stage                                                      BVS              47.3%
the size of the market in the USA,                                                                            tech have been listed on the Australian                                                           PME              47.1%
a number of quality companies                                                                                 stock exchange.                                                                                   IFM              46.6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                RHP              44.6%
have emerged on the ASX as new
                                                                                                              Interestingly on the ASX and the Australian                                                       ESV              43.8%
listings (Afterpay, Wisetech) as well                                                                                                                                                                           NTC              41.4%
as established players continued to                                                                           market, management are incentivised
                                                                                                                                                                                                                IRI              35.4%
grow domestically and internationally                                                                         and given a mandate to drive towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                DDR              33.0%
(Appen, Altium, Promedicus, Xero to                                                                           profitability, rather than users, active KPI                                                      AMS              30.4%
name a few).                                                                                                  metrics and a loss making high market                                                             ASG              29.7%
                                                                                                              share, as is encouraged within the USA.                                                           LVT              29.7%
The combined market cap of larger                                                                             The current percentage of stocks with                                                             WTC              27.3%
ASX tech names now totals over $83bn                                                                          a market cap of over $100m making                                                                 TNE              26.1%
up over 170% in the past 5 years. The                                                                         positive EBITDA is 71% against 35% 5                                                              HUB              21.9%
average market cap has also risen                                                                             years ago, representing a step up in ASX                                                          SDA              20.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                GBT              18.3%
over 50% and now sits at over $1.3bn                                                                          listed tech quality available to investors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                CL1              16.2%
supported by a skew towards larger                                                                                                                                                                              EML              16.1%
names.                                                                                                                                                                                                          MP1              14.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                CAR              13.6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                XRO              13.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                LNK              12.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                DTL              12.3%
              Total market cap and average capitalisation (tech sector)                                                                                                                                         IRE              11.4%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                RBL              11.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                LVH              10.3%
  $90bn                                                                                                                                                                                                $1.4bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                MNY              10.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ELO               8.6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       $1.2bn   REA               7.9%
  $70bn                                                                                                                                                                                                         SEK               7.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       $1.0bn   OCL               6.5%
  $60bn                                                                                                                                                                                                         CGL               6.5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                CDA               6.5%
  $50bn                                                                                                                                                                                                         PPH-NZE           5.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                CAT               3.2%
  $40bn                                                                                                                                                                                                $0.6bn   ARQ               1.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                WLL               1.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       $0.4bn   CPU               0.9%
  $20bn                                                                                                                                                                                                         CXL               0.6%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                NXT              -0.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                       $0.2bn   DWS              -2.5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                FDV              -6.0%
   $0bn                                                                                                                                                                                                $0.0bn   PVS              -6.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                GTK              -6.7%
          Mar 14

                                              Mar 15

                                                                                  Mar 16

                                                                                                                      Mar 17

                                                                                                                                                                                              Mar 19
                                                                                                                                                 Dec 17
                                                                                                                                                          Mar 18
                                     Dec 14

                                                                         Dec 15

                                                                                                             Dec 16

                                                                                                                                                                                     Dec 18
                   Jun 14

                                                       Jun 15

                                                                                           Jun 16

                                                                                                                               Jun 17

                                                                                                                                                                   Jun 18
                                                                                                                                        Sep 17
                            Sep 14

                                                                Sep 15

                                                                                                    Sep 16

                                                                                                                                                                            Sep 18

                                                                                                                                                                                                                ISU              -7.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                FLN              -8.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                GTK-NZE          -8.9%
                                          Total market cap (LHS)                                              Average market cap (RHS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                RUL              -9.7%
  Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                3PL             -10.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                PPS             -10.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                HSN             -12.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                SLC             -12.3%
As more accommodative monetary conditions                                                                                                                                                                       SMN
have reigned supreme, the market has turned                                                                                                                                                                     QMS
risk on towards growth shares.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 7
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
ASX Tech Sector
      returns like Moore’s Law

      Quality is continuing to emerge across the ASX,
      with domestic tech names more profitable,
      bigger and increasingly more global than before.

                                                                            EV/Sales multiples all tech and growth

    The sector has re-rated and                  5.50
    is currently sitting 15% above
    its 5 year average EV/sales
    multiple; even as the skew                   5.00
    of size and investor appetite
    within the sector has                        4.50
    increased towards the larger
    and more liquid names,
    which are trading at even                    4.00
    more substantial premiums
    to the broader sector (of
    up to 2x the broader sector                  3.50
    The tech sector YTD has re-rated             3.00
    by over 20% to start the year an
    EV/sales basis. This is even more
    pronounced within the basket of popular
    larger tech growth stocks. Without           2.50











    earnings continuing to outperform,
    this re-rating typically leads a period of
    underperformance and sharp correction
    within the growth sector.
                                                                           Median EV/Sales (t+1)                                            5 year average

                                                 Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners

8 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
The Research Monitor - Are Small Companies too expensive? ASX Tech sector returns like Moore's Law A partially Inverted Yield Curve + stock picks ...
ASX Tech Sector
  returns like Moore’s Law

Approximately 50% of the outperformance
within the Small Ords sector has been within
the five most popular tech stocks on the ASX.

     Rolling QoQ re-rating for sector

90%                                                                                                        Whilst the majority of investors have        Within the popular larger tech names,
                                                                                                           started the year with a positive             those names that screen the cheapest
                                                                                                           experience, underperformance is              with respect to trading multiples and rate
50%                                                                                                        rife across the market, lending our          of growth across gross profit (some are
                                                                                                           institutional colleagues with the            unprofitable or just reaching profitability)
                                                                                                           headache of good performance against         are Z1P, Afterpay Touch Group (APT)
10%                                                                                                        index underperformance to start CY19.        (large multiple with over 100% forecast
-10%                                                                                                                                                    growth), Catapult Group International
                                                                                                           This is as a result of a collective basket
                                                                                                                                                        (CAT) and Appen (APX).
-30%                                                                                                       of small cap tech/growth names that
                                                                                                           have outperformed substantially (~50%)       The popular tech names that screen
                                                                                                           YTD. These stocks include such               as expensive include, Nearmap










                                                                                                           names as Afterpay Touch Group (APT),         (NEA), Pro Medicus Limited (PME),
                                                                                                           WiseTech Global (WTC), Nearmap (NEA),        WiseTech Global (WTC), Xero (XRO),
                                                                                                           Appen (APX), Altium (ALU), Technology        REA Group (REA), Carsales.Com
         Sales trading multiples tech                                                                      One (TNE) and Pro Medicus (PME).             (CAR) and Technology One (TNE).
                  & growth                                                                                 Reporting season in general wasn’t
35                                                                                            90%          a standout for these names, but an
                                                                                              80%          underweight position was at your own
                                                                                              70%          peril.
20                                                                                            50%          Shaw and Partners has picked three
15                                                                                            40%          of the top 12 performers within the
                                                                                              30%          tech index in Zip Co (Z1P), Rhipe
                                                                                              20%          (RHP) and Audinate (AD8), which
 5                                                                                            10%          have added on average ~100% in
 0                                                                                            0%           the past 12 months to March and





                                                                                                           outperformed the broader market
                EV/Sales (t+1) (LHS)                                                                       substantially.
                EV/Sales expansion (RHS)
                Average multiple expansion (RHS)

                                                                                                                                                                          Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 9
Steve Anagnos &
        Cameron Duncan
        Co-Heads, Income Strategies

           Can a partially
           Inverted Yield Curve be
           a signal of recession?

