The Semedo Case: Does a Players' Arrest Authorize Clubs to Terminate their Employment Contracts with Just Cause? - Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Abogados

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The Semedo Case: Does a Players' Arrest Authorize Clubs to Terminate their Employment Contracts with Just Cause? - Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Abogados

The Semedo Case: Does a Players’ Arrest Authorize
Clubs to Terminate their Employment Contracts with
Just Cause?
                                                                                By Alessandro Mosca
                                                                                Lawyer, Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Sports
                                                                                Valencia - Spain

                                                                                ➔➔ National Law – Criminal Law – Player
                                                                                   contract – Breach of contract – Just cause

                                                                                On 14 July 2017, Villarreal CF
                                                                                transferred-in the Portuguese player
                                                                                Ruben Semedo (Semedo) from Sporting CP
                                                                                paying EUR 15 million. Afterwards,
                                                                                Semedo was firstly accused of aggression
                                                                                in October 2017, was detained for a few
                                                                                hours for threats in November 2017
                                                                                and, following a third episode occurred
                                                                                on 22 February 2018, he was detained,
                                                                                being accused of attempted murder,
                                                                                injury, kidnapping, criminal possession
                                                                                of weapons and robbery.

Ruben Semedo, Aleksandr Kokorin,        On the one hand, during the                  of their pretrial custody. If they
Pavel Mamaev, Arda Turan and            players’ pretrial custody the                had not done so, the impossibility
Nicklas Bendtner represent the          impossibility for the players to             to perform their work will be
most recent examples of football        perform their work is justified              considered as unjustified and clubs
players facing criminal charges.        and therefore clubs may impose               will have the right to terminate
                                        fines and suspend employment                 said employment contracts with
Besides the criminal repercussions      contracts, which cannot be, in               just cause.
connected with these crimes,            any case, terminated with just
football   players    could   face      cause. In this sense, Article 45.1.g)        As a general rule, clubs do not
additional    employment-related        of the Spanish Workers’ Statutes             have the power to terminate
consequences. In this sense, does       states that “The employment                  employment       contracts     with
a players’ arrest authorize clubs       contract could be suspended for              just cause as a consequence of
to terminate their employment           the following reasons … g) The               players’ crimes or misconducts
contracts with just cause?              worker’s privation of liberty, while         which are not directly related to
                                        no condemn exists […].”                      the working activity or committed
First of all, it should be noted that                                                during the working time. This is
every national law is different.        If/once the pretrial custody                 without prejudice to those crimes
Therefore, Villarreal CF, Zenit         terminates, Article 48.1 of the              that indirectly affect the players’
Saint Petersburg, Başakşehir, and       Spanish       Workers’    Statutes           performance or the clubs’ image
Rosenborg BK could come to              grants players the right to be               (clubs’ internal regulations and
different decisions in accordance       reincorporated in their working              players’ employment contracts
with the respective national            place. At the opposite, in case              play   an    important    role   in
legislations.                           clubs decided to terminate players’          determining which the punishable
                                        employment contracts it would                conducts are).
With reference to Spanish Law,          represent a termination without
a distinction should be made            just cause, in accordance with the           On the other hand, if and once
between pretrial custody and final      above Article 45.1.g).                       players were sentenced to prison
prison sentence.                                                                     by a final decision, Article 54.2.a)
                                        As a necessary requisite, players            of the Spanish Workers’ Statutes
                                        shall have previously notified clubs         regulates the termination of

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The Semedo Case: Does a Players' Arrest Authorize Clubs to Terminate their Employment Contracts with Just Cause? - Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Abogados

