The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...

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The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...
The Research Monitor
                December Quarter 2019

       inside this issue
         Q3 2019 performance
Investing in a low interest rate environment
   ESG investing gathers increasing interest
            + stock recommendations
The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...
Q3 2019 Performance
    The Australian Share Market, as measured by the S&P/ASX 300 Index,
    recorded another positive quarter following in the footsteps of a 7.5%
    in price terms (8.0% including dividends) return in the June quarter.
    The September quarter saw returns of 1.2% in price terms and 2.6%
    including dividends, making up in excess of 20% accumulation returns
    since the start of the year.

    The Australian market was more               Given the continued fall in 10-year        The largest component of the S&P/
    volatile in the September quarter            government bond yields and also the        ASX 300 Index is the Banks Sector
    than in previous periods this year,          easing stance of the Reserve Bank, it      (23.1% index weight), which rose
    being up 2.96% in July, down 2.97%           was not surprising to see those stocks     2.2% in price terms and 3.3%
    in August before recovering to be up         considered as “bond proxies” continue      including dividends, building on
    1.34% in September.                          to do well.                                the strong relative returns in the June
                                                                                            quarter and extending the period over
    Bond yields continued to fall to record      Food and Staples Retailing stocks          which banks have outperformed the
    lows, with the Australian 10-year bond       that are exposed to consumer non-          index. Most of this performance
    ending the quarter at 1.00%, down from       discretionary spending were the best       came immediately post the
    1.32% at the end of March and having         performers (Woolworths (WOW) up            Federal Election outcome as both
    been as low as 0.875% at one stage in        12.2% and Coles (COL) up 15.4%),           clarity around the treatment of
    August - and a full 1.3% below where         whereas those companies exposed to         franking credits and a move by bank
    they were at the start of the year.          Energy prices did poorest (Woodside        regulator APRA to lower the stress
                                                 Petroleum (WPL) down 10.9% and             test interest rates on loans signalled
    Among Australian equity sectors,             Worley Parsons (WOR) down 11.6%).          more accommodative macroprudential
    Energy, Materials and Capital Goods
                                                                                            controls on credit growth.
    all posted negative returns during
    the quarter. Leading the charge to the
    upside were the Retail and Food and
    Staples Retailing sectors in somewhat
                                                       Sector                                     Performance        Market Cap
    of a triumph of the optimists over
                                                      Food & Staples Retailing                          15.2%             69,141
    the realists due to expectations of an
    improvement in Australian consumer                Retailing                                         14.8%             64,252
    spending following a cocktail of stimuli          Pharmaceuticals, Biotech & Life Sciences           8.9%            110,012
    including a lower dollar, higher export           Media & Entertainment                              7.8%             17,021
    prices, tax cuts, lower interest rates and        Software & Services                                5.8%             47,457
    easier credit.
                                                      Food Beverage & Tobacco                            5.4%             38,016
    Telecommunication Services was a                  Health Care Equipment & Services                   4.2%             57,473
    poor performer for the quarter, falling           Diversified Financials                             4.0%             91,506
    8.6% in price terms, as the Australian            Transportation                                     3.5%             88,938
    Competition and Consumer Commission               Banks                                              3.3%            424,577
    threatens to derail the proposed TPG
                                                      Consumer Services                                  3.2%             52,983
    Telecommunications merger. The four
    sectors to post negative returns                  Insurance                                          2.7%             68,862
    comprise 28% of the Australian                    Utilities                                          1.6%             34,015
    share market and collectively                     Real Estate                                        1.1%            131,431
    detracted 1.2% from returns.                      Energy                                             0.1%             92,942
                                                      Commercial & Professional Services                -2.4%             44,640
                                                      Materials                                         -3.5%            319,421
                                                      Capital Goods                                     -6.0%             14,832
                                                      Telecommunication Services                        -6.8%             48,781

2 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...
There were once again some
  spectacular returns amongst
  small companies.

The second largest sector, Materials         Global equity markets performed            Market measures of risk
(17.4% index weight) fell 3.5%               somewhat more modestly than
including dividends, with bellwether         Australian markets in the September        or volatility, rose sharply
BHP down 10.8%.                              quarter, with the MSCI World ex            in August and have
                                             Australia Index in Australian dollars up
There were dramatically different            only 0.6%. World share markets also
                                                                                        subsequently retreated
outcomes in the September quarter            moved in an “up-down-up” pattern in        to June levels, suggesting
between two stocks which were                the quarter as the market oscillated
often compared against each other,                                                      investors have become
                                             between focusing on lower interest rates
Lend Lease (LLC) and CIMIC (CIM).            and then on trade war between the          less uncomfortable with
LLC rose 35.1% in the quarter as
investors stopped assuming the worst
                                             United States and China.                   the likely path of inflation,
from the company’s construction and          Bond markets rallied on the back of        interest rates, growth and
engineering business, whereas with           lower long-term interest rates with        trade.
CIMIC the opposite took place. Investors     the Bloomberg AusBond Composite
became increasingly nervous about the        (0+Y) index up 2.0% and Bank Bills
profitability of the company’s engineering   returning 0.3%.
work and marked the stock down
29.8%.                                       The spread between 90-day bank bills
                                             and cash remained at negative 5 points
There were once again some                   at the end of September – a strong
spectacular returns amongst small            sign of easing credit conditions and
companies, even as the broader Small         expectations that the RBA will continue
Ordinaries Index rose only 3.11%, with       to cut rates. Long term interest rates
gold miner Dacian Gold (DCN) up 160%         in Australia hit a record low of
and healthcare products distributor BWX      0.875%.
Group (BWX) up over 110% in three

                                                                                                    Research Monitor | Dec 2019 | 3
The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...
Martin Crabb
     Chief Investment Officer

       Investing in a low interest
       rate environment

4 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...
Bank of England Bank Rate since 1694









Investors need to face a harsh
truth: “Carry” (another name                                                                                                RBA Cash Rate

for the cash yield) is dead. As                      6.00

this chart from the Bank of                          5.00
England shows, interest rates                        4.00
are the lowest in history and
markets are suggesting that                                    Retail deposit and
they will stay low for quite a                       2.00      investment rates; Banks’
                                                               term deposits ($10000);
                                                               3 months
while.                                               1.00

Typically, investors try to do better than cash by   1.30
investing in “duration” – or having your money                                      Swap Interest Rates
tied up for a period of time. In recent years,
specifically since the GFC, term deposits have
offered a return in excess of the cash rate. But
historically, this is not the case.                  1.00
With term deposit rates likely to fall below 1%,
perhaps investors can invest for longer periods      0.90
of several years and pick up some interest
that way? Unfortunately not, as the longest
tradeable government bond of ten year’s
duration is also yielding less than 1%. Even as
far as fifteen years from now, interest rates are    0.60
only just above 1%.
The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...
Investing in a low
     interest rate environment.