10 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
    Apr-18                           Jun-18                     Aug-18              Oct-18                Dec-18            Feb-19                Apr-19

                                           US 10 Year Treasury Bond                                  3 Month Treasury Bond

The recent inversion of the three Month Treasury Bill to the US 10 year
Treasury Bond was viewed by some analysts as a harbinger for increased
impending market volatility and a potential looming recession in the US
and some other developed economies including Australia.

                 US Treasury Curve                              Coupled with the Fed’s GDP                    The better news is that similar to the
                                                                revisions and more dovish                     US curve, over the past week or so
 2.6                                                            commentary in relation to the Fed             longer bond yields have moved relatively
                                                                Funds rate and quantitative activity,         wider again which has created a more
                                                                the outlook infers a period of at least       “normal” shape curve.
 2.2                                                            slowing growth.
                                                                                                              This shift is important beyond just the
                                                                The US Treasury yield curve is inverse        possible inference of an impending
                                                                out to four years and the Australian          recession or slower growth. When the
 1.8                                                            bond curve is inverse for three years,        gap between short term rates and
                                                                which has also prompted some analysts         longer term rates narrows, it reduces the
 1.6                                                            to suggest that some developed                margins that financial institutions receive
                                                                economies including Australia are             who borrow “short” and lend “long”.
 1.4                                                            headed for a recession.
                                                                                                              In summary, recent yield curve







                                                                We note, however, that viewed across all      shifts have increased our wariness
                                                                tenors, clearly the greater yield curve is    of market volatility and increased
                                                                still essentially “normal” and a sustained    our defensive positioning. We have
          Australian Bill & Bond Curve                          period of inversion would be a more           increased our weighting of liquid
                                                                clear indicator of there being some dark      alternatives and hybrids relative to
                                                                clouds on the horizon.                        equities. However we do not view
 2.9                                                                                                          the current yield curve and the
                                                                Furthermore, the inverse shape at the         temporary inversion of the three
 2.8                                                            shorter end of the curve has been             month bill / two year bond spread
  2.7                                                           attributed to the impact of a lengthy         to 10 year bonds, as a reliable
                                                                period of quantitative easing and slack       indicator of a looming recession or
 2.6                                                            monetary policy.                              dramatically slower growth.
  2.5                                                           A similar Australian yield curve is evident
 2.4                                                            across the Australian bill / bond interest
                                                                rate curve, which has created concern
  2.3                                                           in terms of the implications for the







                                                                economic outlook, particularly in the
                                                                context of weakening residential house
Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners
                                                                                                                               Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 11
Shaw and Partners is now part of EFG International, a global
    private banking group headquartered in Zurich.

    STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP                    SOLID FOUNDATIONS                            CLOSE TO CLIENTS
    On the 13th of March 2019, Shaw and      As one of the best-capitalised Swiss         EFG combines a global focus with a
    Partners and EFG International entered   private banks, EFG International is a        strong local presence. The company is
    into a long-term strategic partnership   financial partner that offers the security   present in selected locations around the
    with EFG acquiring a 51% stake in the    and solidity needed to provide clients       globe and with experienced specialists
    issued shares in Shaw and Partners.      with effective support. An entrepreneurial   who know and manage the business
                                             spirit has shaped the bank since it          at a local level. Thanks to its proximity
    ABOUT EFG INTERNATIONAL                  was established in 1995, enabling            to clients, EFG International can offer
    EFG International is a global private    it to develop and offer hands-on             comprehensive advice that takes
    banking group offering private banking   solutions and to build long-lasting client   account of local culture and practices.
    and asset management services.           relationships.

    As a leading Swiss private bank, EFG
    International has a presence in major
    financial centres and growth markets.
    EFG International operates in over 40
    locations worldwide, with a network
    spanning Europe, Asia Pacific, the
    Americas and the Middle East.

           Our combined expertise and capabilities
           enable us to provide top-tier services
           and a truly global offering to our clients.                                                                     Americas
                                                                                                                           Buenos Aires

           Giorgio Pradelli, CEO at EFG
                                                                                                                           Grand Cayman
                                                                                                                           Lima City
                                                                                                                           Punta del Este

12 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
EFG International at a glance
Swiss quality
private banking
driven by an
                           CREDIT         3,200
                           RATING        EMPLOYEES                Listed on the SIX
                             (MOODY’S)   WORLDWIDE               SWISS EXCHANGE


Global Footprint
                         200 bn
                         ASSETS UNDER     TOP 10 SWISS

                    EFG combines a global focus with
                    a strong local presence.

                                           Middle East

           Guernsey      Zurich            Asia Pacific
           Jersey        Geneva
                                           Shanghai       Sydney
           Nicosia       Lausanne
                                           Hong Kong      Melbourne
           Paris         Crans-Montana
                                           Jakarta        Brisbane
           Athens        Locarno
                                           Singapore      Adelaide
           Milan         Lugano
                                           Taipei         Canberra
           Vaduz         Chiasso
           Luxembourg    Istanbul
           Monte Carlo   London
           Madrid        Birmingham

                                                                                  Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 13
Shaw Managed Accounts
    Portfolio Performances – March 2019

                                                                        1 Mth    3 Mth    6 Mth      1yr   Inception
     Shaw Income Goal Portfolio               Total Portfolio Return    1.44%   6.17%     1.72%   8.26%       7.02%
     Objective: RBA Cash +3%                  Portfolio Objective       0.38%   1.10%     2.23%   4.50%       4.48%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        1.06%   5.07%    -0.51%   3.76%       2.54%

