The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...

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The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
The Research Monitor
                September Quarter 2019

       inside this issue
Is the Australian economy turning the corner?
    Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World
         Healthcare sector diagnosis
      US Future Leaders Portfolio
                + stock picks
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
Q2 2019 Performance
    The Australian Share Market, as measured by the S&P/ASX 300 Index, recorded
    another strong quarter following in the footsteps of a 9.5% in price terms (10.92%
    including dividends) return in the March quarter. The June quarter saw returns of
    7.2% in price terms and 8.0% including dividends, making up almost 20% returns
    since the start of the year.

    The Australian market was driven            lower the stress test interest rates on   markets in the June quarter, with
    especially by the surprise Federal          loans signalled more accommodative        the MSCI World ex Australia Index
    Election result which saw the return        macroprudential controls on credit        in Australian dollars up only 2.5%.
    of the “market friendly” coalition. This    growth. The second largest sector,        World share markets reversed sharply in
    saw Australian shares rise 2% in            Materials (18.9% index weight)            May due to concerns about the outcome
    the month of May, when global               rose a more modest 7.2% including         of trade talks between the United States
    shares fell 6% in $US terms due to          dividends, with bellwether BHP up         and China. Bond markets rallied on
    concerns about global growth and            6.9%. Energy sector returns retreated     the back of lower long-term interest
    trade. Bond yields continued to fall to     following a fall in the oil price. West   rates with the Bloomberg AusBond
    record lows, with the Australian 10-year    Texas Intermediate oil prices fell 3.3%   Composite (0+Y) index up 3.1% and
    bond ending the quarter at 1.32%,           in the quarter and this pushed the        Bank Bills returning 0.4%. The spread
    down from 1.78% at the end of March         sector down 0.2% after dividends, but     between 90-day bank bills and cash
    and a full 1% below where they were at      it was coal stocks such as New Hope       fell from 27 basis points at the end of
    the start of the year. Among Australian     (NHC) and Whitehaven (WHC) which          March to negative 5 points at the end
    equity sectors, all sectors except          dragged the index lower. There were       of June – a strong sign of easing credit
    Energy posted positive returns              some spectacular returns amongst          conditions and expectations that the
    during the quarter. Leading the             small companies, even as the broader      RBA will continue to cut rates. Long
    charge were the Healthcare Equipment,       Small Ordinaries Index rose only 3.75%    term interest rates in Australia hit a
    Telecommunication Services, Media           with medical device company Polynovo      record low of 1.26%. Market measures
    and Entertainment, Banks, Transport         (PNV) and diversified financial Eclipse   of risk or volatility, rose sharply in May
    and Pharmaceuticals sectors which all       Group (ECX) both up over 100% in three    and have subsequently retreated to
    rose double-digits for the quarter. These   months!                                   March levels, suggesting investors have
    sectors comprise 48% of the Australian                                                become comfortable with the likely path
    share market and collectively added 5%      Global equity markets performed           of inflation, interest rates, growth and
    of the 8% return. Given the dramatic        much more modestly that Australian        trade.
    fall in 10-year government bond yields
    and also the easing stance of the
                                                     Sector                                     Performance         Market Cap
    Reserve Bank, it was not surprising to
    see those stocks considered “bond               Banks                                             13.4%             410,712
    proxies” continue to do well. Real Estate       Health Care Equipment & Services                  13.4%              53,946
    Investment Trusts that are exposed to           Telecommunication Services                        12.3%              53,365
    residential real estate were the best           Media & Entertainment                             11.9%              16,352
    performers (Mirvac (MGR) up 13.8%               Transportation                                    11.0%              86,079
    for example), whereas those Trusts
                                                    Pharmaceuticals, Biotech & Life Sciences          10.5%             100,635
    focussed on retail malls did poorest
    (Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW) down           Food & Staples Retailing                           9.6%              61,115
    11.2%).                                         Commercial & Professional Services                 8.9%              47,021
                                                    Consumer Services                                  8.8%              52,311
    The largest component of the S&P/
                                                    Materials                                          7.2%             340,871
    ASX 300 Index is the Banks Sector
                                                    Insurance                                          5.4%              69,272
    (22.8% index weight), which rose
    11.1% in price terms and 13.4%                  Software & Services                                5.1%              43,352
    including dividends, reversing                  Real Estate                                        4.1%             129,320
    the period over which banks have                Retailing                                          4.0%              55,641
    underperformed the index. Most of this          Diversified Financials                             3.6%              87,246
    performance came immediately post the           Utilities                                          1.9%              34,052
    Federal Election outcome as both clarity
                                                    Capital Goods                                      0.6%              15,687
    around the treatment of franking credits
    and a move by bank regulator APRA to            Food Beverage & Tobacco                            0.6%              35,481
                                                    Energy                                            -0.2%              94,748

2 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
Shaw and Partners is one of Australia’s preeminent investment and wealth
   management firms. With a national presence and $17 billion of assets under
   advice, Shaw and Partners offers the intimacy of a boutique investment firm,
   backed by the resources and scale of a major financial group, EFG International.

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                                                                      Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 3
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
Martin Crabb
     Chief Investment Officer

      Is the Australian economy
      turning the corner?

4 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
Following the surprise Coalition election
victory in May, Australian share markets have
performed well, somewhat due to greater
certainty around the tax treatment of various
investments, but also due to a number of post-
election developments.

Specifically, we refer here                  Secondly, APRA have left it up to the       Collectively, these measures are likely
                                             banks to determine the rate that they       to see a bottoming of house prices, an
to the shift in stance by the                use to “stress test” new borrowers. It      improvement in auction clearance rates
RBA in regard to monetary                    is no longer set a 7.00-7.25% so this       and an overall improvement in sentiment
                                             is likely to mean more home buyers will     toward residential real estate.
policy and also a relaxation                 qualify for a loan. Thirdly, the Federal
of “macroprudential”                         Government is due to implement a
                                             policy that will provide up to $500m to
measures engineered by                       first home buyers to help them with a
the Australian Prudential                    deposit for their first home.

Regulatory Authority
(APRA) to slow down the
housing market.                                                       RBA Cash Rate (1990-2019)
Australian’s are generally obsessed by
residential property values as it remains
our greatest store of wealth despite the        16%
exponential growth in superannuation.
The most recent data suggests                   14%
Australian households own $6.4 trillion
worth of land and dwellings out of a total      12%
net worth of $10.2 trillion. Considering
the residential population is 25.18             10%
million, that’s over $250,000 worth of
property for every Aussie.                       8%
A combination of policy changes are               6%
likely to boost demand for new property
and make it easier for Australians to            4%
enter the market. Firstly, interest rates
are on the way down – maybe as low                2%
as 0.5% if futures markets are right.
This could bring mortgage interest rates         0%





down into the twos.

                                                 Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
Is the Australian economy
     turning the corner?

                                                                                                    remains the largest
                                                                                                    component of
                                                                                                    Australia’s Gross
                                                                                                    Domestic Product,
                                                                                                    at 56.5%.

    CONSUMPTION                                                                   Consumption % of GDP
    Consumption remains the largest                64%
    component of Australia’s Gross Domestic
    Product, at 56.5%. Although this has been
    as high as 63% and as low as 54% over          62%
    the past several decades, it’s influence on
    changes in GDP has been critical. Recently,    60%
    consumption has waned as a combination
    of weak wages growth, falling real estate
    values, tax bracket creep and generally
    low consumer confidence have impacted
    household budgets. Lower interest rates        56%
    and potential tax cuts should provide some
    boost to consumer spending in the near         54%
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    Investment is the second largest component
    of Australia’s GDP after consumption                                          Investment % of GDP
    and currently comprises 23.9% of GDP.
    Historically investment spending has           29%
    oscillated around 19% of GDP, but then
    shot up in the 2000’s in response to the        27%
    industrial development of China and its need
    for Australian resources of steel-making raw   25%
    materials and energy.
    This “boom” in mining investment came to
    an end in March 2013 when investment            21%
    spending peaked at 29.1% of GDP. The
    outlook is for a stabilisation of investment
    as a proportion of GDP more in line with        17%
    historical norms and for real estate and
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    infrastructure spending in line with the
    constituent increase in population.