employment         contracts       for              therefore in accordance with the                windows.5 Therefore, if Villarreal
disciplinary reasons, sanctioning                   abovementioned Article 45.1.g) of               fired Semedo outside the transfer
the “Repeated offences, and                         the Spanish Workers’ Statutes.                  windows, it would be prevented
unjustified absences or lack of                                                                     from registering a substitute.
punctuality at work.” In this sense,                Following more than 140 days                    Moreover, terminating the Semedo’s
the decision dated 24 April 2018 of                 under pretrial custody and two                  employment contract would entail
the Spanish Supreme Court, Social                   rejected requests of release, on 13             economic and financial negative
Chamber1, confirmed that when                       July 2018, the judge granted Semedo             consequences, where Villarreal
workers are sentenced to prison                     the conditional release on bail. On             CF would lose the chance to
by a final decision, the absence                    the same day, Villarreal CF decided             count on or transfer a player
from work allows employers                          to close the employment-related                 paid EUR 15 million in July 2017,
to       terminate      employment                  internal disciplinary proceedings               but having the possibility to file a
contracts for disciplinary reasons.                 by imposing a fine against the                  claim requesting compensation for
Furthermore, said absence may also                  player. Five days later, Semedo was             damage, as explained above.
be considered as tacit dismissal2,                  transferred on a yearly loan to
in accordance with Article 49.1.d)                  SD Huesca, where he is regularly                In    view    of   the    foregoing,
of the Spanish Workers’ Statutes,                   performing his duty while waiting               Villarreal CF could terminate
which justifies the employers’                      for the sentence. In case Semedo                Semedo’s employment contract if/
absence of compensation. At                         were sentenced to prison by a                   once he is sentenced to prison by a
the opposite, clubs can request                     final decision, Villarreal CF would             final decision and said employment
compensation for damage due                         have the option of terminating                  contract will still be in force at
to the termination of the working                   his employment contract with                    that time. However, Villarreal CF
relationship attributable to players,               just cause, in accordance with the              should take into consideration
in accordance with Article 15.2 of the              abovementioned Article 54.2.a) of               also the sporting and financial
Spanish Royal Decree 1006/1985.                     the Spanish Workers’ Statutes.                  consequences of such termination.

Analyzing     a  concrete    case,                  Nevertheless, when the final
on 14 July 2017, Villarreal CF                      decision will be rendered, Semedo’s
transferred-in  the    Portuguese                   employment         contract     with
player    Ruben    Semedo     from                  Villarreal CF could be naturally
Sporting CP paying EUR 15 million.                  expired4, or he could be definitely
Afterwards, Semedo was firstly                      transferred to another club,
accused of aggression in October                    which both options rendering
2017, was detained for a few hours                  Villarreal CF’s termination with
for threats in November 2017                        just cause impossible (which
and, following a third episode                      would be valid for the purchasing
occurred on 22 February 2018,                       club). At the opposite, if the final
he was detained, being accused                      decision imposed Semedo to serve
of attempted murder, injury,                        a period in jail and at that time he
kidnapping, criminal possession of                  will still be contractually bound to
weapons and robbery.                                Villarreal CF, the latter would have
                                                    the opportunity of terminating
On 23 February 2018, Villarreal CF                  said working relationship with just
“decided to suspend the player's                    cause.
employment and salary until a
definitive resolution has been                      However, Villarreal CF should take
reached for the disciplinary                        several factors into consideration
inquiry that is in process”3,                       if/when      terminating      said
                                                    employment contract. Indeed,
                                                    such decision should consider
1                            that the rules of the Spanish
2   It is considered as a tacit dismissal also      Football Association do not allow               5   The only two exceptions are represented
    when workers had simply notified the final                                                          by free agent players (Article 124.2 of the
    decision and his arrest because, as the         the possibility of registering                      General Regulations of the Spanish Football
    Spanish Supreme Court established, the          new players out of the transfer                     Association) and substitutes of players
    working relationship cannot be based on a                                                           injured for more than five months, when
    mere notification, which does not justify the                                                       an ITC shall not be requested (Article 124.3
    workers’ absence.                                                                                   of the General Regulations of the Spanish
3                             4   It will naturally expire on 30 June 2022.       Football Association).

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The Semedo Case: Does a Players' Arrest Authorize Clubs to Terminate their Employment Contracts with Just Cause? - Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Abogados