    In order to generate          In credit markets, as an example        They key here is not just the
                                  we look to the Bank Hybrid market       dividend yield and franking
    income, investors will have   where Shaw and Partners have            credits on the shares, but the
    to seek higher risk sources   significant expertise and where         expected total shareholder
    of return notably “credit”    we manage many hundreds of              return (including capital gains
                                  millions of dollars on behalf of our    or losses) and the degree of
    and “equity”. This involves   clients. A well-diversified portfolio   certainty investors have about
    buying investments which      of bank hybrids is currently            the cash flows supporting the
    derives part of their         expected to deliver a yield to call     dividend payments.
                                  of approximately 3.25% including
    return via the premium
    investors demand to give
    up certainty of return.       It should be stressed, however, that
                                  investing in hybrids is not without
                                  risk and readers are encouraged
                                  to read the disclosure of this report
                                  which pertains to investing in hybrid

                                  If this potential return from bank
                                  hybrids fails to excite investor
                                  interest, investors can seek equity
                                  for income.

6 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
The Research Monitor - Q3 2019 performance Investing in a low interest rate environment ESG investing gathers increasing interest + stock ...

                              20%                                                                                                  AMC
                              15%                                                          SKI
   Total Shareholder Return

                                                AST                                                                                                CGF
                              10%                              ANZ                          IPL               SUN            FLT
                                                                                  BXB       GMG
                                                                                                               LLC            ANN
                                                 NAB                   SHL                                                                CWN
                                                                                         DXS                                BLD            SYD
                               5%                          MGR                                         IAG                   CHC
                                                                         APA                                                              CAR
                                               SGP                      GPT                      AMP                                        AGL
                               0%                                                                                                         TCL
                                                BEN                                         COH
                              -5%                                     WES
                                                     ASX            CCL                                         ORI                                        BPT
                                                                                         WOW                                JBH
                                     0%   5%     10%                   15%                 20%                  25%                 30%                  35%
                                                        Coefficient of Variation of Earnings

As an exercise, we have looked at                    Generally speaking, the degree of variation of
those Top 100 Australian companies                   dividend payments is much lower than the degree
that have a ten-year profit history,
looked at the variability of that profit             of variation in earnings – so a portfolio that is
history and compared this to the                     predominantly “yield” stocks will have lower volatility
consensus view about the expected                    than one which relies of capital growth. Dividend
12-month return from holding the
shares to their expected twelve-
                                                     yield of the Australian share market is remarkably
month target price and receiving                     stable, typically yielding around 4.5%.
forecast dividends along the way.
This screen is illustrated above (with                                     Dividend Yield - Australian Share Market
outliers removed).                                   5.50%
From this group of stocks, we
are attracted to ANZ Bank (ANZ),                     5.00%
National Australia Bank (NAB),
Goodman Group (GMG) and                              4.50%
Woodside Petroleum (WPL) as
examples. We think other “lower
risk” stocks such as Woolworths
(WOW) and Wesfarmers (WES) are
too expensive.                                       3.50%


                                                                                                                                     Research Monitor | Dec 2019 | 7
Future Leaders Panel
      EFG International

                                  ESG investing gathers
                                  increasing interest

8 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
Signatories to the Principle for Responsible Investments (PRI)
100                                                                                                                            2750
90                                                                                                                             2500
80                                                                                                                             2250

70                                                                                                                             2000
30                                                                                                                             750
20                                                                                                                             500
10                                                                                                                             250
  0                                                                                                                            0
      2006    2007     2008     2009   2010     2011     2012       2013      2014    2015      2016      2017      2018

             Number of signatories                                             Total assets under management
             Number of asset owners                                            Asset owners’ assets under management

                                       ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
                                       investing or sustainability/responsible
                                       investments have gathered increasing
                                       interest from asset managers, their clients,
                                       shareholders and society at large.

Shaw and Partners is part              EFG Asset Management (EFGAM)                   When thinking about particular risks, it
                                       has been committed to integrating              is difficult not to consider the changing
of EFG International, a
                                       ESG considerations into its                    climate. For the last few decades
global private banking group           investment approach, as evidenced              the scientific community has been
headquartered in Zurich.               by the fact we are signatories to the PRI,     increasingly highlighting this danger,               as well as being involved with Swiss           comparing its outcome with a nuclear
                                       Sustainable Finance and CDP (Carbon            conflict. Ignoring the warning is neither
                                       Disclosure Projects). We believe that it       sensible nor correct.
                                       is worthwhile to explain the reasoning
                                       behind our approach.                           As a consequence of human
                                                                                      activity, CO2 in the atmosphere has
                                       Investing is a question of risk and            substantially increased, causing
                                       reward and one of the duties of                temperatures to rise. Through a
                                       every investor is to consider all              series of concatenated events this
                                       the available information before               risks decimating biodiversity, putting
                                       making investments. By adding an               our food supply at risk, exacerbating
                                       ESG approach to traditional financial          conflicts for water, land and forcing
                                       analysis, it can help to better evaluate       hundreds of millions of people to migrate
                                       opportunities and mitigate the risks           with incalculable social and economic
                                       associated with the investments. On the        consequences.
                                       one hand we believe companies are in
                                       a better position to prosper when their
                                       activity creates value for all stakeholders,
                                       not only for shareholders. It’s our
                                       responsibility to accompany them in this
                                       direction. On the other, their stronger
                                       “licence to operate” improves the
                                       resilience to risks such as reputational,
                                       governance, social or operational ones.

                                                                                                        Research Monitor | Dec 2019 | 9

    The risks at stake are                         Conceptually the idea of integrating ESG   Another source of reticence is with
                                                   considerations to obtain a more holistic   regard to the realistic impact that can be
    so high that, with a few                       understanding of a company’s strengths     achieved. Some asset managers exclude
    notable exceptions,                            and weaknesses seems therefore a           a big portion of the investable universe
                                                   logical and even an essential feature of   on the basis of ESG considerations or
    governments around                             fiduciary duty. However, the game gets     remove them when issues arise. We
    the world are starting                         tougher: integrating ESG still presents    prefer to limit this approach. While we
                                                   some hurdles and it’s a process that       do exclude some companies with the
    to recognize them and                          requires continuous commitment and         intention of communicating that lack
    tighten legislation and                        learning.                                  of transparency and short-termism
                                                                                              are not acceptable, we definitely
    requirements.                                  The first obstacle relates to mental       prefer to engage with them positively
                                                   models and confusion with ethical          by pushing for improvements. Active
    Europe in particular is at the forefront
                                                   considerations. Even if the business       ownership at AGMs with a sustainability
    of this new push with a new range of
                                                   case for ESG investing is empirically      overlay, asking for transparency and
    incoming legislation, dubbed “the EU
                                                   very well founded and roughly 90%          accountability is also part of our process.
    action plan on sustainable finance”, that
                                                   of studies find a non-negative ESG–
    will redesign the financial chain in the
                                                   financial performance relationship, many
    next few years. Asia will be among those
                                                   still see ESG integration as an ethical
    locations that will feel the biggest impact
                                                   approach and fear worsened financial
    and pain with a relatively poor population
                                                   performance. It’s not a question of
    and many cities and agricultural
                                                   contrast between ethical and unethical
    production situated on deltas or coastal
                                                   behaviours, but of understanding that
                                                   the companies are able to conjugate
    The pressure for change is building up         profits AND value for all stakeholders
    rapidly and starting to affect companies       have a much higher probability of
    and industries, whether it comes from          prospering. Our ESG analysis, built
    the consequences of the warming, from          around the concept of materiality, aims
    legislative and regulatory action, or from     to identify these opportunities.

