The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR

The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR
                                                INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT


          The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP
          Brian Berry
          Stephen Phipson CBE

          G E N E R A L R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S

          Eggleston Steel                                                                 David Lock Associates
          Quattro Plant                                                                   DJE Construction

          Creator Scaffold Designs & Temporary                                            Wingnut
          Works Consultants                                                               acr

          F E AT U R E S

          Commentary from Andrew Neil

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The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR

                                                                  The Rt Hon
                                                                  Elizabeth Truss MP
                                                                  Secretary of State for International
                                                                  Trade, President of the Board of Trade
                                                                  and Minister for Women and Equalities

Even by the standards of the day – 2019 was one of the            It is this excitement, optimism and ambition which I believe
most exciting and unpredictable years in British politics.        will come to define this government.

The election we’ve just seen marks a huge moment in               For too long now, we have been told Britain isn’t big
our country’s history. This government is taking a decisive       or important enough to survive outside the EU – that
new direction, embracing the opportunities of Brexit and          we have to accept a deal that reflects our reduced
preparing our country to flourish outside the EU.                 circumstances. I say that’s rubbish. With the right policies
                                                                  in place, we can be the most competitive, free-thinking,
As international trade secretary, I’ll be driving forward
                                                                  prosperous nation on Earth exporting to the world and
work on the free trade agreements that are going to
                                                                  leading in new developments like AI.
be a priority for the government. Free trade isn’t just an
abstract concept bandied around by technocrats. It is             To do that, we’ll give the brilliant next generation of
crucial for a strong economy and for the ability of families      entrepreneurs the tools they need to succeed. Since
to make ends meet. Free trade benefits people in every            2015, there has been a staggering 85 per cent rise in
part of our country, as British firms export to new markets       the number of businesses set up by 18 to 24 year olds –
and people doing the weekly shop have access to a wider           twice the level set up by the same age group in France
choice of goods at lower prices.                                  and germany. We’ll help them flourish by championing
                                                                  enterprise, cutting taxes and making regulation flexible
The essence of free trade is in the title – freedom. It’s
                                                                  and responsive to their needs.
about giving people the power to exchange their goods
without heavy government taxation or interference.                As we do that, we’ll level up and unite all parts of the UK
Commerce and free exchange are the engine room of                 with great transport links, fibre to every home and proper
prosperity and social mobility. I’m determined to tackle          school funding, so everyone shares in our country’s success.
the forces who want to hold that back.
                                                                  2019 was a year of brewing economic and political
One of my priorities is agreeing an exciting new free             revolution. 2020 will be the year when a revitalised
trade deal with the US, building on the great relationship        Conservative government turbocharges the economy,
between our two countries and the Prime Minister and US           boosts prospects for people across the country, and
President. But I’ll also be talking to other partners including   catapults Britain back to the forefront of the world stage.

new Zealand, Australia and fast-growing Asian markets.

And with the EU too, we want a friendly and constructive
relationship, as constitutional equals, and as friends
                                                                  With the right policies in
and partners in facing the challenges that lie ahead – a
relationship based on a deep free trade agreement.

Our country produces some of the world’s most successful
                                                                  place, we can be the most
                                                                  competitive, free-thinking,
exports, and the opportunity to bring these to the rest of        prosperous nation on Earth
the world should make us all excited about the future.

                                                                                                                  FOREWORD       | 1
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR

  Brian Berry
  Chief Executive, Federation of Master

  Quality has, quite rightly, been high on the agenda for       However, it is still the case that anyone in the UK
  both the construction industry and the government of          can legally undertake construction work without any
  late. While the industry has much to be proud of, its         prior knowledge or skills. That is why we are calling
  reputation unfortunately continues to be tarnished by         for a mandatory licensing scheme to be introduced,
  serious failures that should no longer be accepted.           so that in order to obtain and renew a construction
                                                                license you would have demonstrate a certain level
  This year marks the third anniversary of the tragedy          of competency.
  that was the grenfell fire. It is fair to say that this has
  focused minds on the quality agenda, and the Hackitt          The construction sector deal set out an ambitious vision
  Review has given some clear direction for the future.         for the industry, to make it the best in the world. A
  I know that many in the industry have been working            key part of this will be increasing competency and
  hard to start to implement these recommendations so           professionalism in the sector and we believe a licensing
  something like this may never happen again.                   scheme could play a key part in achieving this.

  The house building industry has been under the
  spotlight recently, and over the past year, we have
  seen the announcement of a new homes ombudsman
  to ensure owners of new homes have a clear route to
  redress when things go wrong.

  We at the Federation of Master Builders believe that at
  the heart of a high-quality building must be the ability
  to ensure a minimum level of competence. The private

  domestic sector has for too long been plagued by rogue
  and incompetent builders.

  This is one of the reasons why the FMB took the
                                                                Quality has, quite rightly,
  decision in 2012 to only allow new members to join the        been high on the agenda
  FMB if they have been independently inspected by the
  British Board of Agrément. A company failing to meet
  our strict standards will not then be able to join.
                                                                for both the construction
                                                                industry and the
  Indeed, last year, we were refusing up to 20 per cent of
  company applications to join the FMB.
                                                                government of late

The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR

                                                                 Stephen Phipson CBE
                                                                 Chief Executive, Make UK

Britain’s manufacturing sector has for centuries been a          the four grand challenges which we as a society face.
proud contributor to the nation’s wealth, employment             We all want to see the UK at the forefront of the industries
and future prosperity.                                           of the future, ensuring that the UK takes advantage of
                                                                 major global changes, improving people’s lives and the
To put this into context, manufacturing matters more than
                                                                 country’s productivity and economic prosperity.
its ten per cent share of output which, notably, is still more
than financial services and construction. The sector employs     That prosperity must be available and fairly shared
2.7 million people around the whole of the UK, delivers an       throughout our nation ending the north-south divide. The
average earning of £32,467 and provides 45 per cent of all       grand challenges are focused on the global trends which
UK exports totalling £275 billion. The sector also leads the     will transform our future: artificial intelligence and data, an
way in R&D, contributing 69 per cent of the national total.      ageing society, clean growth and the future of mobility.
                                                                 Each of these is focusing on a specific problem, bringing
However, the challenge that faces us in the coming months
                                                                 government, businesses and organisations across the
is a hard one. For many British manufacturing companies,
                                                                 country together to make a real difference to people’s lives.
trade with the EU is the only trading environment they
have ever known.                                                 We must also remember the issue of skills; it is of crucial
                                                                 importance to all Make UK members and manufacturers.
Manufacturing has been going through a renaissance
                                                                 We are all focused on how we develop our future talent
in recent years. We are the ninth-largest manufacturing
                                                                 pipeline from all of society by encouraging women to
nation in the world, but our latest figures from Q2 2019,
                                                                 become engineers and creating opportunities for those
in a period of increasing uncertainty, show domestic and
                                                                 from every social and ethnic background.
international orders continuing to weaken as the boost
from artificial stockpiling unwinds while export orders          By developing role models from all sections of the
remain at their weakest levels since the referendum.             community we ensure we create the very best makers,
                                                                 creators and innovators of the future.

