The Slow Assessment Movement: Using Homegrown Rubrics and Capstone Projects for DIY Information Literacy Assessment

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The Slow Assessment Movement:
Using Homegrown Rubrics
and Capstone Projects for DIY
Information Literacy Assessment
Darcy Gervasio, Kimberly Detterbeck, and Rebecca Oling

          This paper will explore how librarians at Purchase College leveraged ideas from the slow move-
          ment and authentic assessment to design a rubric to assess information literacy skills in senior proj-
          ects. We will discuss how we normed and tested the rubric and share the next steps in this process.

Introduction:                                                    find a means to measure student success, standard-
Purchase College was established in the late 1960s               ized tests initially seemed like the fastest, most con-
by then Governor Nelson Rockefeller as a landmark                venient, most “measurable” option. During the
campus within the SUNY system that could marry the               2010–2011 academic year, the Library’s Assessment
liberal and creative arts. Born of that perspective, the         Working Group compared several commercial tools
college has long required students to create “senior             for programmatic level assessment of students’ infor-
projects.” A college-wide requirement for both bach-             mation literacy skills, including Information Literacy
elors of arts and science degrees, the senior project is         Test (ILT), Project SAILS, and iSkills by ETS. Our
the capstone and hallmark of the Purchase education-             analysis determined that the one-size-fits-all nature
al experience; many projects cross disciplines with              of these third-party assessments did not reflect the re-
unique results. Students devote two semesters to an              search experience of students using Purchase College
in-depth, original, creative study. These research arti-         Library resources.2
facts provide evidence of how graduating seniors use                  Standardized tests for information literacy assess-
information and demonstrate research skills. Since               ment are also challenging to implement longitudi-
1973, the Purchase College Library has collected, ar-            nally. Working with the College Writing program, the
chived, and cataloged senior projects from the School            Library could easily recruit freshmen to take a stan-
of Liberal Arts and Sciences.1 Since they are archived           dardized test, but it would be significantly more diffi-
in the Library (or, more recently, online), senior proj-         cult for the Library to recruit seniors to participate in
ects are easy for librarians to access.                          such an assessment without a broader campus-wide
     Despite easy access to senior projects, when the            curricular mandate.3 Without a mandate, assessment
Library’s Assessment Working Group was asked to                  of seniors would rely on self-selected volunteers and

Darcy Gervasio is Reference and Instruction Librarian, Purchase College, e-mail:; Kimberly
Detterbeck is Art Librarian, Purchase College, e-mail:; Rebecca Oling, Coordinator of
Instruction and Literature Librarian, Purchase College, e-mail:

722                                                          Darcy Gervasio, Kimberly Detterbeck, and Rebecca Oling

      therefore diminish the authenticity of our results. We           namism of the information age. The secret is
      needed meaningful data based on actual student re-               balance: instead of doing everything faster, do
      search products, not test scores, in order to fully and          everything at the right speed. Sometimes fast.
      practically assess the level of information literacy             Sometimes slow. Sometimes somewhere in be-
      skills demonstrated by Purchase College students. We             tween. Being Slow means never rushing, never
      needed something local and more authentic. And we                striving to save time just for the sake of it. It
      had that in front of us in our senior projects. As an            means remaining calm and unflustered even
      alternative to testing, we developed a rubric-based as-          when circumstances force us to speed up.7
      sessment of senior projects.
                                                                        The philosophy of Slow has been applied to food,
      Authentic Assessment & Slow                                  travel, work, sex, architecture, parenting, fashion, web
      Assessment                                                   design, technology, reading, and education. The Slow
      Focusing on senior projects was a natural fit for us.        Movement is making small inroads into Library and
      Not only were they easy for librarians to access, but        Information Science as well. A 2014 Delphi study of
      they represent the culmination of a student’s under-         seventeen librarians concluded that Slow principles
      graduate education. Each project is created within the       are useful as a user-centric lens for understanding
      student’s own discipline, and students often use these       information-seeking behavior: “Slow may be better
      to market themselves to employers after graduation.          seen as a focus on speed and choice, in information
      Authentic assessment, as defined by Gulikers, is as-         terms” and on “the power that an individual has, par-
      sessment that requires students to “use the same com-        ticularly in the context of everyday life, to choose [re-
      petencies, or combinations of knowledge, skills, and         search] options according to reflectively determined
      attitudes, that they need to apply in the criterion situ-    need, rather than being swayed by conventional soci-
      ation in professional life.”4 Sometimes called “perfor-      etal forces.”8 The focus on choice and socio-economic
      mance or direct assessment,” authentic assessment is         forces recalls the values in the “threshold concepts”
      distinguished from standardized testing because stu-         that form the basis for ACRL’s revised Framework for
      dents “actually demonstrate skills rather than answer        Information Literacy in Higher Education, suggesting
      questions about them.”5                                      that Slow principles have much relevance to librarian-
           Authentic assessment dovetails perfectly with the       ship today.
      principles of the Slow Movement which focus on re-                The common threads in Slow Reading, Slow Edu-
      flection, choice, leveraging local assets, and resisting     cation, and Slow Technology are reflection, choice,
      cultural pressures to hurry. The Slow Movement has           and meeting local or individual needs. Slow Technol-
      its origins in the Slow Food Movement. Begun in Italy        ogy seeks to counter technological determinism and
      in 1989, Slow Food resists fast food and “fast life,” the    the better, faster, stronger mentality which have driven
      over-industrialization and obsession with speed that         information technology (IT) development for years
      afflicts many Western nations.6 The Slow Movement            and have lead to planned obsolescence and a culture
      rejects this “cult of efficiency” and “time sickness” in     that is always on. Instead, Slow Tech proponents ad-
      favor of doing things at a more natural pace. Yet it is      vocate clean, sustainable IT driven by careful reflec-
      not necessarily about doing everything slowly. As Carl       tion.9 Similarly, Slow Education emphasizes reflective
      Honoré explains in his seminal book In Praise of Slow-       learning. Arguing for reforms to accelerated nursing
      ness:                                                        education programs, Sellman points out that “ideas of
                                                                   Slow are consistent with much that is known about
          [T]he Slow movement offers [a] middle path,              learning. It is known that students learn in different
          a recipe for marrying la dolce vita with the dy-         ways and at different speeds.”10 Sellman recommends