10 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
                                     Approach and                                            SELECTION PROCESS



                                                                 Discussion with
                                                                                           Our framework is based
         Feedback                    Management                   analysts and             on the main reporting
                                                                   companies               standards in the ESG
                                                                                           space, meaning it can
                                                                                           easily adapt to any
                                   Integration into
                                  company research
                                                                                           regulatory changes.
                                    and company

The biggest issue is linked to the             Our framework is based on the main       Our rating is however not the final
quality of data and to the lack of              reporting standards in the ESG space,    judgment on a company; it is a starting
mandatory ESG reporting standards.              meaning it can easily adapt to any       point to better assess the risk of the
ESG analysis has room to improve,               regulatory changes.                      investment and when needed to start an
but we think it is important to make                                                     engagement process with companies
                                               The control we have on the
the effort to include, rather than                                                       we invest in.
ignore, these factors, knowing that             framework allows us to clearly define
                                                what the material aspects or the
if we do not start, we will never
                                                ethical considerations we want to
                                                                                         The sustainability journey
                                                include in our assessment for every      is no easy task, yet there is
Recently, research conducted by the             industry are.                            an important and growing
MIT Sloan School of Management1
                                               Given we control the weights and         demand for sustainable
assessed the modest correlation among
                                                KPIs for different industries, we
ESG rating providers. The research
                                                can easily integrate inputs from our     investing. This makes
suggests that instead of using ESG
“aggregate data as it is provided,              colleagues around the world and          perfect financial sense and
                                                adapt our scoring system to more
researchers may consider constructing
                                                accurately capture the nuances
                                                                                         can contribute to speed up
their own measures.” This is precisely
what we decided to do at EFGAM.                 between industries or the emergence      the solutions we all need.
Years ago we started building our own           of new risks/opportunities.              Although it will be a long
rating framework. Doing so, irrespective
of whether we have full transparency
                                                                                         journey, it will no doubt
and a complete understanding of the                                                      also be an exciting one.
underlying ESG issues, has additional

1 M
   IT Sloan School of Management, Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings,
  Florian Berg, Julian F. Koelbel, and Roberto Rigobon, August 2019

                                                                                                        Research Monitor | Dec 2019 | 11
Shaw and Partners is one of Australia’s preeminent investment and wealth
            management firms. With a national presence and over $18 billion of assets under
            advice, Shaw and Partners offers the intimacy of a boutique investment firm,
            backed by the resources and scale of a major financial group, EFG International.

     The Shaw and Partners
     Perth office has moved to
     Level 20, 108 St Georges Terrace
     Perth WA 6000                                                   Tel: 08 9263 5200

                                   30+                $18bn 6
       WATCH OUR

                                   YEARS              OF ASSETS UNDER            OFFICES IN
                                   IN THE MAKING      ADVICE                     SYDNEY

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12 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
has the pleasure of inviting you to a global
             economic and market outlook

    Investing in a world
    with low interest
    Developments in global capital markets, key
    convictions and themes for the coming months.

Please join Shaw and Partners for an evening of insights
and thought provoking investment opportunities with our
expert Research Analysts: Martin Crabb CIO, Peter O’Connor,
Leanne Truong and Brett Le Mesurier.
Sydney CBD                       Melbourne CBD                        Adelaide CBD
30th October 2019                31st October 2019                    7th November 2019
6:00pm – 9:00pm                  6:00pm – 9:00pm                      5:30pm – 8:45pm

Perth CBD                        Brisbane CBD
13th November 2019               14th November 2019
6:00pm – 9:00pm                  6:00pm – 9:00pm


                            LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE
         Places are not guaranteed unless confirmed by your Shaw and Partners adviser.
     For any enquiries please contact us at
                                                                             Research Monitor |   Dec 2019 | 13
Shaw Managed Accounts
    Portfolio Performances – September 2019

                                                                       3 Mth    6 Mth    1yr       2yr     Inception
     Shaw Income Goal Portfolio               Total Portfolio Return   2.22%    6.94%    8.87%    8.77%      8.80%
     Objective: RBA Cash +3%                  Portfolio Objective       1.00%    2.10%   4.36%     4.39%      4.39%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        1.22%    4.84%   4.51%     4.38%      4.41%

     Shaw Balanced Goal Portfolio             Total Portfolio Return   2.34%    7.44%    8.97%    10.11%    10.22%
     Objective: RBA Cash +4%                  Portfolio Objective       1.24%    2.58%   5.36%     5.44%      5.44%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        1.10%    4.86%   3.61%     4.67%      4.78%

     Shaw Growth Goal Portfolio               Total Portfolio Return   4.61%    11.03%   9.58%    14.50%    14.40%
     Objective: RBA Cash +5%                  Portfolio Objective       1.49%    3.08%   6.36%     6.37%      6.37%
     Inception: Sep-17                        Excess v Objective        3.12%    7.95%   3.22%     8.13%      8.04%

                                              Total Portfolio Return    2.08%    4.19%   8.00%     5.51%      5.27%
     Debt Securities Income Portfolio
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    1.22%    4.50%   7.20%     6.50%      7.62%
     Hybrid Income Portfolio
                                              Inception: Sep-16

                                              Total Portfolio Return    4.71%   13.67%   18.04%   13.87%    13.56%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Income
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    7.78%   16.44%   16.59%   20.46%    19.82%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Growth
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return    3.94%   13.18%   18.41%   15.59%    15.12%
     Australian Equity (Large Cap) - Core
                                              Inception: Sep-16

                                              Total Portfolio Return    5.62%   15.99%    8.14%   12.40%    12.51%
     Australian Equity - Small and Mid Cap
                                              Inception: Sep-17

                                              Total Portfolio Return   0.18%    1.94%    1.03%               0.68%
     Shaw Liquid Alternatives Portfolio
                                              Inception: Aug-18

                                              Total Portfolio Return    3.79%   13.55%   16.63%             10.50%
     AB Concentrated Global Growth
                                              Inception: Jan-15

                                              Total Portfolio Return   -7.84%                               -10.60%
     EFG US Future Leaders Portfolio
                                              Inception: Jul-19

14 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
Shaw Managed Accounts
Click on the images below to download the marketing brochure and
SMA Portfolio Factsheets. Download the marketing brochure here.

