A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...

Page created by Katherine Newton
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
A Day Away
                        Fall/Winter 2021 Guide

Special events,
festivals, shopping,
attractions and
more for the whole
family to enjoy — all
within a day’s
drive from home!
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
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A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
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A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
A Day
                                                                                                              Fall/Winter 2021

                                                                                        Amy Winter

                                                                                            Jeff Long
                                                                                    CONTRIBUTING EDITOR
                                     5                                                    Cathy Griffith
  Erik Johnson, the director of the William M. Staerkel Planetarium, sits
   at the console that controls the various projectors which light up
                                the dome.                                                  ART DIRECTOR
                       Story and photos by Andrew Adams
                                                                                          Natalie Reidford

                                                                                           Andrew Adams
                                                                                        ILLINOISouth Tourism

                                                                               ADVERTISING SALES CONSULTANTS
                               CONTENTS                                                 DeeAnn Bauguss
                                                                                         Jody Hardiek
      5   | A guided tour of the         24     | Crawford County                         Julie Harkins
              sky                        24     | Cumberland County
      8   | Bond County                                                                      CONTACT US
                                         25		   | DeWitt County                             (217) 347-7151
      8   | Champaign County             26     | Douglas County
      9   | Christian County             27     | Edgar County                             E-MAIL
    10    | Eastern Region offers                                               news@effinghamdailynews.com
                                         28		   | Amish Country
              events across 12
                                         30		 | Effingham County            A Day Away is published in the spring and fall
              counties                                                      by the Effingham Daily News at 201 N. Banker
    14    | Clark County                 35		   | Fayette County            St., Effingham, IL 62401. Reproduction or use of
                                                                            editorial or graphic content in any manner without
    14    | Clay County                  35     | Jasper County             permission is prohibited. Copyright © 2021 by
                                         36     | Jefferson County          CNHI, LLC.
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    16    | Coles County                 37     | Macon County                       www.effinghamdailynews.com

    19    | Dine Effingham               37     | Marion County                 Please recycle when you’re done with it!

    20    | Central Region hosts         38     | Moultrie County
                                                                                          ON THE COVER:
             farmers markets,            38     | Piatt County              The American Thresherman Association holds
             tractor shows, fairs        38     | Richland County           its show in Pinckneyville each fall. Photo
             and more                                                       courtesy ILLINOISouth Tourism.
                                         38     | Shelby County

4 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
A guided tour of the SKY,
                                     from the comfort of a
                                         THEATER SEAT

The planetarium’s “Projector Emeritus” was manufactured in West Germany by Carl Zeiss, Inc, a world-renowned glass and lens
making company. The odd-looking contraption sits at the center of the planetarium’s 128-person theater. Photo by Andrew Adams

BY ANDREW ADAMS                  nose projections of flying      be mistaken for an old            chance to feel a piece of