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building time for reflection into nursing curricula            Defining Slow Assessment
and valuing quality over quantity. “Slow encourages            Drawing on the ideas of the Slow Movement, par-
a step back from haste in all things, a re-appraisal of        ticularly Slow Technology, Slow Reading, and Slow
the obsession with quantity towards the appreciation           Education, we offer Slow Assessment as a model
of quality.”11 Ashworth explains that it’s important for       that emphasizes reflection, choice, and meeting lo-
K-12 teacher education programs to set aside time for          cal needs to provide more meaningful evaluations
contemplation and deliberation as well; she laments            of library services and students’ research skills and
“standardized degrees” and how the rigid nature of             to combat the corporatization of higher education.
teacher training programs in North America “mimic              Slow Assessment embraces reflection throughout the
the structure and speed of the business world.”12 Berg         process. Common pitfalls such as poorly-construct-
and Seeber address similar concerns from the per-              ed surveys and a failure to “close the loop” can result
spective of university faculty in their empowering ar-         from rushed planning and opting for the quickest,
ticle about Slow principles in higher education: “By           most convenient path, often compounded by outside
taking time for deliberation, reflection, and dialogue,        pressures and deadlines set by administrators or ac-
the Slow Professor takes back the intellectual life of         creditation bodies. Program-level assessment in uni-
the university.”13                                             versities is often treated as a series of hoops to jump
     Slow Education and Slow Reading proponents op-            through so administrators can check boxes to ensure
pose standardized testing and “teaching to the test” and       a program is meeting bare-bones requirements. Slow
seek to combat the McDonaldization of education.14 In          Education advocates object to this corporate mental-
a widely cited critique of No Child Left Behind, Mau-          ity which prizes fast metrics over reflective, meaning-
rice Holt compared the standardization of education            ful evaluation. These pressures lead libraries to resort
with the “deterministic thinking that governs the pro-         to cursory, easily quantifiable metrics like gate counts,
duction of fast food.”15 In Holt’s view, “between the pre-     circulation stats, website hits, or raw numbers of in-
cision of tests and the raw variety of classroom life lies a   struction sessions taught. Such data can be useful, but
vast gulf ” that is not as easy to quantify as administra-     data alone does not reflect the true mission and value
tors might like.16 In his book on Slow Reading, Thomas         of a library in the life of its users.
Newkirk warns against timed tests and assessing for                 When librarians try to conduct more meaningful
its own sake and addresses the hidden values students          assessments or research studies, they are often ham-
learn through standardized test preparation: “We all           pered by the same problems Berg and Seeber iden-
want our students to do well on tests, but how many of         tify: time poverty, competing responsibilities, work-
us know what values underlie these tests? … Compre-            life balance, workplace stress, outside deadlines, and
hension becomes identical to doing well on this test;          lack of space for reflection and professional develop-
the test, rather than being built on a value system, be-       ment.18 As a result, many libraries turn to one-size-
comes the value system. We become our numbers.”17              fits-all commercial tools or tests for assessing public
     Slow Education advocates are not against all as-          services and information literacy, which may not be
sessment. After all, educators need to know whether            the best fit for their specific institution’s culture or as-
their teaching methods are working and students are            sessment goals. Even when an assessment is home-
learning. Reflective papers, experiential learning, and        grown, the pressure to be efficient can lead librarians
capstone projects are the preferred assignments of the         to deploy hastily-crafted online surveys rather than
Slow Education movement; however, little has been              take the time necessary to construct a proper research
written on how Slow principles can help educators be-          study. Berg and Seeber remind us that “efficiency”
come better assessors or what Slow Assessment might            was originally a corporate value and argue that “[s]
look like.                                                     tandardization loses sight of the open-endedness of