  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                             Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                           Shaw Managed Accounts

 GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                              GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                          GOAL BASED PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                             ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Income Goal Portfolio                                                                                                                        Shaw Balanced Portfolio                                                                                                                       Shaw Growth Goal Portfolio                                                                                                                       Shaw Debt Securities Income Portfolio
 Investment objective                             Asset classes and strategies may include                                                         Investment objective                           Asset classes and strategies may include                                                       Investment objective                               Asset classes and strategies may include                                                      Investment objective                           The portfolio will be diversified across the
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                          Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details
 The primary objective of the Shaw Income         cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                            The primary objective of the Shaw              cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                          The primary objective of the Shaw Growth           cash, Australian debt securities, and                                                         The model invests in a portfolio of ASX        above criteria. A key focus of the portfolio
 Goal Portfolio is to provide a regular           Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager                          Balanced Portfolio is to provide a regular     Australian equities including property          Model Portfolio Manager                        Goal Portfolio is to provide regular and           Australian equities including property         Model Portfolio Manager                        listed debt and shorter dated hybrid           will be the mix of fixed and floating rate        Model Portfolio Manager
 and sustainable income stream over the           securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited                        and sustainable income stream and              securities, international equities and          Shaw and Partners Limited                      sustainable capital growth over the longer         securities, international equities and         Shaw and Partners Limited                      securities, debt based ETFs and debt           exposure in order to meet the portfolios’         Shaw and Partners Limited
 medium term (3–5 years) whilst minimising        alternative strategies (ETF and or                                                               capital growth over the medium term            alternative strategies (accessed via ASX                                                       term (5–7 years). It achieves this by              alternative strategies (ETF and or                                                            specialist managed funds. These                objectives. The portfolio will be monitored
 risk to capital. It achieves this by investing   managed funds).                                 Benchmark Index                                  (4–6 years), together with some capital        listed ETFs and or managed funds).              Benchmark Index                                investing in a diversified portfolio of asset      managed funds).                                Benchmark Index                                products offer potential diversification       against the manager’s expectations of             Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +3%                                                                                                                               RBA Cash rate +4%                                                                                                                                RBA Cash rate +5%                                                                                                                               RBA Cash rate +1.5%
 in a diversified portfolio of asset classes                                                                                                       growth whilst minimising risk to capital. It                                                                                                  classes and strategies. The strategy is                                                                                                          benefits to both Australian equities and       equity returns, credit market implied
                                                  Continual assessment and risk                   (Gross Income and Total Return)                                                                 Continual assessment and risk                   (Gross Income and Total Return)                                                                   Continual assessment and risk
 and strategies.                                                                                                                                   achieves this by investing in a diversified                                                                                                   designed to have a high level of risk. It                                                                                                        cash or term deposits.                         volatilities and underlying interest rates
                                                  management of bottom-up and top-                Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                         management of bottom-up and topdown             Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                           management of bottom-up and top-               Indicative Number of Stocks per                                                                                                                 Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks
                                                                                                                                                   portfolio of asset classes and strategies.                                                                                                    achieves this by investing in a diversified                                                       Asset Class Based Portfolio                                                                   in order to ensure it is invested across          and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)
 The strategy is designed to have a               down parameters is a core component             and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                  parameters is a core component of the           and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                                                                    down parameters is a core component                                                           The model’s return will be generated from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 portfolio of asset classes and strategies.                                                        30–100                                                                                        a range of market cycles to meet its              15–25
 medium level of risk.                            of the model. Changes to the portfolio          40–100                                           The strategy is designed to have a             model. Changes to the portfolio will be         60–140                                                                                            of the model. Changes to the portfolio                                                        a combination of interest payments and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Minimum Suggested
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 return objective, while adhering to the risk      Minimum Suggested
                                                  will be made as deemed appropriate              Minimum Suggested                                moderate level of risk.                        made as deemed appropriate by the               Minimum Suggested                              The strategy is designed to have a high            will be made as deemed appropriate                                                            capital growth (realised and unrealised)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Investment Time Frame                                                                         tolerances set.                                   Investment Time Frame
                                                  by the investment team in order for             Investment Time Frame                                                                           investment team in order for the portfolio      Investment Time Frame                          level of risk.                                     by the investment team in order for                                                           from an actively managed portfolio
 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                 3 years                                                                                                                                         4 years                                                                                                                                          5 years                                                                                                                                         3 years
 The investment process combines                  the portfolio to have a high probability                                                         Investment Strategy and Approach               to have a high probability of meeting                                                                                                             the portfolio to have a high probability                                                      strategy.                                      The model manager has access to new
                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                         Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                          Asset Allocation Ranges                                                                                                                         Asset Allocation Ranges
 quantitative and qualitative criteria and        of meeting its objectives in all market                                                          Investment Strategy and Approach The           its objectives in all market conditions.                                                       Investment Strategy and Approach                   of meeting its objectives in all market                                                                                                      issues of listed debt securities and is
                                                                                                  Shaw Debt Securities Income           0%–30%                                                                                                    Shaw Debt Securities Income         0%–50%                                                                                                       Shaw Australian Equity Growth                  The Shaw Debt Income Portfolio seeks to                                                          Debt and hybrid securities          70%–100%
 analysis to identify asset classes, markets,     conditions. The investment process takes                                                         investment process combines quantitative       The investment process takes into                                                              The investment process combines                    conditions. The investment process takes       (Large Cap)                          0%–80%                                                   able to include these in the portfolio as it      Cash                                 0%–100%
                                                                                                  Shaw Hybrid Income                    0%–35%                                                                                                    Shaw Hybrid Income                  0%–50%                                                                                                                                                      provide investors with a predictable level
 securities and strategies which have             into consideration the risk around asset                                                         and qualitative criteria and analysis to       consideration the risk around asset                                                            quantitative and qualitative criteria and          into consideration the risk around asset       Shaw Australian Equity Growth                                                                 deems appropriate.