    he first time I heard Pink   piles of cash for the song      community theater. It has         space that crash landed
    Floyd’s 1973 album           “Money.” But it was really      movie-style posters ad-           on Earth. Hanging prints of
    “Dark Side of the            fun.                            vertising upcoming shows          astrophotography on the
Moon,” I was 9 or 10 years       It also turned my child-        behind the ticket desk and        walls are like windows into
old. I had no concept            self on to the existence of     institutional carpet that         far-off regions of space.
of what progressive rock         one of central Illinois’ best   looks its age -- the facility     But while the bits of sci-
was and, to be honest,           intersections of art and        was opened in the late            ence in the hall might ex-
didn’t fully appreciate the      science. While I learned        1980s.                            cite the kid in anyone (or
guitar riffs on the fourth       about the planetarium           But the lobby also displays       the literal kids, if the family
track, “Time,” as much           from a very unscientific        an enthusiasm for the             is coming along), they do
as I should have. But I will     exploration of music, I kept    cosmos. Once you get              little to prepare you for the
never forget that first listen   attending shows about           past the kitschy space-           feeling of walking into the
because of the place             astronomy and planetary         themed toys for sale, the         planetarium’s theater.
where it happened.               science because they            area seems purposefully           The physicality of the
My father took me to a           were just as fun.               built to encourage visitors’      dome is enough to take
light show set to the album      Walking into the Staerkel       imaginations.                     your breath away. Every
at the William M. Staerkel       Planetarium is sort of like     Throughout the hallway            time I walk in, I see the
Planetarium, part of Park-       walking into a different        into the planetarium are          reclined theater seats and
land College in Cham-            universe — a mirror of          demonstrations of scientif-       glance upward before
paign.                           this one that invites you       ic concepts like Bernoulli’s      looking farther up and up
The show was absurd:             to think about faraway          principle and gravity wells       and up before laughing
a mix of abstract light          worlds and the beginning        to play with while you wait       at the sheer scale of the
effects, party store fog         of time.                        for a show. A collection          room.
machines and on-the-             The lobby could easily          of actual meteorites is on        The 50-foot dome is the
                                                                 display, offering you the
                                                                                                 Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 5
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
focus of several shows
                                                                                                      we’ve had in the planetar-
                                                                                                      ium and this is our newest
                                                                                                      The show will be offered
                                                                                                      through at least the end of
                                                                                                      October, when the plane-
                                                                                                      tarium’s calendar shifts to
                                                                                                      a new season of shows.
                                                                                                      “We try to cater to all
                                                                                                      ages, but we know that
                                                                                                      there are folks who are
                                                                                                      gonna bring their very
                                                                                                      young children here,” said
                                                                                                      To reach these younger
                                                                                                      audiences, the planetar-
                                                                                                      ium is offering the show
                                                                                                      “One World, One Sky: Big
                                                                                                      Bird’s Adventure,” a show
                                                                                                      co-produced by the Adler
                                                                                                      Planetarium, Beijing Plan-
                                                                                                      etarium, Liberty Science
                                                                                                      Center and the Sesame
                                                                                                      Workshop. It features three
                                                                                                      Muppet characters from
The “Solar Window” in the planetarium’s lobby is an abstract representation of the sun’s path         Sesame Street — Big Bird,
across the sky and, on certain afternoons when the sun is in the right spot, lights up the lobby in   Elmo and Hu Hu Zhu —
an array of colors. Photo by Andrew Adams                                                             taking a trip to the moon.
                                                                                                      That show runs through the
closest planetarium to Eff-         astrological phenomena            alization Lab, part of the      end of September, though
ingham and is the second            above central Illinois. The       National Center for Super-      it does come back from
largest in the state, behind        show is updated seasonal-         computing Applications.         time to time, according to
only Adler Planetarium in           ly to reflect the changing        “They have had as their         Johnson.
Chicago. Its highest point          constellations, planets and       focus for over 30 years         After the Sesame Street
is more than two stories            other points of interest in       the intertwining aspects        show wraps, a new show
from the floor. The dome’s          the sky during different          of art and science,” said       will premiere at the plan-
surface is made of alumi-           parts of the year.                Planetarium Director Erik       etarium, also aimed at a
num that looks impossi-             Brand new as of this              Johnson. “They see this art     younger audience, called
bly smooth until a closer           summer is the show, “Birth        and aesthetic component         “Did an Asteroid Really
inspection reveals the tens         of the Planet Earth,” a full      to visualizing data and         Kill the Dinosaurs?” that
of millions of perforations         dome show created in              they use that to produce        explores the end of the
on its panels.                      part at the University of         some incredible imagery         dinosaur age.
The dome also houses an             Illinois’ Advanced Visu-          and those have been the
                                                                                                      Future shows hinted at
alien-looking Zeiss Model                                                                             on the Planetarium web-
M1015 star projector —                                                                                site include shows about
original to the building’s          Erik Johnson, the director of the William M. Staerkel             Mayan archeoastronomy,
1987 construction and the           Planetarium, sits at the console that controls the various        a tour of experiments
first of its kind in the world.     projectors which light up the dome. Photo by Andrew Adams         seeking to better under-
The projector was decom-                                                                              stand dark matter, an
missioned 10 years ago in                                                                             exploration of the sun’s
favor of a more modern                                                                                makeup and a show
digital projection sys-                                                                               about hunting for planets
tem, earning it the loving
                                                                                                      beyond our solar system.
title “Projector Emeritus”
among planetarium staff.                                                                              The planetarium also hosts
                                                                                                      the James B. Kaler Science
Being in the theater makes
                                                                                                      Lecture series, a forum for
you feel small, a perfect
                                                                                                      scientists to discuss their
setup to the tours of the
                                                                                                      specialties. These lectures
universe that happen be-
                                                                                                      are open to the public.
neath its curved walls.
                                                                                                      Upcoming lectures include
The planetarium offers
                                                                                                      Joaquín Rodríguez-López
several shows at any time,
                                                                                                      discussing his research into
with its flagship being
                                                                                                      using flow batteries and
“Prairie Skies,” an all-ages
                                                                                                      responsive nanomaterials
live-narrated tour of the
                                                                                                      for large-scale energy
6 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
Fridays and Saturdays and          the entirety of our species’
                                                                   the Kaler lectures, which          history and nearly every
                                                                   are offered on the first Fri-      culture has attributed
                                                                   day of each month during           mythological and prac-
                                                                   academic semesters, is             tical significance to the
                                                                   available at the planetari-        stars’ positions in the sky.
                                                                   um’s website.                      “You’ve got the planetari-
                                                                   Tickets to shows and lec-          um as a way to help peo-
                                                                   tures are available in the         ple connect themselves
                                                                   planetarium lobby 30 min-          back to those traditions in
                                                                   utes before a show. There          various ways,” said John-
                                                                   are no advance ticket              son. “If it’s just as simple
                                                                   sales, but the planetarium         as seeing the patterns in
                                                                   can fit just shy of 130 peo-       the sky and what names
                                                                   ple, so the risk of missing        were given to them by the
                                                                   your chance to see a               Greeks and the Romans
                                                                   show is low. Tickets are $6        thousands of years ago,
                                                                   for adults and $5 for stu-         that’s great! If you see
                                                                   dents, seniors and children        another one of our shows
                                                                   under 12. Lecture tickets          and you learn about the
                                                                   are $2 for everyone.               oral traditions from other
                                                                   Fundamentally, the plan-           cultures, that’s fine too!”
                                                                   etarium is for learning —          The Staerkel Planetarium is
Attendees wait for a show in the lobby of the planetarium.
                                                                   either for young kids to get       a good way to entertain
Photo submitted by Erik Johnson
                                                                   excited about scientific           the family for an evening
                                                                   exploration or for grown-          or treat yourself to a night
storage, Nicola Perry dis-       the experience, that re-          ups to reconnect to a              out that leaves you a little
cussing her research into        source is available for free      sense of awe that gets lost        smarter than when you
“solid state ionic” materials    to the public.                    in day-to-day life.                started. More than that,
and their applications in        The planetarium’s first           But having someone tell            it’s one of the best ways
producing cleaner energy         in-person show was held in        you stories about the night        for someone in central
and Decker French talking        early August and updates          sky offers an almost spiritu-      Illinois to be reminded of
about her research into          about their scheduling, if        al connection to the world         what’s above us and how
galaxy formation and             mitigations are required          we live in and the history         even the most cynical
merging.                         again, will be posted to          of humanity.                       among us can be coaxed
And while they aren’t as         their website, parkland.                                             into a little bit of wonder
                                                                   Seeing a show under the            when they look up at the
regular as they used to be,      edu/planetarium.                  dome at the Staerkel
the planetarium still occa-                                                                           night sky.
                                 A calendar of current             Planetarium feels mystical.
sionally hosts light shows,      shows, which are offered          Humans have been look-
though they are hard to          at 6:30 and 8 p.m. on             ing up at the night sky for
set up and the pandemic
put everything on hold, so
the next one hasn’t been
scheduled yet.                   The exterior of the Staerkel Planetarium is seen as you walk in from the best parking spots in
                                 Parking Lot M. Photo by Andrew Adams
The pandemic forced the
planetarium to change
a lot of how it operates,
according to Johnson.
They had to shift to virtual
shows hosted on Zoom
and published to YouTube.
For some theaters, that
was a straightforward
maneuver, but it present-
ed a particular challenge
for the planetarium since
its entire value proposition
is a uniquely large (and
curved) screen.
Though they aren’t as
breathtaking, many of
these shows are on the
planetarium’s YouTube
channel, so if you’re
looking to see what shows
are like or are looking for
a stay-at-home version of
                                                                                                   Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 7
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
                                                                           and can be scheduled at any time. Free admission. Donations
                                                                           welcome. For more information, visit www.demoulinmuseum.org
Aug. 28 — Johnny Solo at Pokey Fainting Goat—Free. 408 W.                  Marcoot Jersey Creamery
Johnson St., Pocahontas, IL. Music, refreshments, gr8 grub!!!
                                                                           Variety of cheeses and dairy products available. Our specialty raw
Sept. 4 — 2-6 p.m. Greenville Farmers Market, 404 S. 3rd St., Green-       milk cheeses are aged in our aging cave. The aging cave is mod-
ville, IL. Enjoy and purchase fresh and local produce, exciting and        eled after the man-made cheese caves in Switzerland. Some of
inspiring art, sweet treats, locally made crafts, wares, products, and     our cheeses are raw milk cheese, which will age from a minimum
more that are made, grown, and created in Greenville, Bond Coun-           of 60 days up to 12 months. Our building is built with viewing win-
ty, and nearby communities by our local farmers, artisans, makers,         dows so the public can view as we make cheese and process milk.
and creators. Breakfast and lunch available on-site from Wy’s Place        You are also invited to visit our calves, housed near the creamery.
and Pullin’ Pork. Coffee available on-site by Espression Cafe.             Located at 526 Dudleyville Road, Greenville. For more information,
Sept. 11 — Classic Car Cruise-In, 200 W. College Ave, Greenville,          call 618-664-1110 or visit www.marcootjerseycreamery.com
IL. Celebrate charity by attending this unique experience!                 American Farm Heritage Museum
Sept. 17–19 — Hill’s Fort Rendezvous, American Farm Heritage               Offers a glimpse of life on a farm in days gone by. Located 45
Museum, 1395 Museum Ave, Greenville, IL. Re-enactments,                    miles east of St. Louis on I-70, exit 45. For more information call
traders, beautiful scenery, live music, guided tours and demon-            618-664-9733 or visit www.americanfarmheritagemuseum.com
strations will give you a glimpse into the vibrant cultural heritage
and tradition of the Greenville community. Celebrate those who
bravely came before us at Hill’s Fort Rendezvous this year!
                                                                           CHAMPAIGN COUNTY EVENTS
                                                                           Aug 26-29 — Half Century of Progress Show, 9 a.m., Rantoul Avia-
Oct. 1-2 — ArtWalk & Apple Day, 404 S. 3rd St., Greenville, IL. ArtWalk    tion Center. The Half Century of Progress Show is the premier work-
and Apple Day are two of the best days to visit Greenville, IL! Join       ing vintage farm show in the U.S. Held the weekend before the
us Oct. 1 and 2 for two days of art, music, wine, and entertainment.       Decatur Farm Progress Show, the Half Century of Progress allows
With many activities for kids of all ages, this is the perfect event for   visitors to experience what farming and agriculture was like 50
the entire family. Walk the streets of this historic town while viewing    years ago and beyond with live demonstrations, attractions, and
the works and creations of local artisans, creators, and makers. Taste     fellowship. Sanctioned tractor pulls Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
the delicious creations from local bakers and restaurateurs.
                                                                           Aug. 27-28 — Mahomet Music Festival. Free live music, cold bev-
Oct. 1 — Senior 2-Person Scramble — Twin Oaks Golf Club, 21900             erages provided by Mahomet Lions Club, food court, vendors,
IL-127, Greenville, IL. $35 per person includes 18 holes of golf with      rides, cornhole tournament, parade and more!
cart, lunch, and prizes. Players must be over 50 to participate.
                                                                           Aug. 27 — Summer Prairie Skies, 6:30-7:30 p.m., William M. Staerkel
Bond County Attractions                                                    Planetarium, 2400 W. Bradley Ave., Champaign. 217-351-2568
                                                                           Sept. 3-5 — Audiofeed Music Festival, 7 p.m., Champaign Coun-
DeMoulin Museum                                                            ty Fair, 1302 N. Coler Ave., Urbana.
Located at 205 S. Prairie St. in Greenville. Check out spanking            September-December each Friday (not Nov 26) — Move With
machines and other initiation devices. Group tours are welcome             Art, noon-1 p.m., Krannert Art Museum, 500 E. Peabody Dr.,
                                                                           Sept. 3, 17 — Folk & Roots Fridays, 12-1 p.m., Crystal Lake Park
                                                                           Lake House, Urbana
                                                                           Sept. 8-11 — Eberfest, 11 a.m., The Virginia Theatre, 203 W. Park
                                                                           Ave., Champaign. 217-356-9063
                                                                           Sept. 10-11 — Horizon Hobby RC Fest, 9 a.m., Eli Field, 999 Iron
                                                                           Horse Lane, Monticello
                                                                           Sept. 10 — Meadowbrook Park Jazz Walk, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Mead-
                                                                           owbrook Park, Urbana
                                                                           Sept. 11 — Sundowner’s Car Show, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Monticello
                                                                           Courthouse Square Historic District.
                                                                           Sept. 17-18 — Ellnora, The Guitar Festival, 7-10 p.m., Krannert
                                                                           Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana
                                                                           Sept. 18, Oct. 16 — Third Saturday Garden Tours, Allerton Park &
                                                                           Retreat Center, Monticello
                                                                           Sept. 18 — Mahomet Soda Fest, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Downtown Ma-
                                                                           homet. 217-586-3165
                                                                           Sept. 25 — CU Oktoberfest, 6-10 p.m., The City Center, Champaign
                                                                           Oct. 2 — Boz Skaggs: Out of the Blue Tour 2021, 7:30 p.m., The
                                                                           Virginia Theatre, Champaign
                                                                           Oct. 14-18 — CU Jazz Festival Weekend
                                                                           Oct. 23 — Flannel Fest, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Hessel Park, Champaign.
                                                                           Oct. 27 — Halloween Masquerade Car Parade and Trunk-Or-
                                                                           Treat. 5:30-8 p.m., Marketplace Mall, Champaign
                                                                           Nov. 6 — Mercyme Inhale (Exhale) Fall 2021 Tour, 7 p.m., State
                                                                           Farm Center, Champaign
                                                                           Nov. 13 — Glen Miller Orchestra, 7 p.m., The Virginia Theatre,
                                                                           Nov. 27 — The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artists, 7 p.m., The Virginia
                                                                           Theatre, Champaign