     Shaw Balanced Goal Portfolio             Total Portfolio Return    0.90%   7.35%     1.39%   8.93%       8.59%
     Objective: RBA Cash +4%                  Portfolio Objective       0.46%   1.33%     2.71%   5.50%       5.51%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        0.45%   6.02%    -1.31%   3.43%       3.08%

     Shaw Growth Goal Portfolio               Total Portfolio Return    0.87%   10.05%   -1.35%   9.38%      11.69%
     Objective: RBA Cash +5%                  Portfolio Objective       0.54%   1.58%     3.21%   6.50%       6.47%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        0.33%   8.47%    -4.55%   2.88%       5.22%

                                              Total Portfolio Return    0.98%   2.21%     3.65%   5.49%       4.24%
     Debt Securities Income Portfolio
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    1.57%   1.83%     2.60%   7.40%       7.13%
     Hybrid Income Portfolio
                                              Inception: Sep-16

                                              Total Portfolio Return    2.31%   11.84%    3.61%   12.52%      8.77%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Income
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    1.49%   14.38%    0.08%   13.49%     15.16%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Growth
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    0.62%   11.86%    4.59%   13.97%     13.00%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Core
                                              Inception: Sep-16

                                              Total Portfolio Return   -0.45%    8.27%   -6.85%    1.62%      6.21%
     Australian Equity - Small and Mid Cap
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return   -0.57%   2.43%    -0.90%     N/A     -1.18%
     Shaw Liquid Alternatives Portfolio
         Inception: Aug-18

     AB Concentrated Global Growth            Total Portfolio Return    3.00%   15.73%    2.71%   14.89%      9.89%
                                              Inception: Jan-15

14 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
Shaw Managed Accounts
Click on the images below to download the marketing brochure
and Portfolio Factsheets
                                                                                                                                                   Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                              Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                           Shaw Managed Accounts

                                                                                                                                                 GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                                GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                           GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                 Shaw Income Goal Portfolio                                                                                                                          Shaw Balanced Portfolio                                                                                                                        Shaw Growth Goal Portfolio
                                                                                                                                                 Investment objective                             Asset classes and strategies may include                                                           Investment objective                           Asset classes and strategies may include                                                        Investment objective                               Asset classes and strategies may include
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                            Model Portfolio Details
                                                                                                                                                 The primary objective of the Shaw Income         cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                              The primary objective of the Shaw              cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                           The primary objective of the Shaw Growth           cash, Australian debt securities, and
                                                                                                                                                 Goal Portfolio is to provide a regular           Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager                            Balanced Portfolio is to provide a regular     Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager                         Goal Portfolio is to provide regular and           Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager
                                                                                                                                                 and sustainable income stream over the           securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited                          and sustainable income stream and              securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited                       sustainable capital growth over the longer         securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited
                                                                                                                                                 medium term (3–5 years) whilst minimising        alternative strategies (ETF and or                                                                 capital growth over the medium term            alternative strategies (accessed via ASX                                                        term (5–7 years). It achieves this by              alternative strategies (ETF and or
                                                                                                                                                 risk to capital. It achieves this by investing   managed funds).                                 Benchmark Index                                    (4–6 years), together with some capital        listed ETFs and or managed funds).              Benchmark Index                                 investing in a diversified portfolio of asset      managed funds).                                 Benchmark Index
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +3%                                                                                                                                 RBA Cash rate +4%                                                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +5%
                                                                                                                                                 in a diversified portfolio of asset classes                                                                                                         growth whilst minimising risk to capital. It                                                                                                   classes and strategies. The strategy is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Continual assessment and risk                   (Gross Income and Total Return)                                                                   Continual assessment and risk                   (Gross Income and Total Return)                                                                    Continual assessment and risk
                                                                                                                                                 and strategies.                                                                                                                                     achieves this by investing in a diversified                                                                                                    designed to have a high level of risk. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                  management of bottom-up and top-                Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                           management of bottom-up and topdown             Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                            management of bottom-up and top-                Indicative Number of Stocks per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     portfolio of asset classes and strategies.                                                                                                     achieves this by investing in a diversified                                                        Asset Class Based Portfolio
                                                                                                                                                 The strategy is designed to have a               down parameters is a core component             and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                    parameters is a core component of the           and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                     down parameters is a core component
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    portfolio of asset classes and strategies.                                                         30–100
                                                                                                                                                 medium level of risk.                            of the model. Changes to the portfolio          40–100                                             The strategy is designed to have a             model. Changes to the portfolio will be         60–140                                                                                             of the model. Changes to the portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                                                  will be made as deemed appropriate              Minimum Suggested                                  moderate level of risk.                        made as deemed appropriate by the               Minimum Suggested                               The strategy is designed to have a high            will be made as deemed appropriate              Minimum Suggested
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                             Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                              Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                                                                 Investment Strategy and Approach                 by the investment team in order for                                                                                                               investment team in order for the portfolio                                                      level of risk.                                     by the investment team in order for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3 years                                                                                                                                           4 years                                                                                                                                            5 years
                                                                                                                                                 The investment process combines                  the portfolio to have a high probability                                                           Investment Strategy and Approach               to have a high probability of meeting                                                                                                              the portfolio to have a high probability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                           Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                            Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                                                                                                                 quantitative and qualitative criteria and        of meeting its objectives in all market                                                            Investment Strategy and Approach The           its objectives in all market conditions.                                                        Investment Strategy and Approach                   of meeting its objectives in all market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Debt Securities Income             0%–30%                                                                                                    Shaw Debt Securities Income          0%–50%                                                                                                        Shaw Australian Equity Growth
                                                                                                                                                 analysis to identify asset classes, markets,     conditions. The investment process takes                                                           investment process combines quantitative       The investment process takes into                                                               The investment process combines                    conditions. The investment process takes        (Large Cap)                           0%–80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Hybrid Income                      0%–35%                                                                                                    Shaw Hybrid Income                   0%–50%
                                                                                                                                                 securities and strategies which have             into consideration the risk around asset                                                           and qualitative criteria and analysis to       consideration the risk around asset                                                             quantitative and qualitative criteria and          into consideration the risk around asset        Shaw Australian Equity Growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Australian Equity Income                                                                                                                     Shaw Australian Equity Core
                                                                                                                                                 a focus toward producing sustainable             classes and the underlying securities,          (Large Cap)                             0%–60%     identify asset classes, markets, securities    classes and the underlying securities           (Large Cap)                          0%–60%     analysis to identify asset classes, markets,       classes and the underlying securities           (Small and Mid-Cap)                   0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                 income as opposed to capital growth.             maintaining their income characteristics        International Equity                    0%–40%     and strategies which have a focus toward       maintaining their income and growth             Shaw Australian Equity Growth                   securities and strategies which have a             maintaining their growth characteristics        International Equity                  0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                  whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Liquid Alternatives                     0%–40%                                                    characteristics whilst ensuring that the risk   (Small and Mid-Cap)                  0%–30%                                                        whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Liquid Alternatives                   0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     producing sustainable income and capital                                                                                                       focus toward producing capital growth                                                              Cash                                 0%–100%
                                                                                                                                                 The portfolio construction is based on           drawdown is adequately managed. The             Cash                                   0%–100%                                                    of a drawdown is adequately managed.            International Equity                 0%–40%                                                        drawdown is adequately managed. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     growth.                                                                                                                                        over and above income.
                                                                                                                                                 macro-economic and thematic views of             Portfolio Managers however manage the           Indicative Cash Holding                                                                           The Portfolio Managers however manage           Liquid Alternatives                  0%–40%                                                        Portfolio Managers however manage the           Indicative Cash Holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cash                                0%–100%                                                                                                        3%

   Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                         Shaw’s Research in order to best meet            capital value of the portfolio to minimise      3%                                                 The portfolio construction is based on         the capital value of the portfolio to                                                           The portfolio construction is based on             capital value of the portfolio to minimise
                                                                                                                                                 the risk and return objectives of the            the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve                                                       macro-economic and thematic views of           minimise the risk of the portfolio failing to   Indicative Cash Holding                         macro-economic and thematic views of               the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          3%                                                                                                                                                 Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                 investment strategy.                             its risk and return objectives.                                                                    Shaw’s Research in order to best meet          achieve its risk and return objectives.                                                         Shaw’s Research in order to best meet              its risk and return objectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $100,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             $100,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the risk and return objectives of the                                                                                                          the risk and return objectives of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Minimum Model Investment
   Managing your portfolio just got easier                                                                                                       The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Designed for investors who                      Management Fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     investment strategy.                           Designed for investors who                      $100,000                                        investment strategy.                               Designed for investors who                      Management Fee
                                                                                                                                                 Partners SMA strategic portfolios based                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Investment Fee         Nil
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Seek income as the primary objective          Investment Fee           Nil                                                                       Seek a balance of income and capital                                                                                                              Seek capital growth as the primary
                                                                                                                                                 on their suitability to the income objective.                                                                                                       The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw                                                                                                           The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw and                                                           Indirect Cost Ratio    0.36% p.a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and some capital appreciation from a          Indirect Cost Ratio      0.34% p.a.                                                                 growth as the primary objective from          Management Fee                                                                                       objective and some income from a
                                                                                                                                                 Each goals based portfolio has effectively                                                       Performance Fee          Nil                       and Partners SMA strategic portfolios                                                          Investment Fee        Nil                       Partners SMA strategic portfolios based                                                            Performance Fee        Nil
                                                                                                                                                                                                    broad range of Australian and Global                                                                                                              a broad range of Australian and global                                                                                                             broad range of Australian and global
                                                                                                                                                 its own asset and risk allocation managed                                                                                                           based on their suitability to the Balanced       asset classes and strategies                  Indirect Cost Ratio   0.37% p.a.                on their suitability to the growth objective.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    asset classes and strategies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         asset classes and strategies
                                                                                                                                                 by the Shaw Portfolio Strategies Team.                                                                                                              portfolio objective. Each goals based                                                          Performance Fee       Nil                       Each goals based portfolio has effectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Have an investment horizon of three                                                                                                              Have an investment horizon of four                                                                                                                Have an investment horizon of five
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     portfolio has effectively its own asset and                                                                                                    its own asset and risk allocation managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    years or more                                                                                                                                     years or more                                                                                                                                      years or more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     risk allocation managed by the Shaw                                                                                                            by the Shaw Portfolio Strategies Team.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Accept the risk of volatility in their                                                           Portfolio Strategies Team.                      Accept a moderate risk of volatility in                                                                                                           Accept the risk of volatility in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                    investment return.                                                                                                                                their investment return.                                                                                                                           investment return.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                             MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                               MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SP0009                                                                                                                                           SP0008                                                                                                                                             SP0010

SMA Marketing brochure                                                                                                                          Shaw Income Goal                                                                                                                                   Shaw Balanced Goal                                                                                                                             Shaw Growth Goal

  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                           Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                               Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts

 ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                           ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                              ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                          ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Debt Securities Income Portfolio                                                                                                           Shaw Hybrid Income Portfolio                                                                                                                       Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Income                                                                                                      Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Core
 Investment objective                           The portfolio will be diversified across the                                                     Investment objective                             The portfolio will be diversified across                                                          Investment objective                            Continual assessment and risk                                                                  Investment objective                               The Investment Process takes into
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details
 The model invests in a portfolio of ASX        above criteria. A key focus of the portfolio                                                     The model aims to invest in a portfolio of       the above criteria. The portfolio will                                                            The primary objective of the Shaw               management of bottom-up and top-                                                               The objective of the Shaw Australian               consideration the yield and capital growth
 listed debt and shorter dated hybrid           will be the mix of fixed and floating rate        Model Portfolio Manager                        ASX listed debt and preference securities        be monitored against the manager’s              Model Portfolio Manager                           Australian Equity Income (Large Cap)            down parameters is a core component             Model Portfolio Manager                        Equity (Large Cap) Core Portfolio is               objectives of the portfolio and ensures         Model Portfolio Manager
 securities, debt based ETFs and debt           exposure in order to meet the portfolios’         Shaw and Partners Limited                      that offer diversification benefits to both      expectations of equity returns, credit          Shaw and Partners Limited                         Portfolio is to provide a regular and           of the model. Changes to the portfolio          Shaw and Partners Limited                      to provide regular income, capital                 that both are managed simultaneously            Shaw and Partners Limited
 specialist managed funds. These                objectives. The portfolio will be monitored                                                      Australian equities and cash or term             market implied volatilities and underlying                                                        sustainable fully franked dividend income       will be made as deemed appropriate                                                             appreciation and out performance of the            to ensure that the portfolio is not overly
 products offer potential diversification       against the manager’s expectations of             Benchmark Index                                deposits.                                        interest rates in order to ensure it is         Benchmark Index                                   stream over the medium term (3–5 years).        by the investment team in order for the         Benchmark Index                                S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index over                skewed to any style or thematic that            Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +1.5%                                                                                                                             RBA Cash rate +3%                                                                                                                                 S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index                                                                                                                    S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index
 benefits to both Australian equities and       equity returns, credit market implied                                                                                                             invested across a range of market                                                                 It achieves this by investing in a portfolio    portfolio to have a high probability of                                                        the medium term (3–5 years) through                would increase the risk of the portfolio
                                                                                                                                                 The model’s return will be generated from                                                        (inclusive of franking credits)
 cash or term deposits.                         volatilities and underlying interest rates                                                                                                        cycles to meet its return objective, while                                                        of large-cap Australian listed companies        meeting its objectives. The investment                                                         investment in large cap shares listed in           failing to meet its objectives.
                                                                                                  Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks        a combination of cash (interest payments                                                         Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                                                                       Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                                                                       Indicative Number of Stocks
                                                in order to ensure it is invested across          and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                  adhering to the risk tolerances set.                                                              and managed funds. Although the                 process takes into consideration the risk       15–25                                          Australia.                                                                                         15–25
 The model’s return will be generated from                                                                                                       and dividends), franking credits and                                                             10–30
                                                a range of market cycles to meet its              15–25                                                                                                                                                                                             focus is yield generation, the investment       around companies growing/maintaining                                                                                                              Designed for investors who
 a combination of interest payments and         return objective, while adhering to the risk                                                     capital growth (realised and unrealised)         The model manager has access to new                                                               process and risk management aims to             their dividend characteristics with the
                                                                                                  Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                 Minimum Suggested                              Investment Strategy and Approach                    Seek exposure to an Australian share          Minimum Suggested
 capital growth (realised and unrealised)       tolerances set.                                                                                  from an actively managed portfolio               issues of debt and preference securities                                                          ensure that risk to capital is minimised        result that this portfolio aims for a higher    Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                             Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                  Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                           Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                                                                            Shaw and Partners’ Investment Process                portfolio that provides a franked income
 from an actively managed portfolio                                                               3 years
                                                                                                                                                 strategy.                                        and is able to include in the portfolio as it   3 years                                           with the goal of some capital appreciation      dividend yield than that of the broader         3 years                                                                                                                                           3 years
 strategy.                                      The model manager has access to new                                                                                                               deems appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               combines quantitative and qualitative                stream and capital appreciation
                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                         Asset Allocation Ranges                           via both longer term price appreciation         market. The portfolio managers however          Asset Allocation Ranges                        criteria and analysis to identify stocks                                                           Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                issues of listed debt securities and is                                                          The Shaw Hybrid Income Portfolio seeks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Have an investment horizon of three
                                                                                                  Debt and hybrid securities         70%–100%                                                                                                     Listed Australian hybrid securities 70%–100%      and actively locking in gains as deemed         manage the capital value of the portfolio       Australian Equities                80%–100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   likely to produce above average
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Australian Equities                  90%–100%
 The Shaw Debt Income Portfolio seeks to        able to include these in the portfolio as it                                                     to provide investors with a predictable          The model manager’s institutional                                                                                                                                                                 Cash                                 0%–20%                                                         years or more                                 Cash                                   0%–10%
                                                                                                  Cash                                0%–100%                                                                                                     Listed debt securities                0%–80%      appropriate to the objectives.                  to minimise the risk of the portfolio failing                                                  earnings growth with positive valuation
 provide investors with a predictable level     deems appropriate.                                                                               level of income whilst minimising risk to        market experience with this asset class                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Accept the risk of share price volatility.
                                                                                                  Indicative Cash Holding                                                                                                                         Cash                                  0%–20%                                                      to achieve its risk and return objectives.      Indicative Cash Holding                        characteristics.                                                                                   Indicative Cash Holding
 of income whilst minimising risk to capital.                                                                                                    capital.                                         brings specialist knowledge to pricing
                                                                                                  2%                                                                                                                                              Indicative Cash Holding                                                                                                                           2%                                                                                                                                                2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and liquidity. Active management of the                                                           Investment Strategy and Approach
                                                Designed for investors who                                                                                                                                                                        2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The investment process combines                 Designed for investors who                                                                     The portfolio construction is based on
 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                                                                Investment Strategy and Approach                 portfolio will take advantage of relative                                                                                                                                                         Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          Minimum Model Investment
                                                 Seek a sustainable income stream over           Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         macro-economic and thematic views of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  mispricing between securities and the                                                             quantitative and qualitative criteria and        Seek franked dividend income as the           $5,000                                                                                                                                            $5,000
 The model manager aims to achieve the            a 3 year + time frame, with a lower risk        $5,000                                         The model manager aims to achieve the                                                            Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                                                                         Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  asset class as a whole, while taking into       $5,000                                            analysis to identify stocks and strategies        primary objective from an Australian
 investment objectives via a qualitative          of loss than equities, and a higher rate                                                       investment objectives via a qualitative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           best meet the risk and return objectives
                                                                                                  Management Fee                                                                                  consideration the impact of any micro                                                             which have a relatively high dividend             equities portfolio and some capital           Management Fee                                                                                                                                    Management Fee
 and quantitative investment process. Key         of return than cash like investments                                                           and quantitative investment process. Key                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the investment strategy. Continual
                                                                                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                       and macroeconomic factors. The ability          Management Fee                                    paying capability, and are likely to              appreciation                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                         Investment Fee         Nil
 criteria and areas of focus are:                                                                                                                criteria and areas of focus are:                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Indirect Cost Ratio   0.25% p.a.               assessment and risk management of                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio    0.00% p.a.
                                                 Focus on minimising risk to capital and         Indirect Cost Ratio   0.28% p.a.                                                                to lock in gains will be a key feature of the   Investment Fee          Nil                       produce above average earnings growth            Have an investment horizon of three
  Credit quality of the issuer                   low volatility of returns.                      Performance Fee       Nil                       Credit quality of the issuer                                                                   Indirect Cost Ratio     0.00% p.a.                with positive valuation characteristics.                                                        Performance Fee       Nil                      bottom-up and top-down parameters is a                                                             Performance Fee        Nil
                                                                                                                                                                                                  strategy in achieving its objectives.                                                                                                               years or more
  Sector/Industry                                                                                                                                Sector/Industry                                                                                Performance Fee         Nil                                                                                                                                                                      core component of the Model. Changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The portfolio construction is based on           Accept the risk of share price volatility.                                                   to the portfolio will be made as deemed
  Call dates and final maturity details                                                                                                          Call date, conversion dates and final          Designed for investors who                                                                        macro-economic and thematic views of                                                                                                           appropriate by the investment team in
  Structure of instrument                                                                                                                         maturity details                               Seek a sustainable income stream                                                                  Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                        order for the portfolio to have a high
  Timing and composition of cash flows                                                                                                           Structure of instrument                        (inclusive of franking credits) over a 3 year                                                     best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                    probability of meeting its objectives.
                                                                                                                                                  Timing and composition of cash flows           + time frame, with a lower risk of loss                                                           the investment strategy.
  Relative valuation of sector as a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                  than equities, and a higher rate of return
   and between relevant securities,                                                                                                               Relative valuation of sector as a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                  than cash like investments.
   including the inclusion of new issues                                                                                                           and between relevant securities,
  Liquidity and potential changes in                                                                                                              including the inclusion of new issues
   liquidity.                                                                                                                                     Liquidity and potential changes in
                                                                                                   MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                            liquidity.                                                                                      MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                              MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                              MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE

                                                                                                   SP0003                                                                                                                                          SP0002                                                                                                                                            SP0004                                                                                                                                            SP0001

Shaw Debt Securities Income                                                                                                                     Shaw Hybrid Income                                                                                                                                 Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                         Shaw Australian Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Large Cap) Income                                                                                                                             (Large Cap) Core

  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                           Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                               Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts

 ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                           ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                              ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                          ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Growth                                                                                                       Shaw Australian Equity (Small and Mid-Cap) Growth                                                                                                  Shaw Liquid Alternatives Portfolio                                                                                                             AllianceBernstein Concentrated Global Growth
 Investment objective                           The investment process takes into                                                                Investment objective                             The investment process takes into                                                                 Investment objective                            research into alternative strategies and                                                       Investment objective                               Designed for investors who
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details
 The primary objective of the Shaw              consideration the primary objective of                                                           The primary objective of the Shaw                consideration the primary objective                                                               The primary objective of the Shaw Liquid        return streams is a core component                                                             The portfolio seeks long term growth                Are considered longer term investors (5
 Australian Equity (Large Cap) Growth           capital growth. Although the portfolio will       Model Portfolio Manager                        Australian Equity (Small and Mid-Cap)            of capital growth. It aims to invest in         Model Portfolio Manager                           Alternatives Portfolio is to provide regular    of the model. Changes to the portfolio          Model Portfolio Manager                        of capital by investing in an actively               years +)                                      Model Portfolio Manager
 Portfolio is to provide a level of capital     generate income, income focused stocks            Shaw and Partners Limited                      Growth Portfolio is to provide a level of        companies where the share price does            Shaw and Partners Limited                         and sustainable income and capital              will be made as deemed appropriate              Shaw and Partners Limited                      managed concentrated portfolio of listed            Seek exposure to a concentrated               AllianceBernstein
 appreciation over the longer term              will be included if their total return criteria                                                  capital appreciation over the longer term        not fully reflect the potential value of the                                                      growth over the medium term (3–5 years)         by the investment team in order for                                                            securities considered by the portfolio               portfolio of high quality global equities
 (5–7 years). The portfolio is tilted towards   fits the portfolios objective.                    Benchmark Index                                (5–7 years). The portfolio is tilted towards     underlying business of the company.             Benchmark Index                                   whilst minimising risk to capital. It           the portfolio to have a high probability        Benchmark Index                                manager to be of very high quality issued                                                          Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index                                                                                                                  S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index                                                                                                       RBA Cash rate +3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with superior return potential with           MSCI World Index
 stocks that have superior earning growth                                                                                                        small and mid-sized stocks that have                                                                                                               achieves this by investing in a diversified     of meeting its objectives in all market                                                        by companies with predictable growth.                generally low turnover
 capacity and focus is on the total return      Volatility of returns will be managed with                                                       superior earning growth capacity and                                                                                                               portfolio of asset classes and strategies       conditions. The investment process takes
                                                                                                  Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                         Designed for investors who                                                                                                                                                                        Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                                                                           Indicative Number of Stocks per
 of each stock rather than the dividend         the objective of a lower standard deviation                                                      focus is on the total return of each stock                                                       Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks           that have low correlation with traditional      into consideration the risk around asset
                                                                                                  and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                   Seek long term capital growth as the          and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                                                                    and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                   Asset Class Based Portfolio
 income as the prime objective.                 of returns than the benchmark index.                                                             rather than the dividend income as the                                                                                                             equity and debt asset classes. This             classes and the underlying securities
                                                                                                  15–25                                                                                             primary objective from and Australian         15–30                                                                                                                                             3–20                                           The portfolio manager seeks to achieve                                                             25–35
                                                                                                                                                 prime objective.                                   equities portfolio and some income                                                              portfolio is designed to act as a volatility    maintaining their growth characteristics                                                       the investment objective by composing a
                                                                                                  Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                 Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                 Minimum Suggested
 Investment Strategy and Approach               Designed for investors who                        Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                                                                             dampener and diversifier to an existing         whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Investment Time Frame                          portfolio of highly liquid, listed securities of                                                   Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Those investors in the accumulation           Investment Time Frame
 The investment process combines                 Seek long term capital growth as the            5 years                                        Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                 5 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    portfolio of liquid assets.                     drawdown is adequately managed. The             3 years                                        quality companies from the MSCI World                                                              5 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                    phase                                                                                                                                           portfolio managers however manage the
 quantitative and qualitative criteria and        primary objective from an Australian            Asset Allocation Ranges                        The investment process combines                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Asset Allocation Ranges                        universe. These companies are chosen                                                               Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Have an investment horizon of five            Asset Allocation Ranges
 analysis to identify stocks which have a         equities portfolio and some income              Australian Equities                80%–100%    quantitative and qualitative criteria and                                                                                                          Investment Strategy and Approach                capital value of the portfolio to minimise      Liquid alternative assets          80%–100%    for their specific growth and business                                                             International Equities               90%–100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Australian Equities                   80%–100%
                                                                                                  Cash                                 0%–20%                                                       years or more                                                                                                                                   the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve    Cash                                 0%–20%                                                                                                       Cash                                   0%–10%
 favourable outlook are likely to produce        Those investors in the accumulation                                                            analysis to identify stocks which have a                                                         Cash                                    0%–20%    The portfolio is a blend of strategies and                                                                                                     characteristics, earnings development,
 above average earnings growth with               phase                                           Indicative Cash Holding                        relatively high dividend paying capability        Accept the risk of share price volatility.                                                      investments that can be expected to have        its risk and return objectives.                 Indicative Cash Holding                        financial position and experienced                                                                 Indicative Cash Holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Indicative Cash Holding
 positive valuation characteristics.                                                              2%                                             are likely to produce above average                                                              2%                                                a lower correlation to equities, bonds and                                                      2%                                             management.                                                                                        2%
                                                 Have an investment horizon of five
                                                  years or more                                                                                  earnings growth with positive valuation                                                                                                            other traditional beta style investments.       Designed for investors who
 The portfolio construction is based on                                                           Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                        Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                 characteristics.                                                                                                                                   The portfolio was designed primarily             Investors seeking sustainable and lower
 macro-economic and thematic views of            Accept the risk of share price volatility.      $5,000                                                                                                                                          $5,000                                                                                                                                            $5,000                                                                                                                                            $65,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to lower the downside variance of an              volatility returns (mix of income and
 Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                         The portfolio construction is based on                                                                                                             income, balanced or growth portfolio that         capital growth) as the primary objective
                                                                                                  Management Fee                                                                                                                                  Management Fee                                                                                                                                    Management Fee                                                                                                                                    Management Fee
 best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                     macro-economic and thematic views of                                                                                                               uses a mixture of bonds and equities              that will be less impacted by large
                                                                                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                       Investment Fee          Nil                                                                                                                       Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                         Investment Fee         0.55% p.a.
 the investment strategy.                                                                         Indirect Cost Ratio   0.00% p.a.               Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                            to derive a given long term return. The           moves in underlying asset prices in           Indirect Cost Ratio   0.95% p.a.                                                                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio    0.00% p.a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio     0.61% p.a.
                                                                                                  Performance Fee       Nil                      best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                        strategies and managers chosen for                traditional investments such as Equities      Performance Fee       Nil                                                                                                                         Performance Fee        Nil
 Continual assessment and risk                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Performance Fee         Nil
                                                                                                                                                 the investment strategy.                                                                                                                           the portfolio have a demonstrable track           and Bonds
 management of bottom-up and top-down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    record of minimising risk to capital during      As a standalone investment option,
 parameters is a core component of the                                                                                                           Continual assessment and risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    downturns and when blended in the                 suitable for investors looking for a lower
 model. Changes to the portfolio will be                                                                                                         management of bottom-up and top-down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    appropriate weights can significantly             risk/lower return exposure that is not
 made as deemed appropriate by the                                                                                                               parameters is a core component of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reduce the downside potential of a bond           correlated with traditional asset class
 investment team in order for the portfolio                                                                                                      model. Changes to the portfolio will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and equity portfolio.                             returns
 to have a high probability of meeting its                                                                                                       made as deemed appropriate by the
 objectives.                                                                                                                                     investment team in order for the portfolio                                                                                                         Asset classes and strategies may                 Blended with a traditional income,
                                                                                                                                                 to have a high probability of meeting its                                                                                                          include Global Macro, Managed Futures             balanced or growth portfolio to reduce
                                                                                                                                                 objectives.                                                                                                                                        (Trends), Long/Short and Market Neutral,          drawdown and smooth returns
                                                                                                   MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                             Commodities and Dynamic Markets.                 Investors should have an investment            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                              MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      horizon of three years or more