Did the IOC lie about the denial of Kosovan athletes’                                          that country competed under the
visas in Spain?                                                                                flag and the anthem of the Kosovar
                                                                                               Olympic Committee, almost equal
                                                                                               to those of the country.
                                                    By Agustín Amoros Martínez
                                                    Lawyer, Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo
                                                    Sports Lawyers                             It was Pere Miró, Deputy Director
                                                    Valencia – Spain                           of the International Olympic
                                                                                               Committee, who stated that in the
                                                                                               Karate World Championships, the
                                                    ➔➔ Foreign players – Nationality – Visas   Kosovar karateka had to ask for
                                                                                               a visa to France, a country that
                                                                                               does recognize its independence,
                                                                                               because Spain did not grant it.
Pere Miró (picture), Deputy Director of the International Olympic Committee,
declared that “Spain is the only country with which there is no solution on                    Pere Miró, also declared that “Spain
Kosovo. We have two years and two different governments with this. (…) If                      is the only country with which
the Spanish Government is not in the conditions to guarantee the access not                    there is no solution on Kosovo. We
only to Kosovo but to every athlete to compete, we should warn all IFs that,                   have two years and two different
until this is solved, they should not hold international competitions there.”                  governments with this. But the
                                                                                               World Karate the truth that is the
                                                                                               straw that broke the camel’s back.
In a joint statement on 14 November               always in accordance with the                If the Spanish Government is not
20186, the International Olympic                  Olympic chart and allowing the               in the conditions to guarantee
Committee        (IOC)     and    the             use of its symbols, flags and                the access not only to Kosovo but
Spanish       Olympic     Committee               hymns according to the Olympic               to every athlete to compete, we
“publicly expressed their deepest                 protocol.”                                   should warn all IFs that, until this
satisfaction” with a commitment                                                                is solved, they should not hold
from      Spain’s   foreign    affairs            It also ensures that, in the future,         international competitions there.”
minister Josep Borrell to allow                   they will continue with this
athletes from Kosovo to use their                 “without prejudice” scheme for               Mr Miró’s reaction, who put himself
national symbols, anthem, and flag                their political position not to              forward for Convergència i Unió
while participating in international              recognize “the independence of               (the Puigdemont’s Catalan party) at
sporting events being held in the                 Kosovo.”                                     the local elections in 1987, seems
country.                                                                                       a bit histrionic. An IOC General
                                                  The point that most annoys the               Director should be more prudent
However, hours later through a                    Foreign Ministry is that of granting         and less passionate about politics.
press release, the Spanish Minister               visas: “We deny the reiterated
of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell,                statements by a senior official              Kosovo,    which      declared     its
said that the Spanish Government                  of the International Olympic                 independence from Serbia in 2008,
will raise a formal complaint to                  Committee, according to which                was recognized as a member of the
the IOC to denounce what he                       Spain would have denied the                  International Olympic Committee
considers     “false    information               granting of visas to the Kosovars            (IOC) in 2014, receiving the right to
coming from a high-level IOC                      who participated in the World                participate in international sports
position”, which is groundless, “and              Karate, given that they did not              events as an independent state,
will transfer them” the profound                  request visas from the Spanish               but is not yet a member of the
malaise that these statements                     authorities.”                                United Nations.
have caused to the Spanish
executive. In its statement, the                  The problem emerged at the                   The present situation will not be
Spanish government states that                    World Karate Championships in                rectified until Kosovo and Serbia,
“Spain has allowed and facilitated                Madrid, held at the beginning of             the core republic of former
the participation of Kosovar                      November 2018, a competition                 Yugoslavia,      defy   apparently
athletes in these competitions,                   in which the Kosovo team                     insurmountable differences and
granting visas when requested,                    participated in under the banner             come to a settlement aided
                                                  of the International Federation,             by the United Nations Interim
6    Joint statement of the IOC and the Spanish   unlike the Mediterranean Games in            Administration Mission in Kosovo
     Olympic Committee, 14 November 2018          Tarragona, where the athletes of             (UNMIK).