We continue to work closely with government to make
sure manufacturing retains what it needs to be able to
thrive – that is zero tariffs in trading with our European       By developing role models from
partners, regulatory alignment and a sensible transition
period allowing businesses the time to adapt to any new          all sections of the community
trading environment.

To aid this innovative spirit, we continue to support
government’s work on the Industrial Strategy, which
                                                                 we ensure we create the very
                                                                 best makers, creators and
contains many positive individual measures and an                innovators of the future
emphasis on the role of manufacturing in tackling

                                                                                                                  FOREWORD      | 3
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR
Andrew neil
  British politics turned upside-down
  It was a watershed election, up            infrastructure, most of it designated         relationship with the EU and until
  there with the Attlee Labour               for the Midlands and the north.               that is clear business investment,
  landslide of 1945 and the dawn of                                                        domestic and foreign, will not
                                             These are not traditional Tory policies.
  Thatcherism in 1979 as a general                                                         return in huge strength. But 2020
                                             The Labour party likes to paint Boris
  election that changes the course of                                                      should be a more appealing climate
                                             Johnson and his government as
  British politics. The trends had been                                                    for UK businesses, big and small.
                                             hard-right Brexiteers. But when the
  apparent for some time – and I’ve
                                             dust settles on its leadership contest,       government ministers speak
  alluded to them in previous pieces
                                             it may discover that Mr Johnson               privately about a wall of money
  for The Parliamentary Review – but
                                             has parked his tanks not just on              ready to come into Britain now that
  the general election of December
                                             the centre-ground of British politics         the Brexit and Corbyn uncertainties
  2019 saw them come to fruition.
                                             but on the centre-left too, leaving           have been resolved. But much of
  For the first time ever, the               the new Labour leader with room               this will be hot money going into
  Conservatives became the party not         to be distinctive only on the further         existing assets, whether property
  just of the non-metropolitan working       left. Broadly, Corbynism without              or equities. It can leave as easily as
  class but of the poorest voters, among     Mr Corbyn, as one Labour shadow               it enters. Real investment in new
  whom it enjoyed a double-digit lead,       minister said to me.                          machines, plant and capacity will
  while Labour became the party of the                                                     grow only gradually until it sees the
                                             For business, the election has removed        shape of future UK-EU relations.
  well-off and the well-educated. Thus
                                             two major uncertainties: Brexit and
  was British politics stood on its head.
                                             a Corbyn government. The first is             The talks will be rocky. The UK
  This is of more than psephological         happening, the second will not. So            wants trade to remain friction-free.
  significance. It has huge import for the   there will be a modest economic               The EU will say, fine, as long as
  course of Conservative policy. Those       bounce in 2020 as confidence returns.         you remained aligned to EU rules
  who think the Johnson government           The UK economy ended 2019 limping             and regulations. This, the Johnson
  heralds a new Age of Thatcherism           along at one per cent growth; Brexit          government is making clear, is not
  for the 21st century are mistaken.         uncertainty had taken its toll. now           acceptable. When I asked a senior
  Those who pine for a return to limited     even the IMF, congenitally gloomy             minister how the government
  government, tax cuts and free market       about Brexit Britain, expects 2020 UK         would deal with this friction-free/
  economics will be disappointed. The        growth to be closer to 1.5 per cent,          continued alignment trade off, he
  Tories need policies that will cement      faster than the Eurozone and slower           answered without hesitation – we
  their new provincial voter-base with       only than the US and Canada among             would rather have more friction
  a blue-collar conservatism.                the g7 advanced economies.                    than remain aligned with Brussels.

  So instead of tax cuts for the             I say “modest” bounce because, of             The government knows the private
  affluent, we will have low-earners         course, all the uncertainty has not           sector remains wary, which is why
  taken out of national insurance.           gone                 away. The UK             it will use its own balance sheet to
  Instead of the free market, we                                    now has to             boost the economy in 2020 until
  will have the highest national                                      negotiate            remaining uncertainties are resolved
  minimum wage in Europe covering                                    its future            and business investment returns in
  25 per cent of the labour force (that                                                    volume and with confidence.
  would have given Mrs Thatcher                                                            This should be a good year for
  the vapours!). Instead of cuts in                                                        business: major uncertainties
  government spending there will be                                                        resolved, continued cheap money
  more money for schools, hospitals                                                        as far as the eye can see, expansive
  and the police. Instead of bearing                                                       fiscal policy, increased growth, a
  down on the national debt and                                                            new appetite for investment. And if
  the budget deficit, there will be                                                        the government screws it up, it will
  a borrowing binge to finance                                                             have nobody to blame but itself.
  £100 billion investment in
                                                                           neil believes that the Conservatives will appeal to their
                                                                           new voter base through “blue-collar conservatism”
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR
Review of the Year
                            Driving forward after Brexit?
                            Alan Tovey, industry editor, The Daily Telegraph
                                                                       were factors but not the cause of the
                                                                       shutdown scheduled for next year. The
                                                                       plant is in decline, running at about
                                                                       half capacity, and Honda is selling
                                                                       insufficient cars in Europe to make its
                                                                       continuance worthwhile. It also needs
                                                                       money to invest in electric vehicles.

                                                                       nissan’s decision not to build the
                                                                       X-Trail 4x4 at its Sunderland plant was
                                                                       another blow. A Japan–EU free trade
                                                                       deal meant the company is able to
                                                                       centralise production in its home nation
                                                                       without penalty, making its British
                                                                       foothold in Europe unnecessary. A
Both Honda and Jaguar
Land Rover announced                                                   global rationalisation of Ford’s portfolio
significant cutbacks last   The vaunted renaissance of Britain’s       saw it announce the cull of its Welsh
year, resulting in 8,000    automotive industry completely skidded     engine plant. For both, Brexit concerns
job losses
                            off the road in 2019.                      made the decisions easier.