                                                                                                  Shaw Australian Equity Income                                                                                                                   Shaw Australian Equity Core                                                                                                                                                                     of income whilst minimising risk to capital.                                                     Indicative Cash Holding
 a focus toward producing sustainable             classes and the underlying securities,          (Large Cap)                           0%–60%     identify asset classes, markets, securities    classes and the underlying securities           (Large Cap)                         0%–60%     analysis to identify asset classes, markets,       classes and the underlying securities          (Small and Mid-Cap)                  0%–40%                                                                                                     2%
 income as opposed to capital growth.             maintaining their income characteristics        International Equity                  0%–40%     and strategies which have a focus toward       maintaining their income and growth             Shaw Australian Equity Growth                  securities and strategies which have a             maintaining their growth characteristics       International Equity                 0%–40%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Designed for investors who
                                                  whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Liquid Alternatives                   0%–40%                                                    characteristics whilst ensuring that the risk   (Small and Mid-Cap)                 0%–30%                                                        whilst ensuring that the risk of a             Liquid Alternatives                  0%–40%    Investment Strategy and Approach
                                                                                                                                                   producing sustainable income and capital                                                                                                      focus toward producing capital growth                                                                                                                                                            Seek a sustainable income stream over           Minimum Model Investment
                                                  drawdown is adequately managed. The             Cash                                 0%–100%                                                    of a drawdown is adequately managed.            International Equity                0%–40%                                                        drawdown is adequately managed. The            Cash                                0%–100%
 The portfolio construction is based on                                                                                                            growth.                                                                                                                                       over and above income.                                                                                                                           The model manager aims to achieve the            a 3 year + time frame, with a lower risk        $5,000
 macro-economic and thematic views of             Portfolio Managers however manage the           Indicative Cash Holding                                                                         The Portfolio Managers however manage           Liquid Alternatives                 0%–40%                                                        Portfolio Managers however manage the          Indicative Cash Holding                        investment objectives via a qualitative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cash                               0%–100%                                                                                                       3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of loss than equities, and a higher rate
 Shaw’s Research in order to best meet            capital value of the portfolio to minimise      3%                                               The portfolio construction is based on         the capital value of the portfolio to                                                          The portfolio construction is based on             capital value of the portfolio to minimise                                                    and quantitative investment process. Key         of return than cash like investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Management Fee
 the risk and return objectives of the            the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve                                                     macro-economic and thematic views of           minimise the risk of the portfolio failing to   Indicative Cash Holding                        macro-economic and thematic views of               the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve                                                  criteria and areas of focus are:                                                                 Investment Fee        Nil
                                                  its risk and return objectives.                 Minimum Model Investment                                                                        achieve its risk and return objectives.         3%                                                                                                its risk and return objectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Minimum Model Investment                                                                       Focus on minimising risk to capital and         Indirect Cost Ratio   0.28% p.a.
 investment strategy.                                                                                                                              Shaw’s Research in order to best meet                                                                                                         Shaw’s Research in order to best meet                                                             $100,000                                        Credit quality of the issuer
                                                                                                  $100,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         low volatility of returns.                      Performance Fee       Nil
                                                                                                                                                   the risk and return objectives of the                                                                                                         the risk and return objectives of the
 The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw and                                                                                                                                                                                                         Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                                                                         Sector/Industry
                                                  Designed for investors who                                                                       investment strategy.                           Designed for investors who                      $100,000                                       investment strategy.                               Designed for investors who                     Management Fee
 Partners SMA strategic portfolios based                                                          Management Fee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Call dates and final maturity details
                                                   Seek income as the primary objective          Investment Fee          Nil                                                                      Seek a balance of income and capital                                                                                                             Seek capital growth as the primary           Investment Fee        Nil
 on their suitability to the income objective.                                                                                                     The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw                                                                                                          The portfolio is a blend of the Shaw and                                                          Indirect Cost Ratio   0.36% p.a.                Structure of instrument
                                                    and some capital appreciation from a          Indirect Cost Ratio     0.34% p.a.                                                                growth as the primary objective from          Management Fee                                                                                      objective and some income from a
 Each goals based portfolio has effectively                                                       Performance Fee         Nil                      and Partners SMA strategic portfolios                                                          Investment Fee        Nil                      Partners SMA strategic portfolios based                                                           Performance Fee       Nil
                                                    broad range of Australian and Global                                                                                                            a broad range of Australian and global                                                                                                            broad range of Australian and global                                                         Timing and composition of cash flows
 its own asset and risk allocation managed                                                                                                         based on their suitability to the Balanced       asset classes and strategies                  Indirect Cost Ratio   0.37% p.a.               on their suitability to the growth objective.
                                                    asset classes and strategies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      asset classes and strategies                                                                 Relative valuation of sector as a whole
 by the Shaw Portfolio Strategies Team.                                                                                                            portfolio objective. Each goals based                                                          Performance Fee       Nil                      Each goals based portfolio has effectively
                                                   Have an investment horizon of three                                                                                                            Have an investment horizon of four                                                                                                               Have an investment horizon of five                                                            and between relevant securities,
                                                                                                                                                   portfolio has effectively its own asset and                                                                                                   its own asset and risk allocation managed
                                                    years or more                                                                                                                                   years or more                                                                                                                                     years or more                                                                                 including the inclusion of new issues
                                                                                                                                                   risk allocation managed by the Shaw                                                                                                           by the Shaw Portfolio Strategies Team.
                                                   Accept the risk of volatility in their                                                         Portfolio Strategies Team.                      Accept a moderate risk of volatility in                                                                                                          Accept the risk of volatility in their                                                       Liquidity and potential changes in
                                                    investment return.                                                                                                                              their investment return.                                                                                                                          investment return.                                                                            liquidity.
                                                                                                   MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                             MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE

                                                                                                   SP0009                                                                                                                                          SP0008                                                                                                                                           SP0010                                                                                                                                          SP0003

Shaw Income Goal                                                                                                                                  Shaw Balanced Goal                                                                                                                            Shaw Growth Goal                                                                                                                                 Shaw Debt Securities Income

  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                             Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Shaw Managed Accounts

 ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                             ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                         ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                            ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Hybrid Income Portfolio                                                                                                                      Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Income                                                                                                     Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Core                                                                                                          Shaw Australian Equity (Large Cap) Growth
 Investment objective                             The portfolio will be diversified across                                                         Investment objective                           Continual assessment and risk                                                                  Investment objective                               The Investment Process takes into                                                             Investment objective                           The investment process takes into
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                          Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details
 The model aims to invest in a portfolio of       the above criteria. The portfolio will                                                           The primary objective of the Shaw              management of bottom-up and top-                                                               The objective of the Shaw Australian               consideration the yield and capital growth                                                    The primary objective of the Shaw              consideration the primary objective of
 ASX listed debt and preference securities        be monitored against the manager’s              Model Portfolio Manager                          Australian Equity Income (Large Cap)           down parameters is a core component             Model Portfolio Manager                        Equity (Large Cap) Core Portfolio is               objectives of the portfolio and ensures        Model Portfolio Manager                        Australian Equity (Large Cap) Growth           capital growth. Although the portfolio will       Model Portfolio Manager
 that offer diversification benefits to both      expectations of equity returns, credit          Shaw and Partners Limited                        Portfolio is to provide a regular and          of the model. Changes to the portfolio          Shaw and Partners Limited                      to provide regular income, capital                 that both are managed simultaneously           Shaw and Partners Limited                      Portfolio is to provide a level of capital     generate income, income focused stocks            Shaw and Partners Limited
 Australian equities and cash or term             market implied volatilities and underlying                                                       sustainable fully franked dividend income      will be made as deemed appropriate                                                             appreciation and out performance of the            to ensure that the portfolio is not overly                                                    appreciation over the longer term              will be included if their total return criteria
 deposits.                                        interest rates in order to ensure it is         Benchmark Index                                  stream over the medium term (3–5 years).       by the investment team in order for the         Benchmark Index                                S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index over                skewed to any style or thematic that           Benchmark Index                                (5–7 years). The portfolio is tilted towards   fits the portfolios objective.                    Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  RBA Cash rate +3%                                                                                                                               S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index                                                                                                                   S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index                                                                                                                  S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index
                                                  invested across a range of market                                                                It achieves this by investing in a portfolio   portfolio to have a high probability of                                                        the medium term (3–5 years) through                would increase the risk of the portfolio                                                      stocks that have superior earning growth
 The model’s return will be generated from                                                        (inclusive of franking credits)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Volatility of returns will be managed with
                                                  cycles to meet its return objective, while                                                       of large-cap Australian listed companies       meeting its objectives. The investment                                                         investment in large cap shares listed in           failing to meet its objectives.                                                               capacity and focus is on the total return
 a combination of cash (interest payments                                                         Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                                                                     Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                                                                      Indicative Number of Stocks                                                                   the objective of a lower standard deviation       Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks
                                                  adhering to the risk tolerances set.                                                             and managed funds. Although the                process takes into consideration the risk       15–25                                          Australia.                                                                                        15–25                                          of each stock rather than the dividend                                                           and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)
 and dividends), franking credits and                                                             10–30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of returns than the benchmark index.
                                                                                                                                                   focus is yield generation, the investment      around companies growing/maintaining                                                                                                              Designed for investors who                                                                    income as the prime objective.                                                                   10–30
 capital growth (realised and unrealised)         The model manager has access to new                                                              process and risk management aims to            their dividend characteristics with the
                                                                                                  Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested                              Investment Strategy and Approach                    Seek exposure to an Australian share         Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested
 from an actively managed portfolio               issues of debt and preference securities                                                         ensure that risk to capital is minimised       result that this portfolio aims for a higher    Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                            Investment Time Frame                                                                         Designed for investors who
                                                                                                  Investment Time Frame                                                                                                                                                                          Shaw and Partners’ Investment Process                portfolio that provides a franked income                                                    Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                 Investment Time Frame
 strategy.                                        and is able to include in the portfolio as it   3 years                                          with the goal of some capital appreciation     dividend yield than that of the broader         3 years                                                                                                                                          3 years                                                                                        Seek long term capital growth as the            5 years
                                                  deems appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             combines quantitative and qualitative                stream and capital appreciation                                                             The investment process combines
                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                          via both longer term price appreciation        market. The portfolio managers however          Asset Allocation Ranges                        criteria and analysis to identify stocks                                                          Asset Allocation Ranges                        quantitative and qualitative criteria and        primary objective from an Australian            Asset Allocation Ranges
 The Shaw Hybrid Income Portfolio seeks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Have an investment horizon of three
                                                                                                  Listed Australian hybrid securities 70%–100%     and actively locking in gains as deemed        manage the capital value of the portfolio       Australian Equities                80%–100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 likely to produce above average
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Australian Equities                90%–100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  analysis to identify stocks which have a         equities portfolio and some income              Australian Equities                 80%–100%
 to provide investors with a predictable          The model manager’s institutional                                                                                                                                                               Cash                                 0%–20%                                                         years or more                                Cash                                 0%–10%
                                                                                                  Listed debt securities                0%–80%     appropriate to the objectives.                 to minimise the risk of the portfolio failing                                                  earnings growth with positive valuation                                                                                                          favourable outlook are likely to produce        Those investors in the accumulation             Cash                                  0%–20%
 level of income whilst minimising risk to        market experience with this asset class                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Accept the risk of share price volatility.
                                                                                                  Cash                                  0%–20%                                                    to achieve its risk and return objectives.      Indicative Cash Holding                        characteristics.                                                                                  Indicative Cash Holding                        above average earnings growth with               phase                                           Indicative Cash Holding
 capital.                                         brings specialist knowledge to pricing
                                                                                                  Indicative Cash Holding                                                                                                                         2%                                                                                                                                               2%                                                                                                                                              2%
                                                  and liquidity. Active management of the                                                          Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               positive valuation characteristics.             Have an investment horizon of five
                                                                                                  2%                                                                                              Designed for investors who                                                                     The portfolio construction is based on
                                                  portfolio will take advantage of relative                                                        The investment process combines                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 years or more
 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 macro-economic and thematic views of                                                              Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The portfolio construction is based on                                                           Minimum Model Investment
                                                  mispricing between securities and the                                                            quantitative and qualitative criteria and       Seek franked dividend income as the           $5,000                                                                                                                                           $5,000
 The model manager aims to achieve the                                                            Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                                                                       Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                          macro-economic and thematic views of            Accept the risk of share price volatility.      $5,000
                                                  asset class as a whole, while taking into       $5,000                                           analysis to identify stocks and strategies       primary objective from an Australian
 investment objectives via a qualitative                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         best meet the risk and return objectives                                                                                                         Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to
                                                  consideration the impact of any micro                                                            which have a relatively high dividend            equities portfolio and some capital           Management Fee                                                                                                                                   Management Fee                                                                                                                                  Management Fee
 and quantitative investment process. Key                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the investment strategy. Continual                                                                                                            best meet the risk and return objectives of
                                                  and macroeconomic factors. The ability          Management Fee                                   paying capability, and are likely to             appreciation                                  Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                        Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                       Investment Fee         Nil
 criteria and areas of focus are:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Indirect Cost Ratio   0.25% p.a.               assessment and risk management of                                                                 Indirect Cost Ratio   0.00% p.a.               the investment strategy.
                                                  to lock in gains will be a key feature of the   Investment Fee          Nil                      produce above average earnings growth           Have an investment horizon of three                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Indirect Cost Ratio    0.00% p.a.
  Credit quality of the issuer                                                                   Indirect Cost Ratio     0.00% p.a.               with positive valuation characteristics.                                                       Performance Fee       Nil                      bottom-up and top-down parameters is a                                                            Performance Fee       Nil                                                                                                                       Performance Fee        Nil
                                                  strategy in achieving its objectives.                                                                                                             years or more                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Continual assessment and risk
  Sector/Industry                                                                                Performance Fee         Nil                                                                                                                                                                    core component of the Model. Changes
                                                                                                                                                   The portfolio construction is based on          Accept the risk of share price volatility.                                                   to the portfolio will be made as deemed                                                                                                          management of bottom-up and top-down
  Call date, conversion dates and final          Designed for investors who                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      parameters is a core component of the
                                                                                                                                                   macro-economic and thematic views of                                                                                                          appropriate by the investment team in
   maturity details                               Seek a sustainable income stream                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                model. Changes to the portfolio will be
                                                                                                                                                   Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                       order for the portfolio to have a high
  Structure of instrument                        (inclusive of franking credits) over a 3 year                                                    best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                   probability of meeting its objectives.                                                                                                           made as deemed appropriate by the
  Timing and composition of cash flows           + time frame, with a lower risk of loss                                                          the investment strategy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       investment team in order for the portfolio
                                                  than equities, and a higher rate of return                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to have a high probability of meeting its
  Relative valuation of sector as a whole
                                                  than cash like investments.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     objectives.
   and between relevant securities,
   including the inclusion of new issues
  Liquidity and potential changes in
   liquidity.                                                                                      MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                             MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE

                                                                                                   SP0002                                                                                                                                          SP0004                                                                                                                                           SP0001                                                                                                                                          SP0005

Shaw Hybrid Income                                                                                                                                Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                        Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                           Shaw Australian Equity
                                                                                                                                                  (Large Cap) Income                                                                                                                            (Large Cap) Core                                                                                                                                 (Large Cap) Growth

  Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                             Shaw Managed Accounts                                                                                                                          Shaw Managed Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Shaw Managed Accounts

 ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                             ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                         ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO                                                                                                                            ASSET CLASS PORTFOLIO
 Shaw Australian Equity (Small and Mid-Cap) Growth                                                                                                 Shaw Liquid Alternatives Portfolio                                                                                                            AllianceBernstein Concentrated Global Growth                                                                                                     EFG US Future Leaders
 Investment objective                             The investment process takes into                                                                Investment objective                           research into alternative strategies and                                                       Investment objective                               Designed for investors who                                                                    Investment objective                           The investment framework is defined by a
                                                                                                  Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                          Model Portfolio Details                                                                                                                         Model Portfolio Details
 The primary objective of the Shaw                consideration the primary objective                                                              The primary objective of the Shaw Liquid       return streams is a core component                                                             The portfolio seeks long term growth                Are considered longer term investors (5                                                     To provide a return exceeding the MSCI         disciplined investment process consisting
 Australian Equity (Small and Mid-Cap)            of capital growth. It aims to invest in         Model Portfolio Manager                          Alternatives Portfolio is to provide regular   of the model. Changes to the portfolio          Model Portfolio Manager                        of capital by investing in an actively               years +)                                     Model Portfolio Manager                        US Mid Cap Growth TR index over rolling        of several checklists. This ensures that          Model Portfolio Manager
 Growth Portfolio is to provide a level of        companies where the share price does            Shaw and Partners Limited                        and sustainable income and capital             will be made as deemed appropriate              Shaw and Partners Limited                      managed concentrated portfolio of listed            Seek exposure to a concentrated              AllianceBernstein                              10-year periods.                               the investment process used by the                EFG Asset Management
 capital appreciation over the longer term        not fully reflect the potential value of the                                                     growth over the medium term (3–5 years)        by the investment team in order for                                                            securities considered by the portfolio               portfolio of high quality global equities                                                                                                  team is consistent and repeatable. The
 (5–7 years). The portfolio is tilted towards     underlying business of the company.             Benchmark Index                                  whilst minimising risk to capital. It          the portfolio to have a high probability        Benchmark Index                                manager to be of very high quality issued                                                         Benchmark Index                                                                               investment process has four key inputs            Benchmark Index
                                                                                                  S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index                                                                                                     RBA Cash rate +3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with superior return potential with          MSCI World Index
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Investment Description                                                                           MSCI US Mid Cap Growth TR
 small and mid-sized stocks that have                                                                                                              achieves this by investing in a diversified    of meeting its objectives in all market                                                        by companies with predictable growth.                generally low turnover                                                                      The US Future Leaders Model is a               that determine a company’s overall
 superior earning growth capacity and             Designed for investors who                                                                       portfolio of asset classes and strategies      conditions. The investment process takes                                                                                                                                                                                                        concentrated US stock portfolio, designed      ranking and can be applied across all
                                                                                                  Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                                                                         Indicative Number of Securities, Stocks                                                                                                          Indicative Number of Stocks per                                                                                                                 Indicative Number of Stocks
 focus is on the total return of each stock        Seek long term capital growth as the                                                           that have low correlation with traditional     into consideration the risk around asset        and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)                 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                  Asset Class Based Portfolio                    to provide direct equity exposure to           sectors to facilitate stock selection:            20–35
                                                                                                  and/or Funds (ETF and Managed)
 rather than the dividend income as the             primary objective from and Australian                                                          equity and debt asset classes. This            classes and the underlying securities           3–20                                           The portfolio manager seeks to achieve                                                            25–35                                          rapidly growing businesses with significant
                                                                                                  15–30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Company Quality Grade
 prime objective.                                   equities portfolio and some income                                                             portfolio is designed to act as a volatility   maintaining their growth characteristics                                                       the investment objective by composing a                                                                                                          opportunity to develop into future mid-                                                          Minimum Suggested
                                                                                                  Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                               Minimum Suggested                                                                                                                                Minimum Suggested                                                                             2. Stock Technical Timing Grade
                                                                                                                                                   dampener and diversifier to an existing        whilst ensuring that the risk of a              Investment Time Frame                          portfolio of highly liquid, listed securities of                                                  Investment Time Frame                          or large-cap companies, primarily via                                                            Investment Time Frame
                                                   Those investors in the accumulation           Investment Time Frame
 Investment Strategy and Approach                                                                 5 years
                                                                                                                                                   portfolio of liquid assets.                    drawdown is adequately managed. The             3 years                                        quality companies from the MSCI World                                                             5 years                                        organic growth. Stocks are selected            3. Short Term Earnings Growth Grade               10 years
                                                    phase                                                                                                                                         portfolio managers however manage the
 The investment process combines                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Asset Allocation Ranges                        universe. These companies are chosen                                                              Asset Allocation Ranges                        through a proprietary in-house systematic      4. Long Term Earnings Growth Grade                Asset Allocation Ranges
                                                   Have an investment horizon of five            Asset Allocation Ranges
 quantitative and qualitative criteria and                                                                                                         Investment Strategy and Approach               capital value of the portfolio to minimise      Liquid alternative assets          80%–100%    for their specific growth and business                                                            International Equities             90%–100%    framework. The team’s objective is                                                               International Equities              85%–99%
                                                                                                  Australian Equities                  80%–100%
                                                    years or more                                                                                                                                 the risk of the portfolio failing to achieve    Cash                                 0%–20%                                                                                                      Cash                                 0%–10%                                                   The team’s investment framework is                Cash                                 1%–15%
 analysis to identify stocks which have a                                                         Cash                                   0%–20%    The portfolio is a blend of strategies and                                                                                                    characteristics, earnings development,                                                                                                           to identify the highest quality, fastest
                                                   Accept the risk of share price volatility.                                                     investments that can be expected to have       its risk and return objectives.                 Indicative Cash Holding                        financial position and experienced                                                                Indicative Cash Holding                        growing companies and trade them at            the basis for portfolio construction.             Minimum Model Investment
 relatively high dividend paying capability                                                       Indicative Cash Holding
                                                                                                                                                   a lower correlation to equities, bonds and                                                     2%                                             management.                                                                                       2%                                             the right time by adhering to a structured     This regimented process helps to                  $100,000
 are likely to produce above average                                                              2%
                                                                                                                                                   other traditional beta style investments.      Designed for investors who                                                                                                                                                                                                                      investment process. By identifying             consistently find and own the best quality
 earnings growth with positive valuation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Risk level
                                                                                                  Minimum Model Investment                         The portfolio was designed primarily            Investors seeking sustainable and lower       Minimum Model Investment                                                                                                                         Minimum Model Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  these Future Leaders early, they believe       companies. Value is added through active
 characteristics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Very High.
                                                                                                  $5,000                                                                                                                                          $5,000                                                                                                                                           $65,000                                                                                       management by identifying the best
                                                                                                                                                   to lower the downside variance of an             volatility returns (mix of income and                                                                                                                                                                                                         the portfolio will afford investors with                                                         Negative return 6 years in every 20 years.
 The portfolio construction is based on                                                                                                            income, balanced or growth portfolio that                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the opportunity to earn superior long-         companies in the growth universe, then
                                                                                                                                                                                                    capital growth) as the primary objective      Management Fee                                                                                                                                   Management Fee                                                                                                                                  Management Fee
 macro-economic and thematic views of                                                             Management Fee
                                                                                                                                                   uses a mixture of bonds and equities             that will be less impacted by large                                                                                                                                                                                                           term returns. Portfolio construction will      owning (or adding to) them when they are
                                                                                                  Investment Fee          Nil                                                                                                                     Investment Fee        Nil                                                                                                                        Investment Fee        0.55% p.a.                                                                                                                Investment Fee        0.55% p.a.
 Shaw and Partners’ Research in order to                                                                                                           to derive a given long term return. The                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        be rooted in our fundamentally based           timely and selling (or trimming) them when
                                                                                                  Indirect Cost Ratio     0.61% p.a.                                                                moves in underlying asset prices in           Indirect Cost Ratio   0.95% p.a.                                                                                                                 Indirect Cost Ratio   0.00% p.a.                                                                                                                Indirect Cost Ratio   0.00% p.a.
 best meet the risk and return objectives of                                                                                                       strategies and managers chosen for                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             investment philosophy and process –            they are not.
                                                                                                  Performance Fee         Nil                                                                       traditional investments such as Equities      Performance Fee       Nil                                                                                                                        Performance Fee       Nil                                                                                                                       Performance Fee       Nil
 the investment strategy.                                                                                                                          the portfolio have a demonstrable track          and Bonds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     with a focus on the four primary growth
                                                                                                                                                   record of minimising risk to capital during     As a standalone investment option,                                                                                                                                                                                                            sectors of the economy (technology,            Designed for investors who
 Continual assessment and risk
                                                                                                                                                   downturns and when blended in the                suitable for investors looking for a lower                                                                                                                                                                                                    healthcare, consumer discretionary, and         Are interested in emerging leader
 management of bottom-up and top-down
                                                                                                                                                   appropriate weights can significantly            risk/lower return exposure that is not                                                                                                                                                                                                        financial services).                             growth stocks;
 parameters is a core component of the
                                                                                                                                                   reduce the downside potential of a bond          correlated with traditional asset class                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Are sophisticated investors with long-
 model. Changes to the portfolio will be
                                                                                                                                                   and equity portfolio.                            returns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Investment Strategy and Approach                 term investment horizons (5+ years);
 made as deemed appropriate by the
 investment team in order for the portfolio                                                                                                        Asset classes and strategies may                Blended with a traditional income,                                                                                                                                                                                                            The US Growth Equity team employs               Have a high tolerance for risk; and
 to have a high probability of meeting its                                                                                                         include Global Macro, Managed Futures            balanced or growth portfolio to reduce                                                                                                                                                                                                        a rigorous, disciplined, and repeatable         Seek capital appreciation.
 objectives.                                                                                                                                       (Trends), Long/Short and Market Neutral,         drawdown and smooth returns                                                                                                                                                                                                                   process that is a combination of both
                                                                                                                                                   Commodities and Dynamic Markets.                Investors should have an investment                                                                                                                                                                                                           qualitative and quantitative inputs. The
                                                                                                   MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                            MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                                                                                                                             MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE                          basis of the process starts with industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MODEL PORTFOLIO CODE
                                                                                                                                                                                                    horizon of three years or more