                                                                       March 25–28, 2015, Portland, Oregon
724                                                        Darcy Gervasio, Kimberly Detterbeck, and Rebecca Oling

      intellectual inquiry. The consumerism that has taken        laying the foundation deliberately and with care, we
      hold in higher education propels the belief that time is    are creating sustainable assessment practices at Pur-
      money, resulting in superficial learning.”19                chase College that can be adapted and enriched for
            Slow principles give librarians and instructors       years to come.
      the choice to resist the cultural temptation to speed
      through assessment and assess for its own sake. Slow        Developing the Rubric: Mapping to
      Assessment does not mean librarians have to be less         Standards
      efficient; it means you can choose to assess at a speed     We began developing the Senior Project Information
      that is appropriate for your library, students, sched-      Literacy Skills Assessment rubric (SPILSA) in 2011.
      ules, resources, and staff. It promotes reflection and      Although SUNY has an “information management”
      quality over quantity. The first step is giving yourself    requirement for all campuses, this is generically de-
      permission to be slow and deliberate. You will likely       fined, and Purchase College does not currently have
      still have outside deadlines, but Slow Assessment lets      any campus-wide assessment of students’ information
      you focus on the choices you do have. Within imposed        literacy competencies.22 Because of the lack of local
      limitations, librarians can still choose which skills to    standards and our desire to assess Purchase College
      assess, which methods to employ, which standards or         graduates against current national standards, we used
      learning outcomes will underpin an assessment. A            ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards
      Slow mindset can help you work through setbacks by          for Higher Education as the basis for our rubric.23 We
      allowing you to strive for balance and focus on what’s      identified the most measurable criteria in the ACRL
      most important to your library.                             Standards, matching our rubric categories and bench-
            In addition to reflection and choice, Slow Assess-    marks to specific standards, indicators, and outcomes.
      ment is about thinking locally. The Slow Food move-         Our final criteria include: presence of a thesis state-
      ment focuses on sustainability and local agriculture.       ment, authority of references, variety of references,
      Exemplified by the farmer’s market, “eating local” re-      consistency of attribution, quality of citations (in text
      duces pollution, prizes freshness, and connects farm-       & works cited), ability to paraphrase/summarize/
      ers and eaters.20 Likewise, Slow Assessment involves        quote effectively, integration of resources to support
      tapping into a library’s local assets. Adapt your assess-   a thesis, overall organization of content, and limita-
      ment strategy to the needs, weaknesses, and strengths       tions of research. For each criterion, the SPILSA ru-
      of your library and your campus—exploit the unique          bric defines the attributes a senior project must have
      quirks of your institution rather than forcing yourself     to meet a minimum level of competency in informa-
      to conform to a cookie-cutter, standardized tool. Lo-       tion literacy.24 In our benchmarks, we are looking for
      cal factors will dictate the speed with which you plan      a basic level of competency in information literacy,
      and conduct assessments, but there is no right or           not full mastery or evidence of exhaustive graduate-
      wrong speed. The tempo guisto is one that allows you,       level research. The rubric reflects this by using the
      your colleagues, your library, and your institution         benchmarks “exceeds expectations,” “meets expecta-
      ample time to reflect, plan, and carry out a thought-       tions,” “meets some expectations,” and “meets few or
      ful assessment that will yield usable data and meet         no expectations.”
      your most important goals.21 In the end, it may take             In 2012, the Assessment Working Group won a
      the Purchase College Library assessment team several        campus wide assessment award for our efforts. The
      months or several years to complete our rubric assess-      Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Direc-
      ment, but we believe the process of Slow Assessment         tor of Assessment took an interest in our project and
      will provide richer results that are usable and sustain-    asked us to revise the rubric to adhere to SUNY’s
      able while avoiding staff burnout. We hope that by          system-wide student learning outcomes, particularly