                            Jaguar Land Rover announced ten per        Other manufacturers with UK
                            cent of its staff would be axed – some     operations have similarly shuffled
                            4,500 jobs – as growing pressures          production to prepare for Brexit.
                            finally became too much to bear.           Vauxhall says it wants to build cars
                                                                       at Port Ellesmere but won’t if it looks
                            Widening losses caused by a toxic          uneconomic. BMW will make the
                            cocktail of diesel’s “demonisation”        electric Mini in Oxford but only because
                            after the Volkswagen scandal, worries      it has sunk so much into the plant,
                            over Brexit’s impact on JLR’s finely       writing it off would be foolish.
                            tuned supply chain and weakening
                            consumer confidence combined with          Sir Richard Dyson – who moved his
                            a wider global economic slowdown           company’s headquarters to Singapore
                            and the brewing US–China trade war.        in January – also abandoned plans for
                            It was too much for the country’s          an electric car, much of which was
                            largest car maker to withstand in its      being developed at his Wiltshire base.
                            current form.                              Britain leaving the EU was not to blame
                                                                       though: the technological challenges
                            Such troubles were constant themes         were simply too great. However,
                            across the sector throughout the year.     there was some positive news for
                            In February, Honda revealed plans to       the car sector. Fellow billionaire Sir
                            close its Swindon plant with the loss of   Jim Ratcliffe said his new 4x4 is to be
                            3,500 jobs. Several times that number      built in the UK, while Toyota started
                            will go in companies dependent on the      production of a new model at its
                            Japanese giant.                            British plant.

                            Brexit worries including trade tariffs     Meanwhile, the automotive industry
                            and hold-ups to imported components        trade body calls ever louder for a

                                                                                          REVIEW OF THE YEAR     | 5
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR
 Review of the Year

   Brexit deal as “free and frictionless”
   as the current set-up. Oddly for an
   industry responsible for 14 per cent of
   UK goods exports – the bulk of them
   to Europe – and which supports one
   million jobs, government seems deaf to
   the demands.

   Five years ago, Sajid Javid, who
   was business secretary at the time,
   proudly described UK automotive as
   “the brightest shining star” in British
   industry. Today, civil servants murmur
   that the sector is “lost”.

   Ownership of the country’s strategic                                                    The automotive sector
   businesses came into focus last year.                                                   has repeatedly called
                                               Protectionism was also on the agenda.       for a Brexit deal which
   In May, British Steel collapsed into
                                               First came the £4.5 billion sale of         maintains “free and
   insolvency when private equity owner                                                    frictionless” trade
   greybull was refused a £30 million          satellite communications company
   state bailout.                              Inmarsat to a private equity consortium
                                               which included foreign buyers. The
   Rather than liquidate the Scunthorpe-       deal went through despite national
   based business, a taxpayer-funded           security concerns. But it set the stage
   indemnity was used to bankroll British      for heavier resistance in July when US
   Steel while a buyer was sought.             private equity firm Advent bid £4 billion
   Turkey’s military pension fund was          for aerospace and defence technology
   lined up to take it on, but negotiations    company Cobham.
   collapsed amid political wrangling
   in Ankara.                                  The sale of Dorset-based Cobham,
                                               famed as a pioneer of in-flight
   China’s Jingye has since entered            refuelling, was a political battleground.
   exclusive talks with promises of £1.2       Critics said selling to a foreign owner
   billion of investment in British Steel.     would erode the country’s industrial
   The deadline for a deal is early spring     base and endanger UK secrets, despite
   2020 but questions remain over              the buyer being based in Britain’s
   whether the UK – which produces             closest ally.
   just eight million tonnes of steel a
   year – can remain a viable player.          Supporters – including former Defence
   globally, 1.6 billion tonnes of steel       Secretary Sir Michael Fallon – pointed
   is produced annually. Half of this is       to Cobham booking just five per cent
   from China, where often state-backed        of sales from the Ministry of Defence.
   mills face lower labour costs and lax       US ownership, they said, would allow
   environmental regulation compared to        the company to win more lucrative US
   their British rivals.                       contracts. Shareholders voted with their
                                               wallets: 93 per cent backed the deal.
   Faced with such foreign goliaths,
   Britain must ask itself if it needs –       Having consulted security chiefs,
   and will therefore probably have to         Andrea Leadsom, the then business
   subsidise – an indigenous steel industry.   secretary, allowed the transaction. She
   And in the meantime, UK taxpayers           required controls including Advent
   continue to underwrite British Steel,       notifying ministers of plans to sell
   which is understood to be losing £1         Cobham, and guaranteeing supplies of
   million per day.                            key equipment to the MoD.

The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR

                          Boris Johnson, the prime minister,         a regular flow of funds for new R&D,
                          defended the sale, saying it was           equipment, processes and skills which
                          “important we have an open and             deliver incremental improvements that
                          dynamic market economy”. Investment        keep British industry competitive on the
                          bankers saw it as a green light: they      global stage have lagged.
                          are now seeking other UK businesses
                                                                     “British industry is great at finding
                          previously seen as too hot to
                                                                     solutions to bloody difficult problems,”
                          handle that they can now market to
                                                                     confided the chief executive of a top
                          overseas buyers.
                                                                     British industrial business ahead of the
                          But the one theme which                    election. “The problem is we don’t
                          overshadowed all discussions last year     know what the bloody problem is.”
                          was Brexit. Uncertainty, rather than the
                                                                     Perhaps the biggest event for British
                          event itself, is the fear. There are too
                                                                     industry in 2019 was the size of the
                          many unknowns to develop strategies
                                                                     majority the electorate delivered for the
                          to tackle the fallout from this seismic
                                                                     Conservative government. The certainty
                          event in British history.
                                                                     that companies craved is coming –
                          As a result, companies have held back      though it may not be in the form they
                          investment, hobbling industry. Without     wished for.

                          British Steel
                                                                     required £75 million in financial
                                                                     support to prevent it going into
                                                                     administration. The government
                                                                     continues to fund the £1 million a day
                                                                     losses, according to The guardian.

                                                                     There has been a decline in sales since
                                                                     2016, which The guardian attributes
                                                                     to the ongoing Brexit process. The fall
                                                                     in the value of the pound sterling since
                                                                     the EU referendum in 2016 and the
                                                                     growing trade war between China and
                                                                     the United States exacerbated pre-
                                                                     existing issues.