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To date, 110 countries of the          The IOC has its own skeletons in       Brundage remained IOC President
193 United Nations members             the closet, as discussed below.        until 11 September 1972 and was
recognize      Kosovo       as    an                                          appointed Life Honorary President
independent country. However, of       By the time the Olympics kicked        until his death in 1975.
the ten most populous countries in     off in October 1968 in Mexico City,
the world, seven did not recognize     Dr Martin Luther King Jr. had been     An     official  document      about
the unilateral declaration of          gunned down in April, setting off      Brundage at the IOC website
independence of the southern           riots and halting the Civil Rights     (Historical        Archives-Olympic
Serbian province, including powers     Movement in its tracks. On the         Studies Centre) only says about the
such as China, India, Indonesia,       morning of 16 October, US athlete      above-mentioned facts: “Several
Brazil, Nigeria, Russia, and Mexico.   Tommie Smith won the 200-meter         people criticised Brundage for
                                       race with a world-record time of       being      somewhat      intransigent
On 18 February 2008, Spanish           19.83 seconds and the US’s John        in his positions and in his way
Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel          Carlos won third place with a time     of leading the IOC during these
Moratinos said that Spain would        of 20.10 seconds. They took their      crises. However, everyone agrees
not recognize Kosovo because the       first and third-placed podiums         that he was always faithful to his
declaration of independence did        barefoot and, during the playing       convictions and to defending
not respect international law. He      of the US national anthem, raised      the two major Olympic ideals,
also said that the independence        a single black glove while bowing      i.e. amateurism and the non-
of Kosovo would only be legal if       their heads.                           politicisation of sport.”
it was the result of an agreement
by all sides involved or if there      The then IOC President Avery           Let’s go further in time. In its press
had been a UNSC resolution.            Brundage had supported the             release of 28 February 2017, the
This position seems to be quite        inclusion of apartheid-era South       IOC communicated that, as part
respectful to international law and    Africa in the Olympics and had         of the implementation of Olympic
UN resolutions.                        fought against proposed boycotts       Agenda 2020, it is making specific
                                       of Hitler’s 1936 Games. But after      changes to the 2024 Host City
The argument that “the creation        Carlos and Smith raised their fists,   Contract with regard to human
of States is a matter in principle     it was the black American athletes,    rights,     anti-corruption       and
governed by international law          not the IOC President, who faced       sustainable development. On this
and not left to the discretion of      serious consequences.                  occasion, IOC President Thomas
individual States” may be widely                                              Bach stated that “this latest step
accepted in international legal        They were banned from further          is another reflection of the IOC’s
circles. The radical divergence        Olympic activities by the IOC          commitment to embedding the
of third States in terms of            and the U.S. Olympic Committee.        fundamental values of Olympism
their reactions to the Kosovo          Brundage ordered Smith and Carlos      in all aspects of the Olympic
Declaration would be explained as      be suspended from the US team          Games”.
the result of a deliberate decision    and banned from the Olympic
of a considerable number of States     Village. When the US Olympic           For the moment, the IOC has made
to simply ignore its principles and    Committee      refused,   Brundage     no objections regarding 2022
rules, without suffering any kind of   threatened to ban the entire US        World Cup in Qatar.
sanction as a result.                  track team. This threat led to the
                                       expulsion of the two athletes from     The abuses in Qatar amount
Politics and political banishment      the Games.                             to modern-day slavery, with
in the Olympics date back to its                                              almost one Nepalese immigrant
ancient Greek version. The city-       Brundage, who was president of the     dying each day during the
state of Elis, which controlled the    United States Olympic Committee        summer of 2018 constructing the
ancient games, remained neutral in     in 1936, had made no objections        infrastructure for the 2022 World
disputes and wars. But during the      against Nazi salutes during the        Cup. The International Trade Union
Peloponnesian War in 424 B.C.,         Berlin Olympics. He argued that        Confederation (ITUC) has claimed
Elis sided with Athens and banned      the Nazi salute, being a national      that Qatar’s construction frenzy
Athens’s     rival, Sparta,    from    salute at the time, was acceptable     ahead of the 2022 World Cup is on
competing in the 89th Olympiad.        in a competition of nations, while     course to cost the lives of at least
Given that history, it may be          the athletes’ salute was not of a      4,000 migrant workers before a
that there never was hope of an        nation and therefore unacceptable.     ball is kicked.
Olympic Games devoid of politics.

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FIFA is “taking the matter              Former Real Madrid President Sentenced to 3 years
seriously” but has yet to reveal its    in Prison over Tax Fraud
own plans to monitor the issue. So
far it seems its biggest concern
                                                                                      By Alejandro Pascual
has been the logistical nightmare                                                     Lawyer, Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo
of shifting to a winter schedule                                                      Sports Lawyers
to avoid Qatar’s searing summer                                                       Valencia - Spain
temperatures, a trivial matter in
comparison to the human lives
exploited in the preparation for                                                      ➔➔ National Law – Tax Law – Tax Fraud
                                                                                         – Criminal Law – National courts
the event.