8 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
Champaign County Attractions                                              Christian County Attractions
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music                          Paublo Agricultural Museum
Located at 1303 S. 6th, Champaign, IL. 217-244-9309. How did John         The objective of the Paublo Agricultural Museum is to pre-
Philip Sousa become involved with the University of Illinois? Visit       serve and promote agriculture from the past to the present. To
the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music in Champaign             accomplish this, the museum building houses antique trailers,
and you’ll find out. Located at 1103 South 6th Street, in the Harding     threshing machines & more. Located in Stonington.
Band Building, near the University of Illinois Armory, it documents       Christian County Historical Society Museum
American music through historical artifacts and archival records
and the archives of John Philip Sousa, Albert Austin Harding (Illinois’   Walk through an 1820 log house, the 1839 Christian County
first band-master), internationally known trumpet soloist Herbert L.      courthouse where Lincoln argued cases, an 1854 farmhouse
Clarke and the University of Illinois bands. Opened in 1994, the mu-      and an 1856 one-room school. Also military weapons from five
seum acquired the personal papers from Sousa, the famed Amer-             wars. Christian County Historical Society Museum in Taylorville.
ican composer and March King, who had a personal relationship             The Christian County Coal Mine Museum
with Harding. Since then, the museum has added many other
                                                                          It features the history of and memorabilia pertaining to coal mining
collections, including over 50 record series documenting the history
                                                                          in Christian County. Visit the coal miner monument on the court-
of American music, instruments, sound recordings, photographs,
                                                                          house lawn. Christian County Coal Mine Museum in Taylorville.
memorabilia, correspondence and the papers and music by and
about many distinguished musicians and composers, including               Anderson Prairie
Harry Partch, Harry Begian, Elbern Alkire, Kenneth Gaburo, Paul           Anderson Prairie is a 25-acre wildlife park that features remnants
Bierley, Virginia Root, Salvatore Martirano and Paul Martin Zonn.         of the original Tall Grass Prairie of Illinois. The park was estab-
Krannert Art Museum                                                       lished in August of 1986 and is managed by Pana High School
                                                                          Biology teacher Dave Nance. It serves as an outdoor laboratory
Located at 500 East Peabody Drive on the campus of the Uni-
                                                                          for students and the public. Located South of Rt 16 on Chestnut
versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a unit within the Col-
                                                                          Street, in Pana, this mile-long, 200 foot strip is the old historic
lege of Fine and Applied Arts, the museum opened its doors in
                                                                          Illinois Central Railroad bed. For more information go to www.
1961, establishing a permanent home for the university’s existing
collection of fine art. For more information, phone 217-333-1861
or 217-244-0516 or visit kam.illinois.edu.                                Pana Tri-County Fairgrounds
The UI Arboretum                                                          The Pana Tri-County Fairgrounds is the home to the Pana
                                                                          Tri-County Fair. First held in 1885, this yearly event starts the
A living laboratory, including plant collections and facilities that
                                                                          Wednesday before Labor Day and runs for six days as one of
support the teaching, research, and public service programs of
                                                                          America’s top agricultural fairs. The Pana Labor Day Parade, a
several units throughout campus. Located on the campus of the
                                                                          two-hour plus extravaganza, runs through downtown Pana and
University of Illinois, it was developed in the late 1980s to early
                                                                          ends in Kitchell Park, and attracts thousands to view the largest
1990s, and is currently 57 acres. Central to the Arboretum was
                                                                          Labor Day Parade in the state.
the development of the “All American Selection Trial Gardens.”
The Arboretum is available for organized events from 8:00 am
to dusk. The Arboretum is located on Lincoln Avenue in Urbana.
The Arboretum is open daily, sunrise until sunset. Admission is
free. For more information call 217-333-7595 or visit the website
at www.arboretum.illinois.edu.
Gordyville USA
Founded by legendary auctioneer Gordon and his wife, Jan
Hannagan. They created Gordyville. It boasts 160,000 square
feet of space to host any kind of event. It consists of two 100’ x
270’ arenas and room for 650 portable stalls all under one roof
that is heated in the winter and has new ventilation fans to cool
in the summer. It is equipped with food concessions, wash racks,
new “green” lighting and 40 acres of parking. Located on Rt.
136 East outside Gifford. For more information, call 217-568-7117.
Curtis Orchard
From prairie to farmland to apple orchard ... how this piece of
central Illinois has changed. You have plenty of choices -- pick
apples and pumpkins, feed goats, celebrate birthdays, and
much more. Fresh country air and plenty of memories are wait-
ing for you at Curtis Orchard. Located at 3902 S. Duncan Road
in Champaign. Open July 20 thru December 20. Phone 217-359-
5565 or visit info@curtisorchard.com.
Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve
Lake of the Woods County Park is a 900-acre preserve that
features an 18-hole regulation golf course, a 9-hole par 3 course
and practice range, fishing, hiking, picnicking, cross-country
skiing, sledding, the HI-tower bell carillon and observation area,
3.3 mile bicycle/pedestrian path, the Early American Museum,
Mabery Gelvin Botanical Gardens, building rentals, and pro-
grams. Located at 109 S. Lake of the Woods Road in Mahomet.