                                                                                                   SP0005                                                                                                                                          SP0006                                           Only managers/investments that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    have daily pricing and liquidity can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Accept the risk of volatility in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      investment return.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SP0011                                                                                                                                            SP0012
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    considered. Continual assessment and

Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                          Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                             Shaw Liquid Alternatives                                                                                                                       AllianceBernstein Concentrated
(Large Cap) Growth                                                                                                                              (Small and Mid-Cap) Growth                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Global Growth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 15
Australian Large Cap Model
    Australian Large Cap shares                  of March. It is estimated that income      offsetting this detraction was the 9.2%
    posted modest gains in March,                added 0.73% to our portfolio returns       overweight to the REIT sector – which
    consolidating two very strong                for the period, or 1.01% including         rose 5.7%.
    previous months to set up the best           imputation credits.
    quarterly return since the GFC.                                                         From a stock selection perspective, the
    Overly pessimistic investors at the          CHANGES                                    Materials sector was a standout, adding
    end of 2018 were left chasing shares                                                    64 basis points to returns thanks to
                                                 Changes to the portfolio this month
    at the end of the quarter. We remain                                                    Fortescue Metals (FMG) up 26.2%, Rio
                                                 see us increase our overweight to iron
    cautious of earnings outside the                                                        Tinto (RIO) up 8.5% and OzMinerals
                                                 ore stocks by adding 2% to our RIO
    Energy and Materials sector and                                                         (OZL) up 7.0% the three greatest
                                                 position. We switch from Northern Star
    seek the barbell of banks (value) and                                                   contributors to portfolio performance.
                                                 (NST) to Evolution (EVN) in the gold
    miners (growth).                             space and reduce our Commonwealth
                                                 Bank (CBA) position whilst still
    MARKET PERFORMANCE                           maintaining a large overweight to the
    Our Australian Large Cap Model Portfolio     bank sector. We trade some Dexus
    rose 1.38% from the start of March to        (DXS) for Mirvac (MGR) in the REITs
    the 2nd of April against an S&P/ASX          sector.
    100 index return of 1.79%. Over the
    medium to longer term, the portfolio has      Additions           Reductions
    consistently outperformed the index.          EVN       2.75      CBA        (2.00)
    Being overweight in the Energy and
                                                  MGR       1.00      DXS        (1.00)
    Banks sectors detracted from returns,
    however our overweight in the iron ore        RIO       2.00      NST        (2.75)
    stocks within the Materials sectors made                5.75                 (5.75)
    a positive contribution to the portfolio.
    SECTOR HIGHLIGHTS                            We remain cautious in our outlook for
    The Real Estate Investment Trust             Australian shares given the downward
    (REIT) sector was another stand-out,         pressure on operating margins from
    responding to a fall in Australian 10-year   rising cost pressures, faltering demand,
    bond yields to a record low of 1.7%.         intensive competition and the continued
    Anything that looks like a bond (high        slowdown in the domestic real estate
    yield, low risk of capital loss) rallied     market. We maintain a relatively
    strongly during the month, with notable      defensive stance despite overweights
    examples being Stockland (SGP) and           to Energy and Materials as we think of
    Mirvac (MGR) amongst the REITs               iron ore and oil prices being well bid
    and Transurban (TCL) amongst the             due to supply constraints. We remain
    infrastructure stocks.                       underweight Australian shares in a
                                                 balanced portfolio setting.
    Despite a rally in oil prices toward the
    end of the month, the largest detractors     PORTFOLIO ATTRIBUTION
    from performance were Energy stocks.
                                                 Sector allocation detracted 0.68% from
    Woodside Petroleum (WPL) and Oil
                                                 index returns over the period 1st March
    Search (OSH) went backwards during
                                                 to 2nd April, due primarily to the 11%
    the month.
                                                 overweight to the Banking sector, which
    March was a big month for dividend           fell 2.6% against an index which rose
    and distribution payments, with no           1.8%. Similarly, the 7% overweight to
    fewer than 39 of the top 100 stocks          the Energy sector – which fell 3.5% -
    trading ex-dividend since the beginning      also detracted from returns. Somewhat