                                                                                                   SP0006                                          Only managers/investments that
                                                                                                                                                   have daily pricing and liquidity can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Accept the risk of volatility in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                    investment return.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SP0011                                                                                                                                           SP0012                                        centric research performed by the sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  experts on the team.                                                                              SP0200
                                                                                                                                                   considered. Continual assessment and

Shaw Australian Equity                                                                                                                            Shaw Liquid Alternatives                                                                                                                      AllianceBernstein Concentrated                                                                                                                   EFG US Future Leaders
(Small and Mid-Cap) Growth                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Global Growth

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Research Monitor | Dec 2019 | 15
Australian Large Cap Model
    Our Large Cap Model Portfolio                 strong performance and dial back our          MARKET PERFORMANCE
    performed well in both an absolute            macro-play on shopping centres as it          More sectors outperformed in
    and relative sense in September.              seems unlikely that even zero interest        September than underperformed,
    Benchmarked against the S&P/                  rates and tax cuts will spur the Aussie       with only the large defensive sectors
    ASX100 index, the portfolio returned          consumer. Following a strong upward           (REITs, Telcos, Healthcare) dragging the
    3.9% for the month, outperforming             price move in anticipation of better          market down. Clearly there was rotation
    the index by 2.1%. This month we              performance under incoming CEO Ross           amongst investors who started to bid
    position the portfolio for a continued        McEwan, we trim our NAB position by           long term bond yields higher over the
    slowdown in global growth                     2%, remaining overweight the stock and        month, both in Australia and globally.
    momentum and dial back a few of               sector.                                       At the start of September, US 10-year
    our overweights. We add Goodman                                                             bonds were yielding 1.45% and by
    Group (GMG) and Oil Search (OSH)              The slowdown in global growth is likely
                                                                                                September 13th they had exceeded
    to the portfolio.                             to remain front and centre of investor’s
                                                                                                1.9%. This sharp selloff in bonds spilled
                                                  minds for the next month as we head
                                                                                                over into equity markets, causing
    The Australian share market – as              into the last quarter of the year. The
                                                                                                interest-rate sensitive defensive stocks
    measured by the ASX100 index, rose            apparent weakness in global trade
                                                                                                to perform poorly.
    1.83% in September, led by solid returns      activity is unlikely to be reversed in the
    from technology stocks such as Afterpay       short term and this will keep some            September was also a big month
    Touch (APT) up 15.8% and double               downward pressure on the earnings             for dividends, with 38 of the top 100
    digit returns from selected materials         expectations of the miners and other          stocks trading exdividend. We estimate
    and cyclicals such as Boral (BLD), Iluka      industrial cyclical stocks. We pare Rio       that these 38 stocks paid $10.2bn in
    Resources (ILU), James Hardie (JHX),          Tinto (RIO) and add the more defensive        dividends in September, and another
    Oil Search (OSH) and Fortescue Metals         and attractively priced growth stock          $3.4bn in franking credits. This equates
    (FMG). Dragging the chain were the            Goodman Group (GMG) following our             to a yield for the month of 0.58% (0.77%
    Telecommunications and Healthcare             recent initiation report.                     including franking). The largest cash
    sectors, as 10-year government bond                                                         dividend was paid by BHP, at $3.35bn.
    yields rose from 0.88% to 0.94% but            Additions            Reductions
    were as high as 1.15% midmonth.                GMG          5.00    LLC          (1.36)     PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE
                                                   OSH          3.00    RIO          (2.00)     The absolute and relative portfolio
                                                   STO          1.50    VCX          (2.00)     returns were exceptional in September
    Energy Boost. This month we                                                                 at +4% and +2%. We would not expect
    significantly increase our weighting to        WPL          1.00    NAB          (2.00)
                                                                                                to repeat this performance every month,
    Energy names. Although the attacks                                  WES          (3.14)     particularly in current market conditions.
    on Saudi Arabian oilfield infrastructure                   10.50               (10.50)      Sector allocations (overweight banks,
    seems to have only briefly impact                                                           underweight healthcare and telco) added
    world oil supply, the potential for further   RECOMMENDATION                                90 basis points to returns and stock
    escalation in the Gulf cannot be ruled                                                      selection (banks, food, materials, real
                                                  It is hard to get excited about the
    out and this represents a real and                                                          estate) added 125 points.
                                                  prospects for the overall Australian
    present “tail risk” to world markets.
                                                  share market, but once we dig into the
    Given the relatively attractive valuations
                                                  weeds we can find enough compelling
    of energy stocks, (~10x PE), we see this
                                                  ideas to build a well-diversified portfolio
    is a prudent portfolio hedge and add Oil
                                                  capable of generating reasonable returns      This month we position the
    Search (OSH) back to the portfolio and
    top-up our Santos (STO) and Woodside
                                                  (10.9% on our estimates). We remain           portfolio for a continued
                                                  underweight Australian shares in a
    (WPL) exposures as well.
                                                  balanced portfolio setting and look for
                                                                                                slowdown in global growth
                                                  a pull-back in the market to put more         momentum and dial back a
                                                  capital to work. In the meantime, our
    Out with WES. Following our                   portfolio should generate reasonable
                                                                                                few of our overweights.
    analyst, Danny Younis’ downgrade of           income returns (5.2%, 70% franked on
    Wesfarmers (WES) from hold to sell, our       our estimates).
    portfolio rules stipulate that we remove
    the stock from the portfolio. We also
    trim Lend Lease (LLC) after a period of

16 | Research Monitor | Dec 2019
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