                                                                     The company was put into liquidation
                                                                     in late May, risking 5,000 jobs and
British Steel went into
liquidation in May,                                                  threatening a further 20,000 in the
putting 5,000 jobs at     Following a loan of £100 million           supply chain. British Steel employs
risk and threatening a                                               4,000 people in the UK, with 3,000
                          from the government to pay off an
further 20,000 in the
supply chain              EU carbon bill, British Steel entered      based at its site in Scunthorpe and
                          into talks to keep the company afloat      another 800 located in Teesside
                          in May 2019. The firm, owned by            and the north East. At this time, the
                          greybull Capital, revealed that it         government’s Official Receiver took
                          required further funding amid “Brexit-     control of the company.
                          related issues”.
                                                                     Following British Steel entering into
                          British Steel was the second-largest       administration, greg Clark, who
                          producer of steel in the UK and            was business secretary at the time,

                                                                                       REVIEW OF THE YEAR       | 7
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Brian Berry Stephen Phipson CBE - ACR
 Review of the Year

   said “the government has worked            A failure to agree upon the terms
   tirelessly with British Steel, its owner   of the takeover led to Ataer walking
   and lenders to explore all potential       away. After this, the Official Receiver
   options to secure a solution for           granted permission for other firms to
   British Steel.                             bid on the company. They disclosed
                                              that their first priority was to conclude
   “We have shown our willingness
                                              a sale as swiftly as possible.
   to act, having already provided the
   company with a £120 million bridging       The company was to be bought by Jingye
   facility to enable it to meet its          in november 2019. The Chinese group
   emissions trading compliance costs.”       employs 23,500 people and is active in
                                              the hospitality, chemical and property
   The company was part of a rescue
                                              sectors as well as having its own stakes
   deal from Ataer Holding, a Turkish
                                              in steelmaking. The sales agreement
   investment group, who are owned by
                                              was signed in early november.
   the country’s military pension fund.
   The group also owns almost 50 per          The national Trade Union Steel Co-
   cent of Erdemir, Turkey’s largest steel    ordinating Committee have voiced
   producer. A provisional agreement          concerns that the acquisition would
   was made in August for the takeover.       lead to considerable job loss.

   Heathrow expansion plans published
   The long-running saga surrounding
   the construction of a third runway at
   Heathrow Airport was finally met with
   some more cheerful news in 2019, with
   the publication of its masterplan.

   Plans for the major infrastructure
   project would see the first phase of the
   works complete by 2026, with a final
   completion deadline of 2050.

   The overall works will include diverting
   rivers, moving roads and rerouting the
   M25 tunnel under the new runway.
   The first phase of works will include
   the new runway, with the rest of the                                                   Under the proposals set
                                                                                          forward in the master
   infrastructure works including new         homes, plus 25 per cent for housing         plan, rivers will need to
   terminals and access to follow.                                                        be diverted and the M25
                                              in the compulsory purchase zone as
                                                                                          tunnel will be redirected
   Included in the plan is Heathrow           well as some of the homes in the            under the new runway
   Airport’s proposed compensation            surrounding areas.
   scheme for the people who will have
                                              The project has faced fierce opposition
   their homes demolished to make way
                                              over the years, with local residents
   for the expansion. In total, 761 homes
                                              and environmental groups arguing
   are expected to be demolished, which
                                              against the expansion. This included a
   includes the entire village of Longford.
                                              High Court challenge by five councils,
   Compensation for the properties            residents, environmental charities and
   covers the full market value of the        Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London.


                           Local authority areas of Hillingdon,         to the taxpayer and within our
                           Wandsworth, Richmond, Hammersmith            environmental obligations.
                           & Fulham and Windsor & Maidenhead
                                                                        “I now call on all public bodies not to
                           made up the council opposition.
                                                                        waste any more taxpayers’ money or
                           greenpeace and Friends of the Earth
                                                                        seek to further delay this vital project.”
                           were some of the environmental
                           groups involved.                             Opposing the ruling, greenpeace
                                                                        UK Executive Director John Sauven
                           The campaigners said the runway would
                                                                        said: “This verdict will not reduce the
                           essentially result in a “new airport” and
                                                                        impact on local communities from
                           have a “severe” impact on Londoners.
                                                                        increased noise and air pollution, nor
                           They believed that the government’s
                                                                        will it resolve Heathrow Ltd’s financial
                           national Policy Statement, which sets out
                                                                        difficulties or the economic weakness
                           its support for the project, did not fully
                                                                        in their expansion plans.”
                           account for the impact on air quality,
                           climate change, noise and congestion.        The ruling means the government will
                                                                        not have to create a new nPS and put
                           Chris grayling, who was transport
                                                                        it to another vote in parliament.
                           secretary at the time, said the
                           expansion was “vital”. He added:             The final decision will be made by
                           “[Heathrow] will provide a massive           grant Shapps, the transport secretary,
                           economic boost to businesses and             in the autumn, as he deliberates
                           communities across the length and            whether to grant the proposals a
                           breadth of Britain, all at no cost           Development Consent Order.

                           UK manufacturing sector output valued
                           at £192 billion
                                                                        Facts”, exports to the EU were double
                                                                        the value of those to the USA. Make
                                                                        UK noted the importance of the deal
                                                                        between the EU and UK being one
                                                                        which facilitates trade, as opposed to
                                                                        creating barriers to it.

                                                                        The United States topped the list of
                                                                        countries the UK exported to, followed
                                                                        by germany and the netherlands.
                                                                        France and Ireland were next on the
                                                                        list. The USA accounted for £118.2
                                                                        billion pounds worth of trade, while
                                                                        the top seven EU markets accounted
                                                                        for £236.5 billion worth.
In terms of total trade,
the UK exported £118.2
                                                                        Further broken down, this indicated
billion worth of goods     Manufacturer’s organisation Make UK
to the US and £236.5                                                    that the UK was the tenth-largest
                           valued the UK’s manufacturing sector
billion to the top seven                                                exporter in the world and the seventh
markets in the EU          at £192 billion – the ninth-largest in
                                                                        largest for trade. With regard to pay,
                           the world.
                                                                        income from manufacturing was higher
                           According to the annual report of            than the service economy, at £33,592
                           “UK Manufacturing: 2019/20 The               on average.

                                                                                           REVIEW OF THE YEAR        | 9
 Review of the Year

   Of the UK’s research and development,      which Make UK attribute to the
   manufacturing accounted for two            continued growth of the aerospace
   thirds of the total, and 15 per cent of    industry. The second-fastest growing
   the overall business investment.           export is food and drink, which has
                                              seen an increase of 5.4 per cent
   According to the study, the transport
                                              between 2008 and 2018.
   sector accounts for over one quarter
   of exports, while pharmaceuticals          The report considers geography as a
   and chemicals follow at almost 18          factor, with the north West responsible
   per cent. The transport sector also        for £28.5 billion worth of trade, while
   demonstrated the greatest signs of         London and the South East follow with
   growth, increasing by 7.4 per cent,        £28.1 billion worth.

   Tory housing pledges
   During this year’s election campaign,
   the Conservative Party made a number
   of pledges to boost the construction
   and housing sectors.