Oct. 2-3 — 36th annual Greater Taylorville Chamber of Com-
merce Chillifest on the square in Taylorville, IL. “Chillinois” Cook-
off will be Saturday, Oct. 2 and “Central States” Cook-off will be
Sunday, Oct. 3.

                                                                                                           Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 9
A Day AwayFall/Winter 2021 Guide - within a day's drive from home! Special events, festivals, shopping, attractions and more for the whole family ...
The McLeansboro Fall Festival concert stage is shown. Photos courtesy ILLINOISouth Tourism

                                                                                                     that they have enough

EASTERN REGION                                                                                       confidence as I reach out
                                                                                                     to them to contribute, to
                                                                                                     make this all possible.”
                                                                                                     Aside from the entertain-

offers events across 12                                                                              ment, the McLeansboro
                                                                                                     Fall Festival has another
                                                                                                     component that makes it
                                                                                                     unique. Several years ago

                                                                                                     they added the Fox Hollow
                                                                                                     Downhill Derby Race to the
                                                                                                     list of activities, and it has
                                                                                                     been VERY well received.
                                                                                                     In the near future, they
BY ILLINOISOUTH TOURISM              a one-day celebration           Ridge Boys to Lee Green-        plan to offer those races for

                                     called Dairy Days – it has      wood and Confederate            younger kids to participate
 LLINOISouth Tourism’s                                                                               from 7 to 8 years old, all the
 Eastern Region is our               since grown into a three-       Railroad, along with many
                                     day event that is beloved       others. For this year’s event   way to the age of 19.
 largest, accounting for
12 counties – Clark, Clay,           by thousands of folks           – the Fall Festival will host   “I think that our festival
Crawford, Cumberland,                throughout southern Illinois.   Ricky Skaggs and Ken-           is starting to take on a
Edwards, Hamilton, Jasper,           “What separates this            tucky Thunder on Thurs-         different atmosphere,
Lawrence, Richland, Wa-              event from others is the        day, Sept. 9, Nitty Gritty      because I think it might
bash, Wayne, and White.              free, professional, world-      Dirt Band on Friday the         be becoming a southern
                                     wide-known entertain-           10th, and Exile on Satur-       Illinois staple,” Prince says.
One of the most popular                                              day the 11th. The best part     “We start getting calls
events in our Eastern Re-            ment,” explains Jerry
                                     Prince, Chairman of the         is, the McLeansboro Fall        right after our festival from
gion each year is in Hamil-                                          Festival costs folks nothing    people wondering when
ton County. The McLeans-             Fall Festival’s Entertain-
                                     ment Committee and Past         to enjoy, the concerts are      the next year’s event
boro Kiwanis Club has                                                all FREE – which is made        will be, and who will be
hosted the McLeansboro               President as well.
                                                                     possible from donations.        performing. People like to
Fall Festival each year for          Over the years, they have                                       plan class reunions, family
the last 65 years.                   had a ton of talent visit       “We have a very support-
                                                                     ive business community,”        reunions, vacations, or just
When it began, it was                McLeansboro – from Saw-                                         passing through – and let
                                     yer Brown and the Oak           Prince admits. “I feel great