This matter seems a little more                                     Audiencia Provincial de Madrid, section 5, 29 October 2018
serious than the controversial
recognition of a country unilaterally
separated from another; Mr Miró,        Mr Lorenzo Sanz (9 August 1943,             the damage caused towards the
you have the floor…                     Madrid), Real Madrid’s former               Spanish tax authorities.” However,
                                        president from 1995 to 2000                 the   magistrates     in   question
                                        after losing the elections against          recognized that, although Mr Sanz
                                        Mr Florentino Perez, has been               admitted the facts and his fault,
                                        sentenced to three years in prison          such fact could not be taken as
                                        and the payment of a fine of                a mitigating circumstance since
                                        EUR 1,250,000 for deceiving the             “a late confession used as a
                                        Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia                 strategical argument of defense in
                                        Estatal de la Administración                order to mitigate a judgment, shall
                                        Tributaria - AEAT) by failing               not be taken into consideration.”
                                        to declare part of his earnings
                                        in his Personal Income Tax                  Ms Durán was also considered
                                        corresponding to the years 2008             as directly responsible for the
                                        and 2009.                                   fraud committed by her husband,
                                                                                    which is why the court ordered
                                        The national courts in Madrid               her to bear in equal shares the
                                        recently issued, on 29 October              compensation of EUR 1,250,000
                                        2018, a decision considering that           that Mr Sanz must pay to the
                                        Mr Sanz “intentionally” failed              Spanish Tax Agency. The court
                                        to declare an income of almost              concluded that Ms Durán, being
                                        EUR 6,000,000 in his declaration            married to Mr Sanz under a profit
                                        on the Personal Income Tax in the           regime, was directly benefitted
                                        said two years "to obtain an illicit        from her husband’s fraud, although
                                        tax benefit."                               she was only condemned to the
                                                                                    payment of the economic penalty
                                        The criminal acts proven by the             without imprisonment, since the
                                        Spanish Court reveal that Sanz              magistrates discarded her being
                                        and his wife, Ms María Luz Durán            unaware of the defrauding attitude
                                        Muñoz, hid more than EUR 465,000            of her husband as well as her
                                        in labor income, EUR 5,300,000              not having any decision-making
                                        in profits obtained from its                capacity in the tax declarations of
                                        assets and over EUR 250,000 that            the years 2008 and 2009.
                                        entered into his bank accounts and
                                        was never justified.                        Mr Sanz and his wife have been facing
                                                                                    a tough process, which began on
                                        The Spanish courts mitigated the            20 June 2014 and where the State’s
                                        sentence due the fact that Mr Sanz,         Attorney and the Prosecutor where
                                        by establishing mortgages over the          requesting sentences of four and
                                        assets of his sons and daughters,           over five years of imprisonment,
                                        “tried its best efforts to repair           respectively.

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As a final remark, it is worth           of the referees in the context           to consider the referees as the
recalling that another procedure         of their relationship with the           employees is not controversial and
has been opened against Mr Sanz          correspondent sports association         is answered without doubts.
for an alleged crime of insolvency       but rather from the point of view
punishable as well under the             of the application of the law on the
Spanish courts. It appears that          income tax to their remuneration
the Unit of Economic and Fiscal          and benefits in kind.
Crime of the National Police
(Udef) is investigating Mr Sanz          Thus, the Tax Authorities state
for an alleged crime of money            that the Article 17.1 of the
laundering,     after    detecting       Law no. 35/2006, of 28 November
deviations of money to tax havens        2006, on the Income Tax of
of more than EUR 13,000,000.             natural    persons     defines     the
                                         income from employment as
                                         "all remuneration or income,
                                         whatever its denomination or
                                         nature is, monetary or in kind, that
The Spanish Tax                          derives, directly or indirectly, from
authorities consider the                 personal work or from the labour
                                         or statutory relationship and does
referees as employees
                                         not have the nature of the income
By Iván Bykovskyi                        from economic activities."
Lawyer, Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo
Sports Lawyers
Valencia - Spain                         The Tax Authorities note that, on
                                         the other hand, the Article 27.1 of
➔➔    National Law – Tax Law – Referee
                                         the same Law conceptualizes the
                                         income from economic activities
                                         as "the income that comes from
                                         combined personal work and
                                         capital, or from only one of these
                                         factors, and supposes from the
                                         taxpayer the correspondent orders
                                         on his own account of means of
                                         production and human resources
                                         or any of them, with the purpose
                                         of intervening in the production or
                                         distribution of goods or services."

                                         According to both legal definitions,
The Spanish Tax Authorities have         the Tax Authorities qualify, again
recently issued a document in the        only for the purposes of the
form of a consultation7 where it         Personal Income Tax, as income
responded to whether the football        from employment the remuneration
referees should be considered            earned by the referees of the
as employees or self-employed            corresponding sports federations
persons. The debates over this           for the realization of their
issue are ongoing in the Spanish         functions, since the organization
legal society, however, the answer       on their own account does not
was given only for the purposes of       exist. The same applies for the
the income tax of the referees.          means of production and human
                                         resources, or one of both, as the
It should be noted that the Tax          factor creating the income based
Authorities did not consider the         on the economic activities.
question of the employment
                                         Thus, at least in the eyes of the Tax
                                         authorities of Spain, the question

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