                                                   Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners

6 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
GOVERNMENT SPENDING                                                  Government spending % of GDP
Government spending is the third largest
component of GDP at 19.1% and has              21%
tended to be “counter-cyclical” as             21%
governments seek to boost activity when
the economy is weak and pare back
spending when growth is strong. Politically,   20%
the Liberal/National Party coalition is        19%
generally in favour of “smaller” government
and the ALP in favour of larger tax and
social welfare spending. As a result,          18%
government spending share of GDP has           18%
been quite variable over time. The strong
revenue boost from Australia’s mining
exports (mining GDP is now 7.7% of overall     17%

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GDP) is likely to see the Federal Budget
move into surplus sooner than expected
and some of this windfall will be passed on
in tax cuts and some in the form of higher
government spending and investment.

                                                                     Exports vs Imports % of GDP
The final component of GDP
                                               25%                                                                            -25%
is net exports. Australia has
a largely open economy with                    20%                                                                            -20%
limited barriers to trade and thus
exports comprise 21.6% of GDP                  15%                                                                            -15%
and imports comprise -21.2% of
                                               10%                                                                            -10%
GDP (imports are considered a
negative item as they comprise                  5%                                                                            -5%
the GDP of other countries). Net
exports are thus 0.4% of GDP.                   0%                                                                            0%
                                                     Sep 62
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Again, this is a very volatile
                                                            Exports % of GDP           Imports % of GDP (RHS, inverted)

                                               Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners

Overall, with lower interest rates, tax cuts and an improving fiscal
picture, the Australian economy is set to improve going forward.

We expect households to use any income windfall to first reduce
mortgage debt, but those on lower incomes and without housing
debt are likely to spend a large proportion of any extra income.

Investors should look to selectively add exposure to companies
exposed to improved consumer spending and residential
construction activity as signs of an improvement in consumer
sentiment validate this thesis.

                                                                                                     Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 7
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
Jonathon Higgins
     Research Analyst

     Buy Now Pay Later in
     a Fin-Tech World

                                   “If you don’t jump on the new,
                                     you don’t survive”
                                   Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO

8 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
The Research Monitor Is the Australian economy turning the corner? Buy Now Pay Later in a Fin-Tech World Healthcare sector diagnosis US Future ...
In CY18 there was over
                                                                                                 US$50bn in funding
                                                                                                 across fin-tech and
                                                                                                 alternative payment
                                                                                                 investments in the
                                                                                                 Americas; up 100% YoY.

The Fintech Ecosystem

There is a structural shift underway in payment and lending channels across
the world. This structural change is associated with the shift towards digital
payments/wallets, mobile transactions, a discerning consumer that demands
more and alternative well-funded companies.

These emerging tailwinds are                   These channels and acquisition                    Over 35% of the US
generating a huge opportunity                  methodologies are overlaid against a
across the traditional finance and             complex and typically time consuming              personal loan market is
payments ecosystem. Within a                   process. Compare these traditional                now originated by fin-
short period of time category killing          channels and products with a BNPL                 tech lending, alternative
lending entrants have emerged,                 company such as Afterpay (APT) or
including well-known names                     Zip Co (Z1P) who acquire a customer               payment and platform
Afterpay, Zip Co, Klarna and Affirm            at a checkout within real time through            companies - up 6 fold in
as well as business fin-techs such             smarter, more transparent ways and                less than 5 years.
as Kabbage, OnDeck and Prospa.                 across a trusted amortising product.
                                               Banks and traditional channels will find
There are now hundreds of well-funded          it difficult to keep up. Banks have an
payment and lending companies across           origination issue.
the world with hundreds of billions
dollars of shareholder value and funding.      This is particularly the case for millennials
                                               and newer generations who utilise digital
Banks and traditional financial institutions   transaction channels at a rate over 100x
globally are threatened by the rise of         to that of branches.
these companies and should sit up
and take notice. Traditional customer                                    US bank branch changes - Net closures since 2008
acquisition channels are broken and              3,000
these banks are no longer top of funnel
for a consumer. Traditional channels of          2,000
customer acquisition typically centre
around:                                          1,000
 Financial arrangements through
  familial connections;

 Fixed branch network;                         -1,000
 Brand; and
 Product led and brokers.









                                                Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners
                                                                                                                     Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 9
Buy Now Pay Later in
     a Fin-Tech World                                              Retail bank branch traffic in the
                                                                   US is forecasted by CACI to decline
                                                                   by 36% over the next 4 years.

                                                              Relative performances of BNPL versus Small Ordinaries
    We see banks getting back to their
    core competitive advantage. That
    is sitting as the wholesale lender
    partner and channel to customer                 900%
    facing fin-tech organisations
    that have material competitive
    advantages in this space.                       700%

    Meanwhile a host of various Australian          600%
    and global companies have created               500%
    a large amount of value within a short
    period of time. The combined market             400%
    cap of just the three fin-tech BNPL             300%
    players listed on the ASX (APT, Z1P,
    SPT) is over $7bn.                              200%

    BNPL is one of the hottest sectors
    within the Australian market having                0%
    seen extraordinary returns during the                Jul-17   Oct-17    Jan-18   Apr-18     Jul-18     Oct-18   Jan-19   Apr-19
    last 3-5 years since new entrants have
                                                                                 APT          Z1P        ASX 300
    listed and notibly year to date, with both
    APT and particularly Zip spectacularly
    outperforming the market. Zip alone
                                                   That is that they’re best meeting                 Shaw and Partners estimates that
    is in the top 3 best performers for ASX
                                                   iterations of consumer expectations                over 10% of Australians have an
    tech companies year to date.
                                                   in the digital age and are increasingly            account with APT and Zip combined;
    Whilst Z1P and APT are vastly different        becoming a force within the Australian
                                                                                                     From a standing start within 5 years
    at product revenue and returns levels,         and overseas payments landscape.
                                                                                                      these businesses are generating
    both products are fulfilling a similar value
                                                   The scale and immediacy of the sector              $6bn+ of transaction volume a year
                                                   and why banks and investors should sit             and growing exponentially; and
                                                   up and take note include:                         Over 10% of Australian e-commerce
                                                                                                      is generated by these companies.

10 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
Number of customers (m)                                                Transaction volume ($m)
4.5                                                                     1,200
3.0                                                                       800
1.5                                                                       400
0.0                                                                            0





