10 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
those things coincide with                                                                               ment, a parade, different
our Festival.”                                                                                           dinners, and fireworks!
In terms of any health                                                                                   Head to Carmi a couple
precautions, Prince says                                                                                 of weekends later for Big
they’ll follow any guide-                                                                                Wheels on the Little Wa-
lines that the state and                                                                                 bash Monster Truck Show,
the department of health                                                                                 Mini Tractor Pull & Concert
have in place. As an                                                                                     on Sept. 18. There will be
affiliate of the National/                                                                               live entertainment follow-
International Kiwanis Club                                                                               ing the show featuring No
– they will do whatever                                                                                  Fence – The Garth Brooks
they can in order to stay in                                                                             Tribute Band at the White
compliance, which is why                                                                                 County Fairgrounds.
they made the difficult de-                                                                              A milestone event is set for
cision to cancel last year’s                                                                             Oct. 1 and 2 in Enfield. The
Fall Festival.                                                                                           community is celebrating
Did you know that the                                                                                    their Mule Days event for
Heath Bar was created                                                                                    the 100th time!
in Robinson, Illinois? The       Enfield is celebrating the 100th Mule Days event this year.
                                                                                                         “Mule Days is very import-
fantastic toffee and choc-                                                                               ant to Enfield and its iden-
olate bar has deep ties to                                                                               tity,” explains Cindy Birk
the community of Rob-            sible to ensure safety of            many food vendors, and
                                 our guests with placing              shopping our downtown              Conley, a representative
inson, which is why they                                                                                 for White County. “There
have an event called the         of our vendors, sanita-              stores. No matter how
                                 tion stations, and more,”            far people move away,              is a mule painted on the
Heath Harvest Festival.                                                                                  town’s water tower. Most
                                 Fulling says. “Most likely,          coming home to share
This annual celebration          our demographics for                 their memories with others         of the high school reunions
features live entertain-         our vendors will change              is always a highlight,” Hou-       are planned around Mule
ment, a car show, a              a bit in order to keep our           dasheldt explains.                 Days. Several of us have
parade, toffee demon-            vendors spaced properly                                                 large collections of Mule
strations and so much                                                 For those who plan to              Day t-shirts and sweats.”
                                 for social distancing.” The          attend the Fall Follies and
more. Glenda Fulling, the        2021 Heath Harvest Fest is                                              So why in the world is it
President of the Heath                                                Halloween Spooktacular
                                 set for Oct. 1 and 2, and            on Saturday, Oct. 30 this          called Mule Days? Well,
Harvest Festival, says that      you can visit their website                                             Conley says that’s simple.
after taking last year off –                                          year, Houdasheldt says the
                                 for more information at              community welcomes you             “The event started out with
the community is excited         heathharvestfest.com.
to have the event in the                                              with open arms.                    mule auctions and judg-
downtown square this fall.       Another community in                 “We would encourage                ing, and today has baby,
                                 Crawford County with a               people to be courteous             tot and Miss Mule Days
“It is very important to our     long-running tradition is                                               pageants,” Conley says.
community to host this                                                and patient while attend-
                                 Oblong. The Oblong Fall              ing this year’s event but          “There have always been
event for our businesses         Follies and Spooktacular                                                a lot of music and dances,
to thrive and most impor-                                             also come to enjoy the fun
                                 Halloween Parade have                we have on Halloween in            chances for young people
tantly for our community         become a fan favorite                                                   to have fun and adults to
residents and visitors,”                                              Oblong, Illinois,” she says.
                                 over the last few decades,           “You can mark off on your          visit with friends.
Fulling explains. “This          and the parade has been
festival brings a great                                               bucket list that you have          “If you were a student at
                                 deemed the largest night-            been here and plus at-             Enfield or now NCOE, you
deal of tourism to our           time parade in the state!
community and we want                                                 tended the largest night-          probably helped build
to make their experience         “We are extremely excited            time parade in Illinois!”          a float for the parade or
fun and safe. Not having         to be moving forward with            For more details, check            played in a school band.
the festival last year was       the events this year,” says          out the Oblong Cham-               In recent years there have
hard on so many so this          Diane Houdasheldt, Pres-             ber’s website at theonlyo-         been large crowds for
year we want to invite           ident of Oblong’s Cham-              blong.com.                         bingo, which helps fund
our class reunions back,         ber of Commerce. “Our                                                   the event.”
                                 visitors and vendors safety          There is also plenty hap-
our yearly visitors back as                                           pening in White County             For those who have been
well as some new faces to        will be our top concern                                                 to Albion, you’ve likely seen
                                 and we will be following             this fall. Communities like
our community. We have                                                Grayville, Enfield, Carmi,         the signs that say ‘Chowder
many businesses already          all needed safety precau-                                               Capitol of the World.’ It’s
                                 tions deemed necessary               and Norris City are all
on board to do their part                                             gearing up to host an ar-          a self-proclaimed title, but
to make this year’s festival     for all those attending our                                             man oh man, do they know
                                 event.”                              ray of different events!
the best ever.”                                                                                          how to make some chow-
                                 Fall Follies has been a              The first of the bunch is          der in Albion.
Fulling adds that the Festival                                        Grayville Days, which is
will definitely take the pan-    tradition for over 50 years                                             The City of Albion Chow-
                                 in Crawford County.                  held each year on Labor
demic into account when it                                            Day weekend. Grayville             der is held on the second
comes to this year’s event.      “People look forward to at-          Days is a staple of this           Saturday of October, and
“We will be making as            tending the entertainment,           small community, and usu-          it attracts folks from all
many provisions as pos-          browsing the craft booths,           ally features live entertain-      over the place. The event
                                 enjoying the great food at                                              did take place in 2020, but
                                                                                                      Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 11
dividuals from outside our          munity for art enriching
                                                                     community into Olney for            opportunities.”
                                                                     a day,” Tucker says. “This is       For more information on
                                                                     great for our local busi-           the Olney Arts Council,
                                                                     nesses and restaurants.             give them a follow at ol-
                                                                     We are so looking forward           neyartscouncil.com.
                                                                     to being able to support
                                                                     artists, vendors, and local         If you have been to Olney,
                                                                     businesses/restaurants              you have heard of their
                                                                     once again in the same              beloved white squirrels.
                                                                     manner we have seen be-             Did you know that each
                                                                     fore with our Fall Festival.        year they host their Annual
                                                                                                         Squirrel Count? This event
                                                                     “This event also helps              was another one of the
                                                                     to raise funds for other            few that operated last
                                                                     outreach projects we                year, because it is outside
                                                                     do throughout the year.             and everyone is scattered
                                                                     Having this event will help         around town counting
                                                                     boost what we are able to           squirrels – so it’s the perfect
The Oblong Fall Follies in Crawford County has been a tradition      put back into our com-
for more than 50 years.

it was limited to drive-thru         a chili champion, make
only.                                plans to head to Mt. Carm-
“That drive-thru worked              el for the Wabash County
very well,” admits Jessica           Chamber Chili Cook-Off at
Gwaltney, the Chamber                Beall Woods State Park on
President and Chowder                Oct. 2. Because the event
Director. “We’re discuss-            is outdoors at a state park,
ing that possibility again.          social distancing won’t be
We will have the pre-filled          an issue – but there will be
buckets again, as we                 extra PPE and hand-wash-
have a sponsor for those.”           ing areas set up.
To those who have nev-               Fans of art will be intrigued
er had Albion Chowder,               by the Olney Arts Coun-
it’s not like a New En-              cil Fall Festival, which is
gland-style chowder – and            planned for Saturday,
there are no clams in it. If         Sept. 25. Much like many
you do decide to partake             other events, the OAC
in this southeastern Illinois        Fall Festival has had the
staple, here are a few tips          discussion about sanita-
from Gwaltney: “Get there            tion areas, distancing, and
early. Prepare to wait in            mask regulations – and
line. Prepare for us to sell         they will follow any guide-
out quickly.”                        lines deemed necessary
                                     by IDPH.
Aside from the fact that
it’s delicious, there’s a rea-       Keegan Tucker, the Pres-
son why folks keep coming            ident of the Olney Arts
back until it sells out, year        Council, says the group
after year.                          is also considering other
                                     changes to the event.
“Tradition,” Gwaltney says
simply. “It’s something              “We are always brain-
that has evolved over the            storming ways to make
years but has held true to           the event better than the
its roots. Something that            last and we have some
started as family celebra-           ideas up our sleeve we
tions, turned into small             are excited to see come
community celebrations,              to fruition,” Tucker says.
to large community cele-             “We think the public will
brations has definitely held         enjoy the changes and
its place in our hearts.”            additions we are looking
                                     to make.”
Make sure to follow the
City of Albion Chow-                 Getting the OAC Fall Fes-
der Facebook page for                tival reignited after 2020
updates as the day gets              will also provide a boost to
closer!                              the community.
                                                                     The City of Albion Chowder is held on the second Saturday of
If you consider yourself             “This event brings many in-     October.
12 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
activity in terms of being
safe and socially distant!
So the big question is, why
in the world is everyone
counting squirrels?
“Our white squirrels are
a source of great pride
to Olney residents, and a
point of interest for visitors
from near and far,” Olney
City Clerk Kelsie Sterchi
says. “The count helps us
to track the health and
population of our white
squirrels while noting any
additional influences that
may contribute to the
year’s numbers. Attendees
have said it’s like “a nat-
ural scavenger hunt” and
love to explore Olney’s
It’s never too early to
volunteer for the Squirrel
Count! If interested, con-
tact Sterchi at cityclerk@
cityofolney.com. Volun-
teers can participate in
one or more dates. The
dates of this year’s Annual
Squirrel Count will be Oct.       The White Squirrel Car Cruise is shown.
2, 9, and 16.