   In november, during a speech in
   Manchester, Sajid Javid, the then
   Chancellor of the Exchequer,
   announced a pledge to spend £20
   billion more every year on capital
   infrastructure projects including roads,
   rail and other infrastructure.

   In order to finance this, Mr Javid
   proposed shifting and amending
   the government’s own fiscal rules.
   This would involve increasing the
   amount of annual economic output                                                     Boris Johnson pledged
   the government could spend on                                                        to build one million
   infrastructure to three per cent, higher   majority government in 2020 we            more homes over the
                                                                                        next five years
   than its usual average of 1.8 per cent.    can and will do even more to ensure
                                              everyone can get on and realise their
   Mr Javid justified this shift by arguing   dream of owning a home.”
   that low borrowing costs meant it
   was a responsible time to invest.          Mr Johnson stated that these new
   Following on from this, he stated          homes would be delivered by tackling
   that if debt servicing costs did rise,     inefficiencies in the planning sector
   the government would reassess their        and finding new ways to support
   spending plans.                            home ownership.

   In the same month, Boris Johnson           Reaction from the industry was mixed,
   announced Conservative plans to build      however, with Polly neate, the chief
   a million more homes over the next five    executive of the housing charity
   years. Announcing this new pledge,         Shelter, criticising the million homes
   Mr Johnson said: “The Conservatives        as insufficient. She argued: “The
   have always been the party of home         commitment to only build 200,000
   ownership, but under a Conservative        a year when the government’s own


                            target is in fact 300,000 shows that      long-term, fixed-rate mortgages which
                            even the Conservatives don’t think        require deposits of only five per cent.
                            they’d be able to achieve this goal.      This would be supplemented by a
                                                                      further pledge to offer 30 per cent
                            “The missing piece in their plan
                                                                      discounts for local, first-time buyers.
                            is any investment in new social
                            house building – without this the
                                                                      Finally, Mr Johnson announced the
                            housing emergency will continue to
                                                                      introduction of “Lifetime Rental
                            get worse.”
                                                                      Deposits.” This would allow individuals
                            Alongside this flagship commitment,       to transfer their down payments from
                            Mr Johnson also announced new             one property to the next, even before
                            initiatives to help renters buy their     the deposit from the original property
                            homes including the introduction of       was fully repaid.

                            Cobham takeover
                                                                      a £500 million bailout following the
                                                                      acquisition of Aeroflex.

                                                                      Rules on foreign takeovers, particularly
                                                                      those which impact national security,
                                                                      have become increasingly stringent.
                                                                      Professor at Warwick Business
                                                                      School John Colley said the Cobham
                                                                      takeover “will serve as a first test for
                                                                      the government when we will find
                                                                      out how protectionist they will be. At
                                                                      present the new government is such an
                                                                      unknown that it is almost impossible
                                                                      to know how they will jump. However,
                                                                      they certainly have the powers to
Defence supplier
Cobham was first                                                      stop the deal now as a matter of
founded in 1934, as         On July 25, 2019, UK aerospace and        defence security.”
Flight Refuelling Ltd, by
                            defence supplier Cobham agreed to be
Sir Alan Cobham                                                       In november 2019, the acquisition
                            bought by Advent, a US private equity
                                                                      of Cobham was delayed following a
                            firm. The deal was valued at £4 billion
                                                                      statement from Andrea Leadsom, the
                            and, according to The guardian,
                                                                      business secretary, demanding more
                            indicated “the new government’s
                                                                      time to give “further full and proper
                            tolerance of foreign takeovers”. The
                                                                      consideration of the issues”. The
                            announcement saw shares in the
                                                                      decision further prolonged the takeover
                            company rise by 35 per cent.
                                                                      until after the general election on
                            Founded in 1934 by Sir Alan Cobham        December 12.
                            as Flight Refuelling Ltd, the company
                                                                      Mrs Leadsom continued: “the full
                            now employs 2,000 people in the UK,
                                                                      legal process will continue to be
                            and around 10,000 across the world in
                                                                      followed throughout the general
                            over 100 countries.
                                                                      election period.” The decision was
                            The company’s turbulent history saw       not given a deadline, which meant
                            it receive five profit warnings between   it could continue for as long as was
                            2015 and 2017. Shareholders provided      deemed reasonable.

                                                                                        REVIEW OF THE YEAR      | 11
 Review of the Year

   The prime minister had planned to         Mrs Leadsom announced that the risks
   accelerate the acquisition of Cobham      had been considered and mitigated
   with the understanding that Advent        “to an acceptable level” and that
   strengthened security around sensitive    the decision had been “meticulously
   sites. This followed a three-week         thought over”. She received advice on
   examination as to the consequences        the decision from both the defence
   of such a decision. The decision also     secretary and the deputy national
   included the caveat that were Advent      security adviser.
   ever to sell Cobham, the government
                                             Lady Cobham, the daughter-in-law
   would have to be informed.
                                             of the late Sir Alan Cobham, voiced
   The government approved the deal          her concern, stating: “in Cobham
   late on December 20, a time which the     we stand to lose yet another great
   Cobham family suggested was chosen        British defence manufacturer to
   to “avoid scrutiny”.                      foreign ownership.”

   Interserve goes into administration
   One of Britain’s biggest contractors,
   Interserve, fell into administration at
   the start of 2019.

   In March, the group’s largest
   shareholder, US hedge fund
   Coltrane, led a rebellion against
   financial rescue plans drawn up by
   Interserve’s lenders.

   The management was trying to push
   through a debt-for-equity swap in
   an effort to reduce its £650-million
   debt pile, in a move that would have
   enabled shareholders to retain five per
   cent of the company’s equity.

   However, Coltrane, which owned
   27 per cent of the company, voted
   against the deal and threatened to
   sue Interserve’s directors and advisors
   for mismanaging the refinancing and                                                 The contracting giant
   failing to consult shareholders.                                                    went into administration
                                             The company insisted the pre-pack         after Coltrane, the
                                                                                       company’s largest
   The move meant that thousands             agreement would enable Interserve
                                                                                       shareholder, voted
   of small shareholders lost their          to continue trading, while protecting,    against a financial rescue
   investment, with Interserve instead       in the short-term, 45,000 jobs and        package
   being sold to hedge funds and banks       avoiding a Carillion-style collapse.
   via a pre-pack administration.
                                             Interserve ran into trouble on a series
   Hedge funds Emerald, Cerberus and         of lossmaking contracts, including a
   Angelo gordon along with lenders          disastrous move into the energy-from-
   including RBS have now taken control      waste sector and slow payments on
   of the company.                           projects in the Middle East.