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those related to critical thinking. We strove to balance     tionally, the ACRL Information Literacy Standards
the needs of the library with the desires of campus ad-      are not obviously exemplified in creative works, mak-
ministration. The result was a compromise: we added          ing assessment via the SPILSA rubric less applicable.
a column to our rubric tying each of our existing crite-          To compile an anonymous random sample of
ria to SUNY’s Student Learning Outcomes. This is an          projects for review, we drew from our 2011-2012
example of a “slow assessment” mindset in practice:          Moodle repository because it was readily accessible to
rather than completely rework our rubric, we mapped          us in a digital format. We attempted to represent a mix
our rubric to fit administrators’ needs in keeping with      of disciplines but were not concerned about having an
our values and goals.                                        equal number of projects from each discipline.27 To
     Although the revised Framework for Information          avoid biasing the raters, we trained student workers
Literacy for Higher Education is still under review at       to choose every third project in the Moodle archive
the time of publication, academic librarians are clear-      and redact all identifying information. This process
ly moving towards a “threshold concepts” approach            produced a random sample of 130 anonymous senior
to information literacy instruction which focuses on         projects, which were uploaded to Dropbox.
“core concepts with flexible options for implementa-              Recognizing the importance of norming the ru-
tion” rather than “any prescriptive enumeration of           bric, we used a random number generator (www.ran-
skills.”25 While we support this approach, instruction to choose a test sample of ten senior projects
librarians still need to be able to measure skill acquisi-   from our larger sample. Each project was scored by all
tion through authentic assessments. We feel the SPIL-        three of us; we then calculated basic correlations for
SA rubric allows us to look at student work as a whole       each of the nine rubric criteria. As a result of this first
and as a practical artifact of learning. As Megan Oak-       test, which took place in 2013, we revised the phrasing
leaf explains, “by articulating exactly what librarians      of certain rubric items. We also converted the rubric
are looking for in student achievement of outcomes           into a Google form to facilitate scoring and added the
at each stage in the student journey, rubrics ensure a       exact definitions of each benchmark to the form.
more valid approach to assessment. When rubrics are               In 2014, we conducted a second round of testing,
‘normed’ or calibrated for use by multiple raters, they      using the revised rubric to score a random sample
also lead to reliable assessment results.”26 We believe      of twenty senior projects. Each of the three librar-
there is room for both flexibility and norming within        ians scored each project. To measure interrater reli-
the new Framework for Information Literacy because           ability, i.e. consistency and agreement among scorers,
it aims to make information literacy instruction—            we calculated the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
and, by extension, assessment—more localized and             (ICC) for each of the nine rubric criteria and for the
customizable.                                                average score for each senior project.28 The ICC test
                                                             corrects for chance and measures agreement among
Testing the Rubric                                           three or more raters who use the same set of crite-
We chose to assess only research-based senior proj-          ria to assess the same group of subjects.29 In SPSS, we
ects from the humanities, social sciences, and natu-         ran a two-way random effects ICC test on the total
ral sciences. We did not include senior projects from        score, average score, and each of the nine rubric cri-
art and design (painting, drawing, graphic design,           teria.30 The single measures ICC for the average score
printmaking, sculpture, and new media) or conser-            was 0.725, suggesting an acceptable level of agreement
vatory programs (music, dance, theater arts, creative        among the three raters. According to Landers, “ICC
writing) because these majors do not always have a           tends to be low if you are assessing any…constructs
written, research component or require students to           with only single items each.”31 In other words, because
submit senior projects to the Library archive. Addi-         of our small sample size and relatively low number of

                                                                     March 25–28, 2015, Portland, Oregon
726                                                        Darcy Gervasio, Kimberly Detterbeck, and Rebecca Oling