16 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
Portfolio Performance (Accumulation Basis)
                Feb 13

                                                    Feb 15

                                                                                         Feb 17
                                  Feb 14

                                                                       Feb 16

                                                                                                           Feb 18

                                                                                                                              Feb 19
       Aug 12

                         Aug 13

                                                             Aug 15

                                                                                                  Aug 17
                                           Aug 14

                                                                                Aug 16

                                                                                                                    Aug 18
                                              Portfolio                         Index

                           Model Portfolio at March 2019
WBC       Westpac Banking                           9.1%              OSH       Oil Search Limited                           4.0%
RIO       Rio Tinto Limited                         9.0%              OZL       OZ Minerals Limited                          3.4%
NAB       National Australia Bank                   8.6%              MQG       Macquarie Group Limited                      3.3%
BHP       BHP Group Ltd                             7.1%              SCG       Scentre Group                                2.9%
CBA       Commonwealth Bank                         6.5%              COL       Coles Group Ltd.                             2.9%
WPL       Woodside Petroleum Ltd                    6.4%              EVN       Evolution Mining Limited                     2.7%
ANZ       ANZ                                       5.6%              FLT       Flight Centre Travel Group                   2.6%
SUN       Suncorp Group Limited                     5.2%              SGP       Stockland                                    2.2%
MGR       Mirvac Group                              5.1%              CTX       Caltex Australia Limited                     1.9%
LLC       Lendlease Group                           4.6%              VCX       Vicinity Centres                             1.8%
FMG       Fortescue Metals Group                    4.1%              DXS       Dexus                                        1.1%

                                                                                                           Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 17
Our Preferred Stocks

                                           OZ Minerals (OZL) is an Australian
                                           based mining company with a              Woodside Petroleum (WPL)
    National Australia Bank engages
                                           focus on copper. The company             is an Australian based oil and
    in the provision of banking and
                                           owns and operates the Prominent          gas exploration and production
    financial services.
                                           Hill copper-gold mine and the            company. Key assets are the Pluto,
                                           Carrapateena copper-gold project         North West Shelf and Wheatstone
                                           located in South Australia and has       LNG projects offshore WA. Oil is
                                           a number of equity interests in listed   produced from the Enfield and
    Suncorp Group is a financial           resource companies. The company          Vincent FPSO’s. Exploration is
    services company, which provides       was founded in 1988 and is               underway internationally offshore
    banking and wealth, as well as         headquartered in Parkside, Australia.    West Africa, Myanmar, and onshore
    insurance products and services                                                 Canada. The company was founded
    across Australia and New Zealand.                                               in 1954 and is headquartered in
    The company operates its business                                               Perth, Australia.
    through the following segments:
    General Insurance, Banking and
    Life. Suncorp Group was founded        Caltex Australia (CTX) is a
    in 1996 and is headquartered in        transport fuel supplier, convenience
    Brisbane, Australia.                   retailer and an integrated oil
                                           refining and marketing company.
                                           The company operates through             Centuria Metropolitan REIT engages
                                           the following segments: Supply           in the investment in office assets in
                                           & Marketing and Lytton. Caltex           metropolitan markets of Australia. It
                                           Australia was founded in 1900            comprises of registered managed
                                           and is headquartered in Sydney,          investment schemes such as
    Fortescue Metals Group (FMG)           Australia.                               Centuria Metropolitan REIT 1 and
    operates as an iron ore production                                              Centuria Metropolitan REIT 2.
    and sea-borne trading company. It is                                            The company is headquartered in
    engaged in the mining of iron ore                                               Sydney, Australia.
    from its Cloudbreak and Christmas
    Creek mine sites; and the operation
    of an integrated mine, rail and port
    supply chain. The company’s
    projects include Chichester Hub,
    Solomon Hub, Herb Elliott Port and
    Rail Expansion.

18 | Research Monitor | Jun 2019
Shaw and Partners provides coverage on
                                   100+ ASX listed companies across a range of
                                   sectors, specialising in Australian mid-cap and
                                   emerging companies.

LendLease Group (LLC) designs,                                                   Midway Limited (MWY) engages in
                                        Revasum designs, manufactures            the production and exploration of
develops, and manages property
                                        and markets a portfolio of market        hardwood and softwood woodchips.
and infrastructure assets. The
                                        leading tools for grinding and           It operates through the following
Company constructs apartments,
                                        polishing the substrates upon which      segments: Midway, Queensland
commercial buildings, government
                                        semiconductor wafers (sized 200mm        Commodity Exports (QCE), South
offices, retirement living, and
                                        and below) are built. These wafers       West Fibre (SWF) and a 25% stake
educational facilities. LendLease
                                        are the basis of most microchips,        in ADDCO.
serves customers worldwide.
                                        sensors, LEDs, RF devices and
                                        power devices are commonly used
                                        in mobile phones, connected IoT
                                        devices, wearables, automotive,
Calix (CXL) is a multi-award-           5G and industrial applications.          Zip Co (Z1P) provides point-of-sale
winning Australian technology           Revasum’s products are recognised        credit and digital payment services.
company that is developing              for delivering significant yield, cost   The Company offers retail finance
new processes and materials to          and output benefits. The company         solutions to small, medium, and
solve global challenges. The core       was incorporated in Delaware and is      enterprise businesses. Zip Co serves
technology is a world-first, patented   based in San Luis Obispo, California.    retail, education, health, and travel
“kiln” built in Bacchus Marsh,                                                   industries in Australia.
Victoria that produces “mineral
honeycomb” - very highly active
minerals.                               Audinate Group (AD8)
                                        engages in the development
                                        and commercialization of audio           Rhipe (RHP) provides software
                                        visual software and hardware. Its        licensing, subscription management
                                        products include chips, modules          tools and cloud computing
                                        and cards with embedded software;        services. Its software vendors
                                        reference designs and software           include Microsoft, Citrix, Datacore,
                                        to enable network configuration          McAfee, Red Hat, Trend Micro,
                                        and management under the Dante           Veeam, Zimbra and VMware. The
                                        brand. The company was founded           company was founded in 2003 and
                                        in 2006 and is headquartered in          is headquartered in Melbourne,
                                        Ultimo, Australia.                       Australia.

                                                                                               Research Monitor | Jun 2019 | 19
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