                         APT           Z1P                                                      APT           Z1P

GROWTH                                        Now sustainable cash flow                      It’s commonly thought that the majority
Whilst already large, both of Australia’s    breakeven, with operating leverage               of value in Qantas is within the frequent
major players have a material                emerging across the business at an               flyer program and we note that on a
opportunity to grow customers, sales         increasing scale;                                market cap to customers basis Zip is
and earnings both domestically and            Trades at a discount to major ASX              worth ~$200 when it costs $150+ for
globally. Their model is one of a platform   listed tech with the highest gross profit        a major bank to acquire a transactional
wherein increasing scale, attractive         growth trajectory;                               customer, $700+ for a car loan and
operating leverage characteristics and                                                        significantly more for mortgage leads.
                                              and Potential to structurally alter the
intelligent customer acquisition provides    face of lending and alternative payments
significant advantages over traditional      in Australia.                                   It took Qantas significant
                                             Longer term the value for both the              infrastructure and over
Although Shaw and Partners doesn’t           major BNPL companies is outside of              15 years to get to 4m
cover APT, we see significant growth         lending and is through utilising active
potential for the business in terms          and engaged customers. This could               members and it took Zip
of sales, transaction volumes and            be geared towards further product               and APT combined only 3
                                             iteration, lead generation, co-branded
expansion in years to come. Our
                                             banking, data mining, personal financial
                                                                                             years to do the same.
preferred vehicle through current
coverage is Zip Co (ASX:Z1P), with           management, insurance and a whole
an understanding that as a whole we          host of other business models.
see the sector as winning with strong
structural tailwinds driving the adoption                                Sales multiples ASX popular tech
of independent and alternative payment
We feature Zip in our stock picks section     40
9later in the issue). Broadly we like Zip     30
for the following reasons:
 Zip is growing at record rates,
with sales up 100% year on year. The           10
company is accelerating adding over 28          0
merchants and 1,500 customers a day;                  NEA       WTC       APX          ALU   APT     Z1P      XRO      PME       TNE
 Westpac owns a material stake in
the business. With Zip having what we                                       Mkt cap/sales (FY19)            Median
consider to be a sustainable, profitable
and increasingly valuable operating            Source: FactSet and Shaw and Partners
                                                                                                              Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 11
Buy Now Pay Later in
     a Fin-Tech World

    Interesting payments, tech and lending businesses around the world.

       Code          Company            Description                                                         Size ($m)

         APT         Afterpay           Buy Now Pay Later Provider across Australia, US and UK               5,900
         Z1P         Zip Co             Buy Now Pay Later Provider across Australia and New Zealand          1,090
        PPH          Pushpay            Faith giving application and software globally (particularly USA)    1,060
        EML          EML Payments       Fin-tech provider of payment solutions, financial services and         750
                                        payment disbursement
        HSN          Hansen             Support, software and utility solutions globally                       750
        PGL          Prospa             Fin-tech business lender servicing SME businesses within               590
        GTK          Gentrack           Support, software and utility solutions globally                       550
        CRD          Credible           Dominant and growing US platform for student payments and              450
        MNY          Money 3            Alternative provider of non-conforming automotive and longer           390
                                        term loans within Australia and New Zealand
        PBH          Pointsbet          Expanding platform for betting solutions with leverage into            270
                                        opening up of US markets
        RMC          Resimac            Alternative and one of the largest providers of mortgage               250
                                        backed securities end to end within Australia
         SPT         SplitIt            Buy Now Pay Later Provider globally, particularly US                   210
        WZR          Wizr               Alternative provider of personal finance solutions within              110
                                        Australia with peer to peer roots
        BBC          Banking            Smallest listed ADI within Australia with an integrated broking         50
                     Corporation        and mortgage backed securities business
         RZI         Raiz Invest        Innovative financial investment platform connected to everyday          30
        MNW          Mint Payments      Omni-channel payment solution provider                                  20
        CCA          Change Financial   Provides innovative mobile digital banking services globally             5

        The alternative payments and lending space on the ASX is still an emerging
        sector. A number of new participants and the structural shift is growing
        towards independence across all of these companies within Australia.
        We remain positively disposed to the overall thematic and have various
        investment opportunities that are available for you to discuss with your
        Shaw and Partners adviser.
12 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
Future Leaders Panel
EFG International

    Healthcare sector diagnosis:
    a dose of disruption

                            Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 13
Healthcare sector diagnosis:
            a dose of disruption needed

           Since the ‘Big Pharma’ boom in the 1990s, innovation in
           healthcare, primarily pharmaceuticals, has stalled and the
           market has faced increasing competition from generics
           and biogenerics, hurting incumbents.
                   Public vs. Private health expenditure as % of GDP

            16%                              Public              Private
% of GDP

            10%                                           2.3      1.7      4.5
                                    2.5     2.4   3.1                                2.0                In 2017 the US
             8%          3.1
             6%                                                                                         spent 17% of GDP
                                                          8.7      9.5                        8.5
                         6.5        7.8     8     7.4                       7.9       7.7               on healthcare
                                                                                                        compared to just 5%
                                                                                                        50 years ago.

           Source: OECD Health Statistics

           Other sectors have already                   Although countries have varying degrees     services inflation in the US is around
                                                        of healthcare provisions, one thing         four times greater than that of the overall
           seen disruption which                        they have in common is the growing          inflation level.
           has helped to overcome                       costs of healthcare expenditure. We
                                                                                                    Despite all of the spending and
                                                        are seeing ageing populations and also
           inefficiencies and                           improved technology on offer; both are      resources dedicated, there is mounting
           drive innovation. These                      positives but contribute to higher levels   concern that many of the services
                                                                                                    provided are not strictly necessary.
           disruptive forces are now                    of spending.
                                                                                                    The US National Academy of Medicine
           becoming more prevalent                      Amongst OECD countries, the US              estimates that the US healthcare system
           in healthcare. We expect                     spends the greatest proportion of           wastes US$765bn per year, one quarter
                                                        GDP on healthcare. In 2017 it spent         of all the money spent, on unnecessary
           this trend to start in the                   17% of GDP, compared to just 5% 50          or needlessly expensive care.
           US, where there is most                      years ago. Furthermore, the sector has
                                                                                                    Warren Buffett regards such a high
                                                        become the largest US employer, with
           need, but then spread to                     more people employed in it than in          level of healthcare spending as a
           other regions.                               manufacturing or retail trade, with this    serious impediment to US companies’
                                                        growth set to continue. Nevertheless,       competitiveness in world markets.
                                                        even with vast numbers of employees,        Furthermore, system inefficiencies are
                                                        healthcare systems are under strain.        highlighted by stalling life expectancy
                                                                                                    growth which declined in the US in 2016
                                                        Over the last 20 years the price of         as the nation battles its obesity and
                                                        healthcare has also ballooned. Hospital     opioid addiction crisis.

14 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
Healthcare has become the largest employer in the US.

Thousands of persons








                                     Manufacturing                 Retail Trade                  Healthcare
    Source: FRED, US Bureau of Labor Statistics

Due to the combination of these                   and medical conditions); and digital           developed world, informed by AI-based
factors, this historically staid industry is      transformation. Within this field, Australia   tools using standardised data collection
now, more than ever, open to change               rolled out “My Health Record”, linking         and near-constant monitoring.
and new ways of caring for patients.              patient data to form a personalised
Historically, innovation was restricted           record. Other countries are also taking        We think we are just at the start of
from healthcare but fortunately, we               measures to increase the availability of       exciting new developments in the
have a whole host of new technologies             digital records.                               healthcare sector and are actively
to address requirements within the                                                               seeking ways of gaining exposure.
sector, with innovation spanning                  Robotics also offers interesting
                                                  prospects, and rather than coming              This will be a key theme for the next few
across genomics, new treatment
                                                  in to take jobs it allows workers to           years and beyond. Looking at the three
modalities including gene therapy and
                                                  focus on more meaningful tasks. For            key stakeholders in healthcare, patients,
immunotherapy, machine learning and
                                                  example robots are able to fill out digital    physicians and payers, it is clear that
                                                  paperwork, take vital stats and even           they will always choose the products
There has been an increase in                     act as companion bots to the elderly or        and services which best fit their needs;
the number of companies outside                   mentally disabled. Despite the potential,      those that provide better outcomes/
of the sector, in particular within               robotics is still at the early adoption        fewer side-effects for patients, enhanced
technology, forming partnerships                  stage, and the uptake will depend on           revenues for the efficient practice and
to innovate, drive down costs and                 how much costs can be taken out as             cheaper for payers. These goals are lofty
provide a more efficient service. In              well as improved accuracy.                     but attainable in the long run.
2018 for example, Amazon acquired
PillPack for close to $1bn, and in                EFG Future Leaders Panellist Dr Neal
Southeast Asia ride-hailing app Grab has          Bangerter believes that over the next
partnered with Ping An Good Doctor to             20 years, Artificial Intelligence and deep
deliver online healthcare services.               learning will make healthcare more
                                                  accessible and more accurate, helping
Digitisation within healthcare helps              contain costs in the developing world.
competition and covers making                     Throughout this phase of development,
healthcare records available in digital           Neal points out that wearables and
form; using digital technologies in               very active involvement by individuals         See more insights from
the management of that information                in monitoring and addressing their             EFG’s Future Leaders Panel at
(for example, in identifying diseases             health will become commonplace in the