      variables (only nine rubric criteria, each assessing a      the curriculum. Based on the data we gather from
      different skill), calculating ICC for the overall average   SPILSA, which can be broken down by board of study
      scores, rather than each individual rubric criterion, is    (department) and by academic year, the Assessment
      a more accurate measure of our interrater agreement.        Working Group can identify where Purchase seniors
      For this reason, the ICC for individual criteria such as    excel and where there is room for improvement. This
      “Attribution” or “Addresses Thesis” is lower than for       information can be used by the Library to adjust our
      the overall average score. Landers explains that “for       research instruction session curricula. Individual
      ‘practical decisions’ like grades, the reliability level    boards of study could also use the results of this as-
      recommended by Nunnally is 0.8 to 0.9. In practice,         sessment to build information literacy education into
      that’s obviously quite rare.”32 Generally speaking, an      the curriculum for their majors and senior project
      ICC of 0.7 is considered a minimum acceptable level         students. We expect the SPILSA data will help us in
      of interrater agreement for research purposes.33            our outreach efforts so that we will better understand
           While the testing process has taken many months,       which courses and boards of study need more guid-
      especially since all three librarians are working around    ance in supporting juniors and seniors’ research skills.
      our primary reference and instruction duties, we feel            The Library Assessment Working Group will
      that taking the time now to assure interrater reliability   assess a sample of senior projects from various dis-
      will help us reach our long-term goals of creating a        ciplines, but individual boards of study can also use
      rubric assessment that can be implemented for years         the SPILSA rubric to assess a larger number of senior
      to come. Adopting a Slow Assessment mindset has             projects within their major(s). We envision that sub-
      allowed us to avoid cutting corners and develop this        ject liaison librarians will partner with boards of study
      rubric at a pace that is both deliberate and feasible.      to implement SPILSA and produce results tailored to
                                                                  a particular major or discipline. Thanks to Moodle
      Implementing the Rubric: Next Steps                         Rubrics, SPILSA could easily be integrated into an in-
      Given the promising results of the second round of          dividual instructor’s grading process for senior proj-
      testing, our next step is to conduct a frame-of-ref-        ects—or research projects in other courses—on an
      erencing session to unify the mental models of each         ongoing, sustainable basis.34
      of the three raters. We will compare papers with the             In the future, we hope SPILSA can go beyond se-
      highest degree of disagreement and come to a consen-        nior projects. Our rubric could be adapted by indi-
      sus on the “right” score. We will also choose “anchor       vidual boards of study to determine students’ infor-
      papers” as examples of senior projects that exceed,         mation literacy competency levels at different points
      meet, meet some, and meet no expectations. This pro-        during students’ progression through their major.
      cess of norming will allow each librarian to score a        Because the information literacy standards in the ru-
      separate set of senior projects with high confidence in     bric are general enough to apply to most undergrad-
      the consistency of our grading. Once we have finished       uate-level research projects, the SPILSA rubric could
      norming the rubric, we will assess a full set of 100 ran-   also be used to assess information literacy skills using
      domized, anonymous senior projects. Ultimately, we          research papers of students in introductory courses,
      believe our data will show to what degree Purchase          junior seminars, or senior seminars. While boards
      College seniors meet minimum national information           of study have their own student learning outcomes,
      literacy competency standards as defined by ACRL.           SPILSA specifically focuses on the information litera-
           The Library is hopeful that data gathered from         cy component and can therefore complement broader
      SPILSA will help inform and hone our instructional          or discipline-specific assessment plans. The data gath-
      approach in information literacy sessions and further       ered from SPILSA could help a board of study de-
      our mission to more fully embed our support across          velop a curriculum that embeds information literacy

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into key classes throughout the major, ensuring that          presentations, or other research artifacts for authentic
seniors are better prepared for their senior project re-      assessment. For example, Purchase College librarians
search as well as life after college.                         recently shared our rubric with colleagues at Manhat-
     Thinking long-term, we hope to use the SPILSA            tan College. Manhattan College does not have an insti-
rubric to compare senior work with research papers            tutional repository of capstone projects, but librarians
submitted by freshmen. This comparison will provide           are heavily embedded in the Communications depart-
a longitudinal picture and further our understand-            ment and are able to obtain a set of final papers from
ing of Purchase students’ retention of, improvement           those courses to assess.
in, and acquisition of information literacy skills over            Identifying potential allies inside and outside
time. This information could lead to a campus-wide            the library can help make authentic, slow assessment
set of tiered, minimum competencies for information           seem less daunting. Many campuses have an assess-
literacy at each level (freshman, sophomore, junior,          ment office or office of institutional research that can
senior). The Library hopes that by sharing the results        assist with data analysis. You can also reach out to
of this assessment, we will bring attention to the im-        individual faculty members and statisticians who are
portance of information literacy instruction at Pur-          willing to partner with you. At Purchase, we adapted
chase College, both inside the Library and in various         our rubric to campus-wide student learning outcomes
boards of study.                                              through our collaboration with the Associate Provost.
                                                              Eventually, we plan to use the Library’s existing part-
Sharing the Rubric: Making it Local                           nership with the College Writing program to apply
Any library can embrace the principles of Slow As-            the SPILSA rubric to freshman research papers, com-
sessment and create meaningful, authentic assess-             paring the results to our senior project assessment for
ments that fit local needs. We encourage other librar-        a longitudinal view.
ies to adapt our rubric and embrace Slow Assessment                Finally, Slow Assessment gives you permission to
by keeping it local, collaborating with key allies on         take time to reflect on what is right for your staff, your
campus, and giving yourself permission to be slow             students, and your library. Our assessment team made
and reflective.                                               concessions to the Provost’s agenda, but we tried to
     Local needs, assets, staffing, and resources will dif-   remain true to our core goal of gathering usable, au-
fer from library to library, but you can leverage your        thentic data that can be used long-term to improve in-
strengths to create sustainable, local assessment. Some       formation literacy instruction. When you find your-
libraries may not have access to senior theses, but they      self under pressure from external forces, try to remain
may offer credit-bearing information literacy courses         focused on your overarching goal. If that means scal-
where standardized information literacy tests could be        ing down an assessment, assessing a smaller sample of
deployed thoughtfully and effectively. One library may        research artifacts, or assessing fewer or more targeted
have a designated assessment librarian, while another         learning outcomes, so be it. Slowing down and look-
may need to assemble a team of librarians whose pri-          ing beyond inauthentic, standardized assessments in
mary duties lie elsewhere. Some campuses may have             favor of a reflective, continuous, ever-growing Slow
librarians embedded in junior-level research methods          Assessment model can foster a “culture of assessment”
courses who could ask instructors for student papers,         at your library in a more sustainable, deliberate way.