                                 620 McCawley Ave., Flora, IL 62839 | 618-662-2641
                                 Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

                                                                                  Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 13
                                                                                              It was entered into the National Register of Historic places on
                                                                                              March 16, 1976. Both presidents Abraham Lincoln and Grover
Aug. 28 — Gatherings at Linn Park Amphitheater, corner of Mill &                              Cleveland were guests at the Archer House.
Vine, Martinsville features, “Generation Gap” at 7 p.m.                                       Stone Arch Bridge
Sept. 4-6 — Labor Day Weekend, Annual Casey Popcorn Festival                                  Stone Arch Bridge was constructed in 1831 with no mortar and is
at Fairview Park. Casey’s signature festival with Free popcorn, live                          still in use today. The National Road runs over this bridge and it is
music, family entertainment shows, car show, vendors, kids carni-                             located on Archer Ave. at the west edge of the City of Marshall.
val, chainsaw carvers, arts and crafts, food booths, Jonah Fish Fry!
Contact Bernie Morgan at 217-232-2676 for more information                                    Mill Creek Park
Sept. 11 — Gatherings at Linn Park Amphitheater, corner of Mill                               Located seven miles northwest of Marshall on the Lincoln Heri-
& Vine, Martinsville features, “Scott Wattles & Blue Suede Crew”                              tage Trail Road. Mill Creek Park opened May 29,1982 and con-
at 7 p.m.                                                                                     sists of 2,600 acres of land and 811 acres of water with 39 miles
                                                                                              of shoreline. There are picnic areas on either side of the boat
Sept. 17-19 — Marshall Autumn Fest, features great food,                                      launch and at areas around the lake, a 139-site campground
shopping, large parade, car and bike show, music, 5K run and                                  with shower facilities and a playground, 15 miles of ATV trails,
fun activities for kids and the whole family. 217-251-3034. www.                              horse and walking trails, courtesy dock facilities, annual leased
marshallautumnfest.com                                                                        docks, fuel dispensing, cabins, and boat rentals. The park also
Oct. 10 — Lincoln Trail State Park Fall Frolic.                                               has a picnic area with four shelters and three playgrounds, as
                                                                                              well as nine primitive camping sites. Please call 217-889-3901 or
Oct. 30 — Frolic/Trunk or Treat/, Marshall. Trunk or Treat around
                                                                                              217-889-3601 for more information.
the Marshall Square from 6-7 p.m. Frolic (costume contest) at
6:30 p.m. Trick or Treat around the community from 6-9 p.m. 217-                              Moonshine
826-2034. www.marshallilchamber.com                                                           Moonshine, located about 12 miles southeast of Casey, is the
Dec. 3-4 — Candy Cane on Main, Downtown Casey. Friday                                         home of the Moonshine Burger and the annual Moonshine Run
Night Lighted Parade; Saturday all day event with businesses run-                             — a must for motorcyclists everywhere. For more information on
ning Christmas specials; events by local library and a big mailbox                            the event, please visit the Moonshine Run Home page.
for kids to mail their Letters to Santa. www.cityofcasey.org                                  Lincoln Trail State Park
Dec. 4 — Hometown Holly Days, Marshall. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Ven-                                    Whether you are looking for history, unusual plant life or rec-
dors, cookie walk and light parade at dusk. 217-826-2034. www.                                reation, Lincoln Trail State Park has something to interest you.
marshallilchamber.com                                                                         Located just west of IL Rt. 1, 2 miles south of Marshall in Clark
                                                                                              County, the area is named after the trail Abraham Lincoln’s
Clark County Attractions                                                                      family followed en route from Indiana to Illinois in 1831. Three
                                                                                              Native American groups, the Miami, Kickapoo and Mascouten,
Archer House
                                                                                              occupied the site before it was ceded to the United States in the
The Archer House, located at 717 Archer Ave in Marshall, was                                  early 19th century. Today, visitors to the 1,023-acre park can enjoy
built in 1841 and is the oldest hotel still in operation in Illinois.                         the sights of an American Beech woods; wildflowers, including the
                                                                                              unusual squaw-root and beech drops; and recreational activities
                                                                                              such as boating, camping, fishing, hiking and winter sports.
 CHANGING HANDS                                           Clothing For the
          Resale Shoppe                                    Whole Family                       CLAY COUNTY EVENTS
  “Supported by the Community to Serve the Community”
                                                                                              Sept. 10, 10 a.m.-Sept. 11, 3 p.m. — Junktique Market Days Fall
                                                        Home Decor, Household                 Market, Charley Brown Park, Flora, IL. Antiques, Vintage, Hand-
                                                            Items & More                      made Items, Architectural Salvage, Repurposed, Clothing and
                                                                                              Jewelry Boutiques, Food Trucks, Live Music & More!
                                                        46 West Cumberland,                   Sept. 11 — Ford Town USA Celebration!, 223 W Railroad St, Flora,
                      11   th                              Martinsville, IL                   IL. What is the BEST way to start your SATURDAY MORNING?
                                                                                              With a BIG 80’s show at the Ford Town USA Celebration in Flora!
                                                           713-865-0022                       BoomBox all 80’s Pop/Rock Band will be playing your favorite
                                                          Thursday - 9 a.m.-5 p.m.            80’s pop/rock music at 9am, and then spend the rest of your
                                                           Friday - 9 a.m.-3 p.m.             day enjoying this RAD celebration!! More details to be updated
                                                          Saturday - 9 a.m. - Noon            as we get closer to the event! Can’t wait to see you all there!!!!
                      Established by Martinsville on the Move 10/1/09
                                                                                              Sept. 25 — Appleknocker Festival, Flora Elementary School, 445
        and operated solely by community volunteers since opening on October 1, 2009          Emory Ave., Flora, IL. There are many games/booths for children
   Revenue from Changing Hands has been used for many projects/activities in our community.

                       Scrapbook Supplies,                               We also offer
                                                                      copying, faxing,
                   Vehicle License & Title Service,                     UPS shipping,
                            UPS Shipping                              license renewal
                                                                         and notar y.

14 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021

   A Multi Dealer Shop Offering Early
      American Country Antiques
          Visit Us At Our New Location!
                   Kim Groothuis
103 North Central Ave. | Rt. 49 | Casey, IL | 217-232-4037