                           One particularly bad EfW job saw           Viridor issued a notice of termination
                           Interserve face a £72 million claim from   in november that year after Interserve
                           waste firm Viridor due to delays and       failed to complete the job on time or
                           problems associated with the building      on budget.
                           of its £155-million glasgow waste-to-
                                                                      The claim by Viridor was to Interserve’s
                           energy plant.
                                                                      construction division, which remained
                           Interserve was originally expected to      solvent while its parent company went
                           complete the project in 2016, but          into administration.

                           The automotive sector: JLR, Honda, Ford
                           and nissan
                                                                      years’ time, at the expense of 3,500
                                                                      jobs. The company had produced
                                                                      160,000 Honda Civics from the plant
                                                                      prior to this.

                                                                      In the same month, nissan confirmed
                                                                      intentions to build their new X-Trail
                                                                      factory in Japan as opposed to in
                                                                      their Sunderland plant, citing Brexit
                                                                      complicating their ability to “plan for
                                                                      the future”.

                                                                      June saw Ford announce plans to close
                                                                      plants in Europe, at the expense of
                                                                      12,000 jobs. The company planned
                                                                      to reduce the number of plants from
                                                                      24 to 18 by the close of 2020. In the
                                                                      UK, the job loss amounted to over
                                                                      3,000 positions.
In December 2019
alone, Automotive news                                                According to The guardian, in 17 of
Europe reported that       In January 2019, Jaguar Land Rover         the past 18 months, car production
output from the UK car     confirmed plans to cut 4,500 jobs, the     has fallen in the UK, with a decline of
industry decreased by 17
per cent                   majority of which would come from          almost 15 per cent between January
                           its UK 40,000-strong workforce. The        and november.
                           redundancies followed an additional
                                                                      JLR made a profit of £90 million in
                           1,500 from the previous year. The
                                                                      the three months prior to September
                           firm attributed a range of factors to
                                                                      2019, while they made a profit of
                           the decline, including a sales slump
                                                                      £385 million the year before. Chief
                           in China and uncertainty caused by
                                                                      executive of JLR Ralf Speth said:
                           Brexit. At present, 80 per cent of cars
                                                                      “We are taking decisive action to
                           made in the UK are exported, with
                                                                      help deliver long-term growth, in
                           the EU the market for more than half
                                                                      the face of multiple geopolitical
                           of these.
                                                                      and regulatory disruptions as well
                           Late February saw Honda confirm plans      as technology challenges facing the
                           to close their Swindon plant in two        automotive industry.”

                                                                                         REVIEW OF THE YEAR      | 13
 Review of the Year

   Remembering Britain’s first professor of
   Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya,
   Britain’s first professor of
   manufacturing, passed away in March
   2019, after a short illness. Professor
   Lord Bhattacharyya founded WMg in
   1980, a company that intended to help
   businesses innovate and to work with
   university researchers; he then went on
   to play a key role in encouraging Tata
   to invest in Britain’s manufacturing.

   Born in June 1940, Professor Lord
   Bhattacharyya studied mechanical
   engineering at the Indian Institute
   of Technology in Kharagpur. One
   year after graduating, in 1961, he
   moved to the UK, where he took up                                                        Professor Lord Kumar
                                                                                            Bhattacharyya was made
   an apprenticeship at Lucas Industries.                                                   Regius Professor of
                                                 the UK, most notably in his work with
   This was soon followed by a move the                                                     Manufacturing in 2016,
                                                 Tata. Through taking Mr Ratan Tata
   University of Birmingham, where he                                                       becoming the first person
                                                 on a tour of the Midlands automotive       to hold the position
   read for both a master’s and PhD in
                                                 suppliers, he was able to persuade him
   engineering production, the latter of
                                                 to invest in British manufacturing. This
   which he received in 1970.
                                                 investment created partnerships in
   His work saw him move to the University       both training and research for Jaguar
   of Birmingham, where he was awarded a         Land Rover and WMg, in addition to
   Lucas Fellowship. Following this, Professor   overseeing the creation of the Tata
   Lord Bhattacharyya moved to the               Motors European Technical Centre on
   University of Warwick in 1980, where he       Warwick campus in 2005.
   founded Warwick Manufacturing group.
                                                 greg Clark, the former business
   Professor Lord Bhattacharyya’s work           secretary, said “through the WMg –
   impressed Mrs Thatcher’s industry             Warwick Manufacturing group – ...
   secretary, Sir Keith Joseph, whose            and through his extraordinary energy
   introduction to the prime minister was        and tenacity Kumar encouraged many
   met with the line “Kumar, we have just        firms to locate and expand in Britain.
   been in a Cabinet meeting discussing
                                                 “Hundreds of thousands of people in
   your work”.
                                                 Britain owe their livelihoods to Kumar
   For the following four decades,               Bhattacharyya.”
   Professor Lord Bhattacharyya’s opinion
                                                 As The Parliamentary Review goes to
   on technology and manufacturing was
                                                 print, City AM have reported that the
   sought from industry ministers and prime
                                                 UK manufacturing sector has reached a
   ministers alike, irrespective of party. He
                                                 nine-month high. One would imagine
   also provided advice for leaders across
                                                 that in spite of a tumultuous few years,
   the world, including India and China.
                                                 Professor Lord Bhattacharyya would be
   Professor Lord Bhattacharyya was also         pleased to see British industry on the
   a figurehead in internal investment in        rise once again.


Eggleston Steel

Site on Alfreton Road,

                                                                                             Managing Director Richard Hewitt

            ith more than 200 years’ experience as a steel
            stockholder, Derby-based Eggleston Steel supplies the
            construction, fabrication, engineering and automotive
 sectors. Managing Director Richard Hewitt tells The Parliamentary
 Review that the company truly had to prove itself during the
 recession in the 2000s. He explains that intelligent investment has
 proven to be the most important part of the last two decades.
                                                                                                       FACTS ABOUT
                                                                                                     Eggleston Steel
 In 2003, with 20 staff and a turnover of £1.7 million, we relocated to our sixth premises   »» Managing Director:
 with the sole aim of expansion. These new premises provided the opportunity                    Richard Hewitt
 to operate more efficiently and hold higher stock levels following increased
                                                                                             »» Established in 1809
 purchasing power. This provided enough additional storage for us to diversify and we
 installed our first high-definition plasma machine in late 2007. This allowed us to cut     »» Based in Derby
 holes in steel plate up to 50mm thick, to any shape our customers required.                 »» Services: Steel stockholders
                                                                                                and related processing services
 This new service was a game changer for the company as it provided an additional
                                                                                             »» No. of employees: 55
 process that not all stockholders offered. We became a “one stop shop” for
 new and existing customers and we saw the beginning of rapid growth for the                 »» Accredited to ISO 9001 and
 company. Up to this point, like most steel stockholders, we only offered sawn and              ISO 14001
 guillotine processing services.                                                             »»

 The impact of investment
 When the recession hit the nation in 2008, it was the plasma machine growth that
 delayed the impact on our sales for eight months and the redundancy of four staff.
 Looking back now, this machine probably prevented us becoming a statistic of
 the recession.