                                                                     March 25–28, 2015, Portland, Oregon
                                         Senior Projects Information Literacy Skills Assessment Rubric. Purchase College Library

ACRL 2015
            ACRL       SUNY Learning             Performance    Exceeds                    Meets Expectations        Meets Some                Meets Few or No
            Standard   Outcome                                  Expectations (4)           (3)                       Expectations (2)          Expectations (1)
            1.1.b      SLO 1: Students will      Thesis         "Writer presents easily    Clear and concise      Defines a thesis             Unclear or absent
                       produce coherent          Statement      identifiable, focused,     thesis statement based statement based on           thesis statement or
                       texts within common                      and original thesis        on information need    information need (it is      research question
                       college level forms.                     statement based on                                present, but may not
                       ("Writer presents an                     information need"                                 be clear and concise)
                       easily identifiable and
                       focused controlling
                       purpose or thesis.")
            1.2.b      SLO 9: Students will      Authority of   All references are peer-   References are            Although most             Most of the references
                       locate, evaluate, and     References     reviewed professional      primarily peer-           of the references         are from sources that
                       synthesize information                   journals or other          reviewed professional     are professionally        are not peer-reviewed
                       from a variety of                        discipline appropriate     journals or other         legitimate, a few are     and have uncertain
                       sources ("all sources                    sources                    discipline appropriate    questionable within       reliability
                       are of good quality,                                                sources                   that discipline (e.g.,
                       well-selected and                                                                             trade books, internet
                       appropriate to the                                                                            sources, popular
                       topic")                                                                                       magazines, …).
            1.2.b      SLO 9: Students will      Variety of     Uses a mix of sources,     Uses a mix of sources,    Too heavily relies on     Uses only one type of
                       locate evaluate and       References     appropriate to the         Does not rely too         one source or source      reference or obtains
                       synthesize information                   discipline, and            heavily on one source     type (as appropriate to   all references from one
                       forma variety of                         balances use of these      or source type            discipline)               source (i.e. all articles
                       sources ( "student                       sources and source                                                             from the same journal
                       has located adequate                     types throughout                                                               or same author)
                       information from a
                       variety of print and
                       electronic sources.")
            2.5.c      SLO 3: Students           Attribution    Attribution is clear in    Attribution is clear in   Occasional attribution,   Little to no attribution.
                       will research a                          all cases. Source of       most cases. Source of     but many statements       Reader is confused
                       topic, develop an                        ideas and information      ideas and information     seem unsubstantiated.     about the source of
                       argument, and                            is always identified.      is mostly identified.     Source of ideas           ideas and information.
                       organize supporting                                                                           and information is
                       details. ("carefully                                                                          sometimes identified.
                       documented sources
                                                                                                                                                                           Darcy Gervasio, Kimberly Detterbeck, and Rebecca Oling

                       in an accepted style")
2.5.c   SLO 3: Students           "Quality of     All in-text and            Most in-text and           Some in-text and          Most in-text and
                                              will research a           Citations (in   bibliographic citations    bibliographic citations    bibliographic citations   bibliographic citations
                                              topic, develop an         text            are complete and           are complete and           are incomplete/           are incomplete/
                                              argument, and             & works         consistent                 consistent                 inconsistent              inconsistent
                                              organize supporting       cited)"
                                              details. ("carefully
                                              documented sources
                                              in an accepted style")
                                      3.1.b   SLO 3: Connects           Paraphrasing,   Expertly (in both          Adequately                 Does not consistently     Does not summarize,
                                              paraphrases and           summarizing,    quality and quantity)      summarizes,                summarize,                paraphrase, or quote
                                              quotations to the         quoting         summarizes,                paraphrases, or quotes     paraphrase, or quote,     in order to integrate
                                              larger thesis. SLO                        paraphrases, or quotes     in order to integrate      and does not always       the work of others into
                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Slow Assessment Movement