                                                             Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 15
and their families, most are free! Lots of food vendors, and fun          Square, 6:30-10:30 a.m.
guests like tumblers, stilt walkers, and other crowd performers!          Sept. 18 — Missy Garnett’s Coming Home concert at 1903 Ma-
Oct. 29-31 — Louisville Fall Harvest Festival. Food and craft vendors,    ple Ave, Mattoon, from 8-11 p.m.
queen and little miss pageants, tractor and car show, pancake             Sept. 18 — Special Olympics Family Festival, Lakeland Communi-
breakfast and parade on Saturday all on the square in Louisville IL.      ty College, 5001 Lake Land Blvd., Mattoon.
Oct. 30 — Flora Halloween Parade, Downtown Flora—223 W.                   Sept. 18 — 18th Street Fall Festival, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Businesses
Railroad St., Flora, IL. Floats, bands, masqueraders, antique and         along 18th St. will have specials all day. Call 217-345-4700 for
emergency vehicles and much more make up a parade lasting                 more information.
over two hours through Flora’s Main Downtown Street.
                                                                          Sept. 18 — EIU Family Weekend, 600 Lincoln Ave., Charleston.
Clay County Attractions                                                   Sept. 25 — Walk to End Alzheimer’s begins at 9:30 a.m. At Peters-
                                                                          en Park, Mattoon.
Little Toot Railroad
                                                                          Sept. 25 — Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos, 5:30-8:30 at LifeSpan
Located in Charley Brown Park in Flora, the 15-inch gauge loco-           Center, Coles County Council on Aging, 11021 E. County Road, 800
motive runs each weekend, four times each day (except during              N., Charleston. Dinner at 6:15. Visit our website http://lifespancen-
rain), beginning Memorial Day weekend and concluding when                 ter.org/dueling-pianos.html for more information on the event.
Labor Day arrives. Special trains run in November and December
for the holiday weekends. Tickets can be purchased at the park.           Sept. 25-26 — Harvest Frolic Fall Celebration, Lincoln Log Cabin
For more information and schedule times, call 618-662-8040.               State Historic Site. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Visitors are encouraged to take
                                                                          part in mid 19th century activities - games, crafts, cider pressing
Charley Brown Park                                                        and more on the Lincoln and Sargent Farms. Artisans will be
Located west of Flora, the park has 100 acres of rolling wooded           demonstrating their 19th-Century crafts, and performances will
hills, a swimming pool, camp sites for both campers and tents,            take place throughout the weekend. Free to the public. www.
picnic sites and a lake for boating and fishing. Charley Brown Park       lincolnlogcabin.org or Email info@lincolnlogcabin.org for more
not only hosts the Little Toot Railroad, but also hosts the county        information.
fair, several sanctioned coon hunts and Dean Bluegrass Jam.               Sept. 29 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Le Cirque
B & O Depot                                                               Esprit” at 7:30 p.m., Dvorak Concert Hall, 1860 7th St., Charleston.
Located at 223 West Railroad Street in Flora. Built at the height         Contact the box office at 217-581-3110 or doudnatix@eiu.edu
of the railroad industry in Illinois, the recently restored three-story   Oct. 2 -3 — 5 Mile House Celebrates the New Barn & Fall Festival.
brick building is now the home to the Chamber of Commerce                 Living History Open Houses 1-4 p.m.; Demonstrations 1-4 p.m.;
and other various businesses.                                             Music from 1-2:30 p.m.; Programs at 2:30 p.m.; Bonfire BYO hot
Venue 720                                                                 dogs & Marshmallows at 6 p.m.; Barn Dance at 7 p.m., music by
                                                                          Motherload. South Rt. 130, Charleston.
Venue 720 is a Reception Hall and Entertainment Venue located
in Flora, Illinois. The vintage charm, industrial décor, & immense        Oct. 5 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Cordis Condition
attention to detail are just a few of the things. Venue 720 features      Blue” at 7:30 p.m., Dvorak Concert Hall, 1860 7th St., Charleston.
a spacious brides room, a retro lounge, state of the art sound            Contact the box office at 217-581-3110 or doudnatix@eiu.edu
system, and a premium bar with bartenders included. Check out             Oct. 23 — EIU Homecoming Weekend, https://www.eiu.edu/
the calendar of events and Facebook page for upcoming events              homecoming/
and dates when they are available to host your events.                    Oct. 29 — Mattoon Trunk or Treat
COLES COUNTY EVENTS                                                       Oct. 29 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Rolston String
                                                                          Quartet” at 7:30 p.m., Dvorak Concert Hall, 1860 7th St., Charleston.
Aug. 27, 28 & 29 — Flea Market at the Cross County Mall, Mat-             Contact the box office at 217-581-3110 or doudnatix@eiu.edu
toon, Friday & Saturday 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday noon-5 p.m.
                                                                          Oct. 30 — Charleston Scare on the Square, 3-5:30 p.m. Includes
Sept. 1 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Dynamo” at             Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Pack the Pumpkin Food Drive, Vir-
7:30 p.m., Dvorak Concert Hall, 1860 7th St., Charleston. Contact         tual Costume Parade, Drive-Thru Trunk or Treat. Visit their Face-
the box office at 217-581-3110 or doudnatix@eiu.edu                       book page for details.
Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25 —18th St. Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-noon, Coles          Nov. 18 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Bette Davis
Co. Health Dept. parking lot, Charleston. Fresh produce, baked            Ain’t For Sissies” at 7:30 p.m., Dvorak Concert Hall, 1860 7th St.,
goods, flowers, and homemade items. Call Charleston Chamber               Charleston. Contact the box office at 217-581-3110 or doud-
at 217-345-7041 or by email at president@charlestonchamber.               natix@eiu.edu
                                                                          Nov. 18-Dec. 25 — Mattoon Lightworks Opens at Peterson Park,
Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 — Charleston Farmers Market on the                 open nightly from 5-10 p.m.

16 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
      Past and Present
            antiques and primitives

   furniture, crafts
    home décor and more

212 S. 17th St. Mattoon, IL 61938
   Vendor Booths Available

          Mon.-Fri. 10-5            Follow us on
            Sat. 10-4                 Facebook

                                                   Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 17
Nov. 25 — Bare Bones 5-Mile Turkey Trot, 6-8 a.m. The 5-mile run          The visitor’s center is open 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. and the living
begins at 6:00 am and takes runners through the Mattoon Light-            history program runs from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m. on days the site
works display at Peterson Park before sunrise. For more informa-          is open.
tion, please visit www.mattoonymca.org.                                   Admission is on a donation basis. The site is located at 402 S.
Dec. 2, 3, 4, 5 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Hol-           Lincoln Highway Road, Lerna.
iday Fest” from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.. at 1860 7th St., Charleston. Fun          Lake Charleston
science activities, concerts, plays, and presentations for all
ages. Plus the popular Holiday Art Sale that will take place in the       With 10 miles of paved and unpaved trails that surround the
Doudna’s Main Concourse. If you need a unique gift for that               lake, its a perfect place to run, hike, walk and enjoy the scen-
hard-to-shop-for-person, this is the place for you! Contact the           ery. Plus new playgrounds and pavilions for picnics. www.
box office at 217-581-3110 or doudnatix@eiu.edu                           charlestonillinois.org
Dec. 3 — Celebrate Downtown Mattoon Christmas – 5-8 p.m.                  Thomas Lincoln Cemetery
Broadway and Western Ave., from 14th-21st Streets, downtown               Many visit this cemetery in the Lerna area to see the burial site of
Mattoon. Fun activities for the whole family and special shopping.        Abraham Lincoln’s father and stepmother, Thomas Lincoln and
Dec. 4 — Christmas in the Heart of Charleston begins at 4:45-             Sarah Bush Lincoln. Free admission. Open each day until dusk.
6:30 p.m. Holiday parade, carriage rides, refreshments, window            Charleston Downtown Square
displays, entertainment, photos with Santa and much more.
                                                                          Charleston’s Downtown Square has been the site of the Coles
Parents are encouraged to bring their own cameras for pic-
                                                                          County seat since 1835. Abraham Lincoln practiced law in a
tures with Santa. Parade starts at 4:45 pm. Streets leading to the
                                                                          previous version of the courthouse. Today, the late 19th century
Square will be closed ~ please park 2-3 blocks off the Square
                                                                          Romanesque courthouse sits at the center of the square. Historic
and walk inward. Check out our event page on Facebook un-
                                                                          buildings display stunning architectural details and serve as home
der “Christmas in the Heart of Charleston”. For more information
                                                                          to current professional offices, unique shops and restaurants.
please call (217) 348-0430
                                                                          Charleston Riot Historic Marker
Dec. 2 — Doudna Fine Arts Center at EIU Presents “Bette Davis Ain’t
For Sissies” at 7:30 p.m., Dvorak Concert Hall, 1860 7th St., Charles-    Located on the Coles County Courthouse square the Charleston
ton. Contact the box office at 217-581-3110 or doudnatix@eiu.ed           Riot Historic Marker commemorates a face-to-face encounter
                                                                          in Charleston that took place during the Civil War between
Coles County Attractions                                                  southern sympathizers, Union soldiers and citizens who favored
                                                                          the Lincoln administration.
Douglas Hart Nature Center
Helen Douglas-Hart had a dream of developing a natural area
that would reflect the native habitats of east-central Illinois. Her
dream became a reality in the late 1960’s by planting a 33-acre
nature preserve. Today, the Douglas-Hart Nature Center fea-
tures more than 70 acres of prairie, wetland, and forest habitat.
Also, it provides the people of the surrounding communities the
unique opportunity to learn about and discover the wonders of
nature. For more information call 217-235-4644 or go to www.
dhnature.org. Douglas Hart Nature Center is located at 2204
DeWitt Ave. East in Mattoon, IL
Lincoln Log Cabin Historic Site
Lincoln Log Cabin Historic Site was the 1840s home of Thomas
and Sarah Bush Lincoln, father and stepmother of Abraham
Lincoln, 16th president of the United States.
The site includes a working, living historic farm developed
around a two-room cabin. A second farmstead, the Stephen
Sargent Farm, has been moved to the site to help broaden vis-
itors’ understanding of the 1840s rural life in Illinois. Both offer an
array of interpretive programs. For a current calendar of events,
call the site at 217-345-1845 or check online at www.lincolnlog-
cabin.org. Special group tours are available by appointment.              Shown is a log cabin recreated at the Lincoln Log Cabin Historic
                                                                          Site on its original foundation, emulating the former home of
Hours are 8:30 a.m. through dusk Wednesday through Sunday.
                                                                          Abraham Lincoln’s father and stepmother. Charles Mills photo