                                                                                                                 Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 15
US Future Leaders Portfolio
            now available on
               Shaw Managed Accounts

    Shaw and Partners is                         Shaw and Partners Chief Investment            “At EFG, we believe that
                                                 Officer, Martin Crabb said “We are
    pleased to have launched                     excited to be bringing this strategy          great management is a key
    the first of EFG Asset                       to our clients. One of our greatest           driver behind successful
                                                 challenges is helping investors gain
    Management’s (EFGAM)                         exposure to the new and disruptive            companies and their ability
    New Capital Funds, giving                    businesses that are poised to challenge       to continually innovate or
                                                 those companies that typically
    Australian investors                         comprise Australian share portfolios,         disrupt the status quo.”
    increased access to global                   such as banks, supermarkets and
                                                 telecommunications companies. The             Measuring successful management is
    equity markets.                              EFGAM US Future Leaders strategy is a         not easily quantifiable or apparent from
                                                 union of academic research, investment        traditional company analysis – something
    From Monday 1st July 2019, the US
                                                 management and security selection that        which EFGAM seeks to accomplish
    Future Leaders strategy will be available
                                                 is unique in the market and one that          with the panel. “We believe this is a
    to Shaw and Partners clients as a
                                                 provides an excellent portfolio diversifier   truly unique initiative as the panel’s
    Separately Managed Account (SMA) via
                                                 for our clients.”                             input is directly linked to the investment
                                                                                               process,” Donald Klotter, Global Head
    EFGAM’s New Capital Funds are a series       Portfolio construction is rooted in           of Institutional Sales at EFG International
    of high-conviction strategies designed       EFG’s fundamentally based investment          said.
    to produce long-term and sustainable         philosophy and process – with a focus
                                                 on four primary growth sectors of the         The new EFGAM investment solution
    alpha opportunities for clients. The goal
                                                 economy; technology, healthcare,              is the thirteenth addition to Shaw and
    of the US Future Leaders Strategy is
                                                 consumer discretionary, and financial         Partners’ successful SMA offering and
    to identify the next Facebook, Apple
                                                 services.                                     has been earmarked as the “first of
    or Starbucks; discovering companies
                                                                                               a number of international investment
    that are poised to dominate multi-billion
                                                 The Future Leaders Panel is comprised         solutions” that Shaw and Partners
    dollar markets over the next decade. It is
                                                 of industry and academic experts who          intends on bringing to market over the
    a concentrated US stock model portfolio
                                                 help develop a proprietary framework          next 12-18 months.
    that is designed to provide direct equity
                                                 that enables EFGAM to enhance its
    exposure to rapidly-growing businesses
                                                 research process by being able to better
    with significant opportunity to develop
                                                 identify visionary leaders in company
    into future mid or large-cap companies,
                                                 management teams.
    primarily via organic growth.

16 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
Since its inception
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in April 2016, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           US Future Leaders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Strategy has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           returned 23.12%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           annualised, as at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           May 2019.

       Data as at 31 March 2019
                           2018 unless otherwise stated

      INFACT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Donald Klotter, Global Head
                                                                                                               Shaw Managed Accounts

      U S F U T U R E L E A D E R S ST R AT EGY
           USE IN Q2 LEADERS
                     2019    STRATEGY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Institutional Sales at EFG
      FOR USE IN Q2 2019

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       International, will present the
                                                          Data as at 31 March 2018 unless otherwise stated

                                                                                                              ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                              EFG US Future Leaders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       US Future Leaders Portfolio,
                                                              AD                                                                                      D                                                                                                alongside Shaw and Partners
                                                                                                              Investment objective                          The investment framework is defined by a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details
                                                                                                              To provide a return exceeding the MSCI        disciplined investment process consisting

                                                                                                              US Mid Cap Growth TR index over rolling       of several checklists. This ensures that     Model Portfolio Manager

                                             NL PY                                                                                               L                                                                                                     CIO, Martin Crabb at the end
                                                                                                              10-year periods.                              the investment process used by the           EFG Asset Management
                                                                                                                                                            team is consistent and repeatable. The

                                                                                                                                             W OPY
                                                                                                                                                            investment process has four key inputs       Benchmark Index
                                                                                                              Investment Description                                                                     MSCI US Mid Cap Growth TR
                                                                                                              The US Future Leaders Model is a              that determine a company’s overall

                                                                                                              concentrated US stock portfolio, designed     ranking and can be applied across all
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Indicative Number of Stocks
                                                                                                                                                            sectors to facilitate stock selection:

                                                                                                              to provide direct equity exposure to                                                       20–35

                                         DO A C                                                                                            DO A C                                                                                                      of July.
                                                                                                              rapidly growing businesses with significant   1. Company Quality Grade
                                                                                                              opportunity to develop into future mid-                                                    Minimum Suggested
                                                                                                                                                            2. Stock Technical Timing Grade              Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                              or large-cap companies, primarily via
                                                                                                              organic growth. Stocks are selected           3. Short Term Earnings Growth Grade          10 years

                                                                                                              through a proprietary in-house systematic     4. Long Term Earnings Growth Grade           Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                                                                                                                                                                         International Equities              85%–99%
                                                                                                              framework. The team’s objective is
                                                                                                                                                            The team’s investment framework is           Cash                                 1%–15%
                                                                                                              to identify the highest quality, fastest
      US FUTURE                                                                                               growing companies and trade them at           the basis for portfolio construction.        Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                              the right time by adhering to a structured    This regimented process helps to             $100,000

      L E A D ER S                                                                                            investment process. By identifying            consistently find and own the best quality
                                                                                                                                                            companies. Value is added through active     Risk level

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sydney, Tuesday 23rd July
                                                                                                              these Future Leaders early, they believe                                                   Very High.
      S T R AT EG Y                                                                                           the portfolio will afford investors with      management by identifying the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Negative return 6 years in every 20 years.
                                                                                                              the opportunity to earn superior long-        companies in the growth universe, then
                                                                                                                                                            owning (or adding to) them when they are     Management Fee
       Discovering companies that are                                                                         term returns. Portfolio construction will                                                  Investment Fee        0.55% p.a.
                                                                                                              be rooted in our fundamentally based          timely and selling (or trimming) them when
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Indirect Cost Ratio   0.00% p.a.
       poised to dominate multi-billion dollar                                                                                                              they are not.
                                                                                                              investment philosophy and process –                                                        Performance Fee       Nil
       markets over the next decade.                                                                          with a focus on the four primary growth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Adelaide, Wednesday 24th July
      The US Future Leaders Strategy is a                                                                     sectors of the economy (technology,           Designed for investors who
                                                                                                              healthcare, consumer discretionary, and        Are interested in emerging leader
      concentrated US stock model portfolio,
                                                                                                              financial services).                            growth stocks;
      designed to provide direct equity
                                                                                                                                                             Are sophisticated investors with long-
      exposure to rapidly-growing businesses
                                                                                                              Investment Strategy and Approach                term investment horizons (5+ years);
      with significant opportunity to develop
                                                                                                              The US Growth Equity team employs              Have a high tolerance for risk; and
      into future mid- or large-cap companies,                                                                a rigorous, disciplined, and repeatable        Seek capital appreciation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Melbourne, Wednesday 24th July
      primarily via organic growth. Stocks are                                                                process that is a combination of both
      selected through a proprietary in-house                                                                 qualitative and quantitative inputs. The
                                                                                                              basis of the process starts with industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE
      systematic framework.