                                              9: "[Sources] are                         in order to integrate      the work of others         select appropriate        their own
                                              consistently well-                        the work of others         into their own (ex: are    method for integrating
                                              integrated into the                       into their own (ex: are    graphs, tables, and        the work of others into
                                              paper"                                    graphs, tables, and        other images well          their own
                                                                                        other images well          integrated)
                                      3.7.a   SLO 3: "conclusions       Addresses       All parts of paper         Most parts of paper        Some goals of thesis      The goals (if any)
                                              demonstrate writer's      & relates       relate to thesis           relate to thesis           are not met. Some         outlined in the
                                              conscious attempts        to thesis       statement in a             statement in a             parts of paper don't      introduction are not
                                              to integrate his or her   statement       meaningful way.            meaningful way.            relate back to thesis.    met. Reader unclear
                                              own thinking with an      and research                                                                                    what conclusions are
                                              analysis of outside       question                                                                                        drawn
                                      4.7.a   SLO 6: Students will   Limitations of     Substantively             Discusses limitations of    May mention, but          Does not address any
                                              identify, analyze, and Research           discusses limitations of research and outlines        does not substantively    limitations of research
                                              evaluate arguments                        research and outlines     areas of further inquiry.   address limitations       or outline any areas for
                                              as they occur in their                    areas of further inquiry.                             of research or outline    further research.
                                              own and others'                                                                                 areas for further
                                              work.. SLO 7: Students                                                                          inquiry.
                                              will develop well-
                                              reasoned arguments
                                      4.1.a   "SLO 3: Students       Organization       Organizes content in a     Organizes content          Organizes content in a    Does not organize
                                              will research a topic, of Content         manner that expertly       in a manner that           manner that somewhat      content in a manner
                                              develop an argument,                      supports the thesis.       adequately supports        supports the thesis.      that supports the
                                              and organize                              Always provides            the thesis. Generally      Provides some             thesis. Lacks clear or
                                              supporting details.                       clear and meaningful       provides clear             transitions or sections   meaningful transitions
                                              SLO 7: Students will                      transitions or sections.   transitions or sections.   but not consistently.     or sections.
                                              develop well-reasoned

March 25–28, 2015, Portland, Oregon
730                                                                 Darcy Gervasio, Kimberly Detterbeck, and Rebecca Oling