                                                                                                      EGGLESTON STEEL     | 15
 Highlighting best practice

                                 The recession caused many customers          In 2017, my daughter, having achieved
                                 to reduce their workforce, which in          her degree in business management,
                                 turn resulted in greater expectations        joined the team to specialise in human
                                 from across their supply chain. We           resources, health and safety and
                                 therefore found ourselves looking at         quality assurance. We are proud that
                                 ways to provide additional services and      this fifth generation has chosen to
                                 add value to our products. A larger          become involved.
                                 plasma machine was acquired in 2011
                                                                              In 1996, we obtained certification
                                 and a CO2 laser followed shortly after.

                                                                              to ISO 9001. This accreditation
                                 This laser gave greater accuracy and
                                                                              confirmed that our business and
   Our customers                 shorter lead times, and thus provided
                                 an edge over our competition.
                                                                              quality management system met the
   require us to                 We have a customer base of 1,000
                                                                              internationally recognised standard.
                                                                              Following the decision to reduce our
   be reliable,                  companies and 700 active monthly             environmental impact, we achieved

   reactive and                  accounts, all within a 45-mile radius of
                                 Derby. Our customers require us to be
                                                                              the international standard ISO 14001
                                                                              in 2016, which demonstrated our
   flexible in
   meeting their
                “                reliable, reactive, flexible and to supply
                                 orders that the larger stockholders
                                 tend to avoid. We will supply orders
                                                                              commitment to the environment. All
                                                                              our waste is recycled, while 288 solar
                                                                              panels and LED lighting throughout

   needs                         from £100 to £100,000 as all orders
                                 are equally important to us.
                                                                              our buildings help reduce our
                                                                              electricity consumption.

                                 Our heritage                                 Investing for the future
                                 We are proud of our family heritage,         In the 16 years we’ve been at our
                                 with my wife, father, mother, brother        current location, we have increased
                                 and aunt all working as directors and        to 55 staff with a turnover of over
                                 involved with the decision-making. My        £8 million. Recent years have seen a
                                 son joined in 2014 and, as I did before      significant reduction in the availability
                                 him, began in the warehouse to obtain        of skilled labour across all aspects of
                                 an understanding of the products and         our industrial sector as many subjects
                                 services we sell, while completing an        relating to steel and fabrication are
                                 HND in business management.                  in decline in schools and colleges.
         Over two centuries of
         strength in steel


                                                                                           Profile department, with
                                                                                           state-of-the-art steel
Our operations director, John Ready,       offering options to drill, tap and              processing machinery
has recently formed ties with a            countersink holes prior to cutting any
local training centre, customers, a        shape via plasma arc. Both companies
local councillor and an MP, with a         are family run and our similar values
mission to introduce young people          meant our partnerships started with a
to manufacturing as a vocation. As         strong connection.
a nation, we have had a long history
                                           With the current political turmoil,
in manufacturing high-quality goods,
                                           Brexit is hard to avoid. As a company,

and every effort should be made to
                                           75 per cent of our stock is UK sourced,
maintain this heritage.

Within our industry, we are a relatively
                                           but the remainder is not produced
                                           by UK mills and is therefore procured
                                                                                       To remain
small steel stockholder, so to remain      from EU countries. With many                competitive,
competitive we continually invest          commercial connections to the EU, we
in technology and machinery. In            naturally enquired as to their view on      we continually
the last 18 months, we have sent
a management team to various
European countries to find our next
                                           Brexit. The opinion was generally the
                                           same: just get it done and move on.
                                           All our EU partners wish to continue
                                           trading with the UK and see no reason
                                                                                       invest in
generation of processing equipment.
                                           for continued uncertainty. Like many,       and machinery
In 2019, we acquired a new                 we have been frustrated with what
flatbed fibre laser, guillotine and        seems to be hidden political agendas
220-tonne, four-metre pressbrake,          and a resistance to follow the will of
all with interactive LCD displays, from    the people.
Belgium-based manufacturer LVD.
In November, we completed our              As we move forward, we will continue
investment plan with a new machine         to support our customers, regardless
from the Netherlands, purchased            of political intervention, as we have for
from Voortman Steel Machinery.             the last 210 years.
This machine will process plate while

                                                                                                    EGGLESTON STEEL   | 17
   Highlighting best practice

                                   Quattro Plant

                                                                             An engaged and highly trained workforce across
                                                                             the UK helps keep Quattro Group on track

   Managing Director John Murphy

                                            uattro Plant, part of the Quattro Group, is one of the
                                            leading plant hire organisations in the UK. Managing
                                            Director John Murphy tells The Parliamentary Review
                                   that it supplies an unrivalled fleet of plant and equipment to
                                   the rail, construction and transport markets. John explains that
                                   the firm has a reputation for innovation, something which has
        FACTS ABOUT                come about in no small part thanks to its relationship with
       Quattro Plant
                                   Network Rail.
»» Managing Director:
   John Murphy
»» Founded in 1989                 We enjoy close relationships with core organisations within a variety of exciting
                                   sectors. Working on the front line, our nationwide teams continually deliver a safe
»» Based across the UK, with a
                                   and efficient network for passengers across the UK.
   head office in London
»» Services: Plant hire            In 2018, Quattro Group acquired AB2000, a Scottish plant hire firm. AB2000’s
»» No. of employees: 850           Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness-based teams, depots and fleets supplemented
                                   the existing organisation, and additional trading divisions were added – mobile
                                   crane hire, Phoenix Weights, Phoenix Marine and quarrying.

                                   Safety and reliability are cornerstones of our organisation. With 850 team members
                                   based at 15 depots around the country, an in-house training provision was created
                                   in order to guarantee that everyone received the same level of training and could
                                   deliver to the same standard to customers.

                                   Five Quattro Occupational Training Academies – or QOTA – deliver state-of-the-art
                                   training to operators, while management staff receive classroom-based health and
                                   safety modules.