                                                                                                              centric research performed by the sector
                                                                                                              experts on the team.                                                                        SP0200

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Melbourne, Thursday 25th July
EFGAM InFACT brochure                                                                                        US Future Leaders Portfolio
                                                                                                             Factsheet                                                                                                                                  Canberra, Thursday 25th July
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Brisbane, Friday 26th July
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Perth, Monday 29th July

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       If you would like to attend the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       presentation at one of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       offices, please register at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       link below.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        REGISTER TO ATTEND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE US FUTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LEADERS ROADSHOW
An introduction to the Future Leaders Panel.
Interview with Moz Afzal, Global CIO, EFG International

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 17
Shaw Managed Accounts
    Portfolio Performances – May 2019

                                                                        1 Mth    3 Mth    6 Mth      1yr   Inception
     Shaw Income Goal Portfolio               Total Portfolio Return    0.54%    3.74%   8.08%    8.03%       7.71%
     Objective: RBA Cash +3%                  Portfolio Objective       0.38%    1.12%    2.23%   4.50%       4.48%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        0.16%    2.61%    5.85%   3.53%       3.24%

     Shaw Balanced Goal Portfolio             Total Portfolio Return    0.37%    3.15%   8.93%    7.77%       9.11%
     Objective: RBA Cash +4%                  Portfolio Objective       0.46%    1.36%    2.71%   5.50%       5.51%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective       -0.08%    1.80%    6.22%   2.27%       3.61%

     Shaw Growth Goal Portfolio               Total Portfolio Return   -1.46%    3.31%   10.54%   6.09%     12.04%
     Objective: RBA Cash +5%                  Portfolio Objective       0.54%    1.61%    3.21%   6.50%       6.46%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective       -2.00%    1.69%    7.33%   -0.41%      5.58%

                                              Total Portfolio Return    0.90%    2.09%    4.13%   6.08%       4.49%
     Debt Securities Income Portfolio
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    1.03%    3.07%    4.60%   8.40%       7.22%
     Hybrid Income Portfolio
                                              Inception: Sep-16

                                              Total Portfolio Return    3.11%    8.16%   17.88%   13.58%     11.41%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Income
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return   -1.22%    5.41%   18.08%   9.18%      16.12%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Growth
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    4.32%    5.37%   18.08%   12.71%     13.96%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Core
                                              Inception: Sep-16

                                              Total Portfolio Return   -0.71%    5.26%   10.59%    2.66%      9.05%
     Australian Equity - Small and Mid Cap
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return   -1.90%   -0.67%   2.00%      n/a     -1.28%
     Shaw Liquid Alternatives Portfolio
         Inception: Aug-18

     AB Concentrated Global Growth            Total Portfolio Return   -3.27%    5.99%   13.96%   13.98%      9.99%
                                              Inception: Jan-15

18 | Research Monitor | Sept 2019
Shaw Managed Accounts
Click on the images below to download the marketing brochure
and SMA Portfolio Factsheets
                                                                                                                                                   Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                              Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                           Shaw Managed Accounts

                                                                                                                                                 GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                                GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                           GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                 Shaw Income Goal Portfolio                                                                                                                          Shaw Balanced Portfolio                                                                                                                        Shaw Growth Goal Portfolio
                                                                                                                                                 Investment objective                             Asset classes and strategies may include                                                           Investment objective                           Asset classes and strategies may include                                                        Investment objective                               Asset classes and strategies may include
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                            Model Portfolio Details
                                                                                                                                                 The primary objective of the Shaw Income         cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                              The primary objective of the Shaw              cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                           The primary objective of the Shaw Growth           cash, Australian debt securities, and
                                                                                                                                                 Goal Portfolio is to provide a regular           Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager                            Balanced Portfolio is to provide a regular     Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager                         Goal Portfolio is to provide regular and           Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager
                                                                                                                                                 and sustainable income stream over the           securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited                          and sustainable income stream and              securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited                       sustainable capital growth over the longer         securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited
                                                                                                                                                 medium term (3–5 years) whilst minimising        alternative strategies (ETF and or                                                                 capital growth over the medium term            alternative strategies (accessed via ASX                                                        term (5–7 years). It achieves this by              alternative strategies (ETF and or
                                                                                                                                                 risk to capital. It achieves this by investing   managed funds).                                 Benchmark Index                                    (4–6 years), together with some capital        listed ETFs and or managed funds).              Benchmark Index                                 investing in a diversified portfolio of asset      managed funds).                                 Benchmark Index
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +3%                                                                                                                                 RBA Cash rate +4%                                                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +5%
                                                                                                                                                 in a diversified portfolio of asset classes                                                                                                         growth whilst minimising risk to capital. It                                                                                                   classes and strategies. The strategy is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Continual assessment and risk                   (Gross Income and Total Return)                                                                   Continual assessment and risk                   (Gross Income and Total Return)                                                                    Continual assessment and risk
                                                                                                                                                 and strategies.                                                                                                                                     achieves this by investing in a diversified                                                                                                    designed to have a high level of risk. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                  management of bottom-up and top-                Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                           management of bottom-up and topdown             Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                            management of bottom-up and top-                Indicative Number of Stocks per
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     portfolio of asset classes and strategies.                                                                                                     achieves this by investing in a diversified                                                        Asset Class Based Portfolio
                                                                                                                                                 The strategy is designed to have a               down parameters is a core component             and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                    parameters is a core component of the           and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                     down parameters is a core component
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    portfolio of asset classes and strategies.                                                         30–100
                                                                                                                                                 medium level of risk.                            of the model. Changes to the portfolio          40–100                                             The strategy is designed to have a             model. Changes to the portfolio will be         60–140                                                                                             of the model. Changes to the portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                                                  will be made as deemed appropriate              Minimum Suggested                                  moderate level of risk.                        made as deemed appropriate by the               Minimum Suggested                               The strategy is designed to have a high            will be made as deemed appropriate              Minimum Suggested
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                             Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                              Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                                                                 Investment Strategy and Approach                 by the investment team in order for                                                                                                               investment team in order for the portfolio                                                      level of risk.                                     by the investment team in order for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3 years                                                                                                                                           4 years                                                                                                                                            5 years
                                                                                                                                                 The investment process combines                  the portfolio to have a high probability                                                           Investment Strategy and Approach               to have a high probability of meeting                                                                                                              the portfolio to have a high probability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                           Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                            Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                                                                                                                 quantitative and qualitative criteria and        of meeting its objectives in all market                                                            Investment Strategy and Approach The           its objectives in all market conditions.                                                        Investment Strategy and Approach                   of meeting its objectives in all market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Debt Securities Income             0%–30%                                                                                                    Shaw Debt Securities Income          0%–50%                                                                                                        Shaw Australian Equity Growth
                                                                                                                                                 analysis to identify asset classes, markets,     conditions. The investment process takes                                                           investment process combines quantitative       The investment process takes into                                                               The investment process combines                    conditions. The investment process takes        (Large Cap)                           0%–80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Hybrid Income                      0%–35%                                                                                                    Shaw Hybrid Income                   0%–50%
                                                                                                                                                 securities and strategies which have             into consideration the risk around asset                                                           and qualitative criteria and analysis to       consideration the risk around asset                                                             quantitative and qualitative criteria and          into consideration the risk around asset        Shaw Australian Equity Growth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Australian Equity Income                                                                                                                     Shaw Australian Equity Core
                                                                                                                                                 a focus toward producing sustainable             classes and the underlying securities,          (Large Cap)                             0%–60%     identify asset classes, markets, securities    classes and the underlying securities           (Large Cap)                          0%–60%     analysis to identify asset classes, markets,       classes and the underlying securities           (Small and Mid-Cap)                   0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                 income as opposed to capital growth.             maintaining their income characteristics        International Equity                    0%–40%     and strategies which have a focus toward       maintaining their income and growth             Shaw Australian Equity Growth                   securities and strategies which have a             maintaining their growth characteristics        International Equity                  0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                  whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Liquid Alternatives                     0%–40%                                                    characteristics whilst ensuring that the risk   (Small and Mid-Cap)                  0%–30%                                                        whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Liquid Alternatives                   0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     producing sustainable income and capital                                                                                                       focus toward producing capital growth                                                              Cash                                 0%–100%
                                                                                                                                                 The portfolio construction is based on           drawdown is adequately managed. The             Cash                                   0%–100%                                                    of a drawdown is adequately managed.            International Equity                 0%–40%                                                        drawdown is adequately managed. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     growth.                                                                                                                                        over and above income.
                                                                                                                                                 macro-economic and thematic views of             Portfolio Managers however manage the           Indicative Cash Holding                                                                           The Portfolio Managers however manage           Liquid Alternatives                  0%–40%                                                        Portfolio Managers however manage the           Indicative Cash Holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cash                                0%–100%                                                                                                        3%

   Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                         Shaw’s Research in order to best meet            capital value of the portfolio to minimise      3%                                                 The portfolio construction is based on         the capital value of the portfolio to                                                           The portfolio construction is based on             capital value of the portfolio to minimise
                                                                                                                                                 the risk and return objectives of the            the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve                                                       macro-economic and thematic views of           minimise the risk of the portfolio failing to   Indicative Cash Holding                         macro-economic and thematic views of               the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          3%                                                                                                                                                 Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                 investment strategy.                             its risk and return objectives.                                                                    Shaw’s Research in order to best meet          achieve its risk and return objectives.                                                         Shaw’s Research in order to best meet              its risk and return objectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $100,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             $100,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the risk and return objectives of the                                                                                                          the risk and return objectives of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Minimum Model Investment
   Managing your portfolio just got easier                                                                                                       The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Designed for investors who                      Management Fee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     investment strategy.                           Designed for investors who                      $100,000                                        investment strategy.                               Designed for investors who                      Management Fee
                                                                                                                                                 Partners SMA strategic portfolios based                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Investment Fee         Nil
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Seek income as the primary objective          Investment Fee           Nil                                                                       Seek a balance of income and capital                                                                                                              Seek capital growth as the primary
                                                                                                                                                 on their suitability to the income objective.                                                                                                       The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw                                                                                                           The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw and                                                           Indirect Cost Ratio    0.36% p.a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and some capital appreciation from a          Indirect Cost Ratio      0.34% p.a.                                                                 growth as the primary objective from          Management Fee                                                                                       objective and some income from a
                                                                                                                                                 Each goals based portfolio has effectively                                                       Performance Fee          Nil                       and Partners SMA strategic portfolios                                                          Investment Fee        Nil                       Partners SMA strategic portfolios based                                                            Performance Fee        Nil
                                                                                                                                                                                                    broad range of Australian and Global                                                                                                              a broad range of Australian and global                                                                                                             broad range of Australian and global
                                                                                                                                                 its own asset and risk allocation managed                                                                                                           based on their suitability to the Balanced       asset classes and strategies                  Indirect Cost Ratio   0.37% p.a.                on their suitability to the growth objective.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    asset classes and strategies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         asset classes and strategies
                                                                                                                                                 by the Shaw Portfolio Strategies Team.                                                                                                              portfolio objective. Each goals based                                                          Performance Fee       Nil                       Each goals based portfolio has effectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Have an investment horizon of three                                                                                                              Have an investment horizon of four                                                                                                                Have an investment horizon of five
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     portfolio has effectively its own asset and                                                                                                    its own asset and risk allocation managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    years or more                                                                                                                                     years or more                                                                                                                                      years or more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     risk allocation managed by the Shaw                                                                                                            by the Shaw Portfolio Strategies Team.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Accept the risk of volatility in their                                                           Portfolio Strategies Team.                      Accept a moderate risk of volatility in                                                                                                           Accept the risk of volatility in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                    investment return.                                                                                                                                their investment return.                                                                                                                           investment return.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                             MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                               MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SP0009                                                                                                                                           SP0008                                                                                                                                             SP0010

SMA Marketing brochure                                                                                                                          Shaw Income Goal                                                                                                                                   Shaw Balanced Goal                                                                                                                             Shaw Growth Goal

  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                           Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                               Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts

 ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                           ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                              ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                          ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Debt Securities Income Portfolio                                                                                                           Shaw Hybrid Income Portfolio                                                                                                                       Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Income                                                                                                      Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Core
 Investment objective                           The portfolio will be diversified across the                                                     Investment objective                             The portfolio will be diversified across                                                          Investment objective                            Continual assessment and risk                                                                  Investment objective                               The Investment Process takes into
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details
 The model invests in a portfolio of ASX        above criteria. A key focus of the portfolio                                                     The model aims to invest in a portfolio of       the above criteria. The portfolio will                                                            The primary objective of the Shaw               management of bottom-up and top-                                                               The objective of the Shaw Australian               consideration the yield and capital growth
 listed debt and shorter dated hybrid           will be the mix of fixed and floating rate        Model Portfolio Manager                        ASX listed debt and preference securities        be monitored against the manager’s              Model Portfolio Manager                           Australian Equity Income (Large Cap)            down parameters is a core component             Model Portfolio Manager                        Equity (Large Cap) Core Portfolio is               objectives of the portfolio and ensures         Model Portfolio Manager
 securities, debt based ETFs and debt           exposure in order to meet the portfolios’         Shaw and Partners Limited                      that offer diversification benefits to both      expectations of equity returns, credit          Shaw and Partners Limited                         Portfolio is to provide a regular and           of the model. Changes to the portfolio          Shaw and Partners Limited                      to provide regular income, capital                 that both are managed simultaneously            Shaw and Partners Limited
 specialist managed funds. These                objectives. The portfolio will be monitored                                                      Australian equities and cash or term             market implied volatilities and underlying                                                        sustainable fully franked dividend income       will be made as deemed appropriate                                                             appreciation and out performance of the            to ensure that the portfolio is not overly
 products offer potential diversification       against the manager’s expectations of             Benchmark Index                                deposits.                                        interest rates in order to ensure it is         Benchmark Index                                   stream over the medium term (3–5 years).        by the investment team in order for the         Benchmark Index                                S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index over                skewed to any style or thematic that            Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +1.5%                                                                                                                             RBA Cash rate +3%                                                                                                                                 S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index                                                                                                                    S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index
 benefits to both Australian equities and       equity returns, credit market implied                                                                                                             invested across a range of market                                                                 It achieves this by investing in a portfolio    portfolio to have a high probability of                                                        the medium term (3–5 years) through                would increase the risk of the portfolio
                                                                                                                                                 The model’s return will be generated from                                                        (inclusive of franking credits)
 cash or term deposits.                         volatilities and underlying interest rates                                                                                                        cycles to meet its return objective, while                                                        of large-cap Australian listed companies        meeting its objectives. The investment                                                         investment in large cap shares listed in           failing to meet its objectives.
                                                                                                  Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks        a combination of cash (interest payments                                                         Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                                                                       Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                                                                       Indicative Number of Stocks
                                                in order to ensure it is invested across          and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                  adhering to the risk tolerances set.                                                              and managed funds. Although the                 process takes into consideration the risk       15–25                                          Australia.                                                                                         15–25
 The model’s return will be generated from                                                                                                       and dividends), franking credits and                                                             10–30
                                                a range of market cycles to meet its              15–25                                                                                                                                                                                             focus is yield generation, the investment       around companies growing/maintaining                                                                                                              Designed for investors who
 a combination of interest payments and         return objective, while adhering to the risk                                                     capital growth (realised and unrealised)         The model manager has access to new                                                               process and risk management aims to             their dividend characteristics with the
                                                                                                  Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                 Minimum Suggested                              Investment Strategy and Approach                    Seek exposure to an Australian share          Minimum Suggested
 capital growth (realised and unrealised)       tolerances set.                                                                                  from an actively managed portfolio               issues of debt and preference securities                                                          ensure that risk to capital is minimised        result that this portfolio aims for a higher    Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                             Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                  Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                           Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                                                                            Shaw and Partners’ Investment Process                portfolio that provides a franked income
 from an actively managed portfolio                                                               3 years
                                                                                                                                                 strategy.                                        and is able to include in the portfolio as it   3 years                                           with the goal of some capital appreciation      dividend yield than that of the broader         3 years                                                                                                                                           3 years
 strategy.                                      The model manager has access to new                                                                                                               deems appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               combines quantitative and qualitative                stream and capital appreciation
                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                         Asset Allocation Ranges                           via both longer term price appreciation         market. The portfolio managers however          Asset Allocation Ranges                        criteria and analysis to identify stocks                                                           Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                issues of listed debt securities and is                                                          The Shaw Hybrid Income Portfolio seeks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Have an investment horizon of three
                                                                                                  Debt and hybrid securities         70%–100%                                                                                                     Listed Australian hybrid securities 70%–100%      and actively locking in gains as deemed         manage the capital value of the portfolio       Australian Equities                80%–100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   likely to produce above average
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Australian Equities                  90%–100%
 The Shaw Debt Income Portfolio seeks to        able to include these in the portfolio as it                                                     to provide investors with a predictable          The model manager’s institutional                                                                                                                                                                 Cash                                 0%–20%                                                         years or more                                 Cash                                   0%–10%
                                                                                                  Cash                                0%–100%                                                                                                     Listed debt securities                0%–80%      appropriate to the objectives.                  to minimise the risk of the portfolio failing                                                  earnings growth with positive valuation
 provide investors with a predictable level     deems appropriate.                                                                               level of income whilst minimising risk to        market experience with this asset class                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Accept the risk of share price volatility.
                                                                                                  Indicative Cash Holding                                                                                                                         Cash                                  0%–20%                                                      to achieve its risk and return objectives.      Indicative Cash Holding                        characteristics.                                                                                   Indicative Cash Holding
 of income whilst minimising risk to capital.                                                                                                    capital.                                         brings specialist knowledge to pricing
                                                                                                  2%                                                                                                                                              Indicative Cash Holding                                                                                                                           2%                                                                                                                                                2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and liquidity. Active management of the                                                           Investment Strategy and Approach
                                                Designed for investors who                                                                                                                                                                        2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The investment process combines                 Designed for investors who                                                                     The portfolio construction is based on
 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                                                                Investment Strategy and Approach                 portfolio will take advantage of relative                                                                                                                                                         Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          Minimum Model Investment
                                                 Seek a sustainable income stream over           Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         macro-economic and thematic views of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  mispricing between securities and the                                                             quantitative and qualitative criteria and        Seek franked dividend income as the           $5,000                                                                                                                                            $5,000
 The model manager aims to achieve the            a 3 year + time frame, with a lower risk        $5,000                                         The model manager aims to achieve the                                                            Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                                                                         Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  asset class as a whole, while taking into       $5,000                                            analysis to identify stocks and strategies        primary objective from an Australian
 investment objectives via a qualitative          of loss than equities, and a higher rate                                                       investment objectives via a qualitative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           best meet the risk and return objectives
                                                                                                  Management Fee                                                                                  consideration the impact of any micro                                                             which have a relatively high dividend             equities portfolio and some capital           Management Fee                                                                                                                                    Management Fee
 and quantitative investment process. Key         of return than cash like investments                                                           and quantitative investment process. Key                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of the investment strategy. Continual
                                                                                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                       and macroeconomic factors. The ability          Management Fee                                    paying capability, and are likely to              appreciation                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                         Investment Fee         Nil
 criteria and areas of focus are:                                                                                                                criteria and areas of focus are:                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Indirect Cost Ratio   0.25% p.a.               assessment and risk management of                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio    0.00% p.a.
                                                 Focus on minimising risk to capital and         Indirect Cost Ratio   0.28% p.a.                                                                to lock in gains will be a key feature of the   Investment Fee          Nil                       produce above average earnings growth            Have an investment horizon of three
  Credit quality of the issuer                   low volatility of returns.                      Performance Fee       Nil                       Credit quality of the issuer                                                                   Indirect Cost Ratio     0.00% p.a.                with positive valuation characteristics.                                                        Performance Fee       Nil                      bottom-up and top-down parameters is a                                                             Performance Fee        Nil
                                                                                                                                                                                                  strategy in achieving its objectives.                                                                                                               years or more
  Sector/Industry                                                                                                                                Sector/Industry                                                                                Performance Fee         Nil                                                                                                                                                                      core component of the Model. Changes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The portfolio construction is based on           Accept the risk of share price volatility.                                                   to the portfolio will be made as deemed
  Call dates and final maturity details                                                                                                          Call date, conversion dates and final          Designed for investors who                                                                        macro-economic and thematic views of                                                                                                           appropriate by the investment team in
  Structure of instrument                                                                                                                         maturity details                               Seek a sustainable income stream                                                                  Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                        order for the portfolio to have a high
  Timing and composition of cash flows                                                                                                           Structure of instrument                        (inclusive of franking credits) over a 3 year                                                     best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                    probability of meeting its objectives.
                                                                                                                                                  Timing and composition of cash flows           + time frame, with a lower risk of loss                                                           the investment strategy.
  Relative valuation of sector as a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                  than equities, and a higher rate of return
   and between relevant securities,                                                                                                               Relative valuation of sector as a whole
                                                                                                                                                                                                  than cash like investments.
   including the inclusion of new issues                                                                                                           and between relevant securities,
  Liquidity and potential changes in                                                                                                              including the inclusion of new issues
   liquidity.                                                                                                                                     Liquidity and potential changes in
                                                                                                   MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                            liquidity.                                                                                      MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                              MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                              MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE

                                                                                                   SP0003                                                                                                                                          SP0002                                                                                                                                            SP0004                                                                                                                                            SP0001

Shaw Debt Securities Income                                                                                                                     Shaw Hybrid Income                                                                                                                                 Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                         Shaw Australian Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Large Cap) Income                                                                                                                             (Large Cap) Core

                                                                                                                                                  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                               Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts
  Shaw Managed Accounts

 ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                           ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                              ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                          ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Growth                                                                                                       Shaw Australian Equity (Small and Mid-Cap) Growth                                                                                                  Shaw Liquid Alternatives Portfolio                                                                                                             AllianceBernstein Concentrated Global Growth
 Investment objective                           The investment process takes into                                                                Investment objective                             The investment process takes into                                                                 Investment objective                            research into alternative strategies and                                                       Investment objective                               Designed for investors who
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                           Model Portfolio Details
 The primary objective of the Shaw              consideration the primary objective of                                                           The primary objective of the Shaw                consideration the primary objective                                                               The primary objective of the Shaw Liquid        return streams is a core component                                                             The portfolio seeks long term growth                Are considered longer term investors (5
 Australian Equity (Large Cap) Growth           capital growth. Although the portfolio will       Model Portfolio Manager                        Australian Equity (Small and Mid-Cap)            of capital growth. It aims to invest in         Model Portfolio Manager                           Alternatives Portfolio is to provide regular    of the model. Changes to the portfolio          Model Portfolio Manager                        of capital by investing in an actively               years +)                                      Model Portfolio Manager
 Portfolio is to provide a level of capital     generate income, income focused stocks            Shaw and Partners Limited                      Growth Portfolio is to provide a level of        companies where the share price does            Shaw and Partners Limited                         and sustainable income and capital              will be made as deemed appropriate              Shaw and Partners Limited                      managed concentrated portfolio of listed            Seek exposure to a concentrated               AllianceBernstein
 appreciation over the longer term              will be included if their total return criteria                                                  capital appreciation over the longer term        not fully reflect the potential value of the                                                      growth over the medium term (3–5 years)         by the investment team in order for                                                            securities considered by the portfolio               portfolio of high quality global equities
 (5–7 years). The portfolio is tilted towards   fits the portfolios objective.                    Benchmark Index                                (5–7 years). The portfolio is tilted towards     underlying business of the company.             Benchmark Index                                   whilst minimising risk to capital. It           the portfolio to have a high probability        Benchmark Index                                manager to be of very high quality issued                                                          Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index                                                                                                                  S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index                                                                                                       RBA Cash rate +3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with superior return potential with           MSCI World Index
 stocks that have superior earning growth                                                                                                        small and mid-sized stocks that have                                                                                                               achieves this by investing in a diversified     of meeting its objectives in all market                                                        by companies with predictable growth.                generally low turnover
 capacity and focus is on the total return      Volatility of returns will be managed with                                                       superior earning growth capacity and                                                                                                               portfolio of asset classes and strategies       conditions. The investment process takes
                                                                                                  Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                         Designed for investors who                                                                                                                                                                        Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                                                                           Indicative Number of Stocks per
 of each stock rather than the dividend         the objective of a lower standard deviation                                                      focus is on the total return of each stock                                                       Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks           that have low correlation with traditional      into consideration the risk around asset
                                                                                                  and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                   Seek long term capital growth as the          and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                                                                    and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                   Asset Class Based Portfolio
 income as the prime objective.                 of returns than the benchmark index.                                                             rather than the dividend income as the                                                                                                             equity and debt asset classes. This             classes and the underlying securities
                                                                                                  15–25                                                                                             primary objective from and Australian         15–30                                                                                                                                             3–20                                           The portfolio manager seeks to achieve                                                             25–35
                                                                                                                                                 prime objective.                                   equities portfolio and some income                                                              portfolio is designed to act as a volatility    maintaining their growth characteristics                                                       the investment objective by composing a
                                                                                                  Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                 Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                 Minimum Suggested
 Investment Strategy and Approach               Designed for investors who                        Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                                                                             dampener and diversifier to an existing         whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Investment Time Frame                          portfolio of highly liquid, listed securities of                                                   Investment Time Frame
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Those investors in the accumulation           Investment Time Frame
 The investment process combines                 Seek long term capital growth as the            5 years                                        Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                 5 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    portfolio of liquid assets.                     drawdown is adequately managed. The             3 years                                        quality companies from the MSCI World                                                              5 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                    phase                                                                                                                                           portfolio managers however manage the
 quantitative and qualitative criteria and        primary objective from an Australian            Asset Allocation Ranges                        The investment process combines                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Asset Allocation Ranges                        universe. These companies are chosen                                                               Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Have an investment horizon of five            Asset Allocation Ranges
 analysis to identify stocks which have a         equities portfolio and some income              Australian Equities                80%–100%    quantitative and qualitative criteria and                                                                                                          Investment Strategy and Approach                capital value of the portfolio to minimise      Liquid alternative assets          80%–100%    for their specific growth and business                                                             International Equities               90%–100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Australian Equities                   80%–100%
                                                                                                  Cash                                 0%–20%                                                       years or more                                                                                                                                   the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve    Cash                                 0%–20%                                                                                                       Cash                                   0%–10%
 favourable outlook are likely to produce        Those investors in the accumulation                                                            analysis to identify stocks which have a                                                         Cash                                    0%–20%    The portfolio is a blend of strategies and                                                                                                     characteristics, earnings development,
 above average earnings growth with               phase                                           Indicative Cash Holding                        relatively high dividend paying capability        Accept the risk of share price volatility.                                                      investments that can be expected to have        its risk and return objectives.                 Indicative Cash Holding                        financial position and experienced                                                                 Indicative Cash Holding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Indicative Cash Holding
 positive valuation characteristics.                                                              2%                                             are likely to produce above average                                                              2%                                                a lower correlation to equities, bonds and                                                      2%                                             management.                                                                                        2%
                                                 Have an investment horizon of five
                                                  years or more                                                                                  earnings growth with positive valuation                                                                                                            other traditional beta style investments.       Designed for investors who
 The portfolio construction is based on                                                           Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                        Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                          Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                 characteristics.                                                                                                                                   The portfolio was designed primarily             Investors seeking sustainable and lower
 macro-economic and thematic views of            Accept the risk of share price volatility.      $5,000                                                                                                                                          $5,000                                                                                                                                            $5,000                                                                                                                                            $65,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to lower the downside variance of an              volatility returns (mix of income and
 Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                         The portfolio construction is based on                                                                                                             income, balanced or growth portfolio that         capital growth) as the primary objective
                                                                                                  Management Fee                                                                                                                                  Management Fee                                                                                                                                    Management Fee                                                                                                                                    Management Fee
 best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                     macro-economic and thematic views of                                                                                                               uses a mixture of bonds and equities              that will be less impacted by large
                                                                                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                       Investment Fee          Nil                                                                                                                       Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                         Investment Fee         0.55% p.a.
 the investment strategy.                                                                         Indirect Cost Ratio   0.00% p.a.               Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                            to derive a given long term return. The           moves in underlying asset prices in           Indirect Cost Ratio   0.95% p.a.                                                                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio    0.00% p.a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio     0.61% p.a.
                                                                                                  Performance Fee       Nil                      best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                        strategies and managers chosen for                traditional investments such as Equities      Performance Fee       Nil                                                                                                                         Performance Fee        Nil
 Continual assessment and risk                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Performance Fee         Nil
                                                                                                                                                 the investment strategy.                                                                                                                           the portfolio have a demonstrable track           and Bonds
 management of bottom-up and top-down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    record of minimising risk to capital during      As a standalone investment option,
 parameters is a core component of the                                                                                                           Continual assessment and risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    downturns and when blended in the                 suitable for investors looking for a lower
 model. Changes to the portfolio will be                                                                                                         management of bottom-up and top-down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    appropriate weights can significantly             risk/lower return exposure that is not
 made as deemed appropriate by the                                                                                                               parameters is a core component of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reduce the downside potential of a bond           correlated with traditional asset class
 investment team in order for the portfolio                                                                                                      model. Changes to the portfolio will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and equity portfolio.                             returns
 to have a high probability of meeting its                                                                                                       made as deemed appropriate by the
 objectives.                                                                                                                                     investment team in order for the portfolio                                                                                                         Asset classes and strategies may                 Blended with a traditional income,
                                                                                                                                                 to have a high probability of meeting its                                                                                                          include Global Macro, Managed Futures             balanced or growth portfolio to reduce
                                                                                                                                                 objectives.                                                                                                                                        (Trends), Long/Short and Market Neutral,          drawdown and smooth returns
                                                                                                   MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                             Commodities and Dynamic Markets.                 Investors should have an investment            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                              MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      horizon of three years or more

                                                                                                   SP0005                                                                                                                                          SP0006                                           Only managers/investments that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    have daily pricing and liquidity can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Accept the risk of volatility in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      investment return.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SP0011                                                                                                                                            SP0012
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    considered. Continual assessment and

Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                          Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                             Shaw Liquid Alternatives                                                                                                                       AllianceBernstein Concentrated
(Large Cap) Growth                                                                                                                              (Small and Mid-Cap) Growth                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Global Growth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Research Monitor | Sept 2019 | 19
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