      Notes                                                                17.   Newkirk, The Art of Slow Reading, 12.
       1. The Library has a small selection of senior projects from the    18.   Berg and Seeber, “The Slow Professor,” 1-7.
          School of the Arts, but these are not collected with consis-     19.   Berg and Seeber, “The Slow Professor,” 5.
          tency.                                                           20.   Honoré, In Praise of Slowness. Portinari, “The Slow Food
       2. For example, on one standardized test, the correct answer              Manifesto.”
          for where one goes to look for a journal title was the li-       21.   Honoré uses the Italian expression “tempo guisto” meaning
          brary’s catalog. In our case, only current print subscriptions         “the right speed” to define the Slow Movement.
          are listed in our OPAC. We must access updated journal           22.   According to SUNY’s Information Management Com-
          information through our “eJournals by Title” link off the              petency, “students will…perform the basic operations of
          library’s homepage.                                                    personal computer use; understand and use basic research
       3. College Writing is a required freshman course that includes            techniques; and locate, evaluate and synthesize informa-
          a research paper and a library workshop. Librarians at                 tion from a variety of sources.” Office of the Provost, State
          Purchase College work closely with administrators and                  University of New York, “Guidelines for the Approval of
          instructors in this program.                                           State University General Education Requirement Courses,”
       4. Judith Gulikers, “A Five-Dimensional Framework for                     SUNY, last modified September 9, 2010, http://system.suny.
          Authentic Assessment: EBSCOhost,” Educational Technol-                 edu/media/suny/content-assets/documents/academic-af-
          ogy Research & Development 52, no. 3 (2004): 69. For a                 fairs/general-education/GenedCourseGuidelines_20120530.
          complete literature review on authentic assessment, please             pdf
          see Gulikers, “A Five-Dimensional Framework” and Carol           23.   Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL),
          Perruso Brown and Barbara Kingsley-Wilson, “Assessing                  “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher
          Organically: Turning an Assignment into an Assessment,”                Education,” ACRL, February 2004,
          Reference Services Review 38, no. 4 (2010): 536–56.                    standards/informationliteracycompetency.
       5. Brown and Kingsley-Wilson, “Assessing Organically,” 538.         24.   To view the SPILSA rubric, please see Appendix A or visit
       6. Folco Portinari, “The Slow Food Manifesto,” Slow Food,       
          December 10, 1989,             25.   Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL),
          eng/manifesto.lasso.                                                   “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Educa-
       7. Carl Honoré, In Praise of Slowness : How a Worldwide                   tion,” ACRL, February 2, 2015,
          Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed (San Francisco:              standards/ilframework.
          HarperOne, 2004), 275.                                           26.   Megan Oakleaf, “A Roadmap for Assessing Student Learn-
       8. Elizabeth Poirier and Lyn Robinson, “Slow Delphi: An                   ing Using the New Framework for Information Literacy for
          Investigation into Information Behaviour and the Slow                  Higher Education,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 40,
          Movement,” Journal of Information Science 40, no. 1 ( 2014):           no. 5 (2014): 513. For a detailed explanation of assessment
          95.                                                                    rubrics, please see Megan Oakleaf, “Using Rubrics to Assess
       9. Norberto Patrignani and Diane Whitehouse, “Slow Tech: A                Information Literacy: An Examination of Methodology and
          Quest for Good, Clean and Fair ICT,” Journal of Informa-               Interrater Reliability, Journal of the American Society for In-
          tion, Communication & Ethics in Society 12, no. 2 (2014):              formation Science and Technology 60, no. 5 (2009): 969-983.
          78–92.                                                           27.   In 2011-2012, students submitted senior projects electroni-
      10. Derek Sellman, “Does the Slow Movement Have Anything                   cally as PDFs to a locally-developed repository in Moodle,
          to Offer Nursing Education?” Nurse Education Today 34, no.             our learning management system. Disciplines included in
          12 (2014): 1415.                                                       our assessment are: art history, arts management, anthro-
      11. Ibid.                                                                  pology, cinema studies, economics, environmental studies,
      12. Elizabeth Ashworth, “Slow and Local: A Re-Vision of                    history, literature, psychology, and sociology.
          Teacher Education in Ontario,” Journal of Unschooling &          28.   The authors thank Dr. Amy H. Gervasio, Dr. Craig Wen-
          Alternative Learning 8, no. 15 (2014): 71.                             dorf, and Dr. Richard N. Landers for their invaluable as-
      13. Maggie Berg and Barbara Seeber. “The Slow Professor:                   sistance and advice in helping us understand and calculate
          Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy,” Trans-               interrater reliability and intraclass correlation statistics.
          formative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal 6, no. 3        29.   Domenic V. Cicchetti, “Guidelines, Criteria, and Rules of
          (2013): 6.                                                             Thumb for Evaluating Normed and Standardized Assess-
      14. Thomas Newkirk, The Art of Slow Reading : Six Time-                    ment Instruments in Psychology,” Psychological Assessment,
          Honored Practices for Engagement (Portsmouth, NH:                      Special Section: Normative Assessment, 6, no. 4 (December
          Heinemann, 2012). Maurice Holt, “It’s Time to Start the                1994): 286. Patrick E. Shrout and Joseph L. Fleiss, “Intra-
          Slow School Movement,” Phi Delta Kappan 84, no. 4 (2002):              class Correlations: Uses in Assessing Rater Reliability,”
          265–71. Maggie Berg and Barbara Seeber, “The Slow Profes-              Psychological Bulletin 86, no. 2 (March 1979): 420–28.
          sor: Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy,”                 Richard Landers, “Computing Intraclass Correlations (ICC)
          Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal 6,               as Estimates of Interrater Reliability in SPSS,” NeoAcademic,
          no. 3 (2013): 1-7.                                                     November 16, 2011.
      15. Holt, “It’s Time,” 268.                                                computing-intraclass-correlations-icc-as-estimates-of-inter-
      16. Holt, “It’s Time,” 270.                                                rater-reliability-in-spss/.
                                                                           30.   A Two-Way Random ICC(2) calculation is appropriate here

      ACRL 2015
The Slow Assessment Movement                                                                                    731

      because all raters scored all ratees, and as Landers explains
      in “Computing Intraclass Correlations”: “1) it models both
      an effect of rater and of ratee (i.e. two effects) and 2) as-
      sumes both are drawn randomly from larger populations.”
      Also, as Cicchetti explains in “Guidelines, Criteria, and
      Rules”: “(a) ICC can distinguish those paired assessments
      made by the same set of examiners from those made by
      different sets of examiners; (b) it distinguishes those sets of
      scores that are merely ranked in the same order from test
      to retest from those that are not only ranked in the same
      order but are in low, moderate, or complete agreement with
      each other; and (c) it corrects for the extent of test-retest (or
      interexaminer) agreement expected on the basis of chance
31.   Landers, “Computing Intraclass Correlations.”
32.   Ibid.
33.   Matthew Graham, Anthony Milanowski, and Jackson
      Miller, Measuring and Promoting Inter-Rater Agreement of
      Teacher and Principal Performance Ratings, Center for Edu-
      cator Compensation Reform, February 2012, http://cecr., 9.
34.   To learn more about Moodle Rubrics please see https://

                                                                          March 25–28, 2015, Portland, Oregon
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