Anyone who has travelled on a train         within the group, with a Let’s Talk
regularly will appreciate that the          poster campaign and the promotion
railways are getting busier. In order       of the Quattro Group Mental Health
to ensure that the network always           First Aiders.

operates safely and reliably for millions
                                            Sitting within the innovation sector is
of passengers and freight vehicles, it
is vital that ongoing maintenance is
                                            one of our most ambitious projects,          Sitting within
                                            the launch of a Knowledge Transfer
delivered on time.
                                            Partnership scheme with Exeter               the innovation
As an organisation, the Quattro Group       University, which sees the team
                                            working with experts to develop the
                                                                                         sector is one
is passionate about development, both
internally and within the industries        world’s first fully hybrid vehicle for use   of our most
we serve. We appreciate that the
industries we work in never stand
                                            on the railway.
still, so we think it is essential to       Derailing development                        projects, the
keep moving forwards, and continue
changing for the better.                    However, there is one challenge              launch of a
                                            that threatens to derail our plans for
                                            ongoing development. The current
                                            five-year Network Rail funding period        Transfer
In July 2019 we celebrated our 30th         has had a very slow start, with the
year in business. We couldn’t let such      recently released Department for             Partnership
a milestone pass by unmarked and
wanted to honour our birthday with
a plan that showed our appreciation
                                            Transport Rail Network Enhancement
                                            Pipeline publication detailing very
                                            few committed projects available
                                            for England and Wales. Projects in
                                                                                         scheme with
of everyone who has helped the
organisation get this far.                  Scotland are more promising, although        University
                                            there are concerns that work will not
We chose six topics to focus on, with       start trickling down until 2021.
30 tasks to complete by July 3, 2020,
our 31st birthday. Each element is          Unfortunately, despite this there are
designed to improve the way we              still huge financial requirements that
do business in some way, bringing           suppliers must adhere to in order to
                                            supply compliant machines to work on             A varied fleet of tracked
benefits to our staff, customers and
                                                                                             machinery makes
wider industries.                           the nation’s infrastructure. Suppliers
                                                                                             Quattro Group one of
                                            such as Quattro Plant hold a large               the largest providers of
The 30@30 plan focuses on the                                                                vehicles to the UK rail
following:                                                                                   industry

»» Environment and sustainability
»» Charity
»» Innovation
»» Investing in people
»» Safety
»» Community.

The 30@30 initiatives explore different
elements of the business: sustainability
projects such as investment in a new
range of environmentally friendly
sweepers, while Investing in people
sees an expansion of the mental
health support services offering

                                                                                                        QUATTRO PLANT    | 19
 Highlighting best practice

         Innovative and cutting-
         edge systems are
         designed to promote       kit supply, over 350 core machines,       our machines will continue to be
         safe working practices    and must ensure that compliant            overhauled to the very highest
         in this safety-critical
         industry                  kit is always available to service        specifications, making sure they are
                                   required works.                           in prime working condition. However,
                                                                             until Network Rail’s signal turns green,
                                   Before it can clock up its first
                                                                             there is very little room for progression
                                   working hour, each machine has            as a plant organisation.
                                   to be converted to work on the UK
                                   rail network, at a conversion cost of     We initiated a lobbying of Parliament

                                   around £250,000. Some of these            in England, Scotland and Wales to
                                                                             make the Rail Transport Committee
   We see our                      machines may only work one shift a
                                   week. Despite this, every machine has     understand this issue that On Track
   future as one                   to undergo a complete overhaul of         Plant operators are facing and consider
                                                                             an overhaul. However, this issue will
                                   the specifically tailored rail elements
   of innovation                   every seven years, at a cost of around    not go away until at least 2021. By

   and hope to                     £100,000 each time.                       this stage, there is a very real danger
                                                                             that we, and our peers, may have
   continue to                     Despite a lack of planned works in the
                                   pipeline, this annual rolling overhaul
                                                                             lost talent to other sectors, and sister
                                                                             organisations who simply cannot
   provide a                       maintenance cost of around £4 million     afford to continue will be lost from the

   steady flow of
   work for our
                           “       must be found in order to ensure
                                   that Quattro Group’s key machines
                                   are available to service the needs of
                                   the network.
                                                                             industry forever.

                                                                             We see our future as one of
                                                                             innovation and hope to continue to
   employees                                                                 provide a steady flow of work for
                                                                             our employees. We are working to
                                   Being held at a red signal
                                                                             innovate more and are looking at
                                   As a business committed to continual      both the engineering and design sides
                                   innovation and internal development,      of our industry. The opening of our
                                   being stuck at a red signal is            research development centre near
                                   frustrating. We will continue to push     Newton Abbot and close to Exeter
                                   forwards with plans to deliver exciting   University promises us a future that
                                   projects that benefit our hardworking     lives up to our past.
                                   staff and valued customers, and


Creator Scaffold Designs &
Temporary Works Consultants

Detail by design

                                                                                           Managing Director Ryan Berry

        reator celebrated its fifth birthday last year, and
        Managing Director Ryan Berry tells The Parliamentary
        Review that it was creative engineering expertise and
 an uncompromising focus on customer satisfaction that drove
 them to that milestone. Ryan says that consistency, quality,
 value for money and reliability are the four pillars of Creator’s
 business. He discusses the firm’s history, ethos and vision.                                      FACTS ABOUT
                                                                                            CREATOR SCAFFOLD DESIGNS
                                                                                               & TEMPORARY WORKS
 My brother and I founded the company in 2014 and since then we have achieved                      CONSULTANTS
 significant year-on-year growth with the company now turning over £950,000               »» Founder and Managing
 a year. Although our area is structural engineering, we focus specifically on               Director: Ryan Berry
 temporary structures and work with a wide variety of clients, including English
                                                                                          »» Established in 2014
 Heritage and Sellafield Nuclear Decommissioning. We have 18 members of staff
                                                                                          »» Based in Sheffield
 with a diverse range of skillsets, from technicians to graduates studying for master’s
 degrees in structural engineering, with some seeking full professional accreditation,    »» Services: Design of temporary
 which is rare in our field of expertise.                                                    structures, specifically
                                                                                             scaffolding and temporary
 Our diverse range of clients leads to a diverse range of projects. Although we are          works
 based in Sheffield, we work across the entire country. For instance, we are currently    »» No. of employees: 18
 working on a ten-year project to support the re-roofing of St Paul’s Cathedral in
 London. We have also worked overseas on a number of projects. We have gained
 all of these clients through word of mouth and we have never advertised beyond
 our website and social media presence, which is a testament to the quality of the
 projects we deliver.

 The temporary structure sector can be quite archaic, often still adhering to
 permissible stress design models, but we see ourselves as leaders and innovators,

                                                        CREATOR SCAFFOLD DESIGNS & TEMPORARY WORKS CONSULTANTS            | 21
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