     Saturday & Sunday,
      September 25-26
       10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
       FREE to Public

18 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
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                                                                                                57 &
                                                                                                   & 70
                                                                                                     70 at
                                                                                                        at Exit
                                                                                                           Exit 159)

                                                                                                                        Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 19
Shoppers at the Vandalia Farmers Market choose from a bounty of produce. Photos courtesy ILLINOISouth Tourism

                                                                                                  “Our vendors this year
                                                                                                  have everything from
                                                                                                  plants and produce to
                                                                                                  farm-raised meat and
                                                                                                  homemade sweets,”

farmers markets, tractor                                                                          Hampton adds. “You can
                                                                                                  also find honey, eggs, and
                                                                                                  dairy products. We’ve
                                                                                                  expanded to include

shows, fairs and more
                                                                                                  more artisans and crafters,
                                                                                                  as well! Each market will
                                                                                                  also feature activities from
                                                                                                  various community organi-
                                                                                                  zations and live music from
BY ILLINOISOUTH TOURISM              the pandemic, and the         showcasing local farm-         local musicians!”

     ond, Clinton, Fayette,          response was great.           ers and gardeners. The         In terms of safety pre-
     Marion, Perry, and              “We are so excited to host    momentum from last year        cautions, the event is
     Washington make                 another season of the         has fueled our downtown        outdoors and vendors are
up ILLINOISouth Tourism’s            Vandalia, Illinois Farmers’   community and we can’t         adequately spaced. There
Central Region.                      Market,” says Jessica         wait to welcome new            are also hand sanitizers at
                                     Hampton, Vandalia’s           visitors!”                     each booth, and saniti-
We will kick things off in                                                                        zation stations dispersed
the Central Region with              Tourism Director. “Our goal   After the success of last
                                     is to inspire and nurture     year’s inaugural season        throughout the market.
the Vandalia Farmers Mar-                                                                         Masks are available at the
ket, a GREAT family-friend-          a healthy community           for the Vandalia Farmers
                                     by building a local and       Market, the committee          Information Table at the
ly event. The community                                                                           entrance of the market.
was able to safely host the          sustainable food economy      decided to expand this
event last year through              in an engaging down-          year’s events.                 If you plan on attend-
                                     town experience while                                        ing the market this year,
20 | A Day Away • Fall/Winter 2021
Hampton says there are           Sept. 25 from noon to 8           A tractor demonstrates its power at the American Thresherman
plenty of other things to        p.m.                              Show.
explore while you are in         There are also several
town.                            other places in our Central
“Our market is in the heart      Region to pick out some
of downtown Vandalia,            fresh produce, and spend
right across from the Van-       some time on the farm
dalia Statehouse State His-      while you’re at it!
toric Site. With a number of     Schwartz Orchard in Cen-
other historical sites, shops,   tralia is a great place for
boutiques, and restau-           pick-your-own apples in the
rants, you can easily make       fall, and while you’re visiting
this a full day or weekend       make sure to pick up some
trip,” adds Hampton.             of their award-winning
The Vandalia Farmers             apple cider.
Markets take place every         Speaking of apple cider,
second Saturday, from            the apple cider donuts at
May-October and run              Schwartz are well worth
from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.           the drive to Centralia
Follow their Facebook            alone. If you make the trip
page at Vandalia, Illinois       without trying at least one,
Farmers Market for specific      you should probably plan
information and updates          another trip!
for each market.
                                 There are also plenty of
Another event slated for         places to pick out some
downtown Vandalia this           pumpkins in the Central
fall is the 4th annual Wine      Region. Country Kids
& Ale with Abe Street Fest.      Pumpkin Patch in Hoyleton
This gathering is put on by      has 20 outdoor related
the Vandalia Historical So-      games and activities from
ciety, and they have plans       a corn maze to a scaven-
for this to be the biggest       ger hunt, and of course...
and best year yet.               pumpkin picking!
“We have a wide assort-          In Fayette County there
ment of food vendors and         are two similar places
food trucks, many craft          to pick out the perfect
and artisan vendors, live        pumpkin - Happy Hollow
musical entertainment all        Family Farm in St. Elmo
day and evening, com-            and Schaefer Pumpkin
memorative Wine & Ale            Patch in Beecher City.            vendors, the big wheel              “This event occurs on the
with Abe wine and beer                                             race, the car show, the             first Saturday of October,
glasses, and of course           Another great agritourism
                                 stop that is a little different   horse show, the school              and people are always
a variety of local and                                             marching bands, the                 prepared to support or
international wine and           than the ones mentioned
                                 above is Rainbow Ranch            fanfare of the parade               participate in it. Everyone
craft and domestic beer,”                                          floats, and the candy,”             is excited about being
explains Susan Williams,         Petting Zoo in Washington
                                 County. If you visit the          explains Kelley Predium,            able to build their floats
President of the Vandalia                                          Committee Chairperson of            this year and throw candy
Historical Society.              Ranch in October to expe-
                                 rience the camels, kan-           Kids Activities for the Little      to the kids. The commit-
The return of Wine & Ale         garoos, zebras and other          Egypt Festival and Parade.          tee is excited to honor
with Abe is important to         animals – you receive a
the entire community. It is      pumpkin to take home
held on the streets where        with you.
Abe Lincoln walked in
front of the historic Vanda-     One event in Marion Coun-
lia Statehouse.                  ty is celebrating a major
                                 milestone this year. The
“We are inviting everyone        Little Egypt Festival and Pa-
to visit. There is something     rade is celebrating it’s 50th
for everyone,” Williams          year in 2021! This gathering
says. “Food, music, arts         was one of the many that
and crafts, and of course        decided to cancel in 2020,
beer and wine! Bring your        so it is imperative to the
lawn chairs or lawn blan-        community that the event
kets. Families with children     happens this year.
are welcome.” The Wine
and Ale with Abe Street-         “For 50 years, people
fest is slated for Saturday,     have come to expect
                                 the food trucks, the craft
                                                                                                    Fall/Winter 2021 • A Day Away | 21
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